3,500-Year-Old Tablet with a furniture list

Unearthed ancient tablet dating back some 3,500 years with a primitive cuneiform writing that preserves a furniture list.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 27 Jul 2024
3,500-Year-Old Tablet with a furniture list
The tablet was discovered during excavations at the archaeological site of Alalakh, in what is now the Turkish province of Hatay, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated in a note. This ancient city flourished in the 2 nd millennium BC as an urban settlement of the Amorites, a Bronze Age people from the Levant, an eastern Mediterranean region, who spoke a Semitic language. The remains of the city have formed a large mound that now covers an area of about 22 hectares (approximately 55 acres). The clay tablet found at Alalakh is relatively small, measuring about 1.6 by 1.4 inches, with a thickness of 0.6 inches and a weight of about 1 ou...

The Mystery of the Golden Fleece

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 26 Jul 2024
Young Phrixus flees on the back of the mythical ram with the golden fleece.
Greek mythology has handed down the exploits of a group of sailors who set out for a distant land in search of an object of inestimable value. These sailors were called Argonauts, named after their ship, Argo. The land they were heading to was Colchis, and the object of their quest was the fleece of a ram, a very special fleece because it was golden. But what really lies beneath the veil (or rather, the fleece) of the myth? Numerous interpretations have been proposed: here we will briefly review some of them, and then focus on the one I find most coherent. We will show, in particular, how comparative mythology, though often overlooked, co...

Secrets of the Jurassic: Primitive mammals with incredible longevity discovered

Ancient mammals, which lived in the Middle Jurassic and weighed less than 100 grams as adults, appear to have followed a slower and more prolonged growth path than modern one.

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Published in 
 · 26 Jul 2024
Secrets of the Jurassic: Primitive mammals with incredible longevity discovered
According to a recent research published in Nature, primitive mammals may have lived longer than their modern descendants of similar body mass. This discovery, based on the analysis of fossils found in Scotland dating back to the Middle Jurassic (about 166 million years ago), offers new insights into the development and lifespan of early mammals. Growth and Longevity of Mammals Understanding the growth and longevity of mammals has always been one of the most fascinating challenges for paleontologists and evolutionary scholars. Modern mammals, as we know, follow a developmental pattern that has been well-documented through extensive studie...

The mystery of the Voynich Manuscript, written in an unknown language

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 25 Jul 2024
The mystery of the Voynich Manuscript, written in an unknown language
The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript The Voynich manuscript is one of the greatest enigmas in the history of literature and cryptography. Discovered in the early 20 th century, this ancient book is written in an entirely unknown language and alphabet, featuring enigmatic illustrations that depict plants, astrological symbols, female figures, and incomprehensible diagrams. Despite the efforts of numerous scholars, cryptographers, and linguists, the manuscript remains undeciphered, fueling speculation and theories about its content and origin. Origin and History The manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish bookseller who purcha...

Discovered an Ancient Megalithic Relief and Stele in Akmola Region

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 25 Jul 2024
Discovered an Ancient Megalithic Relief and Stele in Akmola Region
On July 16, 2024, researchers from the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, S.A. Yarygin and S.K. Sakenov, who were conducting archaeological excavations in the Zerenda District of the Akmola Region, were informed by the director of the local history museum in Balkashino, Mendibai Kopobayev, about a unique find: an image resembling a human face on a granite boulder in the Kabany Klyuch dam area. During a field visit involving Askerbek Zh. Tulebaev, the team was able to document a relief image and a stone stele that was found nearby in a fallen state. The face is well-crafted, with all details clearly visible—large eyes, a long straigh...


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Published in 
 · 23 Jul 2024
What is BLACKHORSE? It's a word used to encode and decode a set of numbers over a tactical radio net/freq when you don't have a military CEIOI available. It's used to send a unit's location (grid co-ordinates) without the enemy knowing what secret code network you're using. Here's how it works: Word ---> B L A C K H O R S E No. ---> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To use, simply speak as if you're using a CEOI encode/decode book. Example: "We will be located at Alpha-Bravo-Echo-Lima-Oscar-Hotel at Bravo-Echo-Echo-Echo" Decoded, it's grid co-ordinates 31052276 at 1000 hours. Simple, isn't it? But you ...

Homemade evaporated milk

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Published in 
 · 23 Jul 2024
Mix 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons powdered milk with 1/2 cup warm water, then add 3/4 cup sugar and stir until dissolved. OR 1 cup skim milk powder 2/3 cup sugar 3 tablespoons butter 1/3 cup boiling water Combine milk powder and sugar. Stir butter into boiling water and pour into milk powder and sugar. Using electric mixer, beat for 2 minutes or until smooth and creamy. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or until thickened. Keeps 2 weeks. Makes 1 1/4 cups. OR Boil 900ml milk, gradually adding 750g sugar, making sure it does not burn. Stir in 2 tablespoons cornflour made into a paste with some of the milk. Boil for a few minu...

Human waste

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Published in 
 · 23 Jul 2024
In-House Toilets - Precautions During times of emergencies, such as power outages, for those people that plan to empty the water out of their toilet bowls and then place a garbage bag in the bottom to catch the refuge, this is not a good idea. The water in the toilet bowl (and the traps for sinks, showers, tubs, floor drains, etc.) keeps the sewer gases from coming into your living space. Sewer gases are methane gas, and therefore, are very deadly and explosive. News stories report that utility workers have died from exposure to methane gas. It is also important to add water to your floor drains or other unused drains about once a month ...
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