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Central Atari Information Network Vol 02 No 05

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\ Jun/Jun 1995 Vol.II No.5 /
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/_________________ CAIN ________-_____________/
/___|_|_|__________ Monthly Newsletter _______| |___________/
/____|_|_|__________ ______| |_________/
/____/__|__\_________ Central Atari ______| |________/
/____/___|___\________ Information Network ____| | | |_____/
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The Official Online Newsletter of the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG
The Cleveland Free-Net Community Computer System is accessible worldwide!
telnet freenet-in-{a,b,c} ( or
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CAIN Online Newsletter Published and Copyright (c) 1995
by Cain Publishing
Voting/Conferences.........Mark Leair
Assistant Editor
SIG Manager/Jaguar Area....Len Stys
8-Bit Support Area..........Michael Current
8-Bit Technical Forum.......Craig Lisowski
16/32-Bit Support Area......Bruce D. Nelson
16/32-Bit Support Area......Thomas Main
Atari Classic Gaming Corner/
Portfolio Support Area......Fred Horvat
Lynx Support Area...........Barry W. Cantin
Atari WWW Support Area......Mark S. Smith
Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG Internet E-Mail:
Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG, P.O. Box 364, Mentor, OH U.S.A. 44061-0364
Table of Contents
>From the Editor..........................................The CAIN Newsletter
-Mark Leair
>From the SIG Manager.............................Jaguar Needs More Retailers
-Len Stys
-Atari Corp.
8-Bit Computers Support Area...............................8-bit News #1 - #5
8-bit Commentary
-Michael Current
16/32-Bit Computers Support Area.....................JV Enterprises Interview
Speed of Light Review v3.8
Atari ST FTP Sites Update
-Mark S. Smith
Lynx Support Area...................................................Lynx News
Battle Zone (BZ2K) Info!
Lynx Commentary
-Barry W. Cantin
Jaguar Support Area.......................................General Jaguar News
CatNips Jaguar Tidbits
Hover Strike Review-Mark S. Smith
Jaguar Commentary
-Len Stys
Upcoming Atari Shows......................................Atari Show Calendar
-Mark Leair
Voting Issues and Results..................................Last Month's Issue
This Month's Issue
-Mark Leair
General Information of Need.........................How to Contribute to CAIN
Article Requests
-Mark Leair
>From the Editor
Mark Leair
Welcome to the CAIN Summer Issue -- also known as the June/July 1995 issue of
CAIN. This issue will prove to be the largest issue to date. Over 260K of
news and reviews of Atari products. Our Atari News section alone has 10 press
releases direct from Atari Corp and other sources. The Atari 8 bit section
brings you 13 large news announcements, and the 16/32 bit section brings you an
interview with JV Enterprises, makers of Towers II for the Falcon. This issue
even has some exciting news for Lynx owners! This news is so exiciting, I
encourage you all to just skip to that section now and come back and finish
reading my letter afterwards.
Now that you all have returned, for those who have not heard, CAIN has made USA
Today! That's right! The Nation's Newspaper published an article on orphaned
computers titled "Loyal Users Cling to Comfortable Old Computers." The article
contained quotations from Len Stys and Michael Current of CAIN, Rob Funk, and
Michael Hohman of Fine Tuned Engineering. The article was published in June
27, 1995 issue of USA Today page 4-D in the "Life" section.
-Mark Leair
CAIN Publisher
>From the SIG Manager
Len Stys
Since this is already a big issue, I am using my editorial space to provide
you with names and addresses of retailers that you may want to write (hint!)
to encourage these buyers to carry the Jaguar and its games at their stores.
The most important thing that must take place now is the convincing of
retailers to carry the Jaguar 64-bit video game system and its games. Atari
has convinced a few retailers to carry the Jaguar, but not nearly as many
as the company needs to make the Jaguar successful this year.
Lack of distribution results in a company spending more on advertising than
the company is making in sales. This is what happened with the Lynx.
Atari had a great "Batman Returns" advertising blitz and sold out of the
Lynx in the few stores that carried it. The problem is that those few
stores carried less than six systems each. When consumers had to wait for
more to be ordered, the excitement was gone and they did not want the product
Atari Corporation will run into the same problem unless two or more major
retailers are convinced to carry the Jaguar in addition to the retailers
Atari has already signed this year.
Atari cannot do it alone. Unless the retailers know that consumers actually
want this product in their stores, they will not carry it. This is why it is
important for you to actually write these retailers. I have done my
homework and I have found the exact names of buyers at six of the largest
retailers in the United States. These individuals are responsible for
purchasing electornics/video game products at their respective companies.
I have also included the U.S. mailing address of all of these retailers so
that it will be extremely easy for you to contact them.
The contents of the letter should be simple. Just explain to the buyer that
you are a customer of their store and would like for the stores in your area
carry the Jaguar 64-bit video game system and all of its games. At the end
of your letter, thank the person for reading your letter and for listening to
the wants of their customers.
The names and addresses are:
Mr. Joe Hofmeister
KMart Corp.
3100 West Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48084-3004
Mr. Jeff Broviak
Walmart Stores, Inc.
702 Southwest 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716-0001
Jack Zasadzinski
Toys "R" Us Inc.
461 From Road
Paramus, NJ 07652-3524
Peter Coyne
Best Products Co. Inc.
1400 Best Plaza
Richmond, VA 23227-1125
Dawn vonBechmann
Circuit City Stores Inc.
9950 Mayland Drive
Richmond, VA 23233-1463
Lisa Odell
Best Buy Co. Inc.
7075 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Thank you for writing. Please capture this text and pass it along to others.
Atari News
Date: Tue Jul 18 09:38:51 1995
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr
Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc.
(310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663
_For Immediate Release_
Atari Corporation Inks Licensing Agreement With Activision
Inc. Deal yields release of classic Atari titles for PCs.
Sunnyvale, CA -- (July 17, 1995) -- Atari Corporation
announced today the finalization of a contract with
Activision Inc., a Los Angeles based leader in software
development. Atari Corporation's pact with the prestigious
developer will bring consumers classic Atari titles in
multiple formats. The agreement will also result in the
release of the all-time American favorite, "Pitfall: The
Mayan Adventure" for Jaguar 64.
"Our collaboration with Activison will offer exciting
entertainment for both Jaguar 64 consumers and PC users,"
said Ted Hoff, Atari Corporation's President of North
American Operations. "'Pitfall' is a fine example of our
continued commitment to provide Jaguar gamers with
top-quality titles."
The release of "Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure" for the
Jaguar 64 system will be an ideal showcase for the
extensive capabilities of this advanced home entertainment
system. "Pitfall" reflects the power of Jaguar's superior
64-bit technology, resulting in brilliant color, intense
speed, and stereo sound. The jungle adventure game has a
target ship date of mid September.
Numerous Atari classic games will soon be available to PC
users when Activision releases "Atari Action Pak II" for
single-user IBM and PC compatible computers. The special
"Pak" will also provide consumers with PC versions of such
memorable Atari titles as: "Air Sea Battle"; "Breakout",
"Super Breakout"; "Space War"; "Surround"; "Millipede";
"Combat"; "Yar's Revenge"; "Canyon Bomber"; "Gravitar";
"Maze Craze"; and "Night Driver".
The "Pitfall" release under the Activision agreement is one
of the many exciting games for the Atari Jaguar 64 library,
which will approach 100 titles by the end of the year. The
expanded library will include CD titles for the much
anticipated Jaguar CD system, which will be shipping in
For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers
with high-quality, value- priced entertainment. Atari
Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.
-++- ================================================= -++-
A final note to this episode of CATnips, Darryl Still of
Atari UK tells me that "Zero 5" and "Gotcha!" (working
title) were shown at a EuroPress Conference last week. He
says both are contracted for early '96 release and both are
"worth watching for". Add those to your lists!
Date: 06 Jul 95 04:56:43 EDT
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr
Dorf & Stanton Communications Inc., Los Angeles
310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663
For Immediate Release
SUNNYVALE -- July 5, 1995 -- Earlier this morning Atari
Corporation released "Super Burnout", a fast-action
cartridge title for the 64-bit Jaguar system. In this
crash- and-burn arcade-style game, motorcycle players
compete head-to-head with friends, computer generated
racers, or against the clock.
"Super Burnout" has 60 frame-per-second break-neck action
graphics and intense realism of motorcycle racing. Players
criss cross the globe to compete on the most intense tracks
in the world. All eight racetrack locations feature awesome
scenery and the hottest music soundtracks.
The key to a player's driving success is to choose a custom
sports bike that provides them with the winning edge.
"Super Burnout" offers numerous motorcycles for players to
choose from, each with individual style and powerful
driving capabilities. The two-player "versus mode" applies
split-screen details, which allows competitors to view
their racing progress all the way to the checkered flag.
"'Super Burnout' is a great addition to our library of
software titles," said Ted Hoff, president of Atari Corp.'s
North American Operations. "It is a fine example of the
high- quality, competitively priced software we continue to
bring to our Jaguar 64 consumers."
"Super Burnout" players can race day or night and choose
the number of laps in one of four racing modes. "Super
Burnout", rated KA (appropriate for kids through adults),
is available for sale now for $59.99 (suggested retail
Additional Atari Jaguar summer releases will include:
"Ultra Vortek", "White Men Can't Jump", "FlipOut!" and
"Rayman". These are just a few of the many great titles for
the Atari Jaguar library, which will approach 100 titles by
the end of 1995.
For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers
with high-quality, value priced entertainment. Atari
Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is
located in Sunnyvale, CA.
"Super Burnout" (c) 1995, Atari Corporation, Virtual
Xperience and Shen Technologies SARL. All Rights Reserved.
"Super Burnout", Atari logo and Jaguar are all trademarks
of Atari Corporation. Virtual Xperience, The Virtual
Xperience logo and Shen Technologies SARL are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks
of their owning companies.
Onliners note: A .GIF file is provided with this release
if obtained in .ZIP form. To obtain an archived version
of this document, see the download areas of the Jaguar
sections of GEnie or CompuServe. Copies are also
available by calling CATscan BBS at 209/239-1552.
Date: 26 Jun 95 23:27:38 EDT
CONTACT: August Liguori
Atari Corporation
(408) 745-2069
Jessica Nagel and Patricia Kerr
Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc.
(310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663
For Immediate Release...
SUNNYVALE, CA -- (June 26, 1995) -- Earlier this morning
Atari Corporation announced that Theodore M. Hoff has joined
the company's core management team as President of North
American Operations. Hoff will oversee Atari Corporation's
North American operations, which includes the United States,
Canada and Mexico.
"We are very pleased to have Ted Hoff at Atari," said Atari
Corporation President/CEO Sam Tramiel. "His extensive
industry experience will play an integral part, both in the
planning and execution of our long and short term corporate
Prior to joining Atari Corporation, Mr. Hoff was Senior Vice
President and General Manager of Fox Interactive, a division
of Twentieth Century Fox. During his tenure, Hoff launched
Fox's interactive entertainment division, establishing the
company's mission, structure, five-year strategic and
financial plans, and led the launch of multiple titles based
on their film and television properties.
From 1990 to 1994, Mr. Hoff held the key position of Senior
Vice President of Time Warner Interactive, Inc. (TWI), the
home entertainment software publisher subsidiary of Time
Warner, Inc. At TWI Hoff directed sales and marketing and
established annual and long-range strategies and financial
Hoff hired and directed senior staff, including directors of
marketing, sales, licensing and acquisition, and third party
publisher affiliates. Under Hoff's direction, Time Warner
Interactive launched 15 to 20 new titles per year including
arcade, theatrical, and sports licenses.
Mr. Hoff's previous experience also includes senior
management positions at United Brands Co. and Philip
Morris, where Hoff launched new products and directed retail
sales, marketing, and operations at both corporations.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty
years. Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made,
advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is
located in Sunnyvale CA.
Date: 22 Jun 95 02:45:04 EDT
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Tom Tanno
Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc.,
(310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663
SUNNYVALE, CA (JUNE 20, 1995)-Numerous new titles for the
Jaguar system and Jaguar CD were previewed at the "Fun 'N'
Games" media event at Atari Corporation headquarters today.
Hands-on previews and demonstrations were conducted by game
producers and developers. In addition, the event highlighted
marketing strategy, technology developments, and a
presentation of peripherals including Jaguar VR.
Atari Corporation continues its Jaguar software library
expansion, approaching 100 titles for its 64-bit Jaguar
entertainment system by the end of the year. "We will have
every kind of game that players want, from the best
developers and publishers in the world," comments Atari
President Sam Tramiel.
The titles demonstrated at "Fun 'N' Games" include:
=*= Blue Lightning (CD) =*=
Gamers pilot a chosen plane from a squadron of United
Nations operatives as they fight to stop General Drako, the
UN member turned terrorist. Players design flight plans and
use their quick maneuvering skills to destroy key enemy
locations and bases. Players also protect cargo planes and
other UN planes transporting important government officials.
=*= Hover Hunter (working title) (cart) =*=
The age of limitless resources and vast armies is over. The
battlefield now belongs to the elite; those with the speed,
firepower, reflexes and intelligence to get the job done
fast and done right. As pilot of a high-speed attack
hovercraft, gamers man the most powerful tool utilized in
this struggle for complete global domination.
=*= White Men Can't Jump (cart) =*=
Trash talk runs rampant on this in-your-face, two-on-two,
blacktop basketball shoot-out. Automatic camera control
zooms in and swings around to catch all the action in this
fast-paced, hard playing new sports game for the 64-bit
White Men Can't Jump will be released bundled with the Team
Tap, the multi-player adapter for the Atari Jaguar, a $29.95
=*= FlipOut! (CD) =*=
A puzzle game with an alien twist. Take a tour of the Cheese
Planet (or as the citizens call it, Planet Phromahj) which
includes nine different areas of game play, with multiple
games per area, and four difficulty levels, from normal to
psychotic. Whatever you do, watch out for those mischievous
little aliens. Some of them will try to help you (if you can
call it help), but most of them will try to trip you up for
the fun of it. If they werent so cute, youd wring their
=*= Highlander (CD) =*=
You are Quentin MacLeod, the hope of mankind. An immortal
raised as an ordinary child, your destiny was unknown until
the day slave traders destroyed your village, kidnapped the
Dundees, and killed your mother. As she died, your mother
called you "The Highlander" and urged you to seek out the
stranger who would train you to fulfill your destiny--to
wrestle mankind from the grasp of the evil immortal, Kortan.
You must find this stranger, an immortal named, Ramirez, who
will help you gather the knowledge you need to defeat
Kortan. Your first quest is to rescue the Dundees from
Kortans stronghold.
Highlander includes original dialog from the actors in the
animated series and cinepaked sequences from the animated
series as well.
=*= Myst (CD) =*=
Get lost in the worlds of Myst. Use your mind to unlock the
secrets of ages past. What happened to the worlds Atrus
created? Is one of his sons behind the destruction? It's up
to you to find out. Take careful notes. Everything you see
or hear, no matter how insignificant, could be the key to
unlocking the mystery.
=*= SuperX (cart) =*=
Supercross enables the player to experience this
exhilarating dirt bike ride and race from a realistic first
person bikers perspective. The track is constructed from
texture mapped polygons allowing full 360 degree 3D
generation of the course. The game is based around three
main modes: practice, single race, and championship /
tournament. The riders have particular characteristics that
affect performance, including strength, weight, agility and
accumulated factors such as injuries and morale (based on
recent from). Put on your helmet.... you're in for
everything from tunnel jumps to triples... get out in front
quick and youll have everyone freight-training behind you.
=*= Baldies (CD) =*=
Ever want to rule the world? With Baldies, you have the
resources but do you have the strategy and skill? Build
your own society complete with workers, builders, soldiers,
and scientists, and use them to create your own world and
conquer the enemy.
Use your scientists to invent creative ways to kill the
enemy. Dropping a skunk into an enemy house to make them run
out into a minefield youve laid is just one way to get rid
of them. You can also drown them, electrocute them, and trap
them, to name just a few of their useful ploys.
You are only limited by your own imagination. This game is
truly for all ages. With its advanced AI, it can be a
"fishbowl" where you observe the baldies multiplying and
living out their lives or you can interact, decide to
conquer the world and attack the bad guys (those with hair).
There are five areas of game play with literally hundreds of
levels, including secret levels and secret warps to get to
other levels.
=*= Robinson's Requiem (CD) =*=
This is the ultimate test of human endurance in an alien
world-- a survival / adventure simulation set in a
startlingly realistic virtual environment the likes of which
has never before been seen. You are imprisoned on an alien
planet --Zarathustra-- and your aim is to escape. If you
have to amputate one of your own limbs in order to survive,
then that's what you must do.
To escape, you'll need to use the environment and your
cunning, and do anything necessary to stay alive-- including
amputating your own limbs. Features more than 100 variables
in real time; your body temperature, stress, fatigue, pain,
coughs, malaria, poisoning, fractures, gangrene,
hallucinations... Deal with diseases and health hazards and
fight off predators.
This is no outward-bound weekend. Robinson's Requiem will
test your survival skills to the limit. Keep your wits about
you Robinson, and you just might make it.
=*= Charles Barkley Basketball (cart) =*=
Charles Barkley Basketball is an over-the-top, in-your-face
two-on-two basketball game. The player has 20 characters to
choose from including Charles Barkley. There are also two
modes: versus and tournament mode.
In versus mode, pick your players and go at it. In
tournament mode, if you're good enough, you can even end up
endorsing products as your work your way through the
tournament to meet Charles Barkley in the finals to see who
really is the best.
=*= Commander Blood (CD) =*=
Bob Morlock, the oldest being in the universe, is the boss
of Kanary Corp., a gigantic business he founded over two
hundred thousand years ago. All of his millions of employees
were built by and for Kanary, which spends colossal sums of
money just to keep Bob alive. Bob has felt the end
approaching so it is time to delve into the meaning of life,
the central truth of existence. Bob has put together an
expedition through time to the final destination: the Big
Bang. The Kanary Research Corp. scientists have developed an
amazing black hole, name Oddland; a new era in space travel
has dawned.
As Commander Blood, you take command of the Ark (the best
spaceship anyplace, anytime), aided by Hank, the onboard
bioconsciousness, and Olga, the onboard translator), with
Morlock on board as well. Your job is to fly through Oddland
as often as it takes to get to the Big Bang. However, black
holes arent just the natural boundary points between
universes, they're also political borders and are heavily
guarded by SCRUT ships. To make your trip a little easier,
you have several identities: frozen meat salesman, roadie
for the famous "Migrators" rock band, etc. Each universe
contains not only business and military vessels, but also a
number of planets. You'll need to make friends, do favors,
or get involved in local wars to gather information you will
need. Good luck!
=*= Breakout 2000 (cart) =*=
Breakout 2000 is an update to Ataris classic game,
Breakout. As in the original, the game consists of a paddle,
a ball, and a playfield composed of bricks. The difference
in Breakout 2000 is that it changes the viewpoint by
rotating the playfield back into a 3/4 3D perspective. The
objective will still be to get a high score by clearing the
playfield of all removable bricks and not losing your turn
by missing the ball.
To make this more difficult, there are bricks that are
non-breakable and some must be hit more than once to be
broken. Also there are power-ups which may give you an extra
ball, speed up your ball, slow down your ball, etc. If you
loved the original, youll love this.
=*= Vid Grid (CD) =*=
Here's a whole new way to "play" music videos. As you watch
each video, the screen is divided into squares that are all
mixed up. You have to unscramble each video while it's
playing and before the music ends. You choose to divide the
screen by 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 squares, upside down, to name
just a few of the options. Vid Grid features some of your
favorite full-length, uncut videos including Red Hot Chili
Peppers, Peter Gabriel, Aerosmith, Sound Garden and more.
It takes just minutes to learn, but provides hours of
challenging entertainment. (And to make it even better, it
will packed-in to the Jaguar CD player at launch).
=*= Varuna's Forces (CD) =*=
Varuna's Forces is an action strategy game with elements of
a "shoot 'em up". You are in control of a team of four
soldiers of the United Coalition of Planets, Marine Attack
Division, nicknamed Varuna's Forces. The team is equipped
with helmet cameras and microphones linked via radio to your
tactical command console. You see, on your common screen,
views from each of your soldier's cameras. Also at your
disposal is an overall view of a plan of the area with your
troops' positions indicated.
Your soldiers have his or her personal characteristics and
relationships with his or her teammates which change over
time. Sometimes command decisions must be made not just upon
the physical status of a particular soldier, but also upon
his or her personal attributes. You are given a number of
scenarios from which to choose, however, your objective is
to successfully complete each one. You may need to obtain
the release of hostages, or capture an entire area or base,
or capture a particular piece of equipment.
=*= Battlemorph (CD) =*=
One of the most realistic 3D shooter/explorer games to date,
Battlemorph picks up where Cybermorph left off. This sequel
will have more unique worlds, more elaborate missions, and
both underwater regions and underground tunnels to explore.
Players can use the various formations of the war Griffon to
battle into enemy territory, using fighter, tank, and
amphibious forms to gain the edge over enemies.
=*= Fight for Life (cart) =*=
This 3D fighting game is set in hell, with each character
striving for the ultimate prize: the chance to gain
redemption and live again. Players choose one fighter from
among eight different characters. They then battle the
remaining characters one-by-one and proceed to the final
showdown with the end boss. As they defeat each opponent,
players can select up to two of each character's five
special moves, in effect creating their own truly unique
fighting character.
=*= Space War 2000 (cart) =*=
As a space knight, gamers vie for glory, honor, fame and
fortune in this first-person perspective 3D adventure. With
the proceeds from each successful intergalactic joust,
players can procure multiple weapons to defeat the enemy and
have their name cast for eternity in "The High Score Table".
=*= Ultra Vortex (cart) =*=
Players become one of ten eye-popping, bone-crunching
warriors of the underground who battle it out in
mind-bending arenas carved from the living rock, with one
goal in mind: Defeat the dreaded Guardian of the Vortex.
This game features a "lock-out" code to limit violence
within gameplay.
=*= Creature Shock (CD) =*=
The remains of the SS Amazon, a space-drifting ship
abandoned in 2023, is the setting for this fully rendered 3D
animation Sci-Fi / Adventure game. In the hopes of finding a
new home for the dying planet Earth, players must kill the
deadly, crawling creatures which have inhabited the ship,
before the creatures literally slash and burn them first.
Created by Argonaut, designers of Nintendo's Special FX(tm)
=*= Demolition Man (CD) =*=
Based on the movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley
Snipes, this title features several different types of
gameplay including shooting, car chasing, tunnel hunting,
and hand-to-hand combat. Players will actually control
cinematic-quality live action footage of Stallone as
Demolition Man in this game, which smoothly merges movie and
video footage. Includes footage of Stallone and Snipes
filmed specially for this interactive adventure.
=*= Black ICE \ White Noise (CD) =*=
No Respite. No Rails. No Rules.
In Black ICE \ White Noise players take the role of a
street-level cyberpunk in the urban blightscape of New San
Francisco, walking a barbed wire tightrope between the cysta
line informational world of C-Space and the grimy reality of
The Street and The Meat. Gameplay features include
point-of-view C-Space hacking, full-motion video encounters,
and digitized video sprites of gangs, crazies, cops,
Corps... and corpses.
Play a good guy who fights the good fight...or a bad girl
who left her heart in San Francisco a long time ago.
Ooops--your mission went bad and you just blew away a cop.
Now here come allllll his friends. Make a note: Better do
some creative hacking on that lengthy police record of
yours, after you get out of this alive.
If you get out of this alive...
=*= Defender 2000 (cart) =*=
This arcade classic (from the creator of Tempest 2000 for
the Jaguar) will feature autofire for the basic laser; loads
of enemies; additional weapons; bonus rounds; a graphically
enhanced ship and enemies; spectacular explosions; scrolling
and warping backdrops; up to four modes of play (including
"CPU assist"); and, of course, great music.
=*= Thea Realm Fighters (CD) =*=
As one of 12 digitized fighters, you must defeat all the
others before facing SurRaider, a powerful warrior from
another dimension. Four or more special moves and two
"killer" moves will help you win your battles against hidden
SubBosses and 5 secret characters. Defeat up to 21
characters in a single game or SurRaider will conquer the
planet and add Earth to his vast empire.
=*= Brett Hull Hockey (cart) =*=
This 3D game offers the player two different perspectives
and features a camera which zooms in and out and moves in
all directions to keep up with the fast paced action. The
power, colors, and speed of the Jaguar and texture mapping
will give the gamer a true 3D experience.
=*= Max Force (CD) =*=
This game takes place at the Max Force Virtual Training
Facility where you must be smart, quick, and accurate with
over a dozen Nerf weapons in order to become a member of the
elite Max Force Team. While shooting enemies and targets,
collect all four pieces of the Max Force medallion and
destroy the boss in each level. Three dimensional artwork
and first-person perspective with action taking place in a
Virtual Reality Simulator guarantee lots of Nerf fun where no
one gets hurt.
# # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a
registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products
may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty
years. Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made,
advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is
located in Sunnyvale, CA.
Date: 02 Jun 95 00:25:22 EDT
Contact: John Marcotte, Publisher
Jaguar's Edge Magazine
Editorial or Advertising
SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 27, 1995 -- Less than two weeks
after the announcement of the world's only gaming magazine
devoted to the Atari Jaguar, "The Jaguar's Edge" named its'
editorial staff today. "I am proud to introduce an
experienced editorial staff that will make our magazine the
leader in Jaguar news and information," said John Marcotte,
publisher and managing editor of "The Jaguar's Edge".
Assuming the position of news editor, will be Travis Guy.
Atari fans will recognize Mr. Guy as current editor of
"Atari Explorer Online", and a leader in the world of Atari
publishing for over a decade. Using his extensive industry
connections, Mr. Guy will keep readers informed of
important news and events that impact the Jaguar
Taking on the role of features editor is Pat Solomon. Mr.
Solomon is currently developing a computer column for the
"Des Moines Register", and was the managing editor of the
alternative newspaper, "The Pundit". Under his direction,
readers can look forward to in-depth interviews with
developers and Atari personnel, strategy guides to their
favorite games, and much more!
Retaining his position as managing editor is John Marcotte.
Mr. Marcotte was the editor of "The Catalyst", and
currently writes freelance for various publications. "I am
excited to work with two professionals like Travis and
Pat," said Mr. Marcotte. "I know that with their help we
will achieve our goal of being the number one source for
Jaguar news and information."
"The Jaguar's Edge" will premiere as a bi-monthly
publication in July. The first issues will be 32 pages and
printed on high-gloss stock. Distribution will be direct to
paid subscribers through the mail. By special arrangement
select Atari Dealers will have copies as soon as they are
rolled off the presses.
Early subscribers of _The Jaguar's Edge_ will find a $20
discount coupon on Telegames' "Brutal Sports Football" or
"International Sensible Soccer" as a bonus. A one year
subscription is just $15.
For more information, contact the publisher through the
internet: <> or call 916/954-0468.
Atari and Jaguar are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Atari Corporation. Other trademarks are owned by their
respective companies.
Date: 16 May 95 02:06:56 EDT
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Tom Tanno
Dorf & Stanton Communications
SUNNYVALE, CA (May 11, 1995) -- Atari continues to provide new
gaming options for owners of its 64-bit Jaguar Interactive
Entertainment System. Key products to enhance the Jaguar play
experience hit the marketplace in 1995, with many more to come.
"Since Jaguar has already made the leap to 64-bit technology, we can
now focus on providing even more value to consumers by expanding the
system with new and innovative peripherals," says Sam Tramiel, CEO
of Atari Corporation.
One of the Jaguar extras is the much anticipated multimedia compact
disc (CD) player. Priced at approximately $150, the Jaguar CD player
attaches to the top of the Jaguar console. The Jaguar CD plays many
new CD games, including "Battlemorph", "Highlander", "Blue
Lightning", "Demolition Man", "Myst", and "Creature Shock" in
addition to playing standard audio disks. The Jaguar CD player
provides 790 megabytes of raw data storage, allowing video game
programmers to incorporate more complex digitized images,
full-motion video sequences and high-quality audio soundtracks. This
powerful double-speed CD player also provides fast access speed for
smoother game play, and its massive data capacity gives users better
graphic detail, expanded plot lines and more characters for an
overall enhanced video game experience. Additionally, built into the
unit is the "Virtual Light Machine(tm)", which creates and displays
81 different light patterns on the video screen in response to music
played through the system.
Mr. Tramiel says about the system, "The combination of the most
advanced technology, sophisticated software and affordable consumer
pricing sets Jaguar apart from all competitors." Target ship date
for the CD player is August, 1995.
For around $30, Jaguar owners can take advantage of the Jag
Link(tm), which allows users to play competitively side-by-side. The
Jag Link enables users to connect two Jaguar systems for
simultaneous game playing up to 100 feet apart. The Jag Link uses
standard RJ11 phone line cable for linking two Jaguar systems.
Team Tap(tm) is a new peripheral that for around $25 enables
competitive, simultaneous play for up to four players on one Jaguar.
The peripheral, which debuts with the new title "White Men Can't
Jump", provides players with a two-on-two playground simulation
experience. With two Jaguar systems and Team Tap, the competitive
play can be expanded up to eight players.
In addition, the Jaguar Voice/Data Communicator gives players the
ability to link up over the phone. Developed by fax-modem-voice
technology experts, Phylon Communications, the new technology
permits two players to compete using a phone connection. Players can
speak with each other during game play through the use of a headset.
With the utilization of a "call waiting" feature, players can also
pause a game to answer a phone call.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years.
Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit
entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale CA.
Date: 16 May 95 02:07:10 EDT
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Tom Tanno
Dorf & Stanton Communications
SUNNYVALE, CA (May 1, 1995) -- Atari Corporation has powered up its
senior management team with the addition of top industry veterans
Dean Fox and Jon Correll. Mr. Fox comes on board as Senior Vice
President of Marketing and Correll as Vice President of Software
Product Development.
"The formidable skills and experience of Dean Fox and Jon Correll
will provide Atari with a focused marketing plan and the development
of the highest quality software for the consumer, taking full
advantage of Jaguar's capability including 60 FPS, 16 million colors
and 64 Bit Processing, " Sam Tramiel, CEO, Atari Corporation said in
making the announcement.
Prior to joining Atari Corporation, Correll held the position of
Manager of Development Administration for Sega of America. At Sega,
Correll implemented and negotiated development contracts and
produced the first CD titles for Sega Corporation including "Night
Correll began his career in the software and gaming industry as
Manager of Product Development for Accolade in 1986. While at
Accolade, Correll produced some of the company's most popular games
including "Test Drive" and "Mean 18 Golf". Correll went on to
consult various Silicon Valley companies including EPYX and worked
as Director of Product Development for Three-Sixty.
Before joining Atari, Mr. Fox founded, staffed, and led the
marketing group for Rocket Science Games. Prior to RSG, Fox directed
the launch for Sega CD and led ongoing strategic marketing, product
concept and distribution consultation for several CD-ROM multimedia
entertainment publishers.
In his marketing and advertising tenure, Fox contributed to the
introductions of many consumer products, including Sony Betamax and
JVC VHS Videocassette recorders, Sharp laptop computers, and Sega CD
multimedia game systems.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years.
Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit
entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale CA.
Date: 16 May 95 02:07:26 EDT
Contact: August J. Liguori
(408) 745-2069
(408) 745-2173
May 16, 1995
For Immediate Release
Sunnyvale, CA-- Atari Corporation (ASE:ATC) today reported its
financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 1995.
Net sales for the first quarter of 1995 were $4.9 million as
compared to $8.2 million for the first quarter of 1994. Late in the
first quarter, the Company lowered the wholesale price of the Jaguar
64-bit multimedia entertainment system to allow for a $159 retail
price. As a result of the low sales volume and continued investment
in marketing activities during 1995, the Company incurred a net loss
of $4.4 million for the first quarter of 1995 as compared to a net
loss of $0.9 million for the same quarter of 1994. The first
quarter of 1994 was favorably impacted by the settlement of patent
litigation in the amount of $2.2 million.
Commenting on the results, Sam Tramiel, CEO, said "The Jaguar price
change was made possible due to technology advances and near term
cost savings. We have positioned the 64- bit Jaguar as new advanced
technology with great software, at an affordable price. With a
retail price of $159 or less, the 64-bit Jaguar is in a good
position to be the upgrade choice for the present 16-bit game
owners. We are focused on developing software for the Jaguar and
preparing for the upcoming fall selling season."
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years.
Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-bit
entertainment system. Atari is headquartered at 1196 Borregas
Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94089.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share)
Quarter Ended
Mar 31, Mar 31,
1995 1994
-------- --------
Net Sales $4,874 $8,156
======== ========
Operating Income (loss) $(5,158) (3,372)
Exchange Gain (loss) 5 272
Other Income (Expense) Net 355 2,392 (a)
Interest Income Net of Interest (Expense) 372 (219)
-------- --------
Income (loss) Before Income Taxes $(4,426) (927)
-------- --------
Net Income (loss) $(4,426) $ (927)
======== ========
Earnings Per Common and Equivalent Share:
Net Income (loss) $ (0.07) $ (0.02)
======== ========
Weighted Average number of shares used
in computation 63,701 57,219
(a) Includes settlement of litigation.
Date: 16 May 95 02:06:39 EDT
CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Tom Tanno
Dorf & Stanton Communications
SUNNYVALE, CA (May 11, 1995) -- Atari Corporation announces that
there will be nearly 100 titles for its 64-bit Jaguar entertainment
system by the end of the year. "We will have every kind of game that
players want, from the best developers and publishers in the world."
comments Atari President Sam Tramiel.
Based on the popularity of "Tempest 2000", Atari is launching a
complete line of classic games, including "Dactyl Joust" and
"Defender 2000", and "Missile Command VR" for the Jaguar VR.
"Defender 2000" is being developed with three distinct play modes
for the Jaguar by Jeff Minter, developer of "Tempest 2000". In
addition, Atari will publish classic games for the PC at the end of
the year, beginning with "Tempest 2000". Other new release titles
include "Primal Rage" from Time Warner Interactive, the "Highlander"
RPG series, "Fight for Life" and "NBA Jam Tournament Edition".
The featured titles at Atari Corporation's E3 booth in Los Angeles
are "TRF", "Rayman", "White Men Can't Jump" and "Ultra Vortex".
TRF: TRF combines the latest motion capture technology and
nationally known martial arts fighters in a wide variety of
combat scenarios. Featured fighters include Ho Sung Pak, Dr.
Philip Ahn, Katalin Zamiar and Daniel Pesina; who were all
featured in the "Mortal Kombat" games.
RAYMAN: Rayman lives in a fantasy land beyond the reaches of our
universe. Rayman must restore peace and harmony to his world
by defeating the evil Mr. Black and retrieve the stolen
Great Proton.
WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP: Trash talk runs rampant in this
"in-your-face", two-on-two blacktop basketball
shootout. Automatic camera control zooms in
and swings around to catch all the action.
ULTRA VORTEX: Players become one of the ten eye-popping, bone
crunching warriors of the underground who battle it
out in mind-bending arenas carved out of living rock.
They have one goal in mind: Defeat the dreaded
Guardian of the Vortex.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years.
Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit
entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale CA.
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products may be trademarks of
their owning companies.
Primal Rage(tm) and all related elements are property of Time
Warner Interactive(tm).
Rayman(tm) is a trademark of UBI Soft.
Ultra Vortex(tm) is a trademark of Beyond Games, Inc.
Date: 16 May 95 02:06:27 EDT
CONTACT: for Atari Corporation
Jessica Nagel
Dorf & Stanton Communications
for Virtuality U.S.
Allison Ellis
Edelman Public Relations
Helen Horner/Ben Vaughan
Virtuality Group plc
Affordable 64-bit Jaguar VR sets industry standards; available by
end of year.
LOS ANGELES (May 11, 1995) -- The Jaguar VR, the world's first fully
immersive virtual reality game system for the consumer market, was
unveiled today at E3. It is being developed jointly by Atari
Corporation, developer of the world's first 64-bit game system, and
VIRTUALITY Group plc, the global market leader in VR systems.
The Jaguar VR incorporates VIRTUALITY's revolutionary new VR
head-mounted display (HMD) and optional track joystick, offering
unequaled display, audio, and tracking features. Atari's Jaguar VR
sets an impressive industry standard for home virtual reality
systems and has been designed with the highest international health
and safety regulations in mind.
According to Sam Tramiel, President of Atari, "There is not one
consumer VR product that can compete with the Jaguar in terms of
price, performance and quality. The Jaguar VR has been designed with
human factors in mind and sets the standard for the industry to
follow. We are committed to delivering great experiences and
The proprietary, ergonomic HMD weighs less than 1 pound and easily
adjusts to comfortably fit users, with or without glasses. It
features a custom-designed optical pupil projection system and a
full-color active matrix LCD screen. In addition, the HMD's 3D
spatialized sound system has been enhanced by placing speakers at
the player's temple, with sound projected back to the ears allowing
for peripheral hearing. A built-in microphone allows networked
players to talk to each other.
A docking station, which links the Atari Jaguar system to the HMD
and joystick, houses the technologically advanced "V-Trak" infrared
tracking. This is the fastest tracker ever developed for consumer
application, reacting to real-time head and hand movements with no
perceptible lag time in the virtual world.
In addition, Jaguar VR is designed to be used only when a player is
sitting with the unit stationary on a flat surface. If a player
attempts to walk around while immersed in the game, an automatic
cutoff will be triggered.
Players who own an Atari Jaguar will be able to to upgrade by
plugging Jaguar VR into their existing system. The Jaguar VR has a
targeted retail price of $300.
Jaguar VR Software Development
Through a software licensing agreement, VIRTUALITY is developing
immersive virtual reality games for the Atari Jaguar VR. Atari's
classic home and arcade hit "Missile Command" is being recreated in
VR format by VIRTUALITY and will be available by the end of the
year. In addition, the popular VIRTUALITY arcade title "Zone
Hunter" will also be available for Jaguar VR with the system
introduction. Discussions are also underway with a number of
third-party developers for the creation of future games that take
advantage of this unique technology to create new experiences.
"The combination of Jaguar's 64-bit graphics processing power and
our IVR technology has produced a phenomenal, fully integrated VR
consumer product which has no competition, " said Jon Waldern, CEO
of VIRTUALITY Group plc. "This system expands the boundaries of the
in-home interactive games market and sets a new standard for others
to try to achieve.
Founded in 1987 in Leicester, England, VIRTUALITY Group plc. is the
world's leader in immersive virtual reality entertainment systems
worth more than 80 percent global market share. VIRTUALITY
Entertainment, Inc. headquartered in Irving, Texas, was established
in 1993 as the U.S.-based subsidiary to oversee all North American
operations, sales, market development and distribution for its
parent company.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years.
Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit
entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale CA.
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8-Bit Computers Support Area
Michael Current
This month's CAIN Newsletter brings you a whopping 13 news announcements from
various 8-bit Atari vendors and developers, plus more!
8-Bit News features:
#1: MAE 0.95 at umich!
The new Macro Assembler/Editor from John Harris
#2: PC Xformer 4.0 !
More improvements planned for the popular Atari emulator from Branch Always
A Fine Tooned Engineering update
#4: Current Notes Changing Hands
CN magazine lives!
#5: PC XFORMER and GEMULATOR info on the Web
Branch Always unveils a new home page
#6: Current Notes Continues
8-Bit Editor Rick Reaser spells it out
#7: NEW: Atari 800 emulator for Unix et al.
A new freeware emulator from David Firth
#8: ST Xformer 3.0 with source code
Branch Always Software discusses the art of writing emulators
#9: Atari 8-bit Support From Richard Gore
The vendor/developer based in the U.K.
#10: FTe`s status
Settling down in Arizona
#11: Atari 800 emulator for Unix
David Firth keeps at it!
#12: FlickerTerm 80 v0.51
Improvements to the top-notch terminal emulator by Clay Halliwell
* #13: User Group/BBS Survey '95 *
* Rick Detlefsen needs YOU!! *
8-Bit Feature Article:
Sparta Compatibility Problems, by John Picken
Writing software with maximum compatibility in mind
Eat it up!
8-Bit News #1
Date: 3 May 1995 00:42:09 GMT
From: (Fredrik Lundholm)
Subject: MAE 0.95 at umich!
Hello everyone!
With permission from John Harris I put mae_95.arc at umich archives!
This is John's Macro Assembler/Editor v 0.95.
Below is a list of updates from previous versions.
Please do not distribute modified Archives!
For those of you that still are confused about what MAE is,
download and try it now!
Note! This is the 8-bit version, the 16-bit, twice as fast version is
included with Sweet16 by Fte.
Fredrik Lundholm
PS. Any questions about MAE should probably be directed towards
John himself at: DS.
- New since version .93 -
This will be the last version of the assembler that will run in 64K
of memory. Because the symbol table takes up half of the bank select
RAM area, there is just not enough room to fit the monitor into
banked RAM, or add the improvements I would like to do to the editor
and assembler modules. Thus, future versions will be using two banks
of XE bank select memory, and it will no longer be possible to make
do with a 64K machine.
When recording key macros in the editor, you must now use Ctrl-3 to
end recording, instead of Esc. This allows Esc menu commands to be
entered into macros, primarily to support a chain of assemble
commands when your program contains several modules. The next
version of the assembler should allow loading and saving macros to
disk, which will further enhance the macro usefulness.
Hunt routine in the monitor now automatically skips over the area
from $D000-$D7FF. So you can search the OS using $C000-$FFFF and
not generate any hardware accesses.
Hunt and Memory display routines would not always stop when the
address reached $FFFF. This has been fixed.
I removed the automatic OS routine detection from the trace function.
Now, you must use the S key to trace through OS functions in one
step, just like any other subroutine. You can also use the R key if
you are already within the OS code. The reason for doing this, is
that it makes things more consistant, and also allows you to trace
code in the $C000-$FFFF area if you need to.
Pseudo-ops are now available in the debugger's single line assembler.
The debugger now includes a built-in function for switching between
display lists for the debugging text screen, and your program's
screen. It uses the letter "V", for change View. Both V and the
"U" user function can be called from both the trace mode, as well
as any paused memory or disassembly listing.
The "%" key did not work as a wildcard in the debugger, since it
was interpretted as the start of a binary number. I have changed
the default wildcard to "?" in both the debugger and editor. This
propagated through a few of the debugger command key assignments,
along with a few other changes as well. Overall, I feel the key
assignments have been improved, and they won't be changed from now
on. Here is a sumnmary of the changes:
? - Change Wildcard
= - Evaluate expression
V - Change display view
\ - Disk Directory
The editor uses the same wildcard configuration byte as the
debugger. You can use the debugger's "?" command, or a Cntl-?
in the editor to change the wildcard character. Both modules
will use the new assignment.
1200XL function keys are now supported for moving the cursor.
You may enter Ctrl-key graphic symbols or international characters
into the editor by pressing Ctrl-A, and then the key you wish to
Now uses an improved method for detecting the default drive when
first loaded. This should be compatible with all SpartaDOS
versions, and cause no problems for non-Sparta DOSes. It also
allows you to specify a different default drive from the command
line, such as, "MAE D2:". If a drive is not specified, the
default drive will be where the MAE program was loaded from.
Note that this is slightly different from the previous behavior.
If D1:
is the current drive, and you type "D2:MAE", this version
will set the default drive to D2:. The previous versions would
set the default drive to D1:, being the drive Sparta was logged
on to.
The MAE.COM file now comes with a RUNAD address installed. The
SpartaDOS bug that prevented using the RUN command to return to
a program which used RUNAD has been fixed in 3.2g and later, so
I have decided to include RUNAD in the file now.
Fixed a stack corruption problem when disk I/O errors occurred
during assembly with a .IN include file.
Improved documentation.
- New since version .92 -
The editor's label search using either the ^L or ^J commands has been
made a bit cleaner. Searching for a label "TEST" used to stop if it
found a label "TESTING", since "TEST" is a part of it. The search will
now find the unique label. Also, the ^J JSR function will operate
correctly on lines such as "LDA LABEL+1", and will take you to where
"LABEL" is defined. Previously, things such as "+1" or ",X" used to
confuse the editor about where the label name ended.
An example macro file is now included.
Note that version 1.0 of the asembler is going to use two banks of XE
banked memory. I received some good suggestions that I want to implement,
plus moving the monitor into banked memory will use up too much space in
a single bank, leaving insufficient space for the symbol table. I hope
this does not inconvenience anyone, but it is the best way to ensure the
largest amount of main system RAM will be available to the user, without
making any compromises.
- New since version .9 -
A long standing bug which could trash the Esc menu has been fixed.
The TAB compression could sometimes mess up .BY statements with ASCII
The debugger is now ZP clean, so all of ZP is available for the user.
You can look at RAM under the OS, by setting the bit in $D301, as long
as you are using SpartaDOS or some method of handling interrupts when
the OS is disabled. Previously, this used to crash the debugger, which
uses the E: OS routines for text output.
A faster version of the Hyper_E screen accelerator is included.
- New since version .8 -
Several intermediate versions were released, from .81 to .84. Depending
upon which version you had, some or all of these changes may already have
been in place.
Fixed problems in the startup code, that could cause crashes either
starting the assembler, or returning to it from DOS.
The debugger crashed when giving an address in the I command.
The RTI instruction was not traced correctly in the debugger. This bug has
been here for almost 10 years! I guess in all that time, I never had an
occasion to trace through an RTI.
Fixed problems with extra CR's in the assembly listing. Note that the only
way to send assembly listings to the printer right now, is by using I/O
redirection through DOS, or you can use the 'O P:' command from the monitor.
I'll provide an option in the Esc Menu in the future.
The editor functions for label searching, and 'JSR', did not work when the
source was entered in lower case.
Raw files loaded with the .BI command were not handled properly when
assembling to disk.
Documentation for the SET directive was incorrect. The correct usage is:
SET label = expression
8-Bit News #2
Date: 4 May 1995 17:13:15 GMT
From: (Byron Followell)
Subject: PC Xformer 4.0 !
Hello all,
I just received the new newsletter from Branch Always Software. Not
only are they working on GEMulator 4.0, but they are also working on PC
Xformer 4.0 and shooting for a summer release! It is a 130XE emulator
similar to v.3.0 but it is said to be even more compaitible (sp?). It
will be a Windows based program, so it will work with almost any sound
card and, as with v.3.0, it will support pc printers, modems and
joysticks. No pricing as of yet.
I also received a disk from them that had the GEMulator 4.0 preview
program and a copy of PC Xformer 2.52, an updated version of their
freeware preview program. If any of you are interested in that, let me
know what site you would like it uploaded to and i'll make sure it gets
there in a couple of days. One site i'll definitely send it to is James
King's site at
- Byron Followell
8-Bit News #3
Date: Sun, 7 May 95 00:58:48 -0500
From: F Tooned <>
Subject: FTe has MOVED TO ARIZONA.
Hi Everyone!
Well, the past few weeks have been interesting to say the least.
Some last minute decisions have had to be made, with the result being that
Fine Tooned Engineering HAS MOVED TO ARIZONA. Just when things were starting
to settle in and get organized... Moving can be traumatic enough, but moving
a business is even worse! (believe me)
Things are running behind schedule again, and as soon as I can get
unpacked and set up again, I'll be able to post more info and release dates.
The "new" address is
Fine Tooned Engineering
PO Box 31270
Mesa, AZ 85275
If you've mailed something to the old address, don't worry. That
box will still be active for a short period of time. The mail will take a
little bit longer to get here though...
(On the brighter side of things, FTe probably won't be moving again
for a while. <grin>) Thanks, Mike
8-Bit News #4
Date: 17 May 1995 08:30:23 -0500
From: REASERRL@POST2.LAAFB.AF.MIL (Reaser, Richard L., LtCol CFR)
Subject: Current Notes Changing Hands
Joe Waters has given me permission to release the following information:
Current Notes is changing hands. The May/June '95 issue will be the last
published by Joe Waters, who has been at the helm for about 11 years. That
issue is at the printers and will be mailed shortly. Subscribers should
have it in a week or so. There was a two week delay do to transition
activities and Joe's hurt arm. (He couldn't type for awhile.)
Details on all this will be contained in Joe's editorial, which I haven't
read yet.
The new owners are Canadian.
I plan to help in anyway possible during the transition to the new owners.
(I'm still collecting and editing 8-bit articles.) I do plan to step down
after the transition so some new blood can be infused into the operation.
I've been at this for three years myself.
By the way, the May/June issue of Current Notes has a ton of 8-bit articles.
More to follow as events unfold.
Rick Reaser
8-Bit News #5
Date: 19 May 1995 16:30:12 GMT
From: (Darek Mihocka)
Subject: PC XFORMER and GEMULATOR info on the Web
Branch Always Software is now on the World Wide Web. You can access our
home page at "". You can connect now and
immediately download the latest freeware version of PC Xformer, the
Atari 800XL emulator for MS-DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Warp.
Within a few days we will also have the PC Xformer 3.0a and Gemulator 4.0
product announcements posted, along with screen dumps of the new
Gemulator 4.0 Mega STE emulator for Windows and OS/2 Warp, and a
complete list of Atari dealers who sell Gemulator and PC Xformer.
If you only have news access but not web access, you can still email
us and we'll mail you our free product brochure which contains all
of that information. Just send us your postal mailing address if you
would like it mailed to you, or your fax number if you want the
information faxed to you directly. Our email addresses are:
America Online: BRASOFT
Compuserve: 73657,2714
Microsoft Network: BRASOFT
- Darek
8-Bit News #6
Date: 29 May 1995 22:15:29 -0500
From: REASERRL@POST2.LAAFB.AF.MIL (Reaser, Richard L., LtCol CFR)
Subject: Current Notes Continues
Many of you have received the May/June issue of Current Notes. In his
editorial, Joe Waters announced that Howard Carson (in Canada) as the leader
of the group that is taking over ownership of the magazine. Many of you are
familiar Howard through the Toronto Atari Federation (TAF) ACE '95 event as
well as his column in Current Notes. Howard also recently purchased an
8-bit machine has been active on the FidoNet 8-bit echo on that front.
I am still collecting articles for Current Notes and will turn them over to
the new crew when they get settled. I do plan to step down as the 8-bit
editor after I assist in the transition.
The May/June issue is packed with 8-bit stuff. (There are a number of other
fine pieces by Dave Troy and Dave Small as well.) Here's the run down:
8-bit Tidbits - Rick Reaser (my column)
Tips for Using Fast Fingers - Tom Andrews
IceT - Kent Johnson
FlickerTerm - David Paterson
QWK8: Offline Messaging for the 8-bit - Robert Stout
Constraints Improve Art - Joe Walsh
The Swift Report: Another Look - Joseph Hicswa
The Search for a Graphics Processor - Tom Andrews
I didn't mention Tom's second article in my column, since I got it after I'd
turned in my column. There are probably several confusing things in the
magazine, since things were all written at different times (like Troy's,
Carson's and my pieces). Joe's editorial was written last so it is the most
Rick Reaser
8-Bit News #7
Date: 31 May 1995 00:14:22 +0100
From: David Firth <>
Subject: NEW: Atari 800 emulator for Unix et al.
If anyone would like a copy of this program or can suggest a suitable
ftp site please E-mail me or post a followup message. Its supplied
in a 30K tar.gz file. ROM images should be obtained from the XF25
The README file follows:-
Atari 800 Emulator for Unix et al, Version 0.1
Copyright (C) 1995 David Firth. E-Mail:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This is the first release of my Atari 800 emulator for Unix (consider
it an early Alpha). My main objective is to create a portable freely
distributable emulator (i.e. with source code available). It can be
configured either as text only or using X-Windows.
The text only mode is only useful for running programs such as MAC65,
Atari Basic etc. I have had this version running on Linux, SunOS 4.1.3,
Solaris 2.4, VAX/VMS, CBM Amiga (Dice C) and the HP-UX 9000/380.
The X-Windows version supports graphics but runs *very* slowly. This
appears to be beacuase of the refresh rate that I am achieving through
I create a window of 384 pixels by 240 pixels which is enough
overscan graphics. I also create an Image of the same size.
The Image is built up scanline by scanline by calling the
X-Windows PutPixel function. When the Image is complete the
X-Windows PutImage function is called to move the Image onto
the window. I tried writting directly to the Window but that
appeared to be even worse.
If anyone has any suggestions as how to improve the refresh
rate please forward them to
I used to have support for SVGALIB in Linux but removed it when I increased
the resolution for overscan modes. Thinking about it, I could have just
copied the base 320x192 pixels onto the screen - I'll probably put it
back in.
Why have I written this emulator instead of using PC Xformer?
A few years ago (85/86) I wrote a small 'test' compiler for the Atari 800
computer (It was never released commercially but has had a commercial
game written in it - Enigmatix released by Page 6). For historical reason
I would always like to be able to keep a usable copy of my first compiler.
This was not possible using PC Xformer since it only runs on MS-DOS and
without access to the source code have no chance of porting it to
future computers. This emulator originally had a text only interface
which is all I needed, but as so often happens one gets carried away :-)
PS. If anyone is intrested in the compiler I can make that available
as well.
48K/52K Atari 400/800 emulation (optional RAM between 0xc000 and 0xcfff)
Slow and Slow modes of operation :-(
Should run on any Unix computer running X-Windows.
Display List Interrupts.
Vertical Blank Interrupts.
All Antic Display modes.
Player Missile Graphics with collision detection.
Character vertical reflect, invert and blank.
Files can be stored directly on your host computer via the H: device.
(H: replaces the C: device which serves no useful purpose)
Reads XFD disk files.
PIL modes - allows memory between 0x8000 and 0xbfff to be toggled
between RAM and ROM.
Bugs / Known Problems
A lot of colours have the wrong RGB values. Contact me if you know a
way of converting the Atari colours into RGB values. I am using a
lookup table but a lot are just set to cyan (R=0x00, G=0xff, B=0xff).
A few programs cause the emulator to enter its built in debugger. The
reason for this is unknown at the moment.
Future Atari 800 Enhancements
Hardware scrolling - pointless until the screen refresh rate is improved.
GTIA graphics support for ANTIC modes.
Atari 800XL/XE emulation.
Printer support (Print to file + spool on close).
Disk swapping
Specify cartridge to load.
Paged memory using PORTB.
It may be possible to add support for Super Cartridges - The only
problems are :-
1. I don't have any.
2. I don't know the how the banks are selected. I assume that
it would be by writing to an appropriate bank selection
address. If so, it could be easily emulated with additions
to the GetByte and PutByte functions.
David Firth <>
8-Bit News #8
Subject: ST Xformer 3.0 with source code
From: Darek Mihocka,
Date: 6 Jun 1995 20:35:22 GMT
With the increasing use of my PC Xformer 2.52 and 3.0 emulators of late, there
seems to be a corresponding increase in the number of questions I get and
postings I see in comp.sys.atari.8bit from people asking about ST
Xformer and other Atari 8-bit emulators. ST Xformer was a shareware
Atari 8-bit emulator I developed back in 1986 through 1989 and have
since made public domain. Although I released the source code to ST
Xformer several times (once in 1987 in ST LOG magazine and again in 1989
via online services) it seems that most people are unaware of the fact
the source code has been available for 8 years (including a "how to
write an 8-bit emulator" article that I wrote in ST LOG). As such, a
number of budding emulator writers have been re-inventing the wheel
trying to write their own emulators and failing or producing miserably
slow versions that are just unusable.
Also, quite a number of people have been asking about a version of ST
Xformer for the 68030 to use on TTs and Falcon. The story on that is
this: back in 1991 I had a TT and I did make modifications to ST Xformer
that allowed it to run on the TT. However, the ST Xformer consists of
mostly highly optimized 68000 code which isn't very well optimized for
the 68030 (when you optimize for one you "unoptimize" for the other) and
so the actual execution speed of "TT Xformer" on a TT was no better than
regular ST Xformer on a 16 Mhz ST - roughly the normal speed of an Atari
800. As such I abandoned that idea. Since then quite a number more TTs
and now the Falcons have been sold, and there is increasing interest to
port ST Xformer to the 68030, which in turn would also permit someone
to easily port it to the Macintosh. There is one idiot running around
right now claiming to be developing an 8-bit emulator for the Mac, but
after exchanging some email with the guy it's clear that he has no clue
what he's doing.
Now, I have no plans to buy a TT or Falcon again to develop a 68030
based Xformer, and my Mac at home is only 68020 based. I also don't like
to see people re-inventing the wheel, botching it, and giving emulators
a bad name as a result. PC Xformer 3.0 is proof that not only can you
write a basic 6502 emulator (as many people have done) but you can also
make it emulate the complex graphics hardware of an Atari 130XE and
display those graphics in real time.
So it is perfectly plausible to write an Atari 130XE emulator for a TT
or Falcon or Macintosh and have it run Atari 130XE programs at full
speed with graphics support. ST Xformer does about 70% of the work
(remember, it's 6 to 9 year old code!) and someone needs to do the
remaining 30% to add 68030 support and improve the video support.
I also want to see some common disk format being used by all these
emulators. Right now there seem to be 3 formats in use: the XFD format
used by ST Xformer and PC Xformer, the ATR format used by PC Xformer and
the SIO2PC cable, and the DCM format used by 8-bit BBSs. If possible I
would like to standardize on one of these formats and have it be used by
everybody - real 8-bit users, ST/TT/Falcon Xformer users, PC Xformer
users, Mac Xformer users, and whatever else comes along. I don't want to
see more and more emulators pop up, each trying to use a different disk
format. That doesn't help anybody. The Atari market is small, the Atari
emulator market is even smaller, and if everybody could settle on a
common method of transferring files it would help everybody, including
my users of PC Xformer. Yes, I have selfish reasons. <grin>
So here is what I have decided to do. I will re-release the ST Xformer
source code this weekend. It is ST Xformer 3.0 source code, which is
almost identical to ST Xformer 2.55 source code released in 1989 except
that it has bug fixes to some common bugs (such as the "font doesn't
look right the first time you boot" bug).
All you budding emulators writers out there are free to take the code
and port it to a TT or Falcon or Mac or any other 680x0 based machine.
Use me as a reference. I will answer any questions you might have about
the code, help you get around the 68030 problem, help you understand the
workings of the Xformer Cable should you plan to support that, and any
other such question. The only catches are: I will not write any code for
you, I will not supply you with any PC Xformer code (sorry), and
anything you develop and release to the public CAN'T BE CRAP!
If you are such a budding emulator writer, send me email at and we'll talk some more. Everyone else, you can
download a copy of ST Xformer 3.0 and source code from the Branch Always
Software web page at Again, I will post
it in a few days so it may not be up when you read this.
- Darek
Darek Mihocka,
c/o Branch Always Software, 14150 N.E. 20th St. #302, Bellevue, WA 98007
phone:206-236-0540 fax:206-236-0257 Compuserve:73657,2714 AOL:brasoft
8-Bit News #9
Date: 9 Jun 1995 10:10:07 -0500
Subject: Atari 8-bit Support From Richard Gore
ARENA XL/XE 64K Disk only PRICE: #5 ($10)
----- The full 50 level version of the excellent puzzle game that
was a demo bonus on Page 6's issue 66 disk. You must guide
a set number of balls to the exit by strategically positioning pieces
of wall. Good graphics and very addictive.
BUBBLE ZONE XL/XE 64K Disk only PRICE: #5 ($10)
----------- A fast blast em set on a grid being invaded by expanding
bubbles. Collect the tokens and see how far you can
advance. Original gameplay and top notch graphics make
this a game of high quality.
JAWBREAKER 16K Disk, Tape, Rambit Turbo tape PRICE: #4 ($8)
---------- Classic maze game based on Pac-Man, munch the sweets but
don't forget that important dental hygiene! Two
different mazes are supplied which were originally sold as separate
games for nearly $30 each on release. Double the value and a bargain
price as well.
MOUSEKATTACK 48K Disk, Tape, Rambit Turbo tape PRICE: #4 ($8)
------------ Another classic maze game, but this one involves you
plumbing the levels of Rat Alley. Addictive arcade
action with a simultaneous two player option.
MAZE GAMES OFFER: Buy both Jawbreaker and Mousekattack in one pack
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for the bargain price of #6.95 ($14)!!!!
TUBE BADDIES 64K XL/XE only, disk only PRICE: #4.95 ($11)
------------ Tube Baddies is an arcade, strategy type game. The
Tubular Underworld is being attacked by Tube Baddies,
you must stun these baddies, and then bounce them off the walls into
the collection bucket before the Inspector arrives. The graphics and
sounds are top class and the gameplay is great even if it is hard to
describe. Tube Baddies was to be launched by Atari UK several years
ago, but they changed their mind, but now its available at last!
BLACK LAMP 64K XL/XE only, disk only PRICE: #4.95 ($11)
---------- This is a wondeful gothic arcade platform adventure. As
Jolly Jack the Jester you must collect the Lamps in
order to restore peace to Allegoria. Excellent music and fx and some
of the best graphics ever seen on an 8-bit Atari game couple with good
gameplay and a genuine aim to make this a must for your collection.
SPECIAL LAUNCH OFFER: Buy both Tube Baddies and Black Lamp for only
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #9.50 ($20).
GTRACKER XL/XE 64K Disk only PRICE: #6.50 ($14)
-------- A new sequencer program for Replay (or Parrot) compatible
digitised sound samples. You can construct your own digi-
tunes using your own samples. Supplied with several sample tunes, a
player program, 6 page manual and a free PD demo disk showing just
what can be achieved. Now also supports stereo editing of mono
samples, ie you can play your mono sample on either the left or right
channel or even on both channels simultaneously and switch between
channels at will. Playback via the separate Player program (supplied)
is as you designated when you edited your 'digi-tune'. Of course you
need a suitable upgraded stereo (Gumby compatible) machine to take
advantage of the stereo features. Compatible with mono machines, all
the sounds will come from just the one speaker.
We will also be releasing extra tune data disks in the future as well
as new utilities and a XE version using the extra banked memory.
Updates, where desired, will be available on receipt of your master
disk and for the price of return postage and packing.
SUPER PRINT LAB XE XL/XE 128K Disk only PRICE: #6.95 ($15)
------------------ A new monochrome design and print program
developed for 128k (130XE type memory) users.
Features include the usual arrary of drawing tools as well as programs
to create icons, split a screen, mix 2 screens and a mini database for
creating labels. Printer support is included for Atari 1029, Epson
compatibles and the Atari 1020 in upto 4 colours!! Yorky compatible.
A 256k memory upgrade that simply plugs into the PBI port of your
800XL (or internal 64k 600XL). NO soldering is required. Supplied
ready to plug in and use with all the necessary RAM chips, the manual
and a disk of support software.
PRICE: #50 +p&p (UK #2, EC #3.50, WORLD #5) or $90 complete.
I also have limited stocks of the following commercial software items.
The software items below are brand new, in their original packaging,
with English manual(s) and most are still shrink wrapped. You are
advised to check availability before ordering.
Halley Patrol (disk) #3.00 ($6) Antic educational software.
Summer Games (disk) #5.00 ($10) great olympics sports action.
Solar Star (disk) #5.00 ($10) also known as Sun Star!
ONE ONLY: Gauntlet Deeper Dungeons (disk)- Mindscape version #2 ($4)
-------- Miner 2049er (rom)- no box or docs #2 ($4)
Desert Falcon (rom)- sealed brand new #6 ($14)
Dropzone (disk)- sealed brand new #5 ($10)
These items are offered on a first come first served basis.
E-mail me to reserve anything you might want.
All software prices include postage and packing to UK addresses,
overseas please add #2 per order. Prices in US$ include shipping but
payment must be made in US$ cash (notes only please - no coins).
UK pounds are accepted in cash, cheque (made payable to Richard Gore),
IMO or postal order. From within Europe Eurocheques are acceptable.
Contact address:-
Telephone: (01302) 784642 after 7pm (GMT) weekdays
any reasonable time at the weekends
Coming soon...... Golf Tour 95, Gtracker XL Utilities and more....
8-Bit News #10
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 95 04:01:11 -0500
From: F Tooned <>
Subject: FTe`s status
Well, I've been here in AZ now for almost 6 weeks. I don't know
my way around here yet, and with all the time that I've been putting into
work, I don't exactly feel like I've "settled in" yet. Unpacking stuff
has been a major drag! It took me about 3 weeks just to find the MIO II
prototype, but it survived the move and is running fine now.
I've finished the manuals for the "Sweet 16", and they should be
starting to appear within the next week or so. I had a problem with the
latest version of the MAE assembler, and needed to get it fixed before
sending it out with the manuals.
The move has been expensive, so I'm just trying to get a little
bit of extra cash together to get the boards into production. (MIO II)
The MARS 8 is getting very close to completion as well, and will be released
right after the MIO II.
I did manage to make it to the NWPAC meeting in Phoenix last Sat.,
and sign up as a member. Dale Wooster (Prez) has a really nice manual that
is available for the latest version of TextPro, and is highly recommended.
I do have a lot more space here than I did in CA, and it's amazing
how fast it all seems to evaporate when you're working with the Atari's.
My place is literally "decorated" with 'em, and it's a pretty cool vibe
as long as all of the power supplies remain tucked away.
It looks like I'm gonna be here for quite some time, and now that
I've managed to get all the computers set back up and running, I feel
really positive about getting caught up this summer on all of FTe's
projects. I've got a few suprises in store, and will be discussing them
at length once the MIO II and MARS 8 start to ship.
I've also been working with a scripting terminal language called
CASL, and should be able to automate the new catalogs, updates, etc. via
E-Mail here very soon... I haven't forgotten about anyone, and now that the
"move" is essentially over, FTe should have a much stronger presence in the
market by July or August.
Thanks to everyone for their trust and patience. It's been a long
wait for me too... <grin>, but FTe is in better finacial shape than it ever
has been, and quite franky... I couldn't imagine having a better time than
I do when working on the Atari's 8-Bits. (With the Sweet 16 now available,
the Atari's "could" be referred to as 16 bitters... pretty weird, huh?)
Mike (FTe)
8-Bit News #11
Date: 16 Jun 1995 12:24:05 -0700
From: David Firth <>
Subject: Atari 800 emulator for Unix
I have just made available version 0.1.5 of this emulator. It can be
obtained via ftp from in the /pub/emulators directory.
Here is the list of changes:-
Changes in 0.1.5
- CURSES text only mode (Support for various terminals)
- Display list jump instruction corrected.
- Fixed SIO module (It didn't update DSTATS)
Changes in 0.1.4
- Changed GetByte and PutByte to macros
- Added SVGALIB support for Linux which is much quicker than X11.
- Added support for OSS Super Cartridges (Thanks to Dave Bennett)
- -rom option to specify alternative cartridges
- -oss option to specify alternative OSS Super Cartridges
Changes in 0.1.3
- Compilation option for double size screen
- Trigger now initialises to not pressed
- Joystick now initialises to central
- Fifth Player support added
- Support for Paddle 0
- Preparation for changing GetByte and PutByte to macros.
Mail me if you have any problems
David Firth <>
8-Bit News #12
Date: 26 Jun 1995 12:11:32 -0500
From: (Earl C Halliwell)
Subject: FlickerTerm 80 v0.51
ATTN, Flick fans!
I have just uploaded version 0.51 of FlickerTerm to [an]
FTP site. I would have spread it around more but I'm moving in two days and
kind of pressed for time.
Still no capture or protocols, but Flick now has:
Onscreen ROT-13 decode
Print screen with settable margins
A file menu
EOL click
User-definable character attribute maps
Assign any console+key combo to any joystick direction or CX85 key
Macros, macros, macro! 10 at once, with 70 characters per macro,
plus rudimentary commands for pausing and commenting
Arrow key mode... one-key cursor movement!
Corrected handling of Application/Cursor/Numeric key modes
Improved incoming CR/LF reinterpretation
Ability to set data bits and parity
Plus the usual speed optimization tweeks...
Clay Halliwell | ATARI XL/XE DO + THE | 8 - B I T S M A T H
Lonersoft ... Solutions you don't want, for problems you don't have!
8-Bit News #13
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 95 23:12:11 -0500
Subject: User Group/BBS Survey '95
JUNE 1995:this is a effort to list all known active Atari users Groups
and BBSes. The last list was around Oct 1993, and includes info mostly
from Atari User and Atari Classics magazines. Is assumed to be out
of date. Please fill out and return via email or regular mail. Also,
pass this around as we need as much information as possible. Save a
copy for future changes.
SOAPBOX:The Atari market and active User base is shrinking. Many people
are isolated, many have been lost. The available users must support the
User Groups, BBSes, Vendors, Magazines, and Online Services to the
fullest extent possible. Compuserve, Genie, and Delphi all have weekly
conferences at the lowest prices ever. We must let people know support
is still available. Only in doing this will Atari support and the
enduser survive.
The results of this survey will be posted to online services as a list
and possibly as a file for importing into databases. Updates will be
posted as needed. Please include 8 bit, ST/TT/Falcon, Games systems,
Lynx, Jaguar, Portfolio, etc.
Atari Computers User Group and BBS Information Survey
General: New/Update:
Group Name: Accronym:
Systems Supported: Year Started:
Online Contact: Online Address:
Mail Contact: Phone:
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
Would you share your member list for future mass mailings(Y/N):
Frequency: Disk/Paper/Electronic:
Contact: Phone:
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
Would you be interested in contributing/subscribing to a national
or global Atari Support newsletter(details)?
Yearly Dues: Prorated:(Y/N)
Number of members(by System):
Contact: Phone:
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
Name Day/Time Location
---- -------- --------
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
System Size Avail by Mail Cost
------ ---- ------------- ----
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
Name: phone 1:
System on: Size/Storage: Phone 2:
Systems Supported: Phone 3:
Baud Rates: 3/12/24/48/96/14.4+ Hours: Fee:
Members only: Run by User Group(Y/N):
City: ST: ZIP: Country:
COMMENTS and other Info:(Events, Dealers, etc.):
(Use a word processor to add things. If you need a separate contact
for each meeting or library, then replicate those lines.)
Please fill out and send via email to:
Rick Detlefsen Compuserve:74766,1561
AUSTIN, TX 78757-7642
Please pass along to other User Groups. Also, pass along to all
known BBSes, so that the BBS list can also be updated. I'd like
a copy of a newsletter if available. I'd appreciate volunteers
that could be responsible for getting information in a
Send 8 bit vendor info to Michael Current at:
I do not have a contact for ST or other vendors lists.
Thank you very much, Rick Detlefsen.
"global atari survey" 23june95
post lists as groupga.txt or bbsga.txt
8-Bit Feature Article
Subject: Sparta Compatibility Problems
From: (Ted Skrecky)
First, if your program runs correctly under MyDOS and is not using OS or
extended (SDX) RAM, then your org is almost certainly not a problem.
Memlo under MyDOS is considerably higher than with Sparta even after the
addition of a RD handler and TD line. Sparta itself, does not use any RAM
outside it's assigned ranges with the possible exception of calls to the
floating point routines.
Rick's explanation of the usefulness of INITAD is 100% correct but a bit
terse. You load a segment of code, load INITAD, do your first bit, and
then repeat the sequence as often as you wish, using the same RAM if
desired. I've written multi-segment COM files which work entirely in the
printer and cassette buffers using the same technique and Sparta itself
boots in this way. RUNAD is obviously less understood by many as I've
seen people load it several times in a single file, eg.
*= $xxxx
; end segment
*= $xxxx
The first segment will load, INIT1 will execute and return to DOS to load
the next segment. Once loaded, INIT2 executes and returns to DOS to JMP
(RUNAD) which points to RUN2. The code at RUN1 never gets executed. The
above code could be replaced with the following and would execute
*= $xxxx
; end segment
*= $xxxx
The point is, it doesn't matter when you load RUNAD, only what last value
you stick into it. Whereas INITAD will always cause execution of the code
pointed to as soon as the vector is loaded. DOS checks INITAD for
(usually) a non-zero value after each load segment.
Sparta always handles INITAD correctly but seems to ignore RUNAD and prefer
to jump to the load address of the first byte of the file. So the guy who
mentioned using an RTS as the first byte and INITAD to point past it was on
track. With my own files, I generally use LDA #$60 and STA START as the
first ops of the final run code. Either technique fixes a problem you run
into with Sparta: a tendency to rerun the same file after an RTS. This can
usually be cured by a JMP (DOSVEC) exit but ensuring an RTS at the
original org adds safety.
I puzzled over the same exit problem you encountered and came up with the
same solution, exit via JMP when working under Sparta. It's taken a lot of
disassembly and head scratching but I think I know the reason: Sparta
installs a custom E: Get Byte routine for its command line interface. On
boot or reset, it copies the OS device table into DOS, points HATABS to
the copy and replaces the Get vector with its own.
Any program which closes and opens the E: device will toast the address
in HATABS as the OS will point it back into ROM. Obviously a JMP (DOSINI)
or JMP (DOSVEC) will fix it as DOS would always have to reset things
after exiting BASIC, TextPro, etc. while a RTS leaves DOS looking for
input from the wrong code and buffer address.
Generally, I find it simplest to use a standard programming format for
all programs designed to run under any DOS:
*= $xxxx
; intro blurb, etc.
*= $yyyy
; real init stuff, syntax, etc.
*= $zzzz
LDA #$60 Insert an RTS at the
STA $xxxx file's original org.
; Code to identify dos and set a flag
; for exit and other uses such as
; accessing Sparta's OS RAM vectors
; Code to nuke Intels, Tramiels, etc.
*= INITAD Use this for non-Sparta
.WORD RUNIT compatibility
Use of INITAD for the final run address allows the program to be appended
in an autorun for any DOS while stuffing an RTS into the first byte
ensures that when Sparta attempts to rerun it, it's harmless. Under
Sparta, the JMP (DOSVEC) will not terminate a batch file, DOSINI
probably does. Under most other DOS a JMP (DOSVEC) would send you to
DUP.SYS while going through DOSINI would take you to an RTS.
You can safely, and probably should, use the JMP exit with BW-DOS and DOSXL
as many of their COMs work correctly under Sparta. Note that any DOS I've
ever looked at, always stuffs $FF into the stack pointer when you call it
via DOSVEC so you can ignore the stack.
To date, I have found none of the foregoing to be inapplicable with SDX.
I haven't gone heavily into identifying other DOS types but:
a. the Sparta manual mentions that many COMTAB offsets apply to DXL which
might help differentiate it from DOS 2;
b. BW-DOS will look like Sparta 3.2d in $700-$701 but $703-$704 will be
c. the first (12 I think, 10 at least) bytes of Sparta 2.3 consist of a
jump table of addresses on page 7 in .word order;
d. with Sparta 3.2+ I've been using SMEMLO (COMTAB+30) to pick up 3.2g;
any 3.2 except "g" will have an msb of $18, "g" will be $17 (only matters
if you're worried about D9:)
I hope this helps as I'm looking forward (once I get a new pair of
glasses) to Flick80 with a capture buffer.
Best wishes
John Picken
8-Bit Commentary
With such a huge 8-bit section this month, what else is there to say??
Until next month,
-Michael Current
16/32-bit Support Area
Mark S. Smith
JV Enterprises Interview by Mark Stephen Smith.
~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Background information:
We started JV Enterprises by writing a book called computer basics.
We decided that the book industry was a little too competitive so we
decided to stick to what we do best, design and program games. Our first
game we wrote was medieval chess. We wrote several others in the mean
time. Towers I was our first major project.
Q. When did you start using the Atari, and what made you program for it?
A. We started using the Atari since the 800 days. We liked the machine,
it was simple too use, and it was cheap.
Q. How well did the original Towers game do?
A. It actually did ok. Unfortunately, all the other businesses we were
involved in (i.e.. phone company, rent, power company, etc.) took all the
money we made from it :).
Q. What made you decide to do the sequel on the Falcon?
A. We bought Falcons and wanted to see a game for it, plus we had ideas
for programming on the Jaguar and the Falcons true color screen came
closest to the Jaguar.
Q. What do you think of the Falcon?
A. Damn fine piece of machinery, too bad there isn't more support.
Q. How long did it take from the initial idea to the complete working
A. For Towers II it took approximately 10 months from initial idea.
Q. Did the design tailor itself to the implementation details, or vice
A. A little of both. I designed an outrageous game and Vince told me
that it wouldn't work. So we compromised.
Q. What problems did you encounter when doing the sequel, and how did you
overcome them?
A. SPEED, SPEED, SPEED. For this game we just used the cpu for graphics.
We had to come up with ways to speed things up. If we had to do it
again, we could do it even faster now...
Q. One of the more powerful aspects of the Falcon is the DSP chip, in what
way if any did you utilize this chip?
A. Sound, the mod player is running under the dsp so that it would take
no cpu time.
Q. What are the technical specifications of Towers II?
A. Towers II is a 160 X 134 Draw playfield that we shrink or enlarge to
fit the screen. It runs at about 10 frames a second in 65000 colors and
has a mod player running at 50K hertz with stereo sound effects.
The Jaguar version is planed to be a 320X200 draw playfeild, drawn
directly to the screen. It will have floor and ceiling textures, run at
about 12 to 15 FPS, have music with stereo sound and improved drawing
algorithms. A full cartridge save, and a full memory save (so you can
explore without ruining your save), will also be implemented.
Q. Are you now happy with the finished product?
A. Yes, we were very satisfied with Towers II. We feel that we created
a fun game for beginner to expert players. As you know the
beginning levels were created for people to get used to this style of
game, and in the upper levels it starts to get much more challenging.
Q. Now it's finished what would you change if you had the choice, and
what technical improvements do you think are possible if any?
A. Now that we are finished with Towers II and the engine is over a year
old, we feel that now we could improve the speed and gameplay. When we
finished Towers II, we thought that we had pushed the Falcon to the
limits. Now we feel that the Falcon still holds plenty of potential and
hope that other programmers continue to explore the possibilities.
Q. The engine to drive Towers II seems fairly powerful, would it be easy to
reuse for similar style games?
A. The engine for Towers II was designed for speed. It wasn't really
designed as an engine but merely for speed. We feel that the public
deserves constant updates and improvements. We would be ashamed to
release another program with that engine, knowing that we could do
Q. If the above is true would you consider licensing the the code or making
it available to others for a fee?
A. If somebody wanted it, sure we let them use it. Although, as I said
before, it really wasn't designed that way.
Q. Are you planning on doing Towers II for any other platforms?
A. The Jaguar and possibly a PC version.
Q. Will there be a Towers III?
A. There is one planned, but not immediately. We have several other
projects on the drawing board that get first dibs at reality.
Q. What do you see as your next project, and how do you see the future of
JV Enterprises?
A. Our goal is to move more toward consoles (like the Jaguar). Our
ultimate goal is to do true VR.
Q. Will you be moving to other platforms or staying with Atari in the
A. At this date it is impossible to say. However, we like the Falcon
and the Jaguar alot. They are both excellent pieces of hardware...
Q. What do you think will be the state of Atari at present and in the
A. We think that Atari will remain a console player for awhile. We feel
that even though all these new systems are coming out, Atari still has a
great chance as being a major competitor.
Q. What do you think of the Jaguar and would you like to develop for
A. We think that Jaguar is a great system and we are currently developing
for it.
Q. What do you think of the problems of piracy on the Atari and have you
suffered from this in anyway yourselves?
A. We have no information concerning this, nor do we care. We feel that
the Atari community is a very tight knit community that looks out for
each other. The system couldn't have made it this far if that wasn't
Q. Will there be an official Towers II help guide, and are there any
cheats in Towers II?
A. Probably no official help guide. Unless they make one for the Jaguar.
There really are no cheats in the game, just some very hard to find
Q. What were your influences for the game?
A. We were influenced by our goals in the past. We always wanted to do a 3d
type roll playing game since we started programming.
Q. From a development point of view what aspect of Towers II took the
longest to get right?
A. The design. Roll playing games have a tendency of being huge.
Q. What do you use as your development system?
A. 2 Falcons. a digitizer, paint programs, and a ray tracer.
My thanks go to Jag Jaeger and Vince Valenti of JV Enterprises for answering
my questions. Watch out next month for more hot news on their Jaguar
developments, with details on how Towers II is shaping up for the Jaguar. Also
watch out for my interview with Stuart Denman the author od Speed of Light.
Speed of Light Review v3.8
~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~
Review by Mark Stephen Smith ( or
~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date: 11/7/95
~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Speed of Light has been around for many years now on the Atari. Starting off
as a GIF viewer it has developed into a powerful picture viewer and colour
editor. Its latest incarnation is version 3.8 containing mainly bug fixes over
previous versions. Speed of Light or SOL as I will refer to it from now on is
Shareware and whilst perfectly useable has some of the more advanced options
crippled in such a way as to encourage registration. The whole set of tools
and their use is too great to go into in detail, even in an review this large,
I will however try and give a flavour of their use and power so you can get a
feel for the program as a whole.
What is SOL and what does it offer?
~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~
SOL firstly is a picture viewer, within the program however it sports a wide
variety of features so as to get the best out of your pictures. It works on
all Atari formats (ST, Falcon, TT, Mega) and works in all resolutions in up to
256 colours. It supports a wide variety of formats and is one of the fastest
GIF file handlers on an Atari. SOL now supports the DSP in the Falcon for JPEG
decoding. It is MultiTos compatible and recommended for maximum speed to be
run in conjunction with NVDI or Warp.
Registering the Program
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~
This review is based upon the registered version of Speed of Light. To
register is simple, just start the program (see "Getting Started" below). Upon
loading you will be greeted with a screen allowing you to enter your
registration details. Enter your details and choose "Print EZForm", this will
create a document which can be printed or saved to disk with your details which
you send to the author (or local registration handler) along with the
registration fee. They in turn will generate your registration key.
Once you have received this key load the program and enter it along with your
details, the program then becomes the registered version and will work without
any features being disabled. You only have to register once, with subsequent
loads taking you straight to the main menu.
This form of registration is quick and easy and your details and keycode only
have to be entered into future versions for you to receive a full registered
Getting Started
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The program is available from many PD libraries, FTP sites, Stuart Denman's and
my Atari Web pages, as well as making an appearance on several Atari magazine
coverdisks. What you get is the un-registered version of the program, with all
the documentation, supporting files and image files.
Using the shareware version without registering offers all the facilities you
get with the full version with the difference that some of the more advanced
features such as warping will have blank lines in the pictures at regular
intervals, and that you are limited to only loading one JPEG image per session.
Other than these limitations placed to encourage you to register you have full
access to the program.
Running the program couldn't be simpler. Just click on the program file
"SPOFLT38.APP", after a short while you will be asked to enter your
registration details, if you don't have any you can continue by choosing
"Cancel". This will now take you to the main options screen.
Whatever resolution you load in will be the screen size used by the program,
and the number of colours in that resolution will be used (up to 256 colours).
On all machines but the Falcon however you do have the option to change the
resolution from within the program.
Main Options Screen
~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
>From the main options screen all the options and access to the more advanced
options are available. Here's a quick summary of the main options screen
features (starting from the top left), some of which I'll describe in greater
detail later:
Picture Statistics - Various information on the picture such as name, size and
palette size.
"H" Button - Histogram of current image.
"P" Button - Optimises image palette.
Machine Specifications - Various machine information such as computer being
used, resolution, palette, and the number of colours.
"Delta" Button - Allows the changing of resolution on ST's and TT's within the
"3-Bars" Button - Allows setting of preferences and true colour preferences.
Picture Number Slider - A slider to easily move through the pictures in memory.
Display Mode Menu - A pop-up menu that allows you to select between colour or
shades (grey scale). On the TT "TTGrey" mode is available
which allows 256 shades of grey.
Downward Arrow Button - Makes image as close to original as possible by setting
sliders to zero and histograms to 1-to-1
"Complex" Button (Colour Transformations) - Toggles between the additive colour
transformation options and the
histogram colour transformation
Additive Colour Transform Slider - Available when "Complex" is not selected.
These three sliders one for each of the prime
colours allow you to add to or subtract the
RGB elements of the picture. If moved equally
together can be used to brighten or darken the
Colour Reduction Menu - If the picture contains more colours than the display
this can be used to decide how the palette will be
reduced. Frequency is the default with "By Rank" and
"Influence" being the other choices.
Colour Rank "Button" - This switches to the colour rank histogram editor so you
can define the ranks of the RGB planes.
Complex "Button" (Colour Reduction/Selection) - Toggles between simple contrast
slider bars and histogram colour
Colour Contrast/Separation Slider - These three sliders define the minimum
seperation between the chosen colours used to
display the image.
Horizontal/Vertical Size - Allows you to enter the horizontal and vertical
pixel sizes for the images to be scaled to.
Axis Effect Menu - Allows you to choose horizontal, vertical or both with
respect to how the buttons (below) effect the axes.
"O" Button - Sets scaling to original size of image.
"A" Button - Calculates the aspect ratio based on the effected axis when
"-" Button - Halves the selected axis.
"+" Button - Doubles the selected axis.
"Fltr" Button - Toggles filtered scaling on/off.
"Set" Button - Takes you to the filtered scaling dialogue for setting filter
type and scaling.
"Fit" Button - Makes the image fit the current resolution in size as best as
possible whilst maintaining the aspect ratio.
"Mous" Button - When highlighted the mouse will be displayed on the display
screen, otherwise it is hidden.
"SmDr" Button - Toggles on/off "Smooth Draw" mode. This is where flickering is
used to increase number of colours you choose to turn it on or
off when the image is being drawn to speed up image draws.
"Warp" Button - Takes you to the Warp dialogue where you can set the warping
and stretching effects.
Flicker Contrast Slider - Sets the maximum contrast allowed between flickering
colours. When on the far left flickering is off.
Dither Pattern Menu - This menu allows you to select different dither patterns.
"Set" Button - Takes you to the dithering dialogue to give detailed control
over dithering.
"Desk" Button - Allows access to accessories or to other programs when under
MultiTOS. Options for SOL are also available as drop down menus.
"?" Button - Displays credits, shareware information and amount of free memory.
"Purge" Button - Allows you to remove the current image freeing memory. When
double clicked on removes all images.
"Colours" Button - Takes you to the colour editor (not allowed in Shades,
Greyscale mode or any resolution using less than 16 colours).
">>" Button - Takes you to the slideshow dialogue where you can set the
different slideshow parameters such as start and end images,
pause length between images, and forwards or backwards play.
Once set up choosing "Display" from the main options screen will
go through the images for the slideshow. Turn the slideshow off
to view single images again.
As you can see the program is packed to the brim with features with these just
being a brief summary of the options available from the main menu, that's
before we even start to look at the advanced features.
You may think that with all these features it difficult to use, but the control
for the most part is straight forward and intuitive leaving the user only
having to reference the manual to look at some of the more advanced features
and to see some of the possible shortcuts and tips available to achieve better
Using SOL for the first time
~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
Upon loading SOL you are most likely going to want to load some images, to do
this you select the "Add" button. You will be presented with the file selector
where you can choose an image or use wild cards to load multiple images.
Getting files into SOL is very easy. Apart from the methods mentioned above it
is also possible to load images by dragging the files over the SOL program icon
on the desktop (on later versions of TOS), therefore starting the program with
several loaded images. There is even support for other file selectors such as
Selectric allowing multiple images to be selected and loaded in one operation.
SOL supports the following image formats for loading:
- GIF (.GIF)
- Degas Uncompressed (.PI?)
- Degas Compressed (.PC?)
- Prism Paint (.PNT)
- GEM (X) Image Format (.IMG)
and the following for saving:
- Degas Un/Compressed
- Prism Paint
- GEM (X) Image Format
The speed at which it handles GIF files is excellent and Falcon owners are
catered for with DSP JPEG decoding (although the reduction from true colour to
256 colours does slow this down). Once you have an image you will most likely
want to view it. Selecting the "Display" button will bring the image to the
screen. If the image is larger than the screen you can scroll the screen by
moving the mouse pointer from the centre of the screen. The further you move
it from the centre the faster the screen scrolls in that direction.
Pressing the right button returns you to the main options screen. If you want
to see the whole image at once clicking on the "Fit" button will shrink the
image proportionally to the screen. If the image uses more colours than you
have available SOL uses clever techniques to expand the palette, however if the
results still aren't good enough then it is possible to improve the
picture in a number of ways.
The first way to improve the image when lacking colours is to adopt one of the
many dither patterns. Clicking on the "Dither Patrn:" box will bring up a menu
with a choice of dither patterns with the default being no dither pattern.
This menu has two empty slots into which you can load dither patterns. To
access the dither options and to load a pattern into one of the slots select
the "Set" button next to "Dither Patrn:", this will take you to the dither
options screen.
SOL comes with 3 standard dither patterns with the option of loading additional
dither patterns as provided with the package. These dither patterns are in the
same format as that used by GemView and are therefore interchangeable.
Once at the dither options screen you can do a number of things. You have the
choice of changing options on the FIS (Filtered Image Scaling) or normal
dithering patterns. The Filter (FIS) options allows you to either choose no
pattern, one of the defaults or to load one of the files available. The normal
dither options has the same options plus the addition of being able to change
the gradient steps and contrast of the pattern chosen.
Other options that can be adopted to improve the image quality when the current
resolution doesn't support enough colours is to use the "Flicker Contrast"
slider. When moving this slider will define the contrast level of the flicker
and therefore the degree of flicker visible. When moved to the far left it is
off with possible values up to 255. Using this increases the palette available
and gives you extra colours in which to display the picture. The disadvantage
is a degree of flicker is introduced into the image when viewed and it slows
draw time if flicker is not turned off with the "SmDr" button.
Short Cuts
~~~~~ ~~~~
There are many shortcuts available in SOL but keyboard shortcuts are not
available generally as a rule in the window and option screens. This has been
done deliberately so as not to clash with programs that provide shortcuts
automatically. However whilst viewing an image using the "Display" button
short cuts to perform a number of simple tasks and to take you to different
parts of the program become available. This includes everything from changing
what image is being viewed and flipping or scaling it, to calling up the colour
A thing that people often miss when viewing a picture is that pressing and
holding the left mouse button will bring up a list of features available for
manipulating the currently viewed image. This list includes the keyboard
shortcuts were applicable and makes the program very user friendly as it saves
time flipping between the picture and options screens.
Colour Editing
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The tools provided by SOL for colour editing and enhancing are its most
powerful features, and is what makes it stand out from other picture viewers.
Colour editing is divided between the RGB additive sliders that add or subtract
from the RGB elements of an image in a linear fashion, the complex RGB controls
which use the histogram method of alterering the RGB balance throughout the
image, and the colour editor which gives you direct control over the palette
used and the colours within it.
I will look in further detail now at the later two elements of the package.
Namely the "Histogram Editor" and the "Colour Editor".
The Histogram Editor
~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
This is available for use to control either the colour or contrast of a
picture. I will look at its use when applied to the colour aspect of an image.
To access the Histogram Editor you must select the "Complex" button in the
colour options area. This replaces the RGB sliders with 3 histograms, one for
each of the RGB elements. Clicking on any one of the histograms will take you
the the Histogram Editor.
On this screen the histogram of the colour selected is enlarged to fill a large
portion of the screen. Moving the mouse over the histogram and clicking sets
the level at that point. If the left mouse button is held down whilst moving
over the histogram you effectively draw the histogram for that colour.
Switching between the histograms for changes to the three colours is easy using
the three buttons at the top of the screen to take you to the appropriate
colour. These are the "Red", "Green" and "Blue" buttons.
Along the bottom of the screen are several buttons for editing the shape of the
histogram, these are the "Stretch", "Squash", "Invert", "Flip" and arrow
buttons (where the arrow buttons scroll the histogram). You can also "Copy"
and "Paste" histograms to any of the other histograms therefore copying the
shape to one of the other colours. It is possible to double click on the
"Copy" button to automatically copy the current histogram to the other two.
All changes can be reversed with the use of the "Undo" button. It is also
possible to automatically define the shape using either the "Linear" or "Gamma"
Linear creates a step from left to right with a one-to-one slope and gives you
the shape you usually see, namely a triangle.
When you select Gamma for gamma correction you will have to enter the gamma
value into the popup dialogue. Selecting the "Generate" button does the
correction with values greater than one darkening the image, and less than one
brightening the image. Gamma correction does this without creating washout in
the picture.
Once you are happy with your changes you can select the "OK" button to accept
them and return the the main options screen or the "Cancel" button to reject
all changes made and return to the options screen.
There are several histograms available for you to load and try out.
The Colour Editor
~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
To enter the Colour Editor from the main options screen you select the
"Colours" button. Once selected you will be taken to the Colour Editor screen.
Across the top of the screen ten colours are displayed with the colour value
above them. Using the "VDI Order" button you can toggle between the colours
being displayed in VDI order or Device-Dependent order. You can scroll the ten
colours through the image palette by either using the Arrows at either side of
the colour boxes, or by using the Slider Bar just below the colour boxes.
Colours can be selected for editing by clicking on them in their boxes
(selected colours are highlighted with an inner box). To alter a selected
colour you move the three Slider Bars for the RGB elements. Boxes marked with
an "X" in the palette are unused colours.
Buttons in this editor are divided into two areas, the upper-left buttons for
manipulating two or more colours (known as the "Toolbox"), and the lower
left/right hand buttons which are for switching to other dialogue boxes,
undoing, or for other global operations.
Buttons within the Toolbox are used in the same way. You must select the range
of colours you wish to apply the tool to. Colours selected are reffered to as
"hot" colours and once selected the tool will perform the operation over the
set of colours selected.
Tools available are:
"Copy" - Copies first colour to second.
"Swap" - Exchanges two colours.
"Fill"- Fills whole range with the first colour.
"<" Rotate - Rotates the palette left with wrap around.
">" Rotate - Rotates the palette right with wrap around.
"Sort Group" - Sorts the colours within the range into groups based on their
RGB values.
"Gradient" - Fills in all the colours in the range blending the colour from the
first to the last.
"Sort DK > LT" - Sorts the range from the darkest to the lightest.
"Sort LT > DK" - Sorts the range from the lightest to the darkest.
The functional buttons are the other group of buttons associated with the
Colour Editor. The functional buttons include:
"Match" - Toggle on/off. This causes SOL to match changes in the image to the
new palette. If it doesn't use one of the colours in the map it will
mark it with an X. When not selected changes will appear in the
displayed image.
"Display" - Display the picture.
"Undo" - Undoes any palette changes.
"Cpy/Swp" - Allows you to copy or swap the palette with another image.
"Image" - Allows you to edit another image's palette.
"Rescan" - Reverts back to the orignal palette.
"Select" - Allows you to click on any pixel in the image and return to the
editor with that colour selected for editing.
"Take" - Works the same as Select but colour currently being edited takes on
the colour that pixel had in the origianl image.
"Load" - Loads a .PAL palette file into the current colour map.
"Save" - Saves current palette in .PAL file.
"Cancel" - Aborts any changes made and returns to previous screen.
"Options" - Goes to the Options Dialogue.
Filtered Image Scaling
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Filtered Image Scaling (FIS) is used to smooth out or alter images that have
been enlarged or reduced, whilst it will help improve images that are scaled in
this manner it has the drawback that it is very calculation intensive and
therefore takes a long time to draw. As such it is not a quick way to view
images but can be used to improve them.
To use filtering you must turn the filter on by selecting the "Fltr" button and
use the "Set" button to go to the FIS option screen. Once on the option screen
you will be presented with a selection of menus, buttons and editable fields.
The first menu is the "Filter Type" which can be either "Standard" or
"Enhancing". The second menu is "Filter Curve" which has the options of "Box",
"Triangle", "Cubic", "B-Spline", "Lancos3", "Mitchell" or "Nelson". With each
offering a different filter curve. Other options include toggle switches for
"Filtering On/Off", "Flip Horizontal" and "Flip Vertical", "Wrap Image at
Edges" and "Scale Filter". Editable fields are for the "Height", "Horizontal"
and "Vertical". Information is also given on the amount of memory required for
the filter.
When the enhancing Filter Type is selected the Filter Curve menu contains
different filters specifically for enhancing the image. These are
"Sharpening", "Quad-Step", "Raised Edge", "Smooth Bias", "Sharp Bias", "Linear
Bias" or "Diffusion". Enhancing filters generally work better when image
scaling is a multiple of the original image. Often you will get banding due to
the inability of these filters to shift phase.
Some filters such as Sharpening and Diffusion work best on the original image
whereas others work best on enlarged images. Some of these other filters can
be used to create interesting effects on the pixels themselves such as the
Sharp Bias filter which produces a 3D pixel effect. Some of the filters are
assymetric and can therefore be flipped. Filters can also be wrapped at the
edge of the image or faded. Both have drawbacks in that fading will darken the
edge of the image whilst wrapped edges can produce duplicate pixels close to
the edges.
When reducing an image without FIS image quality is lost. Standard filters
are used to accurately take into account lost lines and improve detail. When
"Scale Filter" is selected it is possible to blur filters. Small scaling
values will not blur the filter but larger values will increase level of
blurring. Values less than one produce a weird patterned darkening effect.
Filtering is a powerful tool within SOL and as such requires a lot of
experimentation to achieve the best results along with a lot of patience. When
working with FIS on large images it is ideal to have a lot of memory available.
Image Warping
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
(Please note that image warping cannot be used in conjunction with FIS).
Clicking on the "Warp" button will take you to the warp option screen. Here
you can enter a variety of values for "Width", "Horizontal Shift", "Height" and
"Vertical Centre". Along side these options are the menus "Warping Pattern"
and "Repeat". The first menu contains the following list of warp
Off (No warping)
Sine Wave
The Repeat menu has the options of "Once" or "Periodic". Using Warping scan
lines are stretched and shifted in various ways in order to make an interesting
change in the image. All numbers entered are relative to the image itself so
if the image is enlarged twice the warping figures will be scaled likewise.
The warping is centred around what is reffered to as the "bulge" and can be
repeated using the periodic bulge. This centre is usually the peak or lowest
point of the curve when warping.
Whilst the distortions provided prove no real practical value they are fun to
try and are worth experimenting with to achieve some interesting effects.
SOL has the ability to read special scripts which can be created by the user,
which are to be used in conjunction with the slideshow. With these simple
scripts it is possible to assign individual times for images to stay on screen,
as well as to select whether loaded images stay in memory or are loaded each
time to save memory. You can even select files with wildcards for use in the
You also have the option of viewing one image whilst the next is being loaded
and decompressed. Other features include the ability to define how the image
will look when displayed by making use of warping, scaling, truecolour
reduction, etc. SOL will follow all these commands from a script without the
user having to do anything.
This is a very useful and welcome additional feature within SOL.
SOL is an excellent program, with a wealth of features it will keep you
experimenting with it for some time to come. All the features are very fast
and provide excellent results. SOL must have the most comprehensive set of
colour features I've seen in a single package and this alone makes it
worthwhile to use. Combine this with it's speed and compatibility and you have
a package that every Atari owner who likes to view pictures should support.
Of course there are some limitations. There is no true colour support and
there is a limited number of picture formats supported. JPEG's are memory
hungry and can be slow but when put against the positive things it has to
offer these seem to fade away. This package is a winner.
Ease of Use = 82
Although designed well with many shortcuts and a good intuitive design this
doesn't score as high as it could due to the nature of the package. Many of
the more advanced features are difficult to use and take a long time to master
and although the program is well done these problems can't be overcome with
anything other than experimentation to achieve the right results.
Features = 91
For a picture viewer this program is packed with features and represents
excellent value for money. Colour wise nearly every option is supported that
you could ever want and each area implemented has been thought out very well
and is very comprehensive. This said there are some features in this current
version that have yet to be implemented and with these the score would be
Use of Computer = 90
Despite the fact it is not aimed at any one machine and therefore allowing for
clever programming and optimisations for that machine this does an excellent
job of taking advantage of the extra facilities of whatever machine you are on.
This is shown by the support for the TT and the DSP in the Falcon, making its
use of machine excellent with most operations being lightning fast whatever the
Compatibility = 96
What can I say it works with and makes the most of all the Atari range. This
review is based on the time I spent on the package on both the ST and the
Falcon. In all the time I spent on both machines the only problem I ever had
was on the Falcon and that turned out to be a problem with the Overscan
software I was running. It evens supports file selectors, screen
accelerators, MultiTos, and some graphics cards such as the NOVA.
Speed = 92
Everything with the exception of FIS scaling is very fast (although considering
the intensive nature of this it is to be expected). Warping can take a little
time as can JPEG decoding but again this is to be expected. Speed of Light
certainly lives up to its name.
Documentation = 84
Overall the documentation is good but being included as a text file on disk for
you to print out does limit its ability to illustrate some things clearly. The
ability to see more screenshots and illustrations of use along with some small
tutorials would help more. Reading the manual on it's own can be a little
confusing at times unless sat in front of the computer trying everything out.
Also some areas are skimmed over two quickly in the manual.
Overall = 91
An absolute must for anyone with an Atari who views pictures and has a need to
enhance the palette or clear up pictures. With only a few minor flaws, it is
an excellent package with good support fast times for use, very comprehensive
tools, a well thought out design and excellent cross platform compatibilty.
Get this and register it now, you won't regret it!
ST FTP Site Update
Last edit: 6-July-1995
Additions/changes since last list: 3
- (New Site)
- (Replaces
- (Directory change only holds Linux 68K)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// ____/__ __/ ____/ //\\
// / / / _/ // ()
// __/ / ____/ // //
// / / / // //
// _/ _/ _/ Archives // //
// // //
()==========================() //
\\ \\//
(log in with "anonymous" as name, and full name/e-mail address as password)
FTP instructions after this list!
A T A R I S T F T P S I T E S :
email and /pub/atari/
-------- /pub/atari/
-------- or /pub3/atari/
email /pub/atari/
email or
email ......./pub/atari/
--- ( ............/micros/atari/
FTP "mirror"-sites:('back-door' to other FTP sites when they are too busy
------------------- or there are other problems accessing them!) or ( or
( or ( or (
- (, USA) (
- (, USA) or (
/mirror/atari/ - (, USA) (
PS!!! is more reliable!!! - (, USA) (
PS!!! is more reliable!!! - (uni-paderborn, GERMANY)
- to find the numbered address of the FTP site, use the following command,
while inside FTP: ftp> !host FTP-address [CR] i.e. "!host"
DOWNLOADING FILES, Instructions: [CR]= carriage return/return/enter
1) Go to the directory where you want the files to be downloaded.
2) ftp [CR].
3) open {ftp address} [CR]. i.e. "open" [CR]
OR use the (IP) number address, NOT both!
4) "Name": anonymous [CR].
5) "Password": {full e-mail name/address}. i.e. "" [CR]
6) use "cd" to access the appropriate directory. i.e. "cd pub/atari" [CR]
7) bin [CR]. (set `binary` transfer mode)
8) hash [CR]. (shows 'hash` signs (#####...) when transferring data)
9) get {filename} [CR]. i.e. "get rename.lzh" [CR]
10) mget [CR] to get several files at once.
i.e. "mget syst12.Z fixdsk.arc" [CR]
11) prompt [CR] to download several files with "mget" without having
to reply "y" for each file when asked "get {filename}?".
12) quit [CR] to end FTP session and go back to UNIX
13) close [CR] to close the FTP site you're currently on, so that another
site can be opened without having to set bin, hash, prompt etc. again.
- bin, hash, prompt will be turned on/off each time it's typed!
- Be sure to check if all modes are set correctly (especially 'bin')!
- stat [CR] or; status [CR] will show all modes and where you are connected.
- Most files are compressed. Use an appropriate program on your computer on
which the programs were intended, or in UNIX .......
- uncompress [CR] if ".Z" file
- uudecode [CR] if ".uu" file
- very often, files are still compressed in another format after
uncompressing .Z and/or .uu.
Use the appropriate decompression program for this.
- ls [CR] lists files (shows all files in current directory).
- pwd [CR] shows path. i.e. /pub/mirrors/umich/atari/utilities
- If down-loading several files with similar names use "*".
i.e. "mget *sys" [CR] (will get f.x.; datasys, lm23isys,
xlinksys etc...) (ALL files with "sys" in their names)
i.e. "mget *.lzh" [CR] (will get f.x.; stest.lzh, dw3.lzh,
xlba.lzh etc...) (ALL files ending with ".lzh")
i.e. "mget * [CR] (will get ALL files in the current directory!)
- If your computer doesn't have a disk drive you can "remote login" to
another computer (use an other terminal's disk drive);
- rlogin {computer name} [CR]. i.e. "rlogin hnoss" [CR].
- You can now access the disk just as if it was on your own machine.
- eject [CR] to eject disk on disk-drives without "eject button"
Part of this is dependent on you having the GNU msdos-utilities available
at your site. If you don't, ask your local system operator how to transfer
files to/from MSDOS disks.
- mcopy {filename} a: [CR] i.e. mcopy microtcx.zoo a:
i.e. mcopy microtcx.zoo icone.lzh shblr.arc a:
- mdir [CR] to show disk-directory/space left.
- fdformat -d [CR] to format an MS-DOS 3.5" 1.44mMb disk ("-d" for MS-DOS)
- fdformat -l -d [CR] to format an MS-DOS 720Kb 3.5" disk ("-l" for
"low density")
- mcopy a:{filename on disk} {copy filename} [CR] to get a file from
disk to computer. i.e. "mcopy a:dlist.txt"
- mdel a:{filename} [CR] to delete a file on disk. i.e. "mdel a:dslist.txt".
- eject [CR] to eject disks from disk-drives that don't have "eject buttons".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Original idea and list compilation by Hallvard Tangeraas, Oslo, Norway
Now handled by Mark Stephen Smith ( with permission from Hallvard
This list may by all means be reproduced and distributed freely, but only
with all data intact.
Copyright (C) 6-July-1995
Lynx Support Area
Barry Cantin
Lynx News
Two new titles for the Atari Lynx underway!
Yes, it is true -- two new games WILL be released for the Atari Lynx, and from
no other than Atari Corp! Sources at Atari have confirmed that two classic
carts will be released to add to the Lynx library: Battlezone 2000 and
Super Asteroids/Missile Command.
The two games have been complete for months and were temporarily shelved
until a good opportunity to release them arrived. Battlezone 2000 was
developed by HandMade Software, Ltd., the British software house
responsible for such wonderful titles as Awesome Golf, Power Factor, and
Dracula: the Undead.
Both titles were exhibited at the Winter CES at Las Vegas this past
January, and those individuals who were lucky enough to attend and see the
games gave them glowing reviews. Two other games completed by Atari were
also shown, "Eye of the Beholder" and "Fat Bobby", but production dates for
those two titles have not yet been announced.
Atari is currently working on the final box art and once that's complete,
BZ2K and SA/MC will be shipped for production. This is a 3-4 month
process, so don't expect them by the end of the summer...
The release of these games will end a dry spell for Atari's Lynx release
schedule. The last Lynx title released by Atari was Ninja Gaiden 3, which
hit the shelves February 1994.
Battlezone 2000 (BZ2K) info!
This remake of the arcade classic is promising! Recall that BattleZone is a
tank battle game, not from an overhead viewpoint (such as "Armor Attack") but
from the *tank* viewpoint. Here's what I've been able to dig up on the
upcoming Lynx version (thanks to Lance Lewis for providing CAIN with this!):
* BZ2K is Comlynxable, up to FOUR players.
* Each player can choose from one of three tanks, and customize fuel, ammo,
and missile loads via a point system
* In the One-player mode, there are 30 different missions, each with a
objective: kill a certain number of tanks, score a certain number of
points, last a certain amount of time, etc.
* You can re-customize your tank between missions
* You can collect fuel, ammo and missile power-ups
* Shields exist, and can be set up as a tank option
* In Comlynx mode, you can choose whether to have AI-controlled enemy tanks
or not
* In Comlynx mode, if you are killed before the other players you can drive
around in "ghost mode" and watch the action from a mobile vantage point
Lynx Commentary
Good move, Atari! Make those Lynx carts! I am really happy to hear this,
because there were so many unfinished carts for the Lynx that I had really
looked forward to. I really didn't want to see Battlezone 2000 become one
of those vaporware games.
The worst part would have been that these games were *completed*. If a
game is scrapped because it's "non-playable", "too buggy", or just
"unfinished" I think most gamers anticipating these would be disappointed,
but would accept it. But to scrap a game that's completed -- no way!
Right now Atari is making final preparations to release Battlezone 2000 and
Super Asteroids/Missile Command, two classics. This further enhances the
Lynx as THE handheld to buy if you're into classic games. Why not, after
all the name "Atari" is associated with classic gaming more closely than
any other.
And I guess we have to sit back and be patient for Eye of the Beholder and
Fat Bobby. Well, we all know they're done and can only hope that they wind
up in a production house sometime soon, too!
But Atari will have plenty of copies of these titles sitting in a warehouse
for years (or until Telegames buys up the stock and they're transported to
a Telegames warehouse) if they don't try to market them in stores. At
least let Electronics Boutique carry them... So many people bought those
wonderful Lynx packages, they're looking for a local place to purchase more
games, no doubt. And unless you live in one of those few places that
has an active Atari reseller -- such as Best Electronics or Toad
Computers -- you're probably going to be stuck with mail order. I hope
that's not the case, because the games just won't sell nearly as well.
On a more somber note, though, these four titles will almost undoubtedly be
Atari's Lynx swansong. Unless there is a HUGE demand for Lynx titles,
which is unlikely even if the Jag gets a Lynx adapter, I just don't see
Atari producing any more Lynx games. No Road Riot 4WD, no AvP, nothing.
But if we see these last four I will be happy.
I'll gladly run up my credit cards for all four of these...
Jaguar Support Area
Len Stys
Jaguar News
General Jaguar News
Date: Sat Jul 22 01:51:16 1995
An open message from Mr. Ted Hoff, President of North
American operations for Atari Corporation...
Of those of you who follow Atari's progress and 64-bit
Jaguar momentum, some have expressed interests (and
concerns) with regard to the disposition of the much
anticipated Jaguar software title, "Fight for Life." Right
away, let me address the rumors/flames by stating that
"Fight for Life" is alive and well and a solid Atari
development effort continues on that title. Due to the
online concerns passed on to me recently, I see there's a
need to make Atari's official position clear with regard to
its current status.
Since the development effort began on "Fight for Life,"
Francois Bertrand and the "Fight for Life" team have seen
significant progress in the development tools and the
capabilities of the Jaguar machine. What was underestimated
was the development time and effort necessary to take
advantage of the machine's capability. In our most recent
evaluation of "Fight For Life," we were concerned that the
game (in its current stage) did not exploit the
capabilities of the Jaguar, nor would it deliver to the
gamer the quality or depth of game play expected from the
Jaguar 64 system. For this reason, newer development
efforts are being explored, including the evaluation of new
software engines to enhance the speed, smoothness and
graphics handling of the Jaguar 64.
I personally wish to assure you that every step will be
taken to provide a game that meets your expectations and
shows off the strength and capability of the system. Most
of all, I insist that each game provides hours and hours of
fun and challenging game play. I am demanding these
principals to be maintained on all games from Atari; not
only on "Fight for Life." If we change schedules, it will
be for good reason; namely to meet high standards of
graphics appeal and incorporate the "fun factor" for which
Atari products are so well known.
Francois wants to add...
"Due to the acquisition and implementation of new
resources, my 'Fight For Life' team has been inspired to
enhance 'Fight For Life' in the areas of graphics and
animation. We are really excited with the changes we have
made so far. The enhancements will well be worth the
I know the online community has hung in there with us!
Thank you. You are our loyal user base and we are
determined not to disappoint you.
For those of you interested, Jaguar CD-ROM will ship August
24, 1995 and should be available throughout our retail
distribution base by the last week of August and early
September; depending on how different stores have set up
If you are not presently a Jaguar gamer and wish to own the
power of the 64-bit Jaguar, please call Atari Corporation
at 1-800-GO-ATARI and we will help locate a retailer near
you. For about $150.00 each (system or CD-ROM), you can't
beat it. We will continue to monitor your comments and
feedback regarding our products... both positive and
negative. I'm hoping that we can continue to be open and
We have a big job ahead of us; your input continues to be
important and your loyalty and interest are greatly
--Ted Hoff (July 21, 1995)
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas
Date: Tue Jul 18 09:38:51 1995
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.07.18)
Here's a summary of some new image files I uploaded to
GEnie, CompuServe and CATscan BBS [209/239-1552]...
BLUE1.JPG JPEG file of "Blue Lightning" / 68,659
BLUE2.JPG JPEG file of "Blue Lightning" / 67,316
BLUE3.JPG JPEG file of "Blue Lightning" / 63,799
BLUE4.JPG JPEG file of "Blue Lightning" / 76,364
BLUE5.JPG JPEG file of "Blue Lightning" / 76,438
Approx 300x200 JPEG format image files of: "Blue
Lightning" for the Atari 64-bit game system. "Blue
Lightning" is one of the Jaguar's first CD-based games
for the CD-ROM peripheral. It features incredible
graphics for the flying combat experience of your
64-bit life. This image is (c)1995 Atari Corporation.
It may be republished in a complimentary fashion if
copyright notice is included.
FLIPOUT1.JPG JPEG file of "Flip Out" / 71,235
FLIPOUT2.JPG JPEG file of "Flip Out" / 89,600
FLIPOUT5.JPG JPEG file of "Flip Out" / 73,762
FLIPOUT6.JPG JPEG file of "Flip Out" / 78,270
FLIPOUTB.JPG JPEG file of "Flip Out" / 42,972
Approx 300x200 JPEG format image files of: "Flip Out"
for the Atari 64-bit game system. "Flip Out", a
cartridge based 'fun factor' game, looks a whole easier
than it is. If you liked "Tetris" or "Klax", you'll
flip for "Flip Out"! This image is (c)1995 Atari
Corporation. It may be republished in a complimentary
fashion if copyright notice is included.
WMCJ_LL.JPG JPEG file of "White Men Can't Jump" / 79,191
WMCJ_LR.JPG JPEG file of "White Men Can't Jump" / 75,030
WMCJ_UL.JPG JPEG file of "White Men Can't Jump" / 72,114
WMCJ_UR.JPG JPEG file of "White Men Can't Jump" / 79,612
Approx 300x200 JPEG format image files of: "White Men
Can't Jump" for the Atari 64-bit game system. "White
Men Can't Jump" features multi-player action and is the
first Jaguar game to use the new Team Tap adaptor which
is included. Each Team Tap allows up to four players on
one joystick port. This image is (c)1995 Atari
Corporation. It may be republished in a complimentary
fashion if copyright notice is included.
The images were captures from Atari's marketing Department
in Macintosh .PCT format. I used a translator to change
them to .TGA format as I found that to offer the best
sustained resolution. I then CROPed the image to eliminate
unnecessary black borders and scaled the image down by 50%
using a paint and imaging application. Once scaled down, I
lightened contrast and brightness to better match the
original Jaguar look and feel. Finally, I touched up stray
pixels that evolved over the process. (I'm trying to
straighten out problems with my PC. Aggh! <g>) My final
step involved "ZIPing" the image so I can include a .DIZ
description file.
The result is a thumbnail library of clear images that are
easy to download and view. Here's some initial reaction of
what users found:
SERV: CompuServe
USER: Cody Maloney 75204,3532
DATE: 7/17/95
TOPC: Jaguar General: Excellent Screen Shots
MSG#: 85654
Don, I have to say is the screen shots are fabulous!
Flip Out took my breath away. It left me breathless.
Its one game that is on my list.
Blue Lighting look stunning.
White Men Can't Jump is also stunning as well.
-++- ============================================= -++-
SERV: CompuServe
USER: Edward J. Mazmania 102211,2662
DATE: 7/17/95
TOPC: Jaguar General: Excellent Screen Shots
MSG#: 85655
I have to agree. The screen shots look nothing like
what I saw at the E3 for Blue Lightning. The game I
have to say looked like garbage at the show. Every
other game was awesome from Rayman to Hoverhunter,
Highlander, Battlesphere, and the progressing D2K. I
tried to play BL and loved the music but found no
gameplay and poor graphics. Of course I only saw some
level in the clouds. After seeing these screen shots I
have second thoughts now.
-++- ================================================= -++-
The Jaguar Gamers' Books are shipping from Sandwich Islands
Publishing. Here's some initial reaction:
DATE: 7/13/95
TOPC: Jaguar: 64-bit game console
MSG#: 153
I received my "Jaguar Official Gamer's Guide" Thursday.
It looks really well done, though I haven't read that
much yet. Nice cover, 244 pages, covers 18 games, and
loaded with pictures. The pictures are B/W but they are
very sharp and serve the purpose. It looks very up to
date with coverage of Hover Strike and even a preview
of Rayman. It's full of maps, cheats, hints, and tips.
A lot of the info can be found on GEnie, but it's nice
to have it all in one handy reference to keep by the
Joe Schram
-++- ============================================= -++-
CATscan E-Mail
Msg Num: #1 of 6
Sent By: (#38) Brian Mccleary - Loyal Jaguarian
Sent To: (#1) Don Thomas - Atari Corporation
Sent On: July 13, 1995 at 4:38pm
Recv On: July 15, 1995 at 6:29pm
Subject: Gamers' Guide
The books are great Don! The maps for Aliens -vs-
Predator are excellent!
-++- ================================================= -++-
Super Burnout continues to attract the rave reviews from
serious gamers. Here's what Steve Kipker of Steve's
Software wrote to me recently....
"Well, Super Burnout has only been released for 2 weeks
now and has continued to be a big success with our
customers. What I keep hearing over and over are things
'This game is better than the Arcade, and I am saving
.50 each time I play. That has more than paid for this
game in one day!!!'
'Two player action is as good as it gets'
'Riding Super Burnout is better than the real thing,
and cheaper on Insurance'
'Super Burnout is so real that I felt like I had to put
on my crash helmet'
'Super Burnout is truly the Fastest racing Simulator
for the Atari Jaguar - I feel the need, the need for
"Don, Super Burnout has been a great success and will
continue to sell just on customer referrals alone...Atari
has delivered a true 64-bit racing simulator - What's
Yes, I know it sounds like hype, but Steve really does like
selling Super Burnout (He also likes Pinball Fantasies;
another recent hit.) Ask him yourself, you can write Steve
at: <> on the Internet.
Date: 01 Jul 95 05:57:59 EDT
Feel free to repost in public.
June 29, 1995
Mr. Andrew McNamara
Game Informer Magazine
10120 West 76th Street
Eden Praire, MN 55344
Dear Mr. McNamara,
I received the latest issue (July) of Game Informer Magazine. As a reader, I
"thanks" for the extensive E3 coverage and photographs. I honestly feel you
offer your
readers a terrific publication. Since my focus at Atari Corporation is in the
area of
customer service, I always enjoy reading the reader feedback columns in the
gaming magazines. I find that your magazine treats and handles most of your
inquiries real well.
In the July issue on page 5, however, I take exception with the way you
answered Mr.
Brad Yach of Neillsville, Wisconsin. He asked about Jaguar technology. Your
reply was
that the Jaguar is "a multiprocessor design that utilizes a 64-bit bus and not
a 64-bit
CPU". You caution the gamer not to get upset "because the Jaguar's $159 price
reflects this design and makes it not such a bad deal".
The Jaguar meets or exceeds every accepted definition of the term "64-bit". It
has a 64-
bit highway AND it has mulltiple 64-bit processors. You are correct that it is
a multi-
processor system. There are processors that handle smaller housekeeping tasks
are not 64-bit, but the power is there for developers to enjoy. For more
information, I
have no doubt we could arrange an interview with the system designer, Mr. John
Mathieson. For your convenience, I have attached a copy of "How Many Bits is
which was handed out to the press on June 20th.
Personally, I don't think the fact that other gaming magazines publish 70 to
140 or more
pages than you do each month have much to do with the quality of your
publication. The
fewer pages have no impact on your right to be described as a quality
glossy-stock print
publication. Then again, maybe Game Informer Magazine isn't such a bad deal
the cover price is only $3.95. <g>
Donald A. Thomas, Jr.
Director, Customer Service, Atari Corporation
cc: open letter online
Date: 25 Jun 95 17:21:25 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.06.25)
Bonjour from the 64-bit highway.
In my software release schedule I posted in my last CATnips,
I inadvertently listed "Max Force" to be a cart game when it
will actually be a CD-based title. I knew better, but I was
in "mindless copy" mode when I typed the list. My apologies
to Mr. Chris Howard of Genus Microcomputing!
It may be a few months before these new Jaguar gamers are
beating their Dads at gruelling 64-bit Jaguar head-to-head
competitions, but I wish to congratulate them now for their
pending victories.
Atari's own, Dan McNamee, officially became a new Dad on May
11th at 2:37am CST. Weighing in at 8 lbs. 9.8 oz, Trevor Lee
Cluney (not to be confused with Trevor McFur) measured 22".
Send your congratulations to Dan through the Internet at
[ ].
Mr. Randy Magruder runs the Jaguar and Portables section of
the VIDGAM Forum on Compuserve. His daughter, Erin Leilani,
was born last week. She weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. at birth and
was 21" long. Randy says his "nerves are shot to hell", but
"mother and baby are doing just fine!". (Sounds like a
strong dose of Doom is in order, Randy)! <g> Congratulations
go to Randy via the Internet: [ ].
Mr. Jeffrey Norwood, publisher of Jaguar Journal online
magazine, has stated that the Jaguar will be sold at
"It's true", he writes to me and Dan in an open message on
CompuServe. "Wal*Mart agreed to sign to distribute Jaguar
items at many of their locations... I got a second
confirmation today... my uncle works for a Wal*Mart
distributing company, McKlein, and he did mention that the
Jaguar will be on shelves later this year."
In the interest to answer the flood of E-Mail that came in
to me to confirm this report, I checked with Mr. Garry
Tramiel at Atari. He told me that Wal*Mart has sent to Atari
a vendors kit which may have been sent to us (Atari) via
their distributing company. The distributing company may be
aware that, statistically, those things go to new vendors,
and we also find that to be a good sign. On the other hand,
neither Atari nor Wal*Mart have yet made any announcements
regarding Wal*Mart carrying Jaguar products.
In the meantime, Atari does remain faithful to its goal of
expanding the Jaguar's use of shelf space at existing and
new retail locations.
While speaking to Mr. Garry Tramiel Friday, he said I could
pass on to everyone some GREAT news. Jaguar exposure on
retail shelves and in popular consumer catalogs will be
outstanding. As always, information is subject to change.
The purpose of sharing this is to help keep people
The Jaguar will be featured in the new Sear's Christmas Wish
Book and in upcoming Speigel and J.C. Penney catalogs. The
Jaguar will also be at ALL Venture locations sometime in
October. Montgomery Ward will carry Jaguar in their San
Francisco and Los Angeles locations this fall. A big St.
Louis chain called Grandpa's will carry the Jaguar within
the next few months approaching the fall and Christmas. The
Jaguar will be in the top Software Etc. locations and K-Mart
is looking carefully at how the Jaguar does at a location
where FunCo is a concession operator in the store.
People in many areas have already told me they have noticed
our efforts to get the Jaguar's exposure in Toys R Us
locations to expand and improve. Look for similar successful
efforts in many other retail, chains too such as Tower
Records, Electronics Boutique and the Wherehouse locations.
There are a lot more pending success stories which are
simply waiting for the ink to dry on the paper.
Date: 23 Jun 95 01:36:27 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.06.22)
Yes, this is still another edition of CATnips. I thought I
included everything yesterday, but a lot of people are
working hard and things are changing by the hour.
One of the first things to do is update the tentative
software schedule from the one I sent out a week ago or so.
The schedule had changed since E3, but I didn't know what
all the changes were so I sent out the information I had. The
schedule below includes up-to-the-minute additions,
corrections and changes. I will remark about key changes
after the schedule. Again, these are NOT promises or
guarantees. The information is taken directly from
up-to-date project status reports with projected release
dates based on realistic developer projections. Some of the
information WILL change, but as always we will make every
effort to keep changes to a minimum. Please note that titles
noted by (*) are third party releases. Also note that some
titles remain unannounced and are not yet placed on this
schedule. I apologize in advance for any typos I may have
JUNE '95:
Pinball Fantasies(*) cart simulation
Super Burnout cart racing
JULY '95:
Air Cars(*) cart racing/combat
Fight For Life cart fighting
Flashback(*) cart action/adventure
Ultra Vortek (formally Ultra Vortex)
cart fighting
White Men Can't Jump (with Team Tap pack-in)
cart sports
Blue Lightning CD flying/action
Creature Shock CD adventure/sci-fi
Dragon's Lair(*) CD adventure
Flip-Out cart puzzle
Myst CD interactive novel
Power Drive Rally cart driving
Vid Grid CD puzzle/music video
Rayman cart action/adventure
Baldies CD action/simulation
Battlemorph CD flying/action
Battlesphere(*) cart space/combat
Charles Barkley Basketball cart sports
Demolition Man CD action/combat
Hover Strike CD CD action/combat
Max Force cart action
Pitfall(*) cart arcade
Robinson's Requiem CD adventure
Ruiner Pinball cart arcade
Soul Star CD action/sci-fi
Space Ace(*) CD space/combat
Space War 2000 cart action/adventure
Supercross 3D cart sports
Arena Football cart sports
Attack of the Mutant Penguins
CD/cart arcade
Braindead 13(*) CD action/adventure
Defender 2000 cart arcade
Dragon's Lair 2(*) CD adventure
Phase Zero (formally Hover Hunter)
cart action/arcade
Starlight Bowl-a-Rama CD sports
Thea Realm Fighters CD fighting
Highlander I CD action adventure
Atari Kart cart TBD
Brett Hull Hockey CD/cart sports
Commando CD 3D action
Dactyl Joust cart arcade
Deathwatch cart action
Rise of the Robots(*) CD action/arcade
Varuna's Forces CD action/adventure
Breakout 2000 cart puzzle
Commander Blood CD RPG
Redemption CD action/adventure
Black Ice/White Noise CD action/adventure
Formula 1 Racing CD racing
Magic Carpet CD action/RPG
NBA Jam Tournament Edition TBD sports
Primal Rage(*) CD fighting
Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey(*) CD sports
Sudden Impact cart action
Skyhammer CD flying/action
Dune Racer CD racing
Iron Soldier II CD action/strategy
Alien Vs. Predator: The CD CD RPG/adventure
Mindripper CD adventure
Highlander II CD action adventure
APRIL '96:
Batman Forever CD action/adventure
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
TBD sports
Ironman/XO-Manowar TBD action
Mortal Kombat 3 TBD fighting
JUNE '96:
Dante CD action
Rocky Horror Interactive CD adventure
Here are key changes:
# To avoid confusion with an existing title called Vortex,
Ultra Vortex is now "Ultra Vortek".
# "White Men Can't Jump" will be packed with a Team Tap,
multi-player peripheral. The bundle will be $69.99 MSRP.
# Hover Hunter will be changed to "Phase Zero". It may turn
out that it is written "Phase 0", but I doubt it since it
could be read as "Phase Ohh" if it is.
# "Defender 2000" (as previously announced) is now on cart.
# UBi Soft has changed the release of "Rayman" to be "late
summer" according to an inquiry my staff placed this
afternoon. One source suggested that they know that
translates to September, however, I have reason to believe
it will actually be early August. The change is strictly
due to the desire of putting out a quality product. Some
rumors have been floating around that the change is
connected to changing formats or other things... not true.
# Some new titles have been added to the list which have not
appeared on it before... mostly for November and December
1995 release.
# Note that an error was contained in the software
descriptions in yesterdays CATnips. "Flip-Out" is a cart,
not a CD.
I spoke this afternoon with Joe Harabin of Sandwich Islands
Publishing. The official Jaguar Tips Book is now in blue
line and will be shipping from their Michigan printers
beginning July 12th. The book is an authorized compilation
of pro tips for over 25 Jaguar software titles. In addition,
other features include popular reprints of online articles
and ads for our favorite online services.
If you did not yet order this book, I urge you to do so now.
It's been a long wait for many of us, but now that the book
is finished, it won't be that long now. It includes
exclusive maps and illustrations, cheats, tips and
strategies so you can play better and reach higher levels of
To order, call 808/661-8195 and have your credit card
ready... or fax your order to: 808/661-2715. The price is
only $16.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.
This game will get your adrenaline pumping and pin you to
your seat with its 'G' force. As you lean into the first
bend you'll feel like you're really there. Go for it!
Twist the throttle hard and ride that curve like a pro.
* Choose from 6 great custom sport bikes.
* Pit your skills against 8 of the world's meanest race
* Race against the computer or go head-to-head with a
friend for a truly competitive experience.
Take the ride of your life on these fantastic bikes!
Turn your Jaguar into the ultimate amusement arcade with
Pinball Fantasies - the greatest pinball simulator ever.
This classic game offers four scorchingly addictive
tables with the most realistic ball movement you'll ever
see in a video game. If you're looking for instant
playability, speed and excitement, Pinball Fantasies is
the game for you.
But be warned - one game and you're hooked.
Date: 22 Jun 95 02:45:04 EDT
How Many Bits is Jaguar?
(And what does it mean anyway?)
The number of bits used to characterize a computing system is,
in general, a fairly straightforward issue. The candidates
for the number to use are:
1) The number of bits in the data bus. This is the number of
bits that can be transferred from one part of the system
to another at one time.
2) The number of bits in the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).
This is the number of bits that can be computed at once.
3) The number of bits in a data register. This is the number
of bits that make up a value when stored inside a chip.
The number usually used is the first one, the width of the
data bus. This is because there are bottlenecks in all
systems. These need to be avoided. The transfer of data is a
vital aspect of performance and it has been seen to be an
important way to judge overall system performance.
First, a bit of history. The first popular microprocessor
was the Intel 8080. It had an 8-bit data bus (meaning 8 bits
of data could be transferred at one time), an 8-bit ALU
(Arithmetic Logic Unit, so it could compute 8 bits at once),
and 8-bit wide registers. There was a universal agreement
that this should be called an "8-bit processor". Another
popular 8-bit processor is the 6502. Like the 8080, the 6502
has an 8-bit data bus, an 8-bit ALU and 8-bit registers.
There was also universal agreement that this should be
called an 8-bit processor. The 6502 is the processor used as
the computation base of many popular systems. These include:
game systems such as the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800 and the
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), as well as computer
systems such as Atari 400, 800, Commodore VIC-20, C-64 and
Apple II. These are the classic 8-bit machines.
Now the confusion starts. Consider the Intel 8088. The chip
has an 8-bit data bus, a 16-bit ALU and 16-bit registers.
Intel called this an 8-bit processor because it has an 8-bit
data bus to distinguish it from the 8086 which is the 16-bit
bus version. The 8088 was used in the first IBM PC and IBM
called it 16-bit. This was probably because the Apple II was
8-bit and IBM wanted to be bigger. In this case, the stretch
is not completely ridiculous because the 8088 is identical
to the 8086 except for the width of the data bus.
Next consider the Motorola 68000. This has a 16-bit data
bus, a 16-bit ALU and 32-bit registers. It is also known as
a 16-bit processor. The 68000 was the heart of the original
Apple Macintosh. For reasons no doubt similar to IBM's,
Apple chose to call the Mac a 32-bit machine (although no
one really really believed them).
Intel actually worked a clever way around this problem when
the 386 came out. The 386 is a true 32-bit chip with a
32-bit data bus, a 32-bit ALU and 32-bit registers. Intel
also produced a version of the 386 that was identical except
that it has a 16-bit data bus. Intel called the 32-bit bus
version the 386DX and the 16-bit version the 386SX. The
performance difference between these two chips demonstrates
the validity of the data bus criterion. By the convention, the
8088 and 8086 should be called the 8086SX and 8086DX
respectively. The concept of system architecture is quite
useful here. The 386 is a 32-bit architecture and the 386SX
is a 16-bit implementation of that architecture. Just to add
confusion, Intel changed the meaning of DX and SX with the
486. The 486SX is missing an on-chip coprocessor.
In the video game arena, things were quite a bit simpler.
The Sega Genesis used, as it main processor, the 68000.
Either, as a result of a failure of marketing imagination or
due to Apple's failure to convince anyone that the original
Mac was 32-bit, Sega called the Genesis a 16-bit machine.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is based on a
65816, a 16-bit version of the 6502. This is also a 16-bit
system. Both of these systems use 16-bit graphic chips. This
means that the graphics chips in the system are capable of
moving data around the system 16-bits at a time. The NEC
Turbo Graphics 16 is an interesting machine. It used an
8-bit processor but contained 16-bit graphics hardware. This
is the first popular example of the bit size of a system not
being determined by the central processor, but by other
parts of the system. Another example of a 16-bit system
containing an 8-bit processor is the Atari Lynx.
To recap the discussion above, there are several different
numbers that can be used to classify a computing system. The
one that has had the best historical success, is the width
of the data bus. At present, this is relatively easy to do.
Just count the number of wires carrying data. As technology
advances, this will become harder since the busses will be
on-chip. This means that the actual 64 wires may not be
visible on the circuit board, as they are now. The details
may change, but the basic principal will remain the same.
Now, how many bits is the Jaguar?
The heart of the Jaguar architecture is a 64-bit data bus.
This allows several of the system components to operate on
64-bits of data simultaneously and pass those results around
the same way. These components are:
=*= Object Processor =*=
This system element takes an image from DRAM (main
memory) to draw it on the screen. It reads DRAM 64-bits
at a time.
=*= BLiTTER =*=
This moves data around the system. It is optimized for
the transfer of graphics data. The BLiTTER is capable of
64-bit reads and writes.
=*= GPU =*=
This is the true computational heart of the system. It
is a custom RISC processor, with a 64-bit data bus, a
32-bit ALU and 32-bit registers.
There are other support components in the Jaguar that are
not 64-bit in nature. This does not prevent the system from
being 64-bit.
From this, it should be easier to see that the Atari Jaguar
really is a 64-bit system.
(This document issued at Atari's "Fun 'N' Games" press event
held June 20, 1995 at Atari headquarters in Sunnyvale,
California. Tradenames used are Trademarks or Registered
Trademarks of their owning companies.)
In my last CATnips, I captured a lengthy list of popular
World Wide Web Sites that cater to Atari Lynx or Jaguar
gamers. My captures were revealed simply by surfing the net
and I am certain I missed others. One such site I missed was
STReport International Online Magazine. Their site can be
reached with the following address:
I visited the site and found it to be a convenient way to
grab the most recent issue of "STReport" which has covered
the Atari product line for about 8 years now. STReport can
also be obtained from The Bounty BBS by dialing 904/786-4176
or CATscan BBS by dialing 209/239-1552. New issues of
STReport begin distribution every Friday evening. Many BBS
systems have them up by Saturday morning.
Travis Guy is hoping to get an issue of "Atari Explorer
Online" out this coming weekend. Coverage will include an
exclusive report from Adam Urbano of Atari's Fun 'N' Games
event Tuesday.
Jeffrey Norwood has just released the June/July issue of
"Jaguar Journal" online magazine. Look for it in online
service libraries or grab a copy
off CATscan.
Danny Miskin has just released the #2 issue of "Jag Zone"
online magazine. Look for it in online service libraries or
grab a copy from CATscan. Please note that ALL CATscan files
may be reposted on any public access service.
The July issue of "Next Generation" Magazine features and
impressive 7-page pictorial interview with Mr. Sam Tramiel.
PLEASE check this issue out even if you just read it at the
magazine section in the store while the wife(husband) looks
(and buys) new shoes(tools)! This one's a keeper!
Yes, the CD-ROM is still planned for an August release.
Those of you asking for confirmations on that should be
pleased to learn that marketing remains faithful to that
schedule at this time.
I've been getting a lot of praise for the decision to put
"Defender 2000" on cart. Apparently, a lot of onliners agree
with Atari's observation that everyone wants that to be a
"plug 'n play" game. Most everyone writing me realize that
no game play features are being sacrificed with this
decision. Atari just wants everyone to be able to enjoy this
guaranteed Minter classic with or without the CD-ROM already
attached to their system.
I am looking for the dates, how many members attended and
where the first Atari computer and/or video game users'
group meetings were held in their respective area. I would
appreciate exact dates at least down to the month and year.
Any history would be appreciated. If you have that
information, please EMail me (Don Thomas) through the
Internet at
Welcome to the newest members on my distribution lists.
Thanks for your interest in the Jaguar and all your help to
spread the word about our favorite machine!
Date: 16 Jun 95 04:16:06 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.06.15)
A lot of people have been asking me about the status of the
AEO/E3 video shipments. I understand they're wrapping and
packing them day and night. In the last CATnips, I included
some early feedback from viewers of the tape... mostly from
GEnie. Here's a great one in the public Jaguar forum on
Service: CompuServe
Author: Brian McLaughlin 102006,3407
Posted: 06/13/95, 08:24PM
Message #: 83070
Category: Jaguar General
Topic: AEO tapes arrive
Jag VR...
The demo of Missle Command 2000 looked pretty slick, and
the helmet did look quite responsive. If they can get rid
of that seasick feel most VR helmets give you, then at
$300 they should have a winner (as long as they get some
software for it, however, there are LOTS of possibilities
for some real kick games.)
White Men Can't Jump...
Looks like a nice street ball game. Nice zooming and
panning, with a pretty decent framerate. The street talk
was a nice touch, but seemed a bit repetetive. However,
if they pack this with the 4 way adapter at no extra
cost, then I'll definately pick it up.
Defender 2000...
Even though only Classic and Plus modes were shown,
they're enough to already have me drooling already.
Great pixel- shatter explosions and I love the aurora
effect in the background. Guess I'll have to live with
the windows version of Defender available on the net
until this one comes out, however, it's just not gonna be
as fun! :)
Ultra Vortex...
Looks like a pretty cool fighting game, and I esp like
the characters. And I love that announcers voice!
Straight from, er, heck! My only complaint is I wish
some of the animation was a bit smoother, but I'm still
gonna pick this one up (been waiting for it for a while)
Great looking game with a great sense of humor. Some of
those ships were hilarious, esp with the animations. I'd
reveal some of them, but I think I'll hold off so that
those who haven't seen the video yet can still be
suprised. I know I was! :) Suffice it to say, the ships
look great, the game looks well thought out, and the
explosions are pretty cool (what more can you ask for?)
This game looks real smooth and should be a real winner.
On my "Must Buy" list. (Oh, that one ship looked A LOT
like a Star Fury from Babylon 5. Hmmm...)
Hover Hunter...
This game looks real good, esp if they can put it on a 2
meg cart! Imagine what they could do on a CD. Yikes! It
looks a lot like Comanche on the PC, and I was impressed
with Hyper Image's support for items like the Catbox,
Jaglink and even the VR helmet. If they can put in
support for the VR helmet, I'll definately get this game.
(And for those who've seen the interview with the HI
crew, I think we all need to buy this game, if only so
those poor guys can get some shoes! :)
Other Possibilities...
Other games that show potential and I may end up getting:
Soulstar (Only some FMV was shown, but I have high hopes
for Core Design), Fight for Life (I'll wait till it's
done to post a verdict on this one), Skyhammer (little
smoother scrolling on this one would be nice, but still
showed potential. That 1994 date on it has me wondering
what it looks like now), Power Drive Rally (Like the
little touches, like skid marks on the road), Thea Realm
Fighters (Some smoother character animations, and this
could be a winner), Primal Rage (Looked like it was
lacking in the color department, but I'm assuming that's
not a final version <g>), Brett Hull Hockey (Some more
polishing and this could be a winner. Like polish up that
rink, looks a little shaby. And how about changing camera
perspectives during the game?) Battlemorph (I wasn't a
big Cybermorph fan, but this looks a lot nicer. One
complaint I had from Cybermorph that's been addressed is
that the planets now have skies and landscapes in the
distance, which I think adds a lot of atmosphere. Now if
only everything would bank when you turn. That would help
add more to the illusion of movement, etc.) and
Deathmatch (Could be a decent platformer, but that's not
my area of expertise)
My favorite non-game "thrill"...
Getting to see what some of these net people look like,
from Sven to Jeff Minter. And where were you, Don?
Don't tell me you're shy in front of a camera! <g>
And that's my take on things. Sorry it's so long, but my
fingers just wouldn't stop typing! (Just be glad I
didn't type everything I wanted too! <g>)
Remember, the AEO/E3 tape is available now. If you want a
great way to preview great new Jaguar games, get this
video. For more info, contact AEO through the Internet:
Another reminder, the next issue of Atari Explorer Online
(AEO) will include a reprint of the "Pinball Fantasies"
review from their January issue (and some great stuff on
"Super Burnout"). A lot of people are bragging about their
copies and it's a good time to see reviews since that game
has just been released. Look for issue number 1123 of
STReport for their "Pinball Fantasies" review.
One of the Atari Product Managers tell me I can now confirm
"Super Burnout" IS in production. (It has been for a couple
weeks) Look for it soon or place preorders with your
retailer now. "Super Burnout" is an arcade favorite and the
Jaguar version is extremely faithful to the arcade feel
INCLUDING the fun factor Atari is known for!
Ms. Kristine Chambers also tells me that "Defender 2000"
has just been "promoted" to cart format. I say "promoted"
because "Defender 2000" lends itself to a plug 'n play
format in my opinion. When you have the urge to play,
you're going to want to play! It's clear that a lot of CD
titles are coming together as they are now planned and
there's no reason to steal the cartridge appeal of the
classic remake away.
Atari collectors and Jaguar gamers may like to look for
page 133 of the July issue of GamePro magazine. Crave
Division: Rockabilla, Inc. is offering a new variety of
licensed Atari Jaguar T-Shirts including one that features
"Hover Strike", "Tempest 2000", "Iron Soldier" and the
Jaguar eyes. Each shirt is just $16.95 each and they sell
Jaguar hardware and software too. For a free catalog or to
order, call 612/942-9920. These T-shirts are 3rd party and
not available direct from Atari.
I don't often include news concerning competitors, since
people on my distribution list are most interested in
Jaguar specific information. Sometimes there's reason for
exception. Please note, that although I am employed by
Atari, any commentaries are my own and do not reflect the
point of view of Atari Corporation.
On June 13, Golin/Harris, Nintendo's PR Firm, issued a
press release announcing Nintendo's intention to drop
participation in the Winter Consumer Electronics Show
(CES). The major significance of this is the gaming
industry trend toward dedicated shows such as the
Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and away from CES. This
new announcement from Nintendo comes within mere weeks of
Nintendo's announced delay of Ultra 64.
Trade shows are siginificant within the industry because
it's a major thrust behind putting products on store
shelves. It's an opportunity to lure the buyers of the
major chain stores. Nintendo's announcement which they say,
"cements industry support for single yearly show", will be
a major sacrifice for them because it will erraticate an
early 1996 opportunity to show off any progress they may
have made on their Ultra 64 system.
Meanwhile, a recent article in the Wall Street Journal
reveals Trip Hawkin's efforts to sell 3DO/M2 technology to
a broader range of potential buyers. According to the
article, Sega is targeted with proposals and analysts
theorize that is because "(Sega) needs help with its
Mr. Jim Carlton, author of the article, points out that
3DO's "cumulative net loss is $113 million since it was
founded in 1993."
Gamers may recall that Sega of America scrambled to get the
Saturn out earlier than originally announced in time to
show for E3 as an effort to douse some of the impact of
Atari's VR and Sony's Playstation. Backstage, Sega is
literally giving away Sega CD systems to users in
manufacturer-direct promotions in hopes of increasing the
installed base of 16-bit CD users.
A lot of people want to know where the best online support
sites are. Here is a summary and in no particular order:
Dial 209/239-1552 * 24 hrs. 14.4 Free/except LD charges
Toad Hall BBS
Dial 617/569-2489 * 24 hrs. 9600 Free/except LD charges
617/567-8642 * 24 hrs. 2400 Free/except LD charges
Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG
Dial 216/368-3888 * 24 hrs. 300/1200/2400+ baud
Internet: telnet or
type "go lynx" or "go jaguar" from any menu
STAR*LINX BBS Lynx / Jaguar / ST / STe / TT / Falcon030
Dial 602/464-4817 * 24 hrs. 14.4 over 500 megs online
CompuServe Online Service (GO JAGUAR) [subscriber service]
Dial 800/848-8199 (voice) Ask for op #198 for more info.
GEnie (JAGUAR) [subscriber service]
Dial 800/638-9636 (voice) for sign-up information.
Delphi [subscriber service]
Dial 800/544-4005 (voice) for sign-up information.
Also interactive areas on America Online and Prodigy
* The following includes sites that may not be Jaguar
* specific, but caters to Atari gamers and/or computer
* users. Internet access and appropriate software required.
* Sites have not been cross individually checked.
* Unofficial Atari Jaguar Home Page by Christian Svensson
* Yak's Zoo (Jeff Minter's Fun Farm)
* Toad Computers (retail and information site)
* Jaguar Directory
* Atari Jaguar 64-Bit Game Machine Stuff
* Index of/~jschlich/Jaguar/
* ST Format Page
* CAIN Page
* Cybercube WWW Page
* Atari Home Page by Martijn Dekker
* www.fwi.uva.hl/~mdekker/atari.html
* Steve's Atari WWW Pages
* Atari Page by Dirk Klemmt
* Atari Users List
* Eero Tamminen's Atari Pages
* CNAM Atari Pages
* Simon Gornall's Atari Pages
* Atari Page by Robert Krenn
* Atari Ghostwriter
* Julian's Atari Page
* Atari Page by Frank Post
* Atari Lynx Page
* Lynx Pages
* Volker Burggraf Atari Pages
* Martin's Atari Page
* ZFC's Atari Page
* STReport's Page
Date: 14 Jun 95 04:13:01 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.06.13)
I'm going to celebrate this edition of CATnips by giving it
a theme... I'm calling it my "Personal Opinion Edition!"
<g> Last week I was forwarded an Internet message from
someone feeling I was not entitled to a personal opinion
or, at least, a right to express it within my CATnips
format. So to that... I say "Bullpunky!" <g>
For the record, CATnips is NOT a formal statement of Atari
Corporation and my personal opinions expressed herein are
no one else's but my own. I think everyone on my private
distribution channel (KJAG or WJAG for our friends East of
the Mississippi <g>) knows that CATnips is my own personal
means to fill the gap between what is newsy in the Jaguar
spotlight, but may not be covered by press releases or
formal statements. Subjects I have covered have been
personal perspectives of E3, my adventures with CATscan
(209/239-1552 == 14.4 == 24 hours), my impressions on games
or simply where to find them, previews of neat stuff I've
snagged for onliners at great prices (T-Shirts, posters, CD
Soundtracks, videos, etc.), great online comments and
more... lots more. I've even attached Press Releases from
time to time. You can tell which ones they are because of
the two secret words at the top of them... (PRESS RELEASE).
Also, for the record, I do work at Atari Corporation and my
opinions are 100%+ biased in favor of Atari products. I'm
sorry to shock some of you, but looking for ways to sell
the SNES doesn't really pay my mortgage well. For what it's
worth, working at Atari is a thrill for me because I get to
swim in my favorite pool of entertainment products. Long
before I knew Atari would scrape grease from my elbows, I
was collecting 2600 game cartridges, devoted to my 400 and
800 computers (no, those are not quantities) and attending
Atari users' group meetings in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Although only one person I know of ever suggested I not
voice opinions, I felt compelled to be PC (no pun intended)
about it and 'fess up that I am biased. In the interest of
fairness, I encourage anyone that chooses to republish
copies of CATnips to point out that my expressed opinions
are based on those things I think will help promote the
Atari Jaguar (and Lynx). Those who know me realize I will
never falsify anything, but I won't go out of my way to
point out the occasional "not so good" stuff... Kind of
like when I proudly show pictures of my son, I don't go out
of my way to point out that his team lost their baseball
season this year. Heck, if I'm going to paint, why not use
colors I like! Right?
I suppose I should feel obligated to point out that the
preceding was a biased editorial based on personal opinion.
Okay, let's move on <g>...
Some of you may recall that I was entertaining the idea of
assembling a timeline of Atari's history. Although things
like Christmas and E3 have shifted its position on my
priority list, I'm still collecting goodies as sources for
information. So far I have over 130 pages packed with
material and I still have volumes of books and magazines to
I'd like to point out an excellent book I came across. It
was recommended to me by John Hardie, a Jaguar devotee and
CATscan member from New York who expressed his PERSONAL
OPINION and... oh, anyway, the book is called: "PHOENIX:
The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames". It was written by
Leonard Herman who is a freelance writer, award winning
lyricist, Atari game collector and computer programmer
residing in New Jersey. The book is published by Rolenta
Press with a copyright of 1994. Now the following review of
this book is my PERSONAL opinion...
"PHOENIX: The Fall & Rise of Home Video Games" seems to me
to be the most thorough history of the video game evolution
I have seen. Unlike "Game Over" by David Sheff which takes
an angle from primarily Nintendo's perspective, Herman's
accounts appear to me (my opinion) to be evenly devoted to
all the systems that contributed to the phenomenon of
videogaming. It would have been nice if there were photos
or illustrations because part of the charm to reminisce is
to visualize how some of those old blocky games looked. I
do not know the accuracy of all the data in the book, but
the book is extremely well indexed (another opinion) and
offers a three page bibliography in teeny tiny print.
The book is 298 pages and perfect bound by a generic
looking cover. It is available direct from the publisher
for $22.49 which includes shipping costs. New Jersey
residents need to add $1.20 for the sales tax. In MY
OPINION, it adds something to the book to have the author
sign it. You may want to make that request when ordering.
By the way, I am personally looking for a book titled:
"ZAP" written by Scott Cohen and published by McGraw Hill
in 1984. I found a copy in the library at Sacramento State
University, but I would like to add a clean copy to my
private library. The book is out of print and no longer
available through McGraw Hill. (A FACT verified through the
publisher... not an opinion.) Please EMail me at or if you have
help for me on this. I am also interested in dusty, but
good condition Atari 2600 game cartridges. Of course, the
unusual ones would be most appealing. One such cart that
comes to mind was part of a Puppy Chow promotion. Before
you you offer them away to me or anyone else, take a good
look at them again. Some of those games were a lot of fun
and you might see new versions of some of them playing on a
Jaguar near you! <wink>
Those looking for great Jaguar press, check out the July
issue of POPULAR SCIENCE on page 41. (Note, it is my
opinion that the coverage was "great", but it is NOT my
opinion that it is found on page 41.) The system is
pictured and a couple screen shots of Kasumi Ninja are
featured to show the version with and without the parental
code activated.
Just as a premature footnote, I have received several
comments back in agreement with my PERSONAL OPINIONS of
"Pinball Fantasies". Look for reviews coming up in the
upcoming issues of STReport and Atari Explorer Online. BTW,
"Pinball Fantasies" is available NOW!
The new July issue of VIDEOGAMES reached me today. In MY
OPINION, our buddy Chris Gore is at it again. Although our
recent lunch meeting with Gore was after this issue went to
press, there are a few "technical errors" which will appear
to be new because the magazine is just coming out. One of
them happens to be the FACT (not opinion) that the CD-ROM
is still scheduled for release in August... not "by
Christmas" as quoted in the magazine. Please help notify
gamers in advance of this.
Your favorite press celebrities have been invited to a very
special FUN 'N' GAMES event at Atari headquarters. Look for
early feedback from them within a couple weeks. The event
will open opportunities for sneak previews, exclusive
interviews (and the separation of opinion and fact).
I still get a lot of EMail asking if we still have AvP or
IS posters, Tempest Soundtrack CDs and videos. Yes, we have
all of them for collectors and enthusiasts. Whenever I get
a chance, I snag some for the onliners in case they want to
get one. Just follow the instructions in the ad to place
your order. Please keep in mind that the Tempest Soundtrack
CD is now scheduled for release as a pack-in with the
CD-ROM so don't order one if you can wait until then. Also,
the best recent video (IMO) is actually from Atari Explorer
Online. Here's what the onliners are saying about the
AEO/E3 video...
Service: GEnie
Author: C.SMITH89[CLINT/A.P.E.]
Posted: 06/09/95, 08:29PM
Message #: 148
Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console!
Topic: ATARI@E3
"...Terrific quality work... Rayman looks killer...
Hopefully the rest of SoulStar will be as good as it's
FMV intro. Woah! Missile Command 2000 is looking very
nice indeed. White Men Can't Jump looks and sounds very
cool. Nice effects. Shut Up and Jam's setup screens look
nice. Nice to see that it's being handled by Ringler(they
did Lynx Hockey, Mario Lemiuex for Sega, and some
computer sports games for Mindscape years ago). Fight For
Life looks GREAT. Much better looking than Virtua
Fighters on Saturn. The best move shown on the video is
when a character gets finished off with a vicious looking
bearhug. Nice FMV for that NERF ad. Defender 2000 plus
looks excellent. Love the aurora and the various sounds
(especially the sizzle of the lightning lazer). It should
kick with the right music. More great looking FMV for
Varuna's Forces. Pinball Fantasies looks pretty good and
the music is quite nice. Flip Out...boy what an odd
looking(but neat) game. Ultra Vortex is looking
great(especially since the background smooth scrolls ...
no more jumpiness). Lucius has some great looking
attacks. SkyHammer looks promising. Power Drive Rally
looks and sounds excellent. Love the reflection of the
sky in the water. Ruiner looks interesting. The war motif
appeals to me more. Some cool sound. Battlesphere ... WOW
... Battlesphere. Oh my god, it's full of stars! Somebody
clone the 4Play gang. I especially love the music. It
sounds EXCELLENT. Also, I don't care who you have to
bribe ... keep the Star Raiders shot sound. Who'd think
that an 8-bit game's sound effect would seem so right in
a 64-bit game? Thea Realm Fighters looks to have promise.
Really nice backgrounds. The FMV on Blue Lightning is
incredible. I'd really like to see something of a level
where you're flying over ground though before I condemn
it(plus, it's probably still being worked on). Primal
Rage is looking VERY close to the arcade game. Hyper
Force strikes me along the same lines as Switchblade 2 on
the Lynx. I hope the game is still being worked on(your
character looks super stiff). Creature Shock has to have
the BEST FMV on the Jag CD. It looks unbelievable. Even
if there isn't much gameplay, it still may be worth
picking up just to blow your friend's minds. Brett Hull
Hockey(also from Ringler) is also looking VERY promising.
Could be a good one. Vid Grid looks pretty good. People's
thoughts that it might be very easy to piece together a
music video in motion need to take a look(ouch, tough).
Battlemorph. YES. Great FMV. Visually it's a step beyond
the original and the underwater stuff looks great.
Deathmatch gives me almost an EarthWorm Jim feel. Very
pretty. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.
Finally, Hover Hunter looks very neat.
Terrific job, AEO gang.
(Oh, when I said the Jag logo looked neat, I meant this
cool FMV logo sequence. It's looks great).
Service: GEnie
Posted: 06/10/95, 12:10AM
Message #: 151
Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console!
Topic: ATARI@E3
I just finished watching both AEO tapes ( which I
received today!). They are great. I personally can't wait
to get BattleMorph and BattleSpere. My 11 year old son
wants Vid Grid. Great job by the AEO guys.
-CB Sez
Service: GEnie
Author: C.WELLS10[Ginsu]
Posted: 06/10/95, 02:57AM
Message #: 152
Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console!
Topic: ATARI@E3
Got both tapes in this afternoon;had to skim through the
Atari one real quick before work, getting ready to sit
down and watch now. What brief bit I saw earlier looked
excellent! Rayman, Ultra Vortex, Defender 2000, White
Men Can't Jump, Battlemorph, Battlesphere(AWESOME!)and
Hoverhunters looked like the best of the bunch, with many
others looking really great (or promising on the early
ones). The intros on the CD games were all spectacular!
Gotta go watch, more comments to follow!
Service: CompuServe
Author: Daniel Skelton 73742,464
Posted: 06/12/95, 10:51PM
Message #: 82913
Category: Jaguar General
Topic: AEO tapes arrive
Got mine today, and spent most of the evening watching
it. Great stuff again, and thanks!
Dan Skelton
Antique Videogame Aficionado and Proud Jaguar Owner
I am getting a lot of EMail on the E3 Video. Please!... the
video is available exclusively through Atari Explorer
Online. Contact them through the Internet for ordering
A lot of people have asked about the software schedule. As
many of you have heard, there are enough software projects
in the works for the Jaguar to have a library potential of
75 - 100 titles to have been released by the Holidays. Many
of them have already been announced. Here is the schedule
from E3: (although NOT based on opinion, the FACTS are
subject to change <g>)
JUNE: Pinball Fantasies Super Burnout
JULY: Air Cars Fight For Life
Flashback Power Drive Rally
Rayman Ultra Vortex
White Men Can't Jump
AUGUST: Arena Football Baldies (CD)
Battlemorph (CD) Blue Lightning (CD)
Creature Shock (CD) Demolition Man (CD)
Dragon's Lair (CD) Flip-Out
Highlander I (CD) Myst (CD)
Pitfall Rise of the Robots (CD)
Robinson's Requiem (CD) Ruiner Pinball
Space Ace (CD) Vid Grid (CD)
SEPTEMBER: Atari Kart Battlesphere
Charles Barkley B'Ball Hover Hunter
Hover Strike (CD) Max Force
Soul Star (CD) Space War
Super Cross (3D)
OCTOBER: Attack of the Mutant Penguins (CD/Cart)
Braindead 13
Defender 2000
Dragons Lair 2:Time Warp (CD)
Highlander II (CD)
Starlight Bowl-a-Rama (CD)
Sky Hammer (CD)
Thea Relm Fighters CD
NOVEMBER: Brett Hull Hockey (CD/Cart)
Commando (CD)
Dactyl Joust
Formula Racing (CD)
Highlander III (CD)
Primal Rage (CD)
Varuna's Forces (CD)
Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey (CD)
DECEMBER: Black Ice\White Noise (CD)
Magic Carpet (CD)
JANUARY 96: Dune Racer (CD)
Iron Soldier II (CD)
FEBRUARY: Alien Vs Predator (CD)
Mind-ripper (CD)
APRIL: Batman Forever (CD)
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (TBD)
Ironman/Exoman (TBD)
Mortal Kombat 3 (TBD)
JUNE: Dante (CD)
Wow, that's a long list! (Well, that's MY OPINION anyway!)
Date: 07 Jun 95 23:52:55 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas
Okay. LOTS of you <<<S-C-R-E-A-M-E-D>>> (just as you should
have) over the Ultimate Gamer magazine article which
appeared in their premiere issue (cover date; July 1995).
For example, in that issue, Jaguar gamers were misinformed
that the CD-ROM (to be released in August) was going to be
single speed and... well, let's just say it was a bad hair
day for the unnamed author of that article.
Since a lot of onliners contacted me about the Ultimate
Gamer's issue, I was invited by Ultimate Gamer to have
lunch with them this afternoon. The lunch was hosted by
Chris Gore and Randy Brown. Chris is the Editor-In-Chief of
Ultimate Gamer, Video Games, and Tips and Tricks Magazines.
Chris and Randy were meeting with Ron Beltramo; Vice
President Advertising and Marketing for Atari Corporation
and John Mathieson; Vice President Advanced Technology for
Atari Corporation. We ducked into a restaurant called
Pacific Fresh near the office and really got down to
business. After all that was said and done, I think we
made a lot of headway and I'd like to share what I can with
the people who helped correct this issue... the online
Chris appeared in his trademark cap, calloused punch-button
thumbs and glazed-over video eyes. He was all ablaze with
energy. He talked about the future of the gaming industry
and how well he thought Atari fit into the plan with a
super system priced at less than $160. He shared with us
his enlightenment from the E3 show and how he has come to
conclude that there's room in the market for multiple
high end systems as long as they were priced affordably. He
talked about some great things happening in upcoming issues
of his magazines and how much he has come to realize Atari
is in a great position and that fact will be reflected in
forthcoming issues.
With Chris' permission, I have managed to grab some snippets
from the Editorial by Ultimate Gamer's Frank O'Connor which
will appear in the second issue to released July 25. I am
obligated to say that this preview is subject to
grammatical and technical corrections before it is actually
"Plugged In..."
"Welcome to the second issue of ULTIMATE GAMER. The
response to the first issue was over-whelming,..."
"It seems we also upset and confused a number of Jaguar
owners. We incorrectly reported that the Jaguar CD was a
single-speed unit..."
"We apologize both to Atari and to nervous Jaguar owners
for our unforgivable error..."
" must be said in Atari's defense that E3 was a very
good show for the company. All things considered, there
was more software, better games and a much healthier
"The Atari Virtual Reality headset was drawing crowds from
all over..."
"Jaguar's custom graphics hardware is almost perfectly
suited to the shaded polygons required by Virtual Reality
games. Better yet, the multi-processor architecture means
there is less of the annoying Virtual Reality lag when you
move too quickly..."
"Atari may have single-handedly cracked open a new market,
being the first company to produce a VR game system..."
"Atari really hasn't made any big mistakes. Its machine is
hot, the pricing is incredible and the ideas are fine..."
"The company that started the business may yet find itself
in a position to dominate..."
I hope Jaguar users will pick up this issue of Ultimate
Gamer and let me know what they think. It is also important
that Jaguar gamers let Ultimate Gamer know that they are
appreciative of healthy Jaguar coverage. Ron Beltramo was
very instrumental in getting Chris Gore and company to look
hard at Atari's position and the way the video game market
is shaping up. We all agreed at lunch to the obvious...
more quality software ASAP! We also agreed Atari is dealing
with this in a very serious way with a lot of great
software coming very soon. Now, more than ever, Atari is in
a great position to make that happen as long as we stick by
our guns, er, I mean joypads! <g>
By the way, you can contact the Editorial offices of
Ultimate Gamer by writing:
Ultimate Gamer Magazine
9171 Wilshire Boulevard, #300
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Date: 07 Jun 95 00:27:43 EDT
I've always thought it would be fun to own a private arcade
room. Nothing elaborate.... just a few professional coin-op
machines. A "Space Invaders", a "Missile Command"... an
Asteroids perhaps. My brother has a classic "Kickman"
machine... remember that one? I once owned a generic
knockoff machine that had an abstract resemblance to
"Galaxian", but it never worked well and I sold it one day
to someone who knew how to fix it up better than me.
I don't think I will really ever own that arcade. Neither
will I ever build that personalized cinema or private
amusement park that's always sounded fun, but I do own an
Atari Jaguar. With the Jaguar, I already own the exact
arcade version of "Raiden" (2 player is better on the
Jaguar) and a super new version of "Tempest". "Defender" is
forthcoming soon and other classics have been promised....
(Not to mention other great titles such as "Iron Soldier",
"Doom" and "Alien vs. Predator", but that's another great
At the recent E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo; the huge
trade show for the gaming industry in Los Angeles) I had
the opportunity to preview a new game which is coming to
the Jaguar this Friday (June 9th). The game is called
"Pinball Fantasies" and is published by CWest. CWest
emerged recently as a new software publisher. They ONLY
publish games for the Jaguar and released "Cannon Fodder" a
couple months ago. Look for a preview of their third title
on the Atari Explorer Online (AEO) video coverage of E3.
"Pinball Fantasies" is like getting four great pinball
coin-op machines and putting them into my virtual arcade. I
was hooked within minutes of playing the game. My favorite
is "Stone's 'N' Bones"; a playfield based on a ghosts and
goblins theme, but there's also "Partyland"; based on a
traveling carnival, "Speed Devils"; based on an automobile
raceway and "Billion Dollar Game Show"; based on popular
television game shows.
A lot of video games cater to gamers who want to spend
hours and hours doing complex things without coming to any
ending. Earning health, casting spells, collecting jewels,
answering riddles and maneuvering along obstacle-infested
pathways are some of the basic components of contemporary
game playing. For those of us who just want some old
fashioned mindless entertainment sometimes, nothing beats
the hypnotic roll of a pinball as it pounds it way up and
down the cling-clang alleyway. "Pinball Fantasies" has all
the bells and whistles... the responsive flippers, the
high-score screens, the ability to "nudge" the table,
colorful targets, score multipliers, touchy bumpers,
run-a-way ramps, drop zones and more. It has darn right
decent sound effects and brings home the arcade feel of
good pinball arcade action. If you remember "David's
Midnight Magic" for the Atari 2600, that was one great
pinball game back then! Now "Pinball Fantasies" brings it
all up to date with four fun playfields on one cartridge.
The suggested retail of "Pinball Fantasies" is $59.95 and
it will be at your dealers June 9th. The suggested retail
on "Cannon Fodder" (also by CWest) is Now Only $49.95.
Last week, CWest announced an interesting offer out to all
retail video game department employees on "Cannon Fodder".
There is a $500 reward, a $300 reward, (12) $100 rewards,
(24) $25 + a Jaguar T-Shirt rewards, and "a ton" of FREE
Jaguar T-Shirts. If you are a good video game player you
might want to check in with your local retailer and team up
with a qualified employee and go for it.
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas
Date: 02 Jun 95 00:25:22 EDT
Pinball Fantasies WILL BE IN STORES on June 9. The product
has shipped from the factory and is in route to retail
shelves NOW. I played with Pinball Fantasies at E3. I found
it to be as appealing as any pinball game I have played
with the added appeal of multiple playfields. I happen to
like pinball simulations and I found Pinball Fantasies to
be addictive. It includes high resolution graphics and all
the bells and whistles found on real pinball machines.
Laury Scott has announced in the Jaguar forum that "Super
Burnout" is IN PRODUCTION. YEA! This motorcycle race game
is VERY controllable as well as a heck of a lot of fun to
A lot of Jaguar gamers have asked about the Jaguar's
ability to integrate Q-Sound(tm) effects into software.
Q-Sound is a proprietary method to reproduce sounds so they
audibly "appear" to be actually coming from their original
source. This technology effectively emulates sounds made in
front of the listener on a horizontal plane. In other
words, the sounds cannot reveal whether they were made
higher or lower than the listener, but can reproduce
sources in front of the listener at variable distances
within almost 180 degrees. I'm sure a developer can explain
it better, but the technology is licensed by Atari and
routines have been distributed to developers to integrate
Q-Sound effects into future games. As I understand it, the
routines work by passing monophonic sound samples to them
with parameters that define the position of the sound
source. I think this offers a lot potential for future
Jefferey Norwood's recent informal conference went very
well. His impromptu style lured a lot of participants
including Atari personalities such as Francois Bertrand and
Laury Scott.
Date: 19 May 95 00:56:49 EDT
Jaguar Virtual Reality - VR Headset Official Specs
Head Mounted Display (HMD):
Less than 1 pound. Two degrees of freedom (DOF)
tracking, stereo sound, and 52 degree horizontal by 40
degree vertical field of view. Uses a single 0.7" TFT
active matrix color LCD containing 104,000 pixels.
Optical System:
Custom-designed pupil projection with aspheric acrylic
lenses, beam splitters, mirrors and thin film coatings.
Large exit pupil size of 5mm x 14mm. Can be used by
anyone with an interpupilliary distance between 45mm
and 70mm.
Focus Adjustment:
There is no need for focus adjustment because the
optical system is highly tolerant, projecting a
binocular image, aligned to infinity to both eyes.
Tracking Systems:
"V-Trak" is the fastest tracker ever developed for the
consumer market, with a sample rate of 250Hz and a
lagtime of only 4 milliseconds.
Optional Joystick:
Offers two of six degrees of freedom, allowing greater
control over movements in the virtual world. Jaguar VR
games can also be played with the standard Jaguar
Docking Station:
Houses "V-Trak" position sensing system, a joystick
interface and high speed communications link to the
Jaguar for transferring audio and visual tracking data.
Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty
years. Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made,
advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is
located in Sunnyvale, CA.
Date: 18 May 95 04:07:54 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas
A lot of people are asking me to debrief the Electronic
Entertainment Expo (E3). First, although I am obligated to
say it was fantastic, it *was* fantastic. Here's how it
went for me...
Wednesday, May 10, 1995: I arrive to work as always in the
morning and complete as many unfinished tasks as possible.
My biggest concern is to keep the promotional fulfillments
on track while I am away and I was satisfied about that by
the time I left. My flight out of San Jose to LAX was at
1:50. I arrived to the gate about an hour in advance. I
carried with me my luggage, printed materials for a rep
meeting and one of the many CD-ROM players that would be on
display at the show. Southwest has a "friends fly free"
promotion and my flying buddy was John Skruch. I remember
we received boarding passes numbers 4 and 5. John wanted
number 4 as I recall because that is how old his son is. I
think I remember Sam Tramiel had boarding pass number 8 for
the sake of some obscure trivia game in the future. Our
group on this flight included me, John Skruch, Sam Tramiel,
Lynn Latz, Shirley Taylor, Loic Duval and Scott Sanders.
The flight took about one hour or so and we arrived in LAX
without a hitch. John and I rented 4 wheel drive vehicles
because we would need them to visit retailers after the
show on a couple of evenings. When we arrived to the Avis
lot, Sam volunteered to get my vehicle for me (I was tied
down with a lot of stuff). I did plan to tip him a $1, but
there was a misunderstanding about the vehicle and I never
got to joke with him by handing it to him. After getting
our cars, we assigned navigators and we headed for downtown
LA. Scott Sanders was my navigator and Sam rode in the
We took 110 North and exited at Ninth Street. Our hotels
were on Figueroa Street. Sam stayed at the Westin
Bonaventure Hotel while most of us were at the Omni Los
Angeles (formerly a Hilton); a couple blocks away. We
dropped Sam off, then Scott and I went to check in at the
Omni. After dropping off our things, we walked to the Los
Angeles Convention Center. The walk took about 12 minutes
from the front door of the hotel to the front door of the
convention center. Across from the entrance of the center
was a mammoth Rayman on top of a building. It was one of
those colorful inflated balloons that always seem to draw
attention. When we arrived we could not recall which hall
our booth was located (the show took up two major size
halls plus one smaller one). Consequently, Scott and I took
a preshow tour of the West Hall briefly until we figured
out Atari was in another hall. We did manage to figure out
we were supposed to be in the South hall and we headed that
It always amazes me when I go to these things a day early
and see the condition of the booths. All your senses tell
you that hundreds of man hours of work lie ahead before the
show starts, yet the rational mind reminds you that the
show opens 10 am the next morning no matter what shape its
in. Everything is in disarray. The aisles are full of
high-powered forklifts and booth parts, empty boxes and
ones that aren't so empty. After the realization of how
much work there is to do in what little time is left, I am
struck by the awe of the size of investments companies make
at these shows. There was a small mock up of the Enterprise
bridge, a full scale battle tank as well as the Batmobile
and a working waterfall. There were miles and miles of
cables, lights, portable walls and many of the booths go so
far as to have plumbing installed for just the three days
of the show.
The Atari booth was as awesome as most all the others. It
was creatively constructed to appear as two large booths
although it really was only one. On the front side were two
podiums that were topped by one chair each. These would be
the Virtual Reality (VR) stations. Next to each station was
a display case to allow visitors to see the Jaguar VR
headsets closeup. The real estate at the center of the
booth was taken up by a huge building with about 6 rooms.
The two forward rooms were primarily designated for very
private previews of the Jaguar VR headset. The two middle
rooms plus the one at the far left were used as sales rooms
and a sixth room at the far back was used as a dressing
room for the Thea Relm Fighters as well as a storage area.
The "building" had high walls and it was made of a highly
appealing patterned red material with towering yellow
spires that were layered to show depth and dimension. A
huge Jaguar banner hung from the ceiling and could be seen
when entering the hall.
The carpeted areas in front of the offices and behind the
VR stations had numerous Jaguar kiosks with a different new
Jaguar game running on each one. Behind the offices were
four huge displays. One featured The Relm Fighters, one
sported White Men Can't Jump, one spotlighted Ultra Vortex
and the fourth one highlighted Rayman. Between these were
numerous additional kiosks.
When I arrived to the booth, the major work had been
finished by the union builders and the details were being
put into place. Specific posters were designated for each
office. Certain brochures had to be placed in the right
places. Giveaways had to be accessible and all the displays
and kiosks had to be dusted. As I helped, Ron Beltramo
called the booth and asked for me. He said he needed one of
the boxes I had brought from Sunnyvale taken to the
Bonaventure for a rep meeting that evening. It was the box
I had left at the Omni, so I walked back to get it and take
it to him.
The Bonaventure is one of those magnificent hotels. It's
one of those with elevators on the outside of the building.
From street level, you see the numerous people containers
seemingly race each other up and down the skeletal beams of
the building. From inside each elevator, the rider sees a
breathtaking view of lights and motion as if in a small
plane skimming the sky. I think I remember that the Rep
meeting was in Suite 1308. I took the box there and found
that there were a row of suites that were being prepared
for the meeting to be held an hour or so later. I was still
dressed in my Jurassic Park shirt and jeans so I thought it
best to leave the meeting up to the suits that were there
and I returned to my hotel. As a side note, there was a lot
of filming going on at the Bonaventure as well in the city
streets as we were leaving on the last day. I think the
movie was called In the Nick Of Time or some such thing
because that was painted on some of the crowd barriers.
Once back to my hotel, I showered, called my wife then went
on a mad hunt for food.
Thursday May 11, 1995: By 8:15 a.m. I was to meet John
Skruch at the hotel garage and that's exactly the schedule
we kept. We had to get some items out of storage, load them
in our 4WDs and escort the Thea Relm Fighters over to the
convention center. By 9:00 a.m. we were at the convention
center. By this time, the trucks were off the floor, the
aisle carpeting had been laid and only a few booths looked
as if they may not make it completely by the time the show
opened at 10 a.m. All of us made a final check at stations
to which we were assigned to be sure software and hardware
was functioning, our Jaguar pins were straight and our
smiles were fresh and friendly.
The show opening was fun to see. There were the natural
crowd draws such as the Batmobile and actors dressed as
Klingons, but it was clear to me that a lot of people had
specific agendas and it seemed a lot of them had Jaguar at
the top of their list. The booth was instantly full of
people and it remained that way until after last call on
the last day. In fact a Sega employee we ran into at the
airport remarked to a couple of us that he was amazed at
how crowded our booth always was.
Now may be a good time to describe what E3 is. E3 is a
trade show. In this case, the trade show is focused on a
theme of primarily computer and video gaming. It is not
open to the public, but to the buyers in stores that decide
what you will see on their shelves for the next 6 months to
a year. The show is an opportunity for manufacturers and
developers to romance new business and network new
projects. Resumes are often exchanged and old friends are
reunited after having not worked together for a long time.
The displays and booth space at these shows can easily cost
into the hundreds of thousands of dollars not to mention
the cost to staff or pay models or actors to be there.
Since it is a show that everyone who is anyone attends,
meetings are made, kept and broken which can easily
translate to signed or unsigned deals that involve
countless dollars. The companies that buy booths at these
shows hope to attract press coverage, new volume buyers,
new market distribution channels, new developer contacts
and basically new business overall.
In Atari's booth, three key elements seemed to capture the
interest of people who attended. First, was the phenomenal
breakthrough of VR technology. Technology that refines the
best known infrared tracking systems, couples it with
advanced VR firmware and software and packages in an add-on
peripheral system for around $300. Secondly, was the
awesome number of CD-ROMs and CD-ROM-based software on
display at the booth. Titles like "Primal Rage", "Myst",
"Blue Lightning", "Creature Shock", "Battlemorph",
"Dragon's Lair", "Vid Grid", "Bret Hull Hockey", "Varuna's
Forces" and "Highlander" just to name a very few. Third,
was the incredible number of titles on display in general
with most of them appearing to be complete although most
had at least some work that needed to be completed.
It was on this first day I met up with Christian Svensson
and his colleague Jim Marsteller. They were like children
in a candy store as they began their intensive video survey
for the two Atari Explorer Online videos they were
producing. In fact, these videos will be available soon
(complete with Atari commercials, interviews and
direct-line feeds) at nominal cost. For more info, write
<> through the Internet. I also met
with Carsten Nipkow of CSCN-Europe. Carsten is a CATscan
member and imports and sells Jaguars to a frenzied Jaguar
market in Germany. Cartsen also publishes a German
language Jaguar magazine. His fax and BBS number in
Germany is 0221/427437. I saw Tom Harker of ICD and Peter
Curry of C-West (got previews of Pinball Fantasies and a
new game they just took on in the past few weeks). On one
of the days, I took personal delivery of the newest Toad
Computer Catalog and I was visited by Steve Forbis of
Prodigy. I shook hands with Neil Harris, Li Kramer and Jim
Fisher which are names some of you may recall.
There were the professional film crews there to grab VR
footage for their E3 coverage and there were acres and
acres of people converging on the booth as they found an
opportunity to do so.
At around 4:30 p.m., I grabbed Tal Funke-Bilu and we drove
to The Wherehouse in La Crescenta. Armed with about four
flash ram cards we snuck out from E3, we set up a table in
the store and let customers play them. The store manager,
Greg, was fantastic! He loved the Jaguar (owns one himself)
and was very helpful as we set up. In fact, he played a
copy of the "Tempest 2000 Soundtrack" over the store's
audio system while we were there and all the employees wore
Jaguar T-shirts. I must say that it is a real pleasure to
be working with Tal too. He loves showing off the Jaguar
and he never seems to get tired showing people tricks and
tips he thinks they'd like to know. Tal came to Atari from
the staff of Atari Explorer Online. He worked for me in
Customer Service for a long while, then was pulled away to
John Skruchs' group for game testing prior to the Holidays
last year. We left the Wherehouse just after 9:00 p.m. and
had dinner at Jack in the Box.
Friday, May 12, 1995: Another day, another dollar. Again up
early with a drive to get to the convention center before 9
a.m. so all the coffee cups weren't gone. Like the day
before, the show opened with hoards of people anxious to
try the VR demos and see the newest CD-ROM titles. I have
no idea what what was going on behind closed doors, but I
can tell you they were always closed. On the rare occasion
when I did see the likes of Jon Correll, Ron Beltramo, Sam
Tramiel, Augie Liguori, Laury Scott, Garry Tramiel, Bill
Rehbock or Dean Fox duck in and out they seemed to all have
that same happy smile... not like those they wear at shows
they have to be at... more like a show they were happy to
be at. Who knows, maybe it was my imagination going crazy
after watching crowds gather for Thea Relm Fighter
autographs or the Rayman-dressed actresses hanging around
the booth. Whatever it was, it was a charge that seemed to
keep everyone smiling.
At 4:30, Tal and I snagged our demo carts and ducked out to
visit the Good Guys in Redondo Beach. We got a little lost
and arrived a little late, but we stayed an extra half hour
longer to make up for it. The store personnel were
fantastic. They let us set up right in front of the main
entrance and shut down all the other systems while we were
there. Although we had sneak previews of "Burnout", "White
Men Can't Jump", "Ultra Vortex" and "Rayman" with us,
everyone wanted "Doom". One customer stayed quite a while.
We would set a special code for all the weapons and he
would get a charge out of shooting bad guys. After,
watching him lose health when shooting things too close, I
finally suggested that he step back before shooting to help
him along. He did too. The next time, before he fired, he
physically jumped back first. I suggested he only have to
move his player back on the screen.
The employees at the Good Guys were attentive to their
customers, but stopped by our display every chance they
could get between. I wish I could remember names better
than I can. There were so many nice people that were fun to
meet and know. Just after 9:30, Tal and I closed up shop
and ate dinner at a nearby Carrows restaurant. (BTW, Tal
loves Strawberry pie.)
Saturday, May 13, 1995: On the last day of the show,
traffic overall was a bit thinner, but the Atari booth
still hummed. Francois Bertrand was still being summoned to
show off "Fight For Life" moves and Jeff Minter was
virtually being worshipped for his work on "Tempest 2000"
and the work so far on "Defender 2000". Diana Bredfeldt and
Kristine Chambers helped more streams of people on the VR
demonstrations. Sandy LaBrec, Lynn Latz and Shirley Taylor
did a tremendous job answering front desk questions and
keeping literature stacks piled high. Lance Lewis, Scott
Sanders, Dave Schwartz, Ted Tahquechi, Faran Thomason, J
Patton and Norman Kowalewski filled in where needed and
focused on special projects such as developer workshops.
All of our pockets were full of business cards and everyone
ignored the initial signs of being tired or sore from all
the standing. I should also recognize John Tarpinian and
the user group help he organized for the show. John is well
known for his Atari Glendale shows in past years and his
willingness and readiness to help whenever Atari has asked
him and his helpers for it. I regret not being able to
remember everyone's name, but not without appreciation for
their valued support.
I think a special note is deserved of Mr. Greg LaBrec. He
was the first to go and the last to return. He was soley
responsible for the rare ability to blend what everyone
wants into a workable, appealing and effective booth. Greg
arranged everything from the construction of the booth to
the schedules of airlines, van pools and parking. Greg knew
how to solicit help and make sure it all came together when
and where it needed to.
The show concluded and in a blink of an eye, I was on my
6:50 flight back to San Jose airport and on my long drive
home to see my family.
Sunday was a wonderful Mother's Day.
Date: 19 May 95 00:27:05 EDT
CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas
E3: Supplemental...
Soon after I finished my review of the Electronic
Entertainment Expo (E3), I remembered other great things
and people related to the show. For an overview of E3, see
my CATnips from last evening. I think some of these other
items are big news so I want to pass them on.
For those of you looking for a dedicated Jaguar magazine,
it's coming. _The Jaguar's Edge_ will premier as a
bi-monthly in July. I met the publisher, John Marcotte, at
E3 and he shared with me some of his exciting plans as well
as some layouts. The first issues will be 32 pages and
printed on high-gloss stock. Distribution will be direct to
the home through the mail and Toad Computers and Steve's
Software will have copies as soon as they are rolled off
the presses. John tells me that Pat Solomon from the Des
Moines Register will become the Features Editor. In
addition, Christian Svensson will be a feature writer.
Other surprises are pending formal announcement.
Early subscribers of _The Jaguar's Edge_ will find a $20
discount coupon on Telegames' "Brutal Sports Football" or
"International Sensible Soccer" as a bonus. A one year
subscription is just $15. For more information, contact the
publisher through the internet: <>.
Dave and Jennifer Troy stopped by at E3 and gave me fresh
copies of their new color catalog. I like their catalog
because it does an exceptional job to describe each item in
terms I can understand. I also like it because they sell a
lot of nifty Jaguar stuff as well as virtually anything for
the Atari computer lines. The cover price of the catalog is
$3, but I'll bet they can include one with most purchases.
For information, call 410/544-6943.
Speaking of dealers stopping by, Steve's Software customers
will be happy to know that Steve Kipker made his rounds at
E3 too. Steve was anxious to get the stories behind all the
new upcoming releases so he could share the news with his
customers. For Steve's latest catalog, call 904/762-8370.
Terry Grantham and Pete Mortimer, of Telegames, were at the
show. They were showing off their newest Jaguar titles in
the Atari booth and talking about their upcoming release
John Skruch reminded me this morning that he also left E3 a
little early on Thursday and Friday evenings to visit
retailers and offer demos to customers. As a matter of
fact, he took the Thea Relm Fighters along with him. On
Thursday, John visited the Virgin Megastore in Hollywood.
One young birthday boy changed his mind from a CDi after
John pointed out the advantages of the Jaguar 64-bit
system. The event was so crowded and successful that over
70 T-Shirts were given away in about 5 minutes.
On Friday, May 12th, John took the TRF team to the
Electronics Boutique in Lakewood. At both locations, John
managed to "borrow" "Defender 2000" and "Thea Relm Fighter"
flash ram carts direct off the E3 floor to show off to
customers. He tells me "Val D'Isere Skiing and
Snowboarding" and "Doom" were favorites among the titles he
had to show that were already out for the Jaguar.
Jaguar Game Reviews
Hover Strike
A review by Mark S. Smith
This month I take a plunge into the latest release by Atari for the Jaguar, a
fully texture mapped hovercraft game. It seems a planets colonists have
disappeared (tried looking down the sofa?), and the terrible Terrakian Pirates
have taken over the whole planet. Their deadly forces patrol the surface and
they have set up a factory to extract valuable organic compounds from the human
corpses. An atmospheric cannon has been installed by the Terrakians making
your armada's attack impossible.
Your job using a heavily armoured hovercraft is to knock out key targets,
advancing until eventually you knock out the atmospheric cannon allowing your
forces to come to your aid.
On turning on the Jaguar you are greeted with title music and an attractive
picture of your hovercraft, you are taken through the story and into a demo
sequence of the game. On the title screen you have the option to start from a
new game or from a save. Starting a new game you choo
se the difficulty level
from Easy, Normal, and Hard. Starting from a save takes you to the missions
available on your save, if you didn't have a save you are taken to the first
level on the Normal difficulty setting.
Starting a game you are taken to the mission selection screen. Here you see
the various information on your ship and on the mission. Using the joypad
you cycle through the missions. The game is split over five levels, each
holding six missions. All six missions must be completed before you can
progress to the next level. Five missions take place on different texture
mapped terrains, the sixth takes place at night. Here goraud shading is used
to give a very atmospheric night shading effect. Explosions, flares and
laser blasts light up the scenery at night in a very pleasing manner.
Selecting a mission takes you to a screen giving further details on the
mission along with a rotating view of your target. Next your drop ship
deploys your hovercraft over the terrain and the action starts straight away.
It's a good idea to start with the brakes on.
You're under attack as soon as you start most missions, with each hit your
craft is pushed and the shields reduced. Control is fairly easy but does
take a small amount of time to master. Being in a hovercraft you follow the
land and bob and bank accordingly. Mastering control you can pull of some
impressive stunts, thrusting in one direction and turning to shoot in
Enemies consist of everything from gun turrets to space craft, walkers and
land tanks. Often these craft take several hits and have powerful weaponry
at their disposal. To help you have several special weapons. These are
missiles, guided missiles, mortars and flares (only available on night
missions). Special weapons should be used sparing as they are finite.
You can use a compass or a scanner when flying. The scanner shows the
location of your targets, enemies, and extras for your ship. Extras are
found on the surface in crates. These contain energy, shields, or extra
The keypad is used for functions, such as locking onto targets, launching
special weapons, radar/compass toggle, or using the external viewing camera.
Using the camera you can view the action from outside the ship, and can
zoom and rotate the view at will. However this view is not very practical
as objects such as hills often obscure the view, and it is too hard to
guide your ship and aim weapons.
Using a second joypad another player can play as gunner, taking control of
the gunsight and all weapons. This works surprisingly well and enhances
the game, with good teamwork required.
Mission targets can be stationary targets such as a fuel tanks or radar
stations or moving targets such as supply convoys. Once all targets are
destroyed you complete the mission. Complete all the missions and move to
the next level and another set of different harder missions.
You start with 3 lives with an extra life every 50,000 points. On the
mission select screen you can save the game but are limited to one save.
Options allow you to change the volume of music or all sound, you can also
turn the music off altogether.
Doing well in the game you get to enter your name which is saved in the
highscore table, it's also fun when you fail watching your armada getting
destroyed by the atmospheric cannon.
Overall a very pleasing game, with good visuals, above average sound and good
long term appeal. Two player enhances the game further, with the only bad
points being the gameplay could be more diverse, and the frame rate could be
Hover Strike
$49.95 Atari Corporation
System Requirements:
Atari Jaguar Console
Good graphics
One more go appeal
2 player option
Large play area
Lacks diversity
Sometimes sluggish frame rate
In short
A fun game with lots to explore and lovely visuals, one of the better Jaguar
Jaguar Commentary
Len Stys
Atari Corporation appears to be finally getting the Jaguar prepared for the
Christmas 1995 shopping season. Is it too late for the Jaguar? No way!
I'll explain why. The Jaguar has one thing going for it that none of the
other next generation systems have going for it. This is its $160 suggested
retail price tag (but sold for $150 in most stores). If you think about
how many parents will go out and spend $400 for a video game system after
the short-lived Super Nintendo, you will realize that people will not spend
the money. No video game system has ever did well over the price of $150.
The Super Nintendo's price of $199.95 did not even last long because the mass
did not want to spend that much money on a game machine.
What about the great games that can only be done on CD? Sam Tramiel,
President of Atari Corporation once said that consumers can just add on the
CD-ROM when they have the money to add on the CD-ROM. I agree with
Mr. Tramiel. I think parents will appreciate the fact that they can purchase
the base unit this Christmas with a couple of games and then the CD-ROM
unit later for another occasion. Just think back a few years ago. If either
he Atari 800XL or Commodore 64 had the disk drive built-into the computer,
it would have lived a short life.
As you have read in the news releases, Atari has been able to get the
Jaguar into the Sears catalog and a number of other catalogs. Atari has
also been able to get the Jaguar in a number of new retailers and Walmart
is rumored to be interested in carrying the Jaguar. The need for
additional retailers is necessary. The retailers carrying the Jaguar right
now do not care how they display the system. This is because they know that
they are one of the few retailers that sell the Jaguar. Also, if Atari
spends $20 million on advertising this Fall (as I hope they will) then the
company will need a large number of distribution outlets to carry the Jaguar.
If the Jaguar is not in enough retailers when Atari advertises the Jaguar,
the money Atari spends on advertising is not used as effectively as it
should be.
Atari Corporation is releasing the quality games necessary to sell large
number of Jaguar systems. The sale of a large number of Jaguar systems will
in return sell a large number of Jaguar games. Pinball Fantasies and
Super Burnout are the latest great games for the Jaguar. Rayman and a
number of other quality games are on the way. If Atari continues to produce
high quality games and not rush games just to get them out, the Jaguar will
have a nice libary of wanted games this Christmas.
Ultra Vortek (formerly Ultra Vortex) was once receiving raving reviews,
but lately, the game has received poor reviews. Let's hope that this game
and Fight For Your Life are quality games before they are released to be
manufactured. I think Atari should have learned its lesson with Checkered
Flag that poor quality games are a waste of money--for the company and for
the consumer.
So far, the price is there. The games are getting there. The distribution
is getting there. There is just one thing left that is required before the
Jaguar can be successful this year. The requirement is good advertising and
a lot of it. In my opinion, Atari's commercials that were aired last year
were of poor quality. I thought the school teacher commercial was of poor
quality. I thought the Alien Vs. Predator commercial was of poor quality.
And I thought that the Doom commercial needed work. The one problem that all
of these commercials had in common was that it advertised the Jaguar, but
none of the commercials showed the actual unit. Most people that I have
talked with still do not know that Atari exists nor have they heard of the
Jaguar. This tells me that Atari's marketing efforts in the past have been
less than sufficient. If the President of Atari really wants to know how
effective Atari's advertising has been, all he has to do is go to the local
shopping mall and stop and ask people if they heard of the Jaguar video game
system. And if he really wants to know how effective Atari's marketing has
been, he should stop by a shopping mall in Cleveland.
There is only one thing left that Atari needs to do this year in order to
make the Jaguar successful. And that is to make ONE HELL OF A COMMERCIAL.
One commercial that will stand out above all other commercials. I don't
care how shocking it is, if it gets people to notice without insulting them,
it is doing the job. Atari's past commercials have not made people take
notice. One fantastic commercial with a great price, great games, and
great distribution will propel the Jaguar to a repeat of the success of
the 2600.
The Jaguar is not dead yet. It still has a lot of life in it. The only
system that appears to have more power than the Jaguar after all of this time
is the Sony Playstation. And that will most likely cost at least $400.
Am I selling my Jaguar? Not a chance.
Upcoming Atari Shows
Mark Leair
<< Computer Shows >>
Updated: 06/21/95
To include shows (preferably shows that include Atari products),
for the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG's Show list and the CAIN newsletter,
send the show's name, date, location, and any additional information to Please address the e-mail with the subject
"Computer Show". The following information is correct to the best of our
knowledge. However, we cannot guarentee its accuracy. Corrections and
cancellations are therefore requested.
|Shows at a Glance|
| Name | Location | Date |
|1. MIST Atari Fest VII |Indianapolis, IND |07/29/95 |
For more information on these shows, please consult the Atari SIG on the
Cleveland Free-Net (telnet to or
Once connected to the Free-Net type 'Go Atari' to get to the Atari SIG.
In addition to show information, the CAIN newsletter would like to print
any reports, summaries, or reviews of these and other recent shows. Please
send any of these articles to ''
Vote Issues and Results
Mark Leair
<< Voting Booth >>
On occasion CAIN will conduct surveys on various issues affecting the Atari
Community. Results are then published in the following issue of CAIN. There
are now three methods for voting on these issues:
1> Cleveland Free-Net users may use the Voting Booth located on the
Atari SIG. It is option '11' off of the Atari SIG's main menu.
2> World Wide Web users can use CAIN's Virtual Voting Booth -- option
number '2' off of CAIN's WWW homepage. Use the following URL to
get to CAIN's WWW homepage:
3> Ballots are also excepted by internet e-mail. To vote for this
month's issue place "CAIN Vote 5-95" in the subject line of
the message. Next, cast your vote in the message body by entering
"Yes" or a "No". Send this email to:
Last month's issue
One important aspect of any company's advertising is "word-of-mouth"
advertising. This month's issue attempts to find out how well Atari is doing
with with its "word-of-mouth" advertising.
Do you (or would you) recommend the Atari Jaguar to a someone else?
90 people voted on this issue. Below is the voting distribution:
Yes No
--- --
83 or 92% 7 or 8%
This month's issue
Do you like the idea of remodeling old games into ne "2000" versions?
Please vote for one of the following choices:
1. Yes
2. No
3. No opinion
General Information of Need
How to Contribute to CAIN
For full details on contributing to CAIN, please check out the "CAIN Online
Newsroom," option 13 from the Atari SIG's main menu. In summary, we can
use articles, tutorials, and reviews on Atari products. The format is simple
--ASCII format with 80 characters per line. The text should be sent via
internet electronic mail to "". All submissions
to CAIN become the property of CAIN, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Article Requests
Below are some suggestions of articles we would like to see in future
issues of CAIN. For a complete list of newsletter needs, please consult the
discussion board under the CAIN Online Newsroom (option 13 from the Atari
SIG's main menu).
Newsletter Needs
Communications: Any articles that fits into the area of communications (ie:
reviews, summaries, articles, tutorials on BBS systems, term or BBS
software, services, etc for any Atari computer) may be submitted to this
section. When submitting to this section, please address this article with
the subject "Communications."
File Archives: Any type of summary, review, or list of new files that
are on any Atari ftp archive will benefit our readers. Please address this
article with the subject "ftp archives."
Tutorials: CAIN is actively seeking any project, "how-to," and tutorial
articles for future issues of CAIN. These articles can be for any type of
Atari product. Please address this article with the subject "Tutorial
Atari Shows: Not only can we use information on upcoming Atari Shows, but we
also can use reviews and summaries of recent Atari shows. Please address this
article with the subject "Atari Show Information."
THOUGHT OF THE MONTH: Is Atari giving the Lynx another chance?
[C]entral [A]tari [I]nformation [N]etwork Newsletter Jul 23, 1995
Copyright (c) 1995 All Rights Reserved No.013
Central Atari Information Network (CAIN) Newsletter is produced by Cain
Publishing and is no way affiliated with Atari Corporation. Cain Publishing
is made up of the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIGOps. CAIN Newsletter
editors/staff produce this publication on a volunteer basis strictly to
benefit users of Atari products. Views, and opinions expressed herein are
those of the article's author(s) and not necessarily those of the editors/
staff of CAIN Newsletter, the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG, or its
affiliates. Permission to reprint articles is hereby granted, unless
otherwise noted. Reprints must include: Name of article, author's name, name
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in any way without prior written permission. CAIN Newsletter is believed
to be reasonably accurate. If any inaccurate information is found within,
please contact the editor of CAIN Newsletter and a correction will be made in
the next issue.
Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS,
NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio,
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