Classic PC games for MS-DOS, Windows 3.x and Windows 95/98 - Part 1

Here is a list of old games for MS-DOS and Windows.
Almost all of them run perfectly on a low-end PC with 1GB of RAM.
I am looking for missing releases from the scene (The Humble Guys, International Network of Crackers, Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated, TDU-JAM, Paradigm, Prestige, Pentagram, Hybrid, Class, Myth, ... ).
Please write me if you have any.
.kkrieger: Chapter I (Beta Version) (2004) (Win)
007: Licence to Kill (1989) (DOS)
007: Licence to Kill (FiRM) (1989) (DOS)
1 Ton (DOS)
101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor (1997) (DOS)
102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue (2000) (Win)
10Rogue (1984) (DOS)
10th Frame (1987) (DOS)
10th Frame (hacked) (DOS)
1000 Miglia (1992) (DOS)
1213 special edition (Win)
15 Game (1998) (Win)
15 Move Hole Puzzle (1993) (DOS)
1602 A.D. (Precise) (2000) (Win)
1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
1869 (DOS)
1942: The Pacific Air War (floppy) (Pentagram) (1994) (DOS)
1944: Across The Rhine (Hybrid) (1995) (DOS)
1nsane Demo (2000) (Win)
1nsane (2000) (Win)
1st & Goal Fantasy Football v3.05 (1991) (DOS)
2 Fast 4 U Demo [Dutch] (1995) (DOS)
2 Fast Driver (2005) (Win)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1988) (DOS)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (Italsoft) [Argentina] (1993) (DOS)
2001 Alien Combat (Win)
21 (1982) (DOS)
221B Baker Street (1987) (DOS)
2400 AD (1988) (DOS)
3 Card High Low Poker (1986) (DOS)
3 Days Shooting [Japan] (Win)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (1996) (DOS)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (Razor 1911) (1996) (DOS)
3-Ball Juggler (1992) (DOS)
3-D Frog Man (Win)
3-D Helicopter Simulator (DOS)
3-D Helicopter Simulator (Italsoft) (DOS)
3-D Pitfall (1995) (DOS)
3-D TableSports (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
321 Smurf! My First Racing Game (2001) (Win)
3D Bowling USA (2000) (Win)
3D Chess (Chess game) (Class) (2003) (Win)
3D Chess (Checkers game) (Class) (2003) (Win)
3D Cube Hopper [Russia] (Win)
3D Cyber Puck (1995) (DOS)
3D Cyber Puck v1.1 (1995) (DOS)
3D Cyber Puck v3.0 (1995) (DOS)
3D Going Ape [Russia] (1999) (Win)
3D Pinball [Italy] (1995) (Win)
3D Pitfall (Zombies) (1995) (DOS)
3D Railroad Master (Class) (1998) (Win)
3D Snowboard Resort Designer (DD) (2001) (Win)
3D Terroid Demo (1998) (Win)
3D Terroid (TRPS) (1998) (Win)
3D Ultra RC Racers Deluxe: Traxxas Edition (2000) (Win)
3D World Tennis (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
3rd Millennium (Class) (1998) (Win)
3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjyo [Chinese] (1993) (DOS)
4-In-A-Row v2.02 (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
4D Prince of Persia (1994) (DOS)
4D Sports Boxing (The Humble Guys) (1991) (DOS)
4D Sports Tennis (floppy) (International Network of Crackers) (1990) (DOS)
4K Adventure (1996) (DOS)
4r1 (Leu S.S.) [China] (1990) (DOS)
4x4 Evo 2 (Specter) (2001) (Win)
4x4 Evolution Public Network Test Two (2000) (Win)
50 Mission Crush (1984) (DOS)
5th Fleet (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1994) (DOS)
688 Attack Sub (PTL) (1989) (DOS)
7 dni a 7 noci [CZ] (1994) (DOS)
7 Sins (2005) (Win)
7th Legion Shareware (1997) (Win)
7th Legion (Class) (1997) (Win)
7th Legion (1997) (Win)
7Up The Cool Spot (The Humble Guys) (DOS)
8bit Killer (2008) (Win)
94 Deluxe Edition Tom Landry Strategy Football (Razor 1911) (1993) (DOS)
A Bloody Life (1998) (DOS)
A Bug's Life (Class) (1998) (Win)
A Dudley Dilemma v2.0 (1998) (DOS)
A Journey Into Xanth v1.2 (1993) (DOS)
A Js World of Discovery (floppy) (Stealth) (1994) (DOS)
A Matter of Time v1.2 (DOS)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (International Network of Crackers) (1989) (DOS)
A.T.F Advanced Tactical Fighters (Hybrid) (1996) (DOS)
A-10 Cuba! Demo (1996) (Win)
A-10 Tank Killer (1989) (DOS)
A-Train (1992) (DOS)
A320 Airbus (1991) (DOS)
Aaargh (DOS)
Aaron vs Ruth (Razor 1911) (1997) (Win)
Abandoned Places: a Time for Heroes (1992) (DOS)
ABC Monday Night Football (Firm) (DOS)
Abmis the Lion (1996) (DOS)
Absolute Pinball (Hybrid) (1995) (DOS)
Absolute Zero (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
Absolute Zero (1995) (DOS)
Abuse 1.0 (1996) (DOS)
Abuse (cd-rom) (Napalm) (1996) (DOS)
Abuse 2.00 (Multilanguage) (cd-rom) (1996) (DOS)
Ace of Aces (1986) (DOS)
Ace of Aces 2 (1987) (DOS)
Ace Ventura (1996) (Win)
Aces Over Europe (floppy) (NEXUS) (1993) (DOS)
Acid Tetris (1997) (DOS)
Ack-Ack Attack! (2004) (DOS)
ACM 1918 (Paradigm) (1999) (Win)
Act of Fighter [China] (1994) (DOS)
Action Fighter (1990) (DOS)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure [Unknow] (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure [French] (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure [German] (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure [Italian] (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure [Spanish] (2002) (Win)
Action Man: Destruction X (Myth) (2001) (Win)
Action Man: Jungle Storm (Pirates on Dope) (2003) (Win)
Actua Ice Hockey 2 (1999) (Win)
Actua Soccer (Beta version) (1995) (DOS)
Actua Soccer (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
Actua Soccer (cdrom) (1995) (DOS)
Actua Soccer 2 (1997) (Win)
Addiction Pinball (Hybrid) (1998) (Win)
Adidas Power Soccer (Win)
Adrenix (Class) (1998) (Win)
Adv770 (v1.87) (2008) (Win 3.x)
Advanced Civilization (1995) (DOS)
Advanced DD: Champions of Krynn (DOS)
Advantage Tennis (The Dream Team) (1991) (DOS)
Adventure v2.5 (1995) (DOS)
Adventure Games (1986) (DOS)
Adventure in Serenia (1982) (DOS)
Adventures in Math (1983) (DOS)
Adventures in Melgratta (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
Adventures in the Old Testament (1995) (DOS)
Adventures of Beetlejuice: Skeletons in the Closet (1990) (DOS)
Adventures of Robbo (2006) (DOS)
Affari Tuoi (2007) (Win)
Afghanistan (1983) (DOS)
AFL Live 2004 (Myth) (2003) (Win)
African Adventure or in Search of Dr. Livingston (1997) (DOS)
After Burner (1989) (DOS)
Afterlife (Prestige) (1996) (Win)
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None (2005) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Death On The Nile (2008) (Win)
Agatha Christie: E non ne rimase nessuno (2006) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Evil Under The Sun (2007) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (2006) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House (2007) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House [French] (2007) (Win)
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House [German] (2007) (Win)
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (Codex) (2016) (Win)
Age of Castles (2003) (Win)
Age of Dragon (DOS)
Age of Empires (Razor 1911) (1997) (Win)
Age of Empires: Gold Edition (Redrum) (1999) (Win)
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome (Redrum) (1998) (Win)
Age of Rifles (Prestige) (1996) (DOS)
Age of Sail (Prestige) (1996) (Win)
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic (Divine) (2003) (Win)
Agent Mlicnak [Cz] (1995) (DOS)
Agent U.S.A. (1984) (DOS)
Agharta: The Hollow Earth (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Agharta: The Hollow Earth (2000) (Win)
Ahlgrens Bilspelet (1997) (Win)
Ahorcado v6.89 (Italsoft) [Spain] (DOS)
Airborne Ranger (1988) (DOS)
Air [China] (1993) (DOS)
Air Duel (floppy) (DST) (1993) (DOS)
Air Force Commander (floppy) (FAiRLiGHT) (1992) (DOS)
Air Havoc Controller (FSW) (1995) (Win 3.x)
Air Offensive: The Art of Flying (Class) (2001) (Win)
Air Power Demo (1995) (DOS)
Air Raid: This is Not a Drill (Class) (2003) (Win)
Air Strike 2 Demo (2004) (Win)
Air Strike 3D (Class) (2003) (Win)
Air Strike USA (Neua) (1990) (DOS)
Air Strike USA (Red-Point) (DOS)
Air Trax (1983) (DOS)
Air Warrior (TRA) (1995) (DOS)
Air Warrior 2 (Class) (1997) (Win)
Airfix Dogfighter (Myth) + Win2k Patch (2000) (Win)
Airlines (Razor 1911) (1996) (DOS)
Airwar (Win 3.x)
Ajax (floppy) (The Humble Guys) (1989) (DOS)
Akatsuki Blitzkampf (2007) (Win)
Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero (Myth) (2001) (Win)
Akuma: Demon Spapwn Demo (1999) (Win)
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse (floppy) (RAZOR1911) (1994) (DOS)
Aladdin [Win95] (Hybrid) (1996) (Win)
Alarm for Cobra 11: Autobahn (Myth) (2003) (Win)
Albion (Skyfish) (1996) (DOS)
Alcatraz (floppy) (Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated) (1992) (DOS)
Alchemist (Class) (1999) (Win)
Aliants the Desperate Battle for Earth (DOS)
Alien (v2b) (1982) (DOS)
Alien Attack (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
Alien Blast: The Encounter (2003) (Win)
Alien Breed (hack) (1993) (DOS)
Alien Breed (Pengo) (1993) (DOS)
Alien Breed: Tower Assault (1994) (DOS)
Alien Cabal (Novastorm) (1997) (DOS)
Alien Carnage (floppy) (Glory) (1993) (DOS)
Alien Fires: 2199 AD (1987) (DOS)
Alien Force (v1.0) (1990) (Win 3.x)
Alien Incident (Hybrid) (1996) (DOS)
Alien Legacy (1994) (DOS)
Alien Nations (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Alien Poker v1.1 (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
Alien Rampage v1.11 Demo (1996) (DOS)
Alien Rampage (1996) (DOS)
Alien Trilogy (Prestige) (1996) (DOS)
Alien Virus (1995) (DOS)
Alien Virus (Fist) (1995) (DOS)
Aliens Go Home Run v1.2.5 (Alias) (2017) (Win)
Aliens Versus Predator (Origin) (1999) (Win)
Aliens Versus Predator Gold Edition (Class) (2000) (Win)
All New World of Lemmings (cd-rom) (TDU-JAM) (1994) (DOS)
All New World of Lemmings (Progress) (1994) (DOS)
All Points Bulletin (1989) (DOS)
Allan Border's Cricket (Razor 1911) (1993) (DOS)
Allegiance (Razor 1911) (2000) (Win)
Alley 19 Bowling (Class) (1997) (Win)
Alley 19 Bowling DEMO v1.6 (1997) (Win)
Alley Cat (1984) (DOS)
Alley Cat (Pirates inc.) (DOS)
Allied General (Hybrid) (1996) (Win)
Alone in the Dark Demo (1992) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark (floppy) (The Dream Team) (1992) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark (cd-rom) (1992) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark 2 Demo (1993) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark 2 (The Humble Guys) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark 2 (cd-rom) (1994) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark 3 (cd-rom) (Hoson & Rygar) (1994) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark 3 (cd-rom) (1994) (DOS)
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (2001) (Win)
AlphaMan v1.1 (1995) (DOS)
Altered Beast (F.B.I.) (1990) (DOS)
Altered Beast (The Humble Guys) (1990) (DOS)
Alternate Reality (Neua) (DOS)
Alwa's Awakening (CPY) (2017) (Win)
Ama Superbike (Class) (1999) (Win)
Amazeing! (1996) (Win 3.x)
Amazing (v1.1) (1993) (DOS)
Amazing Maze (1983) (DOS)
Amazon (1984) (DOS)
Amazon: Guardians of Eden (floppy) (OFG) (1992) (DOS)
Amazon: Guardians of Eden (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
Amazon Snake (1995) (DOS)
Amberstar (floppy) (International Network of Crackers) (1992) (DOS)
Ambush at Sorinor (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1993) (DOS)
America's Toughest 18 (Class) (1998) (Win)
American Gladiators (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
Amnesia (DOS)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010) (Win)
AmnesiaRol [Spain] (1995) (DOS)
Amok Demo (1996) (DOS)
Amok (Razor 1911) [DOS] (1996) (DOS)
Amulets & Armor Demo (1997) (DOS)
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1993) (DOS)
Anachronox Demo (2001) (Win)
Anachronox (2001) (Win)
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 v2.0 (DOS)
Ancient Evil Demo (1998) (Win)
Ancient Evil (Class) (1998) (Win)
Andretti Racing 98 (Razor 1911) (1997) (Win)
Andromeda Conquest (1982) (DOS)
Angst: Rhaz's Revenge (Disguise) (1997) (DOS)
Animaniacs: A Gigantic Adventure (1999) (Win)
Animaniacs Splat Ball (Origin) (1999) (Win)
Animation Creation (1983) (DOS)
Annals of Rome (DOS)
ANNO 1602 Creation of a new world (Class) (1998) (Win)
Another World (eng) (The Dream Team) (1991) (DOS)
Another World (Razor 1911\Fairlight) (1992) (DOS)
Another Zero [Japan] (2000) (Win)
Ant Man [Korea] (1995) (DOS)
Ant Run v2.3 (1995) (DOS)
Antagony (1995) (DOS)
Anti-Ballistic-Missile (1982) (DOS)
Antix (DOS)
AntiXonix (1985) (DOS)
Anubis In Egypt II (2006) (Win)
Anvil of Dawn (Skyfish) (1995) (DOS)
Anvil of Dawn (TDU-JAM) (1995) (DOS)
Anyone for Cards? (ROM 1911) (1994) (Win 3.x)
Apache Demo (1995) (DOS)
Apache Longbow (Hybrid) (1995) (DOS)
Apple Panic (1982) (DOS)
Aquarium (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Arabian Nights (iND) (2001) (Win)
Arcade v1.2 (1986) (DOS)
Arcade II v1.3 (1986) (DOS)
Arcade America Demo (1996) (Win 3.x)
Arcade Pool Demo (1994) (DOS)
Arcade Pool II (1999) (Win)
Arcade Volleyball (1989) (DOS)
Archangel (Myth) (2002) (Win)
Archeodroid (1985) (DOS)
Archery (1986) (DOS)
Archimedean Dynasty Demo (1996) (DOS)
Archimedean Dynasty (Paradigm) (1996) (DOS)
Archipelagos (DOS)
Archon: The Light and the Dark (hack 1) (1984) (DOS)
Archon: The Light and the Dark (hack 2) (1984) (DOS)
Archon: The Light and the Dark (hack 3) (1984) (DOS)
Archon Ultra v1.0 (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1994) (DOS)
Arcticfox (Ninja) (1987) (DOS)
Arcticfox (The Seraphim) (1987) (DOS)
Arctic Moves [Spanish] (DOS)
Ardeny 1944 [Polish] (1994) (DOS)
Area 51 (Prestige) (1995) (Win)
Area 51 (1995) (Win)
Arena (Demo ?) (DOS)
Argon (v2.0d) (1997) (DOS)
Ario Bros. (1983) (DOS)
Arkanoid (PTL) (1988) (DOS)
Arkanoid (hack of the PTL release) (1988) (DOS)
Arkanoid for Win32 v1.20 (Win)
Arkanoid: Doh it Again [Japan] (1998) (Win)
Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh (Firm) (1988) (DOS)
Armalyte PC Demo (2009) (Win)
Armor Alley (The Humble Guys) (1991) (DOS)
Armored Fist (cd-rom) (R2) (1994) (DOS)
Armored Fist II Demo (1997) (DOS)
Armored Moon (Class) (1998) (DOS)
Armorik (1988) (DOS)
Armour-Geddon (floppy) (The Dream Team) (1992) (DOS)
Army Men (1998) (Win)
Army Men: Air Tactics (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Army Men: Toys in Space (Class) (1999) (Win)
Army Men: World War (Class) (2000) (Win)
Army Men 2 (1999) (Win)
Arnie 2 (1993) (DOS)
Art D's First Batch Adventure (v1.1) (1997) (DOS)
Art D's Next Batch Adventure (v1.1) (1997) (DOS)
Art D's Third Batch Adventure (v1.1) (1997) (DOS)
Art is Dead (Win)
Artillary (1986) (DOS)
Artura (1989) (DOS)
Ascendancy Demo (1995) (DOS)
Ascendancy (1995) (DOS)
Asghan (1998) (Win)
Ashes to Ashes (Prestige) (1996) (Win)
Assassin 2015 (Prestige) (1996) (Win)
Assault Dragon 5 (1995) (DOS)
Assault Rigs (Hybrid) (1996) (DOS)
Asterix & Obelix (1996) (DOS)
Asterix & Obelix Take On Caesar (Class) (2000) (Win)
Asterix and Obelix XXL (Technic) (2004) (Win)
Asterix ed il colpo di Menhir [Italy] (1990) (DOS)
Asterix: Operation Getafix (Red-Point) [Argentina] (DOS)
Asterix: Operation Getafix (Real Time Software) (DOS)
Asterix the Gallic War (Win)
Asteroids (Paradigm) (1998) (Win)
Astro Assembler (2000) (Win)
AstroFire (Hybrid) (1994) (DOS)
Astrorock 2000 (Class) (1998) (Win)
Atari 2600 Action Pack (Razor 1911) (1995) (Win 3.x)
Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 (Razor 1911) (1995) (Win 3.x)
Atari Aniversary Edition (PWZ2000) (2001) (Win)
ATF Gold (Win)
Atomic Bomberman (Class) (1997) (Win)
Atomino (TRSI/TDT) [Germany] (1990) (DOS)
Atomix (1990) (DOS)
Attack (IBM) (1982) (DOS)
Attack of the Friggin Furby's (Win 3.x)
Attack on Altair (DOS)
Autka [Poland] (1997) (DOS)
Autoduel (TGC) (1988) (DOS)
Automon v4.1 (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
AV-8B Harrier Assault (floppy) (The Dream Team) (1993) (DOS)
Avatar: The Last Airbender Bobble Battles (2007) (Win)
Aventura en Wildland [Spain] (DOS)
Awesome Earl in SkateRock (1988) (DOS)
Axia (Shareware?) (1998) (DOS)
Axia (Shareware registered?) (1998) (DOS)
Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz (1999) (Win)
B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1980) (DOS)
B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th (Myth) (2000) (Win)
Baal (1989) (DOS)
Babes'n Balls: Xtreme Beach Soccer (Myth) (2003) (Win)
Baby Type (1993) (DOS)
Baccarat (1986) (DOS)
Back to Baghdad (Prestige) (1996) (DOS)
Back to the Future: Part II (SPLATTERKiNGS) (1990) (DOS)
Back to the Future: Part III (1991) (DOS)
Backgammon (1982) (DOS)
Backgammon (Class) (2001) (Win)
BackGround Tetris (1993) (DOS)
BackGround Tetris (No preview next piece) (1993) (DOS)
Backlash: A Turret Gunner Simulation (floppy) (Tyranny) (1995) (DOS)
Bad Dudes (Mr. Transistor) (DOS)
Bad Mojo Demo (1996) (Win 3.x)
Bad Mojo (UK vers.) (1996) (Win 3.x)
Bad Street Brawler (Bentley Sidwell) (1987) (DOS)
Bad Toys 3D (Unregistered version) (Win)
Bad-Bad (1986) (DOS)
Baku Baku Animal Demo (1996) (Win)
Balance of Power (1985) (DOS)
Balda [Russia] (1993) (DOS)
Baldies Demo (Win95) (1996) (Win)
Ballistix (High Frequency) (DOS)
Ballistix (High Frequency\Italsoft) (1992) (DOS)
Balls Of Steel (1997) (Win)
Balltris (1994) (DOS)
Bananoid (DOS)
Banatron (1989) (DOS)
Bandit Kings of Ancient China (1989) (DOS)
Bang! Gunship Elite (Class) (2000) (Win)
Banzai Bug (1996) (Win)
Bar Games (Firm) (1989) (DOS)
Barbarian (1989) (DOS)
Barbarian (Italsoft) (1992) (DOS)
Barbarian (Italsoft vers. 2) (1992) (DOS)
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax (1989) (DOS)
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax (Italsoft) (1992) (DOS)
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax (title screen hacked 2) (1989) (DOS)
Barbie (International Network of Crackers) (1993) (DOS)
Barbie Team Gymnastics (2001) (Win)
BarneySplat v.001 (1993) (DOS)
Barton Creek Country Club : Links 386 Pro Course (Sinister) (DOS)
Baryon Shareware (1995) (DOS)
Baryon (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
Baseball Mogul (Class) (1997) (Win)
Bat'n Ball v1.1 (1995) (DOS)
Batalia (1986) (DOS)
Batman Forever (1996) (DOS)
Batman Forever (Napalm) (1996) (DOS)
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game (1996) (DOS)
Batman Returns (1992) (DOS)
Batman: The Caped Crusader (Joker) (1988) (DOS)
Batman: The Caped Crusader (Penguin) (1988) (DOS)
Batman: The Caped Crusader (Joker) (CGA) (1988) (DOS)
Batman: The Caped Crusader (Penguin) (CGA) (1988) (DOS)
Batman: The Movie (1990) (DOS)
Batman: The Movie (The Humble Guys) (1990) (DOS)
Batman: Vengeance (2002) (Win)
Bats 2: Return of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom v1.1 (2001) (DOS)
Battaglia Navale [Italy] (DOS)
Battery Check (1998) (Win)
Battle Arena Toshinden Demo (1995) (DOS)
Battle Arena Toshinden (1995) (DOS)
Battle Arena Toshinden (Prestige) (1995) (DOS)
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (1996) (Win)
Battle Beast Demo (1995) (Win 3.x)
Battle Beast (cd-rom) (TDU-JAM) (1995) (Win 3.x)
Battle Bugs Demo (1994) (DOS)
Battle Bugs [German] (1994) (DOS)
Battle Chess (1988) (DOS)
Battle Chess 2: Chinese Chess (1990) (DOS)
Battle Chess 4000 [VGA] (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
Battle Chess 4000 (floppy) (1992) (DOS)
Battle Engine Aquila (Class) (2003) (Win)
Battle Fire [Spain] (2000) (DOS)
Battle for Normandy (1983) (DOS)
Battle Hawks 1942 (1988) (DOS)
Battle Isle 2 (1994) (DOS)
Battle Master (1991) (DOS)
Battle of the Elements (1996) (DOS)
Battle of the Martial Arts [China] (1994) (DOS)
Battle Wrath Demo (1997) (DOS)
Battlecruiser 3000AD (Beta vers.) (Lion Heart) (1996) (DOS)
Battlecruiser 3000AD (Prestige) (1996) (DOS)
Battlecruiser Millenium Gold (Second to None) (2003) (Win)
Battleground Bulge (Prestige) (1996) (Win 3.x)
Battles in Time (cdrom) (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
Battlestar v4.2 (1996) (DOS)
Battlestorm (Lord Blix) (DOS)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge (The Humble Guys) (1990) (DOS)
Battlezone (hack 1) (DOS)
Battlezone (hack 2) (DOS)
Battlezone (hack 3) (DOS)
Bazooka Sue [DE] (1997) (DOS)
BC Racers (Floppy) (Razor 1911) (1995) (DOS)
Beach Head 2000 (Class) (2000) (Win)
Beach King: Stunt Racer (Myth) (2003) (Win)
Beach Soccer (Myth) (2003) (Win)
Beasley's Deathtrap (1993) (DOS)
Beat the House 2 (Class) (1997) (Win)
Beauty and the Beast (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
Beavis and Butt-head Air Guitar (1996) (Win)
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity (1995) (Win)
Bedlam (Razor 1911) (1996) (DOS)
Bedlam 2: Absolute Bedlam (Class) (1997) (DOS)
Beethoven's 2nd (1993) (DOS)
Beetle Crazy Cup (2000) (Win)
Begin: A Tactical Starship Simulation (1991) (DOS)
Bell-da (1997) (DOS)
Below the Root (Flaming Burrito) (1998) (DOS)
Beneath A Steel Sky (floppy) (Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated) (1994) (DOS)
Beneath Apple Manor (1983) (DOS)
Beregis Automobia [Russia] (1998) (DOS)
Bermuda Square (1987) (DOS)
Bermuda Syndrome (1995) (Win 3.x)
Bert's African Animals v3.0 (1993) (DOS)
Bert's Christmas Shareware (v4.2) (1995) (DOS)
Bert's Dinosaurs Shareware (v4.2) (1995) (DOS)
Bert's Prehistoric Animals Shareware (v4.2) (1995) (DOS)
Bert's Whales and Dolphins Shareware (v4.2) (1995) (DOS)
Best Drive [Spain] (DOS)
Best of the Best: Championship Karate (1992) (DOS)
Best of the Best: Championship Karate (Averno) (1992) (DOS)
Betrayal at Krondor (1993) (DOS)
Better Dead Than Alien (Future Brain Incorporated) (DOS)
Bhunter Demo (1999) (Win)
Bhunter (1999) (Win)
Bible Crossword Puzzle v.9 Demo (1993) (DOS)
Big Brother 2 (Myth) (2001) (Win)
Big Business (1990) (DOS)
Big Electric Cat v4.0.5 (Premiere) (1996) (Win)
Big Game Fishing (1991) (DOS)
Big Mutha Truckers (Class) (2003) (Win)
Big Red Racing Demo (1996) (DOS)
Big Red Racing (1996) (DOS)
Big Red Racing (Dominators) (1996) (DOS)
Biing!: Sex Intrigen und Skalpelle (floppy) [DE] (1995) (DOS)
Bike v0.1 (1997) (DOS)
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge (The Humble Guys) + CRUE Fix (DOS)
Bingo Bingo Bingo (Divine) (2000) (Win)
Bio Menace (floppy) (1993) (DOS)
Bioforge (1995) (DOS)
Bioforge [DE] (1995) (DOS)
Bioforge [FR] (1995) (DOS)
Biohazard 2 [Japan] (SourceNext) (2006) (Win)
BIOHAZARD 2D PROTOTYPE - Demo v2.1 (2011) (Win)
BIOHAZARD 2D PROTOTYPE - Demo v3.5 (2011) (Win)
Biohazard 3: Last Escape [Japan] (SourceNext) (2006) (Win)
Biohazard 3: Last Escape v1.1.0 [Japan] (SourceNext) (2006) (Win)
Biohazard Gun Survivor [Taiwan] (2002) (Win)
Biohazard The Prototype ver 0.1.0-b (Win)
Bionic Commando (1988) (DOS)
Bionic Commando Rearmed (2008) (Win)
Bioritmo [ITA] (DOS)
Bip Bop II (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
Birds of Prey (1992) (DOS)
Birds of Prey (hack) (1992) (DOS)
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (STW) (1997) (Win)
Black and White (2001) (Win)
Black and White: Creature Isle (2002) (Win)
Black Box (IPCO) (DOS)
Black Hole (DOS)
Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter (cd-rom) (TDU-JAM) (1995) (DOS)
Black Mirror III (Skid Row) (2011) (Win)
Black Sect [Spain] (1994) (DOS)
Blackhawk [German] (Faith) (1995) (DOS)
Blackthorne (floppy) (1994) (DOS)
Blade and Sword (2003) (Win)
Blade Runner (1997) (Win)
Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr (2000) (Win)
Blair Witch Volume 3: The Elly Kedward Tale (2000) (Win)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993) (DOS)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold v0.63b (Ti Master) (1993) (DOS)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold v2.0R! (floppy) (TDD) (1994) (DOS)
Blake Stone: Planet Strike! (1994) (DOS)
Blam! MachineHead (Razor 1911) (1996) (DOS)
Blast Chamber Demo (1996) (DOS)
Blaze and Blade: Eternal Quest (Paradigm) (1999) (Win)
Blitzkrieg (Technic) (2003) (Win)
Blitzkrieg at the Ardeness (DOS)
Blockade Shareware (1993) (DOS)
Blockout (Italsoft) (DOS)
Blood (1997) (DOS)
Blood (Alpha Build) (Legacy) (1996) (DOS)
Blood II: the Chosen Demo (1998) (Win)
Blood Bowl (TYRANNY) (1995) (DOS)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Demo (1997) (Win)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Class) (1997) (Win)
Blood on the Floor (1997) (DOS)
Blood Over: Nobody Lives [Japan] (2006) (Win)
Bloodnet (floppy) (1993) (DOS)
Bloodnet (floppy) (The Dream Team) (1993) (DOS)
Bloodstone: An Epic Dwarven Tale (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1993) (DOS)
Bloodwych (Razor 1911) (1991) (DOS)
Bloody Aria (cd-rom) [Korean] (1998) (Win)
Blox (1992) (DOS)
Blue Angel 69 (NYC) (1989) (DOS)
Blue Force (floppy) (Razor 1911) (1993) (DOS)
Blue Water Hunter (Intergang) (1999) (Win)
Blue's Clues: Blue Takes You to School (Judgement) (2003) (Win)
Bo Jackson Baseball (The Dream Team) (DOS)
Boa (DOS)
Body Blows (Skyfish) (1993) (DOS)
Body Slam: All Star Wrestling (cd-rom) (ROR) (1995) (DOS)
Body Slam: All Star Wrestling [Pl] (1996) (DOS)
Boggle cdrom (Class) (1997) (Win)
Bolo (Scandal) (1995) (DOS)
Bolo Adventures III v2.0 Shareware (DOS)
Bolo Adventures III v2.1 Shareware (DOS)
Bomber v2.1 (Shareware) (1993) (DOS)
Bomber v2.2 (Shareware) (1995) (DOS)
BomberFUN (Myth) (2002) (Win)
Bonkheads (1998) (Win)
Bonzala (2000) (Win)
Boovie v1.6 [Cz] (1997) (DOS)
Boppin (Genesis) (1994) (DOS)
Border World: Part I The Arrival [SW] (1998) (DOS)
Boss Hunter: Revenge is Sweet! (2006) (Win)
Boulder Dash (1984) (DOS)
Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge (1985) (DOS)
Bouncy Bee Learns Letters v1.01 (1985) (DOS)
Bowling Champ! (DOS)
Bowling Mania (DD) (2001) (Win)
Boxer (DOS)
Boxer Rebellion (1982) (DOS)
Braid (Win)
Brain Dead 13 (DOS) (1995) (DOS)
Brain Dead 13 (Win) (1995) (Win)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1993) (DOS)
Braveheart (Paradigm) (1999) (Win)
Bravo-Romeo-Delta (Razor 1911) (1992) (DOS)
Breakneck N.I.C.E. 2 (1999) (Win)
Breakout Demo (2000) (Win)
Breath of Fire IV (2003) (Win)
Breath Pirates v1.2 (1997) (DOS)
Bricks (Win 3.x)
BrickShooter (Win)
Bridge Deluxe II with Omar Sharif (Razor 1911) (1996) (DOS)
Bridge Hopper (1990) (DOS)
Bridge It (Class) (2003) (Win)
Brimstone (1985) (DOS)
Briscola [Italy] (1995) (Win 3.x)
Brix (DOS)
Brix v2.0 (1993) (DOS)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Demo [DOS] (1996) (DOS)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Demo [WIN] (1996) (Win)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Hybrid) (1996) (DOS)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (1996) (Win)
Broken Sword II: The smoking Mirror Demo (1997) (Win)
Broken Sword II: The smoking Mirror [ITA] (1997) (Win)
Broken Sword II: The smoking Mirror (Hybrid) (1997) (Win)
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (2003) (Win)
Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars (2008) (Win)
Broken Sword 2 The Smoking Mirror Remastered (2011) (Win)
Broken Sword 5: the Serpent's Curse (2013) (Win)
Bruce Lee Lives: The Fall of Hong Kong Palace (1989) (DOS)
Brudal Baddle (1994) (DOS)
Brutal: Paws of Fury (cd-rom) (TDU-JAM) (1995) (DOS)
Brutal Sports FootBall '96 (floppy) (ROR) (1995) (DOS)
Brzdac v1.11 [Pl] (1997) (DOS)
Bubble Bobble (1989) (DOS)
Bubble Bobble (Italsoft) (1990) (DOS)
Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands (Win)
Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (1996) (DOS)
Bubble Bobble 2 Hero (SCAR) (2000) (Win)
Bubble Bobble Combo (1996) (DOS)
Bubble Crack (1995) (DOS)
Bubble Dizzy (floppy) (Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated) (1994) (DOS)
Bubble Ghost (The Amstrad Killer) (1988) (DOS)
Bubble Pop v1.2 (1997) (DOS)
BubbleBall (Win)
Buccaneer (Paradigm) (1997) (Win)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (hack 1) (DOS)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (hack 2) (DOS)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (Hybrid) (1996) (DOS)
Buddyros [Pl] (1995) (DOS)
Budo: The Art of Ninja Combat (1993) (DOS)
Budokan: The Martial Spirit (1989) (DOS)
BUG! Demo (1996) (Win)
BUG! (1996) (Win)
Bug World! Shareware (DOS)
Bugatron Demo (2000) (Win)
Bugbomber (Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated) (DOS)
Buggy (Origin) (1998) (Win)
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time Demo (1999) (Win)
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time (IND) (1999) (Win)
Builder (DOS)
Bump It! [Germany] (1995) (DOS)
Bumping Warrior [China] (1994) (DOS)
Bumpkin (1998) (DOS)
Bureau 13 (floppy) (Genesis) (1995) (DOS)
Bureau 13 (cd-rom) (1995) (DOS)
Burger Time (1982) (DOS)
Bus Driver (2007) (Win)
Bushido (1983) (DOS)
Bust Hillary 3D (Reflux) (1996) (DOS)
Bust-A-Move (1997) (DOS)
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition Demo (1996) (DOS)
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition (1996) (DOS)
Bust-A-Move 3 DX (Myth) (2001) (Win)
Bust-A-Move 4 (2000) (Win)
Bust-A-Move 4 (Origin) (2000) (Win)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Class) (2000) (Win)
Buzzing Cars (Divine) (2002) (Win)
Buzzle Puzzle Demo (1999) (Win)