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Low Self Esteem Issue 13

Low Self Esteem Issue 13
Spontaneous Rantings I
Written By: Aphex Twin
Dec. 05th, 1996
[*] LSE NEWS [*]
First Of All, I'd Like To Say That You Can Find Issues Of Low Self Esteem
On The Following FTP Site: FTP://FTP.EText.Org/pub/Zines/LowSelfEsteem,
Thanks To The Operators Of The EText Archives For Giving This T-File
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Concerning Comments, Flames, Or If You Want To Write Something For Low Self
Hey welcome back to another issue of the worlds best shittiest text files
"Low Self Esteem" where it's ok to feel like shit. In this issue, I just
fired up EDIT and typed whatever passed through my mind. I have nothing else
to say, so, bye...
Leave me alone
Stop controling me
Stop judging me
Stop evaluating me
Stop trying to create my future
Let me be free
I don't want to be a part of your world
I want to sleep forever
I want to be in an eternal coma
I want to be able to escape
Escape this physical world
Escape this controled world
I don't want to live by your rules
I don't want to be your puppet
I want to break the routine
I don't want to follow no one
I want to walk alone
To be alone with my thoughts
My dreams
I want to live in a dream world
To escape physical reality
In my dream world I am imortal
In my dream world I follow my own path
In my dream world I am not controled
In my dream world I am free of obligations, worrys and sadness
I prefer to walk alone
True enlightment is spiritual
True enlightment is being one with yourself
'Freedom' is a meaningless word in the physical world
In this physical world we can never be truely free
We are always controled by someone
Freedom can not be achived
Because people are dependent on materialistic possessions
And social recognision
If you are dependent, you are not free
I don't want to be dependent on no one
Man has grown too dependent on society
Man has grown too dependent on others
Man has grown weak
Unable to survive without others
Man has become imperfect
Man will never become perfect
Unless he becomes independent
Not depending on others
Taking control
And not being controled
Not worrying about being accepted or recognised
I want to be alone
Seperate myself from the others
Seperate myself from society
Seperate myself from everything
To be a lone spark travelling through a neverending dark void
Having nothing and desiring nothing
Except to be alone
Alone with my thoughts, my imagination and my dreams
In my dreamworld
Im my dreamword, words like :rich, poor, smart, dumb, beautiful and ugly
Don't exists
These words are used in the physical world to judge people
And place them in categories
In my dreamworld I am alone
In my dreamworld I'm not judged
In my dreamworld I am truely free...
-- Aphex Twin