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Dreamcast G2 bus signal timing
The original article, written by jj1odm, is available at

1) G2 bus mode
byte or word access:
/AEN -__--------------
/BTA -------_---------
/BTB -------_---------
ADxx aADDDDD D: byte data (AD[15:8] or AD[7:0]) or word data (AD[15:0])
/xBE -_______--------- /LBE and /UBE (lower byte enable / upper byte enable)
long word access:
/AEN -_______---------
/BTA -------_----_----
/BTB -------______----
ADxx aAdddddDDDDD d: low word data D: high word data
/xBE -____________---- /LBE and /UBE (lower byte enable / upper byte enable)
-: one step equal one system clock cycle (40nSEC)
a: low word address (A[15:1] lsb 1bit alway '0' {A[0]})
A: high word address (A[28:16] msb 3bit always '0' {A[31:29]})
(There is a possibility that the address overlaps when the SPU side is accessed
when the decipherment is done only with low word address.)
G2 bus 22pin / 20pin ('/BTA' and '/BTB') controls the access time. (see concept circuit)
If this control is not used, it ends automatically by the time-out (1.2uSEC).
When a long word is accessed, it is always necessary.
(It becomes only the bus cycle of lower word if it doesn't control.)
direction information of '/LBE': (read / write operation)
read operation:
CLK __--__--__--__--_
/AEN --________-------
/LBE ------___________ direction (read) / lower byte enable
/UBE ------___________
write operation:
CLK __--__--__--__--_
/AEN --________-------
/LBE --_______________ direction (write) / lower byte enable
/UBE ------___________
* this timing is word access

Concept circuit.
2) simple bus mode (modem / lan adaptor [HIT-0300] area {0xa0600000 - 0xa06007ff})
byte/word/long read access:
AD[15:8] aaaaaaaaaaaaa a: 8 bit address bus (AD[15:8])
/MODEMCS ---__________----
/UBE(/RD) -----_______-----
/LBE(/WR) -----------------
AD[7:0] DDDDDDDDD D: 8 bit data bus (AD[7:0])
byte/word/long write access:
AD[15:8] aaaaaaaaaaaaa a: 8 bit address bus (AD[15:8])
/MODEMCS ---__________----
/UBE(/RD) -----------------
/LBE(/WR) -----_______-----
AD[7:0] DDDDDDDDD D: 8 bit data bus (AD[7:0])
access is long word alignment.
only the lowest byte is valid though byte/word/long can be accessed. (In fact 8bit bus)

Simple bus mode