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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 322

INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 13 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 322
Today's Topics:
ARC & UNix
GCC Problem
Rwabs/Hard Disks
The 1990 Canadian Atari Users Convention - Sun Apr 1/90
Date: 13 Mar 90 19:04:45 GMT
Subject: ARC & UNix
Message-ID: <6904@cps3xx.UUCP>
Just trying to correct a mistake about my last posting. I (incorrectly)
stated that executable for arc was in terminator. That was WRONG!
Only the source is on terminator (arcsrc.tar.Z). It is tarred and
compressed by unix in the unix directory...
I don't have time to get it out and see how it works off terminator.
(After finals definitely!) Thanks again to all the people out there
who helped me out on this one...
Date: 13 Mar 90 17:57:37 GMT
From: naucse! (Tim Roeder)
Subject: GCC Problem
Message-ID: <1945@naucse.UUCP>
I am currently attempting to build the GEM programming envelope library
from Compute!'s ST Applications Guide (Programming in C). Since I am
using GNU C v. 1.37 instead of the Alcyon C as in the book, I have run
into a small problem.
In one of the functions named 'doarrows.c', there is the line:
#include <document.h>
My distribution of GNU C does not have the said header file, and I
cannot find an equivalent within ANY of the header files. When
attempting to compile the function, I get the warning that:
NLINES (not defined)
NCHARS (not defined)
I presume that these are defined in <document.h>. Could some kind soul
who has the Developer's Kit tell me whether or not there is a
<document.h> include file? And if so, what values are NLINES and NCHARS
supposed to be defined as having?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Timothy A. Roeder - Northern Arizona University/Univeristy of Arizona
UUCP: ...!arizona!naucse!tar
Internet:!naucse!tar --
Bitnet: roedert@arizvm1.BITNET
Date: 13 Mar 90 15:56:04 GMT
From: van-bc!ubc-cs!alberta!ccu!charltn@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jim Charlton)
Subject: PD RCP
Message-ID: <>
I am just finishing a resource construction program (RCP) that I am
planning on putting into the public domain. Before I post it
I would appreciate some alpha/beta testing to iron out any problems
that I may have overlooked. It was written with Laser C and I have
tested it with GEM programs compiled with Laser C. Anyone like to
help me out by testing it?
To Richard Covert: Can't seem to find a path to you to send e-mail.
You are quite welcome to port xxed to MWC and to post the sources for
those interested. You might want to wait until I post version 1.1,
which I will do (to panarthea, binaries and sources) within a week or
two. I prefer that you do not post binaries of the ported or modified
code. Any ideas, fixes or modifications should be sent to me and I
can then repost. This way we will keep multiple versions from
Jim Charlton
Department of Chemistry
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, CANADA R3T 2N2
Tel (204) 474-9267
(204) 261-7267 (home)
Date: 13 Mar 90 16:05:00 GMT
From:!!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!canremote!greg (GREG TRICE)
Subject: Redirection
Message-ID: <90031312305021@masnet.uucp>
How can I redirect the output of a program that normally outputs to a
printer to a file instead? (the EPSME.PRG print utility with Dr T's
Copyist). I'm using a 1040ST.
* Via ProDoor 3.1R
Date: 13 Mar 90 16:47:33 GMT
From:!!ynotme! (Ray
Subject: Rwabs/Hard Disks
Message-ID: <>
In article <>, writes...
> I tried yesterday to write a program to read in the FAT table and the root
>directory off a disk using the Rwabs(..) call in sozobon C. It seemed to do
I can upload some code that does this if you like. It is not usefull per se, it
just reads the fats on a specified disk and looks for sectors marked bad in
the FAT. Works on floppies and hard disks. Let me know if you want to see it.
>with a 2 pin round pin plug on it!!). It seems to have some kind of clock in
>it, but it is really strange, it seems to remember the time and date at which
>it was turned off at, as long as the length of time isn't longer than about a
By the sounds of it it does not have a a built in clock (or at least you are
not making use of it). I have had the same thing happen with an external
floppy drive connected. I think what is happening is that enough power is
bleeding back through the DMA/floppy cable back into the ST. The power level
is just enough to keep some memory (presumably in the IKB) from loosing the
time which stored in it. This is all just a guess of course...
Ray Wallace
(UUCP) ...!decwrl!oldtmr.enet!wallace
Date: 13 Mar 90 18:42:53 GMT
From: watmath! (Dani A. Roloson)
Subject: The 1990 Canadian Atari Users Convention - Sun Apr 1/90
Message-ID: <>
(from their pamphlet)
The Toronto Atari Federation presents
The 1990 Canadian Atari Users Convention
Sunday April 1, 1990
10 AM - 6 PM
The Airport Hilton International Hotel
5875 Airport Road
Check us out
* Over 30 Atari Dealers and Developers
* User groups from across North America
* Hourly draws for great door prizes
* ST and 8 bit Experts
* Public Domain Software
* Products and Software for Everyone...
from the Expert to the Novice, Musicians to Gamers
* Displays of everything from Desktop Publishing to Children's
Educational products.
Seminar Schedule
Time Room Topic
12:00 A&B Meet Atari
1:00 A STOS - game creation on the ST
1:00 B Hyperlink - Hypertext product from JMG
1:30 A Quick ST II - Branch Always Software
1:30 B Stalker - ST Telecommunications
2:00 A Pushing the Atari 8 Bit to the limit
2:00 B The Atari Macintosh..Spectre GCR
2:30 A NeoDesk - The ST alternative
2:30 B Atari ST basics ... Tips and Tricks
3:00 A Intrinsic Software - Dave Lewis
3:00 B The XEGS vs Nintendo !!!
3:30 A PC Emulation on the ST
4:00 A Music and the ST
(floor plan showing only layout - no booths named except TAF and Atari)
(map of Toronto - Hotel near (Lester B.) Pearson International Airport)
If you are taking the TTC, the Malton #58 bus from Lawrence West subway
station will bring you right to the Hotel.
You could win!
This complete Desktop Publishing System from Atari.
Including: The Atari Mega ST2 Computer, SM124 Mono Monitor,
MegaFile 30 Hard Drive, SLM804 Laser Printer. As well as the
Calamus Desktop publishing software system from ISD
Marketing...Calamus Vector Font Editor and Calamus Outline.
Total valued at over $5,000.00.
Plus Hundreds of dollars worth of other prizes every hour..
Be a part of the
Atari Event of the Year!
All this with your Admission fee..
$6.00 for Adults $4.00 Children (under 12)
TAF Info Line (416)425-5357
TAF On-Line BBS (416)235-0318
Atari Corp. (416)479-1266
Hilton Hotel (416)667-9900
(end of pamphlet)
Note: I am not even a member of TAF let alone on the planning committee
for this convention. So I know very little else than what is stated above.
Contact TAF for details.
So what is my interest in all this?
I am on the executive of the Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two
(KWEST) Atari user group which will have a booth at the convention and
also will help organize car-pools from the K-W area.
So drop by our booth and say hi and see what we've got.
c/o Dani Roloson
#8 - 43 Benton St.
Kitchener, Ont.
N2G 3H1
(519) 579-3695
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #322