Freedom Issue 1 - Introduction and Index by ICEMAN

Freedom Issue 1, December 24, 1992
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Well after a bunch of delays, it's finally here... just in time for christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone..
Welcome to Freedom Issue 1. First let me begin by explaining what Freedom is. Freedom is an electronic newsletter devoted to the freedom of information, we, like many other electronic newsletters, believe that the people have the right to know everything, and mostly things that they shouldn't (all legal of course). Since we are just starting out, this issue will be fairly small but hopefully in the future as our reader population grows so will our issues. Freedom is basically a reader supported newsletter. I will be writing articles as often as I can, whenever I find something interesting, but I also ask that if you have an article or an idea which would suit the magazine to please contact us. Anything of interest relating to the computer underground, hacking, phreaking, anarchy, and other issues would be welcomed. Material may be taken from this magazine as long as the source, and author are mentioned, and the article remains unchanged.
Reaching Us
If you would like to submit an article, or just drop us a note, you can either call up our support board (204.669.7983). There is a new user password, to get on the system, login to the public USENet system first (waffle), and leave me mail asking for it. I'm in the process of hooking up UUCP feeds to the system, so in the next issue i'll include the address.
Thanks to ElZorro for proof reading and editing this entire issue.
till next time....
- I. Introduction and Index by ICEMAN.
- II. How to lock up TAG 2.6 boards by Thunder/ICEMAN.
- III. IBM's Voice Mail System by ICEMAN.
- IV. Air Frequency's For Manitoba by Thunder.
- V. How to make crystalline methylamphetamine (ICE) by Vox Populii.
- VI. How to make a miniature pipe bomb by Lazarus Long.
- VII. Hackers in Winnipeg? by ICEMAN.