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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 004

INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 2 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 4
Today's Topics:
AddressPhoneDial-out desk accessory
cambridge lisp
Chaos Strikes Back
com packages with host mode
Hard Drive woes (2 msgs)
LHARC takes over? Sure hope not! (2 msgs)
Make BIOS think screen is 80x20?
Monochrome monitor modification
My request about menus.
Slow messages
Date: 1 Jan 90 14:31:22 GMT
From: att!dptg!lzaz!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson)
Subject: AddressPhoneDial-out desk accessory
Message-ID: <902@lzaz.ATT.COM>
In article <1127890841087354@dynasoft.UUCP>, john@dynasoft.UUCP (John Stanley)
> [In article <>,
> writes ... ]
> > There is an excellent DA called cardfile
> > would like it I'll UUENCODE and post it here.
> Please don't...! Any program over ?5000 bytes should not be posted to
> which is a discussion newsgroup.
> Post it to which is where binaries are suppost
As the Summary says, ...
Howard C. Johnson
ATT Bell Labs
Date: 31 Dec 89 22:32:26 GMT
From:!samsung!!ogicse!blake!ski2@tut.cis.ohio-stat (Chris Kacoroski)
Subject: cambridge lisp
Message-ID: <>
I am interested in a lisp (or scheme) interpreter for the Atari ST. I
have seens ads for Cambridge Lisp in magazines and wonder if anyone could
tell me about it. I have Xlisp, but am not too happy with it. Really
appreciate any replies. Thank you
Chris Kacoroski
Date: 31 Dec 89 15:16:35 GMT
From: (Paul Purdom)
Subject: Chaos Strikes Back
Message-ID: <>
Does anyone have some information about bridges in Chaos Strikes Back.
I am at the place where you are suppose to make a bridge and the hints have
not been very helpful.
Date: 1 Jan 90 21:27:49 GMT
blake! (Enartloc Nhoj)
Subject: com packages with host mode
Message-ID: <>
Besides INTERLINK... (and MASTERLINK.. if it ever materializes),
are there any communication programs that support
a host mode? How about remote execute of TOS programs?
Date: 1 Jan 90 14:40:28 GMT
From: att!dptg!lzaz!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson)
Subject: Hard Drive woes
Message-ID: <903@lzaz.ATT.COM>
In article <>,
(Enartloc Nhoj) writes:
> Wondering if someone could help me diagnose
> my hard drive problem...
> Symptoms: Occasionally... and sometimes frequently,
> my Quantum drive slows down and then comes
> back up. When it slows i obviously can't
> read or write to the drive.
> My guess and hope is that it is my power supply... i couldn't find
> any info on "trouble shooting" in the quantum manual...
My guess is that the ability to read is failing on your servo track.
This surface is used to control speed and bit rate.
Howard C. Johnson
ATT Bell Labs
Date: 1 Jan 90 00:38:45 GMT
blake! (Enartloc Nhoj)
Subject: Hard Drive woes
Message-ID: <>
Wondering if someone could help me diagnose
my hard drive problem...
Symptoms: Occasionally... and sometimes frequently,
my Quantum drive slows down and then comes
back up. When it slows i obviously can't
read or write to the drive.
Conditions: The drive has been running smoothly
and without a hitch since last February when i
bought it new. I have had it running pretty much
24 hours a day since i purchased it. I have a good
fan and the housing is always very cool to the touch.
My house definitely needs re-wiring. Fuse blows are common.
The other day, i came down to the basement and saw that my drive
and system must have lost power at some time during the night.
My monitor displayed just floppies. Later that morning, when
turning on the oil furnace, another fuse blew...
I didn't seem to have any problems with the drive the subsequent
day. A few things seemed strange while i cleaned out and zeroed
out a few partitions to install a 530,000 word dictionary..
unpacked it and ran some checks on the files with wc and grep...
the heads were working hard.. but i couldn't see how that should
harm a the drive in any way.
I moved the system upstairs to an office on a different electrical
circuit.. then i started noticing the spin problems.. for a
few days i tried different outlets and surge protectors etc..
sometimes the drive wouldn't even come up to speed. This morning
i moved the system back to the basement to perhaps isolate the
problem to be the house wiring upstairs..
I just sat down to my 1040 and saw that a file i had downloaded from
my host was not written to my drive: "Check drive.. could be damaged"
warning... i hit retry and the file saved.
So the problem is not intermittent... Therefore, it will be hard to
isolate it and make if fail for a technician. Anybody out there
ever have similar problems?
My guess and hope is that it is my power supply... i couldn't find
any info on "trouble shooting" in the quantum manual...
Thanks for the help
(BTW: Supra host adaptor)
Date: 1 Jan 90 02:31:06 GMT
From:!!utgpu!watserv1!econadm5@tut.cis.ohio-stat (BENTLEY BH - ECONOMICS)
Subject: Lharc
Message-ID: <>
>>Well it seems that the LHARC is going to take over the atari archiving
>Don't jump to conclusions Paul. This does not seem too likely to me.
>I tried that program on a file that was posted a couple of months ago.
>It was a disaster.
LHarc is the only compression to use are is passe and zoo is old. LHARC
is faster now compresses 3 times more than arc and has its own dearcing
or self dearcing file programs. Many BBS's use verbose lzh listings
Dave. T.
SUPER BBS (519) 749-1206 24HRS
"Never Say Never"
Date: 3 Jan 90 00:46:31 GMT
From:!sun-barr!newstop!grapevine! (Steven Grimm)
Subject: LHARC takes over? Sure hope not!
Message-ID: <35046@grapevine.uucp>
In article <6716@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV> grieggs@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (John
T. Grieggs) writes:
> 1: It doesn't exist on many machines.
I should note again that I won't accept any (or,
for that matter, submissions in lharc format until
source code for lharc becomes available. This is partly for my convenience;
I like to look at documentation and test archive integrity on panarthea
before downloading the software to test it on the ST. But it's mostly for
the convenience of all the other netters who've told me that they like to
do more or less the same thing.
Once source code becomes available, I'll leave it up to individual submitters
to decide whether to use it instead of arc or zoo.
" !" - Marcel Marceau
Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries? ...!sun!ebay!koreth
Date: 2 Jan 90 23:47:15 GMT
From:!usc!!!jpl-devvax!grieggs@tut. (John T. Grieggs)
Subject: LHARC takes over? Sure hope not!
Message-ID: <6716@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
Gee, I certainly hope that LHARC doesn't take over. Why? Three reasons.
1: It doesn't exist on many machines.
2: It isn't that good.
3: It's as slow as molasses.
I did a benchmark on my AT clone at work, using a variety of filesets and
all the compression programs I had around. If there is interest I will
post the actual numbers. The summary is that PKZIP wins hands down in
most of the areas of interest to me - it is fast, and it compresses trees.
The problem with PKZIP (and PKARC as well) is lack of source.
ZOO source is available in the PD, and ZOO has already been ported to
most machines (right?). ZOO is comparable in speed and compression to ARC,
and slower than PKARC or PKZIP. However, it does do trees, and thus has
a real advantage over ARC.
LHARC was abysmally slow. Compression was better than ARC or ZOO, but no
better than PKZIP. It takes sooooo looooong to do simple operations that it
is simply not usable (IMHO). Does trees, tho.
The nice thing about ARC is that it exists on all machines, and everyone
has ported it in such a way that it stays compatible. If you read the
comments with LHARC for the ST (which I have run a number of times, by
the way), there is mention of incompatibility. I believe the latest
version supports some of the additional encoding methods, but there were
still some arbitrary differences.
The only real advantage I can see to using one of the newer compression
programs is the ability to compress trees. For a new compression program
to be successful it must be fast, readily available for any operating
system, and totally compatible across all operating systems. ARC is
even usable on a MAC! For LHARC or ZOO to be successful, it needs to be
ported to all of the common machines out there, from the Atari 800XL
to the IBM 3090. ARC is there...
Well, I haven't been in a good flame war for a while. Have fun, if
you must. I personally think that LHARC is not the way to go, and I
am sure that all of you who disagree will let me know.
John T. Grieggs (Telos @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca. 91109 M/S 301-260A (818) 354-1453
Uucp: ?cit-vax,elroy,chas2?!jpl-devvax!grieggs
Arpa: ...jpl-devvax!grieggs@cit-vax.ARPA
Date: 1 Jan 90 20:43:21 GMT
From:!wet! (adam tilghman)
Subject: Make BIOS think screen is 80x20?
Message-ID: <897@wet.UUCP>
Can anyone out there in NetLand tell me how to make TOS think that the
screen is only 80x20? What I am trying to do is implement a 5-line
status bar across the top of the screen but still be able to use normal
scrolling text. Is is possible to just push Logbase up while keeping
Physbase the same, creating a bottom-of-the-screen area?
== Adam G. Tilghman - Trendy Quote: "Beware of Greeks bearing Trojans!" ==
=== UUCP: nut@wet.UUCP BBS: Eleusesthai, (415)871-9451 12/2400, 24Hrs ===
============= Disclaimer? My employer? What, me work? ==================
Date: 1 Jan 90 00:04:49 GMT
From: hpfcso!hpldola! (Dave Ritchie)
Subject: Monochrome monitor modification
Message-ID: <11830067@hpldola.HP.COM>
>Hmm, uw+ka9q = NCSA Telnet clone for the ST? Yes, you too can run an anonymous
>ftp site on your Atari...
>Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries?
> ...!sun!ebay!koreth
Where is uw available from? I lost the note containing this info.
Dave Ritchie
Date: 1 Jan 90 22:03:35 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefk! (Frank Geerling)
Subject: My request about menus.
Message-ID: <608@nikhefk.UUCP>
In article <> (Neil Gilmore)
>Due to the kind intervention of Steve (up at thelake), I now have the
>info I need. He sent me a menu converted to C using rsc2c.ttp (the
>program I can't get to work). It'will give me all the info I need to get
>menus working properly. Still nothing definitive on vro_cpyfm yet,
>though. An example would be nice, though, as last night I tried a simple
>example, thoroughly compared and crosschecked with the Abacus book, the
>ST Applications book, the GFA manual, and the Laser C manual. Still no
>| Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Neil Gilmore |
>| Jararvellir, MACC, UW-Madison bitnet: gilmore@wiscmac3 |
>| Middle Kingdom Madison, Wi |
The german Atari Profi book reads on page 245:
void vro_copyfm(handle,wr_mode,pxyarray,psrcMFDB,pdesMFDB)
int handle,wr_mode,pxyarray[];
MFDB *psrcMFDB,*pdesMFDB;
i_ptr(psrtMFDB); /* contrl[7/8] = psrcMFDB */
i_ptr2(pdesMFDB); /* contrl[9/10] = pdesMFDB */
pioff = pxyarray;
contrl[0] = 109;
contrl[1] = 4;
contrl[2] = 1;
contrl[3] = 1;
contrl[6] = handle;
pioff = ptsin;
Call in C:
Hopes this helps.
Frank Geerling
Usenet: ?seismo, philabs, decvax?!mcvax!frankg@nikhefk
Normal mail: Frank Geerling
Postbus 4395
1009 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Frank Geerling
Usenet: ?seismo, philabs, decvax?!mcvax!frankg@nikhefk
Normal mail: Frank Geerling
Postbus 4395
1009 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Date: 30 Dec 89 20:57:16 GMT
From: uokmax!metnet!p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG! (Mark
Subject: Slow messages
Message-ID: <156.259DDFBF@metnet.FIDONET.ORG>
Where all all the echos? I've not seen a post in weeks here!
Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10
INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #4