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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 243

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Info Atari16 Digest
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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 22 Feb 90 Volume 90 : Issue 243

Today's Topics:
Editor Wanted!!!
Fine Scrollin'
help with io redirection, please!

Date: Thu, 22-FEB-1990 10:58 GMT + 1:00
From: "Bernd_Esser" <ESSER%DBNPIB5.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Editor Wanted!!!

A few days ago, i installed Overscan in my Mega. Unfortunately i had to
recognize that none of my editors can work with the higher resolution.
My question is: Is there somebody who kwows an editor that will work in
overscan mode( i am using a b/w monitor)?


B.Esser Phys. Inst. d. Uni Bonn Germany


Date: 20 Feb 90 23:08:26 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!! (David Clear)
Subject: Fine Scrollin'
Message-ID: <>

Recently there has been a query about smooth scrolling on the ST and the
technique of using overscan was mentioned. Well, here is my offering. The
source code below is in 68000 assembler and implements the overscan
technique. The code allows physbase to be positioned on any 8 byte

I hope the code is self explanatory. The overscan code takes 20 scan lines
to play with overscan and 2 for overheads. To remove this loss from the normal
playing area I've put the overscan in the top border. This gives rise to
two `features':
a) The screen is now around 208 lines long.
b) Screen memory is offset by two bytes.

So, your screens start at address $78002, $7800a, etc.

The 208 lines bit can be sorted out as it's just a matter of when the palette
is re-loaded. Just hack off the end of the code and set a raster interrupt
(timer B) to restore the palette.

The program loads a .pi1 file into screen memory (defined as $78002) and
allows you to scroll around it using the cursor keys. The only way out is
to reset the machine. Sorry, but I use a program I wrote that throws me back
into my assembler (DevpacST) on pressing RESET.

You can play with the code to your heart's content. If you know any games
programmers who don't have scroll code then please make sure they get it.
The new STE has a video address low byte. The old ST doesn't. We NEED
high speed action on STs. This and similar code is a step towards it.


Imagine Speedball with hardware scrolling...

This code gives smooth vertical scrolling. Horizontal scrolling can be done
by building N screens and flipping between them. For example, 8-pixel
scrolling can be done with 2 screens, 4-pixel scrolling with 4 screens, etc.

Figure it out. There may be alot to keep track of but it'll be DAMNED fast.

One last thing. And it's important.

The top border code runs from timer D. The timing of the interrupt is critical.
There are potential problems:
1) The interrupt may be delayed whilst a long 68000 instruction is
executed. Something like a divide or movem with LOTS of registers.
I don't know if this will effect the code but if something goes
wrong then careful time planning can solve the problem.

2) Another MFP interrupt may trigger just before the timer D one.
This is a SERIOUS problem. The interrupt acknowledge all by itself
will throw the timing out. The solution is, fortunately, quite
Set another interrupt to go off just before the timer D one.
In it, disable all other MFP interrupts. At the end of the
scroll code (after re-loading the palette), re-enable the
interrupts. This should be done using the mask registers
rather than the enable registers.

3) Along similar lines: As timer D is set up from the VBI, if the
VBI is delayed by an MFP interrupt then, again, the timing will
go wrong. A solution works along the same lines as for (2):
Assuming the scroll code is solid, at the end of it start
another timer which will interrupt just before the VBI. In
it, disable the MFP interrupts. After timer D initialisation
in the VBI, re-enable the interrupts.

4) The scroll code takes around 1.4ms (about 7% processor time).
During this time no keyboard interrupts will be handled. It is
possible, therefore, to lose keyboard packets. There is a
The border code is full of nops. These are for timing. Each
nop gives an 8 cycle delay. During the longer nop delays
it is easy to put in code which checks the 'buffer full'
bit of the keyboard ACIA and stores the data byte if
appropriate. Be sure to calculate cycle times accurately
as a single timing miscalculation will produce all sorts of
weird effects.

Although these problems have to be ironed out the technique is VERY powerful.



PS. As it is the program will not assemble as a line has been commented
out. The line is:

* .fname dc.b 'picture.pi1',0

The asterisk should be removed and the quotes filled with the name of your
favourite .PI1 picture.

------------------------- GO FOR IT ------------------------

* This code implements hardware scrolling on an Atari ST (NOT STE).
* This code is (c)1990 David Clear and is free.
* Feel free to use this code or modifications of it for whatever
* you so desire - commercial or private.
* Note:
* A 'feature' of this code is that it displays around 208
* scan lines instead of 200. If you want to force 200 scan lines
* then you can:
* a) Re-write the top border code and extend the
* timer D delay.
* b) Remove the palette re-load at the end of the
* scroll code and set a raster interrupt lower
* down to re-load the palette.
* Important routines:
* myvbi - Timer D startup code & register loading.
* topb - Top border scroll code.
* setscrn - Screen address setup.

* Macro to create a given number of NOP instructions.
* Used for timing.
* eg:
* nops 4
* creates:
* nop
* nop
* nop
* nop
* 1 nop is 8 cycles. Long numbers of nops can be replaced by dbra loops
* and the like.
nops macro
dcb.w $4e71,\1

* Picture data
SCREEN equ $78002 * Address of image
PICTURE equ SCREEN-34 * Address to load .PI1 picture
PALETTE equ PICTURE+2 * Address of palette

* Hardware labels
vbi_vec equ $70
timerd_vec equ $110

vid_baseh equ $ffff8201
vid_basem equ $ffff8203
vid_countl equ $ffff8209
vid_sync equ $ffff820a
vid_shift equ $ffff8260
vid_palette equ $ffff8240

ikbd_data equ $fffffc02

mfp_iera equ $fffffa07
mfp_ierb equ $fffffa09
mfp_isrb equ $fffffa11
mfp_imrb equ $fffffa15
mfp_tcdcr equ $fffffa1d
mfp_tddr equ $fffffa25

* This just demonstrates the routine. It is non-exitable. You have
* to reset to get out of it. Nevermind.
start lea vars,a6 * a6 -> variables
clr.l -(sp) * Go into supervisor mode
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #6,sp
move.l #mystack,a7 * Set my stack pointer
clr.w -(sp)
move.l #-1,-(sp) * Set low res.
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14
lea 10(sp),sp
bsr drawscr * Draw the screen
move.w #$2700,sr * Kill interrupts
move.l #SCREEN,d0 * Set the screen address
move.l d0,screen(a6)
bsr setscrn
clr.b (mfp_iera).w * Clear IERA
clr.b (mfp_ierb).w * Clear IERB
andi.b #$f8,(mfp_tcdcr).w * Stop timer D
bset.b #4,(mfp_ierb).w * Enable timer D
bset.b #4,(mfp_imrb).w * Mask enable timer D
move.l #myvbi,(vbi_vec).w * Set VBI address
.die stop #$2300 * Enable VBI
bra.s .die * Forever and ever...

* Load a .PI1 screen into screen memory
drawscr clr.w -(sp)
pea .fname(pc) * Fopen()
move.w #$3d,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #8,sp
move.w d0,d3
move.l #PICTURE,-(sp)
move.l #32066,-(sp)
move.w d0,-(sp) * Fread()
move.w #$3f,-(sp)
trap #1
lea 12(sp),sp
move.w d3,-(sp) * Fclose()
move.w #$3e,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #4,sp
* Replace this string with a suitable Degas file
* .fname dc.b 'picture.pi1',0

* This is the VBI code. The VERY FIRST thing to be done is to set up
* the timer D interrupt.
myvbi move.l #topb,(timerd_vec).w * Set timer D interrupt vector
move.b #$65,(mfp_tddr).w * Set timer D data register
andi.b #$f8,(mfp_tcdcr).w * Set timer D subdivider mode
ori.b #4,(mfp_tcdcr).w * Start timer
* This code is not time critical but should stay here
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) * Save all the registers
move.b bscan(a6),d0 * Move the overscan registers
ext.w d0 * into working registers
move.w d0,wbscan(a6)
move.b rscan(a6),d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,wrscan(a6)
move.b nscan(a6),d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,wnscan(a6)
* Now just a little keyboard control code.
* VERY poorly written, but what do you want for nothing?
move.b (ikbd_data).w,d0 * Get key code
cmpi.b #$4b,d0 * Left arrow?
bne.s .nl * No
subq.l #8,screen(a6) * Screen = screen - 8
bra.s .yes * Set the address
.nl cmpi.b #$4d,d0 * Right arrow?
bne.s .nr * No
addq.l #8,screen(a6) * Screen = screen + 8
bra.s .yes * Set the address
.nr cmpi.b #$48,d0 * Up arrow?
bne.s .nu * No
subi.l #160,screen(a6) * Screen = screen - 160
bra.s .yes * Set the address
.nu cmpi.b #$50,d0 * Down arrow?
bne.s .no * No
addi.l #160,screen(a6) * Screen = screen + 160
* Call setscrn to set the screen address
.yes move.l screen(a6),d0 * Set the screen address
bsr setscrn
* What is done finally is to set the video chip's screen pointers.
* This should be done after the call to setscrn.
* The physbase register is latched on the VBI. This means that
* this change will not effect the screen about to be drawn but will
* effect the following screen. Anyone who uses double buffered screens
* will know this already.
.no move.b vidh(a6),(vid_baseh).w * Set the video pointer
move.b vidm(a6),(vid_basem).w
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

* This function sets the screen base address. Well, it doesn't
* really load the video pointers, it just sets up variables which
* the vbi will use.
* ---------
* The screen can be moved on 8 byte boundaries. There is a 'feature'
* of the top border code that means the screen is shifted two bytes.
* This means that if you call this function with #$78000 in d0, the
* REAL beginning of your screen will be $78002.
* Set screen address
* Input:
* d0.l = Address to put screen.
setscrn subi.l #320,d0 * The magic offset
move.b d0,d1 * Save low byte
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vidm(a6) * Store mid byte
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vidh(a6) * Store high byte
lea normal(pc),a0
lsr.b #3,d1 * Multiples of 8
ext.w d1
move.b 0(a0,d1.w),nscan(a6) * Normal scan lines
move.b right-normal(a0,d1.w),rscan(a6) * Right overscan
move.b both-normal(a0,d1.w),bscan(a6) * R & L overscan
move.b offset-normal(a0,d1.w),d0 * Video base offset
sub.b d0,vidm(a6) * Subtract from video base
bcc.s .ok
subq.b #1,vidh(a6)
.ok rts

screen rs.l 1

* Variables used by the code
vidh rs.b 1 * Video address
vidm rs.b 1
rscan rs.b 1 * Number of lines of overscan
bscan rs.b 1
nscan rs.b 1
wrscan rs.w 1 * Working variables
wbscan rs.w 1
wnscan rs.w 1

* This is the scroll code. It uses overscan to allign the screen.
* The overscan takes 20 scan lines but 22 are required to make things
* look nice. So that the 22 scan lines aren't eaten from the play area
* the top border is removed and the overscan done in there.
* The top border removal shifts the screen by 2 bytes.
zeroes dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 * Zeroes for palette
topb andi.b #$f8,(mfp_tcdcr).w * Stop timer D
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a3,-(sp) * Save some registers
movem.l zeroes(pc),d0-d7 * Clear the palette
movem.l d0-d7,(vid_palette).w
* Load some important registers
lea (vid_sync).w,a0 * a0 -> video sync
lea (vid_shift).w,a1 * a1 -> video mode
lea (vid_countl).w,a2 * a2 -> video low byte counter
moveq #0,d0 * 60Hz/Low res
moveq #2,d1 * 50Hz/High res
* Pick up the number of respective overscan lines needed
move.w wbscan(a6),d3 * Left & right overscan
move.w wrscan(a6),d4 * Right overscan
move.w wnscan(a6),d5 * No overscan
* Remove top border
lea .skip(pc),a3 * a3 -> Sync buffer
move.b d0,(a0) * 60Hz
nops 81 * Wait for next line
move.b d1,(a0) * 50Hz
* Sync on raster
.loop tst.b (a2) * Screen running?
beq.s .loop * No
move.b (a2),d2 * Get low byte
adda.l d2,a3 * Add to sync buffer
jmp (a3) * Jump into sync buffer
.skip nops 100 * Sync buffer
* This code performs left and right overscan
bra btest * Branch to overscan test
lboth nop
move.b d1,(a1) * You really think I can
move.b d0,(a1) * be bothered to comment
nops 89 * all these nops and
move.b d0,(a0) * loads? You must be out
move.b d1,(a0) * of your mind.
nops 13
move.b d1,(a1)
move.b d0,(a1)
nops 9
btest dbra d3,lboth * Do next line
* This code performs right overscan
bra rtest * Branch to overscan test
lright nops 87
move.b d0,(a0)
move.b d1,(a0)
nops 13
move.b d1,(a1)
move.b d0,(a1)
nops 16
rtest dbra d4,lright
* This code does nothing but is used for timing the palette re-load.
* If you only want 200 raster lines then just remove this code and
* set up a raster interrupt for a few lines down.
* DON'T remove the d5 loading code at the beginning as this may throw out
* the top border removal code. If it does then increment the number of
* nops in the top border code.
bra ntest
lnorm nops 125
ntest dbra d5,lnorm
* Reload the palette
nops 75 * Wait for end of line
movem.l PALETTE,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(vid_palette).w
end movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a3 * Restore registers
bclr.b #4,(mfp_isrb).w * Clear MFP ISR bit

* This is the magic table which makes it all possible.
normal dc.b 9,10,4,5,6,0,16,10,11,12,13,0,1,2,3,4
dc.b 20,14,0,1,10,11,12,6,0,1,2,3,12,13,0,0
right dc.b 5,2,8,5,2,8,4,10,7,4,1,16,13,10,7,4,0
dc.b 6,4,1,6,3,0,6,12,9,6,3,8,5,20,0
both dc.b 6,8,8,10,12,12,0,0,2,4,6,4,6,8,10,12
dc.b 0,0,16,18,4,6,8,8,8,10,12,14,0,2,0,20
offset dc.b $f,$f,$10,$10,$10,$11,$d,$e
dc.b $e,$e,$e,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10
dc.b $c,$d,$11,$11,$e,$e,$e,$f
dc.b $10,$10,$10,$10,$d,$d,$f,$11

vars ds.b __RS

ds.l 100

--------------------------- END ----------------------------
% cc life.c | David Clear <>
% a.out | Computer Science, University of Kent,
Segmentation fault (core dumped) | Canterbury, England.


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 01:58+0100
From: Ritzert%DMZRZU71.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: help with io redirection, please!
Message-ID: <900222005804.790174@DMZRZU71-UNI-MAINZ--GERMANY>


I don't understand why redirecting the input of Cconrs() doesn't work.
Here is a simple example of what I'm trying to do (compilers: Laser C
1.2, GCC 1.34):

/* redirect stdin and pexec the program that shall do the real work */

#include <osbind.h>
main() ?
int fp;
if( (fp = Fopen("d:\\egs\\system\\base\\ll.g",0)) < 0 ) ?
if( (fp = Fforce(0,fp)) < 0 ) ?
if( (fp = (int)Pexec(0,"testt.prg","","")) < 0 ) ?

/* testt --- silly demonstration program: */

#include <osbind.h>
char buf[123];
buf[0] = 121;
for(;;) ?
Cconws("? ");
Cconws("\r\n");Cconws(&buf[2]);Cconws(" !\r\n");


If I remember correctly from the previous discussions of io-redirection,
this code should work (it does work when I try to redirect stdout). But
it doesn't. Instead, the demo program still waits for input from the
keyboard. What am I doing wrong, what is the correct way to redirect the
input to Cconws() ?

BTW, the Absoft librarian also uses Cconrs() to read its commands...

Thanks for any comments

Michael Ritzert


End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #243

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