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Square 01

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i$7 SQUARE #01 / APRIL, 1997
"if it's considered 'uncool', it's probably in square."
--- - - ---
square e'zine is another fine publication from your friends at
kick me productions and is (c)opyright 1997 sykes.
all rights reversed, i mean, reserved.
--- - - ---
"a pointless prologue" by / sykes (01)
it's a cold tuesday afternoon in the month of february. a young
boy sits half dressed and half conscious gazing out of his window into
the empty streets, watching the snow glide to it's destination. it's
already late in the afternoon. most people have been up and about now
for quite some time, learning their lessons in school, earning their
piece in the working community, or caring to the responsibilities they
have at home. he awoke only minutes ago or approximately four hours and
two minutes too late to catch the bus to the small high school he
attends. eyes half open, he reaches to the floor for a sweatshirt,
fumbling through papers and dirty clothing. any inch of the
wall to wall carpeting that can be seen through this sea of filth is
discolored due to microwave pizza and coca cola stains. for a brief moment
he tries to recall it's original shade but fails. his walls are hidden by
images of neo glamour rock heavy metal noise bands, swimsuit models, and
various star wars paraphrenalia. the stench of worn out converse sneakers,
three day old bowls of cap'n crunch cereal and his own
body odor collide in the air like symbols, becoming instruments in this
symphony of disgust. it's the type of room every parent abhorres.
slowly, he pulls the sweatshirt over his head, folds his arms, and
resumes his unproductiveness, staring once more into the
winter skies. he sits in this pit of despair in utter silence with only
the humming of his electrical companion to keep him aware. a
loyal companion that was a gift from his parents to help him excel in his
studies, an investment in his education. ironically, the day he received
this gift marked his academic downfall. it was quite clear that this
lump of technology served him a greater purpose than printing up
history reports. without any notice, as if he were put under
some type of spell, he stands up with his eyes opened
wide and then quickly walks towards the enchanted humming box.
it was calling for him, begging to be touched. the magical contraption
spent an intimate evening with him the night before and was ready for a
another. body limp, the young boy was exhausted due
to the long night he had endured, a night filled with sugary visions
of electrons and microchips. he needed rest, he needed school, he
needed friends, he needed direction, but none of these things
meant anything to him because when his thin fingers touched the small
square keys on his keyboard, he knew where he belonged.
it was time for another day and night of adventure with his
mechanical friend. it was time for him to logon and once again continue
his search for the long awaited debut issue of square.
--- - - ---
*** editor's note: some of the ascii logo's i have drawn for square display
incorrectly due to some of the ascii characters i used in their design.
for best viewing resluts, use for msdos.
--- - - ---
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+01+ "a pointless prologue" ........................................ sykes
+02+ "don't you know? it's hip to be square!" ...................... sykes
+03+ "today i lost my only friend" ................................. sykes
+04+ "jimmy gets a bad haircut" .................................... sykes
+05+ "fashionable believers just suck" ............................. sykes
+06+ "i'm gonna be a rock star" .................................... sykes
+07+ "nice guys finish last because the dicks cheat" ............... sykes
+08+ "my month in review" .......................................... sykes
+09+ "cd of the month: that dog [retreat from the sun]" ............ sykes
+10+ "in closing.." ................................................ sykes
+11+ "an even more pointless epilogue" ............................. sykes
--- - - ---
support underground publications whether they're on
paper or on your hard drive. someone took the time to express
their thoughts, take the time to acknowledge them.
--- - - ---
"don't you know? it's hip to be square!" by / sykes (02)
i wear weird shoes, i shop at the salvation army, i'm skinny, i have
messy hair, i read comic books, i watch cartoons, i occasionally play
with toys, i use my computer for 'fun', i think using old words like
'swell' and 'keen' is just plain neat, i believe very strongly in god, i'm
a lovesick romantic, i listen to weezer more than any band on this planet,
i dream of becoming a rock star and one day ruling the world, i don't
like sports, i don't like college, i sometimes feel extremely
uncomfortable at parties, i don't drive a cool car, i don't work a cool
job, i don't drink alcohol, i don't do drugs, i don't
like violence, i don't like rap music, i don't know how to macerena, and i
don't watch friends!
this is me and if this means i'm a square, i hope i'm one for the
rest of my life. because you know what? it feels pretty damn good.
welcome to my uncircular realm where those who are considered to be
'uncool' by the preps, jocks, prom queens, cheerleaders, and home boys,
reign supreme. a realm where star trek plays twenty four hours a day on
every channel. nerds of the world, i give you a home, i give you square.
enjoy issue #01
--- - - ---
any accounts of nauseau, dizziness, constipation, or any other
unpleasant feelings induced by this zine can be sent to:
*** ***
if you really think this zine sucks and you have a note tied to a
brick that you'd just love to toss through my living room window, send me
some email and i'll give you my home address. <evil grin>
--- - - ---
and so it begins.. .
--- - - ---
"today i lost my only friend" by / sykes (03)
today i lost my only friend, my best friend, my girlfriend of two
years, my very first love. i came home tonight in tears and the first
thing i could think of doing was write. for me, writing has always been an
effective pain killer. actually, i wouldn't go as far as saying it kills
the pain because the pain is still there. i guess it just numbs it for
awhile. anyway, my girlfriend and i broke up and with the way we talked,
you would think that the chance of us ever getting back together was zero.
it's so hard to think about what lies ahead knowing that she
won't be there with me. she's such an important daily part of my
life that i don't know how i'll function happily without her. people have
told me before that it's just a habit that i have to get over. it's not a
habit, it's love. i truly love her with all of my heart. i have never
felt this way about anyone and i can't even begin to conceive the
thought of loving someone else. maybe i could, but on the same note, maybe
i don't want to.
i remember the day i saw her. it was the summer after i graduated. my
friends and i were all piled into my buddy ryan's jeep. he had some
coupons for dairy queen that he wanted to use so we decided to swing on
over. we pulled up to the drive-thru and then ryan began to order. while
he was ordering, we were making dumb noises and saying really stupid
things. basically being our loser immature selves. about twenty feet away
in the the dairy queen window i saw a girl laughing. i was absolutely
amazed at her. i always had this image in my mind of what i considered to
be the 'perfect girl' and there she stood. she was the
most beautiful thing i had ever seen and still is to this day. i swear to
you, that night i felt a warmth that i have never felt before. a feeling
of comfort that i had finally found the one. that night in the
drive-thru window of dairy queen, i saw an angel.
i frantically searched ryan's jeep for a pen and paper so that i could
scribble down my number in the hopes that she and i would talk. i gave the
dirty piece of scrap paper with my number on it to one of the dairy queen
employees and directed them to pass it down to her, hoping that when she
received it she would be able to make out my chicken scratch handwriting.
a few days had passed and as mesmerized as i was at her, the
constant drunken state i was in that week almost made me forget
until one day my memory was completely refreshed. she called me. her voice
was the sweetest sound i had ever heard. we talked for a bit and hit it
off great and eventually we went out on our first date. well actually, we
didn't really 'go out',she came over to my house and we watched a movie in
my room. it took me almost the entire movie before i actually got up the
nerve to walk over to her (yes, walk over. i was actually walking distance
away from her.) and give her a kiss. i'll never forget that day because
that was the day i knew i was in love.
so time progressed and we had some good times and some bad times. we
made some good memories and some bad memories. we made some right choices
and some wrong choices. we lived life and watched each other grow into
different people, together. i don't know how it happened but eventually
our smiles turned to frowns and our loving words turned to hurtful words.
we broke it off a few times and pursued other interests which always
failed within a short period of time. the end result would be us jumping
back into each other's arms, confessing how much we missed one another.
during each reunion we would tell each other how different it was going to
be this time, how we wouldn't take each other for granted and how we would
live happily ever after. that's what we said last time we got back
together only a few months ago.
i'm in so much pain right now. i feel so lost and confused. sure we've
had some bad times, but the good times have been really *good*. when we're
both smiling and having a good time enjoying each other's company, it's
so unbelievably perfect. it's so right. when we're apart it's so wrong. it
just doesn't feel like it's meant to be that way. it's almost as if there
is this magnetic force that just keeps pulling us back together and as
much as we try to fight it we cannot. it's a force more powerful than any
bitter words or sour actions. a force more powerful than any tear filled
eyes or sorrow soaked hearts. it's love, pure untainted love straight out
of heaven itself. a force that can turn any bad situation to good. a force
that i have complete faith in.
she'll be living on her college campus in the fall, surrounded by new
people and new experiences. it's possible that those things might seduce
her and turn her away from me forever. however, if our love is destined to
be like i feel it in my heart, then those things will have no effect on
her and she will once again be in my arms. *we* will once again be a team.
for now, all i can do is live my life and try to make myself as happy as
possible. i'll always keep her in my thoughts, trying to focus only on the
good and never the bad. i'll always keep her in my prayers, hoping that
she makes the right decisions and stays far from harms way. and i'll
always keep the light on for her at my front door, to light her path when
she decides it's time to come home. today my heart was broken again
because today i lost my only friend.
*** editor's note: umm, scratch that.. my only friend came back to me the
next day. =) ISN'T LOVE GRAND!@#
--- - - ---
"jimmy gets a bad haircut" by / sykes (04)
"hey jimmy."
"oh.. hey mark."
"what's wrong? you look down in the dumps."
"you mean.. you can't tell?"
"oh, uhm, still bumming about your breakup with carrie?"
"no, she's a cunt. who gives a fuck about her. she's probably a
lesbian anyway."
"hmm.. ok, uhm, your boss giving you a hard time again?"
"no, that cocksucker could give a shit about me lately. he's too
busy porking his fat ass secretary. come on mark, it's so fucking
"oh, NOW i get it.. it's the diarrhea eh? well hey, i just got
back from the drug store and picked me up some.. ."
"hey! you got a haircut! looking sharp jimbo!"
BREAK YOUR SKINNY ASS IN TWO! second, NO, i don't look sharp,
i look like an egg. i look like i just fell out of some fucking
chicken's ass. why does this shit always have to happen to me?
i told her, 'not too much off the top, i have a weird looking
head.' and what did she do? SHE TOOK TOO MUCH OFF THE TOP!"
at that moment jimmy begins to sob. mark, being the good friend he is,
does everything he can to put his hair troubled friend at ease.
"you know something jimmy, i think this is the best damn hair cut
you have ever got!"
you're just like the rest of them. sure, when i'm around you'll
tell me how great my hair looks, but what happens when i leave?
huh? i'll tell you what happens! THE RIDICULING BEGINS! i'll be
the butt of every hair joke! i'll be the 'DON'T DO THIS!'
example for every aspiring stylist in the city! HOW THE FUCK AM
"ok, well, if it bothers you that much, why don't you just go
back and ask her to fix it? maybe she can spice it up some!"
MEMBER OF MENUDO?! god damn, i just wanted a fucking trim, is that
so much to ask?"
"well i'm sure if you go back and tell her how you feel she'd be
more than happy to.."
"are you fucking STUPID? what makes you think she would be happy
to do anything for me that wasn't destructive? i specifically
told her.."
"not too much off the top, i have a weird looking head."
"as i was saying, i told her 'not too much off the top, i have a
weird looking head.' and what did she do? she DELIBERATELY FUCKING
BUTCHERED ME! i probably banged one of her sisters in high school
or something. so anyway, after it's all done, the bitch has the
nerve to say 'i think it looks much better now. don't you?'"
"and what did you say?"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, what did you give her for a reply when she said 'i think
it looks much better now. don't you?'"
"i.. uhh.. well. fuck. i said 'yes.' I FUCKING AGREED WITH
HER OK?! but come on, when have you ever told your hair stylist that
you didn't like your hair cut? especially when she had tits the
size of fucking watermelons!"
"hmm, well maybe if you would have payed more attention to what her
scissors were doing and less attention to her tits, you wouldn't
look like you just fell out of a chicken's ass. talk to you later
--- - - ---
"fashionable believers just suck" by / sykes (05)
"hey! after the animal rights activists party, what do you say we
cruise over to mcdonalds?"
a few weeks ago i got into a HUGE argument with this girl
janet. she's a 'vegan' and i'm not. basically her weak
side of the argument was that my way of living was wrong,
her way was right and if i couldn't accept that then tough twinkies.
uhm.. ok. NOW i MIGHT have taken her seriously if it wasn't
for the fact that this defender of animal rights was sporting a really
snazzy pair of LEATHER sandals the entire time she was yelling at me.
now isn't that special. call me barbara, but don't vegans
frown upon eating or wearing anything manufactured from an animal?
<vegan_boy> yes
<sykes> ok, just wanted to clear that up.
lemme give you some background info on janet. when we first crossed
paths she was your typical alterna-geek striving to be different.
she listened to all of the trendy alterna-bands and shined all of the
latest altera-fashions. one day she met a girl named leanne. leanne was
big into the 'hardcore' music scene. janet looked up to leanne because
leanne was different from the crowd of nirvana and pearl jam lovers that
janet frequently associated herself with. it was as if leanne was on
another plain of alternative existance. leanne offered
janet a different atmosphere and introduced her to a new
realm that her old alterna-geek friends new nothing of. janet was
amazed by it all and did whatever she could to impress leanne
and keep her connection to this new found world. she listened to the
same bands as her, dressed like her, talked like her, got the same hair
cut as her, etc. basically janet was now leanne. <cue twilight zone music>
hmm.. weird.
anyway, janet now has herself a new look and a new attitude.
she makes sure to push her new cool self into everyone's face
so they all know how rad she is. all the naive schmucks think it's neat
and commend her for her "individuality." janet eats it up and pushes her
poser self even more. no longer is she just a hardcore, this former
pot-head is now straight edge (i don't do drugs but at the same don't i
don't label myself and push my convictions into everyone's face.), showing
off all of the latest sXe paraphrenalia. but wait, why stop there? she
might as well turn vegan while she's playing the label game. i'm sure
she'll turn some heads when she yells at the lunch lady on meatloaf day.
so, our friend janet keeps putting on those non-mainstream
labels like new outfits purchased at the gap. the more attention she
gets, the more she wears them. sure these outfits might make her look
different on the outside, but on the inside she's still the same
alterna-geek desperately searching for a sense of belonging.
she'll stand her ground when it comes to animal rights,
and she'll stand it wearing those pretty leather
shoes she got for christmas. if you need something to believe in do it
because you feel it in your heart. do it because you truly want to make
some type of difference. not because you want to make new friends.
fashionable believers just suck.
--- - - ---
"i'm gonna be a rock star" by / sykes (06)
every morning, before i do anything, i pick up my guitar and sing.
i sit on my bed half naked, eyes half open, strumming away
singing songs of lost loves and broken hearts. i wish i could describe to
you the feeling i get after i write a new song. music is so amazing. i
really don't know what i would do if someone took it away from me. i
have grown so accustomed to expressing my feelings through my music that
if it was gone, i'd probably go insane. my parents call me obsessed and
don't really seem to be too supportive. you see, i used to be heavily into
piano and my mother and father thought it was the greatest thing. they
used love to show off their little piano wonder to all of their friends.
in their eyes, i've abandoned a god given gift to play my 'noise.' what
they don't understand is, my heart was never in that piano. i always felt
like i couldn't express myself the way i wanted to, like i was getting
cheated. they don't understand that it's the 'noise' that makes me happy.
the day i purchased my shiny guitar, was the day i felt a
real passion. it was the day i learned that life truly did have meaning.
everytime i play one of my songs i imagine myself and my band in
front of a million screaming strangers who are all doing the pogo. our
guitars are loud and crunchy, our voices are sweet and honest. like paints
on an artist's pallet, they all combine to create one beautiful color. one
big super-fuzz-pop harmony. my voice and my charvel
scream out to the world and reveal everything that makes me hurt and
everything that makes me smile. the sweat pours down my face as i pour out
my soul and with every fallen droplet, another aspect of my being is
made known. i look to the millions of faces and make eye contact with a
young teary eyed girl and signal to her with a warm smile, that i have
been hurt as well, that she is not alone. the crowd screams louder
while my music grows stronger and together we unite,
creating a bond that can be broken by nothing.. . except by my mother
who's screaming down to my room to "give it a rest!" there's only so much
of 'she's one of the triplets' or 'you don't know me but i know you' she
can take. that's when i awake to the sad reality of it all.
my mother calls me a dreamer, but isn't it the dreamers that make a
difference in this world? she just can't understand that it's those goofy
songs that keep my blood flowing and keep my heart pounding. it's those
goofy songs that keep me smiling even when i'm in pain. it's those goofy
songs that make me stand proud even when i hate myself. it's those goofy
songs that help me search for love even when i thought i've lost it
forever. people aspire to be all kinds of things. some want to be
teachers and some want to be laywers. some want to be police officers and
some want to be doctors. let them dream their dreams and let me dream mine
because if you don't have your dreams what do you have? i've been told
i'm going to amount to nothing, that i'm going to be a failure. i smile
and shrug it off because i know one day.. .
i'm gonna be a rock star.
--- - - ---
"nice guys finish last because the dicks cheat" by / sykes (07)
ok my fellow penises, NOW we can speak freely. well, i wish i
could say it's good to see all of your hearts in one piece, but i
can't. i can't because there are many of you reading this right now
with hearts that have been damaged, hearts that have been broken in
two, hearts that have been ripped out and thrown into your
grandma's old slipper box which was then wrapped in the sunday edition
of the funny pages and then finally taken to the post office
where it was shipped third class to SHITSVILLE! girls are demented
little demons that were put on this earth for one purpose and one
purpose only -- to torment our poor fragile souls.
take a look around you. take a look at the guys that are overcoming
the dark ways of the female. how do they do it? i'll tell ya how, by being
dicks. that's right, you want to be a weakling? then be nice. you want
to be strong? then be a dick. if you're nice, girls get bored. if you're
a dick, they want you more. that's right, keep saying it, "if you're
nice, girls get bored. if you're a dick, they want you more." say that
to yourself everytime your girl starts treating you like the pathetic
lovesick freak you are. it's kind of catchy actually.
for us nice guys it's a hard concept to grasp. this i know. i
mean think about it, why would a girl want a guy that would treat her
like dirt when she could have a guy that would treat her like gold? when
i put myself in a girl's shoes (not literally of course, err, yeah..) i
try to think about the type of guy i would want to have as my own, and
you know what i come up with? i come up with me, the nice guy that would
do ANYTHING for his girl. and if and when i got a guy like me, i would
cherish his love and treat him with the same respect that he gave me.
the sad reality of it is, girls don't do that. oh no, girls take
advantage of nice guys like you and i. girls use us up for all we got,
taking and never giving. all that wasted love, but more important,
all that wasted cash. yeesh.
anyway, i could go on and on crying my sappy heart out about how
cold and uncaring girls are, but will that change anything? no sirry
bobbit it will not! so what then shall we do? i'll tell ya what..
we nice guys will all become DICKS!
it's time we leave our niceness behind and embrace the dick side. i
know it must sound somewhat drastic but if you let me explain, it should
all make some type of sense. if every nice guy in this world turned into
a dick, then girls would have no one to turn to when they grew tired
of getting shit on, when they grew tired of the guy not always being
there, and when the excitement of having a dick became not-so-exciting.
eventually, girls would begin to miss us nice guys and long for our
return. with no hope in sight, girls would realize the error in their
ways. they'd begin to think they were in a bad episode of the twilight zone
where every guy refered to females as 'bitches' or 'hoes'. where girls
were looked at as sex objects instead of princesses. let's see how much
they love the dicks when the nice guys have disapeared. lost in regret,
their weakened souls would fall prey to the torment of the dick side.
they would suffer and we would smile. kooky.
sounds like quite the party eh? well my fellow nice guys as
entertaining as it may be we must not let the dick side take control.
being nice is what we do best, it's what's right. once they've seen what
life is like without us nice guys, we must then lift them up from out of
this darkened state of desperation by changing back to the nice guys we
once were and then watch them come running home. those that let the dick
side engulf them and choose not to convert, will suffer the penalty of
loneliness and rejection while we born again nice guys enjoy our reward.
after all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
my fellow lumps of testosterone, we nice guys can come out
victorious! we nice guys can dominate the love scene! but in order to
do so we must be brave, we must be strong, but most of all, we must be
dicks. so go out there and lie, cheat, smack and do whatever else you
have to do to be a dick. remember, you're not just doing it for youself,
but for every nice guy in this world that has been destroyed by a girl.
it is time for the nice guys to be avenged and liberated!
may god be with you on this journey to build a better future, where
every nice guy will have a nice girl by his side. <sniff> <sniff>
now good luck to ya dickhead.
--- - - ---
"my month in review" by / sykes (08)
my month started off on a sad note when my only grandmother passed
away. she had been suffering with sickness for quite some time and the
routine surgery she under went was just too much for her weak heart to
handle. it hurt me to lose her but at least now i know she is no longer in
pain. she was a wonderful person and i only wish that i had spent more time
with her in her living years. about a week and a half later my friend tom
who plays lead guitar for my band 'lovestruck', found a new job and a new
love.. 3 hours away. i have never worked with a musician such as tom. he is
one of the best guitarists i have ever come across and his faith in me and
my music was inspirational. even though i wrote all of the material, the
music just wasn't complete without tom's amazing guitar skills and
boyish back up vocals. he told me that he believes in the band and plans
on coming back soon to once again be a part of it. i just don't know how
that will work out. almost two weeks after that, my girlfriend and i broke
up for some really dumb reasons. miss and i were together for about two
years and went through a hell of alot together. she is the very first girl
i have ever been truly in love with and the very first girl i have ever
dreamed of one day marrying (after we've both grown up a bit and landed
stable jobs of course.). fortunately, the break up only lasted a day
and miss and i are enjoying each other's company more than ever. we just
love each other way too much to be apart. =) speaking of which, miss and
i had a swingin time this past weekend traveling to other states in search
of rad malls (you must understand one thing about us, we are the ultimate
mallrats.). during our road trip we came across a gap outlet that had jeans
for $10! i was definately stoked because i love getting new clothes,
especially *inexpensive* new clothes. anyway, my month started off rough
but it seems to be ending on a somewhat smooth note. i've actually cracked
a smile in the past few days, go figure. i guess that just goes to show you
that no matter how bad things may be in the beginning, if you hang in
there, things will eventually start to change for the better.
--- - - ---
"cd of the month: that dog [retreat from the sun]" by / sykes (08)
ARTIST: that dog
ALBUM TITLE: retreat from the sun
anna waronker, will you marry me? yet another incredible release from
one of dgc's finest. that dog's latest collection of gritty pop rock,
'retreat from the sun', is without a doubt a step up from their previous
full length 'totally crushed out!' it's consistent, energetic and has more
of a poppy feel to it. their first single 'never say never', is one of the
best songs on the album and will have you bopping away to that oh so
catchy chorus (was that a moog i heard in the background?). the song
writing is very well crafted and is evident in songs such as 'minneapolis'
and 'long island boy', two of my favorite songs on the album. as always,
anna and the hayden girls spit out some amazing harmonies, that along with
petra's violin solo's, add an almost eerie type of beauty to it all. if
you're new to the that dog experience, this album would be a great way to
get your feet wet. on the other hand, if you are familiar with
these three girls and one guy and find yourself unimpressed with what
you've heard in the past, give 'retreat from the sun' a chance. it very
well might change your opinion for the better. over all i give this album
an 'A' and for a measely $8.99 (the that dog suggested retail.), i'd say
it's well worth the trip to your local music retailer.
** like that dog? check out their friends at WEEZER!@ and the rentals.
--- - - ---
"in closing.." (09)
in closing i would just like to say thank you from the bottom of my
heart for giving square a chance. i wanted so badly for square to be the
best damn publication i could put together and even though the final
product wasn't as good as i had hoped, i am still nothing but proud. this
is square and this is me.
next issue we're going to be featuring some totally swell work from
some writers other than myself, one of which whom happens to be my rad
girlfriend who also did most of the editing of issue #01 (all the correct
text was done by her and any errors you find were left by me. =) ).
I LOVE YOU MISS! anyway, square #02 should be cram-packed with tons of
suprises so stay tuned!
--- - - ---
"an even more pointless epilogue" by / sykes (10)
after months of searching, the young boy had finally found what he
was looking for and was pleased. he exits out of and smiles.
square #01 was even better than he had expected. with a yawn, the young
boy turns off his monitor and falls into his bed, covering himself
tightly in his batman bed sheets. it was time that he get some rest, for
this young enthusiast had a long day ahead of him. starting
tomorrow he would embark on a new journey, a quest if you may, to find the
next issue of square e'zine.
be here next month for square #02!
thanks for reading everyone!
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subscriptions, submissions, or any comments can be sent to:
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email /
www / (in the works!)
efnet irc / #imasquare
square e'zine and kick me productions (c)opyright 1997 sykes.
all rights reserved.
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