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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 556

Atari Support
Audio Light Music Files
auto folder woes
Data Diet type programs & Random access
For Sale
G-Print users wanted
Gloom and doom in the UK?
How to copy screen display using fortran?
Mega STE compatability with First Word
P.D. "Unix" type thingie? Available?
Panther & Jaguar.
Re~1: Mega STe (2 msgs)
Rules of Engagement
sozobon C and SUN
TeX joy, LaTeX woes.
what types of joysticks work with 520ST?
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Date: 22 Oct 91 15:35:32 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!gatech!utkcs2!! (Golando
Subject: 520 st system forsale
I have the following system for sale:
Atari 520 system with 1 external ssdd external
drive, Uniterm Vt100 terminal software, operating
system software, and 1st word word processor
Price: $200 or best offer.
Date: 22 Oct 91 16:18:24 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!philce!nlvs31! (Frans
Subject: Atari Minix and ICD
To: (Andrew C. Stoffel) writes:
>Does anybody who uses ST Minix read this newsgroup (anymore) ? Frans
>Meulenbroeks (who's name is on the COVER of the ST Minix vers. 1.5
>manual ) I know shows up occasionally. anyone else ?
Hi! I'm here. I usually glance through this group and read comp.os.minix
to great detail (assuming our news feed works).
>from version (the version SHIPPED by Prentis-Hall) to at
>least version and recompile the thing...... Yes, it DOES
>work!!! The patches are available somewhere on for
>anonymous ftp.
The latest version is I posted this one several months ago.
I assume these diffs are also at plains. However they do not apply
as smoothly as [1-3] do.
>Now, if you want to be able to use MORE than 5 partitions at one time
>(Which is a different matter than using partitions out beyond
>/dev/hd4) you'll have to change a #define somewhere. Since I haven't
>done it I don't remember where it is..... 4 partitons is more than
>enough for my purposes.
it is defined in fs/const.h or so. Mine is set to 7 instead of 5.
(but then again I also have 3 hard disks connected).
Note that if you want to connect more than 1 hard disk you definitely
need to upgrade to
Frans Meulenbroeks (
Philips Research Laboratories
Date: 23 Oct 91 03:12:02 GMT
rix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Atari Support
Well I have just seen a New product for the teaching
of Piano Playing called 'Miracle'.
This is a Large Keyboard, it also has Midi Support,
and connects to your computer/games console thought
the Joystick port.
It looks like its a USA product as one of the manuals that
I had a chance to look at, had the Software Toolworks name on it.
But now the crunch comes, NO Support for Atari Computers,
it has support for PC's, Amiga and Nintendo, but that is
again a funny thing none of those systems have built in
So why has the USA droped Atari, is it no longer considered
a machine for music use, and do they no longer sell them
in music shops over there .?
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***
Date: 22 Oct 91 17:43:37 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wupost!!sunb10.!! (Brian Totty)
Subject: Audio Light Music Files
Does anyone know the format for Music Studio files from Audio Light?
I have a MIDI synthesizer hooked to my workstation, and I'd like to
build a player to play the song files that I have on my ST. Is the
format proprietary? Any information/source code would be greatly
/ Brian Totty o o
/__ __ o Department of Computer Science o
/ / / / 1304 W. Springfield Ave \_/ "We have corn in
/__/ / / Urbana, IL 61801 Massachusetts too!"
Date: 22 Oct 91 19:36:45 GMT
.gov! (Keith J Groves)
Subject: auto folder woes
In article <> writes:
>I've got an atari 1040ST. I've managed to put something in my auto folder on
>the hard disk which hangs the machine. Is it possible to abort the auto folder
>or boot with the hard disk off and still be able to access it once it's
>switched on again?
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Chris Rouch
>Serco Space Ltd. Tel: +31 1719 84672
>ESTEC, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 1719 84192
>Underfunded OAPs turn to a life of crime in the great cucumber roberies of 1989
Your best bet is to insert a bootable floppy into your drive
and turn your hard disk and ST on at the same time. The hard disk
will not boot for at least 15 seconds, but in the meantime, your
floppy will. At that point you should have some sort of desktop.
The only procedure left is to run your harddisk's driver. This
procedure should allow you access to your auto folder so that you
may delete the offending program.
Keith Groves
Date: 23 Oct 91 02:13:21 GMT
uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison)
Subject: Data Diet type programs & Random access
Data Diet compress files transparently, right?
How [well] does it cope with random accesses to a file? For example, if
I Fseek 15000 bytes into the file, how does D.D. cope? I'm lost, and very
sceptical about these Data Diet tools. Also, I had a head crash on my
hard disk, but I was able to restore a large number of ASCII source files
by dumping tracks from the HD and manually sorting them out. Had they
been compressed, all would have been lost. Secondly, my main reason for
a hard disk is speed. I can buy a disk five time the size, but not one
five times as fast. How much slower is Data Diet?
/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.
Date: 22 Oct 91 21:54:57 GMT
noao!asuvax!ukma!wupost!!!!ux! (Michael T Stepniczka)
Subject: For Sale
Atari Mega ST 2 (2 Meg)
Atari SM124 Monochrome monitor
Star NX-10 9-pin printer
(The removable cover has cracks,
but the printer is fine)
Printer cable
Midi cables
Turbo C 2.0 w/ manuals (German - 5 disks)
DevPac (2.0) w/ manual
Assempro w/ manual
CAD 3-D 2.0 w/ manual
Interlink w/ manual
Universe II w/ manual (3 disks)
Atari ST Internals (Abacus-2)
Atari ST GEM Prog. Reference (Abacus-3)
Atari ST Machine Language (Abacus-4)
I would like to sell this all as a package for
$800 o.b.o. If this isn't possible, I will consider
splitting it up (what a pain!). Thanks.
I am currently in Champaign, IL.
Mike Stepniczka
Date: 22 Oct 91 19:43:45 GMT
Subject: G-Print users wanted
In article <>,
(Steve Whitney) writes:
> Users of G-Print (my text formatting/printing program which uses word
> command codes): If you'd be interested in beta testing G-Print 2.0, please
> reply to me at this e-mail address.
> Version 2.0 includes:
> Limited Word Perfect file support
> TX2 file support (except graphics)
> A different font for every pitch in WP, ST Writer, and First Word Plus
> Support for FSM GDOS long font names, continuous point sizes, and
> variabel character aspect ratios (width setting)
> Document Information box
> Various print order options
> Several bugs axed.
> Thanks for your help,
> Steve Whitney
Yes i would be interested in Beta Testing it for you please send it to me as it
would be most appreciated. thanks
Date: 22 Oct 91 16:19:33 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ukc!qmw-dcs!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas)
Subject: Gloom and doom in the UK?
From article <>, by (Roger Sheppard):
> What has happen to ST-User, no sign of it here for some months,
> and this is for air-mail ordered copies..
It's actually not doing too badly, for a change. The mag was revamped
for the October issue, taking on board some of the features of the late,
lamented ST World. The current (November) issue contains possibly their
best cover disk for some time, including a working (except for 'save')
demo version of Avant Vector.
The tone of the mag is much less juvenile than it was a few months ago.
Games coverage is still, of course, present, but it's mostly confined to
its own special section, which can be pulled out.
ST User now has IDs on several online systems, including CompuServe. I
can't remember that one, but an alternative is
Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
Email: Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: +44 273 685865
Date: 22 Oct 91 20:00:21 GMT
From: carl! (Bruce Scott)
Subject: How to copy screen display using fortran?
Hello all,
I use the Absoft FORTRAN quite heavily from time to time.
I would like to be able to find the 32kbytes (right?) which contain the
data for the monochrome screen in memory, and copy them elsewhere from
a FORTRAN program. Is this possible at all? I've never seen info like
this anywhere, but I'm sure this is a FAQ to someone in the know.
Specific definition of problem:
(a) I have drawn curves to the screen using the appropriate AES call.
(b) Copy screen data, byte-for-byte, from RAM into a program-defined array
(this could also be bit-for-bit)
Thanks in advance, e-mail or post.
Gruss, The deadliest bullshit is
Bruce D. Scott odorless and transparent
bds at dgaipp1s.bitnet -- W Gibson
Max Planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik
Date: 22 Oct 91 21:53:54 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: MEGA STE
I have two small problems with my MEGA STE and wondered if anyone (Allan ?)
could give me a hint what I should do:
- If I have several windows open on the desktop and start a program I
sometimes get the message "Out of Memory" (or something like that).
When the program is ended the last opened window/folder is closed.
This is irritating (happend with only 2 windows open sometimes).
- I have run out of room in the newdesk.inf file
I have lots of icons on the desktop, icons for files, files installed
with doc-types, and all together it it more that 126 lines.
But for some STUPID reason 126 lines seems to be the max-limit for
the newdesk.inf file. A patch gives more lines would be great !!!!
Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 91 14:50:18 WET DST
From: "Ian C. McCall" <>
Subject: Mega STE compatability with First Word
Somebody recently posted a note here saying that First Word 3.xx was
Mega STE incompatable.
I have to say that I've run all versions right up to the latest TT
compatable version with no problems whatsoever, so whoever it was must
have another software conflict somewhere.
Ian McCall (
Date: 22 Oct 91 19:43:53 GMT
(Christian Wieninger)
Subject: NEC P6 PLUS
seit heute habe ich mit meinem P6 PLUS ein kleines Problem.
Beim Erstellen eines Druckertreibers fielen mir seltsame
weisse Linien auf. Nach langem Suchen sah ich ,dass im Druckkopf
eine Nadel fehlt oder abgebrochen ist :( . Es ist die unterste, was
beim Textausdruck nicht stoert, umso mehr aber bei Grafik.
Deshalb meine Frage:
- Hat jemand das gleiche Problem schon gehabt, und wie gegebenenfalls
- Kennt jemand Firmen, die Nadeln in Druckkoepfe einsetzen?
Bis jetzt konnte ich nur eine finden, die dafuer 210,- DM will.
- Kann man, falls ich die Nadel doch noch finde, diese einfach wieder
- Wer schenkt mir seinen Druckkopf(Ha Ha) oder hat einen P6 PLUS zum
Ausschlachten zu verkaufen?
Fuer jede Hilfe dankbar,
(P.S. Bitte meldet euch wenn moeglich per e-mail)
Date: 22 Oct 91 17:39:14 GMT
u (Bob Hays)
Subject: P.D. "Unix" type thingie? Available?
You have gulam, so you have a *shell*, a thingie that interprets
Now, you want some utilities - go to and find
the unixtkit.arc (or is that .lzh) file - this is the basic UNIX
utility set ready for use in gulam. Copy the desired .TTP files
(renamed from .PRG) for your desired utilities to the bin directory
(where your other binaries for gulam are).
If you want C, you should go to the programming subdir of
atari.archive and seek out the sozobon C stuff.
This is what I did to put together a programming environment (cheap)
for my Atari. I added the GEMfast libraries so that I could work on a
sample editor for my old, lame-duck S612 sampler from AKAI (again,
I have my environment (get this) on one DS/DD disk that I boot. I
suggest you get a make utility if you want to do serious C development
and a clock for your Atari (unless it already has one).
That should be all you need to do what you want.
Have fun! - Bob
The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc. Phone: (312) 329-3522
Bob Hays Fax: (312) 329-3657
Date: 22 Oct 91 19:38:35 GMT
Subject: Panther & Jaguar.
In article <>, writes:
> Someone mentioned two machines Atari is/was (rumored?) to be
> working on called Panther and Jaguar. Does anyone know what
> they are or where rumored to be?
The Panther is supposed to be the next St and the Jaguar is just an atari
console similar to the megadrive or the super famicom
Date: 22 Oct 91 14:54:44 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ukc!liv-cs!liv-uxa! (Mr. R.J. Turnbull)
Subject: PASCAL
My brotha just started a programming course and is learning pascal.
Are there any good pascal compilers in the public domain available
by anonymous FTP..? If so where..?
( s'cuse the ignorance I ain't an atariist!! )
Date: 22 Oct 91 17:13:58 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!gatech!psuvax1!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: Re~1: Mega STe
In article <>, (Lutz Petersen) says:
> In my case 1st_Word 3.xx doesn't work. Now I have 'downgraded' to version
> 2.0x to work with some old wordplus-documents.
> lp
>\\ lutz petersen - 2200 elmshorn, germany - +49 4121-63587 v.32 \\
> \\ zer: lp@shlink.zer \\
You should *upgrade* to Wordplus 3.17. Contact your distributor (like
Atari Germany).
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________
Date: 22 Oct 91 16:11:37 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ukc!qmw-dcs!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas)
Subject: Re~1: Mega STe
From article <>, by (Roger Sheppard):
> Well if you have brought 1st_Word Plus, you can upgrade to version
> 3.15, this I have read is the TT version, should work for the Mega STE..??
In the UK the explicitly TT-compatible version is 3.20TT. Yes, it
actually says '3.20TT' in a dialog box that appears briefly during the
startup sequence.
However, it might be the case that other version numbers are used in
other countries.
Interested people might try mailing - the ID
of GST Software Products, who write Wordplus (and who are about to
release Timeworks Publisher 2 soon, but that's another story).
Currently, the 'sproducts' mail addressed is being looked after by a man
called Simon Jones. I don't know whether he can, or is willing to, mail
to people external to the CIX (Compulink Information Exchange)
conferencing system.
Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
Email: Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: +44 273 685865
Date: 22 Oct 91 12:25:06 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ukc!mucs!! (Jamie
Subject: Rules of Engagement
Does anyone know if this game is out on the ST yet and if so is it any good?
Date: 22 Oct 91 11:30:20 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ukc!edcastle! (R C Smith)
Subject: sozobon C and SUN
I have been trying to build the sozobon C compiler on a SUN 4 using the
sozosun.zoo diffs on terminator (aka atari.archive). Most of it compiles
except for hcc.ttp, the block pre.c cannot find some externs:--
Where are these? The Makefile also has in the OBJS tok.o, there is no
tok.c but there is a tok.h which is included with #include "tok.h" in
many of the .c blocks. So I removed the tok.o from the $(OBJS) and only
the above errors show.
Can anyone help me?
Date: 22 Oct 91 15:34:40 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!ira.u!ifistg! (Bernd Raichle)
Subject: TeX joy, LaTeX woes.
In article <4892@tamsun.TAMU.EDU> (Mark Lehmann) writes:
> This is the strange thing. After successfully building the "plain.fmt" file,
> I took to building the "lplain.fmt" file for LaTeX. It builds fine till it
> starts to build the fonts.
> [...]
> BINGO, I get more fonts in, but then
> TEX stops building LaTeX will another font.
It seems that initex misses
These fonts are the same (with different names):
lcircle10 == circle10
lcirclew10 == circlew10
You can do three things:
- edit `lfonts.tex' and add/delete the `l' or
- rename the tfm and pk files or
- copy the tfm and pk files (or create links if available)
(I recommend the last, because there are many dvi-files with references
to circleXX and lcircleXX.)
Date: 22 Oct 91 23:16:16 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!!!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison)
Subject: what types of joysticks work with 520ST?
To: writes:
>buchs@obiwan (Kevin J. Buchs) writes:
>> I am finally going to get a joystick for my 520ST. Do I need to get a
>> particular type? Anyone have brand and source recommendations.
>> Please Email and I summarize if there is interest.
>I have always used the good old Atari black joysticks. They work well, are
>durable, and are *cheap*. ;) By the way, I have a 1040ST.
YUCK! I went through 4 sets of Atari joysticks before I bought myself a pair
of WICO joysticks. That was 8 years ago, and the WICOs still work perfectly!
Atari joysticks (and most others) use weak little shell switches, and all
soft plastic components - WICO use strong reed switches, hard plastic and
metal components! Sure, they cost more, but in $/year they are by far the
most economical!
My 2 yen worth, (That's the othe thing: I think WICO are "Made in the USA")
/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.
End of Info-Atari16 Digest