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Knights of Dynamic Discord 05




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Approximately twentythree hundred years ago, the great prophet Sire, the last

in the line of the prophets of Discord, delivered the Principia Discordia, the

Final Testament. Ever since the Renaissance, its believers have been subjected

to difficulties. From the Inquisition in Spain and Andalucia to the ethnic

cleansing in Bosnia and Chechnya, the Discordian people have endured colonial

regime and economic and military oppression. By the means of media, Discord has

been given a sinister image in the eye of the public opinion, this notorious

image is mainly due to the ignorance and misunderstanding of the media and

public. A word which is often heard and associated with the acts of certain

individuals, claiming to act in the name of Discord, is the ancient Latin

word: w00t. Its significance plays an extremely crucial role in the image

of Discord. But what does this so widely known word mean?

w00t has a great significance in the lives of Discordians. Like any language,

Latin has unique words which have a particular meaning which cannot be

translated precisely. The best translation known for such a word is the

following: a cry of joy following the owning, rooting, controlling or

otherwise misappropriating of another's resources.

w00t as presented in the Principa and any of the other scriptures implies

the striving of spiritual good. This w00t particularly involves change in

one's self and mentality. It may concern the sacrifice of material property,

social class and even emotional comfort solely for the salvation and worship

of Eris ALONE. As a result, one who practises w00t will benefit greatly in

the Great Fnord.


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