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Pork Issue 01

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


` ý s,. .,s ý' ss$$ý ` ý s,. mt!trank! ss$$ý
$ Y$$. ,$$P Y$$P $ Y$$. $ Y$$P
$ `d$$b d$$b' s$$ý $ `d$$b $ s$$ý
$ s ss ýýýý ýýýý , s ý' $ s ss ýýýýý $, s ý'
$sss ss $ ssss ss ssss ss sss $ ss` s,. $` s,.
$ pOrk! ý issue numbah 1 .. pOrk! ý ! $ Y$$. ý Y$$.
$ how can i be so thin and yet so pHAT? $ `d$$b `d$$b
$ mind-numbing fuckery by misfit[trank] $ ýýýýý ýýýýý
$ss sss s sss ss sssss s sssss sss s$

° ---(hey dude, what's pOrk?)------------------------------------------------- °
welcome to pOrk numero uno. pOrk is a swell little ascii zine for the all da
shmucks in the art scene. an all ascii zine? innovative you say? not really.
it would be in ansi, 'cept i can't code for shit. this isn't the first ascii
zine to pop up... the only one i can think of right now is y0lk. well, jonas
is out there too, but it doesn't come out all that often. so here's pOrk. i
i can't really think of a good reason to put out pOrk, i'm just bored. well,
enjoy it.

° ---(what's gonna be in pOrk?)----------------------------------------------- °
i'm glad you asked. actually, not really. questions frighten me. but i guess
it's my duty as head pOrk guy (that doesn't sound too good) to answer it. i
guess pOrk is pretty much anything you want it to be. or, for now, anything
*i* want it to be. i hope i'm not gonna be the only contributer though. that
would suck.

° ---(sound's interesting)---------------------------------------------------- °
i thought so. i know you're saying to yourself, "hey, pOrk sounds neat. and,
it's got one of those /<-cool captial O's. how can i contribute to such an
esteemed publication?" (or something like that). well, it's easy. Just call
one of the boards listed alphabetically (for your reading ease) towards the
end of this thing and filemail me something. oh, and try to make it interest
ing. i mean, i have no problem with articles on art groups or whatever, but
i don't want any dry little info files telling me how elite your group/emag/
penile implant is. pOrk = fun. remember that little euphism and you're set.

° ---(what about distros?)---------------------------------------------------- °
dammit, you little fucker. i told you i hated questions. i hate being head
pOrk guy. it's quickly loosing its appeal. anyway, concerning distros, just
ask me on irc, or on one of the aforementioned (ack! big word!) boards and
i'll think about it. fair? cool. and, anymore questions and i'm beating the
shit out of you.

° ---(what's the meaning of life?)-------------------------------------------- °
fuck you.

° ---(ascii groups are neat)-------------------------------------------------- °
i know, i'm in one. well, so far as i can tell, there're only 3 ascii groups
around right now : trank, endow, and kts. i think maybe wicked is still out
there, but i'm not sure. anyway, i personally like trank, probably because
i'm in it. endow's kicking all kinds of ass too. (this is a hint guys. do me
pOrk logos). i haven't seen a katharsis pack for awhile, but i've been told
it's still around and who am i to doubt the #ansi people? hey, wow. i just
thought of something. i'm gonna put all the best asciis of the month in pOrk
for your viewing enjoyment. oh jeah, forgot something. acid has an ascii div
ision now. so these are the best asciis from trank, endow, and any other art
group with an ascii division. enjoy em.

° ---(da best asciis)--------------------------------------------------------- °
..rotated illium by mrkite (acid)..

:::....:ii.:::i....::..::::iiii::..::i::....::ii::.a8"' aa `"8a::8""""8..
::....ii.::ii:...:::........:ii:::..::ii::....::i: 8:::::8 "8::::8: 8aaaa8::
:..::i::i:......:::::::...::....i::..:::iii::...:: 8:::::8: 8::::8:: """".::
....i..i....:::::::iiii::::...::.......::::ii::... 8iiiii8:a8iii8"::FMFMFM.:
.::i.....::::::iiiiiiiiiiii:::::........:::::ii::. 8iiiii88iiii8::: 8 8..
...i.::..::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTii:::....::::i:: 8iiiii8 "8iii8:: 8::::8..
.i..:::::iiiiiiiiTTTiiiiiTTTTTTTTTTTiiiii::::::::: 8TTTTT8. 8TTT8: 8iiii8..
:i:..i::iiiiiiiiTTTiii::::iiiiTT88TTTiiiiiiii::::: 8TTTTT8:i 8TTT8 8TTTT8::
.ii:i...:iiiii:::..:::iiii.::TT88TTiiiiiiiiiiii::: ROTATED:;: 8MRK8 ILLIUM::
.:ii:....:::::iiiii::::::..:TT88TTTiiiiiiiiiii:::: :..: . :...

..death throes by fractal (endow)..

. ,, ., ,
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: | d$' `$P" : "d$$"": : '
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presents. death thr0es ,xsdsx,
,xsd$$$$$$bsx, d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
,x$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bsx. x$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
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askee by fractal. , d
$$$ `$$"' ,
. .$. ,zd|xx "' xx| .x ,d$$.
xP' `$$ " "" "" $%88%$ bxxd8%8 %%bxxd `$P
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$$$' ` --Ä- - deaTh throes - -Ä- $$ `$ """`
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ereet affils go here

..katharsis by unsane (endow)..

$ ""$$$$$$y yyy$$$"" " yyyy$$"" " $$$$$$$, +
" ""$$$$$y $$$$$$ 6$$$$$ ,$$$$$` `$$7 Y$:
, + $$$$$ ,$$$$$ü $$$7 Yü unsane $$$$$$ $$$y$$'+ ,
; $$$$$$ , ~~~~~~ $$$$y$yyyyyyyyyy$$$$$$ $$$$$$ `"$$"
' ü$$$$$, $$$$$$ $$$$$$$^"ü$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ,$$$$"
`+ y `$7 Y$$$y$$$$$ü $$$$$$ ,$$$$" "$$$$, """"
^$ $$y$$$ü "ü$$$$$y $$$$$$ """ """""$$$$$$$$$y
,` `, $$$$$ü $$$$$$ ~~~~~~ y$$$$$ü" `$$7 Y$
: : $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$y$$$
, +' $$$$$ `$$$$$,$$$$$$ $$$$$$ `$$$$$,
::, ` ` aa $$$$:: : : :$$$$$$7 Y$: :: : ,$$$$:` :aa:: aaa: :$$$$: a::a::
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,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$7 Y$
$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ ,$$$$$$7 Y$ ,$$$y$ + ,
$" "$, ,$$$$" $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$y$$$ ,$$$$"` ;
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: $ + ,o ` , kts ascii 95 ` `,
, ` o, +'a, aa$aaaa a `"$$" : :
"$$"` $ ` , ,
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..tainted meat by cypher hex (trank)..

`ü$$b. $$$ d$' dP'
`ü$b. `$$ $ü dP
$s,`üXXXXXXXXx.`.XXXXXXXXX.`.XXXXXXXXXXXXüüü' .,,`üXü' `ü $$$$$$@o,`üXXXXXXX
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XXx. `"' .$$' i$$. `$$$. $$$. `"Y$$' .$$' $$$$' `"!' . `Y!' '" .,, `XXXX
XXXXXXXX $$$. Y$$$P',$$$$ $$$$'.d$$' ,$$$ `!P' .Xx. . ` .,o@$$$$$$ XXXX
XXXXXXXX $$$$' "P' d$$$$' `!P' $$$$. $$$$b. .XX' ,$P$o. Y$$$P',$$'.XXXX
XXXXXXXX.`!P' . ., `"Y' . ,`!P',.`!P" ,o'`$b.` d$' `$$b `"' .$$'.XXXXX
üüü'.,`XX. .XXXXXXx. ,d$$,.$$$, d$$$, i$$ d$P i$$. `$$$. $$$. `XXXX
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.d$$' $$ ; üb.
.d$$P ;$$ $. `$b.

..state of euphoria by misfit (trank)..

. b. .,
b,$ $bs Y$' .,s
`Y& l$$$b ,. ,s$$"
s$$ `"ý& ds. $s,. d$$'.s$$s.
l$$P ,sd$s.`&$s. $$P l$$$ " `$s$s.
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`&$s$"$s' $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ -'
`"' "&$$s$$&" "&$$s$$&" "&$$s$$&"
+-- state of euphoria --+
+-- op : mephitopeles --+
+-- ascii by misfit [trank!ascii] --+ +-- comin back soon --+

..insomnia by xane (trank)..

.ss. sss, .,,. .,ssss,. .,ssss,. sss, .,,. .,. sss, .,,. .ss. .,ssss,.
$$$$ $$$$S"$@@$ :$$$'`$$$: :$$$'`$$$: $$$$S"$$$S"$$$ $$$$S"$*"S $$$$ :$$$'`$$$:
`""` $*"S' $*"S $$$$ $$$i i$$$ $*"S $*"S' $"S' $$$ $*"S' ',s. `""` i$$$ $*"S
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$*"S :$$$ :$$$ `""`S@s. "`,. :$$$ :$$$ :$$ ,s. :$$$ $$$$ $*"S .s@S`":$$$
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%^` ^ `ee. e
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ee `` ee^

° ---(wow, those were cool)--------------------------------------------------- °
i know. that's why i picked 'em. oh and, by the by, those aren't in any kind
of order or anything. they're just listed alphabetically by group (ie. acid,
endow, trank). also, there's a reason one of my own pics is in there. i happ
en to like it :). i was thinking of maybe rating all the asciis in a pack &
putting 'em in pOrk, but i want someone to help me review (whodini? :). hmm.

° ---(neat)------------------------------------------------------------------- °
yup. well, before i close this issue off, i wanna address a topic thats been
bugging me lately. people are starting to take ansis and converting them to
ascii. the latest example of this was in the october motion pack, when a guy
calling himself 'the source' took an old duster ansi from (i think) the 0294
acid pack and converted it. this was a pretty dumb thing to do. well i found
the guy on irc, and these are excerpts from our conversation:
btw..i didn't capture the whole thing so this starts in like mid-discussion.
he's in the panic stage, wondering how far the news of his sin as spread :).

<TheSource> welp
<TheSource> well have u spread a lot of shit?
<TheSource> cuz i'd like to keep this quiet if ya know what i mean
<TheSource> :>
<misfit> like i said, i just sent it around on #motion. [note-i put together a
file about it and sent it around the night before -mt]
<TheSource> i will make a deal
<TheSource> i quit asskey, u don't spread?
<TheSource> ok?
<misfit> what deal?
<TheSource> the funny thing is i always hated ripping...............
<TheSource> i thought hell..its so would notice [dumbass. -mt]
<TheSource> damn u !!! :>
<TheSource> shit so what do u think i should do..considering i ruined my rep
<TheSource> welp..i bet u are sending all this shit to the channel
<misfit> nah.. i sent around a zip with the original pic from like
<TheSource> welp i am toastr
<TheSource> do i smell new alias :>

so, the moral of the story is, this guy's a dork. keep an eye out for a new
ascii/music guy popping up... also, i can't remember the name, but there's a
dude in (i think) wicked who took some old cyberchrist menus with some tiny-
toons characters and converted 'em. one of 'em i remember was of plucky duck
and i think there was another. ohwell.. fuckit.

° ---(what a bunch of feebs)-------------------------------------------------- °
yeah, i know. anyway, i guess i'll take this opportunity to plug my group :)
it's called apathy, we've released two packs, and its fun as hell.. go down-
load em from your favorite art board :).

° ---(sounds cool)------------------------------------------------------------ °
anywho, thas about it for the first issue. like i said earlier, if you wanna
contribute, mail me on one of these boards:

alderaan 908-224-8780
evil intentions 408-251-6220
harvest moon 216-951-7059
succotash 408-ufi-ndit

or, email me at, or find me on irc (usually on #acid
#ansi or #saga, just /msg misfit). oh yeah, today is october 16th, and it's
my 16th birthday. i'm gonna go get stoned off my ass later. anyway, happy b-
day to me.. now de me ansi for poo (my board, not up yet) or an ascii for da
mag you're reading :). remember.. pOrk. pOrk is your friend. it's kosher.

° ---(buh-bye)---------------------------------------------------------------- °
seeya later dude.

(eof) (eof)SAUCE00pOrk numbah one misfit 19951016^OPP

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