English Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs

To call out = gridare
to regel against
to run after (inseguire)
to go up and up = increase
to spend some money on something = to invest
to give up
to go back = to return
to get out = tirare fuori
to look at = guardare
to pick something up = raccogliere
to look for something
to turn something off (spegnere)
to lie down = distendersi
to try something on = provare
to throw something away = buttare / lanciare
look out! = attento, fare attenzione
To look after someone
to run out of = to terminate
to look up a word = cercare qualcosa nel senso di significato
to broke down = rompersi
to take part in = partecipare
to get on with someone
to give away = dare qualcosa via
to bring in = portare dentro
to come across = you find something but you don't look for it
to be/got caught = essere beccati
to get away with + pronoun/ -ing form = non essere beccati
to get fitter = "diventare" in forma
to put someone/something above something/someone = to put someone/something before =prediligere /to priority
to run its course - it's over/finished
to run into something = to change
to get by = to manage/survive (financially)
to put by = to save
to look forward to = to be excited about
to fall out with = to have an argument and stop speaking
to make up with = to became friends again
to find out = to discover
to break down = to stop working
to look up to = to admire
to throw away = to discard something
to get on/off = to embark
to grow up = to become an adult
to look down = to patronize someone
to turn up = to arrive
to turn bump into = to meet someone without planning to
to bring someone up = to raise (as in a child)
to dress up
to dress someone down = to be casual, to criticized, to be reprimanded
to get my satisfaction (something) to them = to show - to demonstrate it
to do without something = to survivor
to put up without someone = to tolerate --> you're sick and tired
to get around = to manipulate, to persuade
to put someone up to something = to candidate, to nominate
to put someone up
to drop out = to abandon
to settle down (in a country)
to tell of
to gossip about = to chat
to impinge on something/someone = to have an effect impact on (negative meaning for writing)
to bump into someone = incontrare, imbattersi in qualcuno
to deal with/cope with = affrontare
to rely on = depend on the weather
to put up / put down = aprire e chiudere ma solo per ombrelli
to put up with = sopportare
to take over = diventare il capo, conquistare
to over take = sorpassare
to bring up = crescere come educazione
to grow up = crescere fisicamente
to take up = starting something new