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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 004

Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 5 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 4
Today's Topics:
AmigaFS (3 msgs)
Atari MegaST4 computer forsale, $550
Chaos S. B. Help
Dungeon Master - HELP!!
Help! BBS Online Games?
History of Atari
How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST (2 msgs)
Need to replace broken diskdrive in 1040.
pc types cases for a 1040stf
PD C compilers for ST
Re-post of the Flow Chart Compiler
SCSI tape backup
Stock-->Smart Wanted
Wanted: SM124 Monichrome monitor
Weekly Posting of New Stuff
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Date: 5 Jan 92 06:08:24 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!rose.wa! (Chris Herborth)
Subject: AmigaFS
In article <zrnkn01.694534923@convex> (Ph.
Knirsch) writes:
}I am planing to write a driver.prg with which there would be a new partition,
}which you could open and use like a normal ST-diskdrive. But the difference
}would be that it actually uses the Amiga-FileSystem, sothat you could
}read and use this disk on the amiga as well.
That would be kinda nice if it was a loadable filesystem for use with
MiNT (or not)... What would be even better would be a Mac MFS or HFS
filesystem for use with MiNT (or not) for those of us using Spectre..
Chris Herborth, 3B Hons English RPW cjherborth@{rose|lotus}
Date: 5 Jan 92 14:00:22 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!!!!rusmv1!news.uni-tuebinge!convex! (Ph. Knirsch)
Subject: AmigaFS
In <>
(Chris Herborth) writes:
>In article <zrnkn01.694534923@convex> (Ph.
Knirsch) writes:
>}I am planing to write a driver.prg with which there would be a new partition,
>}which you could open and use like a normal ST-diskdrive. But the difference
>}would be that it actually uses the Amiga-FileSystem, sothat you could
>}read and use this disk on the amiga as well.
>That would be kinda nice if it was a loadable filesystem for use with
>MiNT (or not)... What would be even better would be a Mac MFS or HFS
>filesystem for use with MiNT (or not) for those of us using Spectre..
>Chris Herborth, 3B Hons English RPW cjherborth@{rose|lotus}
Sorry, Chris, but i never worked with MinT, because with only one megabyte
it's just a bit difficult. But the idea for a additional Spectre or
Mac-driver isn't bad. But as you know, those discs you write with normal
Atari-drives aren't Mac-readabel. So i perhaps first do the AmigaFS, because
it's the one i know and i have lots of information about.
Read ya... =8-)
Philipp Knirsch
Date: 6 Jan 92 00:00:05 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!!eursus! (B. Rozenberg)
Subject: AmigaFS
To: (Ph. Knirsch) writes:
>Hello, guys.
>I am planing to write a driver.prg with which there would be a new partition,
>which you could open and use like a normal ST-diskdrive. But the difference
>would be that it actually uses the Amiga-FileSystem, sothat you could
>read and use this disk on the amiga as well.
>Is anybody interrested in such a programm?? If not, i see no need to write
I think it could be handy. But remember that there is a little driver for
the Amiga to let the Amiga use Atari/MS-DOS disks (MessyDos or MSH).
that programm, so please respond...
Date: 4 Jan 92 22:48:49 GMT
edu (Steve La)
Subject: Atari MegaST4 computer forsale, $550
Atari Mega4 ST Computer with accessories
* Jin mouse
* Kraft Joystick (brand new)
* Stereo sound board installed
* Dual OS on ROMs with indicator
* front reset button
* Keyboard
The system is in perfect condition. I am asking $550 for the system and I will
pay for shipping fee (UPS Insured). Send me email if you are interested...
Date: 5 Jan 92 20:27:37 GMT
Subject: Chaos S. B. Help
Not sure about locations, but my guess for some ?'s:
4) You should have found some type of 'power' armor in one of the secret
rooms that are in the area: Show it to the eye.
5) If all the proper floor plates etc are set, you should be able to run
fast down the hall and the trap doors will close for a brief second while
you cross.
6) You need the Turquois key to proceed to part 2 of the Dain Path.
If you've got the game layout figured: There are 4 paths to the DDD and
4 paths that lead from there with the same names. Access to the 2nd series
of paths is made by getting objects from the 1st paths.
Date: 5 Jan 92 17:26:56 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!!hp-col!monarch!
(Phil Roberts)
Subject: Dungeon Master - HELP!!
I am stuck playing dungeon master and would appreciate a hint to so I can
finish the game.
I have the firestaff and have decended to the level containing the power gem.
The power gem is right in front of me.
How do I free it. I can't figure out the proper spell.
Please respont by email to...
Date: 5 Jan 92 22:09:03 GMT
hsdndev!spdcc!!ispd-newsserver!laidbak!amiganet!michaelw@ri (Michael Wherry)
Subject: Help! BBS Online Games?
The one thing I remeber from using my Atari was what great Online Games
that were around on the BBS's that were ST's. I Moved over to an Amiga a
year ago when I went off to school for Drafting and computer Design.
I started a bbs not long after that on the Amiga, However to my surprise..
non of the great games that were on the ST, really had made there way over
to the Amiga(or even IBM), this to me is in its own way very sad..
One, they were simple some of the best online games out.. it would be very
hard to find anything of there caliber on any system.... Two) Any time
that somthing has a chance of being forgotten, outdated, overlooked or not
usable in the computer world, it is simplely a crime. My request...
Would it be possible to get the names of any of the Authors that right BBS
Online games for the ST.. Forem being the Biggie... as well as there numbers
(bbs or otherwise) and or to get information on how to contact them via
SNMAIL(Us Postal). I would like to work on doing conversions
of as many games as I can get my hands on.. We have done some work with IBM
And Apple 2 as well as UNIX games in the past.
I will not in ANY way
1) Take Credit for the Games. Someone took alot of time to write them.. I
respect that and wil give FULL credit..
2) Take money for sales and or distribution of an Alter Copy in any
3) Give out the Source without EXPRESSED authors permission.
4) In anyways.. Destroy, or disfame the games.
I will of course give out all changes to the orignal Author.
I am willing to offer Money in exchange for the code(If really needed..
rembering.. I am a poor college student).
My Info
Michael Wherry
4528 Beau Monde Dr Apt 204
Lisle Il, 60532
Ph 1-708-416-6294
BBS 1-708-717-1506
BBS 1-708-717-5916(38400)
BBS 1-708-717-6271(V32 9600)
BBS 1-708-717-6273(2400)
Thank You.
Date: 5 Jan 92 00:03:27 GMT
Subject: History of Atari
Well for some older somewhat fogged memory. The arcade Pong was essentially
the 1st product, but I recall Bushnell may have done something before that.
Computer Space or something, but it wasn't successful. There were a number
of home games made that predated the 2600 (I believe). I still have a Video
Pinball game sitting on the shelf <grin>. The 2600 was not the first
cartridge game. I believe the Fairchild Channel F has that distinction. RCA
also came out with a lame non-color system that was doomed before it was
even released. Both the Fairchild & RCA systems used hot processors, F8 &
1802 respectively. They had the ability to access 64K of memory vs 8k for
the 2600, but Atari had the hotter programers & graphics. A side note:
IMHO if you had a 4.77 mHz XT with VGA sitting next to 20 mHz 386 with CGA
the average consumer would think the XT to be the better computer.
Date: 4 Jan 92 14:46:48 GMT
From: coplex!disk! (unknown)
Subject: How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST
My 520STM has an RF modulator, but it has a problem.. When hooked to
a color TV, a purple line about 1 inch thick and the length of the
screen goes from top to bottom. like this:
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
|------| |______| | | | | |------|
| | | | |------| |______| | |
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Get the picture? A big, purple bar rolling down the picture..
Is/was this normal? How is it corrected? Would a simple RF filter work?
Shawn Beltz :) :) :) I may not agree with what you have to say
unknown@disk.UUCP but I'll fight to the death for your right
uunet!coplex!disk!unknown to say it... -- Someone I agree with!
Date: 6 Jan 92 00:01:38 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Keith Sommerville)
Subject: How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST
>"composite video signal from an ST"
I am sure that this signal was only available on STFM's. I know this
doesnt make a lot of sense, cos the composite signal has nothing to do with
a modulator, but I am sure that this is the case.
Date: 5 Jan 92 10:15:37 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!!
(Remy Adam Hathaway)
Subject: Need to replace broken diskdrive in 1040.
The drive in my 1040 seems to have died. I know many people that have replaced
SS with DS drives, etc, and I was wondering if anybody could direct me to a
source for a cheap (read: starving college student) reliable drive. Thanks
Remy Hathaway
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 92 20:13:36 EST
From: (Scott Kolodzieski)
Subject: pc types cases for a 1040stf
I would like to put my ST and hard drives into a PC style case. this would
save me desk space, give me a detatched keyboard, and give room for jim allen's
Turbo 030 acellerator card. the question is if anyone knows of a company that
makes a case for the ST. I could buy a generic PC case and fudge the keyboard
out of the 1040's case. This would also require a bit of cableing in the PC
case to bring the ST's ports to the rear of the PC case.
I am aware of 1 manufaucture of such a case. I was told bye a gentleman at
BEST electronics of a distributor in teh UK. The case is supposed to be of
excellent quality. Having a custom molded enclosure for the keyboard and
a large power supply that feeds all periferals in the case with ease. The hitch
is I have to get this case from england and it cost %$250.00! Are there any
other manufaturer in the US that make such a product? Anyone have experience
moving there ST to a PC case?
Scott Kolodzieski,
Date: 4 Jan 92 20:19:36 GMT
From:!oz! (Technoid)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST
I'm looking for a PD C compiler for the ST. I DLed Sozobon 1.2 from
atari.archive, but am having real difficulties getting it to work. I don't
really have a good CLI and that may be the problem, but I've fed working code
to CC from GEM and it does not compile. Are there any other C compilers out
there? I normally use Turbo C++ on Messy Dos machines, but I thought it would
be nice to have a compiler on my home machine also. Maybe it is simply a case
of getting a good CLI like gulam. Any ideas?
Please E-mail
thanks, Stephan
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool...
Date: 5 Jan 92 17:30:26 GMT
Subject: Re-post of the Flow Chart Compiler
Greetings! How are you guys using the ST? We've mostly used it here
as a terminal to Suns with more than 25 line applications.
Take Care,
Lee B. (:~)=
Date: 5 Jan 92 08:21:50 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!uniol!!! (Dirk
Subject: SCSI tape backup
>Does anybody have, or know where I could find, a simple backup program
>to work with a generic SCSI tapedrive? I have an ST with an ICD host
I think i have a solution for you. I've written a tape backup programm
which is distributed here in Europe by protar with their streamer packages
(their using TEAC drives), but you can get the software without a streamer
direct at me. But it is not a simple backup programm, it's more a little
bit sophisticated. You can do a backup by different types, i support
partition backup where only used data is saved, an image partition backup
so you could backup drives from alternative OSs, a file backup where you
could comfortably select files using mouse, fileattribute, date or
wildcards an last but not least a complete image backup of the whole drive.
There's a batch interpreter also included so you can automatically backup
the things you want. And there's a recorder for batch files also included.
The software works fine on every resolution with 80 coloums or more (so it
will not work in ST-Low or TT-Low, but that should not be any problem at
all), supports the TT completely (even the SCSI-Bus) and should work with
all types of SCSI tapedrives. I've tested the following devuces:
Teac MT-2ST/45S2, Teac MT-2ST/N50, Wangtek 5150ES, Tandberg TDC-3800,
Tandberg TDC-3600, Cypher ST150S-II (only at the TT SCSI-Bus), Exabyte EXB-
With these devices it should work properly, but i think it will support all
tapedrives, even if there are one or two features that wouldn't be
supported (e.g. recognizing of tape start).
The price for the software is about $ 230,- excl. VAT and shipping
costs. There is a demo version available which supports all features except
the batch files and restoring data. You can get the demo version by just
sending me a letter with a disk and your address.
There's only one problem at all: I've an english version, but the english
manual isn't completed yet. So in the moment i cannot send out an english
manual, but the software is fully GEM-supported so that this should be not
such a great problem. And i would send it with a short english manual an
disk (even if i had to write it).
My address is:
Dirk Steins
Auf dem Feldchen 48
D-W5216 Niederkassel-6
If you want to do Unix compatible backups, i've adapted a tar to the TT
which supports the SCSI-Bus of the TT. Unfortunately i haven't a version
that uses the DMA-Bus on the ST, so you can only use it on a TT. If you're
interested in the tar please send me a mail.
Dirk Steins Usenet:
Niederkassel/Koeln UUCP: any_backbone_that_knows_domains!!ds
Germany Fido: ds%maus k2, 2:242/2.6
Bad english (c) d.steins
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 92 22:18:43 AST
From: Alyre CHIASSON <>
Subject: SPECTRE and 1.44 MEG DRIVE
To: N <>
Will the installation of a 1.44 MEG drive and appropriate
controller chip disable SPECTRE ability to read disks? With
a higher density disk installed will a second 720K drive
behave properly if the software can set the proper step
Date: 6 Jan 92 01:33:21 GMT
From:! (Marco)
Subject: Stock-->Smart Wanted
I've heard of a ST program, which I think is called "Stock-->Smart" (or
something like that) and was interested in looking at it. It's a
Shareware program and if anyone has it, and could possibly e-mail it to
me (as I don't have FTP access) I would greatly appreciate it.
Please respond by e-mail, as I don't have access to this newsgroup.
| John Perry*Voice (204)783-0812*Internet |
Date: 5 Jan 92 19:49:13 GMT
From: agate!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Steve
Subject: Wanted: SM124 Monichrome monitor
I am looking for a sm124 monichrome monitor in good working shape
for around $75. Please send me e-mail to <be824@cleveland.Freenet.Edu>
or call Dave Selick @ 201-944-6046 days, or 201-569-7565 nights
Date: 4 Jan 92 08:10:12 GMT
info!sharkey!umich!terminator! (Atari Archive Robot)
Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff
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-rw-r--r-- swood 2585 Dec 31 15:00 ./portfolio/utilities/Index
-rw-r--r-- swood 3567 Jan 1 00:14 ./portfolio/utilities/bm2.lzh
-rw-r--r-- swood 4636 Jan 1 00:11 ./portfolio/utilities/clock.lzh
-rw-r--r-- swood 3808 Jan 1 00:12 ./portfolio/utilities/hdir.lzh
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 00:43 ./portfolio/applications
-rw-r--r-- swood 580 Jan 1 03:05 ./portfolio/applications/Index
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 01:09 ./portfolio/bootstrap
-rw-r--r-- swood 156245 Jan 1 01:04 ./portfolio/bootstrap/bootst10.lzh
-rw-r--r-- swood 156382 Jan 1 01:06 ./portfolio/bootstrap/bootst11.lzh
-rw-r--r-- swood 287 Jan 1 03:06 ./portfolio/bootstrap/Index
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 03:29 ./portfolio/demos
-rw-r--r-- swood 360 Jan 1 03:07 ./portfolio/demos/Index
lrwxrwxrwx swood 30 Jan 1 02:40 ./portfolio/demos/ ->
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 03:29 ./portfolio/support
-rw-r--r-- swood 646 Jan 1 03:29 ./portfolio/support/Index
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Dec 31 15:03 ./portfolio/games
-rw-r--r-- swood 2133 Dec 31 22:40 ./portfolio/games/vader.lzh
-rw-r--r-- swood 523 Dec 31 15:01 ./portfolio/games/Index
-rw-r--r-- swood 8532 Dec 31 15:15 ./portfolio/Index
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Dec 31 15:03 ./portfolio/telecomm
-rw-r--r-- swood 566 Dec 31 15:02 ./portfolio/telecomm/Index
lrwxrwxrwx swood 23 Dec 31 22:46 ./portfolio/telecomm/pfboot.lzh ->
-rw-rw-rw- swood 1384 Dec 31 14:32 ./portfolio/telecomm/dial.lzh
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drwxr-xr-x swood 512 Jan 1 02:58 ./portfolio/languages/pbasic
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drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 02:20 ./portfolio/graphics
-rw-r--r-- swood 236 Jan 1 03:08 ./portfolio/graphics/Index
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Jan 1 03:05 ./portfolio/sound
-rw-r--r-- swood 157 Jan 1 03:05 ./portfolio/sound/Index
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Jan 2 17:29 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 1536 Jan 2 17:26 ./languages
-rw-r--r-- weiner 161182 Jan 2 17:26 ./languages/nasmbin.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 173070 Jan 2 17:26 ./languages/nasmsrc.lzh
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 3406 Jan 2 17:28 ./languages/Index
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drwxrwxr-x jon 2560 Jan 2 17:15 ./gnustuff/tos
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-rw-r--r-- weiner 3364 Jan 2 22:33 ./admin/Auto.downloading.ideas
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 56688 Jan 2 17:29 ./CompInd.Z
End of Info-Atari16 Digest