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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 120

INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 30 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 120
Today's Topics:
Amiga Disks read by ST & vice versa (2 msgs)
HELP!! Recovering Hard Disk Using Spectre GCR
Laser C clear screen
Minix Availability
Monitor Burnout/ Should got a MAGNAVOX!
too late for Lynx ...
Date: 30 Jan 90 06:46:00 GMT
ogicse!!!samsung!!jarv!!!!boy (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Amiga Disks read by ST & vice versa
Message-ID: <>
In article <526464@sally>, root@sally (Philipp Roeder) writes:
>HI.. does anybody know a possibility to read Atari Disks with an Amiga
>and Amiga Disks with the Atari ST ?
>A friend of mine has got a mailbox. The host is an Amiga. So I want
>to give him some PD-Arc-files for download. But I can't bring my ST to him
>so we cannot transfer the files by RS-232 direktly.
>--> I need a program to read Amiga disks with the St
>and anothe to read Atari ST disks with the Amiga. I think, if both can emulate
>a PC or the Macintosh there must be a way to bring them together.
> und tschuess...
> ???> Philipp Roeder; Hauptmannsreute 40; 7000 Stuttgart-1; West-Germany <???
> ???> root@sally ...!uunet!mcsun!unido!nadia!delos!sally!root <???
> ???> Telefon: 49 711 2261199 * Fax: 49 711 295663 <???
> ???> Wenn mir jetzt ein Spruch einfiel
I have a buddy that I give gif pictures to every once and awhile, and he has
no problem reading the disks. I believe he uses a PD program, I will check
with him on that. I can be certain that it is possible from ST to Amiga.
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
| Even I have trouble doing it."
FSU Comp Sci | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 30 Jan 90 04:29:38 GMT
From: (Ralph A. Foy)
Subject: Amiga Disks read by ST & vice versa
Message-ID: <12684@burdvax.PRC.Unisys.COM>
From article <526464@sally>, by root@sally (Philipp Roeder):
> HI.. does anybody know a possibility to read Atari Disks with an Amiga
> and Amiga Disks with the Atari ST ?
> A friend of mine has got a mailbox. The host is an Amiga. So I want
> to give him some PD-Arc-files for download. But I can't bring my ST to him
> so we cannot transfer the files by RS-232 direktly.
> --> I need a program to read Amiga disks with the St
> and anothe to read Atari ST disks with the Amiga. I think, if both can emulate
> a PC or the Macintosh there must be a way to bring them together.
> --
On the Amiga side you can get CrossDos by Consultron, Inc. (avail for
18.95 mail-order from CompuAbility) allows you to read, write, format
and mount MS-DOS and Atari 3.5" disks. I have had no problems with it
working on MS-DOS format, but have not tried Atari.
I have no connection with Consultron except as a satisfied customer.
Ralph Foy
Unisys Corporation,
Valley Forge Operations.
Date: 29 Jan 90 16:07:08 GMT
From: att!dptg!lzsc!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson)
Subject: HELP!! Recovering Hard Disk Using Spectre GCR
Message-ID: <1248@lzsc.ATT.COM>
In article <9001270808.AA23426@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, S6473HEH@SEMASSU.BITNET
> Is there anyone out there (DAVE!!?!!) who can help me recover my partition
> back to GEMDOS form SPECTRE format. I formatted Partition 1 by mistake, and I
> would like to restore it to its original form(hopefully without losing all the
> programs that used to be on that partition.
When a partition is "initialized", the file management areas are set to a
correct initial state. While the Spectre formatting of a partition runs too
fast to be erasing the data storage area, it surely is ovewriting MACS
version of FAT and Directory.
I previously made available to those interested a stand alone partitioner
and low level formatter. The partioner will allow you to create, a new TOS
partition where you overwrote it. But it will have no files in it.
It is possible to anylize the partition (memfile or SUPRA EDIT) and identify
chains of ASCII text that you could recover. Binaries are pretty bad.
Perhaps Dave will have better news for you -- I doubt it. I will mail the
partitioner of you send email.
Howard C. Johnson
ATT Bell Labs
=====NEW address====
Date: 30 Jan 90 05:07:55 GMT
From: snorkelwacker!ai-lab! (John Purbrick)
Subject: Laser C clear screen
Message-ID: <>
In article <> rome@ucscb.UCSC.EDU () writes:
>Help. This may be a stupid question but I am writing a TOS application
>w/ Laser C and I cannot even figure out how to clear the screen!! Help.
> Roman Baker
Good grief fella, you have far to go.
This clears the screen and puts the text cursor at the top left corner.
Date: 30 Jan 90 05:16:15 GMT
From: crash!pnet01! (Roger Uzun)
Subject: Minix Availability
Message-ID: <>
Where can I get Minix, with source code, for the atari st?
Someplace with overnight shipping if possible.
-Roger Uzun
UUCP: ?hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc?!crash!pnet01!uzun
ARPA: crash!pnet01!
Date: 30 Jan 90 06:43:58 GMT
From:!samsung!!!neat.cs.toront!!! (Mickey
Subject: Monitor Burnout/ Should got a MAGNAVOX!
Message-ID: <>
In article <>, (Dan
Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609) writes:
>You Shoulda gotten a MAGNAVOX 14" 8cm515 monitor...
>2 years Parts/Labor included--standard warranty!!!
>Has ANALOG-RGB, TTL-RGB, and COMPOSITE (I'm on my 124 now watching Cinemax
>on my MAGNAVOX....)
>640x240 resolution.....great for TV-useage via a VCR or as a monitor.
>BEST PART: Only runs round $239.00 compared for what I hear mos dealers
> asking for a 1224!
>Just thought I'd mention an affordable alternative to the netbase....
How easy is it to hook up to the ST?!? I am very interested in this monitor,
sounds like a very good deal.
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
| Even I have trouble doing it."
FSU Comp Sci | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 30 Jan 90 06:29:55 GMT
!!! (Mickey Boyd)
Message-ID: <>
In article <9001260805.AA27676@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, MAXG@SUVM.BITNET ("Gerry
Greenberg: 315-443-5378") writes:
>Does anybody out there know about the existence of an ST screensaver
>that is more or less like Stars for the Mac? and where I might be able
>to locate it? Thanks,
>maxg@suvm (bitnet)
There was such a beast on one of the last ST-Log disks (I believe it was the
month before it's demise), but I was not too impressed with it. It was rather
primative, and does not really show the ST to be the kickass graphics machine
that it is (IMHO). I would love to see some really good screensavers (perhaps
worms crawling over the screen, or some fireworks with arcing trajectories),
but I have not the programming skills to produce one. The source was included
in the magazine, so perhaps someone could snazzy it up?
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
| Even I have trouble doing it."
FSU Comp Sci | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 30 Jan 90 05:53:47 GMT
From:!rpi!pawl! (Robert J. Kudla)
Subject: too late for Lynx ...
Message-ID: <!$1#'*>
In <16395@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> bediako@marvin.cs.Buffalo.EDU (Bernard
Bediako) writes:
-> HiHiHi
-> Can anyone tell where/who to call to become a Lynx develeper.
-> How much is the package? What's it include?
You have to call Atari (I don't know the number), the package is about
$5000, and it includes a PROM burner and a card to fit into your Amiga
2000. More info (including the number to call) in a week-old article
in comp.sys.amiga.
Robert Jude Kudla <>
Time isn't on anyone's side when you're alone,
and crowds don't mean anything at all when they're wrong.
-The Bamboo Steamers
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #120