FI1: How to lock up TAG 2.6 boards by Thunder/ICEMAN

Freedom Issue 1, December 24, 1992
File 2/7
How to lock up TAG 2.6 boards
by Thunder/ICEMAN
This was discovered by a friend of mine (Thunder) so I don't take credit for finding this but since he didn't want to write up the article I decided to since it was an interesting bug.
This is extremely simple so if you don't understand this you will need help. Basically, what you have to do is write a message containing the required character sequence and then quote it. Now, if you want to write a public message or a private message to yourself is completely up to you but post a message. The first step is to write the message. What you have to do is hold down the up/down/left/right key (pick one of them) enough times to enter at least 85 or more escape sequences (considering of course your using a terminal program that supports arrow key ANSI movements). Don't bother counting them, if you hold your arrow key down for at least 15 seconds thats more than enough. We haven't bothered to test this with any other escape sequences but the arrow keys work nicely. This will fill the message with the chosen ANSI sequence. Hit enter after doing this for about 15 seconds and save your message. Now all you have to do is read the message you just wrote, reply to it, and when you attempt to quote it, it will lock up the system instantly. Pretty simple actually..
We predict that the reason this locks up the system has something to do with the 255 character string constant. Since each ANSI sequence (for the arrow keys) is 3 characters, 3*85=255.