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MWP Issue 02 File 02

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File #2 of
Issue #2

Summer of '97

By StealthChip[MWP]

"Protocols and Port Attacks."
The TCP/IP suite, are trust worthy protocols. Meaning, they're easily lied to.
One common attack based off of TCP/IP suite is, "IP-Spoofing." Daemon9 |
route | infinity, wrote an article in Phrack about that very subject. If you
wish to see the article visit our www page-links section. But, in this article
speaking on protocols, I felt it important to skim the surface of IP-Spoofing.
You will get a glimse of how it works in this article. The rest of this paper
contains information about protocols and ports. This article was meant to
arouse the interest of the reader about the very subject. I do not go into
detail on seperate attacks.

Also Note:This is directed to novice areas of hacking, using protocols and

Excerpt of RFC #1060
The following is a list of protocols.

ip IP // Internet protocol
icmp ICMP // Internet control message protocol
ggp GGP // Gateway-gateway protocol
tcp TCP // Transmission control protocol*
egp EGP // Exterior gateway protocol
pup PUP // PARC universal packet protocol
udp UDP // User datagram protocol*
hmp HMP // Host monitoring protocol
xns-idp XNS-IDP // Xerox NS IDP
rdp RDP // "reliable datagram" protocol
rvd RVD // MIT remote virtual disk

A "conversation" between two protocols.
Protocols "speak" to eachother in packets. Packets can be assembled by us,
therefor resembling a 2-way connection when really there is only a 1-way
Situation:Site 1 wants to access site 2. Site 2 is checking if they have a
valid account on the system. They check the packet to see if they're from
a valid site, and they see the packet says they're from a valid site and
have access to root. So site 2 lets Site 1 access the system as root.

The following are protocol MAN files. The purpose of these are to give you
an idea of how they work. The man files can do a far better job of that than
I can.

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, proto);

t = t_open ("/dev/rawip", O_RDWR);

IP is the internetwork datagram delivery protocol that is
central to the Internet protocol family. Programs may use
IP through higher-level protocols such as the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
or may interface directly to IP. See tcp(7P) and udp(7P).
Direct access may be via the socket interface (using a "raw
socket") or the Transport Level Interface (TLI). The proto-
col options defined in the IP specification may be set in
outgoing datagrams.

The STREAMS driver /dev/rawip is the TLI transport provider
that provides raw access to IP.

Raw IP sockets are connectionless and are normally used with
the sendto() and recvfrom() calls (see send(3N) and
recv(3N)), although the connect(3N) call may also be used to
fix the destination for future datagrams (in which case the
read(2) or recv(3N) and write(2) or send(3N) calls may be
used). If proto is IPPROTO_RAW or IPPROTO_IGMP, the appli-
cation is expected to include a complete IP header when
sending. Otherwise, that protocol number will be set in
outgoing datagrams and used to filter incoming datagrams and
an IP header will be generated and prepended to each outgo-
ing datagram. In either case, received datagrams are
returned with the IP header and options intact.

The socket options supported at the IP level are:

IP_OPTIONS IP options for outgoing datagrams.
This socket option may be used to
set IP options to be included in
each outgoing datagram. IP options
to be sent are set with set-
sockopt() (see getsockopt(3N)).
The getsockopt(3N) call returns the
IP options set in the last set-
sockopt() call. IP options on
received datagrams are visible to
user programs only using raw IP
sockets. The format of IP options
given in setsockopt() matches those
defined in the IP specification
with one exception: the list of
addresses for the source routing
options must include the first-hop
gateway at the beginning of the
list of gateways. The first-hop
gateway address will be extracted
from the option list and the size
adjusted accordingly before use.
IP options may be used with any
socket type in the Internet family.

IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP Join a multicast group.

IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP Leave a multicast group.

These options take a struct ip_mreq as the parameter. The
structure contains a multicast address which has to be set
to the CLASS-D IP multicast address, and an interface
address. Normally the interface address is set to INADDR_ANY
which causes the kernel to choose the interface to join on.

IP_MULTICAST_IF The outgoing interface for multi-
cast packets. This option takes a
struct in_addr as an argument and
it selects that interface for out-
going IP multicast packets. If the
address specified is INADDR_ANY it
will use the unicast routing table
to select the outgoing interface
(which is the default behavior).

IP_MULTICAST_TTL Time to live for multicast
datagrams. This option takes an
unsigned character as an argument.
Its value is the TTL that IP will
use on outgoing multicast
datagrams. The default is 1.

IP_MULTICAST_LOOP Loopback for multicast datagrams.
Normally multicast datagrams are
delivered to members on the sending
host. Setting the unsigned charac-
ter argument to 0 will cause the
opposite behavior.

The multicast socket options can be used with any datagram
socket type in the Internet family.

At the socket level, the socket option SO_DONTROUTE may be
applied. This option forces datagrams being sent to bypass
routing and forwarding by forcing the IP Time To Live field
to 1 (meaning that the packet will not be forwarded bu

Raw IP datagrams can also be sent and received using the TLI
connectionless primitives.

Datagrams flow through the IP layer in two directions: from
the network up to user processes and from user processes
down to the network. Using this orientation, IP is layered
above the network interface drivers and below the transport
protocols such as UDP and TCP. The Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) is logically a part of IP. See icmp(7P).

IP provides for a checksum of the header part, but not the
data part of the datagram. The checksum value is computed
and set in the process of sending datagrams and checked when
receiving datagrams.

IP options in received datagrams are processed in the IP
layer according to the protocol specification. Currently
recognized IP options include: security, loose source and
record route (LSRR), strict source and record route (SSRR),
record route, and internet timestamp.

The IP layer will normally act as a router (forwarding
datagrams that are not addressed to it etc) when the machine
has two or more interfaces that are up. This behavior can be
overridden by using ndd(1M) to to set the /dev/ip variable
ip_forwarding. The value 0 means do not forward, 1 means
forward and 2 gives you the default behavior of forwarding
when there are two or more "up" interfaces.

The IP layer will send an ICMP message back to the source
host in many cases when it receives a datagram that can not
be handled. A "time exceeded" ICMP message will be sent if
the "time to live" field in the IP header drops to zero in
the process of forwarding a datagram. A "destination
unreachable" message will be sent if a datagram can not be
forwarded because there is no route to the final destina-
tion, or if it can not be fragmented. If the datagram is
addressed to the local host but is destined for a protocol
that is not supported or a port that is not in use, a desti-
nation unreachable message will also be sent. The IP layer
may send an ICMP "source quench" message if it is receiving
datagrams too quickly. ICMP messages are only sent for the
first fragment of a fragmented datagram and are never
returned in response to errors in other ICMP messages.

The IP layer supports fragmentation and reassembly.
Datagrams are fragmented on output if the datagram is larger
than the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network
interface. Fragments of received datagrams are dropped from
the reassembly queues if the complete datagram is not recon-
structed within a short time period.

Errors in sending discovered at the network interface driver
layer are passed by IP back up to the user process.

ndd(1M), read(2), write(2), connect(3N), getsockopt(3N),
recv(3N), send(3N), routing(4), icmp(7P), if_tcp(7P),
inet(7P) tcp(7P), udp(7P)

Postel, Jon, Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program Pro-
tocol Specification, RFC 791, Network Information Center,
SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., September 1981.

A socket operation may fail with one of the following errors

EACCES An IP broadcast destination address was
specified and the caller was not the
privileged user.

EISCONN An attempt was made to establish a con-
nection on a socket which already had
one, or to send a datagram with the des-
tination address specified and the
socket was already connected.

EMSGSIZE An attempt was made to send a datagram
that was too large for an interface, but
was not allowed to be fragmented (such
as broadcasts).

ENETUNREACH An attempt was made to establish a con-
nection or send a datagram, where there
was no matching entry in the routing
table, or if an ICMP "destination
unreachable" message was received.

ENOTCONN A datagrem was sent, but no destination
address was specified, and the socket
had not been connected.

ENOBUFS The system ran out of memory for frag-
mentation buffers or other internal data

EADDRNOTAVAIL An attempt was made to create a socket
with a local address that did not match
any network interface, or an IP
broadcast destination address was speci-
fied and the network interface does not
support broadcast.

The following errors may occur when setting or getting IP

EINVAL An unknown socket option name was given.

EINVAL The IP option field was improperly formed; an
option field was shorter than the minimum
value or longer than the option buffer pro-

Raw sockets should receive ICMP error packets relating to
the protocol; currently such packets are simply discarded.

Users of higher-level protocols such as TCP and UDP should
be able to see received IP options.

tcp, TCP - Internet Transmission Control Protocol

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

t = t_open("/dev/tcp", O_RDWR);

TCP is the virtual circuit protocol of the Internet protocol
family. It provides reliable, flow-controlled, in order,
two-way transmission of data. It is a byte-stream protocol
layered above the Internet Protocol (IP), the Internet pro-
tocol family's internetwork datagram delivery protocol.

Programs can access TCP using the socket interface as a
SOCK_STREAM socket type, or using the Transport Level Inter-
face (TLI) where it supports the connection-oriented
(T_COTS_ORD) service type.

TCP uses IP's host-level addressing and adds its own per-
host collection of "port addresses." The endpoints of a TCP
connection are identified by the combination of an IP
address and a TCP port number. Although other protocols,
such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), may use the same
host and port address format, the port space of these proto-
cols is distinct. See inet(7P) for details on the common
aspects of addressing in the Internet protocol family.

Sockets utilizing TCP are either "active" or "passive".
Active sockets initiate connections to passive sockets.
Both types of sockets must have their local IP address and
TCP port number bound with the bind(3N) system call after
the socket is created. By default, TCP sockets are active.
A passive socket is created by calling the listen(3N) system
call after binding the socket with bind(). This establishes
a queueing parameter for the passive socket. After this,
connections to the passive socket can be received with the
accept(3N) system call. Active sockets use the connect(3N)
call after binding to initiate connections.

By using the special value INADDR_ANY, the local IP address
can be left unspecified in the bind() call by either active
or passive TCP sockets. This feature is usually used if the
local address is either unknown or irrelevant. If left
unspecified, the local IP address will be bound at connec-
tion time to the address of the network interface used to
service the connection.

Once a connection has been established, data can be
exchanged using the read(2) and write(2) system calls.

TCP supports one socket option which is set with set-
sockopt() and tested with getsockopt(3N). Under most cir-
cumstances, TCP sends data when it is presented. When out-
standing data has not yet been acknowledged, it gathers
small amounts of output to be sent in a single packet once
an acknowledgement is received. For a small number of
clients, such as window systems that send a stream of mouse
events which receive no replies, this packetization may
cause significant delays.

Therefore, TCP provides a boolean option, TCP_NODELAY
(defined in <netinet/tcp.h>), to defeat this algorithm. The
option level for the setsockopt() call is the protocol
number for TCP, available from getprotobyname(3N).

Options at the IP level may be used with TCP. See ip(7P).

TCP provides an urgent data mechanism, which may be invoked
using the out-of-band provisions of send(3N). The caller
may mark one byte as "urgent" with the MSG_OOB flag to
send(3N). This sets an "urgent pointer" pointing to this
byte in the TCP stream. The receiver on the other side of
the stream is notified of the urgent data by a SIGURG sig-
nal. The SIOCATMARK ioctl() request returns a value indi-
cating whether the stream is at the urgent mark. Because
the system never returns data across the urgent mark in a
single read(2) call, it is possible to advance to the urgent
data in a simple loop which reads data, testing the socket
with the SIOCATMARK ioctl() request, until it reaches the

Incoming connection requests that include an IP source route
option are noted, and the reverse source route is used in

A checksum over all data helps TCP implement reliability.
Using a window-based flow control mechanism that makes use
of positive acknowledgements, sequence numbers, and a
retransmission strategy, TCP can usually recover when
datagrams are damaged, delayed, duplicated or delivered out
of order by the underlying communication medium.

If the local TCP receives no acknowledgements from its peer
for a period of time, as would be the case if the remote
machine crashed, the connection is closed and an error is
returned to the user. If the remote machine reboots or oth-
erwise loses state information about a TCP connection, the
connection is aborted and an error is returned to the user.

read(2), write(2), accept(3N), bind(3N), connect(3N),
getprotobyname(3N), getsockopt(3N), listen(3N), send(3N),
inet(7P), ip(7P)

Postel, Jon, Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet
Program Protocol Specification, RFC 793, Network Information
Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., September

A socket operation may fail if:

EISCONN A connect() operation was attempted on a
socket on which a connect() operation
had already been performed.

ETIMEDOUT A connection was dropped due to exces-
sive retransmissions.

ECONNRESET The remote peer forced the connection to
be closed (usually because the remote
machine has lost state information about
the connection due to a crash).

ECONNREFUSED The remote peer actively refused connec-
tion establishment (usually because no
process is listening to the port).

EADDRINUSE A bind() operation was attempted on a
socket with a network address/port pair
that has already been bound to another

EADDRNOTAVAIL A bind() operation was attempted on a
socket with a network address for which
no network interface exists.

EACCES A bind() operation was attempted with a
"reserved" port number and the effective
user ID of the process was not the
privileged user.

ENOBUFS The system ran out of memory for inter-
nal data structures.

udp, UDP - Internet User Datagram Protocol

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

t = t_open("/dev/udp", O_RDWR);

UDP is a simple datagram protocol which is layered directly
above the Internet Protocol (IP). Programs may access UDP
using the socket interface, where it supports the SOCK_DGRAM
socket type, or using the Transport Level Interface (TLI),
where it supports the connectionless (T_CLTS) service type.

Within the socket interface, UDP is normally used with the
sendto(), sendmsg(), recvfrom(), and recvmsg() calls (see
send(3N) and recv(3N)). If the connect(3N) call is used to
fix the destination for future packets, then the recv(3N) or
read(2) and send(3N) or write(2) calls may be used.

UDP address formats are identical to those used by the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Like TCP, UDP uses a
port number along with an IP address to identify the end-
point of communication. The UDP port number space is
separate from the TCP port number space (that is, a UDP port
may not be "connected" to a TCP port). The bind(3N) call
can be used to set the local address and port number of a
UDP socket. The local IP address may be left unspecified in
the bind() call by using the special value INADDR_ANY. If
the bind() call is not done, a local IP address and port
number will be assigned to the endpoint when the first
packet is sent. Broadcast packets may be sent (assuming the
underlying network supports this) by using a reserved
"broadcast address"; This address is network interface
dependent. Broadcasts may only be sent by the privileged

Options at the IP level may be used with UDP; see ip(7P).

There are a variety of ways that a UDP packet can be lost or
corrupted, including a failure of the underlying communica-
tion mechanism. UDP implements a checksum over the data
portion of the packet. If the checksum of a received packet
is in error, the packet will be dropped with no indication
given to the user. A queue of received packets is provided
for each UDP socket. This queue has a limited capacity.
Arriving datagrams which will not fit within its high-water
capacity are silently discarded.

UDP processes Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) error
messages received in response to UDP packets it has sent.
See icmp(7P). ICMP "source quench" messages are ignored.
ICMP "destination unreachable," "time exceeded" and "parame-
ter problem" messages disconnect the socket from its peer so
that subsequent attempts to send packets using that socket
will return an error. UDP will not guarantee that packets
are delivered in the order they were sent. As well, dupli-
cate packets may be generated in the communication process.

read(2), write(2), bind(3N), connect(3N), recv(3N),
send(3N), icmp(7P), inet(7P), ip(7P), tcp(7P)

Postel, Jon, User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768, Network Infor-
mation Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., August

A socket operation may fail if:

EISCONN A connect() operation was attempted on a
socket on which a connect() operation
had already been performed, and the
socket could not be successfully discon-
nected before making the new connection.

EISCONN A sendto() or sendmsg() operation speci-
fying an address to which the message
should be sent was attempted on a socket
on which a connect() operation had
already been performed.

ENOTCONN A send() or write() operation, or a
sendto() or sendmsg() operation not
specifying an address to which the mes-
sage should be sent, was attempted on a
socket on which a connect() operation
had not already been performed.

EADDRINUSE A bind() operation was attempted on a
socket with a network address/port pair
that has already been bound to another

EADDRNOTAVAIL A bind() operation was attempted on a
socket with a network address for which
no network interface exists.

EINVAL A sendmsg() operation with a non-NULL
msg_accrights was attempted.

EACCES A bind() operation was attempted with a
"reserved" port number and the effective
user ID of the process was not the
privileged user.

ENOBUFS The system ran out of memory for inter-
nal data structures.

icmp, ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, proto);

t = t_open("/dev/icmp", O_RDWR);

ICMP is the error and control message protocol used by the
Internet protocol family. It is used by the kernel to han-
dle and report errors in protocol processing. It may also
be accessed by programs using the socket interface or the
Transport Level Interface (TLI) for network monitoring and
diagnostic functions. When used with the socket interface,
a "raw socket" type is used. The protocol number for ICMP,
used in the proto parameter to the socket call, can be
obtained from getprotobyname(3N). ICMP file descriptors and
sockets are connectionless, and are normally used with the
t_sndudata / t_rcvudata and the sendto() / recvfrom() calls.

Outgoing packets automatically have an Internet Protocol
(IP) header prepended to them. Incoming packets are pro-
vided to the user with the IP header and options intact.

ICMP is an datagram protocol layered above IP. It is used
internally by the protcol code for various purposes includ-
ing routing, fault isolation, and congestion control.
Receipt of an ICMP "redirect" message will add a new entry
in the routing table, or modify an existing one. ICMP mes-
sages are routinely sent by the protocol code. Received
ICMP messages may be reflected back to users of higher-level
protocols such as TCP or UDP as error returns from system
calls. A copy of all ICMP message received by the system is
provided to every holder of an open ICMP socket or TLI

getprotobyname(3N), recv(3N), send(3N), t_rcvudata(3N),
t_sndudata(3N), routing(4), inet(7P), ip(7P)

Postel, Jon, Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA
Internet Program Protocol Specification, RFC 792, Network
Information Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif.,
September 1981.

A socket operation may fail with one of the following errors

EISCONN An attempt was made to establish a con-
nection on a socket which already has
one, or when trying to send a datagram
with the destination address specified
and the socket is already connected.

ENOTCONN An attempt was made to send a datagram,
but no destination address is specified,
and the socket has not been connected.

ENOBUFS The system ran out of memory for an
internal data structure.

EADDRNOTAVAIL An attempt was made to create a socket
with a network address for which no net-
work interface exists.

Replies to ICMP "echo" messages which are source routed are
not sent back using inverted source routes, but rather go
back through the normal routing mechanisms.

Importance of host files.
Consider the following. Your quite popular on BBSes and various machines. You
constantly rlogin-Remote Login-to remote systems daily. But there appears to
be a very annoying Login daemon popping up whenever you login to the remote
system. So, in response you add to your .rhosts file and make it so no
more Login Daemons pop up on remote systems.(Expecting your Username and
Password are the same on all systems your logging into. AND, the system allows
you to rlogin without verification.)
As mentioned above, it's possible to use the *r commands without Login Daemons
popping up. But, in order to due so, the host your logging into MUST have
your account information saved in the /etc/hosts.equiv file.
When IP-Spoofing a system(remember, we're not going into detail here, just
skimming the surface)your attack relies in forging packets.

.rhosts file--The .rhosts file is setup so users don't always have to put in
their login and password. It lets them straight onto the system.

/etc/hosts.equiv file--This file is used by all the users on the system. It
contains login information about users on friendly hosts. In some cases an
account is setup for use by users of a friendly network.
This file is like giving your friend a key to your house.

Ports are set up areas for daemons. When using Telnet, you can connect
to a certain port by typing the following,

Prompt>telnet (domainname or IP address) (port)

Open ports or channels leave backdoors available for us. Most ports are
left off, or run certain daemon programs on them. Making a "backdoor" is done
when you get root and then leave another port-that's being unused or is just
sharing the port with another daemon- open for later use by us.

The command "netstat" contains information about ports. ie, on or off. You
can turn a port back on when logged on as root; therefor leaving it open for
later use by yourself.

Some commonly used port attacks are the sendmail bug, rdist, and Protocol
-Spoofing techniques. These attacks may still work today but are quickly
becoming unused due to the CERT-Computer Emergency Response Team-.(But like
always, lazy sysadmins do not always follow these warnings.)

The best port attacks come from remote commands, ie rdist, rlogin, rmail, etc.

The following is a list of ports and their service/protocol being used on

<service name> <port number>/<protocol> <program/server> <//comment>
*=Very useful.

echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp
discard 9/udp
systat 11/tcp
systat 11/tcp
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
netstat 15/tcp
qotd 17/tcp
qotd 17/udp
chargen 19/tcp
chargen 19/udp
ftp-data 20/tcp
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp //Connects you to Login daemon.
smtp 25/tcp mail //Mail port.
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
rlp 39/udp resource //resource location
name 42/tcp nameserver
name 42/udp nameserver
whois 43/tcp nicname //usually to sri-nic
domain 53/tcp nameserver //name-domain server
domain 53/udp nameserver
nameserver 53/tcp domain //name-domain server
nameserver 53/udp domain
mtp 57/tcp //deprecated
bootp 67/udp //boot program server
tftp 69/udp
rje 77/tcp netrjs
finger 79/tcp
link 87/tcp ttylink
supdup 95/tcp
hostnames 101/tcp hostname //usually from sri-nic
iso-tsap 102/tcp
dictionary 103/tcp webster
x400 103/tcp //ISO Mail
x400-snd 104/tcp
csnet-ns 105/tcp
pop 109/tcp postoffice
pop2 109/tcp //Post Office
pop3 110/tcp postoffice
portmap 111/tcp
portmap 111/udp
sunrpc 111/tcp
sunrpc 111/udp
auth 113/tcp authentication
sftp 115/tcp
path 117/tcp
uucp-path 117/tcp
nntp 119/tcp usenet //Network News Transfer
ntp 123/udp ntpd ntp //network time protocol (exp)
nbname 137/udp
nbdatagram 138/udp
nbsession 139/tcp
NeWS 144/tcp news
sgmp 153/udp sgmp
tcprepo 158/tcp repository //PCMAIL
snmp 161/udp snmp
snmp-trap 162/udp snmp
print-srv 170/tcp //network PostScript
vmnet 175/tcp
load 315/udp
vmnet0 400/tcp
sytek 500/udp
biff 512/udp comsat
exec 512/tcp
login 513/tcp
who 513/udp whod
shell 514/tcp cmd //no passwords used*
syslog 514/udp
printer 515/tcp spooler //line printer spooler
talk 517/udp
ntalk 518/udp
efs 520/tcp //for LucasFilm
route 520/udp router routed
timed 525/udp timeserver
tempo 526/tcp newdate
courier 530/tcp rpc
conference 531/tcp chat
rvd-control 531/udp MIT disk
netnews 532/tcp readnews
netwall 533/udp //-for emergency broadcasts
uucp 540/tcp uucpd //uucp daemon*
klogin 543/tcp //Kerberos authenticated rlogin
kshell 544/tcp cmd //and remote shell****
new-rwho 550/udp new-who //experimental
remotefs 556/tcp rfs_server rfs//Brunhoff remote filesystem
rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord //experimental
monitor 561/udp //experimental
garcon 600/tcp
maitrd 601/tcp
busboy 602/tcp
acctmaster 700/udp
acctslave 701/udp
acct 702/udp
acctlogin 703/udp
acctprinter 704/udp
elcsd 704/udp //errlog*
acctinfo 705/udp
acctslave2 706/udp
acctdisk 707/udp
kerberos 750/tcp kdc //Kerberos authentication--tcp
kerberos 750/udp kdc //Kerberos authentication--udp
kerberos_master 751/tcp //Kerberos authentication
kerberos_master 751/udp //Kerberos authentication
passwd_server 752/udp //Kerberos passwd server*
userreg_server 753/udp //Kerberos userreg server*
krb_prop 754/tcp //Kerberos slave propagation
erlogin 888/tcp //Login and environment passing*
kpop 1109/tcp //Pop with Kerberos
phone 1167/udp
ingreslock 1524/tcp
maze 1666/udp
nfs 2049/udp //sun nfs
knetd 2053/tcp //Kerberos de-multiplexor
eklogin 2105/tcp //Kerberos encrypted rlogin*****
rmt 5555/tcp rmtd
mtb 5556/tcp mtbd //mtb backup
man 9535/tcp //remote man server*
w 9536/tcp
mantst 9537/tcp //remote man server, testing
bnews 10000/tcp
rscs0 10000/udp
queue 10001/tcp
rscs1 10001/udp
poker 10002/tcp
rscs2 10002/udp
gateway 10003/tcp
rscs3 10003/udp
remp 10004/tcp
rscs4 10004/udp
rscs5 10005/udp
rscs6 10006/udp
rscs7 10007/udp
rscs8 10008/udp
rscs9 10009/udp
rscsa 10010/udp
rscsb 10011/udp
qmaster 10012/tcp
qmaster 10012/udp

RFC 1140 SunOS Network style.
tcpmux 1/tcp
echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp sink null
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
netstat 15/tcp
chargen 19/tcp ttytst source
chargen 19/udp ttytst source
ftp-data 20/tcp
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp mail
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
name 42/udp nameserver
whois 43/tcp nicname //usually to sri-nic
domain 53/udp
domain 53/tcp
hostnames 101/tcp hostname //usually to sri-nic
sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind
sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind
ident 113/tcp auth tap
netbios-ssn 139/tcp
netbios-ns 137/udp
tftp 69/udp
rje 77/tcp
finger 79/tcp
link 87/tcp ttylink
supdup 95/tcp
iso-tsap 102/tcp
x400 103/tcp //ISO Mail
x400-snd 104/tcp
csnet-ns 105/tcp
pop-2 109/tcp //Post Office
pop3 110/tcp //Post Office 3
uucp-path 117/tcp
nntp 119/tcp usenet //Network News Transfer
ntp 123/tcp //Network Time Protocol
ntp 123/udp //Network Time Protocol
NeWS 144/tcp news //Window System
exec 512/tcp
login 513/tcp
shell 514/tcp cmd //no passwords used
printer 515/tcp spooler //line printer spooler
courier 530/tcp rpc //experimental
uucp 540/tcp uucpd //uucp daemon
biff 512/udp comsat
who 513/udp whod
syslog 514/udp
talk 517/udp
ntalk 518/udp
route 520/udp router routed
new-rwho 550/udp new-who //experimental
rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord //experimental
monitor 561/udp //experimental
pcserver 600/tcp //ECD Integrated PC board srvr
kerberos 750/udp kdc //Kerberos key server
kerberos 750/tcp kdc //Kerberos key server
ufsd 1008/tcp ufsd //UFS-aware server
ufsd 1008/udp ufsd
ingreslock 1524/tcp
radacct 1646/udp //more RADIUS
listen 2766/tcp //System V listener port
nfsd 2049/udp nfs //NFS server daemon (clts)
nfsd 2049/tcp nfs //NFS server daemon (cots)
lockd 4045/udp //NFS lock daemon/manager
lockd 4045/tcp
dtspc 6112/tcp //CDE subprocess control
fs 7100/tcp //Font server
pmd 1642/tcp
hylafax 4559/tcp //HylaFAX client-server protocol
snpp 444/tcp //Simple Network Paging Protocol
noclog 5354/udp
hostmon 5355/tcp
radius 1645/udp
TCP and UDP are like delivery service. They carry things around the network to
perform tasks and make sure things are delivered on time and to the right
place. But they do not worry if anyones there to recieve their message. They
just drop it off where they were told to and leave.

Best Ports to attack are r* commands. They answer back to eachother based
on trust-relationship's. Meaning, they're easily lied to. You can forge
packets to (R)emote your way around systems. It's good to have root on the
system your attacking from.

An example of a port exploit.
Telnet to port 25 of the machine you want to send mail from, and type,

HELO <host name>(The name you want the mail to appear from.)
MAIL FROM:<handle@hostname>
RCPT TO:<person@hostname>*The person you want to mail.
<You write what you want to appear.>
. (Make sure the period is on a line by itself.)

*That exploit is quite old and may not work on *all systems.

Books you should get up and get now.
TCP/IP Illustrated volume(s) 1, 2, 3.
TCP/IP Administration hand book.

Now that you have a list of ports and possible attack ideas, I suggest you use
your coding skills and write up some exploits on ports and protocols.
If I would've given you my code for port exploits you wouldn't truly be a
hacker, you'd just be a nobody using StealthChip's(my) code.


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