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The Hogs of Entropy 0215

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
The Hogs of Entropy
 · 26 Apr 2019


$$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #215
$$$$$P $$$$ $$$$ moo, oink, up your butt.
$$$$P $$$$ x$$$$
$$$P $$$$ xP$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$.
$$$. $$$$xP $$$$ $$$$$$' >$$$$
$$$$$$$$$. $$$$P $$$$ 4$$$$$. .$$$$'
$$$$'`4$$$b. $$$$ $$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$P'
$$$$b 4$$$$b. $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$< %%
$$$$$b 4$$$$$x $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$ %%

>> "Why Valentine's Day Sucks" <<
by -> Muze


I hate Valentine's Day. Now don't go making stupid comments like,
"She's just lonely.." and stuff like that. Cuz no I'm not. I'm on a very
stable, good-for-me relationship. For once in my life. Valentines Day just
sucks cuz it does. It was made to make life more difficult. Always got to
get the right gift, can't forget anyone, those stupid little V-Day cards
with Tweety Bird and shit on them. Valentines Day also gives boys an excuse
to treat you like shit for the year, and then redeem themselves on this
special joyous occasion.

I just can't understand how they could make a day designated as the
"tell him/her you love them" day. shouldn't that be every day?? Why isn't
there a Black Angel of Death day?? the day designated as the "tell everyone
you hate them and what you really think of them" day. that would be so much
more fun you can still have make-up sex too....... don't get me wrong, i
love romance, but I just don't get why there's only one day that i'm
actually not invisible to all those lonely heart broken boys out there
looking for a decent lay. Not that I'd help these poor pathetic creatures,
but, well, I dunno what my point is.

anyways, I think Valentines Day sucks.

I have to share a room with another girl. she has a boyfriend. It's
hard to have a romantic evening with your boyfriend when you've got this
girl and her boyfriend making out on the bed next to yours. Actually it's
very disgusting, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.

* (c) HoE publications. HoE #215 -- written by Muze -- 3/15/98 *

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The Hogs of Entropy was my favorite ezine back in the days.

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