ldt032: The Alleged Elites were Alleged Losers once

#032 - [ The Alleged Elites were Alleged Losers once ] [ xod ]
I was quite amused when I was reading this. I thought i'd share it with anyone interested.
I was looking through textfiles.com and I found the following file..
Full file can be found here: http://www.textfiles.com/phreak/lozers.hum
While looking through the 'Loser Phreaks' section I noticed that the infamous Lex Luthor, of LOD fame was the 4th name in the list.
Here is an interesting extract from the text regarding Lex Luthor..
Has alot of connections in the phreak world because just about everyone who is currently active in the phreak area thinks he is great. No real connect- ions with any "real world people", Started the group "Legion Of Doom" (isnt he imaginative?), which seemed to prosper for about 6 months, & then sort of fell apart.
Legion of Doom also received the privilege of being awarded 2nd place in the 'Loser Phreak Groups of the Year' section. The 1st place went to the group Knights of Shadow, which Lex Luthor was also a member of.
Here is an extract from the file explaining why LOD recieved 2nd place.
Sort of Lex Luthers attempt at trying to follow in the footsteps of TKOS and start a new elite group. Well is failed miserably, and as the group it was modelled after (TKOS) it did nothing at all, but threaten people. In comparison to TKOS it was really a poor imitation while TKOS had mostly big-name phreaks in it, LOD started with a bunch of unknowns (Blotto, Razor, X-man, etc, basically the people who weren't considered good enough to get into TKOS itself) hoping the group would become notorious enough on its own. It appears to have worked, and the group LOD still exists, but it does nothing at all.
Heh. :>
LOD then went on to become one of the most infamous h/p groups of all time as well as producing the elite LOD Technical Journals.
For a brief history of LOD written by Lex Luthor check out:
Long Dark Tunnel 2001. - http://ldt.aguk.co.uk - ldt@hushmail.com