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The Federation Flash Issue 29

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The Federation Flash
 · 26 Apr 2019


The Federation Flash¾
Exploring the Frontiers of Miraculous Probability
Issue #29; Spring, 1995

Published by Starbuilders
P.O. Box 220964
Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

Internet e-mail:

Starbuilders publishes "The Federation Flash" periodically. It is written
and edited by extraterestrial walk-ins KenDon and Kumara for masters at
all stages of awakening, in service to the Ascension of the Planetary
Consciousness. They serve with The Federation of Light, a council of
Masters sourcing from different dimensions, various locations in space,
and points in time. To receive free e-copies of upcoming issues of "The
Federation Flash," e-mail: Say "subscribe."

We acknowledges the extraordinary work of Extraterrestrial Earth Mission
and honors all who are dedicated to the Divine purpose of co-creating
Heaven on Earth. "Starbuilders," "Starbuilders Publishing," "Project
Wings," and "New Species Music" are outreach projects of the ULC.


Greetings, from all at Starbuilders. As our lives unfold, our spirit
continues to point the way: "Live a Miraculous Life!" This is our prime
directive. We support this by following our spirit without hesitation,
utilizing fifth-, sixth-, and, seventh-dime nsional technologies, staying
within our Integrity as fully as possible, and being open to the insights
of other masters. It is accomplished, however, by the intervention of the
Divine Force of Evolution. We are instruments of that Force. To get to the
point of living a miraculous life is not always easy. It requires a
willingness to surrender to a continuous cycle of dying and being reborn.
Although the process can be unpleasant or even traumatic at times
(depending upon our attachment to our illusions), the goal is nonetheless

Synergy (Group Energy)

An important aspect of living a miraculous life includes the ability to
integrate into a group energy. As we become more internally integrated, it
reflects outward. The more we allow our genuine individuality to express
itself within the group, the strong er the synergy becomes of spiritual
expressions. Groups of beings living in Integrity are powerful instruments
of Evolution. Interestingly, when we live as sovereign masters - our true
individuality - we shatter our illusions, idealisms, and projections about
what our group "should" be. This is very liberating.

The Plan

Our focus (the fifth team) is to prepare these bodies for the next team of
walk-ins. This involves exploring and testing new psychological models,
many of which are contained within this issue of "The Federation Flash."
We send everyone our Light and sincerely wish that you miraculously
manifest your highest Vision of Heaven on Earth.


Unconditional Ascension Update
A KenDonian View

Some time ago, we suggested that the upcoming Ascension of the Planetary
Consciousness would be an *Unconditional* Ascension, making it a unique
event in the history of this Universe. Conditional Ascensions herald
flaming swords at the Gates of Paradise t o prevent those who are impure
from entering. In contrast, an Unconditional Ascension invites everyone,
without exception, to enter the Garden - even the "unworthy."

It Can't Happen Here

For some, an Ascension of this kind is an "all-too-easy solution" to the
complex problems of today. In the light of third- and fourth-dimensional
reality parameters, this kind of Event is truly impossible. We are
dealing, however, with a miraculous Event: it will supercede these third-
and fourth- dimensional constrictions. Like ants on a beach debating the
rapidly approaching tidal wave, human opinions about the Divine
Transformation cannot hinder its arrival.
Others "don't want the muggers" with them in Heaven. If the
Ascension is unconditional, couldn't criminals enter the Kingdom as well?
We envision that at the moment of Ascension, The Christ would "channel"
into everyone (for a brief, eternal moment) and a sk whether or not they
wanted to ascend. In this instant, everyone would realize that the
post-Ascension environment would not support criminal behavior; it would
not be an option.

Bypassing the Small Self

A primary reason that beings do not go into the Light after they die is
because they retain the human/karmic notion that they are unworthy. The
Christ Consciousness, however, bypasses this illusion. During the
Ascension "Flash Point," He addresses the I AM of the individual - He
does not look to the Small Self, with its distorted identifications
(including guilt) for the answer. If the I AM deems ascension appropriate,
then all concerns of the Small Self - suffering, bad and good karma, and
all the rest - will be transmuted.

Can Suffering Be Transmuted?

Although Unconditional Ascension may sound too easy for some, there is
only one "problem" that this Event addresses and transmutes: *suffering*.
That is what The Christ will absolve at this historical moment. (Do you
believe there are beings who are power ful and loving enough to do this?)

A New Phenomenon?

This will be the first Unconditional Ascension in the history of this
Universe; that is why there is so much transdimensional attention focused
on this planet today. We believe that this unprecedented Event will
produce a powerful physical/metaphyical phe nomenon.
At first, we imagined the creation of a Stargate, but there are
already Stargates in place. (As there have been no Unconditional
Ascensions in this universe to date, Stargates must form by some other,
more common, process.) At this time, we do not have in formation about the
nature of this phenomenon; in any case, the magnitude will be staggering.

Turning Point

This Unconditional Ascension marks a turning point in the evolution of the
universe. As the information about this Event shoots across the universe,
Unconditional Ascensions will grow commonplace: it has set an example, it
has shown the way. This snowball ing effect will greatly speed the
evolutionary process to its conclusion - the grand, unconditional leap of
the entire universe back into The Source, ending a Cosmic Day.


Playing Reality Cards
"Deal Me In"

Greetings. My name is KenDon. Kumara and I are the fifth team of walk-ins
to arrive at Starbuilders Transformational Center. We provide services,
including fifth-dimensional technologies, as part of our participation in
the Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness. We would like to share our
most recent method of perceiving reality that we are experimenting with.
It is a means of remaining detached and conscious while observing
ourselves and interacting with others. This is helpful, because many
people te nd to believe that pictures of reality (especially their own)
are "The Way That It Is." We find this method useful, practical, and
insightful, and we have fun playing it, because it is like a game.
We call this game "Reality Cards." As we explore it, keep in mind
that it is not an exact science (unless you prefer to play it that way).

The Suits

In this Reality Game, you view all actions and reactions, including
thoughts and emotions, as cards - like playing cards. You view yourself
and others as the players. There are different suits in the Reality Deck.
For example, when you think, "That person is really stupid," you are
playing a "Judgement" card. "Discernment" cards are very similar to
Judgement cards, except that they do not contain the element of
condemnation. For example, say that you see a player walk over and push
another; you could play the Discernment card: "That person is acting
aggressively." If, however, you are condemning the aggressive player, you
would be playing a Judgement card. (In other words, Judgement cards
*evaluate*, Discernment cards *describe*.)
There are "Opinion/Belief" cards that say, for example, "If you
don't go to church on Sunday, you'll go to hell." Then there are
"Reaction" cards that you play instinctively. The card, "How dare you say
that to me!" could be a Reaction card. You play "Habit" cards
unconsciously, like when you say, "Have a nice day."
There are "Spontaneous" cards, which are the ones that your spirit
plays. "You," as a third-dimensional being, do not play Spontaneous cards;
spirit plays them through you. When you say someth ing "wise" and you do
not know where it came from, you can dub that a Spontaneous card.
(Interestingly, sometimes we mistake Habit cards for Spontaneous cards.)
"Ego" - Self Importance - cards are very popular; so are "Strategy" cards,
used for winning games or avoiding consequences.

Closely related to Strategy cards are "Manipulation" cards. Many
consider "Identity" cards important; you flash them to let others know who
you are. You can use Identity cards as Strategy, Ego, Habit, or
Spontaneous cards.
"Acceptance" cards are played in conjunction with any other suit.
When played with an Anger card, for instance, we allow ourselves to be
angry, yet, we know that we are not our emotional body (which is
expressing the anger). Playing this card puts us in t he space of the
Witness; we are not attached to our actions. This is just a short list of
possible suits. We encourage you to create your own.

The Draw

Where do these cards come from? For starters, we are dealt many of them at
birth by the Planetary Consciousness; they are the "Human Animal" cards
and are an integral part of the physical body. (DNA, hormones, and other
bio-chemicals supply us with a variety of pictures.) They read: "I must
eat, sleep, defend, mate, avoid pain, seek pleasure, and the like." The
emotional and mental bodies each contribute an assortment of cards,
although the emotional body can only offer Reaction cards. Some carry over
from previous-life games in the form of "Karma" cards. Others are innate
in one's being, emanating from spirit. The interplanetary influence of
Astrology predisposes us to certain styles of play and to favor specific
suits by giving shape to our perceptual lenses.
During acculturation, we acquire "Culture" suit cards. This
includes "Rule" cards given by mommy and daddy, and "Education" cards,
taken from books, school, and from personal research and experience. The
church and home dispense "Religion" cards (usually played in a "closed
game" atmosphere, where only those who carry similar decks are welcome to
play). You can also collect cards from other player's piles. For instance,
someone you respect could tell you that it is cool to belong to "The X
Generation." So you adopt that Identity card and play it when appropriate.

Which Card to Play?

You can hold several different cards during each play. Let's say an
Israeli rabbi sits down at the table with an Iranian fundamentalist. (Any
two nationalities, religions, or races that have a history of antagonism
may play this game.) Immediately, the DNA flashes an "Enemy" card. The
emotional body instinctively offers a Reaction card, say, "Fear" or
"Anger." The mental body strings together a group of Strategy cards, while
spirit presents the "Behind every form there is Love" card. Which option
gets played?
The card that you lay on the table - act upon - is the one that
the universe will treat as real. It will then rearrange itself to
accommodate that picture of reality.

Different Games, Different Rules

There do not seem to be any set rules of play. In fact, no two beings play
by exactly the same rules, or, for that matter, use the same deck. One
being, wearing cowboy boots, his gun on the table, is dealing poker,
stoically throwing down Strategy cards; his opponent across the table is
tossing Spontaneous cards, playing Crazy Eights. Some beings play
"Religious Rummy" and throw down piles of Judgement and Belief cards.
"Politic Poker" players use scores of Opinion cards. So called experts of
all sorts enjoy indulging in "Certainty Solitaire." They frequently use
Ego and Opinion cards. You can see how misunderstandings occur.
To further complicate the game, how a player interprets a card
determines its suit. For example, you could read the "Gee, you're really
beautiful" card as either a Spontaneous card, a Habit card, a Discernment
card, an Opinion card or even a Strategy card . Yet, it gets worse - a
person might not even know what card he is playing: he may think he is
playing an Opinion card, while the other player reads it as a Strategy
card, when in fact, he is unconsciously playing a Fear card.
Sometimes, a being will present an unusual combination of cards.
When this happens, players may accuse him of "not playing with a full
deck." An alternate (and useful) card to play in these circumstances is
the "I Don't Know What to Make of It" card, as it reserves judgement.

A Trap

Players become rigid and friction arises when *they forget that their
cards are just pictures of reality* - they believe that their Aces are
etched in stone. This is an hallucination. *No one possesses the
Absolute-and-True Facts Pack."* Cards are transient, subjective sketches
of reality: a photograph of New York City is not New York City.
(This applies to Spontaneous cards, as well. Although they are
pictures from spirit - making them more enduring than others - they are
still filtered interpretations of reality, relative to an individual's
prejudices, preferences, and innate knowing. When the Universe leaps back
into The Source, all perspectives will merge into the One.)

Conscious Play

Everyone plays this Game by their own rules, although not everyone plays
it consciously. To do this, it is necessary to be aware of the cards that
you and others lay on the table and to define them as cards. When you are
conscious that cards are not etched in stone - not "The Way That It Is" -
you can play whatever games the universe deals you with more ease and
Try it: Who knows, the entire Universe may lighten up if you play
your cards right and may show you games that you forgot existed.


Whirlpools of Perception

Greetings from KenDon and Kumara, the fifth team of walk-ins at
Starbuilders. We like to talk. We love to talk about the evolution of
consciousness, walk-ins, other dimensions, other-dimensional tools of
consciousness, and related to these topics (if our spirit directs).
Sometimes we present ourselves as if we knew what we were talking
about, that we were somehow "right." Please note that we do not claim to
be right. We are explorers and somewhat confident about what we say,
because we share what feels true in the moment.
We remember, however, that all information is relative, even when
it sources from spirit. It is the job of experts and authorities to be
right, and we do not model ourselves as such (although our mental bodies
sometimes take on that uncomfortable posture). At most, we believe in
miracles. This allows us to consider even the wildest insights,
conjectures, models of reality, and predictions made by ourselves and

"The-Way-That-It-Is" Whirlpools

You may have seen a whirlpool in the ocean, or a whirlpool in the sky (a
tornado), or a more common one in your sink or bathtub as the water swirls
down the drain. "Being right" - knowing "how it is" - is like being part
of a particular whirlpool in the o ceans of time/space.
For example, looking back in history we see that people believed
that the Earth was the center of the Universe. They based this notion,
this Easy-To-See True Fact, on common-sense observations of the physical
world: "Look at the sun, moon, and stars; they all circle our home.
Therefore, we must be the center of it all!" They took this idea and built
entire cosmologies on it. Those who propagated these stories did not give
them a second thought - they knew that it was "just the way that it is";
anyone who disagreed was obviously wrong. Then Copernicus came along and
said, "Well, er, I don't think so," and set about to prove it. So, in the
B.C. era (Before Copernicus), there were millions of people who were right
about this obvious thing, but now they were wrong.
Imagine, then, that all interactions based on the
"Earth-is-the-Center-of-the-Universe" Fact as being part of a
"The-Way-That-It-Is" Whirlpool. It circulated for a certain length of time
in that particular location in space, involving millions and million s of
people, and then vanished. A more current illustration of this phenomenon
is that of walk-ins. A conservative estimate is that 90% of the human
population do not believe that walk-ins exist; yet, we are here.

Planetary Whirlpools

Imagine a civilization on another planet that peaked and ascended billions
of years ago. (If you do not think this is possible, perhaps you are in a
"The-Way-That-It-Is" Whirlpool.) This civilization was very unified in
their perceptions of reality. Altho ugh they were less diversified in the
sciences than present-day Earth, their psychic/art technologies produced
ecstatic environments and lifestyles. Their pictures of reality would be
alien to ours in many ways, because their brains - their physical-body
information processing units - were not limited to linear thinking modes;
they used several different methods of processing data.
The civilization rose and fell many times, until one day - right
out of the blue - the planet ascended into a star. Their entire reality
base shifted. *Everything that these beings developed and believed in
before the Ascension was part of a Planetary "The-Way-That-It-Is"
Whirlpool - the swirling of the collective consciousness*. Yet, it seemed
so very real, so urgent and important, and so right at the time that it
was spinning away.

So What Does It all Mean?

That's what I want to know. Here we are: Everything that we think is true
is, *at best*, a clear, but relative, insight from spirit. *The entire
Universe is a "The-Way-That-It-Is" Whirlpool*. Where does that leave us?
Our attachment to being right eventually drags us down the tubes. This is
why experts suffer more than others in this respect. If we think we are
absolutely right, we automatically throw ourselves into separation,
because right implies wrong, thereby crea ting duality. (We could
circumvent this by labeling another person's viewpoint not "wrong," but
"distorted" in terms of our personal reality grid. This shifts the game
from one of "right and wrong" to one of "degrees of clarity," thus making
room for discernment. We are then free to create "Clarity" Whirlpools.)
On the other hand, we may realize the tentative nature of our so
called facts and ultimately, our inability to comprehend the ungraspable
infinities of reality. (The mental body and ego hate this probability.)
Perhaps by accepting this, we can then enjoy the passing events of life
from a peaceful place in the center of our Whirlpools.


Beyond Right Livelihood

For the sake of clarity, let me first define Right Livelihood. Right
Livelihood is the "job" that each of us does while on Earth that supports
our Mission. Even though discovering our Right Livelihood is a single
process, I have divided this flexible mode l into five Phases. I have
framed it specifically for Lightworkers, but anyone - whether or not
spiritually inclined - may relate to it if their definitions of "job" and
"Mission" are broad enough.
The Phases are as follows: (1) "So This Is 'Work'," (2) "This Is
Better Work," (3) "Transition," (4) "The Establishment of Right
Livelihood," and (5) "Transcendence." In general, a vast majority of
people today are living in Phases 1 and 2, some in Phases 3 and 4, and, as
far as I can tell, maybe a handful in Phase 5.

Phase 1: "So This Is 'Work'"

We usually experience this Phase while going through school or after
leaving it. You find a job and you do it. You get your feet wet finding
out what a job is like and what a boss expects from you. In this stage,
most beings try a variety of jobs, searching for a place that they can
feel comfortable in. Once they find something that they can sink their
career teeth into, the Universe promotes them to Phase 2.

Phase 2: "This Is a Better Job"

"Better Work" is better than just any old job. It pays the bills, you are
more or less content with the work environment, and you are not searching
for another career. This beats the proverbial pants off Phase 1, and many
people, especially if they are content with living a materialistic life,
remain at this level until they retire, get fired, or die. If, however,
you are a Lightworker of some sort - perhaps an E.T., Angelic or
other-dimensional being in human form - you may feel that this is not
quite enough.
At this stage of development, you can exert your "Light influence"
in the workplace by sharing or insinuating your beliefs with those who
might understand these things. In most circumstances, however, bosses do
not consider the full expression of your divinity to be productive: Do
your expressions of Divinity serve the company's goal of, say, leasing
more laundry equipment? Following your spirit without hesitation may get
you fired without reservation.
In my case (actually, the original inhabitant of this body), my
marriage to Corporate America lasted about ten years. They paid me well
for convincing people to sign contracts. It was an easy, Better Job. (I
was already engaging in New Age work, holding channeling sessions after
work and on weekends.) In fact, even taking into account the
dull-as-a-sermon meetings and petty office politics, I must admit it was
the Best Job that the Old World could provide. I was living in a truly
Kind and Loving Universe.
Being such a Best/Better Job, I stuck with it. (Did I mention that
I was scared to death of losing it? I did not think that I could survive
on channeling donations alone.)

Phase 3: "Transition"

Leaving the security of the Old World (security = pay check) for the
unknown territory of the New World is not that easy, unless you are
independently wealthy. For most of us, taking this step punches all of our
survival buttons at once. That is why many hesitate to make this move.
"How will the New World support me? Are there any guarantees?" The answers
are: "Miraculously" and "No."
In my case, it was the Universe that booted me out of my Better
Job. One day, the owner sold the company; the new owners were so
terrorific that there was no way that I could work for them. (If this had
not happened, I probably would have clung on forever.) So, on faith, with
no guarantees, and a pocketful of apprehensions, I began pursuing my
spiritual Mission exclusively - the co-creation of Heaven on Earth with
other masters.
I did not know exactly what to do, so I began, with the
rest of the Starbuilders team, to hold channeling sessions and offer
spiritual consulting services. As I was still very insecure about this
whole business, I would "sell" myself and the entities that I channeled.
In my mind, this would "help the universe" deliver resources to me and to
get me established, in case the universe could not do it by itself.

Other Strategies

A contrived effort to cultivate a "following" can go hand in hand with the
taint of the sales mentality. This supposedly helps to establish a secure
economic foundation. Many cults pour much energy into recruiting new
members - an aggressive form of "cult"ivating a following. I want to add
that I have met recruiters who were very sincere and dedicated to their
work, and not motivated by money. I also noticed that, by the very nature
of their cause, they implied that they had "The Answer," and everyone else
who "didn't believe" did not. They want to save you by selling you their
picture of reality.
There is also a tendency to believe that part of our Mission is to
make an impact on others, because we are "special," when, in fact, we are
all Divine beings in our own particular stage of awakening. We might even
think we are saving the world, or, at least, that we should struggle to do
so. Fortunately, this is not our job - it is for spirit to do.
Going back to my case, after a few years (yes, a few), I began to
see that the Universe did, indeed, provide everything I needed to survive
and do my work. Once I began basing my actions on this information, the
Universe boosted me to Phase 4.

Phase 4: "The Establishment of Right Livelihood"

In this exciting stage, you can experience your work as a selfless
Outreach for the Mission during which the Universe uses you in a most
efficient way. You feel more anchored in your Integrity. You know that you
are "doing The Work" and that the Universe is supporting you. Although it
is no longer the point of your work, you are now "financially secure."
Because you have transcended many of your body's survival fears, the
necessity of selling yourself, services, and gifts falls away; you simply
offer to the world what you have to contribute. Those who will benefit
from your gifts will find you.

Phase 5: "Transcendence"

In this Phase, life becomes a series of graceful steps. Although rough
experiences may shake your emotional, mental, or physical bodies now and
then, you watch them pass from your peaceful center. You know that your
work optimally suits you, but realize that there is more to it than that:
*The Mission will succeed with or without your help.* (Some beings believe
they must feel they are indispensable in order to work with positive
effort and enthusiasm, but it is not so, once you reach this stage.) You
realize that, no matter what your Right Livelihood is today, no one will
need your services in post-Ascension Earth. Ask yourself this question:
"Will there be [your job here] in Heaven on Earth?" Chances are, your
answer will be No.
I have asked myself this question. Part of my Right Livelihood is
to facilitate the application of fifth-dimensional technologies - to
superimpose Light grids - on awakening master's etheric and physical
bodies. This helps to liberate consciousness and Divine expression from
the harsh grip of limitation associated with human incarnation. In
post-Ascension Earth, however, liberation and Divine expression are a
given; it's just the way that it is. I will be out of a job.
Transcending Right Livelihood means that you have attained a
perspective in which *beingness supersedes the importance of form and
action*. It is not about your Right Livelihood, but where your
consciousness is. You function as a living mutational technology,
provoking change by your very presence. For instance, Kumara and I (who
source from The Void) are conduits or interfaces to The Void. Interaction
with us facilitates change in accord with the energies, technologies, and
dimensional characteristics of the Void.
When you act from a center of Grace, everything you touch or focus
on receives Light. This Light changes, evolves, and lightens all that it
touches. Right Livelihood, in this sense, shifts from performing a
specific task to one of just being here, a point of unconditional love.
This is the best gift anyone can deliver to others and the Planetary
Consciousness. At this stage, your experiences with resources confirm that
the Universe can deliver everything you need in any way that it wants. It
does not have to restrict itself to gifting you strictly through the
channels of your work. After all, we live in a Mirac ulous Universe.


There will probably be someone who finds himself in Phases 1-3 and will
use this model to beat himself: "I want to be in Phase 5!" I did not
really develop this model as a tool for self-abuse (but do so if you
must). Wherever you are situated in your Current Reality is where you are
supposed to be, and spirit will use you in ways you cannot imagine. For
what it is worth, I honor you at whatever stage you are currently engaging
Everything unfolds in its Divine Sequence. If your Personal Will
tells you to immediately go and quit your day job so that you can "serve
better," you are also missing the point. This is not following spirit, but
following an ideal. The universe does not necessarily support moves based
upon idealism.
By following your spirit without hesitation, you will be in synch
with the ecstatic rhythms of Divinity. We are all doing the best we can
with what we have. Behind it all is the pulsing of an omnipotent Force of
Love that sustains everything. We are all part of that Force whose Right
Livelihood is to guide everyone back to the Source, back to where we are
all One.


Wrong Avoidance
"EEK! My Perceptual Mechanisms Are Infested with Wrong Worms!"

The other night I was lying in bed, as usual, waiting to fall asleep.
Suddenly, without fanfare, a seemingly harmless thought wafted through my
brain. Had its cobalt wings not sliced through my blanket of sleepiness, I
might have dismissed it as a minor g litch in life's programming. But
something was definitely wrong: I was soon to discover that it was "being
wrong" that was wrong. This "minor glitch" was, in fact, a major
programming nightmare.
When we were babes in arms, we learned rather quickly that making
the "Whaaaaaaa!" noise got us milk, and the hurt in our tummies would go
away. We also discovered that the "goo-goo" sound did not get us milk.
Thus, we began to see that *doing the right thing pays off*.
Not too long thereafter, our parents would reprimand us for doing
things like drawing lines on the walls with our crayons. Ouch! We were
learning, at home, that *doing the wrong thing gets us punished*. Before
we knew it, it was time for a decade-plus of schooling. Our Report Cards
exhibited the degree to which we were right or wrong ("A"=Doing it right;
"F"=Failure). Our performance in the classroom, in front of our peers, was
where we began to measure the social merits of being right and the
demerits of being wrong. What carries the greater motivational punch -
pleasure or pain: to get recognition, self-satisfaction, and glory for
being right, or to avoid humiliation and punishment for being wrong? In my
case, it was avoiding being wrong.

I would sit in the front row of Latin class while my teacher,
"Chrome Dome," would slowly stalk the aisles, peppering cringing students
with questions like, "What is the pluperfect tense of 'compel'?" When he
would select me, I would usually remain silent, or, at best, offer a
tentative, "Ummm...," as if to imply that I really did know the answer,
but that it has just somehow temporarily escaped me. However, I was still
judged wrong by default. I just knew that my classmates, at least the ones
who had don e their homework, were thinking, "jerk," "slack off," "idiot!"
"dodo head." I hated being wrong.

The Worms Are Everywhere!

We continue to learn how to be right and avoid being wrong in church, in
the work place, and in relationships. We learn how to rationalize, make
excuses, and give good, logical reasons for our actions. This is
important: If we are wrong in God's eyes (sin), look out... we're talking
Eternal Payback here, or, at least, we will have to pay a karmic bill when
we check out of the Body Hotel. (Religion takes Right and Wrong to new
plateaus of joy and suffering.) In relationships, if our mate deems us
wrong, he or she may deny us love and affection. If we are wrong in the
work place, who knows what can happen? Being wrong in civil terms could
land us in jail or get us a stinging slap on our wallet.
It is not so much about the satisfaction of being right as it is
having to deal with the consequences of being wrong. There is ego
attachment to being right: we feel that, somehow, being right makes us a
better person. Like pathetic glue sniffers addicted to damaging fumes, we
grab and enjoy the buzz of quick, hollow ego-hits by being right. Being
wrong is like the come down, which goes deeper and lasts longer. *You
would not believe how many times we base our actions on Wrong Avoidance!*
It is the logical consequence of a lifetime of training.
After I explored this "minor glitch" in my Ground Crew (my
emotional, physical, and mental bodies) for a few days, I concluded that I
was inhabiting a structurally damaged vehicle; I am not talking just a
nick in the paint. My m.o. to fix the situation was to "make me right"
and "not let me be wrong." This was the strategy to repair the damage?
Avoiding being wrong *is* the structural damage!
Generally, we modify much of our behavior to avoid *appearing*
that we are wrong; this is the major reason that we squelch our
spontaneity. Taken a spiritual step further, many beings mistake Wrong
Avoidance with following their spirit. They modify their actions so they
do not act wrong, which makes them right. They (mistakenly) assume that
being right is the same as following their spirit, but it is not. It is,
instead, a case of following your Wrong Worms without hesitation.

What Are Wrong Worms?

Wrong Worms are memory resident programs that seem alive. Remarkably,
these creatures of the mind are almost universally accepted as being real.
They emerge from the subconscious ground, projecting their pictures of
reality upon our screen of consciousness, and we react.

Amazing Facts!

Here is another Amazing Fact about Wrong Avoidance: *Anger cannot exist
without someone or something being wrong*. Anytime you see someone angry,
I guarantee you will find someone (or something) who has done wrong.
("It's those damn worms....") We know th is subconsciously and avoid being
wrong because of it. If someone gets angry at us when we are right,
though, look out.... We will self-righteously attack them, because *they*
are wrong. This is how stupid fights, wars, and psychic attacks begin.
We can use the principles of Wrong Avoidance as a tool for
control: If we can make others wrong, we stay on top. If we can keep
another person afraid of our anger, they will live within the parameters
of what we say is right. They will silently hate or resent us for this,
but, at least we will be in control. (Wrong Worms secrete an hallucinatory
chemical into the brainstream of the host, making the host believe that he
can actually control [or be controlled by] others.)
More Amazing Facts: Wrong Worms spawn the shameless Night Crawlers
of Guilt! That's right: You can trace the lineage of all guilt, shame, and
embarrassment to some Wrong Act. When these creepy crawlers raise their
ugly heads, we must lower ours.
Wrapping up this medley of madness is an even more challenging
possibility: What if "wrong" doesn't really exist except in the mind of
the beholder. I will leave this with you for your worms to munch on.

Exterminate Them Varmints?

I found myself in bed again (not an Amazing Fact), wondering if there was
a way to rid myself of these dripping-with-moralism critters. At first, I
came up with Step One of a Twelve Step Program. It was to proclaim to the
world, "I do not claim to be right." The big drawback was that if I said
this in order to avoid being wrong, I would find myself, once again,
crucified to the thorny tree of Dichotomy. The Twelve Step Program was not
The Answer.
It then occurred to me to allow a Light Grid to wrap around me,
which it did. This Grid balanced the polarized currents of Wrong
Avoidance. I then slipped out of Daytime Consciousness and lingered in
that magical twilight world between wakefulness and sle ep. I felt the
Grid; it had enveloped me so completely that I could no longer recognize
the feel of my subtle body!
So now, I spend much of my time observing myself and others as we
play the game of being right and avoiding the appearance of being wrong.
The more I am aware of it, the less pressure this subconscious force
exerts on my actions. For it is, indeed, a force - a powerful force that
drives our lives in subtle, yet consistent, ways, making us slaves to our


1) We modify our actions to avoid appearing wrong.
2) We make others wrong so that we can remain in control.
3) Our institutions are breeding grounds for Wrong Worms.
4) We hallucinate and equate "being right" with "Truth," thus making us
worthy of merit or recognition.
5) Anger must have a Wrong Object to focus on in order to manifest.
6) Wrong Worms are not wrong.
7) Being right is not the same as following our spirit.
8) Guilt, shame, and embarressment all stem from pictures that are
projected by those busybody Wrong Worms.
9) They are everywhere! Eek!!!

Good Night

I sank deeper into the delightful twilight world, softly drifting off to
sleep. I dreamed that, one-by-one, these pesky perceptual worms, finding
less and less unconscious soil to burrow in, began to crawl away. My
internal landscape, none the worse for w ear, began a new phase of health,
growth, and expansion. I wondered, "Is it possible? Could this unique worm
be the pre-cocoon embodiment of a new form of butterfly?"


Heroes in Our Heads

- A Short Study of an Archetype -
(In monotone: "I am performing a valuable service.")

Dwelling in the murky oceans of the collective subconscious of humanity,
the archetype of the hero exerts a powerful influence on everyone's lives.
It silently lurks, waiting to be unleashed into action. Believe it or not,
we all play the roles of hero/heroine; it is part of the human experience.
We get a (false) sense of value when we do this. It allows us to be
"legends in our own minds," performing some "valuable service to the
community." This service may be valuable, but only within the framework
that the role is being played.
Our heroic self-image profoundly influences what experiences
becomes manifest in our lives. As the hero is an archetypal form, part of
the *mass* consciousness, it packs a manifesting wallop that our puny
Personal Wills cannot match. When we click into hero mode, the universe
powerfully rearranges itself to accommodate the pictures of reality that
it implies. The universe gives us living proof, again and again, that we
are, indeed, heroes. As an example, if we envision ourselves as engaged in
saving the world, the universe will make it appear to be so, giving us
value and confirming our hero status. It is very subtle.

Question: "If these patterns are so subtle, how am I supposed to notice
Answer: Use the patented "Heromometer" by Starbuilders. Visualize:
Valuable Service = Hero = Hallucination. ("Doing Important Things" may be
substituted for "Valuable Service.")

Whenever we believe we are performing a truly valuable service - being a
hero - we are hallucinating; the bigger the hero, the bigger the
hallucination. As these roles are acted out unconsciously, we behave like
marionettes, or worse, obnoxious jerks, rather than real heroes. The more
we are attached to our role - believe them to be real - the more
self-righteous we become.
For ease in this discussion, we will divide heroes into two
catagories: Type A (Head Heroes) and Type B (Heart Heroes). ("Heart," does
not imply "emotion" in this context, but rather selfless action.) Type A
heroes *think* they are heroes; their actions s tem from archetypal
projections of the mass unconscious.
In contrast, Type B heroes do not think they are heroes; their
actions stem from the impulse of Divine Will. Hero wanna-bes need not
apply. Type A policemen, lawyers, crusaders, New Age pundits,
fundamentalists, politically motivated beings of all persuasions, and
everyone else who thinks that they have to save the world (and set
everyone straight) are unconsciously playing out archetypal pat terns. On
the surface, they may believe that they are self-sacrificing; yet, there
is ego involved - that's the pay-off. They do the best they can: As far as
they (and others who share the hero vision), they *are* providing a
valuable service. They do not realize, however, that the world can take
care of itself.
In True Reality, we would be hard pressed to find anybody trying
to "save the world," because *we are all in the hands of our spirit,
including the world!* Type A roles can be played out only in the third and
fourth dimensions (the Material and Astral planes), where we can ignore
this truth.
In contrast, Type B heroes are true heroes. They may be
policemen, lawyers, crusaders, or whatever; form is irrelevent. Acting
selflessly, they risk danger. These beings respect the dignity and
divinity of others. They do not seek credit or even recogniti on for their
acts. They dare to play the fool. True heroes are not playing roles; the
universe is playing *them*. They receive their value from being. Being is
a valuable service in True Reality (although it is suspect in the third
and fourth dimensions).
At Starbuilders, we noticed that we each play several hero roles,
some more blatant than others. Emmanuel plays the role of the "Savior." He
is always saving us, the children, the birds, and the Center from
destruction. He is the Lone Ranger galloping to the rescue. Kumara is the
Mother Goddess. She nourishes and takes care of everybody. Without her, we
would live needy lives or starve to death. (She cares for almost 200
birds.) I am the Guru of the clan. I point out to the others how they are
playing hero roles. Without me, we would miserably flounder in the
quagmire of third- and fourth-dimensional illusion.
We are all Divine beings living in human bodies that bring to life
dysfunctional archetypal patterns. The value that we give our heroic deeds
is all in our minds, reinforced by feedback from the minds of others for
whom we perform. (If they do not appreciate our heroism, we feel cheated
and angry.) Fortunately, as the Light of our consciousness shines upon and
reveals these subtle patterns, we begin to transcend our identification
with them, thus allowing us to manifest the Divine love that we truly are.
In True Reality, we are all real heroes.


Please note:

The last two sections of this periodical, "Services" and Catalogue,"
describe transformational services, books, and tapes offered by
Starbuilders Transformational Center.



We offer a variety of transformational services at Starbuilders. What
follows is a brief description of these. A detailed “Services” brochure is
available by Postal mail.


The Orion Ascension Technologies This is a nine-step series of
code-activated technologies, culminating in the user being permanently
anchored in a column of Light. This is not something you have to
“imagine,” it is experiential.

Benefits: Solidly connects us to the fifth dimension; allows the easy
release of most forms of negativity.

Limits: It cannot release us from what we deem as “negative” which are,
fact, structural limitations (and are only perceived as negative).

Application: By phone or in person.

Donation: $345, for the nine technology series (includes "The Sonic Rites
Initiation" Series.)


The StarSeed Activation Technologies

This is a series of three technologies. These technologies are actually
Light Grids, superimposed upon our physical and etheric bodies, each with
its own unique effect.

Benefits: The first Grid establishes a new posture or relationship with
the world: positive, direct, and, most importantly, allows us to express
our Divinity easily. The second Grid facilitates the graceful surrender of
Person Will and puts in place a “Miracle Template,” which forms a
foundation to live a miraculous life. The third Grid links us with the
sixth dimension, allowing the entrance and expansion of specific symbols,
which, in effect, lifts veils of consciousness.

Application: They can be applied to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Donation: First Grid – $95; Second Grid – $125; Third Grid – $333.


The Looking Glass Technology

For those who feel drawn to participate in the Mission in an expansive
way, The Looking Glass Technology allows us to move between parallel

Benifits: Greatly expands our perceptions of reality; allows us to work at
many different levels.

Application: By phone or in person.

Donation: $333


Duality Field Balancing

Trying to avoid being wrong and to be right envelops us in the polarizing
field of “right vs. wrong.”

Benifit: It balances the negative energy created by this paradox.

Application: Anywhere in the world; not restricted by time/space

Donation: $77



In person and by phone. We will share our perspectives, experience, and
energies with you.

Donation: $77 per hour


Transformational Weekends
Spend the weekend with us (or any two days).




Phase One

The original inhabitants of these bodies manifested exotic tools and music
during their stay.



"The Angelic Head Band"

Use it to easily and rapidly transport your consciousness into the Angelic
realms; reach a deep, meditative state in moments. We've lined this
ultrasuede head band with crystals and minerals that facilitate this
experience. $25


"The Reverse Channeling Facilitator"

Channel out of your body and project into the bodies of other life forms
throughout the universe. The wonderful life forms out there may amaze you.
We've lined this head band with a combination of meteorites, minerals, and
crystals that facilitate this experience. $44

> "This Head Band is a very useful tool; more than just for
meditation, it brings forth insights, creativity and Light from the
Universe into the body." - Nancy Leggett, Director, New World of Healing
Arts, InterDimensional Healing.


"The Etheric Laser Scalpel"

This remarkable tool is composed of a Brazilian Diamonte quartz handle
(for focusing energy), a modified fluorite crystal center (for cleansing),
and a pyramid-cut, gem moldavite tip.
The Scalpel removes dense, energetic clusters from the etheric
body. Just pass it through the aura and feel the release. It's an amazing
tool! $77


MUSIC: The Trilogy, "Not Exactly Earth Music"
The following channeled music is melodic and poetic, yet intense; it displays many new musical forms.

"Dimensional Journey"
New Species Music

This is a guided musical meditation describing various stages of Earth
life from an E.T. perspective. Includes "Crossing the Dimensional
Barrier," "The Search for Self," "Going Home," "Heaven on Earth,"
"Transmutation," more. $11


"The Oceans of Space"
New Species Music
Music to Mutate By. T

hese pieces musically paint the outer planets with a lavish palette of
unique sounds. $11
> "This music literally transcends your mind... It is tranquil and
relaxing and definitely different... Truly beautiful music. Words are so
hard to describe the feelings I felt." - Ladyhawk, The Dream Weaver


"The Infinite Native"
New Species Music

This collection musically navigates the regions of Middle Earth.
Selections include "Subterranean Fanfare," "Bright Crystal Raindrops,"
"The Infinite Native," "Walking Through Walls," and more. $11
> "I really liked your tape. I'll be mentioning it in our next
newsletter." - David Kilkenny, Twelve Tone Systems


Phase Two

Zal and Zol - the First Team of walk-ins at Starbuilders - manifested the


"Sacred Symbols; Mystical Designs for Patchwork and Applique"

This book provides a variety of mystical symbols - from ancient to
channeled E.T. - that you can use for meditation, patchwork, or applique.


Phase Three

Malenchen and Maruna - the Second Team of walk-ins - manifested the


"Sonic Access"
New Species Music

This collection of channeled sounds "flips on internal switches." Caution:
Listening to this tape may induce intense mutation. $11
> "[The sounds] disassembled linear elements of my reality. Let a
friend of mine just hold [the cassette]...Said it felt like a million
volts of energy." - Andron


"Beyond Human Patterns"

This 60 minute (talk) cassette covers the topics "The Right to be
Deluded," "True Ecstasy," "Refining Grids," "Masters and Patterns," and
more. $11


"The Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness"
Second Edition
Starbuilders Publishing

Channeled information from the Federation of Light. This highly compact
book presents an intriguing picture about the upcoming shift in the
Planetary Consciousness. Since it is a clearly detailed, non-fear-based
Vision of the Ascension Process, it offers a joyous alternative to many of
today's gloom and doom scenarios. "Rejoice! The Beginning is near!" $7
> "[The book] is original, entertaining, thought-provoking, and
uplifting." - Magical Blend Magazine
> "Amazing...This book has a lot of heart. Just what the New Age
doctor ordered." - New Age Retailer


Phase Four

Jal'Kaeæ and Zaruna Ataza - the Third Team of walk-ins - manifested the


"Live the Impossible!"
Starbuilders Publishing

This is a collection of over 30 of the most relevant articles from Issues
1-26 of "The Federation Flash." We have expanded most of the articles, so
the information is even more clear and insightful. $8.
Available in e-form; request via e-mail.


Phase Five

Azlor and Azina - the Fourth Team of walk-ins - have presented the


"The Polar Shift Technology"

This book/tape set describes the steps of this remarkable process.
Traditionally, the way to deal with hallucinations (suffering, illusions)
was to use the "fight or flight" strategy.
The Polar Shift Technology offers a practical tool for exploring,
accepting and clearing hallucinations. It presents a viable, alternate
reality base from which to act. When used over time, you can establish an
entirely new reality, based on information revealed by the I AM.
It is a great tool to use when processing and transmuting dense
pictures of reality. $17


"The Sonic Rites Initiation"
New Species Music

Originally a part of "The Ascension Technologies," spirit has directed us
to release this tape separately.
We view these sounds as symbolic structures, many of whose
meanings have no easy translation into human language.
For example, the piece "Een-Chok" represents the concept of
"entering the chaos plus planting the seed." "Rem-Pah" represents the
combined concepts of "Knowing plus The Mystery plus Sovereignty." $17


"The Sonic Rites Initiation II"
New Species Music

The second stage of "The Sonic Rites Initiation." $17

"The "12:12" Tape
New Species Music

We channeled this powerful energetic application on December 12, 1994. Not
surprisingly, it is a twelve layer grid application. Not surprisingly, the
donation for this tape is $12.


Back Issues of "The Federation Flash":


Issues # 1-26: See "Live the Impossible!"


Issue # 27: Contains "Truth is Everywhere," "Psychic Intrusion: The Untold
Story," "Project Wings," "So, You Want to be a Walk-In," "Living a
Miraculous Life," "An Abridged Cosmic Tale," "The Second Coming of The
Christ," "Idealitis: Is There a Cure?" "I Am Nothing," more. $3.
Available in e-form via e-mail; send e-mail request.


Issue #28: Contains "Unconditional Ascension," "Three Worlds to Live in,"
"Newly Awakened: Suffering because I want to be me," "Enchantment,"
"Expanding Inner Horizons," and more. $3.
Available in e-form via e-mail; send e-mail request.



The E.T. Masters Tool Kit
By E.T. Earth Mission

We highly recommend this set of fifth-dimensional technologies:

* "The Superconscious Technique": a miraculous manifestation
technology. (Booklet)

* "Conscious Channeling": An E.T. approach. Channel your own spirit,
as well. (Book)

* "Shattering Illusions": A great tool for clearing downward
spiraling energies. (Two tape set)

* "Transcending the Fourth Dimension": A loving way to send
disembodied spirits to the Light! (Book/tape set) $58


"The Awakening"
E.T. Earth Mission

An excellent book, packed full of just about everything you wanted to know
about the Ascension, Light Bodies, the Planetary Consciousness, and much
more. $11


"E.T. 101"
Mission Control

This is a humorous, code popping book. It describes how E.T.s manage (or
don't manage) when they find themselves in a human body on Earth, and,
gulp...they forgot whatever it was they were supposed to remember! Great
reading! $13


"The Force of Wisdom"
E.T. Earth Mission

Three audio cassettes boldly take you to where no one has gone before Ä
into the fifth dimension. Well, at least no one has so clearly articulated
the realities of this dimension. It's a wake-up tape! $33


"Living Outside Your Survival Bubbles"
E.T. Earth Mission

An eye-opening five tape set! These insights can shed light on places you
didn't even know you had! Topics include: "Money," "The Political Self,"
"Sex," "Radical Self Reliance," and much, much more. $55


Other Discoveries


Order Form

How many Name of Item price ($) total

The Ascension of the
_______ Planetary Consciousness 7 _______

_______ Live the Impossible! 8 _______

_______ The Polar Shift Technology 17 _______

_______ Dimensional Journey 11 _______

_______ The Oceans of Space 11 _______

_______ The Infinite Native 11 _______

_______ Sonic Access 11 _______

_______ Sonic Rites Initiation 17 _______

_______ Sonic Rites Initiation II 17 _______

_______ The "12:12" 12 _______

_______ Beyond Human Patterns 11 _______

_______ Sacred Symbols... 11 _______

_______ Reverse Channelling Facilitator 44 _______

_______ The Angelic Head Band 25 _______

_______ The Etheric Laser Scalpel 77 _______

_______ E.T. Master's Tool Kit 58 _______

_______ E.T. 101 13 _______

_______ The Force of Wisdom 33 _______

_______ The Awakening 11 _______

_______ Living Outside Survival Bubbles 55 _______

_______ Back issue of "The Flash" (#27) 3 _______

_______ Back issue of "The Flash" (#28) 3 _______

_______ Donation for 1 yr. of "The Flash." _______

Subtotal _______

S & H* _______

* (S&H: Please add $3.50 for the first item & 50 cents for each additional
item; double for Canada; quadruple for overseas airmail.)

Total _______

Donations to Starbuilders are tax deductible.

Please make your check or money order payable to (in U.S. dollars):

Starbuilders, P.O. Box 220964, Hollywood, FL 33022-0964, USA

In Love and In Oneness to All,

The Starbuilders Team

If you would like to receive a hard-copy version of "The Federation Flash," please send $1 to:
Starbuilders, PO BOX 220964, Hollywood, FL 33022-0964, USA.ring Illusions": A great tool for clearing downward spiraling energies.€



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