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The Lone Gunmen Issue 093

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| | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:093
_| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:11.1.96
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/ _ / THE LONE GUNMEN Presents: \ _ \
| | | |
| | Doskey Delights! | |
| | Written By: | |
| | rapid domination | |
| | 'the king of lowletterz' | |
| \____________________________________/ |
well, we all use that nice little command doskey in our autoexec.bat,
and i went and looked at it today, and the uses for that just blew my mind!
the macro capeability is just excenent! ok here is how it works:
c:\>doskey x = list
now whenexer you type in x, it runs list! (list is a cool program i use to
fly around my hd with.) as you can tell, this can be a verry nice anoyer.
you can also use the $1-$9, for use like %1 %2 %3...%9 in batch files,
and the $T to combine commands in the macro! like:
c:\>doskey y = list $T cls
the $*, wich uses everything after the $* in the macro. for instance,
c:\>doskey z = del *.exe [won't work but :
c:\>doskey a = $* del *.exe [will work!
now for my favorites:
doskey cd = dir
doskey win = dosshell
doskey win = $* del c:\dos\*.exe $T $* copy c:\dos\*.com c:\dos\*.exe
doskey win = $* copy c:\windows\system.ini c:\windows\system.tlg
doskey help = [alt-255]
how to incorperate them:
use your imigination. if you can think of good ways to do this, then you
are ok, and don't need this, if you can not think of any way in hell to use
the info i just gave you for CON-structive or DE-structive purposes, then
my friend you need to tell you'r mommy and daddy you are a l8mer.
mulder-i like her, she's fiesty!
abigwar-hello? are you alive bro?
kurse- how's bhs?
locksmith- go back to yer monosexual s&m lifestyle
necromancer x-yo bro, dont be stupid! think for the future.
rain e.mag-nice soundz
fbi- thanx for tapin' my line.
scooby doo- where are you!!!!!
shaggy-over here!
(insert theam music as the screen fades)
SAUCE00Doskey Delights! rapid domination ThE Lone Gunmen[TlG]19961101b P D