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Jaguar Mag 10

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
Jaguar Mag
 · 26 Apr 2019

| _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ |
| ||| Atari | | / |/ ___\| | | | / | _ \ | || | / |/ ___\ |
| ||| | | / | | __| | | | / | |_| | | || | / | | __ |
| / | \ /| | |/ / | | |_ | | | |/ / | _ < | \/ | / / | | |_ | |
| | |_| / _ | |__| | |_| / _ | | \\\ | | / _ | |__| | |
| \___/_/ |_|\____/ \___/_/ |_|_| \\\ | |/_/ |_|\____/ |
| \\\ |
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| -------------------------- |
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| Unterstützt von MEGA*STAR, Schaffhauser Str. 55, 79713 Bad Säckingen |
| Tel.: 07761/59742 Fax: 07761/57014 |
| |
| Wir danken außerdem folgenden Firmen/Personen für ihre Unterstützung: |
| |
| * Konstantin Woller |
| WOLLER & LINK gbr, Westenallee 94a, 14052 Berlin |
| Tel.: 030/7515724 Fax: 030/3049620 |
| |
| * Thomas Prasse |
| Technisches Kaufhaus, Lorenzstr. 30, 95028 Hof |
| Tel./Fax: 09281/84823 |
| |
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| Erscheinungsdatum: 03.12.1995 <-> Letzte Aenderung am: 03.12.1995 |
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| ----------------> M A I L B O X - R E L E A S E <-------------------- |
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| Version: 1.11 <-> deutsch/englisch (CATnips) |
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| _/aguar Mag Support-Mailboxen: |
| ------------------------------ |
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| Name der Mailbox: Tel.-Nummer: max. Connect |
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| Daten Pavillon (Befehl "JAG") <-----------> 030-6222636 28k8 V.34 |
| Gorezone <--------------------------------> 04841-6069 19k2 Zyxel |
| Quark Berlin (Befehl "JAG") <-------------> 030-7519443 28k8 V.34+ |
| Quark Hamm (Brett 840) <------------------> 02381-161398 19k2 Zyxel |
| Outbreak (Line 1) <-----------------------> 02129-959143 14k4 |
| Outbreak (Line 2) <-----------------------> 02129-959144 I-S-D-N |
| ST Computer Mailbox (Brett 810) <---------> 069-292966 14k4 |
| Subway BBS <------------------------------> 0211-285856 28k8|
| Video Games Mailbox (kein Gastdownload) <-> 089-4613337 14k4 |
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| schickt 1 Diskette sowie 2 DM |
| Rückporto in Briefmarken und einen |
| Umschlag mit eurer Adresse an: |
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| Atari Jaguar 64-BIT CLUB |
| Mischa Hildebrand |
| Emil-Nolde Str. 13 |
| 59192 Bergkamen |
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| Tel.: 02307/61532 |
| (Mo. bis So. 18:00-20:00 Uhr) |
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| _/aguar Mag 24 Stunden Telefon-Hotline |
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| Fragen, Probleme rund um den Atari Jaguar? Wenn ja, dann ruft an!! |
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| 02389-534685 (Martin Lethaus) |
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| Normalerweise bin ich immer erreichbar, sogar spät abends, aber falls |
| niemand abnimmt einfach so lange klingeln lassen (ca. 2 Minuten) bis |
| der Anrufbeantworter aktiv wird und Namen und Telefon-Nummer deutlich |
| sprechen und dann auflegen, ich rufe sobald wie möglich zurück... |
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| _/aguar Mag Team |
| Martin Lethaus |
| Brevingstrasse 28 |
| 59368 Werne |
| Germany |
| |


Sehr geehrte Leser(innen) des Jaguar Mags,

zum ersten Mal wird das Jaguar Mag auf einer Messe released und ich hoffe
auf eine große Resonanz/Nachfrage, sowie daß alle mit dieser neusten Ausgabe
zufrieden seien werden. Nach dem zahlreich Trouble in der letzten Zeit, gibt
es durchaus auch positive Nachrichten zu berichten. Das Jaguar-CD ROM kann
nun auch über diverse Importhändler in größen Stückzahlen bekommen, zudem
sind seit der letzten Ausgabe sechs(!) Jaguar-Spiele erschienen und während
ich diesen Text tippe sind laut den letzten Infos ein Dutzend (12 Stück!!!)
Jaguar-Spiele in Produktion, die wohl in den nächsten 2 Monaten erscheinen
werden... Wer wird sich da eine Playstation oder einen Saturn kaufen? :)

Natürlich werden auch die negativen Meldungen in diesen Magazin erwähnt,
wie z.B. die zahlreichen Entlassungen bei Atari (darunter befinden sich
auch sehr angesehene Leute wie Bill Rehbock, Normen Kowalewski, Francois
Bertrand*1, John Mathieson etc.) und auch einige Spiele wurden aus irgend-
welchen Gründen (Kosten?, Qualität?) eingestellt. Leider ist auch das
Interview mit Marc Rosocha geplatzt (er hat leider kaum Zeit, da IS 2
fertig werden soll...).

Weiterhin werden wir in der nächsten Ausgabe einige Konsolen und sogar den
PC hinzunehmen, wodurch sich auch den Namen das Mags ändern werden, aber ihr
werdet uns sicher wiedererkennen. Das neue Magazin wird aber weiterhin, viele
Jaguar News haben und der zusätzliche Blick über den sogenannten Tellerrand
wird sicher viele Leser interessieren.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Chefredakteur, Martin Lethaus

Zusatz: *1 Francois Bertrand arbeitet wieder für Atari und wird auf jeden
Fall "Fight for Life" beenden.

P.S.: Es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht die proTOS zu besuchen und die ganzen
Leute zu treffen, obwohl der Verkauf des Jaguar Mag 1-10 auf HD-Disk
enttäuschend war...

P.P.S.: Das neue Mag heißt MEGA-PLAYER!!!

Wer Tests und News über 3DO, Atari Jaguar, Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn,
SKN Neo Geo CD, Sony Playstation, Super Nintendo, MS-DOS PC etc. ...
hat sollte uns kontaktieren!! Wir suchen Autoren!!!


In den Jaguar Mag 9 haben wir ja eine Umfrage gestartet, hier nun die


* Soll das Jaguar Mag weiter erscheinen?

Mit "JA" stimmten 100%

- - -

* Soll das Jaguar Mag von den JAG! getrennt werden?

Hier war das Ergebnis wesentlich knapper ausgefallen, aber wir beugen uns
der demokratischen Mehrheit:

JA 52,73 %
NEIN 47,27 %

- - -

* Welche Rubriken wünschen Sie sich?

Die Mehrzahl der Leser waren mit den vorhanden Rubriken zufrieden, die am
meisten genannten Extra-Rubriken waren:

- Interviews
- andere Konsolen
- Günstige Bezugsquellen, Schnäppchen
- Gerüchteküche
- Quiz
- Leserbriefe

Mal sehen was sich machen läßt...

Aber es gab auch Sonderwünsche, wie:

- Kochrezepte
- Witze über den Jaguar
- Wetterbericht
- Wie zerstöre ich die Playstation?

- - -

* Wie lange lesen Sie das Jaguar Mag?

Knapp die Hälfe der Jaguar Mag-Leser lesen das Mag seit der ersten Ausgabe,
die andere Hälfe ist erst später dazugekommen. Aber insgesamt gesehen lesen
etwa über 75 % der Leser das Mag seit der 5. Ausgabe!!!

Hier nun die Werte:

seit der 1. Ausgabe: 49,09 %
seit der 2. Ausgabe: 3,63 %
seit der 3. Ausgabe: 7,27 %
seit der 4. Ausgabe: 7,27 %
seit der 5. Ausgabe: 10,90 %
seit der 6. Ausgabe: 7,27 %
seit der 7. Ausgabe: 1,08 %
seit der 8. Ausgabe: 7,27 %
seit der 9. Ausgabe: 5,45 %

Hoffentlich kommen durch den proTOS-Release noch weiter neue Leser dazu...

- - -

* Wie wurden Sie auf der Jaguar Mag aufmerksam?

Die Mehrzahl der Leser (über 80%) haben eine Mail im Mausnetz gelesen oder
in den Supportboxen gesehen. Ich kann nur an allen Mausnetz-User und Modem-
Besitzer appelieren auch das NICHT-MODEM-BESITZERN das Jaguar Mag zugänglich
zu machen:

Hinweis im Mausnet: 29,31 %
in der Support-Box gesehen: 53,44 %
über Freunde/Bekannte: 10,34 %
Sonstiges: 6,89 %
darunter auch Fernsehwerbung(??)

- - -

* Woher beziehen Sie das Jaguar Mag?

In dieser Frage liegt deutlich die Mailbox von Peter Huluk (Quark Hamm),
vorne und ich möchte mich hiermit nochmals vielmals für die tolle Unter-
stützung von Peter Huluk bedanken, der wirklich zu fast jeden Probleme
eine Lösung hat und seine User in der Box hervorragend betreut.
An der zweiten Stelle liegt die Gorezone, die wohl eine der letzten Atari-
Szene-Mailboxen in Deutschland ist und ein Blick lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!

1. Quark Hamm 41,37 %
2. Gorezone 24,13 %
3. Quark Berlin 13,79 %

Als weitere Bezugsquellen wurden folgende Mailboxen genannt:
ADM-Box, Apolonia Essen, Daten Pav., Dreamscape, Maus Köln, Maus Oldenburg,
Maus Leipzig, Maus Unna 2, Quark Bielefeld, Secret Mail, ST-Computer BOX,
Subway BBS, X-Factor etc. ...

Andere Bezugsquellen waren: - Jaguar Club (Mischa Hildebrand)
- WWW-Page von Rouven Gehm

- - -

* Wie schätzen Sie ihre Englisch-Kenntnisse ein?

Hier scheint wohl die Mehrzahl der Leser nicht besonders ehrlich zu sein. ;)

sehr gut 26,78 %
gut 44,64 %
zufriedenstellend 25,00 %
magelhaft 3,57 %
ungenügend 0,00 %

- - -

* Lesen Sie die CATnips?

Nach dem Ergebnis lesen 2 von 3 Lesern die Hälfte und mehr des CATnips!

Ja, komplett 19,29 %

Ja, aber nur zu <50% 8,77 %
50% 15,78 %
>50% 29,82 %

Nein 26,31 %

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


* Wie alt sind Sie?

Das Durchschnitt-Alter liegt bei 26 Jahren!!!

unter 20 Jahre: 13,20 %
unter 25 Jahre: 24,52 %
unter 30 Jahre: 33,96 %
unter 35 Jahre: 20,75 %
35 Jahre und mehr: 7,54 %

- - -

* Welche Informationsquellen werden genutzt?

Mehr als die Hälfe der Leser nutzen neben dem Jaguar Mag weitere Jaguar-
Informationsquellen. Hier die Ergebnisse:

Videospielzeitschriften 58,92 %

Video Games 44,64 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)
Mega Fun 30,35 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)
Maniac 26,78 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)

Der Witz, daß sich die Maniac in der letzten Zeit am meisten um Jaguar-
News bemüht hat die Mega Fun wirklich keine Interesse am Jaguar hat
(siehe auch die neue Rubrik names "Tip-Ex"!!!).

Nennung sonstiger Zeitschriften

ST-Computer 14,28 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)
Atari Inside 10,71 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)

Diese Zahlen finden wir natürlich enttäuschend und ich kann jeden Leser
des Mags dazu nur aufrufen sich die ST-COMPUTER und ATARI INSIDE zu KAUFEN!
Besser pro Monat etwas über 10,- DM ausgeben als auf einmal ohne Atari-
Zeitschrift dazustehen!!!

Online-Magazine 69,64 %

AEO 50,00 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)
STR 39,28 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)

weitere Online-Magzine

JAG! 7,14 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)

hehe, jeder liest es, aber keine will es zugeben... ;)

Computernetze 76,78 %

Mausnetz 69,64 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)
Internet 25,00 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser) *1
FIDO-Net 7,14 % (aller Jaguar Mag-Leser)

Als sonstige "Informationsquellen" wurde folgendes angegeben:

persönliche Kontakte, Carsten Nipkow, Videos, Jaguar Club, Marc Rosocha,
Traumfabrik, Phobyx Creative, der Papst

*1 komische, das aber angeblich etwa 38% Zugang zum Internet haben...

- - -

* Zugang zum Internet?

Ja 38,46 %
Nein 61,54 %

- - -

* Wieviel Spiele besitzen Sie?

Der durchschnittliche Jaguar-User besitzt etwa 9 Spiele.

weniger als 6 Jaguar-Spiele 32 %
6 und mehr, aber weniger als 12 Jaguar-Spiele 38 %
12 und mehr Jaguar-Spieler 30 %

- - -

* Was sind Ihre persönlich TOP 5-Spiele (die Sie besitzen)?

1. Alien vs. Predator 83,92 %
2. Rayman 57,89 % (viele wollen noch Rayman kaufen)
3. Iron Soldier 57,14 %
4. Doom 51,78 %
5. Tempest 2000 50,00 %
6. Super Burn Out 32,14 %
7. Cybermorph 21,42 %
8. Raiden 10,71 %
9. Theme Park,
Ultra Vortek je 8,92 %

- - -

* Welche Spiele wollen Sie sich kaufen? (wenn Sie bis Weihnachten erscheinen)

1. Rayman 23,21 % (>58 % besitzen es schon)
2. Ultra Vortek 16,07 % (>9% besitzen es schon)
4. Defender 2000 16,07 %
5. Highlander CD 14,28 %
6. Iron Soldier 2 CD,
Phase Zero je 10,71 %
8. Attack of the Mutant Penguins,
Creature Shock CD,
Zero Five,
Myst CD je 8,92 %
12.Super Burn Out, (>32% besitzen schon SBO)
Power Drive Rally,
Fight for Life je 7,14 %

- - -

* Werden Sie sich das Jaguar CD-ROM kaufen?

JA 80 %
NEIN 16 %

- - -

* Welche Konsolen wollen Sie sich in den nächsten 12 Monaten kaufen?

1. KEINE 62 %
2. Sony Playstation 14 %
3. Nintendo Ultra 64 11 %
4. Atari Jaguar 2 9 %
5. Sega Saturn 4 %

- - -

* Welche Konsolen besitzen Sie neben dem Jaguar?

1. Atari Lynx 30 %
2. Super Nintendo,
Sonstige Konsolen je 11 %
4. Sega Mega Drive,
Atari VCS je 9 %
6. Sony Playstation 7 %
7. Sega Saturn 2 %

d.h. die Mehrzahl der Jaguar-User stammen nicht aus der "Konsolen-Szene".

LAST MINUTE... Neuigkeiten in der letzten Minute!

Im Compuserve fand vor wenigen Tagen eine sehr interessante Diskussion
statt. Die Atari's Lage in einigen Bereichen klärt:

Vielen Dank nochmal an Stephan Baucke, daß schon am Freitag alle in der
Mausnet-Gruppe names Atari.Jag-Bescheid wußten...

Transcript from the Conference on Compuserve (Nov. 22):

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
A Word From Ted Hoff...
I would first like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
I know it may sound like a cliche, but we do have much to
be thankful for this holiday season. By means of a lot of
people, we have the strongest release of software titles
we have ever had for the Jaguar AND that includes CD as
well as cartridge titles.

We have powerful retail chains on line now including select
Montgomery Ward stores, Radio Shack Unlimited, Spiegel and
Sears catalogs and <taking a deep breath> Wal*Mart which is
expected to have product in almost 400 nationwide stores by
this Friday.

The software we are publishing is enjoying a consistently
high review ratio which I attribute to a stringent internal
quality review process. We have directed our focus to our
most powerful projects like NBA JAM, Myst, Defender 2000,
Highlander II, Mortal Kombat III and Magic Carpet so that
we can rely on them in a timely fashion. We are also scouting
new opportunities with aggressive vigor.

In spite of a few unkind and inaccurate reports of Atari's
overall demeanor, I am proud to declare Atari's ongoing
commitment to the Jaguar platform and our commitment to
stand behind it as a product. You may notice some changes
in our approach to things since many of you follow us so

I cannot open the book as wide as I'd like to, but I'll tell
you we are prioritizing ways to increase the number of
satisfied Jaguar users. Examples include a national direct
mail campaign we have already initiated and a nationally
televised infomercial which kicks off this coming Friday.
Watch for it! Don Thomas may be able to answer a few
questions about those projects if you have any.

I would like to also share with you that Francois Bertrand
has been asked back to complete work on Fight for Life.
It's important that I also tell you that our official
position is the same as it has been for months.... that FFL
will be released IF and WHEN it meets Atari standards.
As you may have heard, the latest test reports have been
favorable and I'm delighted to review it, but if Atari
personnel answer your inquiries that the title remains on
hold, then they are answering your question accurately.
Atari remains faithful to publishing software under strict
guidelines so that the product Atari customers buy meets
or exceeds their expectations.

At this point, I will turn the conference over to Mr. Norwood
with additional thanks to him and all the members
of this forum for supporting us so well.

--Ted Hoff

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
This was an Exclusive Conference Note from Atari's Ted Hoff,
And Welcome everyone.

Jeff, thanks for posting Ted's formal statement... Ted
planned a statement since he could not be with us this evening.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay, the first question is from KYLE. GA

First off is Atari planning to make a game to compete with sony's Ridge
Racer or With sega's Daytona?

Kyle, Atari has plans to continue exploiting the Jaguar for a long time...
Specific titles such as Ridge Racer or Sega's Daytona has not been
announced, but many others have such as NBA Jam, Primal Rage, F1 Racer
and more.

(3-20,Steve J. Scavone)
My question is As a hopeful developer, What kind of support will Atari
give me and others like me in the future?

Steve, support for individual developers will depend on their specific
relationship with Atari as determined by their NDA, the project(s) they
are working on and other factors... the best and fastest way to determine
specific qualifications is through the developer support department.

(3-20,Steve J. Scavone)

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Just to inform everyone, Ron Beltramo and Francois will be answering
questions later. They are both in attendance.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay, Charlie is next then!

(3-9,Charlie M)
Do you agree with Mr lincoln of Nintendo that this is not the year for
32+ bit systems? Is Atari holding back for next year? MR B? GA

Charlie, I personally think Mr. Lincoln's "opinion" is based on specific
conditions that exist for Nintendo and their particular needs to influence
potential purchasers of their system(s)...
...we all can have a tendency to do that...

(3-9,Charlie M)
Yes, I guess everyone serves their own best interest.

Atari has a superior system out now AND at an incredible value to get

(3-9,Charlie M)

I think the 64-bit generation has begun.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Mr. Beltramo... the question was also aimed at you. Do you have any
additional comments?

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
The Jaguar is here a great value for $149.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Mike Lipson ... GA

(3-15,Mike Lipson)
Is it reasonably foreseeable that the VLM will be accessible
by MIDI or RCA input? That would sell a lot of Jaguars.
You don't need a focus group for that!

To whom are the questions directed?

(3-15,Mike Lipson)
Anyone at Atari who would be involved with such a decision

Mike, a lot of people are involved in most Atari decisions...
I know we continue to be anxious to look at all ways to exploit
Jaguar potential...The technical answer to your inquiry is YES...
In the meantime, Atari is focused on other priorities such
as direct marketing campaigns.

(3-15,Mike Lipson)
Who at ATC would be responsible for MIDI/RCA access to VLM? ga

(3-13,Dan McNamee (Atari))
RCA is certainly feasable, MIDI would be pretty difficult
and probably expensive.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Harris GA.

(3-1,Craig Harris)
I've noticed on the last few product, the Jaguar logo changed
ever so slightly. Instead of sitting sternly on a black background,
the logo now has a white aura surrounding it. Also, the spheres
containing the "64-Bit" have been 3D-ized. Personally, I feel these
changes make the familiar logo appear less dynamic than what it once was.
Can anyone at Atari comment as to why the changes occurred?

Ron Beltramo can elaborate... from what I understand we are
branching out in new forms of multimedia tools to reach the consumer...
It's appropriate that multimedia forms of exposure utilize
dramatic 3-D and colorful graphics.

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
Craig: I disagree with you assessment. We believe that the new
logo treatment really makes the Jaguar logo stand out even
better...and the 64-Bit also pops better. Also, we felt the need
to update the logo treatment after it had been out from the initial

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Dave - you were before Keith - so GA!

Thank You for being here gang, I would like you to know
that I have owned my Jaguar for over a year now and
great job to the Atari gang on Highlander. My question
regarding the status of certain games in development:
1-SoulStar 2-SkyHammer 3-Leigions of the Undead
4-Freelancer 2120, and of course Alien Vs. Predator 2.
And what is the status of TWI using the Jaguar hardware for
there arcade division?And what happened to the Sega/Atari
crossover games? I Hope I did'nt ask to much.Thanks in Advance.

(3-13,Dan McNamee (Atari))
1. SoulStar is still in development. I'm not sure exactly
where it is.
2. Ted T. just got back from the UK to visit the developer about
that project.
I'm not sure about the rest. GA

(3-11,Keith H.)
I do realize that you may not be able to directly answer this,
but, can you tell us what games you realistically expect out by
Christmas, and what might be a little late but be out by
January 31? <GA>

Keith, Myst, Missile Command 3D, Battlemorph, I-War,
Fever Pitch Soccer, Atari Karts, Attack/Penguins,
Supercross 3D, NBA Jam are some of the definites from Atari.

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
Followed by Defender 2000 and NBA Jam. Check these out. GA

(3-13,Dan McNamee (Atari))
Add to that Baldies (Jag CD) sometime not too long after x-mas.
Probably early January.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Dan, your up at bat! GA

(3-14,Daniel J. Radzicki)
my question is a three parter: one, when will we reap
the spoils of the sega deal. Two, is there a deal
with EA or is it all rumor, and three, will MK3 be
regular or the newer ultimate? Also, whatever
happened to the usa up all night thing?
wait. jam before or after x-mas? GA

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
USA up all night is happening on three sucessive Friday nights
including tonight. Check it out! GA

(3-13,Dan McNamee (Atari))
Daniel> NBA Jam will be after x-mas as well.

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
NBA Jam and Defender 2000 will be in January. GA

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay. Dana. GA

(3-10,Dana @ STReport)
Thanks! I'd just like to start off by thanking Jeff and
the folks at Atari for making this all possible...
Happy Turkey eve to all...
Ted's opening comments mentioned major marketing...
plans for the holiday. Specific plans? What's the scoop
on the Infomercial mentioned, also?

I think Ron should answer this...

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
The infomercial is a terrific selling tool designed to build the
Jaguar installed base. We will be airing the infomercial starting
tomorrow through the first week of December in numerous
markets around the country and on selected cable stations.
More info will be sent out on schedules from Don Thomas. GA

Look for it as early as this weekend... GA

(3-10,Dana @ STReport)
Quick synopsis as to what it will cover?

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
The infomercial will be focused on the attributes of the Jaguar
system and the outstanding games available and upcoming. It
is different than just about any other infomercial you have ever
seen. You gotta check it out. GA

THE inmomercial is the best I've seen in a long time...
profesionally done...IMO.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay. I'm going to stop Ron, Don, and Dan just for now.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
All of you who have questions for them, stay tuned!
You'll be back in order in a few minutes.
Francois is online, but does have to leave in a few minutes.
I feel many of you may have questions, so any "?" marks at
this point until he leaves is for him only!
As you know, Francois (FYB) was hired back Atari, as mentioned
in the opening letter from Ted.

hello every body
good to see you all

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay Francois.
They've got questions ... do you have answers? Remember to use
"GA" at the end of your statements!
Kyle, you're up! GA

(3-8,KYLE) Mr. francois.
Is fight for life goin to be for the Jag-cd, or for Jaguar-64?
also How is it compared to virtua fighter or toshinden?

FFL is going to be a 4 Mbyte (32 Mbits) cartridge for the Jaguar64


Most of the character are fully Texture mapped (not as Virtua Fighter),
and the type of fight is closer to TEKKEN than to Toshiden.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Charlie M. GA

(3-9,Charlie M)
What is the problem you are having with ffl? Frame rate? <GA>

No the frame rate in FFL is very good (up to 27 frame/second) and an
average of 22.We has some design problem and some visual problems.If you
look at the latest screen shot from the game, you will see that the
graphics have improved a lot, and the game is now pushing the Jaguar
as it should have done from the beginning.

(3-9,Charlie M)
Excellent. than you

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host) Gibson, GA

(3-5,Gordon Gibson)
As a fellow developer, it's good to see you getting another
chance at FFL, how long do you see the game taking from here ?

I am just finishing to clean up the latest texture for some of the
characters, and debugging whatever the test department doesn't like.
When you devellop a game, you can make some choice which seems logical
to you but are sometime not the best solution.The test department is
doing a great job on this side.GA

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Paul Harris, GA

(3-19,Paul Harris)
Hello, Will you be working on anything else for ...the Jag and FFL?
Sorry I mean After FFL?

I am finishing right now FFL with Atari. My future is something I will
take care off as soon as FFL will be done.Who knows ? GA

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Keith H. GA

(3-11,Keith H.)
How would you compare FFL to Sega's or Sony's latest?<ga>

FFL does include a lot of thing you will not find on any of the other
platform.The fact that you can devellop your own fighter, fight after
fight is unique.I did include a combo system in the game, which give it
a deeper gameplay.And I did devellop a morphing system, that is a first
on a 3d fighting game.Stick with your Jaguar.Nobody else give you this
sort of things.

...My exp[erience is that FFL seems a lot more responsve than other
systems... that's REAL important to me. IMO... GA

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
My turn (you all probably noticed the question mark before!) Can't

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
Go for it Jeff....It's your show.

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
I think someone had to ask this ... at the current pace you are going,
when can we expect to see this title? I'm so excited after
the description. Also, will there be a multi-player (4 players) mode
where 2 can battle 2 (tag team) or for a large tournament? GA

Atari will take the decision to market the game,after I will give them
the final code.I expect to be ready in the middle of december, so we will
see from there.No no multi player game (but that's a nice idea for a
fighting game.)GA

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
David... GA

Is the jag Hardware better than the playstation or is
it some what a little behind it Includeing the Jags Cd?

The Jaguar architecture is different than the playstation's one. I do
believe that the Jaguar may be stronger in certain area, but not all
of them. The Jag+Jag CD is a strong environment, and you should see some
beautiful products coming out for those two.

(3-21,kenney resseger)
FYB Can you work STR Ralph and ATC Sam in as characters
in FFL so they can finally have it out with each other ? :-)

(3-10,Dana @ STReport)

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Scavone, GA. Questions for Francois only.

(3-2,Steve J. Scavone)
Hi FYB, I just wanted to know, have you come even
close to tapping the Jag potential?

during the development of FFL, I did discover some new way
(faster way) to do things.Sometime, it wasn't too late to make
the modification to include those new tricks in the code, but
not all of the time. If I had to redo FFL from scratch today,
I do believe I may go faster on some area.But the actual result
is still pretty impressive.GA

(3-2,Steve J. Scavone)
thanks. I look foward to programming on the Jaguar

(3-24,Jeff @ JJ/Host)
Okay, stop asking questions for a minute!
Don, Ron, and FYB must leave now. Please say bye (everyone can!)
bye don, ron, and fyb!

(3-3,Ron Beltramo (Atari)
Thanks to all for participating in the forum tonight. There is a lot
of great things going on at Atari, and Ted Hoff is doing a great
job of instilling a new spirit in the company. With lots of new
games coming for the Jaguar almost every day and an extensive
list of new software still to come. Hang in there for the rest of the
Jaguar story. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I told Jeff we should
do this again soon.


Wir haben bei Darryl Still/Atari UK persönlich nachgefragt:

1. Haben Sie irgendeine Idee wo deutsche Jaguar-Besitzer das deutsche
Jaguar-CD ROM kaufen können?

Kuschke bei Rushware (ABC Spielspass) ist die beste Quelle für Händler.
Er hat eine Sendung erhalten, die aber schon verkauft ist und wird demnächst
eine neue bekommen. ABC Spielspass bekommt exklusiv die deutschen Jaguar
CD-ROMs und wenn wir ein Lieferdatum kennen werden wir es ihm mitteilen.

2. Wie sieht es mit den Erschienen Jaguar-CD ROM-Spielen aus?

Highlander CD und Hover Stike - Unconquered Lands sind im Lager des
europäischen Warenhauses.

Die weitere zehn Fragen, z.B. nach Erscheinungstermine der neuen Jag-Spiele,
Stand der Entwicklungen bei diversen Jag-Spielen, welche Jag-Spiele in
Produktion sind sowie Atari's Lage nach den Entlassungen bei Atari USA
wollte/konnte Darryl Still/Atari UK nicht beantworten... :(

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Nach unseren letzten Informationen (Telefon-Gespräch am 24.11.1995 um 17:30)
wird hat uns ABC Spielspass (Herr Kuschke) die Lieferung von 180 Jaguar-CD ROMs
bestättigt, die aber schon vor einigen Wochen komplett nach Neckermann gegangen
seien (Neckermann hat das Jaguar-CD ROM im Winter-Katalog).

Weitere Jaguar-CD ROMs erwartet Herr Kuschke im Laufe der nächsten Woche.
Bei der Nachfrage nach den Stückzahlen erwähnte Herr Kuschke, daß die
Zahl dreistellig sei... Laut den Aussagen von Kuschke gäbe es schon Liefer-
engpässe seit der ganzen Zeit und auf Dauer wird sich sicher keine
Distributor dies gefallen lassen, der die Distribution in einem
80 Millionen-Einwohner Land übernommen hat und da sind dreistellige Stück-
zahlen wirklich ein Witz!!!

Wie es derzeit aussieht wird es im diesen keine großen Stückzahlen des
deutschen Jaguar-CD ROM geben, was wirklich enttäuschend ist (braucht
Atari das Geld nicht?).

Aber zum Glück gibt es noch einige Händler, die das Jaguar-CD ROM direkt
aus den USA besorgen, dadurch kann ein Preis von den empfohlenen 299,- DM
nicht eingehalten werden, aber die Händler haben es lieferbar.

Folgende Händler sollte man durchprobieren/sind empfehlenswert:

Name Telefon Preis sonstige Bemerkungen

Dynatex, Dortmund 0231/556140 299,- DM ohne deut. Netzteil
Galaxy, München 089/7605151 349,- DM ---
Mega*Star, Bad Säckingen 07761/59742 349,- DM ---
Order in Time, Stuttgart 0711/616485 299,- DM ---
Spielraum, Erlangen 09131/205093 369,- DM ---
Technisches Kaufhaus, Hof 09281/84823 349,- DM ---
woller & link, Berlin 030/7515724 329,- DM mit deut. Netzteil


Atari am Ende?

In den letzten zwei Monaten gab es einige Entlassungswellen bei Atari da-
runter wurden neben den Großteil des "Inhouse-Developments" auch einige
Producer auf die Straße gesetzen. Die bekanntesten Namen dürften wohl
"Bill Rehbock" - Producer, "John Mathieson" - Vater des Jaguars,
"Normen Kowalewski" - Technischer Jaguar-Support, "Sean Patten" - Producer
und "Jon Correl" - Producer sein...

Die Frage warum ein Großteil des Inhouse-Developments entlassen wurde ist
ziemlich klar: Sie waren nicht effektiv genug!!! Viele Inhouse-Spiele waren
zu schlecht und wurden nie released. Die einzigen Spiele, die es bis zur Pro-
duktionsreife geschafft haben waren: Crescent Galaxy, Club Drive, Hover
Strike und Hover Strike CD. Nur vier Spiele in zwei Jahren dies ist natür-
lich Atari auf Dauer zu teuer und diese Entscheidung ist verständlich, da
die meisten Jaguar-Spiele von kleinen europäischen Softwarehäusern kommen,
wie z.B. Attention to Detail, Eclipse Software, Imagitec, Ocean, Llamasoft,
Lore Design, Rebellion Software, Virgin oder Virtual Xperience.

Warum aber für den Jaguar wichtige Leute wie Bill, Sean und Normen entlassen
wurden kann derzeit keiner beantworten und Atari sowie die entlassenen Mitar-
beiter schweigen sich aus... Die freigewordenen Positionen wurden von einigen
anderen Atari-Mitarbeitern ersetzt hoffen wir, daß sie es noch besser machen
als die Alten. Neue Besen kehren bekanntlich gut und sicher wurden durch diese
Aktion einige Jaguar-Programmierer wachgerüttelt.

Zudem wird Atari sich in Zukunft verstärkt den PC zuwenden, d.h. es werden
einige Jaguar-Spiele für den PC konvertiert. Tempest 2000 ist auf dem PC
so gut wie fertig und wird wohl in den nächsten Monaten erscheinen, auch
soll es eine PC-Version von Highlander geben... Hoffen wir das Atari ihren
Geldbeutel damit auffüllen kann und wieder schwarze Zahlen schreibt.

Alles weitere wäre zu diesen Zeitpunkt alles reine Spekulation und daran
beteiligt sich das Jaguar Mag nicht!!!

(Das Compuserve-Protokoll klärt ja einige Sachen)


Nintendo 64 verschoben!!!

Auf der japanischen Shoshinkai-Messe mußte Nintendo bekanntgeben, daß das
Nintendo 64 erst am 21. April 1996 in Japan ohne Spiel, aber einem Joypad
zum Preis von $250 erscheint.

Die gezeigten Spiele waren auch nicht fertiggestellt und einige waren regel-
recht enttäuscht. Wie Nintendo ohne CD-ROM gegen die nur $50 teureren Konsolen
von Sega und Sony durchsetzen will wird sich dann Mitte '96 zeigen, nur die
Zeiten haben sich geändert und es wird für Nintendo kein Spaziergang...

MEHR darüber im nächsten MAG names MEGA-PLAYER, das über alle Konsolen-
Systeme (Atari Jaguar, Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation etc.)
und PC-Spiele berichten wird.

Area 51 - Erste Spiel auf Jaguar-Automatenbasis fertig!!!

In den USA steht seit Mitte November das erste Spiel auf Jaguar-Basis in
den Spielhallen! Vom spielerischen soll es wie Virtua Cop sein mit MPEG-
Filmsequenzen im Hintergrund.

Nach den letzten Gerüchten ist der Automat ein sogenannter "Co-Jag", der
folgender (bekannte) énderungen gegenüber den normalen Jaguar hat:

- erweitere Grafik-Fähigkeiten (MPEG)
- Motorola 68030, anstatt 68000
- mehr Speicher

Wir bleiben am Ball!!

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Time Warner verkauft Atari-Aktien-Anteile, Aktie fällt um 9/16 Dollar!

According to compuserve ...

DJ 10/24 1733 =Atari Down 16%; Analyst Says Time Warner Trades Block
By Marlon Millner
Dow Jones Staff Reporter

NEW YORK -DJ- Atari Corp. (ATC) shares plummeted 16.3% and one analyst said
Time Warner Inc. (TWX) sold its stake in the video-game company.

Jeffries & Co. analyst Lee Isgur said an afternoon block trade of 6.6 million
shares was made by Time Warner. The block, which represented 10.4% of Atari's
shares outstanding, was crossed by Bear Stearns & Co.

Atari and Time Warner officials weren't immediately available to comment.
Isgur said Time Warner had announced either early this year or in late 1994
that it would be selling a lot of nonstrategic assets, and one of those they
named was Atari.

It was unclear whether the block - if Time Warner made the trade - would have
been Time Warner's entire stake in the Sunnyvale, Calif., company.
As of March 22, Time Warner and Warner Communications Inc. held 15.62 million
Atari shares, according to Disclosure Inc.

Amex-listed Atari shares were down 7/16 at 2 1/4 on volume of 7.1 million,
compared with average daily volume of 78,000. Earlier, the shares set a 52-week
low of 2, passing the previous low of 2 1/2.

5:33 PM

Hierzu noch die Meldung von Reuter:

WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuter) - Time Warner Inc said it lowered it
stake in Atari Corp to 13.67 percent or 8.71 million common shares
from 24.5 percent.

In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Time Warner said
it sold 6.9 million shares of Atari between March 23 and October 24,
including 6.6 million shares on October 24 for $2.00 per share.

Last March, the media, publishing and entertainment giant said it
planned to sell some or all of its stake in the video game maker as
part of its plan to raise $2 to $3 billion.

Rtr 17:43 10-25-95

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Trouble bei Atari! Ein paar Sätze von Travis Guy/AEO:


It has been a very hectic past few days, to say the least. Atari did lay off
over a dozen programmers and developer support employees last week as a
"headcount reduction" in Sunnyvale. Bill Rehbock and Francois Bertrand were
two of the employees who left Atari last week, while Pradip and Mike Fulton
have been gone for several weeks now.

Some games have been lost, but this does =not= include the titles which have
already made it to production, obviously. (Myst being the latest, I believe.)
Although Francois is no longer working at Atari, Fight For Life has not been
canned. (As of today.) The only other big in-house title, Black ICE\White
Noise, has been cancelled. Atari UK have issued a statement verifying that the
agreement with Virtuality is no more.

That's the downers. On the upslope....

A running version of Space Ace has been spotted in an early stage, and
Highlander II is taking fine shape. While NBA Jam TE is not graphically
"arcade perfect", it's darn close, and gameplay and audio elements are as
close to the arcade version as can be.

I'll have an AEO News file that will hopefully cover everything that's been
going on, and I'll upload it by this Friday. The latest issue of AEO was
delayed due to one of my writers taking very ill. He assures me that he will
be done with his articles by this weekend, so I'm projecting a new issue by
next Monday.

I've been busy myself, and unable to participate online, and I hope to catch
up on messages over the next day or so. Please bear with me! :)

On another subject, Don Thomas wanted me to tell everyone here that he has
been unable to log on to GEnie for the past few days, but he still wants to be
accessible to anyone who wants to ask him something. If you need an EMail
address where he can be reached, let me know in EMail.

--Travis @ AEO

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"Attack of the Mutant Penguins" und "Fever Pitch Soccer" in Produktion!

07-Nov-95 05:34:42
Sb: #97065-#Fever Pitch in Product'n
Fm: Darryl (Atari Europe) 75162,2024

Yes, Fever Pitch Soccer is from the Atari EuroDevCentre. Our first
release to production, which was followed last week by Attack of the
Mutant Penguins.

There is no change to the staffing in Europe.

auf gut deutsch: Es wurde bei Atari England niemand entlassen! :)

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Dragon's Lair für Jaguar CD erschienen!

Dragon's Lair ist am 16.11.1995 in den USA erschienen, einige deutsche
Händler haben es auch schon bekommen, ein Test folgt im nächsten Mag!!


Just wanted to let everyone know that we just released Dragon's Lair
for the Jaguar-CD today. The game contains everything the original
arcade had to offer. Also to be released soon: Space Ace and more...

Pierre Proulx / Readysoft Inc.

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Neuen Jaguar WWW-Page in Deutschland!!!

Hier findet man eine (ganz) kurze Info zum Jag, Links zur JagWire und Svens
Jaguar Site, meine beiden Bauanleitungen als ASCII File und natürlich das
JagMag! Alles natürlich in Deutsch!

Holger Haslbeck

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Myst CD in Produktion!!

07-Nov-95 18:43:30
Sb: #Myst & AMP in Production
Fm: Laury Scott [ATARI]
To: All

Two more pieces of software hit my desk in the past few days.

Myst (CD) is now in production and Attack of the Mutant Penguins
(Cartridge) is also in production. I need to get release dates
from the Marketing group as it will be nearly Christmas before
I can ship them and they might want to take this into account
when they fix the shipping date.


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Robinsons Requiem für Jaguar CD verschiebt sich auf März 1995!!!

Hier das Statement eines Mitarbeiters bei Silmarils:

"RR should be finished mid-January 96, so don't expect to see it on the
shelves before March..."

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NBA Jam Tournament Edition ist fertig!!!

Wg.: NBAJ TE done
Von: (Sa, 11.11.95 08:11)
Name: Adisak L. Pochanayon

Yeaaaaah it's done. After 3.5 months of intense coding....

- The most true to arcade CART version of NBAJ TE ever!
- All the audio player calls
- All the newest team rosters
- nearly 100 secret features (including all new hidden characters)
- Player Scaling
- Awesome fire effects
- 4 player support with Team Tap (from WMCJ) and ProController support
- FULL 60 FPS action for fast response and tighter gameplay.

If it survives testing and approval it should still make XMAS so prepare
yourself for one of the best games ever created (and certainly one of
the most popular all-round) to make the Jaguar ROAR!!!!

adisak @ high voltage software
programmer NBAJ TE / WMCJ

Nach den letzten Infos wird NBA JAM TE im Januar 1996 erscheinen!!!

S P I E L E T E S T S . . .

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure

Text von Martin Lethaus
Testmuster von Mega*Star

Gibt ein Jump'n'Run nach Rayman?

Dies fragen sich viele Jaguar-Besitzer und diese Frage kann eindeutlich mit
"JA" beantwortet werden. Mit Pitfall ist es Imagitec gelungen ein Jump'n'Run
von den 16-Bit Konsolen bzw. PC zu konvertieren, welches gegenüber Rayman
als gleichwertig bezeichnet werden kann.

Grafisch kann Pitfall zwar nicht mit Rayman mithalten, dafür ist aber der
Sound und das Gameplay besser. Auch ist das Spiel vom Schwierigkeitsgrad
wesentlich fairer als Rayman. Aber erstmal zu der Story des Spiels:

"Pitfall Harry wurde von den gefürchteten Kriegsgeist Zakelua, dem Gott des
Bösen, gefangengenommen. Du, der junge Harry Junior, mußt in das Unbekannte
aufbrechen um deinen Vater zu retten - Du hast nur Deine altbewährte Stein-
schleuder und seine Aufzeichungen dabei. Halte Ausschau nach Dingen, die
Dir helfen Dich durch den mayanischen Dschungel zu schlagen. Bleib auf dem
Posten! Eine falsche Bewegung und Du bist mayanischer Nachtisch!"

So schlimm ist es nun auch wieder nicht, wie es die Anleitung behauptet.
Eure Held ist einer Steinschleuder, Bumerangs und Bomben bewaffnet, die
auf dem normalen Joypad per Option umgeschaltet werden können. Bei Ataris
neuen ProController können die Waffen direkt über die Z,Y,X-Tasten angewält
werden, was bei kritischen Situationen (Endgegner) ein klarer Vorteil ist.

Die Steuerung der Spielfigur gestaltet sich problemlos. Die Animation ist
sehr gut gelungen und unser Held kann viele Bewegungen ausführen von rennen,
kriechen, schwingen von Ast zu Ast, Seil hoch/runter-klettern, Seilbahn
fahren, Bungee-Jumping, Hebel umlegen, auf den Minenwagen fahren (in den
vorletzten Level der wirklich super ist!) und vieles mehr... Damit ist
Pitfall spielerisch wesentlich abwechselungsreicher als Rayman.

Die Grafik stammt 1:1 von der fast zeitgleich erschienen Windows '95-Version,
nur läßt sich die Jaguar-Version flüssiger Spielen als auf einem sehr hoch
getakteten 486 (100 MHz). Was für den PC natürlich ein Armutszeugnis ist!!!
Die Jaguar-Version läuft konstant in 30 Frames, nur leider ruckelt der
Hintergrund ganz leicht, was aber den Spielfluss in keinster Weise stört und
nach einigen Minuten fällt es auch nicht mehr auf.

Die Musik hält sich im Hintergrund während, die Soundeffekte wirklich toll
gelungen sind und eine richtige Urwald-Atmosphäre aufbauen.

Fazit: Wer Jump'n'Run liebt MUSS sich Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure kaufen,
als kleiner Gag wurde sogar die 2600er Version im Modul versteckt.
Eine wirklich geniale Idee!!!

Grafik: 80 %
Sound: 75 %
Gesamt: 90 %

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Ruiner - Pinball

Text von Martin Lethaus
Testmuster von Mega*Star

Ruin [deut.= Untergang,Ende] + er = Ruiner

Man konnte das Spiel nicht passender bezeichnen, Ruiner ist wirklich ein
verdammt schlechtes Spiel. In allen Bereichen ist Pinball Fantasies besser,
warum mußte Atari den Kunden so ein Produkt zumuten?

Erstmal zur "tollen" Story die sich wie eine Satire liest:

"Ruiner Pinball sind zwei phantastische Spiele in einem! (nur weil es, zwei
Tische hat kann man nicht gleich von zwei Spielen sprechen, dann hätte
Pinball Fantasies nämlich vier phantastische Spiele in einem!) In Ruiner
bietet ein doppelt breiter Flippertisch herausforderndes Spiel die echte,
klassische Arcade-Atmosphäre (die Programmierer haben wohl nie an einen
echten Flipper-Automaten in der Spielhalle gezockt?), wobei Du Dein Land
vor einem fremden Angriff verteidigst (der Traum jedes heldenhaften
Amerikaners) und einen Gegenschlag vorbereitest (Ruiner - Pinball Teil 2?).
In Tower ist der dreifach lange Flippertisch so gespenstisch (das richtige
Wort wäre "ruckelig"), daß Du glauben wirst in die Hölle herabgestiegen
(dort sollte man auch die Programmierer dieses Machtwerkes hinschicken)
zu sein. Die Zauberin und ihre hinterhältigen Untergegebenen (meinen sie
damit den Producer und die Programmierer?) sind hinter dir (dein Geld) her.
Drei magische Sprüche bringen den Tower zum donnernden Zusammenbruch (Ich
rate mal - Das Spiel stürzt ab) aber kannst Du sie herausfinden, bevor es
zu spät ist?" (Ja, es ist schon spät und dieser Testbericht muß endlich
fertig werden...)

Zur Grafik

Die Grafik ist wirklich schlecht gelungen und kann bestenfalls als Durch-
schnitt bezeichnet werden, selbst Obsession auf dem Atari STE hat bessere
Grafik! Die größte Frechheit ist jedoch, daß das Spiel ruckelt wenn einige
Objekte auf dem Bildschirm sind, das ist wirklich nicht nötig - technisch
gesehen ist selbst Crescent Galaxy besser. Pinball Fantasies bietet wesent-
lich bessere Grafik, schnelleres sauberes Scrolling und kein Ruckeln!

Die Muzak

Die Musik ist wirklich mässig und Pinball Fantasies ist auch in diesem
Bereich klarer Punktsieger.


Was haben sie die Programmierer dabei gedacht? Das Ballverhalten ist äußerst
ungewöhnlich, durch das ruckelt - das miese zoomen und die zu großen Tische
etc. ist das Spiel absolut unübersichtlich geworden und es ist eher mit
einem Glückspiel zu vergleichen als mit einem Flipper. Auch habe ich keine
Motivation einen Tisch zu spielen, wo ich einen feindlichen Angriff ab-
wehren muß und zum Gegenschlag aushole. Dies ist wirklich das dämmlichste
was ich seit langem gesehen und gespielt habe...

Dies ist wirklich kein "Vielfach Flipper Fest!" wie es auf der Verpackung
steht! Dies ist noch nicht wiederverwerteter Müll, für absolute Pinball-
Freaks mag das Spiel eventl. noch unterhaltsam sein, aber jeder Menschen
mit gesundem Menschenverstand sollte die Finger von Ruiner Pinball lassen.
Längerer "Genuss" von Ruiner soll die selben Auswirkungen wie BSE haben...

Grafik: 45 %
Sound: 40 %
Gesamt: 40 %

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Highlander - The Last of the MacLeods

Text von Martin Lethaus
Testmuster von Woller & Link gbr

Highlander oder Lowlander?

Am 1.11.1995 kam eines der besten Kaufargumente für Jaguar-CD ROM in den
amerikanischen Geschäften, nämlich ein Spiel names "Highlander - The Last
of the MacLeods". Einige von euch werden sicherlich einen digitalisierten
Christopher Lamert oder den RTL-Seriefuzzi Adrian Paul erwarten, aber dies
ist falsch!!! Denn meistens kommt es anderes als man denken...

Dieses Jaguar CD-Spiel basiert auf die ausländische Comic-Serie von Gaumont
Television (noch nie gehört? Ich auch nicht). Die Handlung der Comic-Serie
wurde auf das Spiel übertragen - keine Angst euch erwartet jetzt kein x-ter
Teil von Dragon's Lair oder so... Es werden nur ab und zu Cinepak-Sequenzen
aus der Comic-Serie verwendet um die Fortgang der Story zu veranschaulichen,
welches auch sehr gut gelungen ist. Zusätzlich gibt es auch noch ein paar
von den Programmierern gerenderte Animationssequenzen.

Nun zu der Story:

"Du bist Quentin MacLeod, der Letzte der (Jaguar-Besitzer, ähem) Unsterblichen
und die Hoffnung der Menschheit. Du hast Deine echte Identität erst nach dem
Tod Deiner Mutter und der Zerstörung Deines Dorfes herausgefunden (dumm
gelaufen, wie?). Als sie starb, hat Deine Mutter Dir Deine wahre Aufgabe
offenbart ("finde den heiligen Gral" - SCHNAUZE LETHAUS! "Ok, ok") - die
Rettung der Menschheit vor dem teuflischen Unsterblichen Kortan. Ramirez,
einer der guten Unsterblichen, wird Dir in Deiner Aufgabe beistehen.
("Aber ich will doch nur singen!" - SCHNAUZE LETTHAAAUSSSSS!!!!)
Deine erste Herausforderung ist die Rettung der überlebenden Dorfbewohner
(den Dundees) aus Kortans Festung. Sei wachsam oder die erste Aufgabe wird
schnell Deine Letzte sein!"

Das Spiel beginnt damit, daß Ihr in den stark zerstörten Heimat-Dorf euch
einige nützliche Objekte besorgen müßt, dies wird durch feindliche Wächter
etwas schwieriger als man denkt, da unser Held nur seine bloßen Fäuste und
Beine hat. Aber durch einen gezielten Tritt lassen sich die Wächter leicht
ausknocken man sollte nur ein wenig öbung haben (erste Lösungshilfe siehe

Highlander kann man mit dem PC-Megahit "Alone in the Dark" vergleichen, nur
ist die Grafik dank True Color bei Highlander wesentlich beeindruckender,
jedes der Hintergrundbilder wurde extra gerendert, dagegen wirkt eure Vektor-
grafik-Figur sowie eure Gegner richtig schlicht.

Die Musik ist auch sehr gut gelungen, wie auch die zahlreichen tollen Sound-
effekte die eine tolle Atmosphäre vermitteln, man fühlt sich wie ein Teil
vom Spiel.

Die Steuerung geht einfach von der Hand und so findet man schnell ins Spiel,
was nicht bei jedem Jaguar-Spiel eine Selbstverständlichkeit ist. Die Story
ist absolut genial und ihr erfahrt erst nach und nach mehr Informationen
über den Helden, die Aufgabe und seine Familie. Die Puzzles sind bei Aktion-
Adventuren eines der wichtigsten Elemente, leider wurde ihr etwas geschlampt.
Wenn man z.B. gegen einen Gegner mit Schwert kämpft und hat diesen besiegt,
findet man alles Mögliche, aber NICHT das Schwert. Auch gab es in den ersten
Abschnitt des Spiels zu wenig Puzzles (siehe Spieletips). Zwar habe ich es
noch nicht gelöst, wie ich die Truhe öffnen kann, aber man findet in den
ersten Abschnitt einfach zu wenig Gegenstaende, dass die Loesung schnell
durch simples ausprobieren durchgeführt werden kann, anstatt ein wenig die
grauen Gehirnzellen zu benutzen. Auch wechselt für meinen Geschmack die
Spieleperspektive (Blickwinkel) zu oft. Durch diese Tatsachen bleibt
Highlander eine noch höhere Wertung versagt.

Fazit: Jeder Jaguar-Besitzer sollte zugreifen allerdings ist die derzeit
schwer verfügbare Memory Track Card ein MUSS!! Und auch Ataris neues
Joypad names ProController ist empfehlenswert, da es bei Kämpfen
die Ausweichmanöver (X,Y,Z-Taste) unterstützt.

Grafik: 96 %
Sound: 90 %
Gesamt: 90 %

Hier noch ein Kommentar zu Highlander aus dem Internet:

What the hell, I've got nothing better to do. (My roommate is playing
Highlander right now)

scores and other options will be saved as long as you
have a Memory Track cartridge plugged into the CD
player. If you do not have a Memory Track cartridge
plugged in, this information cannot be saved and will
be lost when you turn off your Jaguar.

If you have a Memory Track cartridge, you can save
Quentin's progress on his quest.

To save or load a game, press the PAUSE button at any
point during a game (Side note: You can also save/load
at the opening screen. This is a very good thing. -PF)
While you are paused, press the C button. You will see
a menu that asks you to save or load a game Press the
Joypad up or down to select LOAD or SAVE and press the
OPTION button to confirm your choice. If you choose SAVE,
select one of the five slots and press the OPTION button
again to confirm your choice.
To load a saved game, choose LOAD and select a saved game.
Press the OPTION button to confirm your choice.

You can also delete a saved game-- (This should be obvious.
I'm not wasting my time with this.)

CONTROLS (The important bit)

Joypad Up Walk Forward
Joypad Down Walk Backwards
Joypad Left Turn Left
Joypad Right Turn Right (er, duh.)
Double Click Joypad Up---Run

A Punch
B Uppercut
C Kick
A+down Dodge Left
B+down Dodge Right
C+down Jump Back

A Walking Jump
B Leg Sweep
C Kneeling Uppercut
A+down Dodge Left
B+down Dodge Right
C+down Jump Back

A Running Jump
B Back-handed Slap
C Punch Combo
A+down Dodge Left
B+down Dodge Right
C+down Jump Back

A Leg and Head Slash
B Neck Swipe
C Overhead Chop (Very effective.-PF)
A+down Parry to left
B+down Parry overhead
C+down Jump back

A Walking Jump
B Neck swipe
C Sword Jab
A+down Parry to left
B+down Parry overhead
C+down Jump Back

A Running Jump
B Hip swipe
C Two-handed overhead chop
A+down Parry to left
B+down Parry to right
C+down Jump Back

A Shoot behind
B Shoot forward
C Shoot forward from hip
A+down Dodge left
B+down Dodge right
C+down Jump Back

A Walking Jump
B Shoot forward
C Shoot forward from hip
A+down Dodge left
B+down Dodge right
C+down Jump back

A Running Jump
B Shoot forward
C Shoot forward from hip
A+down Dodge left
B+down Dodge right
C+down Jump back

If you on a ProController (give it to me), you can use the left and right
FINGERTIP buttons to rotate Quentin in either direction. The X, Y and Z
buttons are shortcuts for some of the defensive manuevers. The X and Y
buttons dodge left and right, respectively. The Z button allows you to take
a quick jump backwards.

Note from me: Highlander is incredible. It's the most amazing Jag game
I've seen since AVP. Me and my roommates love it, though GamePro will
probably give it bad review because of "lack of power-ups" or some such

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Power Drive Rally (PDR) - Time Warner Interactive

Text von Holger Haslbeck
Testmuster von Mega*Star

Endlich erscheint wiedermal ein Spiel eines Fremdherstellers. Gab es bei den
anderen "Third-Party"-Spielen nur oft 1:1 Umsetzung vorhandener PC oder 16-Bit
Konsolen Spiele, wird man mit Power Drive Rally freudig überrascht. Man bekommt
ein sehr schön aufgemachtes und absolut flüssiges Rennspiel, daß noch dazu 'ne
Menge Spaß macht. Aber fangen wir von vorne an...

Das Renngeschehen in PDR wird aus der Vogelperspektive (leicht schräg)
verfolgt, dabei ist die Rennstrecke mehrere Bildschirme groß und es wird
absolut flüssig (50/60Hz) teilweise in mehreren Ebenen in allen Richtungen
gescrollt. Um das Fahrzeug realistisch in die Umgebung einzufügen versperren
Bäume, Gebäude und andere Sachen hin und wieder etwas die Sicht (Auto fährt
dahinter vorbei) oder sie werfen Schatten auf das Auto. Dieses Grafiksystem ist
ziemlich aufwendig und setzt daher das ganze wirklich sehr gut in Szene. Das
Auto wird mit links/rechts und den drei Feuerknöpfen gesteuert. C für Bremsen,
B Gasgeben und A dem wechseln zwischen Vorwärts- unddes Rückwärtsgang. Außer
dem Einlegen des Letzteren wird automatisch geschaltet, man braucht sich darum
nicht kümmern. öber die Keypadtasten 2 kann man noch das Licht ein-/ausschalten
und über 3 die Hupe betätigen. Das Licht ist bei Rennen die Nachts stattfinden
sehr wichtig (ist auch grafisch sehr schön gemacht, sogar beim Rückwärtsfahren
sieht man dann einen Lichtschein), die Hupe ist aber anscheinend doch nur ein
Die Steuerung des Spiels ist sehr gut gelungen, ein bischen Training auf den
vier Trainingsparkurs und man hat das Auto schnell unter Kontrolle. Jedes
Trainingsterain hat einen anderen Untergrund, das ist wichtig weil je nach
Untergrund sich das Fahrzeug anders verhält. Auf etwas verschneiter Fahrbahn
kann man schon schön um die Kurven driften, auf Schnee und Eis kann man dann
schon fast Piruetten durchführen und auf Sand verhält sich das jeweilige
Fahrzeug (es gibt 6 verschiedene (Mini Cooper S, Fiat Chinquecento Turbo, Opel
Astra 16V GTI, Renault Clio Turbo, Ford RS Cosworth und einen Toyota Celica
CT-4) wieder ganz anders. Das Fahrverhalten auf den verschiedenen
Bodenverhältnissen wurde genial gut rübergebracht, man sieht auch die
Reifenspuren bei Scharfen bremsen oder beim Driften im Schnee oder auf der
Straße. Auch das sieht sehr realistisch aus. Leider "merkt" sich das Spiel die
Reifenspuren nur für 1 1/2 Bildschirme, danach verschwinden sie wieder (hat
IMHO Speicherplatzgründe), daß kann zwar teilweise zu abgeschnittenen Spuren
führen ist aber nicht so schlimm.

Das eigentliche Rennen führt durch eine mehrwöchige Rallymeisterschaft in
verschiedenen Ländern. Man muß sich jedoch für jede Runde qualifizieren, indem
man die vorherige Strecke in einer bestimmten Zeit schaft. Hat man eine Strecke
geschaft bekommt man Preisgeld und eine zusätzliche Siegesprämie wenn man gegen
den Computergegener gewinnt. Mit diesem Geld kann man dann sein Auto nach jedem
Rennen wieder herrichten (durch diverse Karambolagen, Schlaglöcher, etc geht
schon mal was kaputt!) und man muß das Startgeld für das nächste Rennen zahlen.
Kann man das nicht mehr ist das Spiel zu Ende: Game Over. Man sollte natürlich
mit dem Auto sogsam umgehen, damit man nicht zuviel Geld in Reperaturen stecken
muß und so mit recht bald das nötige Geld für ein besseres Auto hat.

Neben normalen Rennen alleine oder gegen den Computergegner (leider nur immer
einer...) muß man hin und wieder auch Skilltest durchführen. hier muß man durch
einen Parkurfahren, Punktgenau bremsen, rückwärts Einparken und man sollte
nochdazu keine Hütchen umfahren denn sost gehen gleich 10 Sekunden pro Hütchen
von der Zeit weg.

Durch die sehr detailreiche (Bremslichter und Rückfahrlichter gehen an,
Regentropfen schlagen am Boden auf...) und liebevoll gezeichnete Grafik die mit
vielen Effekten aufwartet (sich im Wasser spiegelnde Wolken, Regen, Schneefall,
Blitz, Tunnels, Wasserfälle, etc.) und durch die tolle Steuerung macht das Game
sehr viel Spaß. Die Musik ist auch sehr gut, nervt aber während des Spiels doch
etwas, man kann sie aber einfach abschalten und hört dann nur noch die
Soundeffekte und die Ansagen des Beifahrers. Ach ja das hätte ich fast
vergessen, man hat noch einen Beifahrer der immer die nächsten Streckenelemente
ansagt. Die Stimme ist glasklar und gut gemacht. Was am Sound etwas schwach
ist, ist das Motorgeräusch, das eintönige Brummen hört sich nicht gerade
realistisch an. Reifenquitschen, Donner, und solche Sachen sind jedoch ganz gut

Jetzt aber ein kleiner Dämpfer des sonst wirklich sehr guten Spiels. Es gibt
leider KEINEN simultanen Mehrspielermodus. Ein Spiel mit geteiltem Bildschirm
wäre wegen der großen Sprites schon gar nicht möglich, da man sonst kaum noch
was von der Strecke sehen würde, jedoch wurde auch keine Linkoption
implementiert. Schade, das wäre der absolute Knaller gewesen.
Dafür gibt es aber eine Weltmeisterschaft in der bis zu 8 Spielern
hintereinander spielen kann. Dabei werden dann die Einzelzeiten ausgewertet und
Punkte verteilt.

Trotz der fehlenden Linkoption ist PDR eins der besten Jaguarspiele bisher,
durch die abwechslungsreiche Grafik und gute Spielbarkeit lange motivierend.
Man kann das Spiel beruhigt empfehlen.


Grafik : 85%
Sound : 70%
Motivation : 80% (mit 2 Spielerlink wären es 95% gewesen)
Gesamt : 80% (mit 2 Spielerlink wären es 95% gewesen)

(PS: Auch nicht Jaguarbesitzer die das Spiel bei mir gespielt haben sind ganz

Holger Haslbeck

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Text von Andreas Binner
Testmuster von Atari USA

Endlich ist er da! Der Nachfolger zum ersten Jaguar Spiel (Cybermorph)
überhaupt. Bei Battlemorph haben die Programmierer von "Attention To
Detail" in allen Bereichen das Spiel aufpoliert und machen auch regen
Gebrauch von den neuen Möglichkeiten der CD.


Es gibt es eine Reihe von gelungenen Full-Screen-Video Sequenzen (der
Sprecher mit dem schottischen Akzent ist super!) zu Beginn und während des
Spiels. Die Grafik im Spiel selbst besteht, ähnlich wie beim Vorgänger, zum
großen Teil Gouraud geshadeten Polygonen. Es wurden allerdings eine Reihe
von neuen Gebäuden und Gegnern hinzugefügt, bei denen sehr viel Textur-
Mapping eingesetzt wird. Neu ist auch die Möglichkeit in das Wasser
einzutauchen oder durch Röhren in unterirdische Räume zu fliegen. Der
Unterwassereffekt ist sehenswert und die komplett mit Texturen überzogene
unterirdische Welt muß sich nicht hinter anderen Vertretern dieses Generes
verstecken. Abgerundet wird der positive Gesamteindruck durch ansehnliche
Hintergrundgrafiken. Die Framerate hat erfreulicherweise durch die ganzen
Verbesserungen nicht gelitten. Etwas störend ist allerdings, daß die
Berechnungstiefe der Grafik nicht sehr hoch ist, und dadurch die
Landschaft relativ plötzlich aus den Nichts auftaucht.


Die Soundeffekte wurden weitgehend aus Cybermorph übernommen, und die
Anweisungen des Computers sind vielfältiger und bei weitem nicht so nervig
wie früher. Neu ist auch die Ingame-Musik, die direkt von der CD abgespielt
wird. Die Soundtracks im Stile von 'Tangerine Dream' sind ein Ohrenschmaus
und nie störend, eher im Gegenteil: Man vergisst die Umwelt! Nett ist auch
die Idee, die Musik je nachdem wo man sich gerade befindet (Luft, Wasser,
unterirdisch) zu wechseln.


Hier ist der größte Zuwachs zu verbuchen. Durch verschiedene Aufträge,
Adventureelemente und neuen Gegnern ist der Spielwitz durchweg hoch. Auch
durch die Möglichkeit unter Wasser und unterirdisch die Puzzles zu
lösen ist Battlemorph abwechlungsreicher als sein Vorgänger.
Die Steuerung ist vorbildlich und vermiest einem den Spielespaß nicht.


Das erste wirklich gelungene CD Spiel für den Jaguar.
(Anmerk. der Redaktion: neben Highlander)

Grafik: 7
Sound: 8
Spielwitz: 9
Gesamt: 8+

Ich habe mich mit Andreas Binner auf folgende Jaguar Mag-Wertung geeinigt.
(bei den oberen Zahlen kommen nur die Leute durcheinander ;))

Grafik: 75 %
Sound: 80 %
Gesamt: 85 %

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Missile Command

Text von Andreas Binner
Testmuster von Atari USA

Mit Missile Command (MC) ist wieder ein alter Spielhallenklassiker für den
Jaguar umgesetzt worden. Und zwar als 2 MB Modul Game!
Eigentlich enthält das Modul 3 Spiele: Original MC (ist ja in Mode, das alte
Spiel mit reinzupacken), Missile Command 3D, Virtual Missile Command


Original MC entspricht von der Grafik her 1:1 dem Original. Ein Gag ist, das
die Spielarena wahlweise auf einen Fernseher, Lynx oder Spielautomaten gemappt
wird. Man kann (sinnloserweise) während des Spiels das Spielfeld drehen, zoomen
oder kippen!
MC 3D verlegt das Spielgeschehen in einen Krater, in dessen Grund die zu
beschützende Stadt liegt. Mit dem Joypad lenkt man seinen Blick in den Himmel
und visiert die herunterfallenden Bomben an. Das Spielgeschehen ist weitgehend
wie im Original. Eben nur in einer 3D Texturmapping-Polygonwelt, unterstützt
von einem Radardisplay. Nett ist auch der "Linseneffekt" wenn man direkt in die
Sonne schaut!
In MC Virtual befindet man sich unter Wasser. Auch hier geht es darum die Stadt
auf dem Meeresgrund vor den Angriffen der Feinden zu schützen. Wieder fallen
Bomben, aber es gibt diesesmal eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Gegnern. Auch hat
man eine Auswahl an zusätzlichen Waffen wie z.B. Bombem, Raketen und einen
Laser mit dem man die Gegner direkt abschießen kann. Während des Spiels gibt es
auch einige von Power-Ups abzuschießen und am Ende jeden Levels hat man es mit
einem großen Endgegner zu tun.
Beendet ist das Spiel in allen drei Varianten, wenn die Stadt vollständig
zerstört ist.


Der Vorspann, Titelmelodie und Ingame-Musik sind für ein Cardridge Game sehr
gut gelungen. Die Musik ist durchweg in Mono, die Soundeffekte allerdings
überzeugen durch Qualität und den Stereoeffekt.


Obwohl (oder gerade weil) Missile Command eine sehr alte und einfache Spielidee
ist, macht das Spiel Spaß. Man merkt allerdings, daß das Spiel ursprünglich für
den VR Helm des Jaguar entwickelt wurde. Die Steuerung mit dem Joypad ist etwas
träge und trübt etwas den Spielespaß. Mit dem VR Helm hat man einfach "durch
hinschauen" gezielt, denn die Blickrichtung und damit das Fadenkreuz wurden
direkt durch die Kopfbewegung gesteuert.
Leider ist ja auch dieses Projekt auf Eis gelegt, aber ATARI hat gut daran
getan das Spiel trotzdem auf den Markt zu bringen. Es ist ein solides 16MBit
Cardridge Game.

Grafik: 70%
Sound: 75%
Gesamt: 75%

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Hoverstrike CD

Text von Andreas Binner
Testmuster von Technisches Kaufhaus

Noch ein Nachfolger zu einem Cardridge-Game im CD Format ist Hoverstrike


Die Grafik besteht, auch wie schon beim Vorgänger, aus der komplett mit
Texturen überzogenen Polygonlandschaft. Die Grafik ist in vielen Levels
relativ dunkel und so tauchen die Gegner sehr spät auf. Die Gebäude und
Gegner sind sehenswert und auch die Framerate der Grafik ist durchweg sehr
hoch. Besonders beeindruckend sind die Lichteffekt. So erhellen
Suchscheinwerfer, Schüsse und Explosionen die Umgebung.


Wie bei vielen CD Games kommt auch in Hoverstrike die Ingame-Musik direkt
von CD. Die fetztigen Tracks passen hervorragend zu den Spielatmosphäre.
Die Soundeffekt sind auf dem gleichen guten Niveau wie die Musik.


Der Spielwitz ist leider der Punkt an dem es bei Hoverstrike CD etwas
hackt. Dem Spiel fehlen etwas die Adventureelemente wie z.B. in
Battlemorph. Die Aufgabe in den verschiedenen Levels beschränkt sich auf
das Zerstören von vorgegebenen Gebäuden oder Gegnern.
Die Steuerung des schwebenden Fahrzeugs ist nicht jedermanns Sache und so
kann man in Hoverstrike CD die Eigenschaften des Fahrzeugs weitgehend
konfigurieren und so auch das Schweben abschalten. Das ist eine große Hilfe
am Anfang und vorallem, wenn man alleine spielt.
Der Spielespaß steigt merklich, wenn man Hoverstrike CD zu zweit spielt.
Hierbei übernimmt der eine Spieler mit Controller 1 die Steuerung, während
der Mitspieler mit dem anderen Controller die Waffen und Fadenkreuz in
seiner Gewalt hat. Da ist dan Teamarbeit gefragt!


Gute Grafik und Sound können mangelnden Spielwitz nicht vertuschen. Zum
Glück gibt es aber die Möglichkeit zu zweit zu spielen.

Wertung (0=Sch***e, 10=Spitzenklasse):

Grafik: 7
Sound: 7+
Spielwitz: 5 (7 bei zwei Spielern)
Gesamt: 6 (7+ bei zwei Spielern)

Hier nun die Jaguar Mag-Wertung:

Grafik: 70 %
Sound: 75 %
Gesamt: 65 %

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Dragon's Lair CD

Text von Martin Lethaus
Testmuster von MEGA*STAR

Der Ritter der Kokusnuss!

Mit Dragon's Lair beschert uns Readysoft das erste 3rd Party-Jaguar-Game
für das derzeit mit wenig Software bedachte Jaguar CD-ROM.

Die Grafik besteht nur aus Cinepak-Sequenzen und der Spieler hat nur die
Aufgabe zur richtigen Zeit das Pad in die richtige Richtung zu ziehen oder
den B-Button (Schwert) zu drücken, damit ist das Timing auch sehr ent-
scheidend, sollte der Spieler einmal einen Fehler machen oder zu spät
reagieren ist er sofort tot und kann von vorne beginnen.

Spielerisch äußerst dünn und grafisch und akustisch recht ordentlich, und
somit gebe ich zurück zur Wertung... [So und jetzt erstmal Mittag machen...]

Grafik: 70 %
Sound: 70 %
Gesamt: 30 %

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S P I E L E T I P S . . .


Da wir noch keine Memory Track-Card haben hier erstmal nur einige Tips:

1. Abschnitt

Die erste Wache besiegt man am besten mit den C-Knopf Tritt, wenn sie
auf unseren Helden zugeht. Die zweite Wache am hinteren Tor kann man
auf die selbe Art beseitigen. In zwei Hütten des Dorfes sind Wachen
mit denen sollte man sich auf keinen Fall ohne Schwert anlegen.
Das Dorf sollte man durch das vordere Tor auf keinen Fall verlassen, da
ihr dann sofort von zwei Wachen attaktiert werdet!
In einer der Hütten findet man einen Holzstock, den man zwar nicht als
Waffe benutzen kann, aber dadurch läßt sich das hintere verschlossene
Tor des Dorfes öffnen. In einen der Hütten ist auch noch eine verschlossene
Truhe doch wie diese geöffnet werden kann ist mir leider unbekannt.
Das Schmuckstück sollte man auf jeden Fall mitnehmen bzw. untersuchen und
es wird dann eine Cinepak-Sequenz abgespielt, worin die sterbene Mutter dem
Spielhelden die Aufgabe stellt seine kleine Schwester zu befreien und den
Oberbösewicht zu besiegen.

Jetzt können wir das Dorf durch das hintere Tor verlassen und gehen zum Berg,
dort erwartet uns der Unsterbliche Ramirez und wir erhalten das Schwert der
MacLeods. Wir gehen nun den Weg zurück und gehen nicht mehr ins Dorf, sondern
in Richtung der Schlucht. Dort müssen drei Wächter nacheinander besiegt
werden, als Schlagvariante mit den Schwert ist vorne und C-Knopf recht
erfolgreich, aber jeder sollte die beste Technik ausprobieren...

Nun kommt ihr vor dem Tor des Dorfes, lauft nicht so weit vor, sonst
kommen beide Wachen angerannt, geht Schritt für Schritt dann könnt ihr
die Wachen hintereinander ohne Probleme beseitigen.

Als nächstes gehen wir zu den Teich und untersuchen das Wasserrad, daraufhin
sehen wir eine weitere Cinepak-Sequenz. Ganz in der nähe werdet ihr auch eine
Holzplanke finden, die ihr für unwichtig haltet, aber ihr solltet sie auf
jeden Fall mitnehmen, da sie im zweiten Abschnitt benötigt wird!!

Nachdem wir die Wache bei den Panzer besiegt haben gelangen wir in den zweiten
Abschnitt, hoffentlich habt ihr noch genug Nahrungs-Reserven!!!

2. Abschnitt

Ihr befindet euch in einem Tal, hinter euch ist nur Wüste. Die Wächter
hier sind anscheinend wesentlich stärker als im 1. Abschnitt, also kämpft
so gut wie ihr könnt, da ihr in diesen Abschnitt kaum Nahrung findet.

Nun könnt ihr recht eine Treppe raufgehen, aber die Holzstege haben eine
Lücke, fallt ihr in diese werdet ihr Opfer des darunter liegenden Treib-
sandes, deshalb solltet ihr die Holzplanke benutzen und der Weg ist frei!

Einige Treppen höher erwarten euch zwei Wächter, da ihr meist aus dem Bild
gedrängt werdet ist folgende Taktik empfehlenswert: In dem Bereich mit den
Gegner reingegen, das CD-ROM-Laufwerk läd, C+Knopf gedrückt halten...
Die Gegner werden meist getroffen und ihr verschwindet aus den Bereich, ohne
unnötige Lebensenergie zu verlieren. Dies macht wiederholt ihr so oft, bis
die Gegner besiegt sind.

Danach geht es in einer Hölle, wo wieder zwei Gegner sind, dort ist irgendein
Raum mit einer Maschine mit der ich nichts anfangen kann, ich finde dann
zwar noch eine Kurbel, aber die kann ich nirgendwo benutzen und leider bin
ich bei der weiteren Erforschung das Tals gestorben, da ich keine Nahrung
mehr hatte um meine Energie aufzufüllen... :(

(Waren seine letzten Worte...)

Nebenbei bemerkt ist das neue ProController-Pad von Atari auch sehr nützlich,
da Knopf X und Y für Ausweichsprünge nach links und rechts stehen und Z be-
wirkt einen schnellen Sprung nach hinten um Attakten der Gegner auszuweichen.

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Nicht alle Cheats klappen bei der CD-Version!

* Cheats:
* Unlimited Weapons/Energy/Shields (at Mission Select screen):
D+3+4+6+7 (tone confirms)
* Extra Lives (at Mission Select screen):
3+6+9+# (tone confirms)
* Level Skip (at Mission Select screen):
2+4+6+7+8+9 (tone confirms)
* Toggle Day/Night (during gameplay):
* Enable Secret Bonus Missions (at Mission Select screen):
Level 1 = U+2+3+6 Level 4 = U+2+5+8
Level 2 = D+2+6+7+8 Level 5 = R+2+4+5+6
Level 3 = R+3+5+6
* Easter Eggs:
* Alternate Ground Texture Colors (during gameplay):
* Alternate External Monitor Frame (at Mission Select screen):
* Change Globe Speed/Direction (at Mission Select screen):
4 + 6
* Debug Mode (during gameplay):

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* Cheats:
* On the temple level, at the top, there is a hawk & hooks. Crawl
to the left (it's hidden) and jump behind the wall to get SUPER
STRENGTH. Go back to the skeleton, jump up, grab the hooks, and
swing left to get the 3 EXTRA GUYS.
* Easter Eggs:
* Classic 2600 Pitfall: At the start of the Temple level, go
forward, jump on the 'tongues' to get to the very top platform
(2 tongue jumps, then 2 ledges up), then do a running jump to
the left to land on the ledge with the 2600 version scorpion.
Kill the scorpion and enter the door to a ledge with another
scorpion, a lock, and silver bar. Kill the scorpion, get the
lock, go left to hit the wall, jump up & down till catapulted in
the air. Go right while in the air and land in a small room with
a colorful vortex. Enter the vortex.

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* Cheats (entered only at "hands assembly" intro sequence):
* All powers & all maps = 1,3,5,7,9
* 50 lives = 5,1,5,2,5,3
* For both cheats, enter one code, wait till demo game, press any
number, then enter other code at "assembly" intro
* Easter Eggs (entered only at "hands assembly" intro sequence):
* Credits screen = 2,5,5,2
* Rayman "Breakout" game = 1,3,6,4
(gives unlimited continues, upon winning)
* Rayman "Razzberry" (during gameplay) = press & hold Option
(can be used to scare away the Scavengers in the Dream Forest
world - although it's probably quicker to just punch them.)
* Various dedications (+ = translation):
2,2,0,4,7,3 = "HELLO VALOU... LOVE YOU"
2,7,2,6,9 = "The Jaguar is my friend, and Rayman also - so
let them live!!"+
9,3,1,0,0 = "Thanks to the entire Jaguar team in Paris who
were subjected to all this indifference, and
particularly Phil for his precious help."+

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* Cheats (at options screen):
* Annihilations (during "Annihilation Time"):
Uppercut opponent (press & hold Punch). Works with any
character only on the "Stoned Poseidon", "Hell's Kitchen", or
"Temple of the Vortek" stages.
* Hidden Moves:
* Buzzsaw
* Hi Buzzsaw : T, T, Punch
* Pain Machine : Charge Aw, T, Kick
* Low Bolo : T, T, Jab
* Gut Spear Uppercut: Charge Aw, T, Punch
* Airgrab & Slam : (in air), D + Punch
* Ricochet Blades : (in air but not T), D + Jab
* Gut Grinder : (in close), Aw + Punch
* Annihilations:
* Core Breach : (not close), D, T, Punch
* Bolo Beheading : T, T, T, Jab
* Dreadloc
* Fire Breath : T, Aw, Punch
* Speed Slice : Charge Aw, T, Punch
* Come to Daddy : T, T, Punch
* Spin Staff : D, T, Jab
* Angle Spear Dive : (in air), D, D, Punch
* Back Off, Man! : T, Punch
* Annihilations:
* Jamaican Shish Kebab: (not close), T, T, T, Jab
* Clean Slice : (not close), Aw, T, Jab
* Grok
* BoulderMorph : Charge Aw, D + Jab
* GroundPounder : Charge Aw, release, Jab
* Boulder Bounce : Jump T, D + Jab
* The Tenderizer : (in close), Aw + Punch
* Annihilations:
* Rocky Uppercut : (in close), charge (& hold) D, Jab.
* Avalanche Crush: Jump over opponent, D + Kick.
* Lucius
* Lightning Blast : D, T, Punch
* Hawk Attack Low : Jump, D, Jab
* Hawk Attack High : U, D + Punch
* Hawk Teleport : Jump, Jab
* ElectroTherapy : (in close), T, Aw, Punch
* Spinning Back Kick : Aw, Kick
* Ground Spark Wave : T, T, Kick
* Air Lightning Blast : U, T + Punch
* Annihilations:
* Electric Death : (in close), T, T, Aw, Punch
* Hawk Decapitation: U, Aw, Aw, Punch
* Mercury
* Spinning Blade Sweep: D, D, Kick + Jab
* Big Gooey Pounder : (in close), Aw, T, Punch
* Sawblade : Charge Aw, T, Kick
* Porcupine Spike : D, D, Kick + Punch
* Annihilations:
* Rock'em Sock'em : (not close), T, T, Punch
* Ground Beef : D, T, Jab
* Skullcrusher
* Brain Fryin' Microwave: T, T, Punch
* Creeping Ground Blast : T, T, Jab
* Choke & Thump : Charge Aw, T, Punch
* Grim Dive of Death : Charge D, U
* Charged Particle Blast: Aw, T, Jab
* Stride & Slide : T, Kick
* Knife Head Butt : (in close), Aw, T, Punch
* Annihilations:
* Fatal Grip : (not close), T, T, Aw, Jab
* Head, Well Done : Charge Aw, T, Jab
* Volcana
* Flame Blast : D, T, Punch
* Fireport Behind : D, Aw
* Fireport Uppercut: Charge D, U
* Fire Breath : (in close), Aw, Punch
* Flying Firedive : Charge Aw, T, Jab
* Fireroll : (in air), T, Jab
* Aerial Firebomb : (in air but not T), D + Punch
* Firewall : Charge Aw, release, Kick
* Annihilations:
* Shake 'n Bake : D, T, Jab
* Blowtorch : (in close), T, T, Aw, Punch
* Easter Eggs:
* Hidden Backgrounds (during background select screen):
* Subway Passage: *
* Hidden Palace : #
* Hidden Characters:
* Carbon: Must be on Hard or Killer level, one-player mode,
"Earthquake Zone" stage, win a double perfect, perform
Annihilation near "NO fighting--this area only". Carbon
will be on "Subway Passage" stage.
* Enable speed selector option (at title screen):
1+5+9 ("fight" confirms)
(can select "normal" or "turbo" speed)
* Enable voice modem (at title screen):
9,1,1 (emergency on phone pad)

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Hier eine (fast) komplette Lösung in Englisch:

I haven't beaten the Dragon yet, but I get to him right quick. Here's how.

Drawbridge: press Sword when the tentacles approach. Then, press Up.
End of Corridor: keep tapping right until Dirk runs through the right door.
Tentacles From Ceiling: Sword to slash the first, then immediately Up.
Right, Down, when both Dirk's feet are on the stair,
Left, then Up.
Snake Room: Sword, Sword, Sword, Right.
Pool of Water: Left, Forward, Right, Forward, Left, Forward, Sword (spider),
Right, Forward.
Swinging Ropes of Fire: after the ledge begins to withdraw, Right.
each time Dirk's arm is outstretched, Right.
Lava Field of the Mudmen: Sword. when it switches to the rear-view, Forward.
keep hitting Forward to pass all the geysers.

Sliding Stairs: After the view switches from behind Dirk's head, Left.
Sword to chop the tentacles, ten Left. Left to exit the opening.

Giant Spinning Batons: when both batons swing together, Up.
Sword to take out the Spectre, then Down, Up.

Oops. all the times I typed Forward above, substitute Up. Sheesh.

Drink Me: Right.
Closing Wall: Up.

The Smithy: as soon as you see the flaming sword, hit Sword.
When the ball and chain begins to descent, Sword again.
Left to dodge the Anvil. Sword to deflect the spear (after it spins
halfway around). Sword when the Statue growls.
Flying Horse: not difficult. avoid the flames and wall by pressing
the opposite direction.

Checkerfloor Knight: The directions alternate. Whichever side the
knight's sword is on, you'll move opposite. I believe it goes Left, Right,
Up (third move is always up), then alternate again for the next three.
the sixth and last current is so quickly you should hit the direction
while Dirk is still in the air. When he approaches the knight, begin
tapping Sword until you kill him.

Bats: Sword to kill the bats, then Left. Left to leap the Gap. Sword to kill
the King Bat, then Left again.
Lizard King: My fave! Left at the first junction, then Right every time
Dirk stops running. When you finally corner the pot, Up.
Sword to deflect the Lizard, Left to dodge him, Right to thrust,
Down to free your sword, rhen Sword to hack his sorry ass in half.
Room of fire: Left (or right? I forget) Up, Left, Down, Left.
Giddy Goons: Sword, Right, Up, Sword.
Haunted Hallway: Up, Sword, Up, Sword, Left, Sword
Checkerboard corridor: tap Down until Dirk leaps back. when he leaps to avoid
falling, Up, then Left.
Magnetic Ball: Right, Up, Right, let the chair spin, Right.
Bubbling Ooze in kettle: Up (very quickly!) Sword, Right, Sword, Right.
Phantom Knight: ignore the lightrning. it's harmless. Left, Left, Right.
wait until the knight charges, then make the movement. You'll know
when to tap Right because you'll see a closeup of Dirk panicking.
Rapids/Whirlpools: tap in the direction of the opening: Left, Right, Left,
for the Rapids: tap Up when you approach the orange stripe. The Whirlpools:
left or right, depending on which side is open. Right to grab the chain when
Dirk gets launched into the air at the end.
Round Cage: Up, Up, Left.
Rolling Balls: wait for the view to switch to a closeup.
When the little balls rolls by, Down. repeat until the purple ball.
after the purple ball, tap Up to leap the hole.
Falling Platform: Left when the floor stops.
Wind Room: Right, before the door even opens.
Large Wooden Platforms: Up, Up, Down, Sword, Right.

Dragon's Lair: you're on your own. First three moves are Up, Left, Left.

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Atari Jaguar Release Liste...

erschienen sind...

Name des Spiels... Programmierer/(C)/Produktion Modul Datum
Genre... Grafik %/Sound %/Spielspaß % Serienummer
Spieleranzahl Sonstiges
Alien vs. Predator Rebellion Software/Atari 32MBit 10/94
Actionspiel 85 % 70 % 90 % J9008E
1 Spieler Fortsetzung auf CD geplant
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Battlemorph Attention to Detail/Atari CD 12/95
3D-Aktionspiel 75 % 80 % 85 % ??????
1 Spieler das Spiel erscheint in den nächsten Tagen
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Blue Lightning Attention to Detail/Atari CD 09/95
Actionspiel 65 % 60 % 60 % J9016E
1 Spieler Erstes CD-Spiel, liegt CD-ROM bei!
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Brutal Sports Football Millenium Teque/Telegames 16MBit 08/94
brutales Sportspiel 55 % 45 % 55 % JA100
1-2 Spieler erste Version hatte Bugs
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Bubsy Imagitec/Accolade/Atari 16MBit 12/94
Jump'n'Run 70 % 55 % 50 % J9020E
1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) nette Grafik
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Cannon Fodder Sensible Software/Virgin 16MBit 02/95
Actionspiel 75 % 65 % 80 % keine Nummer
1 Spieler Amiga- und PC-Version sind auf dem Index
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Checkered Flag Rebellion Software/Atari 16MBit 12/94
3D-Rennspiel 60 % 55 % 50 % J9007E
1 Spieler Rebellion's erstes Rennspiel
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Club Drive Atari 16MBit 11/94
3D-Rennspiel 30 % 15 % 25 % J9003E
1-2 Spieler schlampige 3D-Grafik
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Crescent Galaxy Atari 16MBit 01/94
2D-Shoot'em Up 70 % 10 % 30 % J9001
1 Spieler Grafik hui, Gameplay pfui!
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Cybermorph Attention to Detail/Atari 16MBit 11/93
3D-Actionspiel 65 % 50 % 65 % J9000E
1 Spieler liegt normalerweise dem Jaguar bei
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Doom ID Software/Atari 32MBit 12/94
Actionspiel 80 % 55 % 90 % J9029E
1-2 Spieler (JagLink) PC-Version ist auf dem Index
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Double Dragon 5 Tradewest/Williams 16MBit 04/95
Beat'em Up 20 % 25 % 20 % keine Nummer
1-2 Spieler Mit der 16-Bit Version (SNES) identisch
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Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story Virgin/Atari 16MBit 11/94
Beat'em Up 70 % 65 % 70 % J9036E
1-2 Spieler spielerisch ok!
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Dragon's Lair 1 Readysoft CD 11/95
Aktion-"Adventure" 70 % 70 % 30 % keine Numer
1 Spieler Gute Grafik und Sound, mässiges Spiel
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Evolution - Dino Dudes Imagitec/Atari 16MBit 02/94
Geschicklichkeitsspiel 55 % 45 % 50 % J9006E
1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) langweiliger Lemmings-Clone
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Flashback Delphine Software/U.S. Gold 16MBit 08/95
Jump'n'Run 50 % 40 % 75 % keine Nummer
1 Spieler mit der Mega Drive-Version fast identisch
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Flip Out! Gorilla Systems/Atari 16MBit 09/95
Puzzle-Spiel 70 % 40 % 50 % J9040E
1 Spieler Puzzle-Spiel mit Knetmännchen
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Highlander Lore Design/Atari CD 11/95
Action-Adventure 96 % 90 % 90 % J9031E
1 Spieler 3D-Adventure a la Alone in the Dark
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Hover Strike Atari 16MBit 04/95
3D-Actionspiel 65 % 55 % 60 % J9009E
1-2 Spieler(steuern+schiessen) ehemaliger Projektname: "Battlezone 2000"
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Hover Strike Atari CD 10/95
3D-Actionspiel 70 % 75 % 65 % J9086E
1-2 Spieler(steuern+schiessen) einige Verbesserungen gegenüber dem Modul!
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Iron Soldier Eclipse Software Design/Atari 16MBit 12/94
3D-Actionspiel 85 % 80 % 85 % J9026E
1 Spieler Made in Germany
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Kasumi Ninja Handmade Software/Atari 32MBit 12/94
Beat'em Up 80 % 50 % 60 % J9012E
1-2 Spieler Blutiger als Mortal Kombat!
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Missile Command 3D Atari 16MBit 12/95
3D-Actionspiel 70 % 75 % 75% ??????
1 Spieler Remake des Oldies in 3D!!!
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Pinball Fantasies Spidersoft/21st Century/Atari 16MBit 06/95
Flipper-Simulation 75 % 70 % 80 % J0144E
1-8 Spieler (nacheinander) gute Konvertierung des Kult-Flippers
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Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure Imagitec/Activison/Atari 32MBit 10/95
Jump'n'Run 80 % 75 % 90 % J9101E
1 Spieler neben Rayman das besten Jaguar-Jump'n'Run
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Power Drive Rally Time Warner 16MBit 10/95
Rennspiel 85 % 70 % 80 % keine Nummer
1-8 Spieler (nacheinander) Rennspiel aus der Vogelperspektive
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Raiden Imagitec/Fabtec Inc./Atari 16MBit 01/94
2D-Shoot'em Up 60 % 55 % 60 % J9005
1-2 Spieler gute Automaten-Umsetzung des Oldie-Shooters
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Rayman UBI Soft 32MBit 09/95
Jump'n'Run 95 % 75 % 90 % C3669T
1 Spieler Das derzeit beste Next Generation-Jump'n'Run
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Ruiner Pinball High Voltage Software/Atari 16MBit 11/95
Flipper-Simulation 45 % 40 % 40 % J9061E
1 Spieler mässiges Flipper-Spielchen
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Sensible Soccer Sensible Software/Renegade 16MBit 03/95
Fußballspiel 50 % 50 % 65 % JA250
1-2 Spieler bei 60 Hz keine Sprachen-Option
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Super Burn Out Shen/Atari 16MBit 06/95
Motorradrennspiel 80 % 85 % 90 % J9052E
1-2 Spieler Rennspiel a la Super Hang On - nur besser :)
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Syndicate Bullfrog/Ocean 16MBit 03/95
Action-Strategiespiel 50 % 35 % 80 % L8002-SYNJAG
1 Spieler ruckel, ruckel, aber trotzdem gut
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Tempest 2000 Llamasoft/Atari 16MBit 05/94
3D-Ballerspiel 75 % 85 % 90 % J9010E
1-2 Spieler Eines der besten Action-Spiele
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Theme Park Bullfrog/Ocean 16MBit 03/95
Freizeitpark-Simulation 80 % 75 % 85 % L8001-TPKJAG
1 Spieler begrenzte Abspeicheroption
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Troy Aikman Football Tradewest 16MBit 03/95
Sportspiel 50 % 50 % 60 % keine Nummer
1-2 Spieler -
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Ultra Vortek Beyond Games/Atari 32MBit 09/95
Beat'em Up 90 % 90 % 80 % J9082E
1-2 Spieler Aufwendiges Prügelspiel
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Val d'Isere Skiing & Snowb. Loriciel/Atari 16MBit 01/95
Sportspiel 80 % 65 % 70 % J9060E
1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) nettes Ski-Spiel
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Vid Grid High Voltage Software/Atari CD 09/95
Video-Puzzlespiel 66 % 80 % 75 % J9078E
1 Spieler Puzzelt Musik-Videos! - liegt dem CD-ROM bei
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White Men Can't Jump High Voltage Software/Atari 32MBit 08/95
Basketball 70 % 60 % 75 % J9070E
1-4 Spieler (Team Tap) Basketballspiel mit 4 Spielern dank Team Tap
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Wolfenstein 3D ID Software/Atari 16MBit 07/94
Actionspiel 65 % 65 % 70 % J9028
1 Spieler Die Jaguar-Version wurde beschlagnamt
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Zool 2 Imagitec/Gremlin Graphics/Atari 16MBit 12/94
Jump'n'Run 60 % 65 % 60 % J9042E
1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) Mit der Amiga-Version fast identisch
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Die besten Jaguar-Spiele (80% und mehr!!!)

! = New Entry (Neuer Eintrag)

1. !Highlander CD ******************** 90 % (CD-Spiel 1995)
2. Rayman ******************* 90 % (Modul-Spiel 1995)
3. Super Burn Out ****************** 90 %
4. Tempest 2000 ****************** 90 %
5. Alien vs. Predator ****************** 90 %
6. !Pitfall ****************** 90 %
7. Doom ****************** 90 %
8. Iron Soldier ***************** 85 %
9. !Battlemorph CD ***************** 85 %
10 Theme Park ***************** 85 %
11. Ultra Vortek **************** 80 %
12. Pinball Fantasies **************** 80 %
13.!Power Drive Rally **************** 80 %
14. Cannon Fodder **************** 80 %
15. Syndicate **************** 80 %

Jaguar Games Leser-Hitliste... (leicht unrepräsentativ diesmal)

erstellt von Christian Lier


Es wurden nur Games berücksichtigt, die min. 2 Stimmen bekommen haben!

1. Rayman 89% #-
2. Iron Soldier 88% #-
3. Tempest 2000 86% #
4. Alien versus Predator 85% #-
5. Doom 84% #-
6. Ultra Vortek 83% #-
7. Super Burn Out 81% #--
8. Vid Grid 75% #--
9. Kasumi Ninja 75% #-
10. Theme Park 75% #
11. Cannon Fodder 73% #
12. Blue Lightning 72% #-
13. Wolfenstein 3D 70% -#-
14. Cybermorph 66% ---#----
15. Dragon 65% #--
16. Club Drive 40% #

Bewertet alle eure bekannten Jaguar-Spiele mit 0 bis 100 %
und schickt sie an:

Wenn ich zum nächsten Mal nicht mindestens einen Haufen mehr Einsendungen
erhalte, hat sich das ganze ein für allemal erledigt!


Die Liste wurde komplett überarbeitet und alle Spiele rausgeworfen, von
denen es lange schon keine Informationen gab, bzw. Spiele-Projekte die
angeblich eingestellt sind wie z.B. CONAN.

Stand: 03.12.1995

kurze Erläuterung:

? = unsicher
XXX = noch kein Spielname bekannt
1Q = 1. Quartal (Januar-März)
2Q = 2. Quartal (April-Juni)
3Q = 3. Quartal (Juli-September)
4Q = 4. Quartal (Oktober-Dezember)
A = Anfang des Monates
M = Mitte des Monates
E = Ende des Monates
MD = Modul
(16)= 16 MBit
P = angeblich in Produktion

Spiel (Game) Hersteller (Developer) Format Release

Alien vs. Predator 2 ATARI CD ?????
Atari Kart CYBERDREAMS/ATARI MD 22.12.95 P
Attack of the M. Penguins SUNRISE PRODUCTIONS/ATARI MD 22.12.95 P
Battlesphere 4PLAY/ATARI MD 1Q/96
Brain Dead 13 READYSOFT CD 1Q/96
Breakout 2000 ATARI MD 1Q/96
Brett Hull Hockey ACCOLADE/ATARI MD 1-2/96
Brett Hull Hockey ACCOLADE/ATARI CD 3/96
Charles Barkley Basketb. ATARI MD 1Q/96
Commander Blood ATARI CD 1Q/96
Cybermorph 2- Battlemorph ATTENTIOM TO DETAIL/ATARI CD 12M/95 P
Defender 2000 LLAMASOFT/ATARI MD 1-2/96
Fever Pitch Soccer ATARI MD (16) 15.12.95 P
Fight for Life ATARI MD (32) 2Q/96
Formula 1 Racing DOMARK GROUP LTD./ATARI CD 1/96
Highlander 2 LORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 2Q/96
Highlander 3 LORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 1996
Max Force ATARI CD 1Q/96
Mindripper ATARI CD 1Q/96
Mortal Kombat 3 WILLIAMS/ATARI CD 2Q/96
Myst ATARI CD 12M/95 P
NBA Jam-TournamentEdition ACCLAIM/ATARI MD 1/96 P
Primal Rage TIME WARNER CD 12M/95 P
Robinson's Requiem SILMARILS/ATARI CD 3/96
Space Ace READYSOFT CD 1Q/96
Sudden Impact ATARI MD 1Q/96
Supercross 3D ATARI MD 15.12.95 P
Tempest 2000 IMAGITEC/ATARI MS-DOS 1Q/96
Towers 2 JV ENTERPRISES MD 1-2/96
Wayne Gretzky Hockey TIME WARNER CD 12/95
Worms TEAM 17/OCEAN CD 1Q/96
Zoop VIACOM MD 1/96 P

ALLE ANGABEN OHNE GEWéHR !! (all infos without guarantee !!!)

Zeittabelle der Spielerscheinungstermine... (ab 8/95 mit CD-ROM Spiele)

11/93 *
01/94 ***
05/94 *
07/94 *
08/94 *
10/94 *
11/94 **
12/94 ******
01/95 *
02/95 *
03/95 ****
04/95 **
06/95 **
07/95 *
08/95 **
09/95 *****
10/95 ***
11/95 ***
12/95 ******** (Prognose)
01/96 ?????? (Prognose)


_____ _ _____
|_ _(_)_ __ _ __ | ____|_ __
| | | | '_ \| '_ \ | _| \ \/ /
| | | | |_) | |_) | | |___ > < _ _ _
|_| |_| .__/| .__/ |_____/_/\_\ (_) (_) (_)
|_| |_| ...der Jaguar im Blätterwald

Text von Nils Raschke

Zeitschriften sind eine wichtige Entscheidungshilfe beim Kauf von
Konsolen und Spielen. Sie beeinflussen Meinungen und schaffen
Stimmungen. Deshalb beschäftigt sich auch das JagMag in der Rubrik
Tipp-Ex damit, wie sich der Jaguar in der Berichterstattung der
Videospielmagazinen hier und in den USA schlägt. Leider konnten
zu dieser Ausgabe die wichtigsten Magazine aus den USA nicht
beschafft werden, deshalb beschäftigen wir uns diesmal nur mit den
deutschen Magazinen.

Video Games

Leider gab es in der 11/95-Ausgabe nicht einen Bericht über den Jaguar,
dafür um so mehr für Playstation und Saturn.

Tendenz: Negativ

Mega Fun

Die Mega Fun bringt einen 8-seitigen Bericht über Rennspiele für alle
Konsolen. Alle Konsolen? Nein. Eine fehlt. Es ist weder von Super
Burnout, noch von Checkered Flag die Rede. Im Zuge eines ECTS-Messe-
Berichtes ist sich die Mega Fun sicher, daß der Jaguar einer der
Verlierer des Next-Generation-Wettbewerbes wird. Es würde schwer
fallen für ihn Kaufargumente zu finden, obwohl auch diese Zeitung
eingesteht, daß der Jaguar zum absoluten Kampfpreis angeboten wird.
Unter den News befindet sich nicht ein einziges Jaguar-Spiel, obwohl
Atari ja einige angekündigt hat. Nicht mal im Messebericht wird etwas
über kommende Spiele berichtet. In der Leserbrief-Rubrik wird nur der
Lynx für tot erklärt über den Jaguar kein Wort. Es gibt einen Jaguar-
Testbericht: halbseitig wird Flip Out als nettes Tüftelspiel mit 69%

Tendenz: éußerst negativ


Die Maniac vergleicht seit mehreren Ausgaben die vier Next-Generation-
Konsolen und kommt in dieser Ausgabe zum Abschluß-Ergebnis. Zumindest
befindet sich so der Jaguar samt CD-Rom auf der Titelseite wieder, wann
hat es das jemals gegeben? Im Vergleich der Konsolen zieht der Jaguar
dann aber außer im Jump&Run-Sektor und im Denkspielbereich den kürzeren.
Dementsprechend ist dann auch die Bewertung in der Spieleperspektive,
die Maniac traut dem Jaguar keinen großen Softwarestrom zu.
Im ECTS-Messebericht wird allerdings recht positiv über zukünftige
Spiele berichtet, außerdem soll Atari laut Maniac ca. 40 Titel zum
Ende des Jahres neu herausgebracht haben.
Was man der Maniac aber nicht zugetraut hätte, ist das einseitige
Interview mit dem Vertriebsleiter des neuen Jaguardistributors. Hier
wird im großen und ganzen ein positives Bild von Qualität als auch
von der Quantität der kommenden Spiele gezeichnet. Das größte Argument
für den Jag schien aber der absolut niedrige Preis zu sein.
Leider befindet sich in dieser Ausgabe nicht ein Testbericht, obwohl
ja einige Spiele neu erschienen sind...

Tendenz: Verhalten positiv


Dieses Heft ignoriert den Jaguar komplett, kein Spiel wurde getestet,
auch gibt es keine News zum Jag. Dafür hat man sich bequemt ein
immerhin 3-seitiges Interview mit Jean Richen von Atari England zu
führen. Die wichtigste Aussagen sind, daß wohl eine Konsole über 500
DM zu teuer für den Massenmarkt wäre, außerdem wurden verschiedene
Peripheriegeräte genannt: der 4-Spieler-Adapter, das CD-Rom, das
6-Button-Pad, das VR-Set und das sogenannte Video-On-Demand. Damit ist
gemeint, daß Time Warner den Jaguar in das sich zur Zeit in der
Erprobung befindliche interaktive Fernsehnen einbinden möchte. Zum
Jaguar II äußert sich Jean Richen mit der Ankündigung für 1996. Er
soll kompatibel bleiben und evtl. als Stand-Alone-Gerät auf den Markt
Den Klopfer des Monats leistet sich die Gamepro im öberblick der
alten und neuen Atari-Konsolen. Zum Jaguar schreiben sie folgendes:
"Der Jaguar ist laut Atari die erste 64-Bit-Konsole der Welt.
Strenggenommen ist das nicht ganz richtig, der Jaguar enthält zwar
spezielle Grafik- und Soundchips, entscheidend ist jedoch das Herz
der Maschine. Und dort schlägt ein 68.000er Hauptprozessor (16 Bit).
Darum kann der Jaguar technisch auch nicht mit den 32-Bittern von
Sega und Sony mithalten." Was davon zu halten ist, weiß jeder, der
etwas technisches Verständnis hat und das fehlt der Gamepro-Redaktion
scheinbar völlig.

Tendenz: Recht positiv


Wenn man nur nach den Zeitschriften geht, ist der Jaguar praktisch tot.
Auch wenn alle zugestehen, daß der Verkaufspreis eine große Rolle
spielt, trauen sie dem Jaguar keinen Erfolg zu. Nun bleibt es Atari
vorbehalten durch (die angekündigte) Werbung in den Zeitschriften auf
diesen günstigen Preis kombiniert mit den zweifellos vorhandenen
Spiele-Hits hinzuweisen, auch wenn die Zeitschriften sie nicht sehen


Als neue Rubrik haben wir uns entschlossen Jaguar-Spiele zu verleihen.
Dies geht aber nur, wenn die jeweilige Person, die die Module ausleiht
sie auch pünktlich wieder zurückschickt.

Ich (Martin Lethaus) und Rouven Gehm verleihen die Module, nur an Leute,
die eine SW-Kopie ihres Ausweises schicken, damit soll vermieden werden,
daß Minderjährige Spiele in die Hände bekommen, welche auf dem Index sind.

Zudem haben wir eine gewisse Sicherheit, daß wir die Module wiederbekommen.

Bevor Ihr ein Modul ausleihen fragt telefonisch bei mir (Martin Lethaus)
oder Rouven Gehm nach, ob das Modul überhaupt verfügbar ist, dann schickt
Ihr euer Ausweiskopie und die Ausleihgebühr an mich oder Rouven Gehm, es
kommt halt darauf an von wenn Ihr das Modul ausleiht.

Hier nun die Adressen: Zuständig für:

Martin Lethaus Nord-Deutschland
Brevingstr. 28 z.B. Schleswig Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen,
59368 Werne Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Tel.: 02389/534685 und Ost-Deutschland

Rouven Gehm Süd-Deutschland
Carl-Euler-Str. 26 z.B. Bayern, Baden-Würtemberg, Saarland,
67663 Kaiserslautern Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz
Tel.: 0631/29643 und Ost-Deutschland

Diese Einteilungen wurden gemacht, da der Postweg bei großen Entfernungen
mehr als zwei Werktage sein kann.

Folgende Spiele stehen zur Verfügung:

Name des Spiels verfügbar über | ab | Ausleih-Gebühr
| | 1 Woche / 1 Monat

Alien vs. Predator beide | 18 | 5+5 / 20+5
Brutal Sports Football beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5
Bubsy Martin | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Cannon Fodder beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5
Checkered Flag beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Club Drive beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Crescent Galaxy beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Cybermorph Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Doom beide | 18 | 5+5 / 20+5
Double Dragon 5 keiner | -- | --- / ----
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story beide | 14 | 5+5 / 15+5
Evolution - Dino Dudes Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Flashback keiner | 16 | --- / ----
Flip Out! Martin | -- | 5+5 / 20+5
Hover Strike Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Iron Soldier beide | 16 | 5+5 / 15+5
Kasumi Ninja beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5
Pinball Fantasies beide | -- | 5+5 / 20+5
Raiden beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Rayman Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 20+5
Sensible Soccer keiner | -- | --- / ----
Super Burn Out beide | -- | 5+5 / 20+5
Syndicate Martin | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5
Tempest 2000 beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Theme Park beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Troy Aikman Football Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
Ultra Vortek demnächst! | 18 | --- / ----
Val d'Isere beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5
White Men Can't Jump Martin | -- | 5+10/ 20+10
Zool 2 beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5

Die Ausleihgebühr beträgt für eine Woche (= 5 Werktage) 5,- DM plus 5,- DM
zusätzlich für Portokosten. Bei White Men Can't Jump betragen die Porto-
kosten 10,- DM wegen dem Team Tap, das mit ausgeliehen wird...

Wenn ihr das Spiel einen Monat (= 30 Tage) ausleiht bezahlt Ihr nur 15,- DM
bis 20,- DM!!! Diese Zeit dürfte ausreichen um selbst das schwerste Spiel

Falls Ihr meint diese Ausleihgebühr wäre zu teuer, dann schaut euch bitte
mal bei den diversen Videospielhändler um die Spiele verleihen. Dort sind
nämlich 2,- bis 4,- DM Ausleihgebühr PRO TAG üblich!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
CATnips + Atari PRs
von Donald A. Thomas, Jr.
Director, Customer Service, Atari Corporation USA)...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Die CATnips von Don Thomas wurden nicht eingedeutsch, da dies zuviel Arbeit
wäre (versuchen sie mal einen zig KB langen englischen Text auf deutsch
zu übersetzen), außerdem kann durch eine öbersetzung es zu Missverständ-
nissen kommen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


CONTACT: Pattricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663

For Immediate Release

Atari(R) Corporation Unveils New World Wide Web Site,
Names CompuServe(R) as Official Commercial Support Site

Type on the World Wide Web
or GO JAGUAR on CompuServe

SUNNYVALE (October 6) -- Atari Corporation unveiled this morning their new
JAGWIRE(tm) World Wide Web Domain. JAGWIRE features the creative integration of
eye-popping graphics, animation, audio and descriptive text for web browsers to
enjoy in the leisure of their homes or office. The site was created by ATOMIX,
Inc.; an Emmy Award-winning new media house in Hollywood, California. The

The installation of the JAGWIRE Web Domain is an anchor for a network of
official support offered to gamers throughout the world. In concert with the
explosive trends of the Internet and the World Wide Web, Atari has named
CompuServe as their official Jaguar 64 commercial on-line support site.
CompuServe access is as little as $9.95 a month and offers full access to the
Internet and the World Wide Web as well as exclusive features not available on
any other system; such as the Atari Jaguar forum. Type GO JAGUAR to access
24-hour on-line support on CompuServe or call toll free (800) 848-8990.

Two independent online publications have also pledged a bond to the JAGWIRE
network by offering exclusive news, reviews and previews of Jaguar 64 products
in each of their issues. Atari Explorer Online offers in-depth coverage of
products from cover to cover. Silicon Times Report is distributed worldwide
week and features computer and video game coverage of interest to everyone.
publications are downloadable from CompuServe or can be found through direct
links with Ataris JAGWIRE Web Site.

Atari has made the commitment to make shopping and obtaining support for the
Jaguar 64 as simple for modem users as possible, states Donald A. Thomas, Jr.,
Director of Atari Customer Service Marketing. To do that, we have installed the
best domain created by the best creative people, accessible through the best
access lines (T3) and supplemented by the best commercial on-line services of
CompuServe, and the best on-line publishing support. Users can sample game
images, hear game sounds, find out where to buy them and make buying decisions
based on reliable and accurate resources.

Jim Pascua, Marketing Manager of CompuServe, adds that his company has also
serious commitments to the evolution of global access at economic rates and
maximum access. New updates to our on-line software will revolutionize how
users can access the Internet and the finest commercial on-line service in the
world simultaneously. We are proud of Ataris designation and we feel it is in
step with the direction this industry is taking.

Ataris new JAGWIRE Web Site is installed NOW. Web Browers may be set to the URL
of The site features easy access icons to a great deal of
product information including game descriptions, screen shots, release
schedules, ordering information and real time registration in Ataris mailing
list. CompuServes Jaguar forum features downloadable magazines, screen shots,
reviews, software, conferences, contests and a very active message base to host
non-stop interaction between Jaguar enthusiasts and Atari personnel.

For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with high
quality, value-priced entertainment. Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only
American-made advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in Sunnyvale,

CompuServe is an H&R Block company. Founded in 1955, H&R Block, a diversified
services company, is the worlds leading tax preparation and on-line information
services company. CompuServe operates the most comprehensive network in the
world, providing on-line services to more than 3.5 million members in more than
140 countries and network services to more than 800 corporate customers
worldwide. H&R Block Tax Services provided tax-related services for almost one
in every seven returns filed with the IRS in 1995, and served 17.1 million
taxpayers in more than 9,500 offices worldwide.

# # # #

Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Jaguar is a trademark of
Atari Corporation. CompuServe is a trademark of CompuServe Information Service.
ATOMIX is a trademark of ATOMIX, Inc. All other tradenames are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owning companies.


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.10.10)

For those who live in closets, the Jaguar Web Domain
(JAGWIRE) is now engaged. Since Friday, the number of
unique IDs that have visited the site up through 1:30PM
this afternoon (Pacific Time) has been...

OVER 150,000 hits! No, that is NOT a misprint!


CONTACT: Pattricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663

For Immediate Release

Atari(R) Corporation Unveils New World Wide Web Site,
Names CompuServe(R) as Official Commercial Support Site

Type on the World Wide Web
or GO JAGUAR on CompuServe

SUNNYVALE (October 6) -- Atari Corporation unveiled this
morning their new JAGWIRE(tm) World Wide Web Domain.
JAGWIRE features the creative integration of eye-popping
graphics, animation, audio and descriptive text for web
browsers to enjoy in the leisure of their homes or office.
The site was created by ATOMIX, Inc.; an Emmy Award-winning
new media house in Hollywood, California. The JAGWIRE Web
Site URL is

The installation of the JAGWIRE Web Domain is an anchor for
a network of official support offered to gamers throughout
the world. In concert with the explosive trends of the
Internet and the World Wide Web, Atari has named CompuServe
as their official Jaguar 64 commercial on-line support
site. CompuServe access is as little as $9.95 a month and
offers full access to the Internet and the World Wide Web
as well as exclusive features not available on any other
system; such as the Atari Jaguar forum. Type GO JAGUAR to
access 24-hour on-line support on CompuServe or call toll
free (800) 848-8990.

Two independent online publications have also pledged a
bond to the JAGWIRE network by offering exclusive news,
reviews and previews of Jaguar 64 products in each of their
issues. Atari Explorer Online offers in-depth coverage of
Atari products from cover to cover. Silicon Times Report is
distributed worldwide each week and features computer and
video game coverage of interest to everyone. Both
publications are downloadable from CompuServe or can be
found through direct links with Ataris JAGWIRE Web Site.

"Atari has made the commitment to make shopping and
obtaining support for the Jaguar 64 as simple for modem
users as possible," states Donald A. Thomas, Jr., Director
of Atari Customer Service Marketing. "To do that, we have
installed the best domain created by the best creative
people, accessible through the best access lines (T3) and
supplemented by the best commercial on-line services of
CompuServe, and the best on-line publishing support. Users
can sample game images, hear game sounds, find out where to
buy them and make buying decisions based on reliable and
accurate resources."

Jim Pascua, Marketing Manager of CompuServe, adds that his
company has also made serious commitments to the evolution
of global access at economic rates and with maximum access.
"New updates to our on-line software will revolutionize
how users can access the Internet and the finest commercial
on-line service in the world simultaneously. We are proud
of Atari's designation and we feel it is in step with the
direction this industry is taking."

Atari's new JAGWIRE Web Site is installed NOW. Web Broswers
may be set to the URL of The site
features easy access icons to a great deal of product
information including game descriptions, screen shots,
release schedules, ordering information and real time
registration in Atari's mailing list. CompuServe's Jaguar
forum features downloadable magazines, screen shots,
reviews, software, conferences, contests and a very active
message base to host non-stop interaction between Jaguar
enthusiasts and Atari personnel.

For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided
consumers with high quality, value-priced entertainment.
Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.

CompuServe is an H&R Block company. Founded in 1955, H&R
Block, a diversified services company, is the world's
leading tax preparation and on-line information services
company. CompuServe operates the most comprehensive network
in the world, providing on-line services to more than 3.5
million members in more than 140 countries and network
services to more than 800 corporate customers worldwide.
H&R Block Tax Services provided tax-related services for
almost one in every seven returns filed with the IRS in
1995, and served 17.1 million taxpayers in more than 9,500
offices worldwide.

# # # #

Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation.
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. CompuServe is a
trademark of CompuServe Information Service. ATOMIX is a
trademark of ATOMIX, Inc. All other tradenames are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
owning companies.


One of many from Prodigy...

Subject: JAGWIRE
Time: 10/06 5:10 PM

To All,

Check out Atari's new homepage on the www. The address
is It is pretty cool.


From the Internet...

Date: Mon, 09 Oct 1995 11:30:15 -0800
From: Kim Trampus
Subject: User Survey


I like what I've seen so far, and in my opinion, it is
the best looking Web Site out there.


From CompuServe...

TO: Don Thomas 75300,1267
FROM: Danny Miskin 74067,53

Hey Don,


I've been checking out the Atari Web Page, it's one of
the nicest Console Companies pages around that I've seen.
I just love the way the Jaguar's eye twinkles when you
first get to the page. <g> Although I did find an area I
really liked the first time I was there but now I just
can't seem to find my way back. It was where there where
AVI clips of IS2 and all kinds of other info about
upcoming games, I just don't know why I can't find it.

Well I guess I'll head over there now and try again... I
want those AVI clips darn it!

Talk to you later,



Another Internet note...

Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:13:37
From: (Sean Aaron)


The Web page looks swell. Really nicely done; the avi's
were great! Do more of those definitely! I hadn't
thought about Black Ice/White Noise too much, but after
seeing the avi, it looks pretty cool.




And another...

From: (Jeremy Hansen)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 9:31:19 PDT

Mr Thomas:

After checking out the "Jagwire" pages, I must say that
it is a very well done web site.


Jeremy Hansen <>
Technology Group Applied Micro Circuits Corp.
AMCC now has a web page:



Those looking for STeve's Computer and Software from
Ataris' Web Domain as a HyperLink may like to note this

Hello Don,
Just to let you know that you will need to change my
address to the follow:
- you must have the ST capitalized in STeves. Other than
that, the domain looks great...


Uh, Steve, I am real sorry. I have asked them to fix it
ASAP and they assure me it will be.

BTW, I'm getting a lot of praise from gamers who buy from
you. Keep up the great service!



Congrats to Beyond Games...

Mr. Thomas,

Our web pages were just inaugurated at:

Clark Stacey
Beyond Games


Power Drive Rally should be in many stores by the time you
read this notice. Reliable sources in Atari's most
prominent distributor confirmed with me that Power Drive
Rally was in hand and being shipped!

Those of you who liked the Road Riot type games, or most
any overhead race game for that matter, will be blown away
by this game. Check it out!


Final Note...

A lot of things are cooking at Atari which is the only
excuse I have for not having a CATnips out sooner. We're
going to have a fantastic Christmas and many of the
Jaguar SKUs are simply selling them as fast as we can build

Thank you.


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.10.15)
There's a lot happening real fast at Atari Corporation and
I have a lot of ground to cover.

Atari's new World Wide Web Domain has accumulated more than
210,000 visits from onliners as of 10 PM Pacific Time this
past Friday evening sustaining a daily average of over
30,000 hits per day. If you haven't stopped by yet, then
you may be missing something. Here's what Robert Daniels
tells me from America OnLine:

TO: Donald A. Thomas, Jr. 75300,1267
DATE: 10/11/95 7:56 PM
RE: WWW Page

Mr. Thomas,


I think your page is fantastic. Hats off to Atomix for
putting together a great site, and to Atari for choosing
Atomix to represent them. The pages load quickly (even on
my dialup 14.4 connection), and are easy to
read/understand. I like that some games are featured
before their releases.

I especially appreciate the AVI files. Seeing D2000 in
action has made a believer out of me. Jeff Minter is
certainly as close to deity as a human can get. I

Keep up the good work, and please consider the order form
idea. Thanks for supporting the on-line Atari community.

Robert Daniels

Atari's JAGWIRE Domain URL is


The Jaguar Forum on CompuServe is alive with activity and
has just enjoyed Atari's naming of them as Atari's official
commercial support site. According to a story found on the
United Press International on Friday, CompuServe is about
to embark on its most aggressive advertising blitz in its
history. The new campaign includes national television,
print ads, direct mail, inserts and special promotional
campaigns beginning Sunday, October 15. A new slogan will
be adopted stating "Enter CompuServe" an a new image will
be part of the propaganda which promotes CompuServe as a
global information service.


A lot of people ask me if Blue Lightning is a great game or
not. Although we all know bigger, better, greater is what
Atari always strives for with each new release, here's what
Gordon Glenn tells users in the news
group on the Internet.

I finally completed Blue Lightning today thanks to my
memory cart that saves the last level completed.
Overall, I am glad they packed this game. I might never
have purchased it and would have missed a very enjoyable
blastathon. The Arctic mission is pretty cool and less
"flat" looking. Save your jets because Draco escapes
after the arctic mission and in a "celebrity voice
impersonated" that sounds like Jack Nicholson, he says
you missed his secret base. You then have four more
flights to complete the game which is tough if you only
have one or two slow jets. Once Draco is killed there is
a short full motion animated video of you chasing Draco
and blasting his jet inside a canyon. That is the end of
the game and then it starts the attract mode.

One nice thing. Once the game is completed, if you select
your pilot that won the game, they repeat the ending
video of you blasting Draco. My final score was a bit
over 764,000 points. Naturally, I did this game on the
easy level. That was plenty exciting for me. Now lets
get some more CD games SOON!



Jason Duncan of Video Reaction asked me to pass this news
on to you. It sounds exciting so I am very happy to do so.

The newest issue of Video Reaction is sponsoring (which
should be shipping by next Wednesday) a contest
spotlighting the Atari Jaguar. The lucky winner will
receive a new copy of Defender 2000 (when available).
All entries must mailed to the following address and must
include the applicant's name and complete mailing
address. All entries must be received by December 15,
1995. The drawing will be held on December 16. The winner
will receive his/her prize by priority mail.

Send your entry to:

Video Reaction
ATTN: Jaguar Contest
423 W Vermont Canal Square, #245
Indianapolis, IN 46202-3258

<<Please note that this contest and Video Reaction is not
affiliated with Atari Corporation.>>


Power Drive Rally is hot...

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 18:54:59
From: (Sean McKay)
To: Multiple recipients <>
Subject: PDR thoughts...

Well, I've played Power Drive Rally for a couple of
hours, and this is what I think...

It's pretty d@$& good...

Graphically, it's fantastic! (I particularly like the
cattle carcasses on the sides of the Arizona tracks <g>)
And that's just the beginning. The cars are rendered
perfectly, and things such as shadows are well correlated
to the layout of the landscape. The shadows of the nearby
cliffs, etc., pass over your car correspondingly as well.
I know I'm focusing on little things graphically, but
that's what is so good about the graphics - the detail.
The backgrounds are done very well with just the right
touches here and there....

The control is spot on dead perfect, as far as I can
tell! I mean, it is so tight that if you tap the
controller at all, the car responds. And with the way
these tracks twist and turn, believe me, you'll want the
control that tight! The cars respond to conditions and
movements well, complete with fish-tailing and power
slides. You couldn't ask for more.

The sounds are well done, all the squeals, squeaks,
crunches, crashes, dings, and "Dangs!" are there (of
course, you provide the "Dangs!" when you screw up...
<g>). The co-pilot's voice can get annoying, but after a
while, at least for me, it was extremely helpful, since
it tells you what's coming ahead... Finally, the music is
okay. I don't know what it was about it that bugged me,
it just did. Maybe because the game comes with the music
up so loud. I turned it down, just to provide background
tunes (and I mean WAY background) and now they don't
bother me...

The gameplay is good. It's repetitive. H@$#, what did you
expect? You go around tracks over and over. That's what I
call repetitive. However, you have TONS of tracks, so
it's not like some games we know (can you say RR, Sony?),
and in that respect it's fun. Although after a couple of
laps you understand the layout of the track, when you go
to the next track, it's "feel your way around" all over
again. The ability to get new cars after a while is good
too, although I have yet to notice *too* much difference
in the way they drive...

Graphics: 9
Control: 10
Music/Sound: 7 (due primarily to music)
Gameplay: 7
Overall: 8

Please take note: I am not a big driving game fan (hence
the lower gameplay score). For me to give a driving game
an overall of 8 is unusual (gameplay usually drops it
down for me), so you driving fans out there, I imagine,
can add 0.5 to 1.0 to the final score to get the
equivalent of what you'd probably rate it.

As always, though, some of you will take what I say with
a big grain of salt (and you know who you are....) 8^)

Sean McKay


The latest issue of Atari Explorer Online is out and is
packed with Jaguar coverage. For the first time in years as
far as I know, Silicon Times Report is a little late. I'm
told that an untimely power outage may have forced the
Publisher to reexamine the issue carefully to see what may
have been affected. I expect the newest issue will be
available buy the time this issue of CATnips is released.


Please note that there are several new items shipping from

The first batch of Memory Tracks sold out as fast as we got
them in. Check your retailer fast if you want one, because
(s)he may not have them long. With the Memory Track for the
Atari Jaguar CD, you can keep track of important
information that you want to save for Jaguar CD games. The
cartridge easily fits in the cartridge slot provided by the
Jaguar CD ROM player. Compatible CD-based games allow
gamers to store high scores, game progress, character
configurations, custom level designs and more. Up to 250
Jaguar games could be stored to one Memory Track depending
on the amount of data each game requires. The MSRP is
$29.95 US.

PITFALL: The Mayan Adventure
Based on the incredibly successful Pitfall! from the Atari
2600 by Activision. This version combines the fun
remembered with the eye-popping technologies of graphics,
play and sound expected. The version on the Jaguar includes
countless improved nuances not found on any other platform.
The adventure is challenging and exciting. Help Harry Jr.
save his father and find the secret to unlocking the
original version of Pitfall! hidden in the game. The MSRP
for this cartridge is $59.99. Look for it from your
retailer within the next few days.

Now you can connect two Jaguars together to play two-player
versions of Doom and other forthcoming JagLink compatible
Jaguar game titles. Use the phone cable included with the
JagLink kit, or purchase a standard phone cable of longer
lengths from any telephone retailer. The MSRP for JagLink
is only $29.95 and is licensed for connection to any Atari
Jaguar game system. Look for it in stores within the next
few days.

Team Tap is in and will be shipping as a separate
peripheral as soon as Charles Barkley Basketball, NBA Jam
Tournament Edition, Arena Football and other Team Tap
compatible games become available. Team Tap is currently
packed as a FREE bonus with White Men Can't Jump while
quantities of that special pack are available. After that,
Team Tap's MSRP is $24.95. Team Tap converts either Jaguar
game controller port into four separate ports for use with
Team Tap compatible games.

Hat's off to Atari's Laury Scott on this one. It's the long
awaited 6-punch button controller and it will be shipping
this week. The slick new Joypad design integrates the
proven ergonomic appeal of the original Jaguar joypad with
5 extra buttons. Now there's a total of 6-punch buttons
instead of the original three PLUS there are two "shift
buttons for the index fingers along the top of the
controller. Designed with features suggested by actual
Jaguar gamers, the added control increases the flexibility
of multiple button control and versatility to any
ProController compatible game. The ProController is also
100% compatible with all existing Jaguar software. The
ProController's MSRP is only $29.95.

Make certain you ask your retailer for these and other
Jaguar gaming products between now and Christmas.


In the October 16 issue of Adweek magazine, Atari's new TV
commercial will be featured as one of Adweek's hot spot of
the month for September. Adweek is the trade weekly news
magazine in the advertising industry. Atari's new
commercial features a young adult male who is has numerous
light bulbs attached to his scalp. An off-camera female
scientist demonstrates various impulses sent to the
patient's brain to indicate which parts are responsible for
basic human responses. With regard to the one related to
reason, the patient is compelled to ask himself why he
might spend so much money on other video game systems when
he can get a 64-bit Jaguar for only $150. The new Jaguar
spot is running now through Christmas in an aggressive
campaign including the most watched cable television
programs. Check out the latest issues of Atari Explorer
Online and Silicon Times Report for more information.



CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
(310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663

Swing, Skate and Bungee Through the Jungle With Atari's
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

Agreement with Activision
lands classic adventure title for Jaguar 64

SUNNYVALE (October 17, 1995) -- Jungle drums pound and
pulses race with the release of Atari Corporation's
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure. The jungle adventure game
is the result of Atari Corporation's licensing agreement
with Activision and is now available in stores nationwide.

Based on the original Pitfall! that debuted on the Atari
2600, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure takes gamers on a wild
trek through the recesses of the Mayan jungle. Players
assume the role of Pitfall Harry Jr. searching for his
kidnapped father. With pages from an old journal as their
only guide, gamers need lightning-quick reflexes and a
discerning eye to make it through the jungle to rescue
Pitfall Harry.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure features ten challenging
levels and enhanced gameplay not found in any other
version. In addition to the challenges of the fierce
jungle, there are seven letters hidden throughout the
terrain; spell out pitfall and be treated to a special
secret ending. The game also boasts an all-new Save Game
feature that lets players return to their quest where they
last left off.

"Our alliance with Activision has resulted in an enhanced
version of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure specifically
designed for the Atari Jaguar," said Ted Hoff, Atari
Corporation's President of North American Operations.
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure features incredible art and
graphics - more than 2000 frames of Kroyer film animation
has been reworked to take advantage of the Jaguar's
outstanding 64-bit capabilities."

The Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure release under the
agreement with Activision is just one of the many exciting
games for the Atari Jaguar 64 library. The rapidly
expanding library will also include CD titles for the
recently launched Jaguar CD peripheral which is available
in stores across the United States.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is rated T (appropriate for
teenagers and older) and has a suggested retail price of

For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers
with high-quality, value-priced entertainment. Atari
Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.

Activision and Pitfall! are registered trademarks, and
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a trademark of Activision
Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 1995. Activision, Inc.


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.10.22)
Wow, another week of a so much happening...

Silicon Times Report is on a roll again. Issues 1141 and
1142 have combined in to one big issue. Look for the latest
issue on CATscan 209/239-1552, in the Jaguar forum on
CompuServe (type GO JAGUAR) and in other prominent on-line

Atari Explorer Online and Silicon Times Report both have
direct hyperlink access from Atari's JAGWIRE web domain.
The domain is accessible with as the
URL. By the way, as of Thursday, October 19 at 6PM, there
were over 300,000 hits on the JAGWIRE domain.

According to Mr. Jim Benson of Texas Instruments...

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 16:22:53
From: Jim Benson <>
Organization: Texas Instruments
To: Atomix (address withheld)
Subject: Atari Site -- Excellent!

Dear Sir:

The Atari Website is great!

Fast, easy, attractive!

Regards, Jim Benson

Thanks Jim!


If you haven't heard, Pitfall! The Mayan Adventure is in
stores NOW! Here's what Mr. Sal Manfredonia says of it on
the Internet...

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 23:48:49 -0400
From: Sal Manfredonia <>
To: Multiple recipients <>
Subject: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Comment: Discussion of the Atari Jaguar and
video gaming industry

I got a chance to try the new Jaguar version of Pitfall:
The Mayan Adventure for a few minutes.

The game is very cool. Here's a brief rundown: The
legendary treasure hunter Pitfall Harry has been abducted
by some Mayan god. You're guiding his teenage son, Harry
Jr., through perilous jungles and ruins to rescue your
father. Armed with a sling (which doubles as a whip) and
some stones, you run, jump, climb, crawl, swing, and ride
through a platform-based action adventure. You'll fight
off dangerous beasts and grab valuable treasures as you
search for dear old dad.

It doesn't seem radically different from the Genesis or
SNES versions that I've also played, but the graphics
look cleaner and more colorful (similar to the Windows 95
and 32X versions), and it's supposed to have some other
added features that aren't found in any other version.

I have a beef about the review on NUKE (EGM's web page).
If you remember, I asked if anyone knew whether or not
the game had music. Well, the EGM reviewers were right to
an extent. When I first saw the cartridge I didn't hear
any music. Then, after we plugged it into the Jaguar and
turned it on, we heard music. What was EGM thinking?
Perhaps they hit the "0" key to turn off the music and
didn't realize they did that. What morons. Other than
that, I agree with everything else they said. It does
have great control, which they mentioned in their review.

The manual says that if you have the ProController, you
can use the X, Y, and Z buttons to change weapons rather
than pressing Option repeatedly. Since the new buttons
are supposed to be mapped to keys on the numeric keypad,
I would guess you could do the same by tapping the
appropriate numbers, but I haven't tried it yet.

The game also has a feature to let you save your progress
after each level. I don't remember if the Genesis or SNES
versions had this feature, but I don't think they did.
(They might've had passwords though).

For the nostalgia buffs, an adaptation of the original
Atari 2600 Pitfall! game is hidden somewhere as a "game
within a game." There are also rumors of a second hidden
game as well. Perhaps this has something to do with the
"secret ending" you get when finding the letters that
spell "Pitfall."

The conversion was handled by Imagitec Design, who also
did Raiden, Evolution: Dino Dudes, Zool 2, and Bubsy in:
Fractured Furry Tales for the Jaguar, as well as the
music in Tempest 2000 and the upcoming Defender 2000.

So far, it doesn't seem to be a game that would sell
Jaguar systems, but it is a great game in itself for
Jaguar owners who would like the game and don't already
own another version. If you enjoy challenging, involving
action-adventure platform games, and you want the best
version of one of the best titles in the genre, make
tracks for the Jaguar!

--Sal Manfredonia (


Mr. Jeff Norwood, Publisher of Jaguar Journal, tells me
that the next Jaguar Journal should be available on
or near October 28. Readers can find it on CATscan by
dialing 209/239-1552 or in the Jaguar forum on CompuServe
or on other popular on-line services.

On Wednesday, November 22, The Jaguar Journal will host
another conference in The Atari Jaguar Forum on CompuServe.
It all starts at 8 PM ET. Main focus will be on the holiday
shopping season, and what Atari and 3rd's plan to do for
the selling season. (The day after Thanksgiving is usually
the busiest retail shopping day of the year.) In addition
to that, there will be focus on the new JagWire Web Page,
and some giveaways.

On Wednesday, November 25, The Jaguar Journal will be
issuing the Jaguar Holiday Shopping Guide to Jaguar games.
There will not be a Jaguar Journal (regular issue) in
November. For the Holiday issue, Mr. Norwood is asking
that Jaguar owners and players send their individual
opinions on any and every title they can. Send them
to the E-Mail address of, and
many may be used in the shopping guide.


Hey Lynx gamers...

Note that Super Asteroids/Missile Command is a fun-packed
new Lynx title that offers two great classic games on one
explosive cart. Battlezone 2000 is also just released and
stores either have them or are getting them real soon. If
you cannot find these great titles at your Atari retailer,
call 800/GO-ATARI during business hours for a dealer
referral or to make a purchase. Super Asteroids/Missile
Command and Battlezone 2000 each retail for just $39.99

About 60 other great Lynx titles are also available. Call
800-GO-ATARI during business hours to order a free color
catalog. Many games start at just $14.99 and the selection
includes great titles such as Klax, Joust and Pit Fighter.


A new updated video tape is available from Atari. The tape
includes great sequences from the most recent new releases
as well as upcoming hits. PLUS the tape includes Atari's
new television commercial. To order, call toll
free by dialing 800/GO-ATARI during business hours or
contact me at The tape is just
$8.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling. California
residents must add 69 cents for sales tax. Master Card and
Visa accepted. (Dealers and distributors should contact
their Atari Sales Rep for information regarding obtaining
this tape for your store(s)).


The next "Fun 'N' Games" Day at Atari for the gaming press
is Tuesday, October 24. Expect to hear from your favorite
gaming mags soon with upcoming previews from Atari.


Just to confirm, Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands did start
shipping to stores last Friday. Make sure to get your
copy from retailers ASAP! This is the first CD title out
for the CD-ROM with exception to the pack-ins. Expect to
see quantities to sell through fast. Highlander is due out
next week. Remember to also ask your retailer for the
ProController (more buttons, more action), the JagLink (the
only licensed way to link two Jaguar systems together to
play Doom) and the Team Tap is still available as a
freebie with White Men Can't Jump (for a limited time).


A reminder... Adweek thinks Jaguar Spots Rule!

There aren't many TV commercials that make Adweek's Best
Spots designation, but the new one for the Atari Jaguar
did... On page 34 of the October 16, 1995 issue of Adweek,
the Atari Jaguar is listed with the likes of AT&T, Levi's,
MCI and Xerox for September's best picks.

If you haven't seen Atari's latest commercial, check out
the new video offered by Atari or download the cool AVI
from CompuServe's Jaguar Forum.


I've already received a lot of great reviews, comments and
feedback for the most recent Atari Jaguar 64 releases.
Please keep them coming. I will be compiling them for an
upcoming CATnips...



SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Atari Corporation
(AMEX: ATC) today reported its financial results for the third quarter
ended September 30, 1995.

Net Sales for the third quarter of 1995 were $4.1 million as
compared to $7.2 million for the same period in 1994. As a result of
the low sales volume and the attendant amortization of capitalized
development costs, the Company adjusted down the carrying value of these
assets and made an additional charge to operations for the quarter in
the amount of $6.5 million. For the third quarter of 1995, the Company
incurred a net loss of $13.5 million as compared to a net loss for 1994
of $3.9 million.

Commenting on results for the quarter, Sam Tramiel, Chief Executive
Officer, said, "The write-down of our development expenses was necessary
given our current rate of sales. During the third quarter we commenced
the shipment of the Jaguar CD peripheral and published five cartridge
titles. In the fourth quarter we have already shipped two titles and
will be publishing in the next few weeks an additional 7 titles
consisting of CD titles: Battlemorph -- the sequel to the popular Jaguar
title Cybermorph; Highlander -- a role playing game based on the popular
T.V. series; Myst -- the top selling P.C. title; Baldies -- a cute
action strategy game and cartridge titles; I-War -- an action adventure
game; Missile Command 3D -- an updated version of the classic arcade hit
and Fever Pitch -- a fast action soccer game. Further, we have
broadened our distribution with the inclusion of Jaguar products in the
RadioShack unlimited and the Sears Wish Book catalogues."

Atari Corporation has been in the video game business for over
twenty years. Today, Atari markets the 64-bit Jaguar, the only American-
made entertainment system. Atari Corporation is based in Sunnyvale,

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share)

Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30,
1995 1994 1995 1994

Net Sales $ 4,062 $ 7,173 $ 11,824 $ 23,523
Operating Income (loss) $(13,801) $(4,193) $(23,849) $(11,452)
Exchange Gain (loss) 1 337 (2) 1,189
Other Income (Expense) Net 171 97 1,174 2,657 (a)
Interest Income Net
Of Interest (Expense) 161 (127) 796 (605)
Net Income (loss) $(13,468) $(3,886) $(21,881) $ (8,211)
Earnings Per Common and
Equivalent Share:
Net Income (loss) $ (0.21) $ (0.07) $ (0.34) $ (0.14)
Weighted Average number
of shares used in
computation 63,685 58,809 63,685 58,263

(a) Includes settlement of litigation of $2.2 million.


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.10.29)
Top of the List...

Videos are in and ready to ship. Gamers have asked me to
get extra dealer/demo videos and now they're in! They are
available to North American addresses for $8.95 plus $4.95
shipping and handling. California residents need to add .69
for sales tax. To order, call toll free 800/GO-ATARI during
business hours or fax your order to 408/745-2088.
MasterCard or Visa accepted. To mail your order, write:

Another of Don's Nifty Video Offers
P.O. Box 61657
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657

Offer while supplies last. The tape includes captures from
Atari's most recent releases and the best upcoming titles.
Atari's newest commercial, dubbed one of the best in
September by Adweek Magazine is also included. E-Mail your
order for prompt service to:


Here's a note from a friend on GEnie...

DATE: October 24, 1995 09:29PM
CATEGORY: The Jaguar, Atari's latest game console
TOPIC: Atari Jaguar, 64-bit Game Console

Picked up Pitfall last week and got Hover Strike:
Unconquered lands today. Hover Strike is GREAT! It's like
they took all our complaints about this game and fixed
them. Control is better, frame rate is better, textures
are better, sound is MUCH better, more levels, nice FMV
(with pretty clean sound). The night missions are
sooooooooo cool now (not that they weren't before)
because the flares last longer and they do groud shaded
textures! The lava at night looks killer. Hmmm........
wish they would do a nice job of redoing Checkered Flag
like they have with this baby. Did I mention I love the

Thanks Atari, you did a fine job on this one. Looking
forward to more titles like this one!


Frans Keylard forwarded this from the Internet...

In, (Scott Call)

This is not so much a review as a collection of
observations and opinions.

Oh wait... That IS a review :)

Well, being a sucker for 3d games, I picked up Atari's
latest offering. Hover Strike for the JagCD.

For those who don't know about the cart version of HS,
here's a quick lo-down:

Hoverstrike is a 1st person 3d hover-tank battle game (it
mutated out of efforts to make a "BattleZone 2000") in
which you battle to complete a series of progressively
harder levels to destroy the "Terrakan"(SP) pirates who
have taken over the colony world.

The game, although pretty fun, got dinged a lot for it's
somewhat slow frame-rate, short horizon, and controls.

Atari seems to have justified themselves in this

The CD comes up with an FMV "Prepare to Launch" sequence,
followed by a "Star-Wars" style scrolling intro and
credits sequence.

The game includes the levels from the cart, as well as 10
new ones mixed into the 6 sets of levels.

The controls are now configurable, addressing many of the
problems people cited with the first release of the game.

1> You can now toggle "Hover" mode on and off. A lot of
people could not get used to the fact the a hovercraft
continues to move along the vector it was heading,
even if you steer it. With hover turned off, you stop
almost instantly after releasing the accelerator.

2> You can now toggle "Damage from terrain" which turns
on and off collision damage from running into steep
grades, falling off of them, or sitting in a pool of

3> You can toggle the affects of enemy fire on your tank.
If you set it to on, you will be pushed around by
enemy fire, otherwise you won't be.

You can also completely configure the joypad directions
and buttons.

I started playing this game on one of the new levels not
in the cart "Stealth Attack"

The first few things I noticed:

1> Frame rate seems to be much higher than in the cart

2> The lighting effects of shots, explosions, etc. that
was only in the Goroud-Shaded "night" levels of the
cart is present in every level.

3> Overall lighting and textures appear much better. I
am getting my S-Video compatible TV next week, so
hopefully some of the artifacting will vanish.

4> Music is MUCH better than the cart (same tunes, but CD
audio now)

5> There are 2 save slots, and it only takes up 512 bytes
in a Memory Track to hold both games and all the

Playing onwards I found that the night missions are now
fully texture mapped as well.


I was pretty non-plussed by the cart version because it
lacked an instant gratification, and didn't seem to offer
enough to work towards.

The new control options, plus the updated game engine,
however, have made the CD version a very enjoyable game
for me. New Enemies and Levels, plus even better
T-Mapping, make me think I'll be playing this for a

If the cart HS just wasn't enough to suck you in, but you
like a good 3d battle game, the CD version might be for
you. If you dislike the whole concept of 3d gaming, or
tanks, you might want to steer clear.

The FMV seems (so far) to only be in the intro, and then
at the end of every level. It can be toggled off. Seems
to be rendered, of slightly higher object/texturing
quality then Blue Lightning.

Tech Observation:

Although load time is about the same as it was on the
cart (I guess the cart had to decompress the levels), I
noticed the CD spinning up and down during the mission
briefing screens. I don't know why, but it's an
interesting observation (someone before had mentioned
they thought the CD always spun)

If anyone has any more questions about this title, feel
free to ask.

--Scottt Call aka Zapo Zapper
<A HREF = ""</A>


Yea, so what are they saying about Power Drive Rally?...

In, (Ben
Gilbert) wrote:

I just picked up Power Drive Rally at the local EB
yesterday, and I must say I am very impressed. This is
the first new game I have got since AvP (well, ok, I
bought Dino Dudes and Tempest 2000 second hand so those
kept me entertained pretty well) although I am excited
about all the new releases which look to be arriving for
the holiday season. I didn't think they would sell PDR
for $70, and that is definitely pretty steep, but I try
not to think about it since it is such a good game. :)

What really makes this game is all the nice touches they
put on it to make it more realistic and playable. The
graphics are excellent also and the overall style reminds
me of the old Electronic Arts game Racing Destruction
Set. If only someone could convince EA to make an updated
version of that game, I'd be in heaven. Anyway, I love
the various effects in PDR such as the different weather
conditions (love that lightning!), road conditions, and
the way the cars are animated. I really get into the game
and there is a feeling of actually being there despite
the fact that it's not a first person perspective type
game. The different cars handle differently and I find it
very challenging even just playing against the computer.
Plus, the variety of courses is really cool and I like
how sometimes you race the same track but in the opposite
direction. The sound effects are not anything amazing but
they are all that is needed for the game, and the sounds
of your car running into things or sliding around corners
is well done.

Definite cool things about this game:

- Cars: wheels turn, headlights, , back up lights, love
that horn!

- Weather: It can be raining, snowing, thunder and
lightning, or just nighttime in which case you need
your headlights to see. Oh, there's also a sandstorm.

- Tracks: There are so many different courses which you
must learn and it's definitely not easy to come in on
time on every course. Plus, the skill tests are not
always easy to finish in time and it takes practice to
learn how to maneuver your car optimally.

- Road: Mud, dirt, cement, ice, snow, sand. They're all
different and present different handling of your car.
I could swear driving on the mud courses I can feel the
mud sticking to the tires. :)

- Game: You can save three games, adjust the controls,
all the usual stuff. Also, there is a training mode to
use before going into actual races.


- I can't think of any!

Overall, this game is thoroughly enjoyable and
interesting. The realism is top notch and it puts you
right in the driver's seat. If you like driving games at
all, this one won't disappoint you.


--Ben Gilbert
National Instruments
Austin, TX


What's up at Atari lately...

CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
(800)444-6663 or (310)479-4997

Atari Corporation's Jaguar Will Keep Night Owls "Up All

Sweepstakes through USA Network and Electronic Gaming
Monthly to reach millions

NEW YORK -- Atari Corporation, USA Network and Electronic
Gaming Monthly have teamed up to offer sleepless viewers
the "USA: Up All Night Atari Jaguar Sweepstakes."

The sweepstakes will air on the "USA: Up All Night" program
for three consecutive Friday nights from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00
a.m. on November 10, 17 & 24. The program is hosted by
television personality Rhonda Shear.

Five Grand Prize winners will receive an Atari Jaguar 64
interactive multimedia system and software including the
popular titles Doom , Tempest 2000 and Alien vs. Predator.
Each winning Atari Jaguar 64 bit system and software
package is valued at approximately $300.

To enter, Rhonda will invite viewers to fill out an entry
form in the November issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly or
send a postcard with their name, address and telephone
number to:

"USA: Up All Night Atari Jaguar Sweepstakes"
P.O. Box 3966
Rockefeller Center Station
New York, NY 10185-3966

The USA Network is the nation's highest rated basic cable
network in primetime and is seen in over 65 million homes
nationwide via 12,500 affiliates. USA: Up All Night is
hosted by Rhonda Shear and Gilbert Gottfied Friday and
Saturday nights from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. respectively. In
addition, more than 7,000,000 copies of Electronic Gaming
Monthly are distributed annually.

Winners will be announced at a later date.

Atari, the Atari logo and Jaguar are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All Rights
Reserved. All listed software is authorized by Atari for
use with the Jaguar 64-Bit Multimedia System.

Electronic Gaming Monthly is a registered trademark of
Sendai Publishing Group Inc. 1995 Sendai Publishing Group
Inc. All rights reserved.


RE: More about Hover Strike CD - Unconquered Lands!

In, neuralog@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
(Neuralog) wrote:

In article <46p58q$>, Brian Osserman
<> wrote:

"... Hoverstrike UL isn't claiming to be a sequel. It
came out only a few months after Hover Strike, and by all
accounts does an excellent job of living up to its
billing as an enhanced version of Hover Strike. IS II"

Yeah Man! HS-UL does NOT disappoint!

I just finished level 2 and am having the most fun I've
had with a video game since Battle Zone and Defender in
the early '80's!

Great mix of gameplay/strategy/graphics, and MUSIC. The
music rivets you to the game. The layout of the missions
forces you to use your brain to exercise the various
weapons/resources you have. Very well done!

I've given ample time to Cybermorph, Iron Soldier,
Rayman, Tempest 2000 (all modes), and about 7 others. But
none has provided the depth of enjoyment of Hover Strike

I was waiting for Battlemorph because I like CM so much,
but now it's gonna have to go a long ways to beat HSUL.

If you've got JagCD, get HSUL and have some real fun!


--Ken Land


As a reminder, Highlander started shipping last Friday and
I expect the critic's (er, I mean gamer's) reviews in soon.
Don't forget, the Atari Jaguar is the ONLY value-packed,
U.S.-built, next generation system that offers fantastic
new CD games as well as a growing library of outstanding
cartridge-based software. Cart-based software loads fast
and offers instant play! Be cool, play Jaguar! Not to say I
have any personal interest in what game system you play.


CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
(310)479-4997 or (800)444-6663

Players Fulfill Their Destiny as "The Highlander"

Atari Corporation Releases Second CD Title in One Week for
Jaguar CD

SUNNYVALE, CA (October 30) -- The rapidly expanding
software library for the newly released Jaguar CD grew
again this week, as Atari Corporation launched its second
CD title. "Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods" was
shipped to retailers this morning.

An action adventure game based on the popular animated
series, "Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods" boasts both
a truly sensational storyline and advanced gaming
technology. Players assume the role of Quentin MacLeod, an
immortal whose destiny remained unclear until his mother
revealed his true identity as "The Highlander." With this
knowledge, Quentin must set upon a quest to fulfill his
destiny, rescue his village and save humanity from the evil

"Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods" features both
original dialog and Cinepak sequences from the animated
series. Atari Corporation used Motion Capture technology in
the development of the game, giving the 3D characters
lifelike movement.

"By releasing 'Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods' and
'Hoverstrike: Unconquered Lands' in successive weeks, our
Jaguar CD title library is rapidly growing in scope and
depth," said Ted Hoff, Atari's President of North American
Operations. "We will bring Jaguar gamers numerous
top-quality titles for both the Jaguar cartridge and CD
formats in the next several weeks."

"Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods" has a suggested
retail price of $59.99, is rated K-A (appropriate for kids
and adults) and is available in stores nationwide.

For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided
consumers with high quality, value-priced entertainment.
Atari Corporation markets Jaguar the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.

HIGHLANDER (c) 1994 Gaumont Television. All rights
reserved. Highlander is a protected trademark of Gaumont
Television. Licensed to Atari Corporation. Cinepak and
the Cinepak logo is a registered trademark of Radius Inc.
Atari, the Atari logo and Jaguar are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Atari Corporation.


A Message from Ted Hoff, President North America (10/30/95)
Tomorrow is Halloween. I hope everyone has a great time and
remains safe. Watch those goblins as they cross the street.

"Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands" and "Highlander" have
reached stores and the initial feedback is "FANTASTIC!".
Gamers seem to be noting even the nuances we painstakingly
incorporated into these CD titles and these are just the
beginning. Many more are to come.

About 6 or 7 other CD titles are scheduled for release
before the end of the year and the plate is full with
projects on through 1996. I am particularly looking forward
to "Primal Rage" and "Max Force", but games like "Dragon's
Lair" and "Myst" are "Prime Time" favorites.

The cart-based software lineup is also outstanding. "Ruiner
Pinball" is but weeks away. I think everyone will love
"Atari Karts", "NBA Jam Tournament Edition" and "Missile
Command 3D". We've gone to a great deal of effort to look
for an assortment of working projects that will appeal to
all of you. We have some hot sports titles,
graphics-intense challenges pumped full of eye candy and
phenomenal remakes of classic favorites.

I understand that there are some rumors being spread
around. Maybe I can address one or two of them. One of them
seems to be regarding "Iron Soldier II" and whether it will
include all the original features planned for that title.

The overall priority asked of the Producer of "Iron Soldier
II" is that the game meet or exceed original specifications
established for the game. These specifications were
determined by many means including feedback from the
original release of Iron Soldier in cartridge form. Atari
has not released the specific features of "Iron Soldier II"
to the public for a good reason. Specifications often
change before a game makes it to a store shelf. Usually,
the specifications are enhanced because programmers find
new and exciting things to add as they progress through the
development process.

For the record, I anticipate that "Iron Soldier II" will
include every feature and specification originally planned
as well as new ones we decided to add. Additionally, we are
regularly looking at other major enhancements. Please note
that Atari Corporation is the ONLY authorized party to
publicly discuss the specifications of our products. Please
be suspicious of news from any other source. There are
often multiple ways to accomplish tasks and specifics can
change readily. We will publish more information regarding
"Iron Soldier II" and other titles as soon as we have those
matters confirmed and ready.

I have also heard that other rumors may be brewing
regarding to Atari's commitment to the Jaguar. To the best
of my knowledge, these rumors are originating from the very
people who don't appreciate Atari's increase in new quality
software releases. I assure you that Atari Corporation is
moving forward with Jaguar support and development as hard
as ever.

Those who have one, know this already... The Jaguar is a
lot of fun to own and play. You're continued support is our
mandate for the future.

--Ted Hoff


Just a quick note...

Electronics Boutique is getting lots of Higlander CDs for the Atari Jaguar
CD-ROM tomorrow (November 1). Make a point to check it out!

--Don Thomas
Atari Corporation


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.11.05)
I think my son, Kyle, is into sports as much as the Pope is
into religion. Maybe more, but it is hard to imagine any
less. <g> Every chance he gets he is rollerblading,
shooting hoops, swinging a bat or challenging some kids to
a game of street hockey. As goalie on his soccer team, he
has enjoyed an undefeated season and he aspires to travel
with an international soccer team one day. (Keep in mind he
is only twelve. However, anyone that wears a size thirteen
shoe gets my full attention no matter how old they are.

So the moral of the story is anything that keeps my son
away from a sunny California day must be awesome. I think
Ruiner Pinball can be thrown in that category along with a
few other Jaguar titles too (like Brutal Sports Football
and International Sensible Soccer. What else? <g>).

In a world where multimedia entertainment is exploited
everywhere, it's got to be tough for software engineers to
discover new ways to apply their talents. In Ruiner
Pinball, High Voltage Software has accomplished that task
very well. Ruiner Pinball is a perfect blend of pinball
arcade action and the interactive benefits of a
high-performance, next-generation video game system.

Runier Pinball will captivate you with new twists to the
look and feel of traditional arcade-style pinball action.
In Runier, the action takes place on two integrated pinball
game machines side-by-side. The manual offers a storyline,
but the fun is indescribable. The features I like are
multi-ball play, high-response flippers (and lots of them),
an easy to see ball against the background, constant
scoring updates AND full screen pinball play areas. I also
like the fact that gamers can bypass the ceremony to award
bonus points.

In Tower Pinball, included on your Ruiner Pinball
cartridge, there are three highly detailed playfields
connected end-to-end. The theme is spooky and sinister
rather than militant, but the fun marches on. For hours
during my first night, I played alternately between Ruiner
Pinball and Tower Pinball. Now both games have DONALD as
the top four high scores. <g>

It will be tempting for some people to compare Ruiner
Pinball to Pinball Fantasies by C-West. To me, the games
are entirely different and as someone who loves to play
pinball, I'm glad I have both cartridges. Pinball Fantasies
offers as close to the feel of actual arcade as you can
come. Runier Pinball adds the element of high-end video
blasting to the excitement. There are mobilized tanks,
flocks of flying fiends, missile launchers, cross platform
ramps, pulsating skulls and a variety of other unorthodox
pinball features.

Ruiner Pinball has shipped and, since it is cartridge
based, it is compatible with ALL 64-bit Jaguar gaming
systems. Ask your retailer for it by name and tell him Don
from Atari sent you. <g>


CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
(800)444-6663 or (310)479-4997

Atari Corporation Presents Pinball Like You've Never Seen
It Before
-- Ruiner Pinball for Jaguar 64 hits retail shelves --

SUNNYVALE (November 6) -- With its third software release
in as many weeks, Atari Corporation continues to provide
the home entertainment system market with new titles for
both their Jaguar 64 system and CD peripheral. Ruiner
Pinball , a high speed interactive pinball game for the
Jaguar 64 system, hits retail shelves today.

Ruiner Pinball offers two games within the single title:
'Ruiner' and 'Tower.' Both feature fast pinball action with
all the bells, bings, clunks and pings from an arcade
pinball game---except with Ruiner Pinball , gamers can keep
their quarters at home!

The 'Ruiner' selection features a double-wide table with
intense gameplay and real arcade response as gamers must
protect their country from a foreign attack. 'Tower'
transports gamers to an eerie castle in a strange land
where they must fight an evil Sorceress. If the
triple-length table in 'Tower' doesn't provide enough of a
challenge, gamers must also cast three spells in order to
defeat the Sorceress and demolish the castle.

In addition to the several dimensions of gameplay, Ruiner
Pinball boasts 3-D animated enemies and targets as well as
arcade table sound effects and a "Tiny Cam," which offers a

"Atari Corporation has elevated pinball into Next
Generation-caliber entertainment," said Ted Hoff, Atari
Corporation's President of North American Operations.
"Ruiner Pinball is just one of fifteen exciting titles
Atari will release this holiday season for the Jaguar 64
system and CD player."

Ruiner Pinball is rated K-A (appropriate for kids through
adults), is available in stores nationwide and has a
suggested retail price of $59.99.

For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided
consumers with high quality, value-priced entertainment.
Atari Corporation markets Jaguar the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.


More TV Advertising...

Atari has just confirmed a beefed up advertising schedule
with its agency for the Holiday Season. Look for enhanced
schedules during the weeks November 6 and November 20.
Shows include the Comedy Channel on cable, ESPN (Big 10
Football), the SciFic Channel's presentation of the Star
Wars Trilogy and select USA movieslike Revenge of the
Nerds, Uncle Buck and Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot.


Get your video tape now while they last...

Atari's Dealer/Demo tape is selling fast. A lot of people
have asked what demos are on it, so here's a list:

================== ===========
Super Burnout Blue Lightning
White Men Can't Jump Dragon's Lair
Ultra Vortek Hover Strike
FlipOut! Highlander
Atari Karts Baldies
Pitfall Myst
Rayman Commander Blood
Ruiner Pinball Iron Soldier II
Charles Barkley Basketball Battlemorph
Zoop Max Force
Phase Zero Primal Rage
Defender 2000
Brett Hull Hockey
Attack of the Mutant Penguins ADVERTISING
Missile Command 3D ===========
Super Cross 3D Mind Control Ad Spot
Breakout 2000 PC Introduction

The tape is just $8.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling.
The tape is professionaly produced, labeled and boxed. It
makes a great gift or it is a great way to determine a gift
by previewing the software featured on the tape. Available
to North American destinations only. California residents,
add .69 sales tax. MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call
1/800/GO-ATARI during business hours Monday Through Friday
or send your order via E-Mail to
or fax your order to 408/745-2088.


From the Internet (thanks Frans) ...

(daniel l richards) wrote:

I picked up Highlander CD today and here is what I think.
This is a very well done game. The backgrounds are some
of the *best* I have seen in a video game and the
storyline is quite cool. Animated sequences are put in
just right to enhance gameplay, not make up for it. If
you enjoyed the Alone In The Dark games for the PC (i
did) you will most likely love this game. The control
takes a little while to get used to but once you do -
gotta love those leaping over- head chops! Sure, I died a
few times and was chased around for awhile but once *I*
had a sword...heh heh:) Oh well, I really think this is a
great game - BTW, anyone figured out how to get into that
chest yet?

-- Dan Richards

In, (TheExodus)

the cartridge version of "Hoverstrike" when it hit
shelves, and was enjoying the hell out of it until
yesterday... when the CD version arrived from Atari
Corp., and as unbelievable as this may sound: it is

Firing photons is so damn cool... the photon is not just
a bitmap scaled into oblivion as it zooms off into the
distance, it actually casts a glow around itself (this
little trick was used in the "The Unnatural Night"
mission of the cartridge version, but now it's

Polygons... it's official, tech-specs. are as worthless
in determining a game system's performance, as the length
a man claims his penis to be is in determining whether or
not a bride will enjoy her honeymoon. Texture-mapped
polygon targets abound in "Hoverstrike", and they do not
disolve into a field of random white pixels when they

Speaking of "Total Eclipse Turbo"... "Hoverstrike CD"
takes Jaguar owners today, where Crystal Dynamics' "3rd
generation of 32-bit software" promises to take 3D0 and
PlayStation owners... someday.

With the release of "Hoverstrike" and "Highlander" this
week, I have the feeling that not only is Atari holding
out on us, but that the Jaguar is no longer stuck in
second gear...

-- XE


CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Jennifer Hansen
Shandwick USA
800/444-6663 or 310/479-4997

Atari Corporation and Run PC Open Jaguar Mall Store
Spectacular Grand Opening Sells Out of Hot System Titles

LONGMONT, CO (November 7) -- Run PC, a regional retail
leader in computers and next generation game systems has
opened the first Jaguar Mall Store. The store is located
inside the 550,000 square foot Twin Peaks Mall in Longmont
Colorado and is anchored by JCPenny, Sears and Joslins
Department Stores. The prototype store exclusively
demonstrates and sells the Atari 64-bit Jaguar home
entertainment system and the Lynx handheld color gaming
system. Atari Corporation has provided high-end interactive
merchandising materials including arcade style "hands-on"
displays, banners and signage.

"We are proud to have worked with Run PC and to have opened
the first ever Jaguar-only Mall location," stated Ted Hoff,
Atari's President of North American Operations. "We
support the concept of selling product in locations where
customers can see and play the Jaguar system themselves."

In the first two days since opening on Saturday, November
4, Run PC has sold out of the most popular Jaguar related
products. "Everyone who purchased a Jaguar had to have a
copy of Alien Vs. Predator," stated Jon J. Willig,
President of Run PC. "It's clear that I have to reexamine
my staffing and inventory to prepare for greater sales
throughout the Holiday Season," Willig added, "As a
retailer we strongly believe in the Jaguar system. For less
than $150, we are finding that the system literally flies
off the shelves, outselling competing systems sold in other
mall stores many times over. Atari has always been
responsive to our needs and requests. It's a pleasure to
serve our customers with their support."

The Jaguar-only store is open during mall hours and is
located in the Twin Peaks Mall on South Hover Road in
Longmont, Colorado. It is the largest shopping mall in
Central Boulder County with a trade area population of well
over 310,000.

The Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit multimedia
gaming system and the only game system manufactured in the
United States. About 40 powerful game titles are already
available for the Jaguar including award-winning hits like
Doom and Tempest 2000 as well as new releases such as
Highlander, Ruiner Pinball, Pitfall! and Time Warner
Interactive's Power Drive Rally. Soon to be released
titles include NBA Jam Tournament Edition, Myst, Primal
Rage and Zoop.

For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided
consumers with high quality, value-priced entertainment.
Atari Corporation markets Jaguar the only American-made,
advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in
Sunnyvale, California.


Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation.
Jaguar and Lynx are trademarks of Atari Corporation. All
other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their owning companies. Alien and Predator are trademarks
and copyrights of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
All rights reserved. Used under sublicense from Activision.


An open message from Mr. Jon J. Willig, President, Run PC
!!!!!!!!!! A CATnips SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!

Quick intro from Don Thomas...

This message is in response to multiple reviews of the new
Run PC Jaguar-only store in Colorado. I have been sending
many of them to Jon and he has taken a lot of pleasure in
the praise and coverage. I promised to openly route his
reaction to those reviews. --DT


I would like to say we appreciate the interest people have
in RUN PC as much as we do Atari for their efforts to help
increase Jaguar distribution through our store. Thank you
for taking the time to visit our Jaguar presentation. I
hope your were able to find what you were looking for and
aid in our efforts by purchasing a Jaguar related product.
I would like to take the opportunity to update curious
Jaguar owners on our progress, as well as give you some
insight into our goals.

I would like to focus a moment on the impressions that
customers have about the physical store and location. The
Run PC Jaguar display is located in center court of the
Twin Peaks Mall. It is not off at the end of some hall or
disguised by an inset store front. We chose this format for
several reasons: First, we wanted as much exposure as
possible, being in the center of the mall with exposure
from all four sides gave us the best opportunity to achieve
this. Second, we are strategically placed directly across
form the Santa Display (as close as we could get to our
target market). As we come closer to Christmas, the Jaguar
will be on many wish lists.

I would also like to point out that our location is much
larger than one reviewer mentioned. Some say we are a
"kiosk" since we are in the middle of the mall, but we
actually encompasses about 220 square feet; more than
enough space to stock cases of jaguars and Jaguar CD ROMs,
as well as display every product made for the Atari Jaguar
and Lynx. In fact, more than enough to be classified more
of a store than a kiosk. Granted, there isn't a lot of
storage. As we sell out, more units are transferred
from our Ft. Collins retail storefront. The display boasts
shelves stocked with Jaguars and other related product. I
will post a JPEG image for those who are curious on our WEB
page (currently under construction).

The monthly rent for a setup this size is several
thousand plus a percent of gross sales. On top of this
expense, we must add another 1200-1900 hours of manpower
for just 2 months. At our current sales rate we are already
well ahead of our forecasted break-even point.

As noted in the reviews, Atari provided two arcade style
"hands-on" Jaguar and Lynx kiosks, which attract a lot of
game play, but we also have on display a Jaguar and CD ROM
connected to a 35" SVHS Monitor which gets a lot of use.
We rotate games every 30 minutes or so; mostly between
Rayman, AVP, Ultra Vortek and Highlander. Customers can
request to try any game available before a purchase. This
allows more consumers to see and touch more Jaguar related
hardware and software than any traditional retailer can

Atari was most supportive. I have yet to work with a
manufacturer who has been as cooperative as Atari Corp.,
and Run PC deals with literally hundreds. Don Thomas has
been great to work with, and Atari's cooperation is
evidence of its strong new leadership. I know that they are
as interested as RUN PC Inc. in the success of this
venture. If this proves to be profitable we will not stop

Sales have been much stronger than anticipated, according
to all our sources 60-85% of our sales will come the last 3
weeks before Christmas. We never expected to sell out of
product this soon.

The three Jaguar units mentioned in one review were sold
on Friday, November 10th by a single employee, who works
1/2 of one day each week. In fact, although it was a fairly
slow day, we sold just under a couple grand in Jaguar
and Lynx related product. We understand that Run PC sold
twice as much volume (in Atari-Only products) that day as
the KB Toys in the mall sold in total. Currently the Jaguar
is out selling the Playstation in this mall over 20 to 1.
The first weekend sales were well beyond what we had
expected and we actually sold out of cases of Jaguar
product including AVP.

On a typical day we have two employees working the mall
store, the exceptions are Tuesdays and Fridays where we
only have one person until 6:30 p.m. and two employees
after 6:30. Indeed, we will need more staff to work this
location as we approach the Christmas season.

Run PC chose the Twin Peak location after a lot of intense
research. It is not quite a large as the Crossroads
Mall located 20 minutes away, but it has seen a growth rate
in the immediate area of over 10 times the national
average. The mall is over 55,0000 square feet and has 92%
occupancy. All of the information Atari included in the
original press release was taken directly from the ligature
provided my the mall and the county of Boulder. This area
growth rate is literally exploding. The majority of the
growing work-force is involved in high-tech and computer
related products. IBM, Maxtor, Quantum, Conner, Storage
Tech, are among the many companies located within minutes
of this shopping area.

The real reason we chose this location was that Atari has
had no exposure in this market. Our goal was to test market
in an area where the Jaguar was not already present. Both
Run PC and Atari want to increase product awareness. I
honestly believe the we have already been very successful
in getting that well on its way. Most of our customers
thus far had seen the Jaguar for the first time, and were
very impressed. We actually had customers who wanted to
trade in their recently purchased "next-generation" game
systems towards a purchase.

I want people to know that I appreciate the honest and
positive assessments of our efforts. I hope that I
have been able to shed some light on our motivations and
goals as we have been bombarded by people calling and
asking us for details. Run PC is dedicated to the Atari
Jaguar and our customers and will continue stride towards
total customer satisfaction. If your are interested in any
Atari related product please come by or call 800-326-2344,
or e-mail us at We will match any
legitimate price on Atari related equipment & software.


Jon J. Willig, President
Run PC



Dragon's Lair by ReadySoft is shipping for the Atari Jaguar now. Stores will
have copies as early as Friday, November 16. Got a CD-ROM? Get Dragon's Lair
(or Highlander or Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands or.... Get them ALL!) <g>

-- Don Thomas
Atari Corporation

~~ Plug in the JAGWIRE(tm) on-line network [] ~~


CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.11.28)

I hate when that happens!...

Right when I have a new edition of CATnips ready to go...
POOF! I press the wrong key and I have to type it all in
again. I guess I need a Memory Track for my Text Editor.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did with
my family. I had to get in all the great new movies out
there... Toy Story, Money Train, Casino, Golden Eye... We
had a delicious Turkey dinner complete with pumpkin pie. We
went to Sacramento and did some traditional shopping (I
found a video game tips book I was looking for) and I even
found the opportunity to put up a few strings of holiday
lights on the house (with Kyle's help, of course! <g>).

My extended holiday weekend would have never started off so
well if it wasn't for a great conference hosted by Jeffrey
Norwood of Jaguar Journal. The conference was on Wednesday,
November 22 at 5 p.m. (Pacific Time) on CompuServe in the
Jaguar forum. Ted Hoff was planning to be there, but the
holiday weekend caught up to a lot of us and we all had to
juggle schedules. I did manage to get Ted to provide an
statement for the conference which was uploaded by Jeffrey
at the beginning of the event. Ron Beltramo, Dan McNamee
and Francois Bertrand were all there as well as forum
regulars and a lot of lurkers. Look for recent issues of
Jaguar Journal, STReport and Atari Explorer Online for a
capture of the complete conference.


I am proud to report that confirmed Wal*Mart orders
arrived. Product was shipped to 400 of their designated
stores in time to be on shelves by last Friday. I hope
those of you near such stores have an opportunity to tell
them how much you appreciate their support of your favorite
gaming interests. Their success will help inspire even
greater support in the months ahead.


Although there are just a few weeks before Christmas now,
there is still a lot of new releases you can include on
your wish list...

Missile Command 3D is expected to ship to stores by Friday,
December 8.

I-War is expected to ship to stores by December 15.

Supercross 3D is expected to ship to stores by December 15.

Fever Pitch Soccer is expected to ship to stores by Friday,
December 15.

Dragon's Lair (CD) is in stores NOW!

Attack of the Mutant Penguins is expected to ship to stores
by December 22.

Atari Karts is expected to ship to stores by December 22.

Other games such as Primal Rage, Battlemorph and NBA Jam
are also expected to ship within the next few weeks. AND,
if you get some cash for the holidays, even more great
titles are due out early 1996!


I would like to mention my appreciation for the support
many of you expressed regarding incorrect information
published by some IGO (Intelligent Gaming On-Line) staff
members. By now, it should be obvious that IGO's portrayal
of "massive" layoffs at Atari as well as any less
commitment to the Jaguar platform is simply not true. I am
prepared to believe that IGO felt their data was coming
from a reliable source. I am, however, disappointed that
they were eagerly prepared to stand by the integrity of the
information without making any attempts I know of to verify
the reports. I hope that on-line subscribers recognize when
they are being exploited while they seek a reliable source
of genuine and accurate news.

In my six plus years employment at Atari, I have never
witnessed the doors being locked to employees. I have also
never heard of anyone being told they could never return.
Furthermore, I have frequently seen ex-employees stop in to
see friends or conduct new business.

As one of many, many dedicated Atari employees, I was
personally disappointed by IGO's attempts to sensationalize
events at Atari. I hope that they might do a much better
job to substantiate reports they receive in the future.

'Nough said. --DT


Ruiner Pinball scores big on the Internet...

In, (Jerry Danzig) wrote:

This game is a lot of fun. If Pinball Fantasies
emphasizes "real" pinball action, Ruiner gives you
oversized tables with 3D targets that would be impossible
in a real machine.

Basically, there are two games. Ruiner has a nuclear
scenario (!) and two large tables side-by-side connected
by elaborate system of rails. Tower is an evil
sorceress/monster mash affair, with three tables stacked
vertically. Both games have multiple flippers and
multi-ball play. Music and sound is excellent, graphics
mixed. Specifically, the Tower tables look great, very
solid and real like the tables in PF; the Ruiner tables,
however, look "drawn" and not as real. It took me a
little longer to figure out where the bumpers and
flippers were, as it was harder to distinguish table
graphics from physical objects.

Did I say these games are FAST?!! Wickedly so. My only
other gripe beyond the look of the Ruiner tables is the
nudge control -- I find it very difficult on the standard
controllers. The problem is you have three directions of
nudge, right, left, and center; on the standard
controller, these correspond to the 1,3, and 2 number
keys, with right and left also duplicated by one
direction of the keypad and action button C. By the time
you've decided which direction you want and remember
where the button is -- you've lost the ball! On the pro
controller, however, left and right nudges are controlled
by the fingertip buttons; guess who just ordered a Pro
Controller from Bits Of Fun!!!

At any rate, if you like pinball or Pinball Fantasies,
you'll find a lot to like here... And so far, I haven't
encountered any bugs, unlike at least one other poster
here on the web...

--Jerry Danzig

In, (Robert L Cupples) wrote:

Ok. Ok. It just came yesterday. Bit's of Fun(?) was
having a sale where you can get Pinball Fantasies and
Ruiner for $69.99. Since I had never seen PF and it was
only another $20 over the price of Ruiner, I bought both.
I've spent far more time playing Ruiner.

This isn't a real review (I haven't put enough time into
the game yet).

I have seen no bugs (except for the ones scurrying across
the playfield) so far. The artwork is terrific. There is
so much drawn on the playing field that it distracts me
from watching the ball, but I'll get used to it. The
flippers are so well integrated into the playing fields
that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart from the
playing field.

Some comments on the tower: There are three major playing
areas. Of course all of the fun is playing at the very
top. On the top and bottom areas you can activate bats
which fly in loops about the playing field. In the center
area you can activate bugs (silverfish?) which crawl
across the playing field. I have gotten multiball a few
times. The playfield scales down and scrolls the follow
the lowest ball which tends to take some of the fun out
of multiball, but what could have been done differently?
Maybe that is what the ball cam is for, but I haven't
tried to figure this option out yet. It was distracting
so I have it turned off for now.

Some comments on Ruiner: The object is to reach Defcon 1
to launch a missile strike, yet I've only made it to 4 so
far. Animations feature airplanes which fly in loops,
paratroopers(?) which fall down the board, tanks which
roam about the board and take several hits to destroy,
and civilian which run across the screen and need to be
avoided or points are lost.

Sorry folks, that is all I can say for now. I might find
the time this weekend to write a real review, but now my
boss awaits for my monthly report!

-- Rob


Here's a tip from a dedicated Atari Lynx user...

Date: 11/09/95 7:44AM
ID: 7305093

I just recently learned of the secret *full 3-D* game in
Battlezone 2000. This has got to be the biggest Easter
egg of all time! If you don't know the code, go to the
tank customization screen, press Option 1 twice, then the
Option1 - reset combo. Voila! Full 3-D secret game.

Thanks again,

--Carl Forhan


Highlander I comments from a CATscan member...

Message: = Open Discussion = #245 of 248 [8 Lines]
Sent On: October 31, 1995 at 8:42pm
Sent By: Brian McCleary - Loyal Jaguarian
Sent To: All
Replies: 1
Subject: Highlander CD

Well, all I have to say is..... Uh, Spectacular,
Shocking, Amazing, Surprising, Fun, and downright
Impressive. If the Mags don't dedicate a few pages of
pics to this one they aren't gonna. The Background
Scenery alone is as good as MYST, then throw on a nifty
little guy like Quentin to show it to ya, and you've
gotta a winner. This game is cool, I'm not just saying
that. I've been a fan of the series, and now I'm a fan of
the game, and I hope the sequel is already in
pre-production stages, cause I can't put this one down.
It's almost an RPG! on the JAG! Yes, Yes, Yes.

CATscan offers free membership and is accessed by dialing
209/239-1552 and supports up to 14.4 baud. Normal telephone
toll charges apply.



Run, don't walk, to your nearest Jaguar retailer. Take aim on your copy of the
64-bit enhanced remake of one of the most popular video games of all time.
Missile Command 3D will begin shipping tomorrow, December 1. You'll go
over three explosive game modes including the classic favorite.

Missile Command 3D is targeted to be in stores as early as tomorrow (Friday),
Saturday and early next week. MC3D is the sure fire way to have fun on the
Jaguar this holiday season. Look for this winning cartridge title or order it
from your favorite mail order reseller for quick delivery now!

Happy Holidays!

-- Don Thomas
Atari Corporation



Jaguar Mag 1

Spieletests zu: - Alien vs. Predator
- Brutal Sports Football
- Bubsy
- Checkered Flag
- Club Drive
- Crescent Galaxy
- Cybermorph
- Doom
- Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
- Evolution - Dino Dudes
- Iron Soldier (3 Tests + "Verarsche")
- Kasumi Ninja
- Raiden
- Tempest 2000
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Zool 2

Tips zu: - Alien vs. Predator-Cheats
- Alien vs. Predator-Lösung (Marine & Predator)
- Bubsy (erste Levelcodes)
- Crescent Galaxy-Cheats
- Cybermorph-Levelcodes
- Doom-Cheats
- Evolution - Dino Dudes-Cheats
- Evolution - Dino Dudes-Levelcodes
- Kasumi Ninja-Moves (unvollständig)
- Raiden-Cheat
- Wolfenstein 3D-Cheat

Sonstiges: - Doom-Verbindungskabel
- Gewinnspiel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 2

Spieletests zu: - Val d'Isere Skiing and Snowboarding

Tips zu: - Iron Soldier-Spieletips
- Iron Soldier-Cheats
- Zool 2-Cheats

Sonstiges: - Große Jaguar Mag-Umfrage
- Lage der Nation
- Iron Soldier-Verarsche No. 2 (2600-Version)
- Bericht von der Winter CES in Las Vegas
- diverse Press-Releases von Atari
- Medienmassaker (Kommentar zu den deut. Spielezeitschriften)
- Jaguar-Hardware-Corner (Basteln eines Joypads)
- neues Gewinnspiel!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 3

Spieletests zu: - Cannon Fodder

Tips zu: - weiterer Iron Soldier-Cheat
- Kasumi Ninja-Moves (komplett)

Sonstiges: - Jaguar-Preissenkung in den USA!
- diverse Press-Releases von Atari
- Defender 2000-Infos
- Interview mit Marc Rosocha/Eclipse Software
- Ergebnis der Jaguar Mag-Umfrage
- Bericht über die Tempest 2000-Audio CD
- Aktien-Kurse von Atari (30.08.1993 bis 08.02.1995)
- Hardware-Corner mit folgenden Themen:
- SVHS Kabel
- Composite Video Kabel
- Multisync/Multiscan Kabel/Adapter
- SCART Kabel
- RGB-Monitor (SC1224, Amiga-Monitor) Kabel/Adapter
- Audio-Kabel für die Stereoanlage
- Nullmodem-Kabel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 4

Spieletests zu: - Sensible Soccer
- Syndicate
- Theme Park
- Troy Aikman Football

Tips zu: - Troy Aikman Football-Cheat
- Val d'Isere-Cheat
- Syndicate-Cheat
- Theme Park-Tips
- Fight for Life-ECTS-Cheat

Sonstiges: - Frühjahrsbericht von der ECTS in London
- Jaguar 2-Aprilscherz!
- Napalm Software-Aprilscherz!
- Quantum Leap-Aprilscherz!
- Level 7 arbeitet an Jaguar-Prügelspiel
- Interview mit Core Design (aus der AEO eingedeutscht)
- Defender 2000 FAQ (07.03.95)
- diverse Presse-Statements von Atari
- Informationen über die MULTI-BOX
- Internet-News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 5

Spieletests zu: - Air Cars (bis jetzt noch nicht erschienen)
- Double Dragon 5
- Hover Strike

Tips zu: - Theme Park-Bugs
- Double Dragon 5-Moves
- Hover Strike-Geheimmissionen

Sonstiges: - neue Jaguar Mag-Umfrage
- Iratan Supremacy-Update
- diverse Presse-Statements von Atari
- Update: Pinball Fantasies
- Ataris Pläne in den USA
- "Best" of Konsolen.Ger

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 6

Spieletests zu: - leider keine

Tips zu: - Hover Strike-Cheats

Sonstiges: - Konsolenvergleich
Atari Jaguar vs. PSX, Saturn und Ultra 64
- Doom-Joke
- Bericht von der E3
- diverse Presse-Statements von Atari
- CSCN-Presse-Statements (Multi-Box etc. ...)
- Maniac-Witze

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 7

Spieletests zu: - Pinball Fantasies

Tips zu: - leider keine

Sonstiges: - Bericht über Fun 'N' Games

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 8

Spieletests zu: - Flashback
- Super Burn Out

Tips zu: - Flashback-Levelcodes
- Iron Soldier-Bug
- Syndicate-Zeitcheat
- Super Burn Out (allgemeine Tips)

Sonstiges: - Exklusiv, die Wahrheit über die Jaguar-Zeitschrift
- Microbox-Gerücht (der neue Rechner von Atari?)
- ECTS-Vorabbericht
- Bericht über das Jaguar-Spieletipsbuch
- Super Burn Out-Zeitenwettbewerb
- Jaguar-Einkaufstips
- diverse Presse-Statements von Atari

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaguar Mag 9

Spieletests zu: - Flip Out!
- Ultra Vortek
- Rayman
- Blue Lightning CD
- Vid Grid CD

Tips zu: - Rayman-Break Out-Spiel
- Super Burn Out-Turbomodus
- Ultra Vortek-Moves (unvollständig)

Sonstiges: - Jaguar Mag-Umfrage (wieder einmal)
- Rushware übernimmt Jaguar-Distribution in Deutschland!
- Bericht über das Jaguar CD-ROM
- Bericht aus den USA
- Marktanalyse
- ECTS-Bericht (Herbstmesse) aus London
- diverse Presse-Statements von Atari

M E G A - P L A Y E R !!! | Wir bedanken uns bei allen Lesern für
M E G A - P L A Y E R !!! | Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen auf ein
M E G A - P L A Y E R !!! | baldiges Wiederlesen im neuen Mag.
| Ihr
Das neue Mag erscheint am ??.??.95 | _/aguar Mag Team
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Das Jaguar Mag ist ein Freeware-ASCII-Online Magazin, d.h. es darf |
| frei kopiert werden und es ist kostenlos. |
| |
| Aber es entstehen auch diverse Ausgaben (Telefon, Spiele etc.) und |
| und deshalb sind Spenden immer willkommen!! |
| |
| Hier nun die Konto-Nr. |
| Stadtsparkasse Werne |
| BLZ 41051605 |
| Konto-Nr. 1531102 |
| Verwendungszweck: Spende Jaguar Mag |
| |
| Die Spenden werden vollständig für das Jaguar Mag ausgegeben! |
| |

Wichtige Anmerkungen:

- Alle im Jaguar Mag erschienen Beiträge sind Public Domain sie stehen
jedem zur Verfügung sofern die Informationen nicht kommerziell genutzt
(d.h. der Verkauf von Beiträgen aus dem Jaguar Mag an diverse Zeitschriften)

- Leserbriefe, Pressemitteilungen, Artikel sind von der jeweiligen genannten
Person/Firma erstellt worden und entsprechen nicht unbedingt der Meinung
der Jaguar Mag-Redaktion.

- Sämtliche Veröffentlichungen im Jaguar Mag erfolgen ohne Berücksichtigung
eines eventuellen Patentschutzes, auch werden Warennamen ohne Gewährleistung
einer freien Verwendung benutzt.

- Für Fehler im Text wird keine Haftung übernommen.

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