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Silicon Times Report Issue 0909

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


*---== STReport International Online Magazine ==---*
"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing

February 27, 1993 No.9.09

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

Support BBS Network System
FNET 350 ~ Fido 112:35 ~ Nest 90:21/350.0
904-786-4176 USR/HST 24hrs - 7 days
1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42 bis 16.8 Dual Standard
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
FNET.. 18 : ///Turbo Board BBS Support...1-416-274-1225
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FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981

> 02/27/93 STR 909 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS
- IDES OF MARCH! - CIS RATES OK! - STR Confidential


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/NEST/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also call our BBS
direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information
relative to all computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent
International Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are quite welcome to
join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code is #34813,
and the "Lead Node" is # 350. All BBS systems are welcome and invited to
actively participate. Support your favorite computers; Join Today!



to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!



Beginning 28-Feb, hourly connect-time rates are lower for Standard
Pricing Plan members when using extended services. The new charges are
$6/hour for 300 bps, $8/hour for 1200/2400 bps and $16/hour for 9600 bps
access. The monthly membership fee, which includes unlimited connect-time
in more than 30 basic services, has increased $1 to $8.95 (this pricing
change is not applicable in all countries).

FundWatch Online by Money magazine, a powerful mutual fund screening and
reporting service, is now part of basic services, which also includes
CompuServe Mail, The Electronic Mall, news, weather and sports, member
support services, reference and travel services.

Rates for Alternative Pricing Plan members will remain at $6.30/hour for
300 bps, $12.80/hour for 1200 and 2400 bps, and $22.80/hour for 9600 bps.
Also, the Membership Support Fee under the Alternative Pricing Plan
increases 50 cents to $2.50.

Members currently under the Standard Pricing Plan will automatically be
billed at the new rates starting 28-Feb. For more information on the new
rates or to join the Standard Pricing Plan, GO CHOICES.


As of 28-Feb, members can access via European CompuServe nodes and pay no
communication surcharges during non-prime time (19:00-8:00 local time).
The resulting $2.20/hour savings is in addition to the reductions in
connect-time charges available for all members on the Standard Pricing
Plan. For European access numbers, GO PHONES.


CompuServe has enhanced its forum software to allow an increase in the
size of messages. The maximum message size was formerly 96 lines or 2,000
characters. With this change, the size increases to a maximum of 10,000
characters. Also, the message board capacity has been increased.


Download file WP_MAN.ARC from LIBRARY 17 of the Atari Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO) for a condensed WordPerfect manual. The 600 page manual
condensed into 92 pages which takes you step by step (Keyboard OR Mouse)
through most every text operation. Included are Maps to help you place
text at precisely where you want.


Download file CENTPD.LZH from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for an excellent shareware version of Centipede from Scotland.
This game is FULL of bugs (Spiders, Flies and of course, Centipedes!)
Great sound, great graphics, great fun! COLOR ONLY.


Download file SERFX2.LZH from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO) for Serial Fix 2 - RTS/CTS flow control with any TOS. This
patch for properly handling RTS/CTS flow control in the ST's serial port
works on all TOS versions from 1.00 to 4.01. It also includes the
TOS14FIX.PRG code for TOS 1.04 and 1.06 users. Use with Atari's
eXtensible Control Panel (XCONTROL).


Download file SAVER1.LZH from LIBRARY 4 of the Atari Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO) for a package of 6 shareware screensaver modules for Warp 9,
by John Dillenburg. Modules included are Freckles, Pyro Deluxe, Random
Lines, Roaming Shapes, Random Shapes, and Fractal Symmetries.


Download file NEWPRT.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for the New HP LaserJet 4, HP DeskJet 550c, HP DeskJet 500c, and
PostScript printer drivers for Pagestream 2.




> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

March first is right around the corner, but what do we hear??? They'll be
here by the third week in March! And we're now told that's what's been
being said all along! Wow... talk about a smoke screen! Oh well...
excuses, slipped dates, missed objectives. All in a day's work at Atari.
I'll simply be happy to see the Falcons really arrive. I sometimes think
that's the entire object. Wear us down to the point where anything at all
is acceptable. Could be..... we shall see.

Now then what about that advertizing campaign??

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine



Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



"There is no comparison! The Atari Falcon
is far superior to the PC platform."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"My new office, which has a better view than my old one, is so far
quite satisfactory. And Richard Miller is in my old office. The
Forbes article was a mish-mash and misconstrued article full of half
truths. We are anxiously awaiting the release of the Atari Falcon to
bring us back to the forefront. The article has given us some laughs,
but otherwise has not affected us."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"As I said before, all marketing announcements will be made at
Duesseldorf. I will not comment on future models of the Falcon.


Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"I've just returned from Asia, where I saw the first Atari Falcon
production coming off the lines. Let's hope this new offering will
make it in North America. I know that the specs are great."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"We have not yet even given the machine to the FCC. And we are only
applying for Class B approval. According to our "experts", it should
pass Class B."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"...... We are not working for Wall Street but to
make money for our shareholders and only think long term."

Sam Tramiel, 11/92

FYI.... The Shareholder's equity is fine.... NOT!

The Stock is hovering around $1.12

CHRISTMAS '92 has COME and GONE...
FALCONS ....anyone?

By the Way.... Does the Falcon work well
any... of the SLM Laser Printers?? NOPE! NOT YET!


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Here we are again. Another week, another handful of questions, answers,
and advise.

As the targeted March delivery date for the Falcon030 comes ever-closer,
interest in this new machine is building. I guess I'll have to go out
and get one of them when they become available just so I'll know what
everyone else will be talking about. Heck, maybe I can talk Atari into
donating one to me on the grounds that:

A) It would help STReport to get a first-hand view of the Falcon,

B) It would help to show the world that Atari really does want to make a
good impression on as many people as possible, and,

C) I'm a heck of a nice guy and I deserve to get a Falcon without paying
for it! ;^)

Well, let's get to the good part... you know, the questions 'n' stuff.

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Do you remember when you first started using a computer? That's right, it
took you a while to get used to it, didn't it? Then you got a modem.
All of a sudden, you had to learn a lot of new stuff. There was the
terminal program, the commands for the bulletin board or on-line service,
and even programs that you had to use before you could use the program
that you just downloaded. The troublesome and dreaded archive utilities
seem at times to be the brainchild of some mad scientist bent on keeping
us from enjoying our newfound hobby. But after the second week or so, we
got used to ARCing and unARCing, LZHing and unLZHing, and now ZIPping and
unZIPping. Just incase you've forgotten what those first few weeks were
like, listen to Gordon Gooch:

"I hate to sound so helpless, but how do I obtain an initial download
, I mean archive/dearchive program if all downloadable versions on the
bulletin board are archived. Could someone please direct me to an
archive/dearchive program that handles the .ARC format which does not
need to be decompressed [Also, If you could provide a simple 1 or 2
line explanation of how to evoke the program I would be most
appreciative. Thanks, sorry to be a nuisance."

It sounds like the classic catch-22, doesn't it? You need to unARC a file
to be able to unARC a file. Well, thank goodness for self-extracting
archives. Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Gordon:

"That's a good question. There is a self-extracting file (TOS
program) that contains LZH and ARC format de-archive programs.
ARC_LZH.TOS is the name of the program I think. The Sysops can tell
you for sure!"

Sysop Keith Joins adds:

"ARCLZH.PRG is the name of the file Albert was talking about. If you
want just the ARC utility then ARC602.TTP is available in library 4."

Never one to let things remain unclear to a new user, Sysop Bob Retelle
tells Gordon:

"That ARCLZH.PRG file that Keith mentioned is what's known as a
"self-extracting" archive.. it's compressed, and has several
different files and documents in it, but it doesn't need a special
"de-compressor" to unarchive it..

You just click on the file like any normal program, and it will
uncompress itself.. (one thing to watch, be sure there's plenty of
room on the disk the file is on, as it will probably more than double
in size).

Contained in the ARCLZH file is both the ARC and LZH compression
utilities, and a Shareware "shell" program that makes running them a
lot easier.

You can run the utilities by themselves by typing in the commands, or
use the shell program to make it as easy as clicking on a button...

Be sure to read the documentation with the shell program to get it all
set up correctly... in particular, you need to tell the shell program
where on your disk the two utilities are located.

The "short form" commands for unarchiving files with the compression
utilities is to put the utility and the compressed file on the same
disk together, then click on the utility (naturally, use ARC for .ARC
files, and the LZH utility for .LZH).

Then in the dialogue box that pops up, just type in:

x filename.arc or x filename.lzh

That will extract all the files in the archive to the current disk.

Let us know if you run into any problems.."

Now THATS what I call a helpful Sysop. Meanwhile, in a conversation about
daisy-chaining hard drives (ie installing them on the same "line" from one
to the next), Bill Gibson posts:

"My hard drive doesn't have a through port. Can I add one by simply
piggy-backing a cable and socket to the circuitry? I know which end of
a soldering iron gets hot, so I could try this. Any ideas?"

Tom Mynar tells Bill:

"The first thing is the type of Host Adapter. If you have a pre-built
Atari old style (SH204/205, etc.)'re out of luck. If you have a
newer style like in the Megafile 44, you have a much better chance.
If you have a Supra or ICD, you are VERY likely to be successful. If
you have something like a Haba or other "hardly-well-known", it's
unlikely. Yes, you CAN add a connector to the outside to go to
another SCSI device. However, you will probably violate your FCC
regulations - so be prepared when your neighbor complains (I've never
had this problem and we live in a wooden mobile home).

You don't necessarily need to solder anything. Flat ribbon 50 pin
cables with multiple IDC connectors are quite common. One goes from
the Host Adapter to the drive and then the cable continues out the
box. You should replace this "end" cable with a 50 PIN Centronics
type connector. Now, when connecting an external device - you have to
watch for cable termination. It is likely that your internal drive
has some little resistors plugged into it sorta in a socket. Most of
the time these are little blue or yellow guys that are single-in-line.
After you find them, make sure you remember where the little dot is -
that's pin 1. The device you plug in externally should have a
terminator. They also make terminators that plug into the 50 pin

After Hugh Echols makes reference to the "MYTHICAL" Falcon030, Charles
Smeton posts:

"What is mythical about the Atari Falcon030 computer? Many developers
such as myself have had Falcon030's for several months now. By putting
these machines in the hands of developer's, Atari is insuring that
there will be compatible software for the Falcon030 when it becomes
available to the general public. It is already available in parts of
Europe and is expected to be available here in the US in March.

Stores should soon be getting Falcon030's for display and demo
purposes also. Toad Computers in Severna Park, Maryland has a
Falcon030 on display for the public to see.

One very positive sign that the Falcon030 is out there for developer's
to use is that several Public Domain Falcon030 specific programs have
started to appear on the various online systems. These utilities take
advantage of the DSP and 16bit stereo sound capabilities of the

As more Falcon030's become available I expect this trend to increase a
great deal. Also, Atari's International Software Catalog is now out
that lists many new programs from Europe that will be Falcon030

The Falcon030 that I have has 14 Megabytes of RAM. It is very nice to
have 2 Megabyte RAM disks, 1 Megabyte disk caches, 1 Megabyte Speedo
GDOS font caches, etc. Multi-TOS, Speedo GDOS and Atari Works should
also be available from Atari soon. The Falcon030 also comes with
several nice programs such as System Audio Manager, ProCalc, Breakout,
Landmines, Talking Clock, CalAppt, Audio Fun Machine, etc. The new
Falcon030 TOS 4.0x and Multi-TOS have a 3D user interface that makes
Windows look pale by comparison. The Desktop now has color icons that
can change completely when selected, giving an animated look.

If you can wait a little longer, I think that you will be impressed
with this computer and know that there is no myth about it."

And in another post, Charles offers these tidbits:

"I have heard that there is a company working on a SCSI-2 to SLM
interface box that will replace the current ASCI interface or work
with it to allow the] SLM Laser printers to work with the Falcon030
and future machines that lack the ASCI (DMA) port.

I do think that once the SLM problem is solved, the replacement of the
ASCI port with a SCSI-2 will be for the better in the long run. This
will allow devices such as SCSI hard drives, SCSI scanners, SCSI CD
ROMS and SCSI Floptical Drives to be used with out a host adaptor,
just a simple SCSI-2 cable.

A Floptical Drive could be connected to the SCSI-2 port to act as the
second floppy drive and also provide the 21 Meg Floptical and 1.44 Meg
High Density capabilities. It is also possible to buy plain SCSI based
Floppy drives, but the price difference between a SCSI Floppy and the
Floptical is probably not that much.

Since I don't have an SLM Laser printer and also don't have an
external floppy disk drive, I might not have the perspective of
someone who uses these devices daily and depends on them.

On the other hand, the Falcon030 does allow me to connect it to my VGA
monitor, SC1224 Color Monitor, SM124 Mono Monitor, a television or
Composite Video monitor. I can plug in Stereo speakers directly into
it and Stereo Microphones to do audio recording and playback. I can
hook my existing Syquest and Maxtor hard drives to the SCSI-2 port by
using a SCSI-2 cable in place of the host adaptor, if I need more disk
space than the internal IDE drive has (the IDE interface inside the
Falcon030 can support large capacity 2.5" IDE hard drives available,
such as 300+ megabyte models) available.

As not every issue is black and white, I guess everyone has to weigh
the pluses with the minuses and make a decision that is best for their
own situation."

Finally, the guy who started the conversation with the word "mythical",
answers Charles:

"Actually Charles, I'm impressed already! I'd really love to buy one
but it looks like I'll have to buy an airplane ticket to do it. The
nearest ATARI dealer (not counting 8-bits at TOYS-R-US) was over 2
hours away in Atlanta. Guess what, he quit carrying both the ATARIs
and AMIGAs because when someone ordered one he could never get that
model from the factory. I TRIED to buy a MEGA ST, but the best he
could do was get one through Chicago dealerships (or resort to
mail-order, which I could do. I will refer to the Falcon as mythical
until I actually see one on a shelf somewhere. In a catalog isn't
good enough (I have a sears business catalog with the equally
well-distributed ATARI 1450xld 8-bit in it)."

Who says that computers users are all serious? Well, this next post, and
the ones answering it, show that we computer geeks enjoy a good riddle as
much as anyone. Toli Vavaskos posts:

"I know this is not the appropriate forum for a riddle, but I assume
there are a lot of good thinkers among you. So here goes:

You've got 12 balls. 11 of them weigh the same. One of them has a
different weight but we don't know if it's heavier or lighter than the

You've got a balance that you may use three times only. How do you
find the different ball?

This riddle puzzled me for quite some time and I still can't find the
answer. Reply if you know it."

An interesting diversion, isn't it? Being the light-hearted jokster that
he is, David Hagood takes a stab at it:

"The way you solve this is to realize that the scale divides the balls
into three sets: those on the left of the scale, those on the right,
and those that aren't weighed. What you do is assign each ball an
"address" that is three trits (a trit is a trianary digit, analogous
to a bit but it may take on three values). Number the balls 1-12, the
addresses are:

ball # t1 t2 t3 ball # t1 t2 t3
1 A A A 7 B A A
2 A A B 8 B A B
3 A B C 9 C B C
4 A B A 10 C B A
5 B C B 11 C C B
6 B C C 12 C C C

Now, do three weighings: for each weighing place the balls with A's on
the left of the scale, balls with a B on the right, and balls with a C
don't get weighed. For the first weighing, use trit t1, for the second
weighing, use t2, etc. For each weighing, record the result: A = left
was heavier, B = Right was heavier, C = balanced. Now, try to match
that to a result in the table. If you find a match, you're done (also,
the ball is heavier than the rest). If you don't find a match, change
all the A's into B's and try again (and the ball is lighter than the

Does that David know how to have a good time, or what?

Ah, the time of winter when the novelty of snow and cold has worn thin and
a young man's fancy turns to thoughts Peter Joseph sends up
an electronic flare:


Forty-two (42) inches of snow in three weeks time!! I can't stand
it!! I can't believe it!! I can't SEE!!! Seven foot snowbanks!!
Broken tree limbs!! EVERYTHING'S WHITE!!!!! What the hell happened
to colors??!!

Excuse me please, but does anyone know of a great golf game for the
ST? Something along the lines of 'Links' on the PC. Thanks.

< now where'd that damn shovel go? >"

Hang in there, Peter. Spring is on its way. Philip Payzant tells the
poor guy:

"Sorry about your snow. Here in Calgary it is minus 15 F, but there
is only a skiff of snow. I used to live in Nova Scotia tho', so I
know about the BIG dumps!

I've never played any PC golf games, but the best one I've played on
an ST is MicroProse Golf. The interface is very intuitive and
non-invasive, and you could probably play the game after only a few
minutes with the manual, despite it being huge! I'm getting a little
cabin fever myself, so maybe I'll go for a round too!

Actually, I just played 18 holes at one of those indoor golf places
(where they project an image of your favorite golf course on a screen
and you hit into it) and got a 78! Not bad for an old duffer like

Peter tells Philip about an interesting idea:

"Interestingly, my cousin recently came back from an indoor golf place
and we talked about going sometime. With all this snow, that seems a
lot more inviting. I didn't know Microprose had a golf game. That
same cousin recently got Links for his PC and it's very realistic.
The manual tells how the writers spend months working on the courses,
actual courses like Torrey Pines, Pinehurst, Dorado Beach and a bunch
of others. They take aerial photos and all kinds of measurements and
stuff and the courses and gameplay are _very_ realistic; right down to
the damn bird that occasionally tweets in the middle of your swing and
throws it off completely. You can shut off the background stuff too.
Only problem is, the game will hang up during screen draws sometimes.
Sometimes it happens more than once in one screen draw. It always
comes out of it in about fifteen seconds, but it really sucks, er I
mean slows the game down a lot. Maybe it's because the game maxes his
memory out or maybe it's just one of those PCrap things."

From The Atari ST Arts Forum

John Amsler asks:

"Hasn't IBM thrown down the gauntlet and hamstrung itself with its
insistence that each new computer maintain upward compatibility with
the original IBM PC? Given that, can they really knock off Apple,
Atari, and Commodore over the next 20 years and end up the only
computer around?

Personally, I'm hoping that the future belongs to Motorola platforms
... even if that means that Atari will have to share the limelight
with Apple.

I've used Intel/MS-DOS/Windows platforms ... and I just don't like
them. I like Atari and TOS! (Especially with Warp 9! <g>)"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells John:

"John, the "backwards compatibility" that has hurt performance in PCs
up till now is finally beginning to become much less of a hindrance.

The systems are so fast now, and have such tremendous resources
available to them that it's less a matter of maintaining full
compatibility, and more an "emulation" of the earlier machines.

While there was no way a '286 could run an "8088/86 emulator", a fast
'486 or Pentium could easily do that in software, with no need to
"cripple" the system..

From OS/2 you just open a "DOS Window" and run your old PC programs in

John replies:

"Huh! That's juST like with TOS 1.0, 1.02, 1.04, 2.06, and 3.06! <g>

(Have you heard anything about how things are coming along with the
manufacture [& distribution] of the Falcon? One of my friends -- a
dyed-in-the-wool MS-DOSer -- would buy one NOW if they were available.
All I did was show him the brochures from COMDEX and give him copies
of extracts from the fora here ... and he's sold!)"

Jim tells John:

"I suspect we'll know more about Falcon deliveries after the 5th of
March, when Bob Brodie makes his next "public appearance." Watch ZNET
for the transcript of his conference.

Lots and lots of folks are starting to ask the question about March
deliveries, so I am sure it will come up.

No dealers have announced receiving their dealer demos yet. Except
Toad Computers, but they got theirs as a developer, not as a dealer.
The dealer units are supposed to ship first, followed by order

Continuing a conversation about accelerated machines and Intel DX2 chips,
Bob Retelle tells John Amsler:

"The DX2 chips are just one CPU chip..

It works like a MegaSTe.. you double the clock speed to the CPU chip,
but run the rest of the computer at the old normal clock speed.

Anything that runs inside the CPU chip and its RAM cache runs twice as
fast, and anything that runs outside the CPU runs normally.

Thus you don't end up with an overall improvement of 100%, but
somewhere in the area of a 50% speed increase.

A lot of how much speedup you see depends on how the individual
program you're running uses the system.. lots of CPU activity means a
faster execution, while a lot of I/O means less speed improvement.

The business about 2 CPUs was the marketing "sleight of hand" with
things like the Lynx.. it has 2 8bit CPUs in it, so they call it a
16bit machine.

(Maybe I shouldn't use "marketing" and "Lynx" in the same sentence...

From The Atari Vendors Forum

For a while now, some people have been having problems with getting ICD's
THE LINK to access certain "floptical" drives. Roger Nelson tells us how
to beat the problem:

"I found the solution. ICD has an upgrade to their LINK floptical
driver that allows you to partition and make bootable the floptical
drive. Once I was able to install spectre on a small C partition and
my mac system software and a 20 meg D partition, using the Floptical
was EASY! Yes -- you can use the Floptical Drive with the GCR, Not as
fast as a hard drive, but with a lot more room (hence a lot less disk
swapping) than with a floppy only system. Was it worth the money?
What was the question again? :^)"

Meanwhile, over in CodeHeadland, Jody Golick tells CodeHead John Eidsvoog:

"Just for the record, I'd like to see an auto-park function added to
W9 too.

..And as always with gratitude for fine work and great support..."

And Greg Mee tells CodeHead Charles F. Johnson:

"I think I found a bug (feature?) in Warp 9.

Bring up Laser C 2.0 Go straight into the RCP program Call the Warp 9
accessory Load a screen saver module Get a laser C alert box saying
"68000 exception 02" This requires a cold boot to restore the system.
I did the above a second time to verify this.

My system is: ICD hard disk bootware 5.2 Auto folder:
g+, ICDtime, Warp 9, Hotwire 3.0, UIS 3.0 ACCessories:
g+, multidesk 3.4a, UIS 3.0, Jet-on, EdHack 2.05, Warp 9 ACC 1.4

Is this a bug? Does the laser C shell do weird stuff?"

Charles tells Greg:

"Unfortunately, the Laser C shell does indeed do some weird stuff;
it's several years old and hasn't been updated/fixed.

In any case, it's usually not a good idea to load/unload screen saver
modules while inside a program. Because of the way TOS's memory
management systems work, when a desk accessory like the Warp 9 Control
Panel allocates memory (as it must do when it loads a module), that
memory is "owned" by the current active process -- in this case, Laser
C. When you quit Laser C, that memory will be deallocated but the
Warp 9 CP won't know about it -- which means that a crash will be
likely in the near future. For this reason, we recommend loading and
removing Extend-O-Save modules only from the GEM desktop or from the
HotWire screen (if you use HotWire)."

From The Atari Portfolio Forum

Sysop and one-man program factory, BJ Gleason tries to tantalize us with:

"It's coming...

And it will be here soon!...

Its Coming....

How would you like to use a full size keyboard on your Portfolio?

It's Coming.... soon...."

Peter Bennett tells BJ:

"Aaaargggh, I hate being kept in suspense!

When, when, when, when, when!!!"

BJ tells Peter:

"Real soon now...

Keep watching this channel..."

Gee, I think that maybe BJ has been too involved in the Atari world... I
guess I'll have to send him one of my special Pins with letters "RSN"
(Real Soon Now) with a barred circle around them!

David Stewart asks:

"Really? Can you connect it straight into the Port, or is it some
kind of serial port connection, or what? Tell us more, tell us more!
And soon (I've got a deadline coming up!)"

BJ replies only:

"Keep your eyes open... It's coming soon..."

While BJ chants his new mantra, Kriss asks:

"... is the file manager PD or not??
Can I copy it or must I be careful ??"

Sysop Marty Mankins tells Kriss:

"File Manager is NOT public domain. It is a commercial program, but
since it only works on the Portfolio, there's no real problem."

Just to make it official, Don Thomas, of Atari Corp. tells Kriss:

"The File Manager utility is not public domain, however, Atari
encourages the distribution between Portfolio owners. Copying it is
okay, but you cannot sell it."

Well friends, that's about all the room we've got for this week. Tune in
again next week, same time, same station, and sit back and relax with your
friends in the CompuServe Atari Fora (just a fancy way of saying
"forums"). You'll pick up hints and tips, help, and news that make using
your ST easier, faster, or just plain more fun. So c'mon back next time
and listen to what they are saying when...






Free Parking!
Low Room Rates!
More Vendors!
More Floor Space!

Yep, that ACT Atari Group is running another major NorthEast computer
event. Last year's successful CT Fest had over 700 attendees, which
merited a larger location, so we've moved a mile away (exit 42 on I-91)
into bigger and better quarters. We're just as convenient to reach as
ever, and only two hours from Boston or New York! The new hotel has
excellent room rates ($35.00 per room), free and plentiful parking, easy
access from Interstate 91, I-95, I-90, I-84, I-80, an in house Sports Bar,
a bigger ballroom and is located just 1 mile from Bradley International
Airport (free shuttle service for hotel guests).

We expect that an even greater number of vendors this year, surpassing
the excellent turnout of the past shows. We already have tentative
commitments from A&D Software, Gribnif Software, Barefoot Software, Toad
Computers, Computer Studio, Baggetaware, Derric Electronics, E.Hartford
Computer Repair, MegaType Software, Wizztronics and GFA Software
Technology. Last year we had FOURTEEN user groups, this year we should
have even more (We also expect an exciting 8 Bit contingent)!

We'll have our annual New England Lynx Competition, with multiple
Comlynxed competitions underway at all times. Last year's winners took
home prizes ranging from games to accessories to complete Lynx Systems!
Bring your best player and join the fun.

We'll have the Portfolio Corner, staffed with industry pundits and
filled with every imaginable palmtop peripheral! Last year we had a few
Portfolios disassembled at the booth, a real insight into surface mount

For those of you with an eye towards seminars, we'll have them in
abundance, last year's question and answer session with Bob Brodie drew
standing only crowds! In addition, we had John Eidsvoog's walk through the
Codehead graphic tools, Jeff Naideau of Barefoot Software showing off
EdiTrack Platinum, Dave Troy of (Guess[ribbet]) Computers and many, many

And to top things off, come out and see the Falcon 030 in all its
glory. By then we expect to see some rad new programs out and some really
excitement! All in all, we hope to have the best Northeast show yet, and
we look forward to your participation. Make your plans now for the most
exciting Atari Weekend this spring!

For further information, call Brian Gockley at 203-332-1721 or Doug
Finch at 203-637-1034. We can also be found on GEnie in Category 11 or on
Compuserve in the Atari arenas. E-mail can be directed to B.GOCKLEY or
D.FINCH7 on GEnie or to 75300,2514 or 76337,1067 on CIS.



STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and
become a part of the friendly community of Atari enthusiasts there.

Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
When connected, press RETURN once or twice
At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN.

DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
baud rate. The $5.95 monthly fee includes your first hour online.

For more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005

DELPHI is a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, MA.

Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
receive 5 hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only
$5. If you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the end of
the calendar month with no further obligation. If you keep your account
active, you will automatically be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Basic Plan,
where you can use up to 4 weekend and evening hours a month for a minimum
$10 monthly charge, with additional hours available at $3.96. But hurry,
this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press <RET> once
or twice. When you get the Password: prompt, type IP26 and press <RET>
again. Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll
officially be a member of DELPHI!


AEO 0204

All of the above files can be found in the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at
least one week after the posting of this list. Please Note that in the
case of online magazines, only the most current issue in the database at
the time of this compilation is considered for the Top 10 list. Also, for
all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four
weeks after its original uploading.

DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!




As we had a conflict of dates with two other long running shows, we
have moved our show date to remove this conflict. The new show date is
listed below, we are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. The
location is the same. The location for the show is Stadium Inn, 7901 E 40
Hwy., The date of the show will be June 26th and 27th. Ticket prices at
the door will be 5.00 dollars each day. Advance tickets will be 4.00
dollars each, for advance tickets, please send 4.00 dollars per ticket to:
Kansas City AtariFest, P.O. Box 1653, Lee Summit, MO 64063 or if you
belong to a user group please mail a request for a user group information

To make room reservations please call 1-800-325-7901, we are also
working with a local travel agent to get special airfares for the show.
You may call 1-800-874-7691 to take advantage of the special fares.

For more information please leave Email as follows; GEnie, B.welsch,
B.Frazier2, J.krzysztow, for CompuServe, Leave for Jeff Krzysztow at
74027,707, for Delphi, Bobtrow or you can call (816)224-9021, or mail to
the address listed above.

We hope you will join us to welcome the following companies; Cali-Co
software, ICD, MissionWare Software, Fair-Dinkum Software, Systems For
Tomorrow, New Dimensions Computer Center, Electronic Spinster Graphics,
Compu-Seller West, ChroMagic Software, Paul's Software, The Codeheads,
Clear Thinking Software, S.K.Ware, and a lot more!! Watch for updates to
this list or check our Genie topic (cat 11 topic 11)

Bruce Welsch
KCAC Special Events Coordinator


> IDES OF MARCH! STR FOCUS! An essay about the current times...


by Dana P. Jacobson

Don't ask me where I came up with that title; it just came to me
after recalling a message I read on my BBS asking when in March Atari
planned to release the Falcon.

March 1st is around the corner. Bulletin boards and online service
are buzzing with anticipation, and hesitation. My nearest Atari dealer is
asking users, trying to get some clue, how many people will be buying the
Falcon030 when its available. Perhaps he's trying to get an idea how many
to pre-order? Response, surprisingly, hasn't been overwhelming (locally).

I haven't been around in the pages of STReport for a number of weeks.
Things have been hectic at work, a few story ideas fell through,
distractions on GEnie with regard to STReport, a few online debates -
those kinda things. My mind hasn't been into much writing lately. But,
time goes on...

So, when do you expect to see/hear Falcons available? I have
no idea, except sometime in March. What dealers will have them. Will all
existing dealers have demo machines? Again, my nearest dealer hasn't
heard a peep from Sunnyvale. It's a well-kept secret which really
shouldn't be. Who is Atari aiming to market the Falcon? MIDI users? New
computer users? Existing Atari userbase? Unsatisfied IBM, Mac, Amiga
users? All of the above? None of the above? Is there a marketing plan,
just waiting to be sprung on the general public and surprise everyone?
The anticipation is driving many crazy! We're all hoping for the best
but cringing at the possibility of "business as usual."

Many people, all current Atari users, that I have talked with since
the first of the year are non-committal about the "fate" of Atari and the
Falcon. Will they buy one? Not right away, 99% of them have said. Why?
They're taking a "wait and see" attitude. Is it apathy for the company?
The machine? No, apathy is really too harsh. Most would characterize it
as hesitance. They want to see what happens in the first few months after
the Falcon is released. Will there be any marketing? Will there be new
dealers all over the country? Will there be more developers with programs
ready to launch soon after the Falcon is released? Will there be support,
in general? People I've talked to just aren't committed to make a
commitment with a new machine from Atari, not any more. We're talking
anywhere from a $800 - $1500 investment on a company that hasn't truly
supported its userbase for the past few years with any degree of
seriousness. These people aren't willing to take another chance on
something they're not sure Atari is prepared to go that extra mile to
support. Not with Atari's past performance record. Not with the economy
still shaky.

It's really disheartening to hear so many former devout Atarians talk
like this, myself included. I _want_ to get a Falcon; I'm still using two
upgraded 520 STs, vintage 1985. I want the extra power of the Falcon; and
I cringe at the thought of possibly putting more money into my existing
systems to get more speed and memory. But, I then think about having
MultiTOS and up to 14 megs of RAM - my mouth waters. And, then think
about all of the other goodies packaged with the Falcon! Take out all of
the audio and video enhancements I'd have with the Falcon, since I'm
not planning to really take advantage of those features. What's left?
Well, still quite a bit. But, do I really want to make this kind of
investment at the present time? I wish that I did. Again, I and many
others want to see what happens. We want to see some of that same
enthusiasm that Atari garnished back in 1985 when the ST came out. We
want to see the Falcon succeed by having new users get a taste of what
we've experienced with the joy of owning Atari computers all these years;
and have that excitement generate a lot of positive things. I'd love to
see the Falcon help generate some revitalization of user groups again.
Atari magazines with plenty of willing advertisers. Multi-platform
magazines with Atari coverage. Dealers! Software! Developers! Service!
The list can keep on growing.

I will do whatever I can to promote the Falcon and Atari with my
continued activity in STReport. I will continue to write about Atari
machines in my user group newsletter, and at user group meetings. I'll
continue to purchase new software as the need (and product) presents
itself. But, I will hold off on my Falcon purchase until Atari and the
Falcon shows me that this time, it's different.

Speaking of "this time it's different", I wanted to make a few
comments about the possibility of MultiTOS being released to the public as
freeware/shareware/whateverware. I want to applaud the efforts of Atari's
Bob Brodie and Bill Rehbock for wanting to try and get MultiTOS out to the
users, free, one way or another. This is certainly a positive track to
take, allowing the userbase to get a hands-on feeling for some of the
power available on the Falcon without having to buy one first. It's true
that most users won't get the feel of the full potential of this
multi-tasking system, but some feel is better than none.

The thing that does bother me is the _possibility_ that it will be
free, but exclusive to one online service (initially) and then on to the
others. It's true, GEnie is the official Atari online support area. It's
true, Atari would gain some revenue from the downloads. It's true, GEnie
users would most likely find answers to questions and/or problems on GEnie
a lot faster than another service. I'm not impressed.

Before you start to say "Oh, he's just mad because STReport is banned
from the Atari RT," or "Oh, he favors another online service over GEnie
and would rather get it there" - that's a lot of bunk. This is not a
STReport/GEnie issue, nor is it one service over another issue. What it
really is, is why aren't all Atari users given the same opportunity at the
same time? If most users prefer GEnie, they'll download the file from
GEnie. It's more politics, pure and simple.

Now is not the time for Atari to segregate the userbase; it's
splintered badly as it is, with support hard to come by these days. What
a perfect opportunity for Atari to do something extremely positive for the
Atari community; what an incredible public relations coup this would
create. Brodie has the right idea: give it to them. But go all the way:
give it to _all_ of them, and at the same time. Why play around with a
1,2,3,4-week potential exclusive? Why make those who don't use GEnie
wait? It may make sense to some at Atari and GEnie, business-wise; but it
will _not_ make sense to many Atari users who don't have access or may be
able to download it faster, cheaper, more conveniently from other sources.
Yes, that would mean private bulletin boards as well.

Of course, all of these opinions (shared by many other than myself)
may all be for naught. Nothing has been firmly decided yet. For all I or
any of us know, MultiTOS may become a commercial product. I hope not, but
it is possible. But, I feel that since the possibilities exist for a free
release and restricted to one service for x-amount of time because of the
discussions I've seen on all three service; it's important that the users
have a right to speak their opinions out loud to give Atari some feedback
how we feel, about any topic that seems relevant to our needs, wishes, and
views. It's certainly something to think about until we learn what the
final distribution plan might be. Wait and see seems to be the norm for
the moment...

Since I mentioned earlier the problem of STReport being banned from
the Atari RT area on GEnie; and not much has been discussed about it in
STReport lately, let me put in my 2 cents worth. Actually, it's not a
problem _for_ STReport, but for the users who actively looked for STReport
weekly in the RT. All that STReport and some of its editorial staff
"lost" were its free flags, a support area for our GEnie readers to
discuss various topics, and an active distribution outlet. The Atari RT
lost some revenue through lack of download time; and it also lost some
members to other services. Is this loss significant? I have no way of
knowing. I would surmise that no business wants to lose any business, but
it happens daily. I'm sure that it was a calculated risk on the Atari
RT's part, and deemed acceptable. STReport has been expendable for quite
some time, and finally it happened.

I'm sure that the "final straw" was the ABCO problems, seemingly
compounded because of the weekly ad in STReport. Was it the only reason?
Of course not. The Atari RT has been at odds with the editorial content
of STReport for years. It has been at odds with the publisher for years.
This has been shown in both public and behind the scenes activity. What
has been pointed out to me on numerous occasions, by many people, is that
no one has to agree with the contents of STReport, editorial or otherwise,
at any time. What they do have to agree on is the right for it to be
said. For STReport to be banned from the Atari RT opens up the door for
other online magazines, or even users, from being banned for the contents
they present, or the opinions that they express online. Is this
discriminatory? You bet. If STReport isn't allowed to have an editorial
stance, why should any other online magazine? Just because the other
magazines don't ruffle any feathers as much as STReport? Just because the
others don't fight back when they see an injustice with regard to its
content? Many times I have heard someone say: "I have the right not to
agree with what you have to say, but I'll fight for your right to say it"
(yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre excluded). So, take away Ralph
Mariano's views and how he presents them, editorials and the like; what's
left that's causing problems with the Atari RT? The ABCO ad.

Is GEnie and/or the Atari RT responsible for existing and potential
problems of ABCO customers? I don't think so. Have any of the existing
ABCO problems occurred because a GEnie user placed an order specifically
because they downloaded an issue from GEnie, saw the ad from that same
issue, and decided to place an order? Have the ads been false, or is this
a case of goods being ordered and not delivered? How is GEnie or the
Atari RT possibly responsible? If I buy software from a dealer and the
disk is bad, is it the dealer's fault? Should all software from that
dealer be tossed out because of the possibility that more disks may be
defective? Should the dealer be ostracized because a bad disk was found
at his store? Fine, if the dealer wants to warn his customers that a
disk(s) have been found to be defective, be forewarned it _might_ happen
again, and it might not. There are ABCO customers who have not had
problems with orders, so there's no guarantee that every order will result
in poor results. If the Atari RT is overly concerned, then issue a
statement or disclaimer. Obviously you cannot say _not_ to order from
ABCO, but you can say that there have been _some_ problems and that GEnie
and/or the Atari RT is not responsible for _any_ advertising online -
whether it be in magazines, messages, or the classifieds areas. That
should take any responsibility off of GEnie's back. Post the disclaimer
within the sign-up information so it's seen the first time a new user
signs up.

So, where does this all lead us? Probably nowhere. It's _my_
opinion that this entire issue is more personal, but covered up with a
perceived over-reaction to a problem that can be easily rectified. Smoke
and mirrors - is that the preferred terminology for these actions? I
think so. Why else would STReport be banned from one service and _no_
mention of it not being supported on _any_ other service or bulletin
board? The games continue...

Well, enough of this. I'm looking forward to some other projects for
these pages rather than discussing things that have been going on for too
long. Have you seen the game OXYD from Dongleware yet? It's been on all
of the online services for some time now; it was even a "Darlah's Treat"
on GEnie (free download) a month or so ago. A representative from
Dongleware appeared at our local user group meeting a short time ago, and
I finally got to see the game in action even though it's been sitting on
my hard drive for weeks! I was sold - I bought the manual right then and
there and haven't been disappointed. Look for a review of OXYD shortly.
I also hope to be doing some other reviews shortly, as well as some other
projects I've been working on.

Until next time...



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and
weekend access to more than 100 services including
electronic mail, online encyclopedia, shopping, news,
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download and the best online games, for only $6 per

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Any time during your first month
of membership if you are not completely satisfied, just
ask for your $4.95 back.

GEnie Announcements (FREE)
1. BITSTREAM is now online. For full product support, visit....BITSTREAM
2. Jackson, TN - Access Number Change............................*PHONE
3. Get your Home/Office Supplies at DISCOUNT PRICES at..........PENNYWISE
4. Hottest & Latest Books at PCBOOKS and.........................READ-USA
5. Make your next vacation the BEST - Visit the NEW Travel RT....TRAVELRT
6. Has your life been missing something - Get your DISNEY info...FLORIDA
7. Last chance: FREE tickets to New York LAP&PALMTOP Expo on.....LAPTOPS
8. Shareware GEnie Macintosh front-end gets updated in...........MACPRO
9. Meet Bob Nordling, Nat.Home/School MUG, Mar.1, 9:45 in........MAC
10. Sailors Delight..RTC 2/27 on the..............................LEFT
11. Final ballot for the Lamp awards is now available. VOTE.......SHOWBIZ
12. Anti-Virus vendors on Michelangelo in the RTC in..............VIRUS
13. Enjoy an evening with Windows User Magazine...................WINDOWS
14. HURRY - join up, grab these games before it's too late........SOFTCLUB
15. Video didn't kill the radio star in our Playlists topic in....*MUSIC

Welcome to...

|"""| |"""| |"""""""""""""""""""""""|
| | | ||"""""| | Your |
| T ||"""""|| L || R | | Computing RT |
| H || || A || O | | Resource! |
| E || G || M || U | | ~

| || E || P || N | | GEnieLamp Magazine |
| || n || || D | | Electronic Publishing |
| || i || || T | | Ed_NET |
| || e || || A | | Bookettes! |
| || || || B | | Online Magazines |
| || || || L | | ~ |
| || || || E | | Home Of The |
| || || || | | Digital Publishing |
| || || || | | Association! |
|"""||"""""||"""||"""""| |"""""""""""""""""""""""|
|B33||B34.4||B35|| B64 | | C65.4132 |
|===||=====||===||=====| |=======================|
Your RT Hosts: John Peters [GENIELAMP]
Jim Flanagan [JFLANAGAN] & Mike White [M.WHITE25]

And They're GEnie*Basic!
(On Page 515)

1137 DPANEW13.ZIP "Digital" newsletter - DOS/EGA/VGA
1136 DPANEW13.DOC "Digital Publishing News" - March,93
1132 DPATOOL2.GIF DPA Toolkit Full package Proof
1128 V6I7.ASC The Teleputing Hotline (Vol. 6, #7)
1115 BBR0293.ZIP Feb, 1993, The Bell Business Report
1109 SEE.EXE "SEE" File Utilities
1108 GARLIC-MAGIC.ZIP "Garlic Magic" - by George Knoblauch
1107 EFORUM11.ZIP Electronic Publishers Forum - #11
1106 ANSIMOUS ANSI Editor for Macs (SEA)
1105 V6I6.ASC The Teleputing Hotline (Vol. 6, #6)
1104 REXXCOM-DPA.ZIP REXXCOM - ASCII Publishing System
1100 CANE0293.ZIP CANE calendars of events in N.E.
1099 DPANEW12.ZIP REXXCOM version of "News" for 2/93
1097 EP-WIN.EXE DEMO W/Grapics E.Pulishing Windows
1096 ORPH141C.ZIP Orpheus v.1.41 - Disk 3 of 3
1095 ORPH141B.ZIP Orpheus v.1.41 - Disk 2 of 3
1094 ORPH141A.ZIP Orpheus v.1.41 - From Hyperion

PACIFIC EDGE ON GEnie! The Pacific Edge Magazine has joined the
"""""""""""""""""""""" GEnieLamp RoundTable. Watch for new issues
in the library and reader support in the bulletin board.

FILE OF THE WEEK The Teleputing Hotline Newsletter is this week's
"""""""""""""""" selection. Catch up on what's happening in the
telecommunications world, quickly and easily with The Teleputing
Hotline! This page, option #7.

DIGITAL PUBLISHING NEWS The March issue of Digital Publishing
""""""""""""""""""""""" Association is now available on the menu
(Option #5) on page 515 as well as in the library.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> VIRUS?? STR Feature New Virii??


From the Jerry Pournelle RT on Genie

By Dave Moeller

Compiled by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

Several new computer viruses have been identified:

Never calls itself a "virus," but instead refers to itself as an
"electronic microorganism." Infected computers immediately stop
processing and display "computationally challenged" as an error message.

Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine.

Especially insidious, this virus comes in two versions, each version
replacing the other at random intervals.

Under Version 1, the computer locks up, screen splits erratically with
a message appearing in each half blaming the other side for the problem.

Version 2 runs every program on the hard drive simultaneously, but
doesn't allow the user to accomplish anything.

Divides your hard drive into hundreds of little units, each of which does
practically nothing but all of which claim to be the most important part
of the computer and therefore requires additional resources. When
detected, attempts to invoke Version 2 of the Congressional virus.

Attempts to allocate non-existent resources to hard drive partitions
created by the Bureaucrat virus. Upon failing, passes control to the IRS
virus which locks up the entire computer and seizes its assets.

You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore.

Helps your computer shut down whenever it wants to.

This revolutionary virus warns you of impending attack-- once if by LAN,
twice if by C.


> STR Editor's Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

Editor's MailBag

Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

To our readers;

Mr. Cross decided to resurrect an old and very tired matter about the
FCC and Atari with his outrageous claims that STReport didn't have the
facts, was blowing smoke, etc.. STReport's contention is its Mr. Cross
who's very busy "blowing smoke" in an attempt to cloud the entire matter
for some unknown reasons. One can only wonder who or what is "prompting"
him. The information STReport obtained from the FCC is obtainable by
anyone caring to take the time and initiative to seek it out. Anyone
doing so will soon discover STReport did indeed present the whole truth.

It was even more amazing to find him "proclaiming" that we couldn't
reproduce his accusatory post to us without his "permission". Oh well
thank fully, you can deduce the 'gist' if his latest limp thrust by the

In the meantime, we welcome anyone's input in this matter. In fact,
we would be pleased to assist anyone caring to verify the information by
providing the telephone numbers in Washington D.C. and in Laurel MD. where
the individuals are located. Mr. Cross, in the ever so usual litany, is
demanding we reveal our "sources" within the FCC. How very original.
Simply put, STReport will not, as always, comply with such requests. Our
sources are just that.... OURS!

Mr. Cross continues to accuse and bleat nonsense about the accuracy of
our presentation relative to the FCC and the events surrounding the
certification of Atari computers and in particular, the Falcon030. Rest
assured, STReport would not dare to misquote the Federal Communications
Commission. Extreme care was exercised in composing the reports and we
guarantee accuracy in their presentation.

Below, is an answer to his "allegations"....

To refresh your memory, this is an excerpt from message 37, Cat 18,
topic 26 in the ST RT posted on Feb 07, 1993 at 11:05 EST

-> D,D.,

-> "They didn't like anyone questioning the FCC approval date.."

-> I was the one who questioned his reporting, and I was the one who
-> proved Ralph was blowing smoke. He still has not admitted he was
-> wrong, and he is still passing around lies about the FCC
-> certification.

-> "I seldom, if ever, saw a common down to earth, everyday Atari
-> user and Genie customer post a complaint about what they read."

-> What am I, a potted plant?


To which this reply appeared in STR907...

Editor Note:

Jerry, we've known each other for quite some time and I must say your
insistence upon this tack of my not having the real facts concerning the
FCC is ludicrous! The information was dictated to STReport and presented
verbatim in STReport 902. No embellishments, nothing but the facts just
the way we got them from the Engineer in Charge. You proved nothing,
absolutely nothing except that of an attempt to build a facade of smoke
and mirrors. The Falcon was class B certified on January 8th. Since the
previous certification with its requirements were appealed by Atari, that
certification was rendered invalid. You failed to understand that point
of information.

About the potted plant... what type of fertilizer do you prefer??

And now in reply to your continuation in post 5, cat 12, topic 5 of the
GEnielamp RT.


Have no fear, your message will not be used as you wrote it. Its
indeed your perogative to place any restriction you wish on your
"messages". I am sure you realize that, once this is done, it becomes
almost impossible for you to respond to any commentary appearing in
STReport however, I must politely remind you its also our perogative to
paraphrase any such message or happenstance. As for the fertilizer
remarks. YOU began the topic with your humorous comments over whether or
not you're a "potted plant". Thus, you sir, opened the subject not I.
Please re-read your post ... the one I responded to. I also see you very
conveniently ignored the smiley. Still playing to the "destructo" agenda

As for the FCC, STReport was _not_ arguing with _you_ but _your_
methods of trying to make an invalid point. Especially since your "smoke
and mirrors game" of casting dispersions on our factual reporting of the
issues and events surrounding the question on certification of the
Falcon030 failed. Your continual claims of STReport and myself as you
say; "blowing smoke" is absolutely ridiculous! STReport was NOT wrong in
any way whatsoever concerning the FCC, Atari and the Falcon030's FCC Class
B certification. In fact, we presented the *_TRUE_* FACTS * DIRECT * from
the Federal Communications Commission. We quoted the FCC comments and
remarks _verbatim_ in STReport's Issue # 902 (No interpretations, just the

Atari indeed had certification in late November 1992 for a very, very
short time. Counted in days. Once the appeal over the special monitor
cable was made, the certification was gone. Gone at the time we brought
the matter to the attention of our readers. Gone until the Falcon030's
re-certification on January 8th 1993. In fact there was no certification
at all during Comdex Fall'92 it was only _applied for_. You cannot
possibly have any idea of when STReport or myself first contacted the FCC.
Yet, you try to give the readers the illusion you do. The fact is this
allegation is pure fantasy on your part. Another of your many statements
made with no basis in fact. You see, STReport was in contact with the FCC
from the time period right after Comdex Fall'92 when the first indications
began surfacing about the Falcon030 having NO FCC Class B certification.
STReport stayed in close contact with the FCC relative to this matter
until such time as we posted the most recent certification (01/08/93). As
for sources, we simply ignored your repeated feeble attempts at confusing
the matter by demanding we (as usual) reveal our sources of information at
the Commission and elsewhere. In a nutshell; In late November, the
Atari did not gain Class B certification for the Falcon030 until January
8th 1993! And now, that certification may be in question also. How many
times must this 'minor' fact be illustrated to you before it _finally_
sinks in?????

STReport's source(s) at the Commission are STReport's business not
yours or anybody else's for that matter. As you good and well know,
STReport will only release a source ID if that source approves of such
action. But then, why should those sources be revealed? To make it
easier for others to obtain info? STReport's sources at the FCC are not
at all in question _except in your mind_. You can stand on your
interpretation all you wish. However, facts are facts and history bears
that out to the tee in this matter. As for you giving me your sources at
the FCC, all you gave me was, incredibly, a FIRST NAME! Again, you try to
color the truth with your interpretations of what you think you 'heard'.
Stick to the facts. They will, as always, prevail.

R.F. Mariano, STR Editor


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> BABYLON 5? STR FOCUS! A plea for help...


The following is uploaded with the request that, if you support what
appears below, it be further uploaded to other BBSs...local, regional,
national...relay nets and networks.

It's generally recognized that there would not have been a third
season of the original Trek series had it not been for the action of
science fiction fans across the country who, seeing in that program
something they liked, wrote to the network to keep the show on the air.
Their voices were heard, and the show stayed on the air for one more
season. That's the part everyone knows. What's not generally considered
outside the Television Industry are all of the ramifications of that

At two seasons, a little over 50 episodes, there were not nearly
enough episodes to go into general syndication. At two seasons, the show
would have been bought as a package by fewer stations, would have popped
up far less often on television sets subsequent to the original series'
cancellation. It's altogether possible that it might not have shown up at
all, and been consigned to the NBC vaults on the grounds of insufficient
episodes for syndication marketing. (It happens; how many episodes of
Captain Nice have you seen lately?)

With that third season, there were finally enough episodes on hand to
go into general syndication. And it was in syndication that Star Trek
gradually built up the viewership and the popularity that led to
conventions, that resulted in a generation of viewers to whom the term
"klingon" was not some obscure reference but a part of American popular
culture. Without that third season, the Star Trek phenomenon would never
have had a chance to grow.

There would have been no new novels, no animated series, no role
playing games, no Star Trek I, II, III, IV, V or VI. There would have
been no Next Generation or any other subsequent series.

All of that...ALL of that...happened because concerned viewers took a
moment to voice their opinions to those who were in a position to listen,
and to act upon those opinions.

Now... what does this have to do with Babylon 5?

Some of you have seen it. Many more of you are about to see it.
Throughout the year-plus that I've been talking about this show at
conventions and on the computer nets, I've emphasized a number of agendas:
our desire to Get It Right; to avoid shilling and lying to fans, as is so
often done by producers eager to cash in on *SCI-FI*; and our intention to
do intelligent stories with interesting characters.

And there's one other item: I've said, time and again, not to believe
any of the hype, but rather to trust to your own considered instincts.
And it is that subject which is the point of this essay. You now have the
opportunity to judge our efforts for yourself.

Babylon 5, as it stands in its present form, as a pilot, is the first
time that the crew, the cast, the director and others have come together.
Four weeks of shooting, two days of rehearsal, and a budget roughly
*ONE-FOURTH* that of DS9's pilot. As has been stated from the very
beginning, it has all the flaws you would expect of a new project, in
which people have to act together for the first time, sets may or may not
be all perfect, and the bugs are still being worked out. That's what a
pilot is for, to try things, see what works, adjust, and move on.

The fundamental question behind Babylon 5 comes down to this: do you
like what you see? Does it make you want to see more? Have we kept our
promise as far as what was actually *delivered* in the pilot?

Because there *is* more to come. There has always been a plan for a
series to follow. If anything, that was the point of the entire tell a story. To create a novel for TV that would span five
years, for which the pilot is the opening chapter. Having now seen, or
about to see the foundation for that story, and before being asked to
lend support to that series, you have a right to some sense of what that
series would entail, and what you're being asked to support. One should
never sign a blank check on the bank of one's conscience. So here's a

You will find out what happened to Sinclair, for starters, during the
Earth/Minbari war. For nearly 10 years, Sinclair has worked to convince
himself that nothing happened to him on the Line other than what seems to
be the case: that he blacked out for 24 hours. He's just managed to
convince himself of this. Now, suddenly, someone comes into his life and
with seven words -- you'll know them when you hear them -- completely
unravels the self-deception. He knows then that something DID happen to
him, that someone DID mess with his mind...and he is going to find out
who, and why.

The ramifications of that discovery will have a major influence on
the series, on his relationships, and the future of not only his character
but many others.

You will see what a Vorlon is...and what it represents. And what it
may have to do with our own saga, and a hidden relationship to some of our
other characters (watch the reception scene carefully). We'll discover
that there are MANY players in this game. You'll find out what happened
to Babylon 4, and it will call into question what is real, what is not,
and the ending of that episode is one that you have not seen before on

We'll find that most every major character is running to, or away
from something in their hearts, or their pasts, or their careers.
Garibaldi's checkered past will catch up with him in a way that will
affect his role and make him a very different character for as much as a
full season, and have lasting effects thereafter. Lyta will take part in
a voyage of discovery that will very much change her character. She will
be caught up in a web of intrigue and forced to betray the very people she
has come to care for.

We will see wheels within wheels, discover the secret groups behind
the Earth and Minbari governments who suspect, with good reason, that one
of the B5 crew may be a traitor, who sold out Earth during the
Earth/Minbari war.

Some of the established empires in the pilot will fall. Some will
rise unexpectedly. Hopes and fortunes will be alternately made or
destroyed. At least one major race not yet known even to EXIST will make
its presence known, but only gradually. Some characters will fall from
grace. Others will make bargains whose full price they do not
understand...but will eventually come to realize, and regret.

At the end of the first season, one character will undergo a MAJOR
change, which will start the show spinning on a very different axis. The
first season will have some fairly conventional stories, but others will
start the show gradually moving toward where I want it to go. One has to
set these things up gradually. Events in the story -- which is very much
the story of Jeffrey Sinclair -- will speed up in each subsequent season.

Someone he considers a friend will betray him. Another will prove to
be the exact opposite of what Sinclair believes to be true. Some will
live. Some will die. He will be put through a crucible of terrible
force, that will change him, and alter his destiny in a profound and
terrible way...if he goes one way, or the other, will determine not only
his own fate, but that of millions of others. He will grow, and become
stronger, better, wiser...or be destroyed by what fate is bringing his
way. In sum, it is a story of hope against terrible adversity and
overwhelming odds.

Each of our characters will be tempted in a different way to ally
with a dark force determined to once and for all destroy the peace. Some
will fall prey to the temptation, others will not, and pay the price for
their resistance.

The homeworld of one of our major characters will be decimated. War
will become inevitable. And when it comes, Babylon 5 will be forever

That, in broad brush strokes, is a little of what I plan to do with
the series. It is, as stated, a novel for television, with a definite
beginning, middle and end. The point being this:

If you genuinely approve of what you see in Babylon 5, if what we
promised is what we delivered, if having seen the prologue to the five
year story that is Babylon 5 you now wish to see the rest of the
story...if, in short, we haven't lied to you, and you like what you
see...then I ask that you voice your opinions. Space Rangers has been
canceled; the fate of other SF shows is in question because studios and
networks just aren't sure that there's a market for another SF series.

How can YOU help?

By doing the following:

1) Write or fax the program director of your local TV station, the one
that aired Babylon 5, telling them that you want to see the series
which follows Babylon 5, and why.

2) Send another letter, or a a copy of that letter to Dick Robertson, Sr.
Vice President, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, 4000
Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California, 91522.

If, on the other hand, you think we blew it...then let the show go
the way of the trilobite. I've railed more than once against the idea
that "Bad SF is better than no SF," and won't back off of that now that
it's my own child on the railroad ties, waiting to see if a Mountie will
untie it before the incoming train does its grisly business.

It's your choice, and your voice. And if you don't think one voice
matters, think of the long history of a certain other show that would have
long ago been consigned to the vaults of television history had it not
been for involved and interested viewers.

We made the show, and did the very best that we could. Now it's in
your hands...

J. Michael Straczynski,
Creator of Babylon 5


> SUCCESS? STR Spotlight Success at Whose Expense?


compiled by R. F. Mariano

The following series of articles are factual, with the actual facts,
research material and documents being supplied by the participants in this
situation. STReport gave you an inkling of its enormous proportions last
year as the reports began filtering in. Now with the preponderance of
data in our hands, we will attempt to illustrate the facts surrounding the
cause of the preliminary reports last year and the results to date with an
unbiased, factual approach. This article will comprise the actual
documents and comments by the individuals involved.

Documentation and Information supplied by Mark Dalldorf.

I, Marcus E. Dalldorf, owner and sole proprietor of San Jose
Computer, do solemnly swear that the following is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge.

The first item, a letter from Goldleaf to Mark Dalldorf of San Jose
Computer, forwarded to STReport by Mark Dalldorf, pretty much illustrates
the situation.

Dear Mark:

This letter will summarize our financial arrangements. Goldleaf owes San
Jose Computer the following sums:

1) $15,400 refund of the purchase price of the ScanMate drum scanner.
**["Acknowledgment of owing scanner to San Jose Computer."]

2) $ 1,258 credit against San Jose's purchase of a Fujitsu 520MB hard
drive to complete the Image Speeder. (New Fujitsu pricing is $1050
from La Cypress.

3) $ 200 credit for an upgrade to a high density disk drive.

4) $ 155 credit against the purchase of an 88mb Syquest mechanism. (A
44 MB unit was delivered with the system and is now standard on all
Image Speeders.)

5) $ 1,259.97 refund of the purchase of an Epson scanner which was later
purchased from a distributor due to Epson delivery delays.

6) $ 1,600 in rental fees for the ScanMate scanner.

**["Sold to another individual without San Jose's permission."]


San Jose Computer owes Goldleaf the following sums or items:

1) $ 320.92 for one copy of GT Scan Software (This represents the
difference between the Goldleaf level one dealer price of $1,260 for
the Epson and the $938.75 each San Jose paid a distributor for the

2) San Jose Computer is storing or using four PTC 1426 color monitors and
two 2 MB TT030's for use as customer loaner units. The agreement was
that San Jose was to repair the TT's and then could use them as
loaners for prospective qualified customers to try Retouche CD and
Didot Pro. Atari will repair or replace motherboards per the
agreements Goldleaf made with Atari through Mike Groh to fix San
Jose's inventory problems. Total collateral value of approximately
$4,496.00 after repair of two TT's.

3) Polaroid 4 x 5 camera and 545 film loader. SRP of $750. Level one
dealer price of $450.00.

4) Invoice #8576 credit for $259.94.


In order to resolve the debt of $19,292.11, Goldleaf will deliver the
following additional collateral:

1) An Image Speeder. Current price list is $19,995 for 26 MB of RAM, a
44MB Syquest, 520 MB Fujitsu hard drive and the hardware screening and
accelerator boards. Level 1 dealer price of 40% discount is
$11,997.00. The unit to be delivered does not have a Fujitsu drive so
an additional credit of $1,258 will be applied since that is what San
Jose paid for a second drive (new price is $1,050). It also has 20 MB
of RAM, including 16 MB TT RAM and 4 MB ST RAM. Additional credits of
$422 for the 26 MB RAM board's difference. Total collateral value is

2) Two copies of Retouche Professional CD. SRP is $1,999.95. Level one
dealer price is $1,199.97 each. Total collateral value of $2,399.94.

3) Three copies of Retouche Professional. SRP $999.95. Level one
dealer price is $599.97. Total collateral value of $1,799.91.

4) One copy of Didot Professional. SRP is $999.95. Level one dealer
price is $599.97. Total collateral value $599.97.

5) Four copies of CompoScript. SRP is $349.95. All Compo products are
sold at a 35% discount. Dealer price is $ 227.47 each. Total
collateral value if $909.88.

6) Four copies of That's Write. SRP is $199.95. Dealer cost is $129.97.
Total collateral value of $519.88.

7) Four copies of MacRead. SRP is $49.95. Dealer cost is $32.47. Total
collateral value of $129.88.

TOTAL DEBT: $19,292.11

These items may be sold by San Jose Computer at suggested retail
prices but never less than the collateral value. Delivery of these
items does not release Goldleaf from its obligation to resolve the
monies owed San Jose Computer within 30 days from the date of this
letter. San Jose Computer agrees to keep Goldleaf informed of any
such sales on a weekly basis and will issue a credit memo to the
account upon each sale. Goldleaf agrees to keep San Jose Computer
informed on a weekly basis of its efforts to secure a cash refund or
offsetting equipment sale of a film processor or scanner acceptable to
San Jose Computer.

**["The above never happened at all."]

Goldleaf, San Jose Computer, Mark Dalldorf, Lauren Flanegan and John
C. Fox agree to keep the terms of this agreement confidential. As
long as these arrangements are kept confidential, and as long as San
Jose Computer refrains from making negative or derogatory remarks
about Goldleaf to any third party, Goldleaf will continue to provide
sales and technical support to San Jose in the form of leads,
referrals, demonstrations and training. Mark Dalldorf will contact
the dealers and vendors that he has discussed this matter with to
inform them that we have resolved the matter without revealing the
terms of the agreement.

**["Forget the truth, what support. San Jose won't lie for anyone."]

Goldleaf is committed to resolving this matter within 30 days and to
helping San Jose Computer achieve success as a level one Goldleaf
Computerbild System House dealer.



Lauren Flanegan-Sellers


John C. Fox
Vice President and COO

Receipt of goods acknowledged and terms agreed to:


BY: (signed) 4/14/92

Mark Dalldorf, Owner

** comments noted in documentation are hand written in by Mr. Dalldorf.


The following fax, according to Mark Dalldorf was given to him by Goldleaf
with instructions to fax it to:

Amy Salmons
Alan Greene (Click Publishing)
3K Computerbild
Scanview (Samir Lehalf in Denmark)
AGS Us & Canada


April 23 1992


TO: Alan Green
Click Publishing
FAX # 717-374-7195

FROM: Mark Dalldorf
San Jose Computer

RE: Goldleaf Publishing

Dear Alan:

The purpose of this letter is to clarify the situation between Goldleaf
and San Jose Computer.

There was a dispute between our two companies which is rather complicated
and which came about due to miscommunication and misunderstanding among
several parties. What is important is that we have resolved the dispute
to our mutual satisfaction. Our two companies are working closely
together again to achieve success in the publishing market.

There are a number of damaging and untrue rumors circulating about
Goldleaf. It is my hope that this letter will help quell those rumors so
that we can all refocus on our respective businesses.


Mark Dalldorf

1278 Alma Court San Jose Ca 95112
Voice 408/995-5050 Fax 408/995-5083

Editor Note:

Mark Dalldorf included a hand written note pertaining to the above FAX
claiming it was not composed or written by him but by Goldleaf. "At
first, I refused to send it 'cause it was just plain ridiculous. But, I
figured you could use a laugh around now." he wrote.


Another letter....

360 East Vine Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Business Partner
June 11, 1992

Mr. Mark Dalldorf
San Jose Computer Store
San Jose CA.

Dear Mr. Dalldorf:

I am sending you this letter to confirm our phone conversations concerning
Goldleaf Publishing. Datastream ordered a Scanview drum scanner in
December of 1991. We received the scanner in February of 1992. The
scanner never worked correctly. Upon meeting the manufacturer at a trade
show, multiple overseas phone calls and letters we came to discover that
the serial number of the machine that Goldleaf sold me and the serial
number of their demo unit that Goldleaf had purchased and never paid for
matched. In the interim, I found out that San Jose Computer also had paid
for the same scanner sold to me. Scanview and AGS, another distributor
for the scanner supplied me with a new scanner and I shipped the original
back to Scanview in Denmark. I have enclosed copies of the checks that
were paid to Goldleaf for the scanner. I can only conclude that Goldleaf
was paid twice for the same scanner and that as far as I know, I have
never paid Scanview for it. I cannot stress to you enough the problems
and expense this has cost my company. I will never have any future
dealings with Goldleaf publishing.

If you should need any further information, please do not hesitate to call
on me.



Amy C. Salmons



The following letter was sent on an 'official' Atari Letterhead.

Atari Computer Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

May 29, 1992

Mark Dalldorf
San jose Computer
1278 Alma Ct.
San Jose, CA 95123

Dear Mark:

The purpose of this letter is to reinforce our strong support for Goldleaf
Publishing Inc.

Goldleaf Publishing is one of Atari Computer's strategic business
partners. We very much appreciate Goldleaf's skill and hard work to
create new markets for Atari Computers in the traditional prepress,
desktop publishing and photographic markets.

We have worked closely with Goldleaf in conceiving and implementing a
publishing market strategy for the Professional Systems group of Atari
Computer. Some results from our work together include the Direct to Press
Brochure and Direct to Press public relations campaign. Additionally,
Goldleaf has been among our select group of strategic business partners
invited to exhibit in our booths at important shows like CEPS, COMDEX and
Seybold Fall.

Goldleaf has expended significant effort and spent substantial dollars to
build new markets. They have recruited and trained dealers, advertised in
national publications such as Publish!, Business Publishing and Color
Publishing magazines, and exhibited at numerous national trade shows such
as Seybold Spring and Seybold Fall, NCGA, Gutenberg, Digital 92 and the
Photo Market Association. Goldleaf's marketing Plan included continued
advertising and trade show activity to expose Atari Computer products to
new customers.

Goldleaf has sent thousands of leads to their authorized resellers as a
result of their marketing activity. They have conducted seminars and gone
to local and regional shows in partnership with their authorized
resellers. We respect Goldleaf's commitment to building a reseller
channel. We are grateful for their support of Atari Corporation and
frankly, we wish we had more software publishers like them.



Robert G. Brodie
Director of Communications


Presented by Mr. Dalldorf in support of all the above includes; notes,
detailed information, statements, copies of cancelled checks, letters and
corroborating material that bears out his statements as being reliable
accounts of what actually occurred.

Mr. Dalldorf further asserted; "how could he possibly sell merchandise
represented by Goldleaf as collateral as he knew it was on loan to
Goldleaf from Atari." (the TT's and monitors). He said. Dalldorf also
relates his conversation with Chris Muller of Mitsubishi Corp. about the
two printers from Mitsubishi. "The Dye Sub printer (my cost $7,700.00)
and the Wax Thermal printer (my cost $3,022.00) both were purchased from
Goldleaf on invoice #8443 and payed for by check." Dalldoorf further
asserted that Muller told him; "Basically, Mitsubishi loaned Goldleaf
these printers for use in a trade show. Then Goldleaf claimed they were
lost in shipment somewhere." Dalldorf said.

Sources of Verification:

John Canham, Hocus Focus ------- 408-739-1465
Monty Fortune, Sales Rep ------- 414-534-5683
Amy Salmons, Datastream Inc. --- 606-253-6686
Samer Lehalf, M'ftr., Denmark -- 011-45-44-536108
Barbara Benson, Atari Corp. ---- 408-745-2034
Larry Fin-Welch, Polariod ------ 617-577-3447
Chris Muller, Mitsubishi Corp. - 714-236-6164


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


From our roving reporter who spied this message; "According to the
manager of the Babbages where I buy most of my Lynx games from... It looks
like the chain will be dropping Lynx games too! That means now the 3
major Lynx sellers, Toys R' Us, Software Etc, and Babbages have dropped
Lynx from their stores. Gee, its getting hard to find titles for the
doggone thing! Another one bites the dust.... THANKS ATARI!


Bob Brodie recently stated; "I've been very plain about the fact that
we have an 040 in the works. Do we have an 040 in the works? You bet!
Is it a "Falcon040"? Or is it an EAGLE? Or a Hawk? My point is that we
must not begin persuing more vaporware that is not the result of any Atari
announcement, but rather the result of a lot of wishful thinking and rumor
mongering by the userbase.



> A "Quotable Quote" "...WAFFLES ANYONE??...."


... Cap't. of the Maypole
"Shall We Dance?"


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672
Est. 1985
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Ashville, NC 28806
1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112

(Dealers; to be listed here, just drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" February 27, 1993
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-92 All Rights Reserved No.9.09
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff of STReport International Online Magazine. Permission
to reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints
must, without exception, include the name of the publication, date, issue
number and the author's name . STReport and/or portions therein may not
be edited in any way without prior written permission. STReport, at the
time of publication, is believed reasonably accurate. STReport, its staff
and contributors are not and cannot be held responsible for the use or
misuse of information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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