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Mortal Kombat II (Moves)

Revised 1/9/94
O.K. folks Here's the CORRECT Moves for MKII. Some of these moves
WILL NOT WORK ON OLDER MACHINES ! most will, but it's a long shot.
The new machines will be arriving soon and should replace the existing
ones. Be patient and they will work . . .
MaX XeviouS
[ Greets go out to all ! - You know who you are ! ]
Lets get a few things straight before I tell you all the moves
Here are a few definitions to what the hell I'm saying . . .
HP - High Punch
LP - Low Punch
B - Block
HK - High Kick
LK - Low Kick
I might also use 'F' instead of 'Forward' - So Stay Aware !
All the other commands that Will be used are Straight forward
P.S. If the Fatality is not Listed, then I don't Know it. I'm intouch
with Willams on a weekly basis, so this NFO should be updated at least
once a week. Look fo it at your local Pirate Board 8)
Kitana -
Fan Ray = Back - Back - Back - HP
Fan Blade = Forward - Forward - LP & HP
Fly = Forward to Back (Half Circle) - HP
Fatality #1 = Block - Block - Block - HK
Fatality #2 = Hold LK - F - D - F - F - Release LK
Pit/Tomb = Forward - Down - Forward - HK
Babality = Down - Down - Down - Down - LK
Friendship = Down - Down - Up - LK
Baraka -
Blade Sharpen = Down - Down Back - Back - HP
Shred 'O Matic = Back - Back - Back - LP
Fatality #1 = Back - Back - Back - HP
Fatality #2 = Back - Forward - Down - Forward - LP
Babality = F - F - F - F - HK
Jackson Briggs (Jax) -
Razor Punch = Down - Downback - Back - HP
Power Punch = Hold LK - Release
The Clubbing = Forward & HP (Close)
Face Massager = Forward - Forward - LP (Keep Hitting the LP)
Back Breaker = Block (In the Air)
Fatality #1 = Hold LP - Forward - Forward - Forward (Release)
Kung Lao -
Hat Throw = Back - Forward - HP
Teleport = Up - Down (Or flick the Joystick)
Aora 'O Death = Up - Up & HK
Mid Air Attack = Down & HK
Fatality #1 = Forward 4 Times - LP
Babality = Back - Back - Forward - Forward - HK
Pit/Tomb = Forward x4 - HP
Reptile -
Energy Ball = Back - Back - LP & HP
Venom Spit = Forward - Forward - HP
Ninja Vanish = Up - Up - Down - HP
Fatality #1 = Back - Back - Down - LP
Friendship = Back - Back - Down - LK
Milina -
Energy Sai = Hold HP Release
Teleporting Ninja Stomp = Forward - Back - LK
Ground Attack = Back - Back - Down - HK
Fatality #1 = Forward - Back - Foward - LP
Fatality #2 = Hold HK - F - F - F - Release
Babality = Down - Down - Down - LK
Friendship = Down - Down - Up - LK
Pit/Tomb = Forward - Down - Forward -HK
Sub Zero -
Freeze = Down - Forward Down - Forward - LP
Slip & Slide = Down - Down Back - Back - LK
Slide = Back - Lp & Block & LK
Fatality #1 = This is a Two-Parter . .
Sweep Range --> 1st - Forward - Forward - Down - HK
Up Close --> 2nd - Forward - Down - Forward - Forward HP
Friendship = Back - Back - Down - LK
Liu Kang -
Dragon Kick = Forward - Forward - HK
High Dragon Fire = Forward - Forward - HP
Low Dragon Fire = Forward - Forward - LP
Turkey Kick = Hold LK Release
Fatality #1 = Down - Forward - Back - Back - HK
Fatality #2 = Reverse 360
Jonny Cage -
High Testi Toss = Down - DownBack - Back - HP
Low Testi Toss = Down - DownFarward - Forward - LP
Shadow Kick = Back - Forward - LK
Shadow Punch = Back - Down - Back - HP
Fatality #1 = Down - Down - Forard - Forward - LP
Fatality #2 = Forward - Forward - Down - Up
Babality = Back - Back - Back - HK
Friendship = Down - Down - Down - Down - HK
Scorpion -
Tow Rope = Back - Back - LP
Teleport = Down - Down Back - Back - HP
Leg Take Down = Down - Down Back - Back - LK
Fatality #1 = Up - Up - HP
Raiden -
Super Man = Back - Back - Forward
Teleport = Up - Down (Or Flick the Joystick)
Electricity = Down - Down Forward - Forward - LP
Electric Tickle = Hold HP - Release (Good for Afetr Teleport)
Pit/Tomb = U - U - HP
Friendship = Forward - Down - Back - Forward - HK
Shang Tsung -
1 Fire Ball = Back - Back - HP
2 Fire Balls = Back - Back - Forward - HP
3 Fire Balls = Back - Back - Forward - Forward - HP
Fatality #1 = (Sweep Range) hold HK, Release
Babality = Down - Back - Forward - Down -HK
Friendship = Back - Back - Down - HK & LK
Morphs -
Scorpion = Up - Up
Sub Zero = Forward - Down - Forward - HP
Baraka = Down - Down - LK
Kung Lao = Back - Down - Back - HK
Kitana = Block - Block - Block
Liu Kang = Back - Back - Forward - Forward - Block
Reptile = Up - Down - HP
Raiden = Down - Back - Forward - LK
Jax = Down - Forward - Back - LK
Melinia = Hold HP - Release
Jonny Cage = Back - Back - Down - LP
If you can't get these moves to work, it's not the moves, it's that
Character Stories and Endings, damage ratings and more importantly, Combos
Mortal Kombat II
- PC Disk Version 1.0 and CD Version of Midway's Mortal Kombat II (They are
I have never seen Version 2.0. I want to get an upgrade file. There probably
isn't much difference anyway. Version 1.0 is more or less based on the
Arcade version 3.1.
Information Sheet version 3.2 compiled by The Limit (
Last Update (to 3.2) - 31/7/96
- There are NO Strategies or Retaliations in this sheet !
- This document covers Character Stories and Endings, damage ratings and
more importantly, Combos.
- If any of the moves in the sheet can be simplified, (i.e.: if I say
"D-B-F-F-D-B-B-LP" and it is actually only "B-B-LP") please let me know
through e-mail.
- IMPORTANT: I do not have a joystick. MKII uses a 4-button stick. HP and LP
are combined into one. The moves here are for keyboard. NONE of these moves
have been tested with a joystick.
- Don't bother spell checking this doc. Some of the stories and endings
contain incorrectly spelt words, I know. The stories and endings are taken
word for word from the game files. If Midway spelt it wrong, it will be
spelled wrong here. (Yes, I know it is American spelling). Just accept it,
- Kintaro and Shao Kahn's stories are taken from the PC-MK2 manual. I wrote
the ones for the hidden characters. If you think they suck, send me your own
ones. If I get any really good ones, I'll modify this sheet and put your
name in the Kredits section. (Oooooh!)
- Please don't mail me with things like: "Barry says that Shang Tsung can
change into Goro. How?". If it isn't in this sheet, I DON'T KNOW IT!!!
This Sheet is dedicated to Alisdair Donaldson, who recently sat throught 249
matches (no codes, nothing) to determine whether 'Pong' exists. Guess what.
It didn't. Thanks for lending me your CD Al.
Please mail any corrections/additions to The Limit at "".
- Story
- Cheat Kodes
- Tricks of the Trade
- Notes
- Character Moves and Info
- Liu Kang
- Kung Lao
- Johnny Cage
- Reptile
- Sub-Zero
- Shang Tsung
- Kitana
- Jax
- Mileena
- Baraka
- Scorpion
- Rayden
- Other Characters
- Bosses
- Hidden Characters
- Other Warriors
- Kombat Zones
- Kredits
- Messages
- Key
500 years ago, Shang Tsung was banished to the earth realm. With the aid of
Goro he was to unbalance the furies and doom the planet to a chaotic
By seizing control of the Shaolin tournament, he tried to tip the scales of
order towards chaos. Only seven warriors survived the battles and Shang
Tsung's scheme would come to a violent end at the hands of Liu Kang.
Facing execution for his failure and the apparent death of Goro, Shang Tsung
convinces Shao Kahn to grant him a second chance.
Shang Tsung's new plan is to lure his enemies to compete in the Outworld
where they will meet certain death by Shao Kahn himself.
Now the Kombat kontinues...
Cheat Kodes
Switch Screen
The same cheat from Mortal Kombat One can be used in the second game.
Access the options screen (F10). Type DIP in capitals (Use Shift and Caps
Lock) and a new options screen will appear with nine (0-8) switches that can
be turned On and Off.
However, unlike the first game, these switches dont actually do anything.
The arcade machine had these switches programmed to put Blood On and Off,
and activate things like Free Play. Hey, you didn't miss out! Read on.
Secret options Screen
When the game starts up, at the Copyright/Licence screen, press:
If you have a sound card, you will hear the sound of Scorpion removing his
During the introduction, press F9. You will be rewarded with a secret
options screen with additional Switches.
Cheat Mode: Enables/Disables all the changes you have made on this
Switches: On/Off
FreePlay: Infinite Kredits On/Off
Switches: On/Off
No Damage to P1: Allows Player One to fight without losing power.
Switches: On/Off
No Damage to P2: Allows Player Two to fight without losing power.
Switches: On/Off
1 Hit Kills Player One: Any single hit will kill Player One, even
moves that take no life (i.e.: Ice Blast)
Switches: On/Off
1 Hit Kills Player Two: Any single hit will kill Player Two.
Switches: On/Off
Soak Test: When this is On, the intro sequence will consist of only
demo battles.
Switches: On/Off
Background: Decide where the Kombat will take place. You will not
leave this stage unless you change this switch.
Switches: Off/The Dead Pool/Kombat Tomb/Wasteland/The Tower/
Living Forest/Armory/The Pit II/The Portal/
Kahns Arena/Goros Cave
Battle Plan: Choose How far up on the battle plan you wish to start.
Switches: Off/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/Mystery/Shang Tsung/
Kintaro/Shao Kahn
Drone Ending: Choose what move the computer will do when he wins.
Switches: Off/Fatality 1/Fatality 2/Babality/Friendship
Stop Clock: When this is On, the timer will stick at 99 throughout
the whole match.
Switches: On/Off
Set Drones: Make the battle plans and demos consist of one character
only. Imagine fighting twelve Raydens before Kintaro and
Shao Kahn !
Switches: Off/Kung Lao/Liu Kang/SubZero/Scorpion/Reptile/
Jax/Baraka/Mileena/Kitana/Shang Tsung/Rayden/
Johnny Cage
Tricks of the Trade:
At the Kombat Tomb, press down on your side as your opponent hits the roof
for a Stage fatality. The victim will slowly slide off the spikes.
Pull down on either of the sticks during the introduction mode to bring up
the top 15 players.
In a Two player Vs. match, hold D+HP on both sides after selecting
characters to Disable Throwing. The message "Throwing Disabled" will be
displayed at the start of the match.
To activate Random Select at the character select screen, move your cursor
to the starting point (Player 1: Liu Kang; Player 2: Reptile). Hold Up and
press Start.
At The Dead Pool, instead of a fatality move, press F-F-F (close) and do
an uppercut on your opponent. The uppercut will send them flying into the
acid. If you are using a joystick, just press Block instead of the Uppercut.
The hidden game, 'Pong' has not been included in the PC version. The Vs.
screen for Match 250 will display Kombat Zone as Back in Time, but
sadly, you will play another match of Mortal Kombat.
(Someone had to sit through 249 matches just for this. Be thankful.)
When you have hit an opponent into The Dead Pool, pull down on your control.
The computer will say "One". This is seemingly a substitute for the arcade's
(This is odd, because the computer version does have the sound file for
"Ohmaw". I'm starting to sound weird, aren't I?)
Beat Smoke (see 'Hidden Characters', below) by letting time expire. If you
do this successfully in the winning round, you will continue in a one player
game. The computer will assume you have beaten the opponent you were set to
fight, and moves you up one.
Beat Jade (see 'Hidden Characters', below) by letting time expire. If you do
this successfully in the winning round, you will continue in a one player
game. You will pass Shang Tsung and go straight to Kintaro.
Friendships and Babalities can only be performed if no punches are used in
the winning round. They can be done at any distance.
Stage fatalities are uppercuts that make your opponents either stick on the
roof of spikes (At the Kombat Tomb) or fall into the pit (At the Pit II).
Some Moves and Fatalities require keypresses that will cause the fighter to
perform another motion during the sequence (i.e. U-U will make the character
jump). To prevent such conflict, hold Block or another attack key while
doing the combination.
With the addition of the Crouch Punch, Mortal Kombat II has changed the
view on Throws slightly. If the difficulty is set to Very Easy, then the
computer cant Throw you with conventional characters. If on Easy or Medium
then just the very first match of a single player game will restrict Throws
to the computer. For the rest of the matches, the Computer's Throws CANNOT
be Blocked AT ALL. In Vs. mode, the rules go back to normal. (Back or
Down+Back to prevent a Throw)
Moves and Fatalities:
High Punch to the Face: HP
Damage: 6.4%
Low Punch to the Body: LP
Damage: 4.3%
High Kick to the Face: HK
Damage: 17.1%
Low Kick to the Body: LK
Damage: 14.3%
Hop Punch: Jump vertically up and press HP or LP
Damage: 8.6%
Jump Punch: Jump forward and press HP or LP
Damage: 8.6%
Hop Kick: Jump vertically up and press HK or LK
Damage: 17.1%
Jump Kick: Jump forward or backwards and press HK or LK
Damage: 14.3%
Crouch Kick: Crouch Down and Press HK
Damage: 6.4%
Ankle Kick: Crouch Down and Press LK
Damage: 3.6%
Crouch Punch: Crouch Down and press LP
Damage: 3.6%
Uppercut: Crouch down and press HP
Damage: 21.4%
Sweep: B+LK
Damage: 10.7%
Roundhouse: B+HK
Damage: 17.1%
Throw: LP (up close)
Damage: 15.7%
Smash punch: HP (up close)
Damage: 12.9%
Knee attack: LK or HK (up close)
Damage: 10.7%
Cross Up: Jump over opponent and Kick on the way down.
Damage: 14.3%
Air Jab: HP to Opponent when they are in the air and you are on the ground.
Damage: 6.4%
Heavy Punch: Air Jab a Jump Kicking Opponent as early into their jump as
Damage: 21.4%
Jump Kick - Sweep
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Standing Kick
Jump Kick - Hop Kick
Jump Kick - Projectile
Liu Kang
- Ho Sung Pak as Liu Kang
After winning the Shaolin Tournament from Shang Tsung's clutches Kang
returns to his temples. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin
brothers killed in a vicious with a horde of Outworld warriors. Now he
travels into the Dark Realm to seek revenge.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Excellent
Jump Kick: Poor
Roundhouse: Fair
Special Moves
High Fireball: F-F-HP
(can be done in mid-air)
Damage: 12.1%
Low Fireball: F-F-LP
Damage: 12.1%
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds then release
Damage: 25.7%
Concorde Kick: F-F-HK
Damage: 14.3%
Fatality (Half screen to outside sweep): Hold Block (B-D-F-U)
(Full circle away from opponent starting back)
This Fatality no longer carries the bug which allows the player to miss and
go psycho like before (pity). Remember, the circle is the opposite way to
MK1 and will confuse those who play both games regularly. The Block is not
Fatality (close): D-F-B-B-HK
Summoning the power of his dead Shaolin brothers, Liu Morphs into a Shaolin
Dragon and simply eats his opponent.
Friendship: F-B-B-B-LK
'Let's dance !' A disco globe descends from the ceiling and Kang gets down.
Babality: D-D-F-B-LK
Stage: B-F-F-LK
Jump Kick - Concorde Kick
Jump Kick - High Fireball (in mid-air or on ground.)
Jump Kick - Low Fireball
Jump Kick - Bicycle Kick
Hop Punch - High Fireball (in mid-air)
Hop Punch - Low Fireball
Hop Punch - High Fireball (in mid-air) - Low Fireball
Jump Kick - High Fireball (in mid-air) - Concorde Kick
Jump Kick - High Fireball (in mid-air) - Low Fireball
Jump Kick - High Fireball (in mid-air) - Bicycle Kick
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - High Fireball (in mid-air)
Hop Punch - High Fireball (in mid-air)
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Crouch Kick - Uppercut
With his Shaolin Temple in ruins, Liu Kang journeys into the Outworld,
enters Shao Kahns Tournament and unleashes a fury that does not end until
the defeat of Shao Kahn. Liu Kang then returns to the seclusion of his
Shaolin Temple. He pays his respects to his lost brothers and finally
realizes that the events which have taken place were all fulfillment of his
Kung Lao
- Antony Marquez as Kung Lao
A former Shaolin Monk and a member of the White Lotus society, he is the
last descendant of the great Kung Lao who was defeated by Goro 500 years
ago. Realising the danger of the Outworld menace, he joins Liu Kang in
entering Shao Kahn's contest.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Fair
Jump Kick: Poor
Roundhouse: Fair
Special Moves
Hat Throw: B-F-LP
(Control hat Up/Down in mid-air)
Damage: 12.9%
Spinning Shield: U-U-LK
(Keep hitting LK to spin for longer)
Damage: 19.3%
Teleport: D-U
(You can attack as you come up)
Damage: 0%
Drop Kick: Jump and press D+HK
Damage: 14.3%
Fatality (sweep): F-F-F-LK
Kung Lao may be a good guy but he possesses one of the goriest fatalities in
the game. He takes off his hat, raises it up and slices his opponent down
the middle, from head to toe!
Fatality (sweep): Hold LP (B-B-F)
Here's the hat again. Kung Lao does a pretty standard looking Hat Throw
which cuts his opponent's head off. Unlike the arcade, you do not have to
steer the hat Up to complete the fatality (Having said that, don't steer it
Down or anything).
Friendship: B-B-B-D-HK
And finally, after Kung Lao's hat has been used for all these nasty things,
he takes it off and pulls out a rabbit from it.
Babality: B-B-F-F-HK
Stage: F-F-F-HP
Jump Kick - Hat Throw
Jump Kick - Spinning Shield
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Drop Kick
Jump Kick - Sweep - Spinning Shield - Drop Kick
Hop Kick - Drop Kick
Spinning Shield - Hat Throw
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Punch - Drop Kick
Jump Kick - Drop Kick
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Ankle Kick - Uppercut
A former Shaolin monk alongside Liu Kang, Kung Lao also grieves the loss of
their Shaolin brothers. He realises that his ultimate fate lies within the
dark realm of the Outworld opponents until he can emerge as the supreme
champion. With his strength and spirit in complete alignment, he finally
avenges the death of his great ancestors.
Johnny Cage
- Daniel Pesina as Johnny Cage
After Shang Tsung's tournament the martial arts superstar disappears. He
follows Liu Kang into the Outworld. There he will compete in a twisted
tournament which holds the balance of earth's existence as well as a script
for his blockbuster movie.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Excellent
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Fair
Special Moves
High Fireball: F-D-B-HP
Damage: 8.6%
Low Fireball: B-D-F-LP
Damage: 8.6%
Shadow Kick: B-F-LK
Damage: 16.4%
Ball Breaker: Block+LP
(Cannot be used on Kitana or Mileena)
Damage: 11.4%
Shadow Uppercut: B-D-B-HP
Damage: 15.7%
Fatality (close): F-F-D-U
(If LP+Block+LK are held, Cage will proceed to knock off three heads.)
Johnny's Head Uppercut is back. Last time around, a bug could allow Johnny
to hit off two or more heads (See the MK1 Info Sheet). Now, Midway have
decided to make this a real 'legal' move.
Hold: LP+Block+LK as soon as he begins the Fatality to see three heads go
popping off.
Fatality (close): D-D-F-F-LP
Johnny grabs his opponent's waist and tears them in half. What really
worries me is that he still kisses his hands (His winning stance) after
doing this.
Friendship: D-D-D-D-HK
In true Johnny Cage style, our main movie man autographs a photo of himself
and throws it to face the screen.
Babality: B-B-B-HK
Stage: D-D-D-HK
Jump Kick - Low Fireball
Jump Kick - Shadow Kick
Jump Kick - Shadow Uppercut
Knee Attack - Shadow Kick
Knee Attack - Shadow Uppercut
Ball Breaker - Cross Up
Ball Breaker - Cross Up - Shadow Kick
Ball Breaker - Cross Up - Low Fireball
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - Shadow Kick
Corner Combos:
Knee Attack - Shadow Kick
Knee Attack - Shadow Uppercut
Jump Kick - Ball Breaker
After disappearing from the set of his latest Movie, Cage finally
resurfaces. He used all his knowledge and experiences as a Fighter to end
the Outworld menace. Now heralded as a True Hero, Cage receives the respect
he rightfully deserves. He also gets his inspiration for the Sequel to his
Blockbuster Movie Mortal Kombat. MK II is released and quickly becomes the
greatest Motion Picture event of all time. Cage realizes that MK III is
- Daniel Pesina as Reptile
As Shang Tsung's personal protector the elusive Reptile lurks in the
shadows, stopping all those who would do his master harm. His human form is
believed to disguise a horrid reptilian creature whose race was thought
extinct millions of years ago.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Poor
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Excellent
Special Moves
Acid spit: F-F-HP
Damage: 11.4%
Exploding ball: B-B-HP+LP
Damage: 11.4%
Slide: LP+LK
Damage: 7.1%
Invisibility: U-U-D-HP
(And again to re-appear)
Damage: 0%
Fatality (jump range): B-B-D-LP
Chow time ! Reptile removes his mask, extends his incredibly long reptilian
tongue, and robs his opponent of their head.
Fatality (close): Become invisible then: F-F-D-HK up close
A bit cheap, this one. All you really get to see is your opponent's upper
torso hopping off his legs.
Friendship: B-B-D-LK
Talk about cheap advertising. Reptile attempts to flog you some pathetic
Reptile doll.
Babality: D-B-B-LK
Stage: D-F-F-Block
(Do these Combos while Invisible for maximum effect on human players)
Jump Kick - Acid Spit
Jump Kick - Slide
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Slide
Exploding Ball - Crouch Punch - Uppercut
Exploding Ball - Hop Kick - Slide
Exploding Ball - Air Jab - Hop Kick - Slide
Exploding Ball - Air Jab - Acid Spit
Exploding Ball - Air Jab - Jump Kick - Slide
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - Slide
Reptile has always loyally served as Shang Tsung's Protector while
maintaining a very low Profile in the first Tournament. He discoverd Tsung's
plot to force the remaining members of his near Extinct Race into Slavery
under Shao Kahn's rule. Reptile then devises a plan of his own. He enters
the Outworld Tournament, defeats Shao Kahn and turns against Shang Tsung,
ending his Master's scheme. Now his Race can live on in their own Peaceful
- Daniel Pesina as Sub-Zero
Thought to have been killed in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mysteriously
returns. It is believed he travelled into the Outworld to again attempt to
assassinate Shang Tsung. To do so he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Poor
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Excellent
Special Moves
Ice Blast: D-F-LP
(Freezing a frozen opponent will result in 'Double Ice Backfire')
Damage: 0%
Slide: LP+LK
Damage: 7.1%
Ground Ice: D-B-LK
(Cannot be done close to the corner)
Damage: 0%
Fatality (sweep): F-F-D-HK then move in close and press F-D-F-F-HP
A nice little two part Fatality, this is truly what you would expect from
Sub-Zero. After encasing his opponent in an Ultra Freeze Ice Blast, the icy
ninja performs a powerful Uppercut, smashing the victim to bits.
Fatality (full screen): Hold LP (B-B-D-F)
Snowball Fight !!! Sub-Zero's lethal little ball of snow will destroy the
entire upper part of your opponent's body.
Friendship: B-B-D-HK
In a desperate attempt to make a few bucks on the side, Sub-Zero
incorporates some free advertising for some cheap Sub-Zero merchandise.
Babality: D-B-B-HK
Stage: D-F-F-Block
Throw - Slide
Uppercut - Slide
Jump Kick - Slide
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Slide
Jump Kick - Ground Ice~ - Uppercut - Slide
Cross Up - Hop Kick - Slide
Cross Up - Hop Kick - Ground Ice~ - Uppercut
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick/Punch - Slide
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Ankle Kick - Uppercut
~ Remember: You cannot do the Ground Ice near the corner.
When Sub-Zero failed to return from the Shaolin Tournament and rumor of
Shang Tsung's survival reached the Lin Kuei Clan, they immediately sent
another assassin to complete the Task. This new Warrior is actually the
Younger Brother of the Original Sub-Zero. He enters the Outworld Contest
and accomplishes his Task. He learns of Scorpion's Foul Vendetta against his
brother but will never know why his life was spared. Perhaps a Third
Tournament is in his Future?
Shang Tsung
- Phillip Ahn M.D. as Shang Tsung
After losing control of the Shaolin Tournament, Shang Tsung promises his
ruler Shao Kahn to shape events that will lure the earth warriors to compete
in his own contest. Convinced of this plan Shao Kahn restores Tsung's youth
and allows him to live.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Fair
Jump Kick: Excellent
Roundhouse: Poor
Special Moves
1 Fireball: B-B-HP
2 Fireballs: B-B-F-HP
3 Fireballs: B-B-F-F-HP
Damage: 10.7% per fireball
(You will stay morphed for 7.5 seconds)
Liu Kang: B-F-F-Block
Kung Lao: B-D-B-HK
Cage: B-B-D-LP
Reptile: U-D-HP
Sub-Zero: F-D-F-HP
Kitana: Tap Block three times
Jax: D-F-B-HK
Mileena: Hold HP and release
Baraka: D-D-LK
Scorpion: U-U
Rayden: D-B-F-LK
Fatality (close): U-D-U-LK
"Your Soul is Mine !" In true Shang Tsung style, the evil wizard sucks his
opponent's soul from their body.
Fatality (sweep): Hold HK for three seconds then release
Altering the shape of his body, Shang Tsung enters his opponent's ear. This,
as it seems, is less than healthy when Shang becomes normal again.
Fatality (sweep): Hold LP from the start of the winning round all the way up
to "Finish Him/Her" appears. Move into sweep range and release LP.
Now this one is interesting. Shang summons all his charged power and morphs
into the mighty Kintaro who smashes the opponent's body in two with a mighty
punch. Now find me a Kano morph.
Friendship: B-B-D-F-HK
But at the end of the day, Shang Tsung is really quite a pleasant chappie.
To prove it, he makes a lovely little rainbow with his hands.
Babality: B-F-D-HK
Stage: D-D-U-D
Jump Kick - Fireball
Jump Kick - Two Fireballs
Jump Kick - Three Fireballs
Jump Kick - Morph to Sub-Zero or Reptile - Slide
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Ankle Kick - Uppercut
Shang Tsung not only turns against and defeats both Kintaro and Shao Kahn,
He also takes over their Rule of the Outworld. With Shao Kahn's armies at
his command, he finally unbalances the furies, and weakens the Dimensional
Gates between the Outworld and the Earth Realm. Along with his Elite Group
of Sorcerers he uses this weakness to march a never ending Horde of Demons
into the Earth and Doom its Inhabitants to Eternal Darkness.
Have a nice day.
- Katalin Zamiar as Kitana
Her beauty hides her true role as a personal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen
talking to an earth realm warrior, her motives have come under suspicion by
her twin sister Mileena. But only Kitana knows her true intentions.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Excellent
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Poor
Special Moves
Fan Throw: F-F-HP+LP
(Can be done in mid-air)
Damage: 17.1%
Fan Lift: B-B-B-HP
Damage: 0%
Fan Swipe: B+HP
Damage: 12.9%
Air Sweep: D-B-HP
Damage: 11.4%
Fatality (close): Block-Block-Block-HK
Kitana takes out her horrible sharp Fan, and rids her unfortunate opponent
of their head.
Fatality (close): Hold LK (F-F-D-F)
This starts off looking like a Friendship as Kitana gives her opponent a
kiss on the cheek. However it becomes less friendly when the victim swells
and explodes. There's the next Kiss of Death for you.
Friendship: D-D-D-U-LK
Whether it's your birthday or not, Kitana feels obliged to bake you a cake.
Babality: D-D-D-LK
Stage: F-D-F-HK
Hop/Jump Punch/Kick - Fan Throw (in mid-air)
Jump Kick - Air Sweep
Jump Kick - Fan Throw (in mid-air) - Hop Kick
Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Air Sweep
Fan Lift - Walk/Jump Forward - Uppercut
Fan Lift - Jump Punch/Kick - Fan Throw (in mid-air)
Fan Lift - Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Air Sweep
Fan Lift - Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Uppercut
Fan Lift - Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Hop Kick
Fan Lift - Jump Punch - Hop Punch - Fan Throw - Uppercut
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Punch/Kick - Fan Throw (in mid-air)
Corner Combos:
Fan Lift - Jump Punch - Jump Punch again - Fan Throw (immediately) - Air Jab
- Air Sweep
Fan Lift - Jump Punch - Jump Punch again - Fan Throw (immediately)
- Roundhouse
Jump Kick - Fan Throw (immediately) - Uppercut
As a result of her years of work as an assassin, Kitana has learned many
secrets, especially about her past. She discovers that Mileena is not her
twin but a grotesque clone created by Shang Tsung. She learns that her
parents were former rulers of the Outworld overthrown by Shao Kahn.
Determined to take back what is hers, she must defeat Kahn. She does so by
entering the tournament. She reclaims her parents' castle and restores the
Outworld to a realm of beauty.
- John Parrish as Jax
His real name is Maj. Jackson Briggs, leader of a top US special forces
unit. After receiving a distress signal from Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on
a rescue mission. One that leads him into a ghastly world where he believes
that Sonya is still alive.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Fair
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Poor
Special Moves
Energy Wave: F-D-B-HK
Damage: 17.1%
Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP
(repeatedly tap LP for more hits)
Damage: 5% per hit
Earthquake: Hold LK for 3 seconds then release
Damage: 10%
Back Breaker: Meet an opponent in mid-air with Block
Damage: 17.1%
Body Slams: Throw opponent (LP close), tap HP repeatedly
Damage: 15.7% (the throw) + 5.7% per slam
Fatality (sweep range): Block-Block-Block-Block-LP
Now this is sick. I don't care what anyone says, ripping someone's arms from
their sockets is not at all pleasant and won't get you lots of friends. He
even looks happy about it afterwards. Sicko.
Fatality (close): Hold LP (F-F-F)
Goro's intended Fatality from MK1 (see MK-FACTS.WRI), Jax puts his hands
together for you - on your head, smashing it mercilessly.
Friendship: D-D-U-U-LK
After all that brutality, Jax shreds a poor innocent piece of paper to make
a string of dolls.
Babality: D-U-D-U-LK
Stage: U-U-D-LK
Jump Kick - Earthquake
Jump Kick - Energy Wave
Jump Kick - Gotcha Grab
Jump Kick - Back Breaker
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Earthquake
Cross Up - Back Breaker - Earthquake
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - Back Breaker - Earthquake
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Air Jab Twice - Gotcha Grab
Jax finds Sonya held captive alongside their arch enemy Kano. Her only
chance of escape is by Jax entering Shao Kahns contest. With fierce
determination he catches the Outworld Warriors off guard and Wins the
Tournament bringing Shao Kahns rule to a crashing halt.
During the Chaos that follows, Jax and Sonya escape through the dimensional
gate from which they entered. Kano once again eludes capture but Jax and
Sonya know they will cross paths with him in the future.
- Katalin Zamiar as Mileena
Serving as an assassin along with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena's dazzling
appearances conceal her hideous intentions. At Shao Kahn's request she is
asked to watch for her twin's suspected dissension. She must put a stop to
it at any costs.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Excellent
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Poor
Special Moves
Sai Shot: Hold HP then release
(Can be done in mid-air)
Damage: 12.9%
Drop Kick: F-F-LK
Damage: 17.1%
Roll: B-B-D-HK
Damage: 11.4%
Fatality (close): F-B-F-LP
Mileena stabs her opponent hundreds of times all over his body. Blood in
Fatality (close): Hold HK then release OR Hold Block and Tap HK repeately
Don't try this at home kids. Mileena, well, how can I put it? She, er, eats
her opponent. And vomits up the bones. (Anyone laughing is a sicko creep)
Friendship: D-D-D-U-HK
Probably the nicest Friendship yet. Mileena plants a seed that grows up into
a beautiful flower. I'll bet it's a Venus Fly Trap and chows the opponent
while we're not looking.
Babality: D-D-D-HK
Stage: F-D-F-LK
Jump Kick - Roll
Jump Kick - Drop Kick
Jump Kick - Sai Shot (in mid-air)
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Roll
Jump Kick - Roll - Sai Shot
Jump Kick - Roll - Hop/Jump Kick
Jump Kick - Sai Shot (in mid-air) - Roll - Hop Kick
Roll - Air Jab - Sai Shot
Roll - Jump Kick
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - Sai Shot (in mid-air)
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Sai Shot (in mid-air) - Roll - Jump Punch - Sai Shot (in mid-air)
Jump Kick - Sai Shot (in mid-air) - Roll - Roundhouse
Jump Kick - Ankle Kick - Uppercut
Once thought to be Kitana's twin sister, Mileena is actually a grotesque
clone created by Shang Tsung. With Shao Kahn's suspicions of Kitana's
motives, Mileena seizes the opportunity to attack Kahn and his minions.
Caught off guard, they are no match for Mileena's speed. She wins the
tournament and together with her secret companion, Baraka, they rule the
world as king and queen.
- Richard Divizio as Baraka
He led the attack against Liu Kang's Shaolin temples. Baraka belongs to a
nomadic race of mutants living in the wastelands of the Outworld. His
fighting skills gained the attention of Shao Kahn who recruited him into his
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Fair
Jump Kick: Excellent
Roundhouse: Fair
Special Moves
Spark: D-B-HP
Damage: 12.9%
Shredder: B-B-B-LP
Damage: 21.4%
Blade Swipe: B+HP
Damage: 17.1%
Double Kick: Follow a Knee Attack with HK immediately
Damage: 10.7%(knee) + 3.6% (14.3%)
Fatality (close): B-B-B-B-HP
Another Blade Swipe, this one cutting clean through your opponent's neck and
robbing him of a vital body part - the head.
Fatality (close): B-F-D-F-LP
Need a lift? Don't go to this guy. This is one of the most painful looking
deaths in the game.
Friendship: U-U-F-F-HK
At last, a move that doesn't require Blades. Baraka retrieves a nice gift
for you. He isn't all that bad now is he?
Babality: F-F-F-HK
Stage: F-F-D-HK
Jump Kick - Blade Swipe
Jump Kick - Shredder
Jump Kick - Spark
Double Kick - Standing Kick
Double Kick - Hop Kick
Double Kick - Hop Punch
Double Kick - Shredder
Double Kick - Blade Swipe
Double Kick - Spark
Double Kick - Punch - Hop Kick
Double Kick - Punch - Spark
Corner Combos:
Blade Swipe - Shredder
Known for his unpredictable actions and wild fits of anger, Baraka goes on a
rampage. After defeating the earth warriors, he attacks Shang Tsung, Kintaro
and finally Shao Kahn himself. After defeating Shao Kahn, Baraka's race of
mutants rise from the wastelands and rebel against what is left of Kahn's
army. They eventually win, and the Outworld comes under the rule of king
- Daniel Pesina as Scorpion
The hell-spawned spectre rises from the pits. After learning of Sub-Zero's
return, he again stalks the ninja assassin - following him into the dark
realm of the Outworld where he continues his own unholy mission.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Poor
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Excellent
Special Moves
Spear: B-B-LP
Damage: 4.3%
Teleport: D-B-HP
(can be done in mid-air)
Damage: 7.1%
Air Throw: Meet an opponent in the air with Block
Damage: 18.6%
Scissor Sweep: F-D-B-LK
Damage: 15%
Fatality (outside sweep): U-U-HP
The "Zombie from Hell" fatality is back. Scorpion removes his ninja mask to
reveal nothing but a skull. The flame death has been re-vamped now, with
some great effects.
Fatality (anyplace): D-D-U-U-HP
Same as above, but this time Dan Forden comments "Toasty !!" after the
fatality is finished. Also there is no distance requirement.
Fatality (close): Hold HP (D-F-F-F)
Scorpion make use of his ever-trusty spear in this Fatality. First he cuts
his opponent's throat, then he moves on to rip the body in two.
Friendship: B-B-D-HK
Scorpion takes to advertising in this Friendship. Like his ninja
counterparts he attempts to sell you some of his products.
Babality: D-B-B-HK
Stage: D-F-F-Block
Jump Kick - Spear
Jump Kick - Teleport Punch
Jump Kick - Scissor Sweep
Hop Punch - Air Throw
Hop Punch - Teleport - Spear
Spear - Spear - Spear ... (unauthorised)
Mid-air Combos:
Hop/Jump Kick - Air Throw
Jump Punch - Teleport Punch
Jump Punch - Teleport Punch - Spear
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Scissor Sweep
Upon learning of Sub-Zero's reappearance, Scorpion enters Shao Kahn's
tournament. He witnesses Sub-Zero spare the life of an opponent and realises
that this is not the same Sub-Zero who murdered him so long ago. He lets the
ninja live and goes on to defeat the Outworlders in their unholy contest.
With the defeat of Shao Kahn, he discovers a new purpose for his existence.
He becomes the guardian of the new Sub-Zero to atone for murdering his older
- Carlos Pesina as Rayden
Watching events unfold from high above, the thunder god realises the grim
intentions of Shao Kahn. After warning the remaining members of the Shaolin
Tournament, Rayden soon disappears. He is believed to have ventured into the
Outworld alone.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Fair
Jump Kick: Poor
Roundhouse: Fair
Special Moves
Lightening: D-F-LP
Damage: 12.1%
Torpedo: B-B-F
(can be done in mid-air)
Damage: 16.4%
Teleport: D-U
Damage: 0%
Electric grab: Hold HP and release
(In Two-player Vs. mode only)
Damage: 17.1%
Fatality (close): Hold LK for 3 seconds, release next to opponent. Then tap
Block+LK quickly and repeatedly.
Rayden grabs his unfortunate prey and uses them as a human conductor to the
point where they explode. Shocking. (Aaaaargh !!) Start tapping the Block+LK
immediately as you release LK.
Fatality (close): Hold HP for 4 seconds and release.
Even I could have come up with something better. Rayden does a very hard
Uppercut that smashes his opponent to pieces. Smashing. (no more, please !)
Friendship (anywhere but close): D-B-F-HK
For those of you who didn't know, Rayden does actually have a son. Kidd
Thunder is summoned in Rayden's Friendship (I wonder who the mother is).
Don't stand too close or you won't pull this off.
Babality: D-D-U-HK
(Hold Block to prevent Teleport)
Stage: U-U-U-HP
Jump Kick - Lightning
Jump Kick - Torpedo
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Torpedo
Hop Kick - Torpedo
Electric Grab^ - Two Punches - Torpedo
Electric Grab^ - Two Punches - Hop Kick - Torpedo
Mid-air Combos:
Jump Kick - Torpedo (in mid-air)
Corner Combos:
Jump Kick - Electric Grab^
^ Remember that the Electric Grab only works in Vs. mode.
Familiar with Shang Tsung's lies and Shao Kahn's brutality, Rayden accepts
their challenge to compete in an Outworld tournament. He is well aware of
their scheme to unbalance the furies and invade the earth realm.
Rayden vows to use all his might to end their treachery. By winning the
tournament, Rayden destroys Shao Kahn and all his minions. He also destroys
the dimensional gates which would have been their passageway to the earth
Other Characters:
With Goro missing, Kintaro steps up to take his place as supreme ruler of
Shao Kahn's armies. Stronger and more agile than his predecessor, he is
enraged by Goro's defeat. Kintaro vows to take revenge on the Earth warriors
Special Moves
Damage: 21.4%
Damage: 30%
Shao Kahn
- Bryan Glynn as Shao Kahn
The supreme ruler of the Outworld, Shao Kahn governs the Astral Planes of
Shokan and all surrounding kingdoms. Five hundred years ago he banished
shapeshifter Shang Tsung into the Mother Realm (Earth) to pay for his
crimes. Shang Tsung was to unbalance the furies and create a weakness in the
Earth's dimensional gates. This weakness in the gates would allow Kahn and
his minions to forever walk into the Earth and plague it's inhabitants to a
dark and chaotic existence. Only then would Shang Tsung be cleared of his
offence and the curse be lifted.
Special Moves
Damage: 21.4%
Shoulder Charge
Damage: 27.9%
Damage: 0%
Hidden Characters:
Get ready Player one/two
You have found the passage from the Outworld to the Earth realm. Now you
must battle with an undiscovered warrior from Mortal Kombat one.
Prepare yourself
to return to Goro's lair.
- Daniel Pesina as Smoke
A mysterious Grey Ninja, rumoured also to be of the Lin Kuei clan. You will
battle Smoke back in Earth realm but he can be seen in Outworld in The
Living Forest. He fights at a lightening speed, hiding behind a screen of
smoke. Smoke uses Scorpion's Spear as his only special move.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Poor
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Excellent
Special Moves
Damage: 4.3%
I am called Smoke
You can Start finding me
Ermac who?
You can not defeat me
I am one of three
I will meet you in Goro's lair
Mortal Kombat One
Prove yourself
To fight Smoke:
Uppercuts that deserve even more than an "Excellent!" will occasionally
cause Dan Forden (An MK programmer) to appear at the bottom right-hand
corner of the screen and proclaim "Toasty!". When this happens at The Portal
stage, press Start on your side. You do not have to be the player that
delivered the uppercut or be in any special Vs. mode.
- Katalin Zamiar as Jade
An Outworld warrior, Jade is taking orders from Shao Kahn. She must
challenge those who prove themselves worthy in the Tournament.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Excellent
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Poor
Special Moves
Fan Throw
Damage: 10%
Projectile Invincibility
I am called Jade
Before the ?
Ermac who?
I will meet you in Goro's lair
Chun who?
I am one of three
Restrict yourself
Alone is how you will find me
One day we will fight
Bring on Kano and Sonya
To fight Jade:
The space on the Battle-Plan before Shang Tsung is a Question Mark. Win one
round before the ? using only LK. You may not Block either.
Other New Warriors:
Incredible Winning Streak!!
A New Warrior Awaits You.
Noob Saibot
- Daniel Pesina as Noob Saibot
A mystery to everyone, Noob Saibot lurks in the shadows, randomly lashing
out at fighters. He is as black as night, uses Scorpions Spear and
possesses amazing speed. Try reversing the letters in his name to discover
his true origin.
If you lose to Noob Saibot, you may fight him again by winning just one more
game or round. Apparently the computer only has 49 wins tracked if you lose
to him, so you can theoretically fight him over and over, as long as you
lose BOTH rounds to him.
Attacking Skill
Uppercut: Poor
Jump Kick: Fair
Roundhouse: Excellent
Special Moves
Damage: 4.3%
To fight Noob Saibot:
Win 25 consecutive matches in Vs. mode. (50 Rounds)
Kombat Zones:
The Dead Pool*
The Kombat Tomb**
The Wasteland
The Tower
The Living Forest
The Armory
The Pit II**
The Portal
Shao Kahns Arena
No Name***
Back in Time****
Goros Cave*****
* See Tricks of the Trade for more info.
** Stage Fatalities can be done here.
*** This is the signal that you are playing in Goro's Cave in a Two Player
Vs. Game.
**** This is where you will play Pong*.
***** Hidden Kombat Zone - The Battle with Hidden Fighters will take place
After Shao Kahn explodes, you will presented with this message:
Shao Kahn's Rule is Over
Once again, You are the supreme Mortal Kombat Warrior !!
Following that, a strange message, picked at random, will appear at the
bottom of the screen:
Where is Kano?
Where is Sonya ?
Where is Goro ?
Who is Smoke ?
Who is Jade ?
Friendship ?
Babality ?
CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS (Ermac Does Not Exist)
EMRO BATMOK OT MEOK (More Kombat To Kome)
SRUEP GHIH MIPTAC (Super High Impact)
THREE RAE ON STNIIIAAME (There Are No Animalities)
Guys who helped.
- Paul McElroy (
- Gamesmaster Magazine, even if half the moves were wrong.
- Nipten (
- JP Plowman
- Jim 'MK' Fink, Graham Wolfe, Matt Taylor and their "Official Players Guide
to Mortal Kombat II".
- Stuart Quentin, who probably still can't beat Noob Saibot.
- Alasdair Donaldson. He sat through 249 (two hundred and forty nine)
matches (no codes, nothing) just to find out if 'Pong' was incorporated
into the computer version (turned out it wasn't). And then DID IT AGAIN,
to be doubly sure. Now if that isn't a true MK player, then tell me what
is. Give him a big clap.
This FAQ and others can be found on "The Mortal Kombat World Wide Web Pages"
Internet site. The address is: ""
B = Back; Backwards; Away from opponent
F = Forward; Towards opponent
U = Up; Jump
D = Down; Duck; Crouch
LP = Low Punch
HP = High Punch
Block = Block
LK = Low Kick
HK = High Kick
MK1 = Mortal Kombat One
MKII = Mortal Kombat Two
Keypresses separated by a minus/hyphen/"-" (i.e. B-F-HP) mean that you must
press the first key, then the next key, in sequence.
Keypresses joined by a plus/"+" (HP+LP) mean that you must push the buttons
together in a single movement.
Keypresses contained in brackets/"( )" simply mean that you must push them
whilst holding the button mentioned at the start of the sequence. i.e. Hold
HP (D-F-F-F) means that you must be holding HP in while you press the down
and the three forwards. The close brackets mean that you must let go of the
button. Therefore you must let go of HP after pressing the last forward to
make the move register.
--- C'est Fini ! ---
"Some have been thought brave because
they were afraid to run away." - 18th-Century English Proverb.