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The Federation Flash Issue 34

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Published in 
The Federation Flash
 · 26 Apr 2019


“Exploring the Frontiers of Miraculous Probability”
Issue #34; Autumn 1996

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P.O. Box 220964
Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

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In this issue:

* Masthead: Purpose, Subscriptions, Other Publications

* True Believers, Integrity, and Truth

* Behind the Masks of Karma

* Three Levels of Eternity

* The Truth Is Out There (Not)

* The Protection Racket - Earth Style

* Planetary Visualizations: They Walk, They Talk!


Starbuilders publishes The Federation Flash quarterly. Evin writes the
articles, and Katrina edits them. It is a service for those interested in
living a miraculous life.

Evin and Katrina (like everybody) are points of conscious Light living in
human physical bodies. They serve with The Federation of Light, a council
of multi-dimensional beings sourcing from different dimensions, various
locations in space, and points in t ime.

They support everyone in the quest to be happy and to live miraculous

Subscriptions: Send e-mail saying "Subscribe."

Starbuilders honors all beings dedicated to co-creating Heaven on Earth.

“Starbuilders” is an outreach projects of the ULC.


E-versions of Issues #30, 31, 32, & 33 of "The Federation Flash" are
available FREE upon request. (Send e-mail request.)

Hard copies (and hard copy subscriptions) are available for a donation to
above address.

We didn't include the Catalogue Section in this issue. If interested, send
an e-mail request for "Catalogue" (contains our books, tapes, and tools).

To receive our free 8-page "Services Brochure" (light technologies,
sessions, etc.), send request via postal service to the address above.
Sorry, an e-version is not available.

Feel free to reprint articles within. Please give the following credit:
"Reprinted from 'The Federation Flash.' To receive a free copy, e-mail:"



Everyone believes in something. Even those who say, "I don't believe in
anything," believe that they don't believe anything. So, believing, at
least while in human form, is inevitable.


Being in "integrity" means that we act on our inner truth. Integrity acts
like an internal tuning fork, vibrating whenever we hear truth. Strictly
mental arguments (logical though they may be) will not make the fork
vibrate. These strings of logic don't source from the heart.

Sometimes, our beliefs take us far from our integrity. When this happens,
we become unhappy, because lying keeps us in illusion. We feel separate
from others, ourselves, and God.

To stay in integrity, our beliefs must be the same as our inner truth.
Aren't "beliefs" the same as "inner truth"? For some beings, they are; for
others, they are not. Those who grant their beliefs precedence over their
inner truth are "True Believers."

The Growth of Integrity

As we grow in spiritual awareness and veils lift, behavior that once
worked for us becomes inappropriate. Our actions are not genuine. When we
act out these old behavior patterns (usually out of habit), we notice that
we are not in integrity.

This behavior creates instant karma. We become vulnerable to - and even
invite - attack. We must defend our illusions. Other beings sense the
discordant vibrations and take a poke at them. At some level, everyone
knows we are lying.

What can we do when we step from integrity? A common response is to feel
guilty. Guilt is a third- and fourth-dimensional affair - a response of
the emotional body. We feel bad about our behavior. Brooding over our
acts, however, isn't practical if we are to live miraculous lives. An
alternative response is to use guilt as an indicator. It signals that we
have sidestepped. We then take appropriate steps to realign ourselves with
our new picture of truth.

Outside Authority

A True Believer has found an outside authority to tell them what is true.
We've all been True Believers at some point. The outside authority could
be a teacher or guru, a philosophical system, a book, a channeled entity,
a diet, a religion, a science of a ny kind, or a political system.

Not everyone who is dedicated to a cause or belief is a True Believer,
though. Some beings may serve a particular cause gracefully and sincerely.
These individuals are positive, evolutionary forces. If you look closely,
you will find that love motivates these people, not their beliefs. Love
is life, beliefs are ideas. Unlike True Believers, these wise people won't
try to manipulate you to make you change.


If we are True Believers, we will accept (and often, preach), 100% of the
group's rhetoric. We agree to believe those parts of the dogma that we
"sort of know" aren't true for us. On faith, we will overlook and even
defend these inconsistencies.

Avid True Believers can be defensive or offensive. We can display
arrogant, paranoid, or anal-retentive behavior. We can become unpleasant
or even dangerous. (In groups, we can start wars.) Supporting a lie, we
are easy to anger and quick to strike. To avoid this pitfall, remember
that *all* beliefs (/dogmas/pictures of reality) are incomplete and
relative. All are biased. Even if we combined all beliefs in the universe,
these limitations would still apply.

The Truth

True Believers are lovers of Truth. For them, living in a human body isn't
easy. As an analogy, let's say that the Truth travels at the speed of
light. We are in human bodies - vehicles equivalent to a 1968 VolksWagen
Mini-Bus. The planetary consciousness didn't design these vehicles to
reach the speed of light.

Truth exists as the union of all spirits in this Universe: *Truth is a
living entity.* In Roman Catholic terms, this entity is The Holy Spirit.
As humans, the Holy Spirit can move through us. We, however, can never
speak the Truth. Whenever we speak, we must use words. Words form
pictures, and through these pictures we share our (biased) opinions about
reality. *The very act of speaking prevents us from expressing the Truth.*
Language is dualistic, the Truth is not. Being human, then, leaves us only
with opinions.

Because of our inability to grasp this elusive (yet all encompassing)
entity, many settle into systems that provide a decent substitute. (They
become True Believers.) Some prefer this alternative, rather than to live
with the certainty that we are all equal in our uncertainty.

Depending on your relationship to your pictures of reality, you find this information to be liberating, confronting, wrong, or an opinion.

The Facts

Facts are opinions that one or more people think are true. All facts are
relative in relation to dimension, time, and philosophical persuasion. For
example, look at a chair. Some say, "That's a chair and that's a fact."
This fact is relative to time, because fifty years ago, the components
were trees. Maybe fifty years from now, if fire destroyed it, it would be

This fact is relative to dimension, because on, say, the tenth dimension,
a chair is not a chair. It represents a unified fragment of the whole

This fact is relative to personal opinion, because a physicist could say,
"This object is mostly space." A Hindu might say, "That object is an
illusion. Call it what you wish. It isn't real."

Independent Thinking

Once we wean ourselves from outside authorities, we become independent
thinkers. Now, we face another trap. Our picture of reality is a collage
of beliefs, experiences, and insights that we have collected along the
way. Because these insights are "ours," we are at risk of being True
Believers in our own picture of reality. Reality is beyond the ideas that
our heads can produce. If we attach ourselves to our ideas, we can become
prisoners of our own minds.

Independent thinking bestows power. However, this power can insidiously
become a veil. By deluding ourselves like this, we can become arrogant and
proud. This leads to overconfidence and causes third- and fourth-
dimensional error.

A Test

True Believers are tested when their leader takes a fall. Many examples of
Fallen Leader Syndrome exist. Here are a few. Your guru starts to
womanize. The press exposes the scandalous behavior of your party chief.
Your favorite channeled entity takes a walk on the dark side. Your health
expert dies of heart failure at age 50. A scientific discovery blows apart
your belief that the Earth rests upon a large tortoise. These revelations
stun the True Believer, shattering his faith. On the positive side, it
gives us a chance to restructure our picture of reality. We can become
less rigid.


Everyone, at some point, seeks answers and becomes a True Believer for
awhile. When we buy into a belief system without question, however, we can
compromise our integrity. This makes us act defensively and offensively;
we play the polarity game, defending our group (or leader), its agenda,
and its tenets. The game darkens the more we convince ourselves that the
inconsistencies are true.

Beliefs are thinner than the surface tension of water, yet stronger than
spider's silk. They exist because of memory. We are not our memories or
our beliefs. To be free, we must believe, yet not let our beliefs keep us
from integrity. When we let go of them, maybe the Truth will use us as
its instrument.




Most of us have an idea of how the karmic system works. The ancient theory
of karma is an integral part of Hinduism and an important part of India's
cultural heritage. Over the centuries, this civilization developed a
detailed story about the meaning of life. As a religion and cosmology, it
explains the how and the why of it all. It answers such significant
questions as Why is there suffering, What happens to us after we die, and
Why is there good and bad fortune. Reincarnation is an integral part of
the religion. For the system to work, we must live many lives.

Perhaps many Westerners have embraced this exotic cosmology because of its
richness. The major Western religions pale beside the wealth of stories,
possibilities, and color provided by a copious number of Hindu texts.

What we explore here may bring up more questions than answers, because
many interpretations of this philosophy exist. Not only have the Hindus
produced several different working models (there are hundreds of distinct
sects), but as an import, the West has adapted some of these principles to
its own philosophical perspective.

This article does not intend to criticize this respected esoteric
tradition or to cover it in depth. It would take volumes to discuss the
entire system. We will briefly examine a few interpretations of karma and
look at the more discriminating practices that some sects have developed.

Finally, we'll explore expansive alternatives that conform to proba-
bilities that science has uncovered and extraterrestrial and other-
dimensional sources have revealed.

Traditional Systems

Let's begin with traditional Indian versions. One view is that after we
have cleared all of our karma, then we incarnate as a cow. We're on top.
The catch is that once the cow dies, we must once again begin the rein-
carnation cycle. We do not jump off the wheel of karma. Starting at the
bottom, we reincarnate into a body "lower than a worm in the stool." This
cycle goes on forever.

The Jains consider karma "a form of matter which can contaminate a soul
and postpone its attaining Nirvana." (Jainism originated, like Buddhism,
in reaction to Hinduism.) To escape from the wheel of karma - the cycle of
birth and death - a monk must go through 12 years of asceticism. A layman
must pass through nine lifetimes as determined by karma.

The Viasnavas, worshipers of the Supreme God Krishna, believe that Krishna
can absolve karma. When a devotee sincerely chants the Holy Name even
once, "he is absolved of all karma for one hundred lifetimes, forward and
back." What makes this possible is that God is absolute and He is non-
different from His name. This aspect of absolution is similar to the Roman
Catholic sacrament of Confession.

The most popular version states that for every bad action we make, we must
receive a bad action in return. Similarly, for every good action, we must
receive a good action. The universe must pay us for every act. Many
Westerners misinterpret this view. They believe that by doing a good act,
they cancel a bad act. They try to build up their karmic bank account with
good karma. In the Eastern tradition, it doesn't work that way. Instead,
we must pay back everything. Countless stories circulate in India about
beings who must reincarnate to pay off their debt of good karma. No karma
is good karma.

If you think about it, on earth, good karma is much harder to pay off than
bad. Hindu scripture, however, explains that we can work off good karma on
the heavenly planets. Likewise, we can work off bad karma on the hellish
planets. When we are on these other planets, we cannot create karma, only
repay it. Additionally, on Earth, we can repay bad karma while inhabiting
(non-human) animal bodies, but we can't create any.

To complete the picture, extraterrestrials, angelics, and other-
dimensional beings cannot create karma. Humans have a special
dispensation. Only they can experience karma. This idea probably stems
from the ancient idea that the universe revolves around the earth and
mankind. As a race, we believe that we are God's most special creation.

Karma and Harm

Some believe that doing harm creates karma. The physical, mental, and
emotional bodies do harm by their nature. The physical body needs to eat.
Unless we eat only fruit and milk like some yogis do, we are responsible
for harming other life forms. (To be completely harmless, the fruit has
to fall from the tree. Picking it off the branch would hurt the tree.)

Say we ate a capsule of acidophilus (a bacteria culture found in yogurt).
We are eating thousands of little creatures. In this eye-for-an-eye karmic
structure, we now have a karmic debt of a million lives to repay. We've
earned more karma than Hitler. The same goes with eating grains,
vegetables, or meat. A "life-is-a-life" model doesn't discriminate between
life forms. A big life form (say, a chicken) is equal to a small life form
(say, a grain of rice).

Unless the karmic scribes assign different karmic values to different
actions, we're better off eating a piece of chicken than a bowl of rice.
For example, eating a half chicken might equal fifty bad-karma points, a
quarter chicken, twenty-five. A lowly grain of rice might rate only one
bad-karma point. (The members of a certain Hindu sect wear veils over
their mouth. They don't want to create more karma by accidentally eating a
flying insect.)

If we scratch ourselves, we kill living cells. When we breathe in, we
destroy microbes. Our white blood cells kill invading life forms by the
millions. Bathing lays waste to countless colonies of bacteria. When we
walk, imagine how many creatures die. Keep off the grass! Technically,
our bodies are animated, mass-murdering bio-machines.

Emotional bodies have their demands and complaints. Sure, we can keep
their desires bottled up and develop appropriate diseases. Astral bodies
can reflect destructive emotions, resulting in psychic attacks upon

The mental body thinks negative thoughts now and then. They ripple across
the mental plane, causing disturbances to others. Verbal criticisms,
arguments, sarcasms, guilt trips - some people do this to pass the time.
Yet, it adds up: more bad karma.

We must receive payback for every action that our bodies make. This
includes every thought and emotion. Does this sound obsessive? Are we
responsible for the karmic wake that our earth bodies leave? Or are we
responsible only for the actions that we can control? Who decides what we
can control?

To have a complete picture of karmic carriers, we need to include the
astral body. Sometimes mistaken for the soul, this aspect of our wholeness
survives after the physical body dies. The astral body travels the fourth
dimension (astral plane). Although not immortal, it surfs the timespace
continuum, plunging into third dimensional earth forms. Is the astral body
responsible for the karma created by the human body? Are we the astral
body or a point of conscious Light?

Karma and Cause and Effect

Some view karma as cause and effect - as an absolute, universal principle.
Everything is karma. We can see cause and effect in everyday life. Our
minds cannot think in any other terms. The object of this system is not to
make (cause) bad things happen (effect).

This picture of the universe conforms to the laws of Newtonian physics. It
describes the universe as a big machine. One gear acts upon another,
causing predictable results. This process continues throughout history,
until one day the big machine runs out of gas. It sputters and grinds to a
mechanical halt along the cosmic roadside.

With the development of chaos theory, we now understand that the universe
works in a more organic and unpredictable way. A popular example is that
the flight pattern of a butterfly in South America can affect weather
patterns in North America. In addition, two notable exceptions to the
cause and effect model exist. The first is scientific, the second,

During this century, physicists, using sophisticated techniques and
technologies, have penetrated the subatomic realm. These pioneering
scientists discovered that quantum (subatomic) reality is the foundation
of the universe. Quantum reality is non-causal. It does not conform to or
operate by the laws of cause and effect. Non-causality, then, is at the
root of everything. We think with brains made of non-causal, energetic/
material patterns. We now understand that causality is an illusion, though
we can me asure the workings of the illusion using the laws of Newtonian

Another example of non-causality is black holes - stars that have
collapsed to the point of "nothingness." Once something enters a black
hole (called a "singularity"), the laws of timespace shift. "[Upon
entering a singularity,] quantum gravity then radically changes the
character of timespace: . . . Time ceases to exist; no longer can we say
that 'this thing happens before that one,' because without time, there is
no concept of 'before' or 'after'." ["Black Holes and Time Warps," by Kip
S. Thorne.] Perhaps singularities are doorways to the quantum realm.

These two examples show that "cause and effect" karma is not absolute as
we once believed.

From a spiritual viewpoint, cause and effect are not absolutes, either.
One multidimensional model defines timespace as "a satin veil that covers
the eyes of the gods so that they may sleep."

From an extraterrestrial perspective, action and reaction don't happen
above the fourth dimension. Timespace does not exist there. Karmic
experience is unavailable at this level. Because mental bodies think in
linear terms, however, they cannot grasp non-causal existence.

Karma and Friction

Another view is that friction creates karma. This picture of reality
assumes that friction is something we should avoid. Friction, however, is
necessary in the third-dimension. Physically, without friction, we
couldn't move. Intellectually, we couldn't discuss anything unless we
agreed on everything. Life would stagnate.

Archetypes are sources of friction, too. Astrologically, a body stamped
with, say, a fire sign archetype, will naturally cause friction with, say,
an earth sign archetype. Genetic and religious archetypes act the same
way. The friction is not personal, though. It results from the clashing of
pre-programmed perceptual styles. Are we these archetypes, or are we
points of conscious Light, inhabiting archetypal-shaped bodies?

Why Karma?

Some say that karma is for learning. Yet, we learn simply by existing. Why
should the universe punish the body? Could this be a third- and fourth-
dimensional principle that enforces payback on animal-level existence?

Some say that karma is for spiritual evolution. Yet, as spirits, if we
were to evolve even slightly, then the universe would leap back to the
Source. The game would end. Therefore, it's not for spiritual evolution.
Would karma, then, be for material evolution - the Spiritualization of
Matter? When spirit shines its Light upon matter, matter automatically
evolves. Why should the universe punish the body?

Some say that karma is for justice. It explains why evil people can
apparently get away with crime in this life. ("They'll pay for it in the
next life.") It acts as a moral whip, keeping the animal aspect civilized:
be good or be punished. Karma also serves as a spiritual metaphor for why
there is injustice. It shows that God cares and keeps track of wrongdoing.
Western civilizations use heaven and hell for the same purposes.

We could, however, see suffering and injustice as a natural part of earth
life. From this perspective, earth life is harsh. To get the most out of
life, we must look out for Number One, grabbing as much as possible.

We are immortal beings, though. Another way exists.

Perhaps we can accept that we are on a primitive planet, and that we
volunteered to incarnate here. We inhabit animal bodies that create karma
and suffer. As Immortal Consciousnesses, we only suffer when we identify
with the Mortal Consciousness. ("Immortal Consciousness" is the awareness
that the spiritual body has. "Mortal Consciousness" is the awareness that
the mortal body has.)

The "No-Karma-Is-Good-Karma" Zone

Can we live and not create friction or harm? Can we avoid triggering cause
and effect? Yes, we can - by not identifying ourselves as Mortal
Consciousnesses. This does not mean that we simply deny that we are in
human form. We are in human form. Instead, we identify with our true
selves - our Immortal Consciousness. We don't just *say,* "I am an
Immortal Consciousness"; we *know* we are and act as such.

Acting from this perspective, we create no friction, because we do not
push. Basing our actions on love and service, we do no harm. Because we do
not move, we do not experience cause and effect. Our lives unfold in the
eternal moment. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do, except collect
experience in the now.

Debt Repayment Plans

Because there are so many versions of karma, one would think that
alternate ways to settle karmic debt exist. If we equate karma with fate,
however, then we don't need to explore other payback opportunities. With a
fated view, we see ourselves confined to a third- and fourth-dimensional
existence. We learn, we suffer, we try to do well, until one day, we hit
the "I'm-out-of-here" ascension jackpot. Let's assume, however, that we
live in a miraculous universe, and consider some creative alternatives.

To resolve a debt of bad karma, we could reincarnate, inhabiting a hundred
thousand ant bodies at once. We could live in ant colonies built on a
volcano about to erupt. Note that traditional karmic systems do not
consider the likelihood of simultaneous, multidimensional, non-linear

Earth isn't the only place where we can finish karma. We could choose a
doomed planet, one on a collision course with destiny. Then, we incarnate
into billions of bacteria, just before an enormous meteor smashes into the
planet. If we must suffer intensely to pay off the debt, then we make the
bacteria extra sensitive to pain. We could go back in time and do this,
completing our karma before we created it.

Instant Karma

In the 1970s, John Lennon presented the term "instant karma" in a song by
that name. Although no one developed a system of thought around the
concept, now is an appropriate time to do so. In this model, we call the
karma that the mortal body creates, "body karma." When the physical body
dies, the mental and emotional bodies die with it. Logically, the physical
body completes its body karma when it dies; death is penalty enough.
Because instant karma is a pay-as-you-go system, it applies specifically
to the mortal body that creates it. The karma does not transfer to other

Taoists believe that if we create no karma, we will live forever.
Theoretically, this is true. The planetary consciousness, however, has
apparently designed physical bodies to be mortal. Besides, what's the
point of clinging to a physical body when you can pick up a new one for
practically nothing?

Instant karma is body karma. Instant karma causes the physical, emotional,
and mental bodies to suffer. We create it whenever we leave our integrity.
("Being in integrity" means that we act on the basis of our inner truth.)

For example, say you lie to someone. The mental body goes on the
defensive. It becomes agitated. The emotional body scans the other
person's aura for subtle shifts in energy, trying to detect suspicion. It
experiences separation. The physical body becomes tense. Its blood
pressure rises; its muscles harden. Breathing becomes shallow and erratic,
reducing the intake of life-giving oxygen (and prana) to the entire
system. Although body karma pays for itself immediately, it has long term
effects, as well.

These punishments accumulate over the years, causing the physical, mental,
and emotional bodies to decline in health, balance, and well being. Today,
many humans are living in hell.

Instant karma is a practical model for observing (not ego judging)
ourselves and others. We see the human body as an animal body. Animal
bodies possess Mortal Consciousness. In each body lives a spirit - an
Immortal Consciousness. (In some instances, multiple consciousnesses can
occupy a body.) We perform every action from the perspective of either
Mortal Consciousness or Immortal Consciousness.

This mixture of consciousness is the result of a co-creative venture. When
a spirit wants to incarnate into a form, it asks permission from a
planetary consciousness. (A planetary consciousness, being a ninth-
dimensional consciousness, never withholds per mission.) These two
creative forces fuse, creating a physical life. Spirit is the Immortal
Consciousness, the planetary consciousness provides the form with Mortal
Consciousness (which is an aspect of the planetary consciousness).

Instant karma caters to the multidimensional live style. We can
simultaneously incarnate into many bodies, on any number of dimensions, at
many points in time. Exploring a planetary karmic system is, at worst, an
option - something we agree to - rather than fate.

And we all shine on.


The universe is not eternal, but will be around awhile. How long? Time is
a relative experience. If a tenth-dimensional being declines to incarnate
into form, the universe will pass in the twinkling of an eye. This is an
experience. For spirits who spend countless lifetimes in form, billions of
years must pass.

When we do take form, we collect experience. We put many labels on the
process of "collecting experience" - "learning," "evolving," "serving,"
"healing," "co-creating heaven on earth," "paying off karma," or "saving
someone or something." Whatever we think that we're doing at the time, in
the end, we have collected experience. Or dreamed.

As we collect experience on earth, the way that we experience our identity
determines the degree of our suffering. Are we karmicly-bound beings, or
are we spirits in karmicly-bound bodies? Is it a matter of choice, or a
matter of fact, or both?



For the last year or so, I've been exploring what I call, "living in
eternity." This idea came from the universal principle, "there is nowhere
to go and nothing to do [except take the next step that spirit directs]."
I've written about this principle in the past and would usually put the
"except . . ." phrase in brackets. Several months ago, the last walk-in of
this body changed that phrase. He said, ". . . except to collect

For many Lightworkers, taking "the next step that spirit directs" is easy,
and for some, has become second nature. At first, however, the idea of
collecting experience can sound like an aimless way to live. "What? You're
not trying to evolve spiritually or to save the planet? That's useless. I
have a plan (/Mission/Vision) to complete." My mental body still makes
plans about the future; that's part of its function. Making plans
(/completing a mission/manifesting a vision) is an experience that I

Collecting experience is a way to interpret *the unfolding of our
"spiritual DNA."* How our plans manifest depends on the programming of
this DNA. When we embody this perspective, judgement falls away, because
everyone is simply doing what they are doing - collecting experience. I
call this "living on faith in the Mystery." I use the mantra, "Collecting
experience," and find that it reinforces this perspective.

The difference between following spirit and collecting experience is one
of identity. When we are following spirit, we see ourselves as vehicles
through which spirit moves. When we are collecting experience, we are the
Force of Evolution watching itself unfold.

Living to collect experience won't work for everyone now, because each
must live out his or her own perspective. As an individual, my part in the
drama now is to explore this possibility. It requires living beyond finite
walls while living within them.

Like a holographic kaleidescope, people, insights, feelings, challenges,
colors, tastes, shapes, and sounds flash before me. I rule out less and
appreciate more. I think, "There is nowhere to go and nothing to do,
except collect experience. Why not do it with love?"



We easily mistake the "facts" for the "truth." This happens because the
mental body functions in a way that creates a most subtle and persistent
illusion - that our opinions are the truth. (At best, they are true

Despite their drawbacks, facts are indispensable. We need them to function
in the material plane. In the following model, however, truth and facts
are radically different. Truth is the life force that sustains the
universe. How we relate to them affects many areas of our lives.

The Facts

When two or more people share the same *opinion about data,* we have a
fact - at least for those sharing the opinion. (Many consider singular,
subjective experiences to be facts, as well.)

All facts are opinions, but all opinions are not facts. Say, for example,
you and your friend are driving through the mountains at dusk. Up ahead,
you see a big man wearing a thick winter coat. As you get closer, however,
you realize that it is a bear, not a man.

The most important aspect of facts, though, is that they are *always*
relative. Here are several reasons.

First, linear minds formulate facts. Minds use language - strings of
symbols - to think. This distances facts from reality by at least one
level, because symbols are *pictures* of reality.

We also can mistake symbols for facts. For instance, many believe
"governments" exist. They exist, however, only in our minds. What we call
a government is no more than *people* with titles, usually working (or
living) in large buildings - it's only people. The same applies to all
churches, institutions, agencies, bureaus, and orders.

Second, facts are relative to temporal, spatial, species, size, distance,
and dimensional considerations. Here are some examples.

[Temporal] Today, we look at what we call a "chair." We nod and mumble,
"This is a chair." Last year, though, the chair was a tree. One year from
now, maybe it will have transformed into ashes. (Moral: Most facts change
over time.)

[Spatial] My friend in Hollywood, Florida is looking up into the sky. From
an Australian perspective, however, she's looking down into the sky. (Some
facts change according to the position of the viewer.)

[Species] To a human, mosquitoes are pests or parasites. To some birds,
though, they're lunch. (Many facts change according to what we are.)

[Size] The "laws" of Newtonian physics don't apply to sub-atomic
particles. (Size can determine reality parameters .)

[Distance] The ancients believed that the stars were little pin pricks in
the filament through which the light was shining. We know stars to be a
zillion times bigger than ourselves, though they look small.

[Dimension] In the third dimension, we can't travel faster than the speed
of light. On the fifth dimension, we can. (Each dimension has its own
reality base.) Third, if we are to understand the Big Picture, we need
more than our six senses to gather the information; there's a universe of
data out there.

Our vehicles (the mental, emotional, and physical bodies) filter more
information than they allow in. For instance, our eyes can only perceive
"visible light" - a small slice of the electro-magnetic spectrum. We can
only hear a limited range of sound. To help collect more data, we have
built instruments that extend the reach of our senses (like radio

Yet, we must interpret data linearly. If we only needed to analyze data to
reveal the Big Picture, then the world wouldn't be suffering so much. We
live, however, in a non-linear universe that can behave linearly. Our
minds can't fathom it, even if they had access to all data.

Fourth, each of our perceptual lenses - our emotional, mental, physical,
astral, and spiritual bodies - has its own biases about reality. For
instance, the physical body might find a certain relationship enjoyable.
The emotional body may label the same relationship uncomfortable. What's
true for one lens may be false for another.

Fifth, *memory* colors how we interpret data. Say, for example, your
mother would slap you every time you asked for ice cream. This happened
during the first twenty years of your life. As an adult, you'd find it
difficult to deal objectively with that tasty treat. We can extend this
concept of memory to include racial and specie memory, as well.

Lastly, our archetypal, cultural, educational, and religious backgrounds
influence how we determine fact. Examples: [Archetypal] The Gemini
archetype usually uses the mental-body filter to interpret data, while the
Cancerian prefers the emotional. [Cultural] Some cultures believe that
war-like behavior is commendable; other cultures suppress it.

[Educational] A scientist might believe that a chair is mostly space,
shaped by whizzing probability waves. [Religious] Some religions teach
that the same chair d oesn't exist at all.

More Influences

Spirit shapes our view of facts, too. Using the soul as its carrier,
spirit's wisdom permeates our mental, emotion, physical, and astral
bodies. This shifts our opinions. What we swear to be true today, becomes
false tomorrow. Believing that facts are truth sustains maya.

Whenever we speak, we create duality. Linear reality works that way. No
matter what you say and no matter how true your idea is, someone can give
an equally true, counter picture of reality. For example, which opinion is
true: "opposites attract" or "birds of a feather flock together" (likes
attract)? Here's another example: Jesus implied that we have individual
souls, while Buddha said we don't. I can accept both views. Atheists
accept neither.


An opinion is a symbolic view of reality. Some opinions cement ideas
together more solidly - and, therefore, more convincingly - than others.
The universe, however, allows an infinite number of opinions to co-exist
simultaneously, even contradictory ones.

They lie on top of one another, like cards in a giant stack. All of us
play from this universal deck.

Fritz Pearls, founder of Gestalt Therapy, said that we can divide opinions
into three groups. He named them: 1. *Chicken Shit* (or, Small Talk -
"Nice weather we're having."), 2. *Bull Shit* (or, Important Issues - "The
merits of his proposal are valuable. The way that I see it. . . ."), and
3. *Elephant Shit* (or, Cosmic Concerns - "We can express the essence of
God like. . . ."). Mr. Pearls implies that whatever we say, we're just

We can conclude that whatever *anyone* says about anything, is only an
opinion. This applies to *all* teachers, saviors, gods, books, gurus,
channeled entities, masters, experts, guides, therapists, philosophers,
and leaders of any kind. They are sharing their opinions. Christ, for
instance, had an opinion about How It Is. If you're a True Believer of his
opinions, then you're a Christian.

In the past, most kings, pharaohs, and prophets claimed to be God
incarnate. This status gave their words the weight of truth rather than
mere opinion.

The Truth

By contrast, Truth has nothing to do with facts. Truth is a living being.
Cosmically, this entity is the formless Tenth Dimension. From it, the
material universe springs. As points of conscious Light, we are all part
of this entity. The Truth uses material bodies to explore form.


Our understanding of the truth can affect our identity. "Seekers of
Truth," for instance, are trying to find *themselves*. This implies
suffering: If, the Truth is a part of their wholeness, but they've
forgotten this, they experience being separate.

They will look for this missing part in others, in spiritual or religious
systems, or in books. The search is like trying to find yourself in a
field of broken mirrors.

Conversely, some think they know the truth. (At best, they can construct
arguments better than others.) Believing that we know the Truth creates
suffering, because only egos believe this. When we identify with ego, we
experience separation, as well.

Realizing that our ideas are opinions - and not the truth - helps balance
the ego.


Other-dimensional energies continue to bathe the planet. This will
increasingly disorient many, because linear thinking can't grasp the new
reality that is forming. Out of fear or uncertainty, many will seek the
Truth, hoping it will provide stability. (Bible sales are now at an all
-time high.)

We must choose one of two paths to experience a more lasting stability:
either become a True Believer in another's opinion, or go within, trusting
our inner guidance. (This doesn't mean that we should shun the opinions of
others, which can be very rewarding.) We need to understand the relative
nature of fact and the nebulous quality of opinion. Attachment to facts or
opinions can create friction and instability.

The truth is not out there. We have only our inner guidance on which to
rely. If we are faithful to this guidance, we will be relatively stable.
It's easier to be kind to ourselves and to others when we remember that
our viewpoint is relative and just an opinion, like everyone else's. We
are all in this together.

Life isn't a collection of facts. Being alive is a miracle, a mystery,
waiting to be experienced in an infinite number of ways. And everyone has
an opinion about it.



I'd like to share something I've noticed about Earth life. Here we are -
immortal points of conscious Light, living in earthly, mortal bodies. In
true reality, both nothing and everything are ours. What's one of the main
focuses here?: The constant need to protect what we (believe that we)
own, and who we think that we are.

We are playing - for real - the protection game, defending our life,
image, mate, family, health, power, possessions, opinions, beliefs,
rights, soul, position, property, emotions, country, the earth, and our
parking space, plus hundreds of other things.

Recently, someone told me how he rejected these materialistic chains; true
freedom is what is important to him. To me, he is protecting his freedom.

Defending is a form of animal behavior; the Planetary Consciousness formed
her creations around this basic pattern. Many plants and animals have
elaborate defensive systems - claws, armour, horns, poison, - or are good
at camouflage (a form of lying). These traits are part of our human

What Does It All Mean?

I never realized how much energy and money we, as a life form, invest in
pursuing security. We spend our lives protecting almost everything, and
then we die anyway. All is lost (except the memory of our experiences).

Protection is a third- and fourth-dimensional racket, and fear of loss
goes with it. This behavior is normal down here. Ironically, we are wise,
within this third- and fourth-dimensional context, to preserve what we
love. Attachment to what we are protecting causes suffering.

On the psychic level, I believe we develop astral claws and armour. This
happens as we buy into this illusion of ownership. This attachment to form
allows us to forget our divine heritage and to dive into the role of human
animal. We grow small and separate.

If a planetary miracle happened (and why not?), then we could live in a
new reality - heaven on earth. Heaven on earth would be where "the eagle
flies with the dove," and we wouldn't need to play the protection game.
Until then, we can follow our spirit and do our best.



*"I'm like a stone, skipping across the waters of reality."* Justin Case

We *are* pictures of reality: living, breathing pictures, sharing what
we've experienced, what we think we know. Egos don't like the idea of
being a picture; they say Whoa!

Two Awarenesses

As human beings, we can experience two distinct kinds of awareness:
immortal and mortal. Immortal Awareness, or "Cosmic/Unity Consciousness,"
is spiritual awareness. It understands that, from a particular
perspective, we are dreaming our way back to the Source.

Mortal Awareness is our body's awareness. It understands ultimate reality
to be the demands of the animal instincts, physical laws, and the battle
of good and evil.

We can identify ourselves as either an Immortal Awareness, a Mortal
Awareness, or some combination of the two.

If We Are a Mortal Consciousness. . .

Our bodies are extensions of the planetary body (Earth), which in turn, is
an extension of the planetary consciousness. The Earth manufactures our
bodies and all life here, both organic and inorganic. When something
stimulates our body's senses, we say, "I feel good [hurt/sad]"; we
identify with them.

The mental body is another mechanism that the planet loans us. It
interprets messages from the physical, emotional, astral, and even
spiritual bodies by using the English language (or whatever language we
speak). This creates our vision or picture of reality. The voice in our
head (what we call "thinking") usually is who we think we are, as well.
This voice, however, is not our true self; it's part of our mortal
consciousness. (Do you believe that after the body dies, we continue to
think in English?)

Planetary Meditations

We are not *playing out* pictures of reality; we *are* pictures of
reality. Our bodies are holograms - holographic images produced by the
Earth consciousness. It's as if the planetary consciousness is doing a
cosmic visualization. Understandably, human image-beings don't believe
they are projections. They believe that the pictures are real and
personal. Yet, from another perspective, they are only experiencing an
individualized planetary picture of reality.

Science Alert

In the past, science would often confirm common-sense perceptions. Now,
scientist image-beings are playing with subatomic particles. They've
realized that everything - including themselves - is a time-space field
with probability waves fading in and out of existence. Talk about
building a foundation on sand! (It sounds like a great base to create an
image-reality, though.)

Question: "If everything is just probability waves, how come it looks so

Answer: "Planetary holograms are designed to look real. If they didn't,
there wouldn't be much point, and we wouldn't call it 'reality'."

If We Are an Immortal Awareness. . .

We are points of conscious Light in human form. By incarnating as humans,
however, we mud-pack our light with the fear-permeated clay of mortal

When we interact with someone who is embodying their Cosmic Consciousness,
we experience something different. These beings - who are pictures, as
well - understand that *all* pictures are impersonal.

Extended Warrantee

Be sure to read the fine print: *All pictures are temporary and relative
to the frame of their environment. The Universal Mind creates all pictures
equally. All pictures must change over time.*

What happens when you experience the death of your body? Your body - a
dream machine - fades back to its source. Only your memories go with you.
You blink a few times, and then you find yourself in a new dream machine.

Over time, you use (and then discard) billions of dream machines until you
take form no more, remaining as spirit. As spirit, you are home. You've
never left this place. This is Unity Consciousness, home of the Universal
Mind. You can say, "I create all pictures of reality in this universe. I
am God, the Creator of All Form." Then you remember, "Oooopps! I'm a
picture of reality dreamed by the Source!" Suddenly (blink), you wake up -
back (and at one) with the Source of all universes.

"What, No 'Last Hurrah'?"

Immortal gods are pictures waiting to be reborn. The dream never ends;
relax. Eternities give way to increasing vast eternities. As eternal
dreamers or temporary dream-stuff, we can live a miraculous life. Why not.
Wake up, not with a whimper, but with a blink. Remember where you really


In Light, we are one.


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