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The Federation Flash Issue 27

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Published in 
The Federation Flash
 · 26 Apr 2019


Issue 27; Summer 1994; Volume VI

Published by
P.O. Box 22-0964
Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

fax: (305) 927-7659 (after 6 p.m.)

The Federation Flash is published periodically. E.T. walk-ins Jal'Kae and
Zaruna Ataza are solar entities working with The Federation of Light, a council
of Masters sourcing from different dimensions, various locations in space, and
points in time; additionally, J.K and Ataza function as portals through which
transdimensional Light, models of reality, and technologies enter into the
Earth plane. They serve the Mission by following their spirit.

Subscriptions: For hard copies, we appreciate your donations for this service.

We acknowledge Extraterrestrial Earth Mission, who serve as a paradigm for the
New Civilization (and are a source of great inspiration). We support all others
who have dedicated themselves to the divine purpose of co-creating Heaven
on Earth.

"Starbuilders," "New Species Music," and "Project Wings" are outreach projects
of the ULC.



Greetings! We are Jal'Kae and Zaruna Ataza. We are the third team of walk-ins
at Starbuilders. We joined the human race on the Spring Equinox of this year.
We don't have the same history as the previous two Teams. Our last Mission
wasn't in the Orion system as was theirs; yet, our work is built upon the
foundation they have established.
We aren't strongly focused on our identities as E.T. masters or solar
entities. Although these identifications are true, we tend to emphasize (1)
living a miraculous life, and (2) serving the Mission in whatever way spirit
1. By "living a miraculous life" we mean many things. We consider a
miracle to be any experience that is outside of the realm of third-and fourth-
dimensional possibility. Yet there are experiences which may appear "normal"
(in third- and fourth-dimensional terms), but are, indeed, miraculous. For
example, say your background reality is programmed to simply avoid and seek
relief from suffering. Suddenly, it flips from pain avoidance to one where
ecstasy is the norm, interrupted at times, by suffering. Your life is then
filled with joy, ease, and grace, all within the confines of the third and
fourth dimension. We call this living in the Miracle Continuum; you experience
life as a stream of little miracles. (From a third- or fourth-dimensional
perspective, this stream appears as merely a series of pleasant coincidences
or is attributed to the fourth-dimensional phenomenon "luck"; additionally, in
a third-or fourth-dimensional context, joy, ease, and grace are conditional,
and must be paid for.)
On the other hand, experiences such as having huge blocks of karma
instantaneously absolved or taking quantum leaps in consciousness in a matter
of months that would ordinarily require lifetimes of work are miraculous
because they transcend the fourth-dimensional karmic laws.
2. "Serving the Mission in whatever way spirit dictates" can be a lot of
work. Our ground crews are pushed to the limit. Ataza is going full speed with
"Project Wings," working with the energetic grids of the bird kingdom. From
this, we have realized that birds, too, can be walked into. And why not? Birds
are conscious life forms. Their various biological parameters may just be
more restricting than those of humans; working from within a bird form could
be a difficult task. We took this a step further and concluded that all
animals, plants, and crystals could be walked into, as well. After all, the
Ascension Process involves everyone and everything on the planet; all creatures
are being offered the opportunity to live an exalted life.

We are all Divine Sparks. This is more than just a lofty, religious concept to
be hung and forgotten in the closet of unrealistic probabilities. Instead, it
is the most real, enduring, and miraculous aspect of ourselves.
And we are taking a stand for it.
Currently, the Planetary Consciousness is allowing only the most minute
tip of this Divine Iceberg to manifest. But as the Ocean of Illusion subsides,
the majesty of our Divinity will be revealed ever more fully.

* Jal'Kae and Ataza represent the forces of Divine Harmony and Divine Synergy.
As solar entities, they present work that accents and liberates the dormant or
repressed and denied solar energies found within everyone.



We have met a few people who told us that they wanted to be walked into. While
some felt they were unworthy, others just thought it would be a good thing. We
would like to point out that a walk-in experience is the choice of Spirit - not
the Personal Will.
We are going to share some of our experiences of what it has been like
being walked into. You can probably relate to much of this, because Light
Workers, regardless of how they got here, have much in common.

Is this surprising? People with a materialistic, third-dimensional perspective
will perceive you as a human being who is saying that you are something else.
This does not compute. Therefore, in their mind, you're weird.
Beings who interpret reality from an astral, fourth-dimensional
perspective may even think you are possessed by the Dark Forces. This is
because you may say things that violate fourth-dimensional laws; you are
astrally incorrect.
This rejection by fourth-dimensionally oriented beings may come as a
surprise. After all, most beings who are exploring the astral plane have
experienced being shunned, ridiculed, or rejected by their third-dimensionally
based friends when they've shared their beliefs about angels, karma,
reincarnation, and the like. They are ridiculed because there is a chasm
between the third and fourth dimensions. Fear fills the chasm.
A chasm exists between the fourth and fifth dimension, as well. Those,
however, who are open to the truth of their knowing are able to cross these
chasms in a leap of faith and begin integrating new realities into their lives.
Finally, even though people will think you are weird, you will think they
are weird, too. But after you get over the initial shock of how they treat one
another, you realize that this is how it's currently done on Earth.

Once you've been walked-into, there is no turning back. The new resident
consciousness has a fixed purpose; the Mission is everything, and you must go
on with it. Also, we have never heard of the original inhabitants walking back
in; you are probably a walk-in for the duration.

This is not flattering. It's something you learn to deal with, because all
kind of demands, expectations, and implied realities are inherent in this sort
of relationship.
For example, beings may try to engage you to play the role of teacher,
parent, one who accepts them, and other variations. This is when it's
especially good to stay within your Integrity.* When you decline to play the
game, nothing happens -it fails fiat; it's the sound of one hand clapping.
You'll find that staying in your Integrity may cost you friends, but being
in Integrity is more satisfying than struggling to maintain relationships
grounded in delusion.

Third-dimensionally based beings interpret fourth-dimensional phenomena
in third-dimensional terms. "Ghosts," for example, are just someone's
"imagination playing tricks on them" (a popular way to explain away astral
phenomena). Past-life experiences are easily dismissed as "early memories from
this life, glamorized and projected into a 'past-life' setting." So, if you are
trying to explain these events to "unbelievers," they won't hear you; they'll
get only a distorted image of the reality you are describing. In this sense,
the reality that you are taking a stand for is invisible to them.
The same goes for fifth-dimensional phenomena. You may say that you and
your Team Mates have traveled together from other dimensions to participate in
the Ascension Process. A fourth-dimensional response could be, "Oh, sure, group
soul traveling: you mean 'the transmigration of souls.'" But you don't mean
that, at all. Still, there is no need to struggle for recognition. You are
here on a Mission; spirit will reveal you to whoever is meant to see.

* To receive a free paper entitled "Integrity Tools," EMAIL us. [By mail, send
a SASE (large, envelope).] The article includes insights on staying in
Integrity and a handy tool to use when you find yourself stepping outside of
your Integrity.



THE FIRST TWO TEAMS of walk-ins, after exploring some of the possibilities of
co-creating Heaven on Earth, came to the conclusion that their Mission was
impossible; nothing they could do would make this happen. Heaven on Earth
requires that everyone live their life based on fifth-dimensional principles,
where actions stem from love, not fear. They knew they could not make anyone
do this, because no one can force or convince anyone to make a dimensional
leap. If you try, the one who is forced goes into staunch resistance and,
reacting from fear or anger, becomes even more steadfast in his viewpoint.
At first glance, this was depressing news - "Oh, great! (not)! An
impossible Mission!" Yet, it was quite liberating; it was no longer up to them
to guarantee the success of the Mission. Spirit has to do it. (And when spirit
moves through you, you can live the impossible.) This implies that miracles -
intervention from the fifth dimension and above - will be responsible for the
Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness. They concluded that if this were
true, then the best way to serve the Mission would be to allow miracles to
flow through them. Recognizing this, the Second Team manifested miracle
technologies which would expand their capacity to serve in this way. This
provided us (the Third Team) a foundation enabling us to begin living a
miraculous life.

Living a miraculous life means flowing in the Miracle Continuum. When you are
in the Continuum, details of projects work out flawlessly. You meet just the
right people. Your food is always delicious and just what the body needs,
because your off-planet Team laces it with Light. Doors of opportunity appear
and open with ease. Love and respect for yourself and others deepens. Insights
abound. You find yourself living in the Eternal Present. You become lighter
and lighter. Everything is okay as you watch the drama unfold from the still,
untouchable place inside. You are more transpersonal, less personal. You can
extend a loving hand to everyone. Survival fears, sexual imperatives,
territorial concerns, and hierarchical maneuvers are viewed from the
perspective of Integrity. Mutation and disintegration are seen as integral
parts of the Ascension Process. You know that we live in a miraculous universe.

We recently had the opportunity to explore the totally unmiraculous picture of
reality that says "familiarity breeds contempt."
At first, we thought this concept was ludicrous.* But, after some
consideration, we saw that it was inevitable in third- and
fourth-dimensionally based relationships. Evidently, in these dimensions,
when people open up to each other, they begin to focus on one another's
distorted third- and fourth-dimensional aspects. But when you live a
miraculous life, the opposite holds true: familiarity increases respect,
deepens admiration of the other's qualities, and allows love to expand. At
this level of relationship, distortions are treated as minor or secondary
aspects of the other's wholeness. This encourages both parties to express
themselves fully. * This concept implies that Oneness is impossible.

Living a miraculous life means letting the Divine Plan effortlessly manifest
through you. You can't use your Will to make this happen - you surrender to
spirit so that it can flow through you.
When you try to force things to happen, the usual outcome is struggle
or friction. For example, we received that it was time for us to start
networking. So, wanting to comply, we contacted another Star Base; they
wrote back. Then we wrote and said, "Hey, let's swap tapes!" because they
said they were doing cool stuff with sounds. But, suddenly, the line went
dead. We said, "Yoo-hoo?" but the lines were definitely down. At first we
fretted: "Geez... maybe we did something wrong," but we didn't. We were
hallucinating. We realized that they were either hallucinating or
following their spirit, and either way it was okay. So, we let go of this,
blinked a few times, and saw that spirit had already established a
magnificent network; we didn't have to do a thing. We had received letters
from groups and individuals from all over the world saying things like,
"Hey! Just wanted to tell you we're here, too!" and, "Keep up the great
work!" and the like. We envisioned energetic lines connecting us together;
through these lines wonderful energies flow. And it isn't necessary for us
to ever be in touch with them again - the link is in place and activated.
We further envision an intricate Light-web - an infrastructure of
which all masters are a part (whether the ground crews like it or not).
This Light network is not about personalities, or even about establishing
links and making them work. It's about the Divine Force of Evolution using
its servants - all of us - to play out its role in the Divine Plan.

The reason that everyone on the planet is not living a miraculous life in this
moment is because they are exploring realities that don't allow this to happen.
If someone (who was unprepared for it) was somehow thrown into a miraculous
lifestyle, they would feel very insecure. That's because the ground crew (the
emotional, mental and physical bodies) is energetically designed to function
in third- and fourth-dimensional modalities. For example, the mental body,
which needs to be in control, would not feel safe, because it can not be in
control when living a miraculous life.
Miracles are not reasonable, and you can't make them happen. You can
use magic to bend something to your will, but that's not a miracle -
that's magic. And while work in the fields of magic, healing, science,
publishing, business, teaching, and politics can all serve the Mission,
the New Civilization will not emerge because of them; instead, miraculous
forces will use and work through them.
In order to serve the Force of Evolution more efficiently, you can
use technologies or simply follow your spirit without hesitation, putting
spirit's direction before the ground crew's desires. This, in conjunction
with the intention to live a miraculous life, will, no doubt, move you
inexorably to that miraculous state which you know is attainable.

Many beings tell us how much they really want to be a part of and to
participate in the Ascension Process. They are suffering because they feel
that they aren't doing enough, aren't doing it right, or just aren't worthy
enough. They feel that they will be punished by being left out. But, to us,
their desire and intention shows, in no uncertain terms, that they have
nothing to worry about and are simply hallucinating. (On another level, they
are doing it right, doing enough, and are worthy; it's just a matter of time,
of cosmic sequencing, for them to realize this.)
If you feel like this, be assured that the ecstasy you know exists is
in your Destiny. But, you won't get there because you are feeling bad.
Feeling bad just means you miss your True Reality and confirms, at least
to us, your identity as a divine master. How could you long for something
so intensely if it wasn't in your cosmic memory?

The human organism isn't energetically stable for living a miraculous life;
it's energy is set at a level for it to be able to survive, get acceptance,
devise strategies, and multiply. For it to be able to function in the
Continuum, other-dimensional Light must alter or mutate the ground crews,
expanding its capacity to allow this lifestyle to manifest through it. One way
in which these foundations can be established is through the application of
various Divine Templates.
Little by little, the Planetary Consciousness is encouraging beings
to live a miraculous life. It's like opening a door to a grand room that
beams a magnificent, piercing Light; you can only take a small dose of it
at a time. But as the Templates become integrated within your system, you
are able to accept more miraculous probabilities into your life.

One of the remarkable qualities of miracles is that you never know what to
expect. It's the Unknown and it's a bit scary: you are entering, head first,
into a highly transformative way of life. But entering this way of life has a
delightfully expansive impact on your life: suddenly, the only thing you need
and rely on is spirit. Everything is miraculously taken care of as your life
becomes a Divine Expression of something greater than yourself.

Living a miraculous life is possible; it is starting to happen all over the
planet. We are being drawn, like moths to a light, into a reality which
demonstrates this probability. The requirement is that we initiate nothing,
and simply implement the directions of our spirit.



"Let's see..." said the Old One. He paused tightened his lips for a moment,
and then continued: "How about a blue-green planet with a yellow star?." The
Little Ones, gathered comfortably about his feet, smiled and nodded their
approval. This was not unexpected: They would have joyously embraced any tale
that their incredibly wise mentor would have spun. For these were not ordinary
stories in any sense of the word. The listeners (and in a way the speaker)
would literally be whisked away, landing in the midst of whatever story-world
the Old One described. They would live the adventurous plot of the
script. "It was a curious planet," he began. "it had weather and rainbows..."

Leema found herself in a child's body, sitting on a shaggy, beige rug
in a cube-shaped room. "Sharon, honey, time to eat," called the voice of
someone called "mom." "My name isn't Sharon," she reflected, "and who is
this 'mom' being (loving though she may be), anyway?" It was as if she had
awakened into a dream. As she sat at the dining-room table, she could not
shake the feeling that this whole set-up was somehow strange, but she
didn't know exactly how or why.

"And there will be a time when you feel lost and abandoned on this strangely
beautiful world," the Old One said.

For the last few years, Leema's consciousness had deteriorated into a
sad side-show through which a cacophony of alien images and characters
entered, trampled about, and dispassionately left. She would attempt,
haphazardly, to stitch together some sort of sense from the frayed and
mismatched pieces of reality that were discarded (or purposely left
behind) by the parade of specters, and at times, loving beings, who had
strayed into her life. Being unable to put together anything meaningful,
she concluded that something was wrong with her.

"And then you will be touched by something Divine," said the Old One

Time had slowly and painfully passed and then, suddenly, a veil
lifted. Leema remembered who she was - a beautiful being of Light. The
distorted reality that was stuck to the inside of her head like bubble gum
on a sneaker's sole had vanishedf In its place was a dynamic picture of
purposefulness; she was here to serve the planet.

"Two of you will meet," continued the Old One.
By now, everyone, including the Old One himself, had sunk deeply into this
dream-spun story. But he was still able to speak with such lucidity and gentle
authority that none of the Little Ones (who were, indeed, great ones), ever
noticed that this story was just dream-spun.

They met under seemingly normal conditions; yet Leema and Zanje knew
that their relationship was something more than it appeared. Their intent
and integrity bonded them ever closer.

In a place far away, yet closer than anyone could imagine, someone they
knew quite well spoke: "Little by little, all of you will come together."

Leema and Zanje noticed that waves upon waves of beings were coming
to the same conclusion: consensus reality was, indeed, only a secondary
reality. In time, these beings began flocking together, forming Star
Colonies, for they were "of the stars."

"It's the Ancient One, whispering [from within] a new twist in the plot,"
the Old One said. With eyes cast upward, he asked, "What's to become of all of
this love?"

The Little Ones were finding their days filled with divine communion.
For the most part, they moved freely and effortlessly through their lives,
fulfilling their part in the story. Somehow, each of their greatest
expectations was surpassed as the story drew to a close.

"I wish I could have written that," said NimRa.
"Oh, I see you're back," said the Old One. "Looks like you're the first."
"Yes," replied NimRa, "But if you don't mind, I'm going back to visit the
"Of course. Of course."

The Old One looked around for a moment. Everyone was glowing radiantly. He
looked inside and saw the Ancient One beaming.
"Oh, yes," he said, "And everybody lived happily ever after."



Let's explore some possibilities. We'll cruise down a few side streets of
insight before we pull onto the main thoroughfare. First gear...
Let's talk about the Ascended Masters. Who are they? What do they
want? How did they get here? They are highly evolved, loving beings who
have entered Earth's karmic system and transcended it. They've remained
close to the Earth and to its inhabitants and love them very much. They
have been advising and helping others who are going through the same
process. Now, they are interacting more powerfully than ever, as they
participate in this exciting chapter of Awakening of the Planetary
So, who, then, are we? the millions of beings who have come from afar
to participate? (Chopped liver?.) We are the Descended Masters,
swan-diving (or belly-flopping) into the dense medium of third- and
fourth-dimensional reality. We project our consciousness into human
(animal, vegetable, and mineral) forms so we can have a first-hand account
of the action. As the doom to the Earth plane have been lovingly and
unconditionally opened, beings sourcing from the fifth dimension and above
are arriving in droves as "crawl-ins," "walk-ins," and through channeling.
Those incarnate beings who act as channels for them, receive expanded
perceptions and deeper levels of surrender to spirit for their efforts.
This opens doors of insight undreamed of in the prior states of
Not everyone wants to channel; even less want to get walked into. For
many, just the notion of a walk-in is scary: it represents the unknown.
You might think that this fear would be held by beings anchored in
third-dimensional reality. But many beings who are involved in the New Age
movement are afraid, as well. A unique(?) reaction to being walked into
was noted by the previous Team when they held an Event at a local New Age
shop. When one of the participants realized what a walk-in was, she
exclaimed, "Gasp! Is that what a walk-in is?! I sure don't want to be
walked into. I'M HAVING TOO MUCH FUN BEING ME!" On this note, let's pull
on to the entry ramp to the main highway...
In the book, "The Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness,"
Malenchen presented an Ascension scenario in which a very big entity (who
just happened to be in the neighborhood) would "point its finger" at a
planet and the planet would Ascend into Light. What happens if there were
such a being in our neighborhood right now, whose job it was to Ascend
Earth? What if that being's name was The Christ? And what if the Second
Coming of Christ entailed not Him pointing His finger at the planet, but
actually channeling into all of Earth's inhabitants on a permanent basis?
When He made His Descent into all of these beings - humans, animals,
crystals and plants (and the Planetary Consciousness itself) - the impact
would cause the planet to instantaneously Ascend in a flash of Divine
Viewed from this angle, that would explain what all of the millennium
commotion is about, and why everyone (who is aware something wonderful is
in the making) is preparing themselves*. They want to be able to sustain
the consciousness of this glorious entity entering and moving through
Don't bother to scan the skies for His arrival; just wait, and He'll
personally (well, transpersonally) knock on the door on the top of your

* Consider the possibility that The Christ has the power to "forgive"
everyone for everything. This would allow everyone to Ascend; there would
be no distinction between the "saved" and the "unsaved."



Idealitis: The name itself strikes fear into the hearts of all sensible people.
Yet, the scourge continues to ravage millions of minds everyday. Can nothing
be done?

WHAT IS IT, ANYWAY? Idealitis s a condition contracted* in the third- and
fourth-dimension. The afflicted think that they know "the right way that
it is" When confronted by an idea or belief that is beyond the walls of
their idealisms, the Acceptance System shuts down. This, in turn, triggers
an alarm summoning the Enemy Intruder Hormones (EIH) into action. The EIHs
assault the perceived enemy with psychic, verbal, or even physical
rebukes, not suspecting in the least that it is they who are infected ....
Finally, after the EIHs have run their course, the "I'll-Make-It-Okay"
Brain Cells assemble the "True-
Reasons-Which-Prove-That-What-l-Did-Was-Right" logic modules, so that the
sufferer may feel that what he has done was just lied (and, in some cases
"holy" or "patrioric"). This, over time, has devastating effects on the
ground crew. Consequences of this malady include loss of the ability to
love unconditionally, aloofness, fear, irritability, and in some cases,
heart failure.

There is really no documentation as to where the first case
originated, but safe to say that by the time the ancient Egyptian
Civilization was in bloom it had already reached epidemic proportions.
Everyone had their own favorite god. The culture, being so diverse, was an
ideal breeding ground for cliques, which then went about their business of
pitting their idealisms against one another. The dis-ease proliferated.

It is essential to recognize the symptoms of this condition. A
few of the physical signs include squinting eyes, a hard
hands-on-the-sides stance, sneering upper lip, crossed arms and legs,
clenched jaw, a disapproving frown and the tell-tale shaking of the head.

A CURE? The Earth is involved in so much multidimensional activity that no
single ideology can accurately encompass everything that is happening on
the planet today. It is beyond the grasp of the rational mind. For
sufferers, a single dose of acceptance of this perspective could spell
relief from this woeful and, sometimes, socially embarrassing condition.

* Idealitis can be contracted from anyone or anything who the infected deems to be an outside authority, even though the alleged
authority may not have it.



Beyond my body, mind,
and emotions

Beyond my gender

Beyond my family

Beyond my nationality

Beyond my religion

Beyond my race

Beyond my humanity

Beyond my countless lives
and forms

For I wear all of these
As my cloak
As I walk the Universe

+ + + + +

Beyond all I AMs
And all Universes

For The-All-That-Is
wears all of these
As its cloak
As it dreams all things.



AS EACH TEAM OF WALK-INS at Starbuilders assimilated their Earth
experiences, they defined the general theme of their work. The First Team
focused on "moving beyond the hallucination" that they were anything but
masters. The Orion Ascension Technologies were manifested to help in that
respect. The Second Team's focus was on "letting go of forms" and "living
the impossible." Two sets of technologies, "The E.T. Alchemy Series" and
"The Miracle Path," manifested in response to these directives.
Our focus, at first, was very general in scope: to follow our spirit,
"doing whatever it takes" to accomplish our Mission. This, in turn, has
lead to a specific focus: "Live a miraculous life." From this, we now
understand that our Mission is not about manifesting products -
technologies, newsletters, mutational music, and the like - but is about a
state of being. We view the products, then, as tools and expressions that
contribute to the Mission, but they are not the point of the Mission.

Currently, we offer two kinds of high-impact technologies. We call the first
path - The Starbuilders Ascension Technologies - the "interactive" series. They
are interactive in the sense that you use access codes and, in some,
visualizations to trigger fifth-dimensional insights and energies. They are
very simple to use.
We call the second path - The StarSeed Activation Technologies - the
"non-interactive" series. They are non- interactive in the sense that once
they are applied, there is nothing to do except let the work unfold. All
technologies can be transmitted in person, by phone, or by tape.

[NB - For certain jobs a hammer works better than a wrench, and vice versa.
Neither is better than the other. They both serve different, useful functions.]
On occasion, we interact with beings who are experienced with
fourth-dimensional work, but are new to fifth- dimensional work. They
expect more or less the same effects from a fifth-dimensional technology
as fourth dimensional work; consequently, many are shocked when these
newly accessible Light fields begin to dismantle their dysfunctional
third- and fourth-dimensional infrastructures. They are not always aware
that this disintegration - this clearing away - is necessary, so that
functional, fifth-dimensional structures may stand in their place;
consequently we recommend that anyone who wishes to receive these
technologies first do an introductory session with us. This helps to
psychologically prepare for the experience.* (Some beings "blame" us for
their mutation; but it's not like we didn't inform them of what to expect
- we did and we do.)

1. The Starbuilders Ascension Technologies consist of ten individual
technologies. In general, it takes about one and a half years to integrate the
entire series. During each step, the psychic, the chakras, and other aspects of
the ground crew are ergetically expanded and restructured. The point: to
live as a master on a consistent basis. Brochures are available.

2. The StarSeed Activation Technologies are high-impact transmissions.
They include "The Solar Force Activation" and "The Miracle Templates."
Most beings are hurled from a position of diffidence to one of robust
self-assurance soon after receiving these. Many actually look ten to
twenty years younger. They are sacred works.

3. Sessions. Spend some time with us. We'll channel and chat with you.

4. A "Structured" or "Unstructured" Weekend at Starbuilders.

(A) The Structured Weekend includes:
(1) an ongoing session,
(2) the initial levels of both The Starbuilders Ascension Technologies and
StarSeed Activation Technologies,
(3) the cellular release of karma by our M*A*S*H team, and
(4) a Visioning Session.

(B) The Unstructured Weekend is a continuous session.

The Starbuilders Technologies are not static applications. They are
applications of dynamically structured Light fields that trigger ongoing,
transmutational processes, altering perceptions and levels of

* Not everyone has a hard time with this; it depends on the person. (When
we anchor these technologies into the Earth plane, we get massively
mutated; we moan.) Some beings, preferring a more casual pace, return to
exploring the astral plane after going through it.



What is Truth, anyway? IF the rational mind tries to latch onto it, it
will vanish faster than a fly on a toad's tongue. Truth is not words or
even actions. It's not about facts, not about being right, not about being
logical, and not even about content. Truth is something that is alive - a
conscious, living entity.
If this is true, then there are interesting implications. It would
mean that we can't will ourselves to speak The Truth. Truth must channel
through us. At best, we can be a mouthpiece for this incredibly pervasive
entity. If we took this a step further, we could say that remaining in our
Integrity is the closest we can get to living The Truth. When we're in our
Integrity we speak "our" truth, which is a stepped-down version (or
individualized interpretation) of The Truth.

When we speak The Truth, it's not us talking. We are channeling The Truth
Entity. We share our vehicle with It. This Divine Communion blesses us. What
could be more joyous than to mingle our consciousness with something that is
so loving and delightful?

It can seep through and emerge anywhere, through anyone. Even the most
resistant, third-dimensionally based being can not stop it. Everyone is a
potential candidate for Truth to use.
In the Ascension Process, Truth winds its way through many avenues,
offering expansive glimpses to those who need to see, so that they may
play their part more effectively. These glimpses open new doorways of
expression and probability so that mankind - and, in a sense, the entire
universe - may take a small step forward.

The more surrendered we are to spirit, the greater chance we have of being used
on a consistent basis; additionally, the more awake we are, the more we are
aware of Its presence: Truth is everywhere.
So, the best we can do is follow our spirit and let our divine life
unfold; then, by degrees, we become more enveloped in the exquisite
embrace of Truth.



Due to the acceleration of the Ascension Process, the council of
Extraterrestrial masters, who are responsible for co-creating the various
technologies transmitted by The Federation of Light, have instituted a
bold new program for Starbuilders. This process involves the incarnation
of Extraterrestrial and Angelic Spirits* into the bodies of non-human
earth forms. The pilot project (code named "Project WINGS") under way at
the Starbuilders Starbase focuses on the avian life-forms. The birds which
are being raised in this higher-dimensional environment are genetically
encoded with specific qualities allowing them to access, transmit and
receive higher dimensional frequencies. They are exposed to toning
vibrations and powerful crystalline energy fields. The accelerated life
cycle of the birds (as compared to humans) allows them to develop full
capacity very quickly in order to accomplish their specific missions
efficiently. Bird forms are also highly attuned to delicate variations in
sound frequency, which is extremely useful for accessing the sonic
communications widely used in transdimensional networking grid structures.
Humans often experience this as a high pitched tone or "ringing" in the
ears, because the ultra-high frequency is almost beyond the range of the
aural equipment.
Another advantage of working at a genetic level is the scientifically
documented link-up between members of a specific species. This phenomenon
allows the encoded information to be networked all around the planet
simultaneously by linking into the genetic mechanism which allows the
transmission of new data from one individual to all others of its species.
In other words, the presence of one of these transcendental beings in the
body of a Green Singing Finch, for example, allows fifth dimensional
energies and data to manifest through genetically related birds in the
wilds of Africa, in European aviaries, a zoo in Australia, or wherever
else is appropriate for the advancement of the Mission. This can be very
helpful with an entire planet to transmute.
Locally, we have been directed to distribute a small number of these
"master birds" to beings who feel drawn by their spirits to interact with
them and offer them bodily care and favorable conditions as members of
their team. If this is yours to do, please contact us to discuss the
details, cost and practical requirements.

...End Of Transmission.



More insidious than radon poisoning, less shared in conversation than
one's unusual idiosyncrasies, the phenomenon of psychic intrusion is here,
now, continuing to manifest in even the most polite sectors of society.
Pysychic intrusion occurs when a being, usually disturbed, shoots a
pointed thought-form into another's psyche. "Yow!" These unsolicited (or
solicited?) jabs are carried out silently. ("Ya jerk!") But even though it
isn't spoken, the emotional body knows it's being whacked. What is
remarkable about all of this is that neither party is usually aware of
what's happening, because it's just a program being played out on the
subconscious level.

"Miniature Identities" are a common source of these psychic eruptions. For
example, say that you have reluctantly taken responsibility for keeping the
dishes clean (because no one else will do them). You go into the kitchen and,
sure enough there's a stack of those greasers in the sink (and even on the
counter!) mocking you, staring you in the face. You react instantaneously,
firing off a shot in the direction of the offender. You do this because your
miniature identity as "responsible cleaner" says they deserve it. Any miniature
identity that you accept as real will have these triggers.
An expanded identity of a master might experience anger and say,
"Hmmm. We're going to have to talk," and, like civilized beings, they let
sprit direct the synergy so that it all gets worked out; things evolve.
It takes practice to become aware when you are intruding on someone.
But the effort will produce insights into the dysfunctional assumptions of
the emotional body.



There are a variety of ways to enter into a body, yet all share one thing
in common: you get here by the projection of consciousness.* The most
orthodox way is to project into the womb before birth. If your spirit does
this by direct interaction with the Planetary Consciousness, then, by
definition, you are a "human." If you project from a higher-dimensional
life form, then there are more possibilities: "wake-ups" (frequent), plus
"walk-ins" and "crash-ins" (less frequent) are just a few. Descriptions of
even more exotic possibilities lie ahead. * For more information, read,
"The Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness," or "Live the Impossible!"

C.L.O.N.E.s (Creating Lots Of New Entities): consist of a rather large
number of incarnate beings (i.e., in a third-dimensional form) all
sourcing from the same higher-dimensional entity. They may be closely
associated in the third dimension or widely scattered, unaware that others
with their same spiritual signature are tramping about down here, too.
Furthermore, all of the incarnate CLONE forms do not have to be human.

Group-Ins: are similar to CLONEs except that they source from a Group
Soul, not a single entity.

An MTV (Multiple Tenant Vehicle): is a body that, over time, has been walked
into by two or more different entities.

Double Occupancy: is channeling with a twist: the channeled entity does
not leave. This requires an exceptionally high degree of harmony between
the two.
It is possible that the Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness will be
the result of a planet-wide "Double Occupancy/CLONE" Event.



Resources, especially the lack of them, is something many people are
fascinated with. For most, it is a survival issue, riddled with anxiety.
Yet, everyone gets what they need. That's the way it works. When we
want more than we need, then the boogie man in charge of survival fear is
unleashed, free to gnaw away at our psyche. Some might say, "Well, what
about all those innocent people starving to death? Do they get what they
need?" (When reading the following, keep in mind that we are all divine
and immortal sparks embodied in mortal forms.) Viewed from a
third-dimensional perspective, this is a seemingly senseless tragedy
(supported by the Planetary Consciousness). When we shift to a
fourth-dimensional perspective, the drama moves from a tragedy to a simple
payment of karmic debt. From a fifth-dimensional perspective, we
understand that sprit, for its own reasons, desired that experience. In
each case, you get what you need.
Resources spring from the universe, which sustains all things.
Everyone is connected to this life-giving fountain. Picture something like
an energetic cornucopia horn stemming from the area of your heart chakra.
Imagine that through this horn the creative energy of manifestation flows
unobstructed. But fascination with the illusion of lack can clog this
connection, causing one to hallucinate fear, discomfort and more.
On the other side of the coin, fascination with the picture of reality
that says "You get what you need" can re-establish the natural flow of the
Horn of Plenty. This open condition is our birthright, and is the natural
state of cosmic beings.



When your're evolving at hyperspeed, the ground crew, at times, will yelp,
"??! !" It searches its memory banks, trying to match these experiences
with something it can relate to, but comes up with nothing. Try as it may,
the mental body can't remember anything like this. The emotional body
isn't too pleased, either: it's being stretched, and has an unsettling
suspicion that it is being punished .... The physical body, scanning it's
DNA records (all the way back to its water-bound bacteria roots), draws a

There are two categories of this kind of experience: mutation and
disintegration. Although both sprout from the same evolutionary process, each
display distinct symptoms. If the physical body is "going though it" - feeling
tired for no apparent reason, needing megaheaps of sleep, eating a lot, feeling
cranky, or feeling as if it were under 100 feet of water - then we are
"mutating." It's mostly a physical concern. Disintegration, on the other hand,
reflects the reconstruction of the mental and emotional bodies.
Usually, after being exposed to an advanced Light field, the ground
crew experiences a rapid increase in the entropy of its systems: the
emotional body expands, causing dark crystals to pop like popcorn; the
mental body trys to figure it all out. (One's memory may appear to
disintegrate, but this is good; this helps to live in the moment, without
past referencing; in any event, you'll remember what you need.) Also,
dysfunctional third- and fourth-dimensional structures (which are real to
the ground crew, who has come to rely on them) are systematically
dismantled, The ground crew feels like it's losing its grip on reality,
and it is: old pictures of reality are crumbling. But, in that cleared
lot, a high-rise is being erected, providing a breath-taking, panoramic


"Light, in fact, can be explained as vibrations in the fifth dimension."
- From the preface of "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical
Physics at the City College of the City University of New York.




Phase One
The original inhabitants of these bodies manifested exotic tools and music
during their stay.

Use it to easily and rapidly transport your consciousness into the Angelic
realms; reach a deep, meditative state in moments. The ultrasuede headband is
lined with crystals and minerals that facilitate this experience. $25

Channel out of your body and project into the bodies of other life forms
throughout the universe. You may be amazed at what wonderful life forms are
out there. The head band is lined with a combination of meteorites and other
stones which facilitate this experience. As it also stimulates the creative
centers, you can benefit from wearing it while engaging in creative work. $55

This remarkable tool is composed of a Brazilian Diamonte quartz handle (for
focusing energy), a modified fluorite crystal center (for cleansing) and a
pyramid-cut, gem moldavite tip.
The Scalpel removes dense, psychic clusters from the etheric body.
Just pass it through the aura and feel the release. An amazing clearing
tool! $77

The Trilogy:
'Not Exactly Earth Music"
The following channeled music is melodic and poetic, yet intense; they display
new musical forms. Great for out-of-the-body travel!

New Species Music
This is a guided musical meditation through the life of a "wake-up." It
describes various stages of Earth life from an E.T. perspective. Includes,
"Crossing the Dimensional Barrier," 'The Search for Self," "Heaven on Earth,"
"Transmutation," "Going Home," and more. $11

New Species Music
Music to Mutate By.
These pieces musically paint the outer planets with a lavish palette of unique
"This music literally transcends your mind... It is tranquil and relaxing and
definitely different... truly beautiful music. Words are so hard to describe
the feelings I felt." - Ladyhawk, The Dream Weaver $11

New Species Music
This collection musically navigates the regions of Middle Earth. Selections
include: "Subterranean Fanfare," "Bright Crystal Raindrops," "The Infinite
Native," "Walking Through Wails," more.
"I really liked your tape. I'II be mentioning it in our next newsletter." -
David Kilkenny, Twelve Tone Systems $11

Phase Two
Zal and Zol - the First Team of walk-ins at Starbuilders - manifested the

This book provides a variety of mystical symbols - from ancient to channeled
E.T. - that you can use for patchwork or applique. $11

Phase Three
Malenchen and Maruna -the Second Team of walk-ins - manifested the following:

New Species Music
is a collection of channeled sounds that "flips on internal switches." Caution:
Listening to this tape may induce mutation.
"Disassembled linear elements of my reality. Let a friend just hold it [the cassette]...Said it felt like a
million volts of energy." - Andron $11

is a 60 minute (talk) cassette which covers the topics: "The Right to be
Deluded"; "True Ecstasy"; "Refining Grids"; "Masters and Patterns"; "Moving
Beyond Human Patterns," and more. $11

Starbuilders Publishing
Channeled information from the Federation of Light. This highly compact book
presents an intriguing picture about the upcoming shift in the Planetary
Consciousness. Since it is a clearly detailed, non-fear-based Vision of the
Ascension Process, it offers a joyous alternative to many of today's gloom and
doom scenarios. "Rejoice! The Beginning is near!"
"This little booklet is packed full of information designed to shine very bright light on very shadowy
subjects...a big blast of light! - Starlight Newsletter, WA $7

Phase Four
Jal'Kae and Zaruna Ataza -the Third Team of walk-ins- have manifested the

Starbuilders Publishing
This is a collection of over 30 of the most relevant articles from Issues 1-26
of "The Federation Flash." Most have been expanded, so the information is even
more clear and insightful. $8

Other Masters' Manifestations

The E.T. Masters Tool Kit
By E.T. Earth Mission
We HIGHLY RECOMMENDED this collection of fifth-dimensional technologies. They
* "THE SUPERCONSCIOUS TECHNIQUE" is a miraculous manifestation technology.
* "CONSCIOUS CHANNELING": An E.T. approach; channel your own spirit, as well.
* "SHATTERING ILLUSIONS": Great for clearing downward spiraling energies. (Two
tape set)
* "TRANSCENDING THE FOURTH DIMENSION": A loving way to send disembodied spirits
to the Light! (Book/tape set) $55

E.T. Earth Mission
An excellent book, packed full of just about everything you wanted to know
about the Ascension, Light Bodies, the Planetary Consciousness, and much, much
more. $11

"E.T. 101"
Mission Control
This is a humorous, code popping book. It describes how E.T.s manage (or don't
manage) when they find themselves in a human body on Earth, and, gulp..they
forgot whatever it was they were supposed to remember! Great reading! $13

E.T. Earth Mission
Three audio cassettes boldly take you to where no one has gone before -into the
fifth dimension. Well, at least no one has so cleary articulated the realities
of this dimension. It's a wake-up tape! $33

E.T. Earth Mission
An eye-opening five tape set! This can shed light on places you didn't even
know you had! Topics include: "The Political Self," "Money," "Sex," "Radical
self reliance," and a whole lot more. $55

Other Discoveries
These sounds were captured by NASA's Voyager 2 as it journeyed through the
solar system. It recorded the sounds of the solar wind, the rings of Saturn and
Uranus, plus much more. (Sounds a lot like crystal bowls.) It is beautiful,
organic space music, and is one of our favorites. CD $17/Cassette $11

Late Arrival: "Turkish Diaspore"
We didn't ask for this, but we received a box full of Turkish Diaspore - a
translucent, golden-hued crystal. It came with this reading from Katrina
Raphaell: "...makes me vision pages of time .... brings in a healing ray and
[has] power .... The rainbows...indicate the presence of devas or angels."
We imagine that spirit had these sent to us for a reason. Maybe one of them
is for you.
We will be carrying these for a limited time only. Small $11/medium $17

TO order, send check or m.o. (in U.S. dollars) to:

P.O. Box 22-0964
Hollywood, FL 3022-0964

S&H: $3.50 for first item, 50 cents for each additional item; double for
Canada; quadruple for overseas airmail.



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