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Persistence of Time 03 poker
A conversation between Death, Satan, and Hitler over a game of poker
By: Count Buttocks
Death- What do you got?
Satan- Two Pair, Queen high.
Hitler- Ich habe eine pair of achts.
Death- Ha! I beat you all- Full House -nines and tens.
Satan- Jesus Christ... not again! How the devil do you always win?
Death- Its experience my friend....
Satan- Have you been playing cards for people's souls???
(Death averts his eyes sheepishly)
Satan- Have you!!??
Death- I got so bored of chess!
Satan- HOLY CHRIST!!! What have I told you about that? Its against the rules
If God finds out he'll kick my red ass!
Hitler- Warbu sphechts d ??
Satan- Nothing Adolph... It doesn't concern you.
Death- I'm sorry, my evil lord, but I.... hey, could you pass the preztels?
Hitler- Ja
(Hitler passes the preztels)
Death- (munching on pretzels) but I.... can't resist a challenge like that.
Satan- How about this... I find out you do that one more time, and your
fired... gonna accept that challenge?
Death- I'll be good, don't worry!
Satan- Its a serious offense. Its against the divine treaty. If God found
out, he is allowed to do away with a large evil on earth.
Death- What... like the drug problem?
Satan- Bigger!
Death- You don't mean to say he might abolish the Republican Party
(Satan nods)
Death- I'll never do it again... I promise!
Satan- Good.... Okay, I'll deal. Everyone ante up.
(They toss in their ante)
Satan- Wait a second Hitler.... what the hell is this.... a pfennig? What
use is god-damn German currency gonna do down here?
Hitler- Ich bin saver.
(Hitler takes back his pfennig, and throws in something else.)
Hitler- Da.
Satan- Good; Okay Death, cut the deck, and don't you even think about pulling
that stupid scythe gag. Its just not funny the fifth time!
Death- (Chuckling to himself) Oh.... I love that.