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TraxWeekly Issue 030

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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TraxWeekly Issue: #30 | Release date: 10-12-95 | Current subscribers: ...

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Welcome to TraxWeekly Issue #30!

This week, we feature a long awaited interview with a long standing and
respected scene member: Khyron! As many of the more famous #trax-ers have
been passed up by reviewing crews, we decided to give him some air time.

Faces in the Crowd (FITC) strikes again featuring interviews with Ender and
Paganus. Jtown, Mdark, Atlantic, and DennisC are establishing their own
standard as a dedicated "review crew" for the music scene. We wish them
good luck.

Yes, we are well aware the "number of subscribers" column at the opening is
missing. That problem will be corrected from next week onwards. In any
case, enjoy this issue. We have spent many hours putting it together, and
we're sure you'll agree, it's a massive improvement over #29.

Best Regards,

Psibelius [TW]


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Letters and Feedback

TraxWeeky for the Vision Impaired...................Scott Rutkowski

General Articles

1 . Exploring the Past..............................Mhoram
2 . Vector's World..................................Vector
3 . Khyron Unleashed................................Psibelius
4 . Letter from Popcorn.............................Popcorn
5 . Reply to Popcorn................................Island of Reil
6 . The Future of the Scene.........................Psibelius

Faces in the Crowd

Interview with Ender................................Master of Darkness

Group Columns

1 . Aim Higher
2 . Epinicion Productions
3 . eXtreme Terror Corps
4 . Kosmic Free Music Foundation
5 . Skyjump Team


The Deep Umbra (BBS)


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[Letters and Feedback]----------------------------------------------------

--[Dear TraxWeekly...]------------------------------------------------------

From <Sun Oct 8 18:47:25 1995>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:05:52 +0000
From: Scott Rutkowski <>
Subject: traxweekly changes

Hello there. I first want to congratulate you on the new articles,
columns and the general change for trax weekly. I thoroughly enjoyed
issue 029 and hope the magazine gets better.

I especially enjoyed the interviews and where you could obtain new songs
on My only complaint is I use a speech device for reading
the screen and wondered if it was at all possible to cut down on the
ascii graphics at the beginning of each issue? I know it looks nice to
sighted readers but I have many blind or vision impaired friends who read
trax and enjoy it very much. They asked me to write to you and see what
could be done about the ascii.

Bye for now and keep up the good work with the mag.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In response to the needs of its readers, TraxWeekly, with the help of
Scott Rutkowski, has found one of those neat little programs that strips
the ascii graphics out of text documents in order to aid our friends.

If TraxWeekly isn't an easy to read or presents difficulties for you, please
email us. We pledge to find a solution, if we can.



--[1. Exploring the Past]-----------------------------------------[Mhoram]--

For this week's article, I'd like to step backwards into the past and
explore the roots of the modern music scene. In today's environment of
44khz sampling and 32 channels, tracked music is getting closer and
closer to sounding like professional studio-quality recordings. But it
wasn't always this way. The roots of the modern tracker can be traced
back to the Adlib ROL and the Amiga 4-channel MOD.

The MOD file is the grandfather of our current suite of music files -
the S3M, MTM, XM, ULT, FAR, and many others. Early musicians on the
scene were limited to only four tracks and low-quality samples. Yet,
with these handicaps, some of the best music the scene has ever heard
was tracked. This week, I would like to take a look back at six of my
personal favorite 4-channel MOD files. All of these MODs are at least
two years old - and a nice waltz down memory lane. For many of the new
composers on the scene, this will be a chance to see where it all started
and to discover a piece of history they otherwise may have never heard.

For the veteran trackers, you may or may not have heard these songs. As
we all know, years ago it was difficult to distribute and find new music
files. Early trackers would scour their local and long distance BBS's to
find any MOD file they could get their hands on. But until the Internet
boom it was a long and painful chore to find and distribute music. As a
result, many great songs never got the recognition or distribution they

I will upload this six-pack from the past to Hornet in conjunction with
the release of this article. Check \incoming\music\disks\
When you listen to these songs, don't listen with a critical ear. Keep
in mind that these MODs were tracked at a time when hardware and software
was limited - sample rates were low and they only had 4 tracks to work
with. Even with these limitations, their work is fantastic. Focus on
the creativity, the melodies, and the intrinsic charm each song provides.


BOMBASTIC JAZZ - When I listen to this song I feel like my body is
possessed by James Brown and I just wanna shout "Heh - Good Lord!". This
tune has a funky sound with some killer drums and horns. The bass works
overtime in the background to keep the groove going. Although only four
channels, I have yet to find a jazz-type tracked song that I enjoy more.
I wish I knew who the author was so I could give him the much-deserved

FRUIT OF THE LOOM - This song brings back some memories. This originally
was in the Cronologia demo by Cascada. At the time, Zodiak was arguably
one of the best (if not the best) composer on the scene... and he has yet
to be knocked from that perch. Truly an excellent musician. The Cronologia
demo, along with demos by Ultraforce, were the first demos that I had ever
seen, and I've been helplessly hooked since. We owe a lot to these early
pioneers; their works continue to stand the test of time.

BODY BLOWS - Love or hate techno/house music, this is a great tune. It
makes me want to dance, and I hate dancing. This song grabs your attention
right from the start and never lets you go. This song is filled with many
changes to keep it fresh and exciting. Excellent use of sound effects and
voice samples to give the song a unique feel. I'm not sure of the author,
but it seems like something from KLF. Unfortunately a BBS placed an ad
in the sample text area; it wasn't my doing.

ELEKFUNK! - Funky, funky, funky! As a guitarist, I just love the excellent
guitar riffs throughout this song. It's very difficult to track any type
of guitar-based tune, yet Moby pulls off a great one... with only 4 tracks!
The organ lead in the second half of the song is a nice touch. For you
guitar buffs, the guitar style reminds me of Blues Sarasceno.

TROUBLED JOURNEY - I have a feeling many of you may have heard this one,
but it's definitely worth hearing again! There's nothing more to say
except this is an excellent song. Just one listen and you'll be humming
this song for weeks. Check this one out!

JAGTITLE - Don't let the strange name fool you - this one absolutely rocks!
This song may have the best bass line EVER in a tracked tune; but don't
take my word for it, listen for yourself! This one has really nice changes
and makes you tap your foot uncontrollably. The bass solo provides a nice
change of pace - Stanley Clarke would be proud!

Hopefully this flashback has been as enjoyable for you as it was for me.
I'm not saying that these are the six best MOD files of all time; to make
such a bold statement would be ridiculous. But I do feel that all six are
excellent pieces of work and provide a nice look back at a time that wasn't
so long ago. As always, I'm eager to hear any comments. Ciao!


--[2. Vector's World]---------------------------------------------[Vector]--

The 10 most meaningful tunes of all time (Tracked that is).

Hello everybody. I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I've
been listening to mods and tracked music for a while now, and over the
years I have found a few songs that I thought were either amazingly
innovative, sounded usually good for the time, had a really good sound to
it, and was, most importantly, in some way exceptionally and amazingly
(in my opinion) pleasant to listen to.

Now you might say, "well, there is a lot of awesome music out now, and
there always has been a lot"
. I couldn't agree more. I still download
new songs and am amazed by what I hear... these are by no means the ONLY
incredible songs out there. But the difference is, these few songs
touched me somehow that was different from the rest, and I'd like to bring
them to light.

Some of them are very well known and popular, others not so. Here they
are in no particular order:

Icefrontier (icefront.s3m) Skaven
Parliment of Eternity (smeg_poe.s3m) Smeghead
Dust to Dust (k_dust.s3m) Leviathan
Dope (dope.mod, from the demo) Jugi
Lavender Hill (from unreal) Skaven
Scrambled Mind (scramble.mod) Heartbeat
Insideout (inside.s3m) Purple Motion
Ambient Power (ambpower.mod, from CD2) Vogue
Ascent (ascent.mod) Necros

And now I will explain my choices.

Icefrontier: What can I say, I got goose bumps the first time I heard it
and I still like. IMO it's Skaven's Best modules, and of the whole lot I
can say it's probably my favorite.

Parliment of Eternity: This song didn't rate too well by the 'bys on, but I love it's thumping base, it's unusual harmony, and overall

Dust to Dust: Just incredible sound in terms of realism, akin to Necros.
The tune and the harmony are truly great, and the percussion is carefully
and beautifully done.

Dope: What can I say, it's 28 channels and it sounds awesome. The tune,
good bass, sounds great - just like the demo. The main part sends chills
down my spine

Lavender Hill: It was the first orchestral - type mode of Skaven's that
I heard, and I thought it's harmony was cool the first time I heard it.
Though not very realistic, it does sound good.

Scrambled Mind: Very repetitve, seems to go on for ever. Very simple,
yet with a fairly complex and interesting tune, and only 4 channels from
days long ago.

Insideout: Second Reality was great, but I still like this one the best.
I remember having problems playing it at first with DMP, but when I got ST3
I was amazed at how good it sounded. Harmonic, dynamic, PM at his best.

Ambient Power: That funky song from Crystal Dreams II, still one of the
demos and songs which I admire the most. This in my opinion defines Vogue,
and later lead Vile and myself to call the rapid volume on-and-off style
"the vogue effect".

Ascent: I am still dismayed that I can't play this on my GUS with 512k,
but I s'pose that I should upgrade after all. I have heard comments from
Necros passing off this tune as something he considers not his best. That
may be so, but it did affect me more then most modules do, and for this it
is in my list.

Well, Those are the modules which I found impresed and affected me the
most for their time, and they are in my humble perpendicularly-orientated
opinion some of the best tunes off the scene ever. Although many of you
may not aggree with my taste, they are worth listening to if you can find
all of them. I must reiterate again though that these are not the ONLY
awesome songs out there, not at all as most of you know. I like a lot of
what I hear off the major sites, and I think tracked music has a future.
The key to my list is simply that these songs were above and beyond the
usual, a type of 'creative boom' which the authors will perhaps never again
fully achieve.

I hope you enjoyed my incessant babbling, so I will no conclude with a
short message to the scene:

"Live long, eat many cheeze baygles, and carry a long toothbrush".

-- Vector / Vinlandia
Coder and Tracker
Founder and Proponent of the Demoscene Toothbrush Cult (_NOT_ compuserve silly)


--[3. Khyron Unleashed]----------------------------------------[Psibelius]--

This week we have a special interview with a long running, highly respected
music scene member: KHYNADZ!!!!#%#%@!&^^! This interview is one of the
rarest of its kind, as no one seems interested in learning about the
history of this venerated soul. =) So here is his story...

Interviewer -- Psibelius -- [ACiD.Epinicion.TW] --
Interviewee -- Khyron -- [DistorSion/KFMF] --

<psibelius> you ready?

<Khyron> jeah

<psibelius>'ve never been interviewed before, correct?

<Khyron> you are correct sir

<psibelius> I know as much about you as everyone else to
nothing.=) Could you tell us some of your history?

<Khyron> uhm.. ok, i first came into the "music" scene under the name Burger
Death (catchy name eh? =) was a member of a HORRIBLE group called
RAM.. After a while i hooked up with the stuper-duper ansi group
ACiD.. but they didn't like da Burger Death name :) I chose
'Khyron'.. who was my favorite character on Robotech

<psibelius> Khyron was a character on Robotech?

<Khyron> yup.. the not-so-trustworthy bad guy of the Zentraidis (or however
you spell it)

<psibelius> Oh yeah. duh..=)

<Khyron> about August '94 i hooked up with the KLF.. which is now ofcourse
known as the Kosmic Free Music FOundation :)

<psibelius> So what has happened to RAM? Died like all the others?

<Khyron> well RAM stood for Really Aweful Music.. which is exactly what it
was.. I joined the group with the first MOD i ever made so I didn't
really know what else was out there

<psibelius> What is the first mod you ever made? And is it available for
ftp? =)

<Khyron> hmm.. i can't exactly remember the name of it, it was a 4 channel
MOD i made with Modedit 3.x..and no it's not available :)

<psibelius> Darn. =) Where the heck did you get Burger Death from??

<Khyron> kinda a wierd story.. Infact I don't really remember how
completely :) my math teacher was doing problem or something and
needed a name for a fast-food restaurant.. he chose "Burger Death"
.. and I logged onto my first BBS about a week after that, needed
an alias, and it just seemed "catchy." I stuck with that handle
for about 3-4 years or so

<psibelius> Wow. =)

<Khyron> yeah what an accomplishment :)

<psibelius> Okay, onto music...what made you leave acid and join KLF back in

<Khyron> well I was sick of the art scene.. Only reason I was so involved
with it is because a long time ago I used to do ansis under the
burger death name.. After discovering the "oH s0 p0WerFuL"
demo/music scene i just liked it better i guess :)

<psibelius> You used to draw ansi? Have any 3r33t pics for us to
distribute? =)

<Khyron> check the CiA packs 7-9 :) i think..

<psibelius> You think?

<Khyron> not sure.. it was a while ago :)

<psibelius> Hell, 3-4 years is a LONG time...I haven't even been in the
scene that long!

<Khyron> well the ONLY reason i was in the ansi scene is because until
november '93 i was using a Tandy 1000 8086. so MODs weren't
exactly in my vocabulary

<psibelius> you stated earlier that you began with modedit was
tracking, from your perspective, better than the other music
composition stuff out there?

<Khyron> well at the time I had modedit i didn't know about any of the other
trackers.. I downloaded it off a PD local board called the
"MODest" BBS.. and that's all they had

<Khyron> as soon as I get mmedit 1.01 I was like "jizzzz jizzzzz"

<psibelius> mmedit 1.01!!! Rock! do you still use mtm?

<Khyron> nah i havn't used MTM for ages bro :)

<psibelius> So what do you prefer? I seem to remeber a few xm's from you
earlier this year..

<Khyron> i switched to ST3 about a month after it came out.. then went to
the incredible Fasttracker 2 :) FT2 is definately my favorite..
ST3 has some NICE editing features..but the stuff in FT2 outwieghed
it by a lot.

<psibelius> So you've gotten use to the protracker feel of ft2?

<Khyron> yeah you could say that.. I can still use ST3 like a motherf---er..
just choose not to :)

<psibelius> Ever try Xtracker?

<Khyron> *puke*

<psibelius> I guessed that would be your reaction. =)

<Khyron> that summs it up :)

<psibelius> How's the music now compare with stuff you heard back when you
were starting?

<Khyron> hm.. when i first started all the music i heard was the old
SoundTracker MODs and a few amiga ProTracker MODs.. So i didn't
really know there were any PooPle Lotions out there at the time

<psibelius> On your rating scale, who was good?

<Khyron> then or now?

[floodmyth!] is the echinoderm lab due tomorrow or just
the grasshoppers?

<psibelius> then.

-> [floodmyth] I have no idea...I did'em both though.

[floodmyth!] doh. any tok?

-> [floodmyth] emotive paragraphs.

<Khyron> hmm... my favorites back then were this wierd dude named "Dan
and "Riku Natuiorrroiweosaaqwoiqqo" (the SC2 mods =)

<Khyron> hmm.. my favorites now are c-quence, necros(ofcourse),
basehead(another ofcourse) and Siren

[floodmyth!] thanks

<Khyron> my brother ripped em out of the game and gave em to me.. I
downloaded a KLF release back in '94 and saw the "Dan Nicholson"
name.. I wuz like "NOWAY!!" :)

<psibelius> your brother? Does he track?

<Khyron> nah muh brother don't traq

<psibelius> How old is he?

<Khyron> hmm... 18 i think

<psibelius> Why didn't he become another 3r33t scene d00d? =)

<Khyron> he was never really into it.. I kept trying to get him to do VGA
artwork (he does some of the BEST damn japanamation on paper i've
ever seen)...he likes listening to mods.. but like i said he never
really wanted to get into it

<psibelius> What do you think about the proliferation of groups nowadays?

<Khyron> hmm.. i dunno, I don't really keep up with many groups now.. I just
try to pay attention to the ones I'm in :) Kosmic and Distorsion

<psibelius> I've seen your distorsion tag many times, but I've really never
seen anything by the group. Care to fill us in on it?

<Khyron> aight.. distorsion is a demo group based in France.. basically your
average demo group.. I was supposed to have my music in a demo over
the summer but I was on vacation, so they used that loser Maelcum
instead :) all the distorsion info/releases/whatever can be found

<psibelius> What style music do you enjoy writing?

<Khyron> my musical writing style doesn't span out too much.. Industrial is
pretty fun, which gets away from the normal cliche 'demomusic' that
i'd been writing for SOO long...can't do techno.. don't know why..
just can't :)

<psibelius> Does the fact that tracker music is so precise and "straight"
affect your writing

<Khyron> hmm.. well for styles like industrial quantization is a VERY good
thing.. Only other type of writing i've done is with a punk band
i'm in

<psibelius> I think all the bashing on 'techno' and 'demomusic' is getting
outta hand, dont' you think?

<Khyron> yeah the bashing is kinda out of hand.. SOME people can make CD
quality techno with trackers (like maelcum/iq's FTZ cd) .. and
don't get enough credit

<psibelius> Don't get enough credit?

<Khyron> yeah.. when most people think "techno sucks" they've probably only
heard the tipical C-C-C#-A# lame-o techno.. which is not what the
quality stuff is like :) There's a lot of people out ther who do
great trance/house/ambient (k_sunset by chuckb RULES btw

<psibelius> So how come you can't write it??? =)

<Khyron> you just gotta have a "feel" for da music you know.. I can do the
BOMM-TSSS-BOOM-TSSS techno.. but then again so can every other
tracker on the planet :)

<psibelius> What do you think of mellow stuff? How about writing some nice,
peaceful, soothing tunes?

<Khyron> i like it a lot.. not TOO much though.. ambient tunes like shades
of night 2/3 and after sunset by Chuck Biscuits i REALLY like.. i'm
just not much of a fan of really slow music :)

<psibelius> I personally enjoyed Shades of Night 4 more than 2 or 3...

<Khyron> yeah SON4 was incredible.. but i still think 3 is the best.
shades of night 1 rox tew :)

<psibelius> Hmmm...

<Khyron> i've done ONE mellow-rock tune in my life.. I can say that :)

<psibelius> Where do you think the tracking scene is heading?

<Khyron> i see it going in 2 directions at the same time.. the quality of
the music has been going up and will continue for a while.. But
also the tracking scene has gotten a lot more popular, so there's
LEGIONS of sh!tty music groups releasing absolute crap

<psibelius> Gee, thanks. =)

<Khyron> *i didn't name any names there bud* :)

<psibelius> Do you think it's getting too flooded? I remember #trax in
early 1994 with only a few people...Now there's like 20+ people
on a night..

<Khyron> yeah.. i remember when the list of people on looked like "Leviathan
basehead Berky GodHead necros Magma lpegasus"
and stuff like that..
basically some of the more "popular" people on the channel today..
back then EVERYONE knew EVERYONE.. we never had to think "who the
hell are you?"
now it's like you'll see 2 or 3 of the originals on
the channel and about 20 people you don't even recognize even
though you've been on the channel since day 1 :)

<psibelius> So what's ahead for the future? Good or bad?

<Khyron> it's hard to tell.. numerous times we've tried to get #trax-inv
going.. but every time it seems to die :) I see the music scene
getting even more popular in the future.. which will bring more new
people into the channel. So the future probably doesn't look too
bright.. hell, look what happened when popcorn came :)

<psibelius> Any closing words you have for the TraxWeekly readers?

<Khyron> good enough?
<Khyron> oh yeah
<Khyron> plug for my web page - -
there you can find every one of my releases from my 3rd place MC2
tune until now :)

<psibelius> awrighty. Thanks a lot man...lots of insights tonight. =)

<Khyron> wh00p


--[4. Letter from Popcorn]---------------------------------------[Popcorn]--

From campbell@fox.nstn.caWed Oct 11 20:33:47 1995
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 23:45:23 -0300
From: Chris Campbell <>
Subject: Article for TW #30

Reply to Why Popcorn is Gone

> I know most of you are in shock right now, reading this issue. But
> here are the specific reasons why Popcorn is no longer the editor of
> TraxWeekly, and never will be again.

I've been with TraxWeekly since it started, and I have done almost
20 issues of TraxWeekly, so I think it's about time someone else took
over the job, I wish you well Gene, but I'd like to adress a few things
you mentioned in your article "Why Popcorn is Gone" in TraxWeekly 29, the
aim of a publication should cover both sides of the story, I feel that
what was said about me is highly biased, and I would like to know your

> 1. Those lame comments about Island of Reil (ior) in TraxWeekly #28 were
> completely uncalled for. TraxWeekly was started by Populus, Neurosis,
> and myself for the purpose of concentrating on the music scene and
> music issues, as well as #trax. It was not meant to be a personal
> message board for lamers like Popcorn to bash on people.

I've had personal disagreements with people before, and the reason I never
mentioned any of them was because they didn't cripple my ability to
edit TraxWeekly. It's hard to release a magazine or ask people to
write if you can't join the IRC channel. Also, stating at the top of
the paragraph that "comments about Island of Reil (ior) .. were completely
uncalled for"
then saying at the bottom "...message board for lamers like
is a contridiction.

> 2. Popcorn assumed the identity of ChuckB, used it to get ops one night,
> and bankicked ShadowH and ior. Previously, Popcorn had been flooding

Hmm, sounds like a pretty simple line, but what happened really wasn't that
simple. ShadowH set the whole thing off by stating insults about me in
public announcements on #trax. When I kicked ShadowH as a warning to take
it to a /msg or not to say anything at all, ior banned me from #trax. The
bot de-banned me, but Ior then opped ShadowH, who banned both the bots,
and then banned me. I was very hurt by this, and by the time I had thought
of using the kosmic account to get ops and de-ban myself, ShadowH was gone,
and I only kicked ior out for about 2 minutes while I removed all the bans
he had on me. He then banned me and I've been banned ever since.
I guess it's my job to tell you this, since you only seemed interested
in telling one side of the story in your article... here is a log from
#trax I was mailed 2 weeks ago:

#trax buffer saved on Fri Sept 24 09:53:49 1995
*** Now talking in #trax
*** ShadowH ( has joined #trax
<ior> sh!
<ShadowH> Uhhhhhhhhm
<ior> sh: Help me flood and flash poppy
<ShadowH> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<ShadowH> shhhhh
<ShadowH> I am meditating
<ior> 'cept he's not on anymore.
<ShadowH> aahhmmmmmmmmmmmm
<ior> sh: Send me nuke.c ? :)
<ShadowH> Zab: BAH! just pingflood them from a T1..
what's his IP address?
<ior> sh: Flash him for me? =)
<ior> sh: Or nuke him? :)
<ShadowH> bwhahahhaha
<ShadowH> I will kill him
<ShadowH> GH: done
<ior> sh: You heard what he did after you left, right?
<ior> sh: In a nutshell, he came on from the kosmic@kosmic. account as ChuckB_ and then he got ops and
bankicked me and took over [*]
<ShadowH> there
<ShadowH> nuke him ior
<ShadowH> oh no
<ShadowH> my enema nurse is here
<zab> shad: haha
<Stank-E> i want it
<AruraFlux> Yes
End of #trax buffer Fri Sept 24 09:53:49 1995

* = An outright lie, I did not take over the channel.

If anyone should be banned from #trax right now, it should be Ior
and ShadowH.

> the channel with his numerous bots, and arguing with a number of old
> and respected scene members, kicking them in a fit every time they
> disagreed with him. This immature and childish behavior is the kind of
> crap that we can't tolerate. #trax is a forum for discussion and
> letting people discuss their opinions. Beating down the opposition is
> nothing short of facism.

I deny ever kicking respected scene members from #trax, what evidence do
you have that I have done this? I really can't remember anything of the

> 3. As one of the majority contributors to TraxWeekly's content each week,
> I really don't appreciate being harassed for articles. I also don't

I have stated to you more than once that I understand when you are too
busy to write, I only asked that you contributed whenever it was possible.

> appreciate the fact that my ideas to make TraxWeekly better are often
> ignored. As a columnist with committments to cover, I don't appreciate
> TraxWeekly being released late every damn week. I don't think any of
> you readers appreciate that either.

TraxWeekly being late every week?!? Let's look at the 19 issues of
TraxWeekly that have been released by me and their dates:

TRAXWEEK.007 - April 27th
TRAXWEEK.010 - May 18th
TRAXWEEK.011 - May 25th
TRAXWEEK.012 - June 1st
TRAXWEEK.013 - June 11th [sunday]
TRAXWEEK.014 - June 15th
TRAXWEEK.015 - June 23nd [friday]
TRAXWEEK.016 - June 29th
TRAXWEEK.017 - July 6th
TRAXWEEK.018 - July 13th
TRAXWEEK.019 - July 20th
TRAXWEEK.020 - July 27th
TRAXWEEK.021 - August 3rd
TRAXWEEK.022 - August 9th
TRAXWEEK.023 - August 18th [friday]
TRAXWEEK.024 - August 24th
TRAXWEEK.025 - Released by Maelcum on September 10th, I was in the
hospital With appendicitis
TRAXWEEK.026 - September 14th
TRAXWEEK.027 - September 21st
TRAXWEEK.028 - September 28th

That means TraxWeekly has been late 3 times out of 19, or 6.3 percent
of the time. Please tell me how you come to the conclusion that
TraxWeekly is "being released late every damn week"

- Psibelius

TRAXWEEK.029 - September 6th [friday]

> 4. The editor of this newsletter should put some serious committment to
> its content and quality. As most of you know, Popcorn has done
> neither. Not only does he fail to meet deadlines, he doesn't
> contribute any major substance to the newsletter. When's the last time
> we all saw a real, creative, article by Popcorn?

I also think this statement is untrue, I took the size of the TraxWeekly's
with populus as editor, and popcorn, and here is what I got:

Average size of TW issue:

populus = 45847k
popcorn = 58678k

I don't usually write articles, that's the columnists job ;) I spent 2-3
hours a week putting TW together as it was.

> But in any case, TraxWeekly will return to a regular weekly Thursday
> night release from now on. I have taken over the entire publication and I
> pledge to all of you that we will return to the standard of excellence
> that once made TraxWeekly popular reading material.

I'd like for you to answer for the lies you have told about me in your
article, and after having published 4 issues of TraxWeekly, hold a vote
on #trax and the listserv to see who the people want for their editor,
after all, it's really their magazine.

- Popcorn


--[5. Reply to Popcorn]-----------------------------------[Island of Reil]--

Hello, everyone. This is Ior, and I'm here to defend my position in the
(seemingly) ongoing problem that #trax is having with popcorn. Before I
start, I'd just like to commend popcorn for mostly managing to write his
reply in a calm and collected manner, just let me put in an addendum to
that, by saying that at the time he wrote it, my entire host domain was
banned from #trax, so he probably had a good reason to be happy.

In this article, I'm just going to address a few points that really stuck
out at me, and are either untrue, partially true, or extremely biased, etc.
I'll also try not to quote excessively from the original article, as it
can be seen in its entirety by just pressing the PageUp key a few times :)

> you mentioned in your article "Why Popcorn is Gone" in TraxWeekly 29, the
> aim of a publication should cover both sides of the story, I feel that
> what was said about me is highly biased, and I would like to know your
> source.

His source was mostly people who were in #trax at the time. For example,
two (out of MANY) were me and GD.

>> 2. Popcorn assumed the identity of ChuckB, used it to get ops one night,
>> and bankicked ShadowH and ior. Previously, Popcorn had been flooding

> Hmm, sounds like a pretty simple line, but what happened really wasn't that
> simple. ShadowH set the whole thing off by stating insults about me in
> public announcements on #trax. When I kicked ShadowH as a warning to take
> it to a /msg or not to say anything at all, ior banned me from #trax. The
> bot de-banned me, but Ior then opped ShadowH, who banned both the bots,
> and then banned me. I was very hurt by this, and by the time I had thought
> of using the kosmic account to get ops and de-ban myself, ShadowH was gone,
> and I only kicked ior out for about 2 minutes while I removed all the bans
> he had on me. He then banned me and I've been banned ever since.
> I guess it's my job to tell you this, since you only seemed interested
> in telling one side of the story in your article... here is a log from
> #trax I was mailed 2 weeks ago:

#trax buffer saved on Fri Sept 24 09:53:49 1995
*** Now talking in #trax
*** ShadowH ( has joined #trax
<ior> sh!
<ShadowH> Uhhhhhhhhm
<ior> sh: Help me flood and flash poppy
<ShadowH> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<ShadowH> shhhhh
<ShadowH> I am meditating
<ior> 'cept he's not on anymore.
<ShadowH> aahhmmmmmmmmmmmm
<ior> sh: Send me nuke.c ? :)
<ShadowH> Zab: BAH! just pingflood them from a T1..
what's his IP address?
<ior> sh: Flash him for me? =)
<ior> sh: Or nuke him? :)
<ShadowH> bwhahahhaha
<ShadowH> I will kill him
<ShadowH> GH: done
<ior> sh: You heard what he did after you left, right?
<ior> sh: In a nutshell, he came on from the kosmic@kosmic. account as ChuckB_ and then he got ops and
bankicked me and took over [*]
<ShadowH> there
<ShadowH> nuke him ior
<ShadowH> oh no
<ShadowH> my enema nurse is here
<zab> shad: haha
<Stank-E> i want it
<AruraFlux> Yes
End of #trax buffer Fri Sept 24 09:53:49 1995

> * = An outright lie, I did not take over the channel.
> If anyone should be banned from #trax right now, it should be Ior
> and ShadowH.

I will not disagree with that log. It is the truth. I admit it. At the
time, I was excessively pissed at popcorn, and was looking to flash him
or nuke him, mainly because at the time, he was trying to nick collide
me. However, I did NOT use either of those extremely useful programs.
Unlike some people, I do not seek or crave "vengeance" and "justice." I
only look for what is right.

As to the issue of the lie, de-opping everyone is taking over the
channel. You do not need to masskick and set +i to take it over.

And now up to the top of this quote. It did not quite proceed in that
order. Having had several problems with popcorn in the past, the more
recent one involving Jak, I had vowed to myself to stay out of this
little fight between ShadowH and popcorn as much as possible, in essence,
I was giving popcorn one more chance.

However, when he began to kick ShadowH (multiple times), I saw a problem.
ShadowH, one of the most respected members of #trax, if not for his
music, but also for the length of time he has been on, was NOT opped, and
popcorn was. I remedied this situation easily. I opped my friend. I did
nothing else. I did not kick, ban, or bankick popcorn in any way, shape,
or form. ShadowH had a faster reaction time then popcorn. Before popcorn
could deop or kick him, ShadowH bankicked popcorn. Popcorn used his
access on the bots to get unbanned. So ShadowH banned the bots and

A little later, after ShadowH had left, "ChuckB_" from
"" /msged me, asking to kick the other ChuckB, who
was idle, or as I assumed, lagged. It was my knowledge at the time that
only Kosmic members had the password to the kosmic account. So, when
"ChuckB_" joined the channel, he was opped. He proceeded to bankick me. I
immediately realized the truth, and /msged "ChuckB_" with something along

>From the accounts I've heard from the people on #trax during that time,
popcorn mass-deopped the channel. This is, in essence, a takeover. A few
minutes later, I was debanned, and when I joined, opped. I followed by
bankicking popcorn, and banning his multiple accounts (It seems he has
root access on, along with his account on RyanCramer's machine).

I'm not sure if it started that night, but a little (hours, day(s)?)
later, I began to get collided by "*** ior is"
... This hostile act enraged me to the point of requesting flash.c and
nuke.c from other #trax members. I found out later (by rejoining IRC)
that he had detached his screen, and was idling as "ior" from his account
on www2. This lasted for a few days. This is nearly the end of my
personal involvement, except for the occassional times that popcorn
manages to hack ops when no other ops are on the channel and ban me.

This is the true story. Please do not ask me to repeat it ever again, as
it is a VERY long story, and I do not enjoy typing so long about someone
I do not care about very much.

> I deny ever kicking respected scene members from #trax, what evidence do
> you have that I have done this? I really can't remember anything of the
> sort.

HA! That's the perfect evidence of one of two things: 1) An EXTREMELY
short memory. 2) A VERY selective memory.

Let me just begin to name the people you've kicked off #trax:

ShadowH, Jak, GodHead, GD, Khyron, me, etc.

Again, this is an EXTREMELY SHORT list, I could have gone on...

> Average size of TW issue:
> populus = 45847k
> popcorn = 58678k

Popcorn increased the average size of a TraxWeekly issue by 13 MEGS?!
WOW! This is incredible! If only we'd known of this talent before!

> I'd like for you to answer for the lies you have told about me in your
> article, and after having published 4 issues of TraxWeekly, hold a vote
> on #trax and the listserv to see who the people want for their editor,
> after all, it's really their magazine.

I'm probably not the person he was expecting the answers from, but I've
answered the so-called "lies," and responded by bringing out the entire
truth, as unbiased as possible. There are more things that I could use to
prove this, but I prefer to not go for overkill, and in any case, I have
no reason to publish them. What I've said should speak for itself. In
case anyone thinks that what I've said is a lie, I dare you to make up a
lie that covers as much ground with as much detail. One of the problems

As for the request for a "vote" by the "members of #trax" ... I say no.
This may sound like I'm claiming ownership of #trax, but this is, again,
not the case. Let me explain my reasons. First off, it is extremely hard
to EVER get a majority of the people in #trax to vote on anything.
Second, the people that are newer to #trax do not remember the "glory
and therefore do not have anything to compare the current pitiful
state of #trax to, and inasmuch, would not care who is editor of this
mag. Thirdly, the fact that the editorship changed hands, along with the
ownership of the listserver is evidence enough. That cannot happen
without a strong backing of the channel members. The greater part of the
channel was in support of this change.

If you bothered reading this, thank you. I'm glad you took the time to
listen to the truth, and I hope you find it more believable than a few
"nicer sounding" lies. I hope this is the last I have to say on this
issue, but if there becomes a need to say more, I will not hesitate to
bring the full force of my evidence out. And that is no small amount.

Thank you again.
Jesse Rothenberg
Island of Reil


--[6. The Future of the Scene]---------------------------------[Psibelius]--

It seems as if the general morale of many #trax-ers is slowly going
down the tubes. Complaints about music that sucks, people that suck,
problems that suck, etc. run rampant these days. It's like the entire
scene is no longer a hobby, but one big political game with overinflated
egos and lots of people willing to hurt others for personal gains.

I know its difficult for us to realize that there are actual PEOPLE
behind all those nicks on IRC, but take a few moments to think: Abraham
Lincoln once said, "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of
Perhaps application of this philosophy would solve a lot of the
problems we have with attitudes and hate. Do we have a good, solid, reason
to be in a constant state of disagreement all the time?

Many of the older scene members in particular are right about the slow
decay of respect. A lot of us simply haven't been around long enough (I
know I haven't) to see all the litter that has been strewn all over our
scene. Regardless, this *can* change. It is possible to find a peaceful
solution to all the conflicts. The mistake we often make is trying to fix
the person making the errors, instead of fixing the errors themselves.

Best wishes to all of you.

Psibelius [TW]


/-[Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------------------------

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News .................................. Staff
Interview ............................. Mdark with Ender
Interview ............................. Atlantic with Paganus
Reviews ............................... Mdark


This week confusion reigned supreme while FITC was being put together.
Due to mis-communication and a faulty computer Jtown will not be able to
add an interview this week, but we'd like to make one thing clear.

Faces In The Crowd of course was founded by Jtown himself, and without
him it wouldn't be what it is today. He remains the editor and an
interviewer as well - contrary to popular belief.

Hopefully in the next little while Jtown's computer will smarten up
and things will get back to their normal state.

- Staff

---====[ Faces In The Crowd <> Interview #7 ]====---
{Mdark} = Master of Darkness / Aim Higher <>
{Ender} = Ender / Foundation <>

= Interview conducted on Sat Oct 7 @ 11:30 PM EST

<mdark> ok, well tell us a little about yourself, your real name, your
group, and perhaps how you got started in composing.

<Ender_> My real name is Andrew Burke, I'm the musician for Foundation,
a small and unknown demo group :>, and I started when I saw some
stuff that one of my coders wrote...

<mdark> One of your coders? That seems kinda strange. Usually a composer
becomes a coder. So foundation where is this based?

<Ender_> Foundation is based in upstate New York, in Albany. We only have
2 coders and a musician, and others that pretend to be in it :>,
so we're pretty small :>
<Ender_> We also have a budding artist...

<mdark> Seems quite interesting and you are relatively new to the scene
- both the group and yourself?
<mdark> (sorry didn't mean to sound condescending :) )

<Ender_> (no prob... :>)
<Ender_> Well, the group is new to the "scene", but we've been around for
a while. I myself have only been on #trax for a little while...

<mdark> Ok, so then aside from the group, how long have you been composing
for? Or do you consider #trax composing itself? :)

<Ender_> Well, I've been composing for maybe 9 months...

<mdark> 9 months. So that would mean since the beginning of the year,
and there was nothing else that inspired you to compose, not
another well-known composer or group or song?

<Ender_> Well, just about all music that I have ever heard has inspired
me in some way.

<mdark> from mc3 perhaps?

<Ender_> No, actually, I haven't ever heard anything out of that compo.
<Ender_> At least not that i'm aware of...

<mdark> Yeah that's true in most cases, and really that's how it should
be. There'll always be the majority of people writing stuff just
to write, but most people wish to express themselves in some
manner, and inspire others. Is this how you fell when composing?

<Ender_> No, I write for myself. I write music because I love it, not to
inspire someone else. If it's meant to inspire anyone at all,
it's me...

<mdark> So not falling into a set of rules, or people to impress so to
speak, which is always good. I don't think anybody should be
in it to inspire anybody but themselves. So that being said,
is there a particular style you choose or no?

<Ender_> Well, my style is pretty unique, if I do say so myself. :> It's
somewhat of a mix of classical music (comes from playing violin
for 9 years :>), and techno or ambient.

<mdark> well I'm not too good with the mixing of terms, but I think you
mean the more well-refined techno as opposed to the ill notioned,
pre-conceived drum, hi-hat stuff :)...

<Ender_> Well, i'll do that too. :>

<mdark> I think we all do at particular moments in time :)
So violin, I take it you learned some musical theory along
with that?

<Ender_> Yeah, actually, that's where I have gotten all of music theory
just about. 9 years and you tend to pick a little up... :>

<mdark> So would you say you extract what you have learned from the art
of real music into the art of PC-Music? The theory aspect? Or
do you find that since the computer is so efficient at making
things sound right that it doesnt matter?
<mdark> (i hope ya understand what I mean :) )

<Ender_> Oh it certainly matters. I think it must be almost impossible to
track without any theory background. It would take you forever,
and prolly not sound that great either.

<mdark> Hey that's my dilemna right now :)... Ok, so as a new composer,
have you found response to yourself - say on #trax - and in
general to be good/bad/average? Any experiences you'd like to
pass along? :)

<Ender_> Actually, it's been pretty good. Most people treat you with
respect as long as you give them the same. The people you see
that complain about #trax and the scene in general are the ones
who get on and are just jerks, and expect to be treated like gods.
<Ender_> I have had a few little arguments with people tho. :> Including
Floss and Basehead :>

<mdark> Well I don't wanna bring up my past, but that's not necessarily
true, although in most cases it holds true. Basehead put it
somewhat like this:
<mdark> You get on #trax, and you know some biggies such as base, and
others, but there are also other people on there. The biggies
don't say hi, but some of the others do. They don't HAVE to
say hi.
<mdark> They are just like us, they are normal people. There will
always be people who are better at things than you are, you just
have to accept it and learn from them.

<Ender_> Yeah, I've made some friends so far, and they are generally newer
like me...

<mdark> Anyways getting back to the story Basehead said that these people
treated him like he was a god, given he's much respected and very
talented, he isn't a god, and doesn't need to be bugged in such a
<mdark> THEN the people go out and say well BH didn't say anything to me
when I complimented him... WHY DIDN"T HE? THen they say well
nobody said hi - because they weren't looking at the other people
- and that's how it gets started.

<Ender_> Well I wouldn't say that people really "
bug" him. But he is quite a
musician, his work has influenced mine in some ways...

<mdark> It's unfair to everybody. :)

<Ender_> Yeah, I agree, but I think people are treated better than some
people make it out to be...

<mdark> Actually, he mentioned that to me one day when he was upset,
saying outloud he doesn't understand why people say 'yer amazing'
'I wanna be like you', 'can I shine your shoes', stuff like that.
<mdark> Hey wait a minute who's interviewing who :)
<mdark> Well others will always be more respected. But it all comes
down to the old saying:


<Ender_> Hehehe, yeah, people shouldn't try and BE someone else. You need
to be an individual.

<mdark> And that's what the elite do. They warp the norm - in this case
music - and make it something more, something special. Look at
what Skaven and Jase did for Assembly and Mc3 respectively!
<mdark> Nothing that you would expect, came from outta nowhere, going
beyond the norm :)

<Ender_> Yeah, there will always be pioneers. And that's good for the scene.
You don't want music to get to a point of stasis...

<mdark> Indeed. I had to learn the hard way - that was ME getting on
#trax, buggin necros and basehead and then complaining. That was
me who lashed out against everyone in anger, only to find that
I was wrong.
<mdark> Nehow I'm glad that it happened. I am glad I learned through my
ignorance :).

<Ender_> Hehehe...

<mdark> Anyways, I think we better wrap this up before I get hung up
on again :)... In closing as I do with everybody, is there
something you'd like to say to the scene or about yourself?

<Ender_> Well, keep an eye out for Foundation, we're hoping to release
a demo at Naid 96, as well as enter most of the other compos.

<mdark> Well it's been nice talking to you once again ... literally.
I wish you and Foundation the best of luck in all your
endeavours, and I hope to see that Demo soon.

<*> Where You Can Get Ender's Tunes <*>

Ender is the sole Musician for the Demo Group Foundation.
His songs can be found on the HORNET archive and
its mirrors.


Ender is currently working with his group on providing a demo
for Naid '96.


---====[ Faces In The Crowd <> Interview #7 ]====---
{Atlantic} = Atlantic Neophyte / Aim Higher <>
{Pag} = Paganus Epinicionn / AIM Higher <> andrew.crabtree@
= Interview conducted on Tue Oct 10 @ 9:30 PM EST

Atl> hiya paganus.. so intoduce yourself, tell the good people who
you are, how long you've been him, and who you associate with.. :)

Pag> Well, my name's Paganus... Somewhere along the line, I became
convinced that that was the latin eqivalent of "
one who is not a
soldier"...that's my story, and i'm stickin' to it. :)

Atl> =)

Pag> I suppose I've been him forever, at least as much as I am him
in any given moment. Who can really say what identity is?
Or how fleeting?

Atl> i hear ya

Pag> I tend to associate with... Well... Hmmm. I'm looking for a word.
Obviously, K-rad, 31337 d00000dz. W3rd to that. :)

Atl> hee. beautiful. well i'm sure there are lots of readers who
havn't heard your music, so what kind (style) of stuff do you

Pag> I like the piano. I think it's a beautiful instrument.

Atl> ditto..

Pag> (surpassed in my opinion only by the PM SONIX-LEAD siner synth. =P )

Atl> <cringe>

Pag> Hahha...

Atl> do you play the piano, or any other instruments?

Pag> I don't exactly play the piano.

Atl> *everyone* plays the sonix lead synth. =)

Pag> :P I can play chords and some chord progressions...I took lessons
back when I was ten or so, but they didn't pan out.

Atl> =)

Pag> I've tried to learn how to play the guitar, but I haven't found
the time to really learn it. (read: paganus *not* play guitar. :)
I do play the flute, but I can't say how proud I am of that
fact. :) I haven't finished answering your last question, though.
I do love the piano, and consequently, I use it quite frequently.
Most of my stuff is pretty heavy on chords and melody, light on
percussion. Although with my more recent stuff, I'm trying to
move away from that. Lately I've even developed a marginal
sense of rhythm. ;)

Atl> yes.. i've heard a lot of yer stuff, and i've noticed the same

Pag> So, what other inquisitions do you have to torture me with?

Atl> when and why did you start tracking?

Pag> Well...actually, I don't remember why or quite when.

Atl> hehe

Pag> Okay...this is about what I remember. About a year and half ago,
I guess, I picked up ModEdit 2.0. (Didn't everybody do that? ;)

Atl> <double cringe>
Atl> =)

Pag> It's worthy of a triple cringe. but it wasn't quite enough to
make me turn away from my dream of tracking. So I persevered,
although I didn't use ME2. I'd been an avid fan of the PC music
scene from a distance for a while before that. Somewhere in my
travels, I came across and AToMIC mod. (Atomic was a small, local
[toronto] group, led by b0b, better known as the head of Mazurka.)
Included in the zip was a small file, "". Not knowing
how it would change my life forever, I typed those fateful eight
B. o. b. w. o. r. l. d....
The add was for bobby's World, a bbs in the 416 area code. The
advertisment mentioned three things:
1. WHQ of Atomic
3. Dedicated to Helping New Composers.

Atl> Haha

Pag> Well, I was in for #3. So I gave this board a call. I figured,
what could I lose? (never expecting the answer to that question
to innocence...) But that's another story. :P

Atl> hehe.. so did atomic's music inspire you to track, or were some
other trackers responsible for that?

Pag> Acually, I left out a crucial middle step, which was calling
the twisted tower" and picking up a copy of Scream Tracker 3.01b,
and hammering out my first godawful ramblings.. and then my first
real" s3m... "wilting coliflower".

Atl> ouchie

Pag> [yikes, the name says it all.] Yeah, ATo music inspired me. Mainly
a few songs by b0b, which I later learned were ripped in whole or
in part from some pretty cool amiga 4-trax...

Atl> yikers

Pag> And also a handful of pretty cool songs by some k-rad 31337 d00d
by the name of "

Atl> haha..

Pag> Actually, those tunes by Jazzman, as well as the music by Purple
Motion and Skaven, are what influenced my early composing career.
Oh, you may laugh, but that Jazz guy was pretty good. For a
beginner. :)

Atl> some (few) would say. =)

Pag> Anyway, You were saying?

Atl> why do you compose nowadays? as an artistic expression, to write
pleasing melodies.. or just for the holy hell of it?

Pag> Most of the time I like to think it's reason number one. :P
The rest of the time I'm afraid it's door number three.
But anyone who's ever heard my stuff will prolly be pleased to
tell me it ain't number 2.

Atl> ach, yer too hard on yourself.
Atl> do you feel you've been successful in your attempts
to convey feeling in your music?

Pag> ...I think that "
heartbreak" conveys a lot of emotion. To me,

Atl> well, i see that your affils are Epinicion and Aim Higher, two groups
centered around the newer composers in the scene.. why did you join

Pag> 'Cause they were the only ones who'd take me without a resume. :P

Atl> haha

Pag> I belive very strongly in breaking down the eliteness and snobbery in
the scene.

Atl> you think it's a problem these days?

Pag> I think that it's entirely unproductive, and a waste of time. When
it occurs, it's a problem. I don't, however, think that it is the
greatest "
crisis" the scene has ever seen --no awful pun or rhyme

Atl> no.. i don't either.. but it's prolly safe to say that there is room
to offer more hospitality to new folks.. have you seen it happen a


ag> I've seen it happen enough.
Pag> It seems to arise from two or three things. The first is an
expectation part of the "snob" that the "little guys" won't bother
them. This is coupled with a seeming paranoia in said "little
guys" around being ignored. And of course, this is fueled by the
hero-worship which is rampant in this scene ...and which, in
fact, seems to be a part of the human condition.

Atl> true enough

Pag> Joe nobody in the music scene hears, oh let's say, Necros music.
His first thought (since he has only recently figured out the finer
points of a manual volume slide in st3) THIS MAN IS GOD!

Atl> =)

Pag> When he begins to think of Necros as god, he begins to think of him
as perfect . ..which obviously (well, I can't really speak for
Necros so flagrantly, but what the hell) he isn't. No matter how
good a musician he is, he is just a normal, average, human being in
other respects. Many people don't seem to understand this. I mean,
even though they may realize it consciously, they don't really
*believe* it.

Atl> i know whatcha mean..

Pag> It's the pop star phenomenon. The figure in the public eye must be
perfect, or else. You know the drill.

Atl> yup.

Pag> At any rate...There is deffinitely room for more hospitality, but.

Atl> how much snobbery did you face when you came into the scene?

Pag> Too much, and I really don't want to go into it, if you don't mind.

Atl> it's too bad that you had to come up against that, but you definately
persevered, and on behalf of the scene, tnx. :)

Pag> Well, on behalf of Paganus, tnx for having the audacity to tnk me on
behalf of the whole scene. :P

Atl> Bahaha.. excuse me Joe Scene.

Pag> Once people have heard my stuff, they may not tnk you for tnking me
on their behalf. ;)

Atl> no, that's why i did.. you've come a *long* way, i've seen it. =)

Pag> Well, that makes my day a whole lot brighter, and thanks old chap. :P

Atl> =P

Pag> But all sarcasm aside, I appreciate that. I hope that the "scene in
general" is as willing to accept my music.

Atl> anyway.. for a change of venue.. will you be attending naid 96 next

Pag> If it doesn't conflict with my finals, I'll be there! No real plans
for transportation, maybe I'll take the Mazurka [said in that way
that only Mdark can say it, you know] bus...:P

Atl> haha.. any other general comments to add in closing? (say hi to
mom, etc..)

Pag> HI MOM! <snark>

Atl> how noble. :)

Pag> Well, much happiness is wished for, by be, all of those poor souls
who waste away sitting infront of their radiation spitting monitors
(and growing tumors in areas that they'd never even imagined existed
because of it!) just to listen to the wicked music that the scene has
to offer and to be social on #trax and other irc channels. If that
made any sense to you, you're a better man than I.

Atl> ok dude.. thanks muchly for your time, i know it's scarce..

Pag> Time is scarce, money is scarcer, ya, but what can you do.

Atl> =)

Pag> OH...that remindeth me.
Pag> Speaking of trackers who have come a long way, if you [the gentle
reader] are ever in a position to, pick up a copy of "the Story of
the Mermaid", by Atlantic of Neophyte. Then go pick up a copy of
"Percussive Pyromania" by Jazzman of Atomic.

* Atlantic is flattered.

Atl> picking up percussive pyromania is *not* necessary. =)

Pag> THAT, ladies and gents, will tell you how far a musician can come
in a year. Muahahaha. :)
Atl> haha.. tnx dude.
Atl> well, i wish you the recognition you deserve in the future dude, and
take care..

Pag> Okay.

Paganus releases with Epinicion and Aim Higher. He has written two
songs for Aim Higher's Recently released disk "Unification", and two
for Aim Higher's first disk, "Foundation". He has remixed Heartbreak,
one of his better songs to date, for Unification, and it is worth
checking out.. He has one single release with Epinicion, called "Winter",
which is available in Epinicion's directory on



In this section we will suggest some songs available on that might otherwise be ignored or perhaps lost due to
the lack of regonition of the composer.

Remember these are the sole opinions of the staff of the
FITC publication and are of course a matter of personal taste.
Thus we will not actually rate the songs, but suggest the ones
we think you'd like to hear most.

We listen to most new music uploads to Keep
in mind, we can only download as much as time permits. If you feel
that your song was worthy of being mentioned in this publication, by
all means mail one of us and bitch. We'll justify our selections
a little, but again, it's primarily personal taste.

"Unification Disk VOLUME 1" by AIM Higher Email:
Style: ALL Styles Format: XM, S3M, MTM
Found: /demos/incoming/music/disks/
Found: /demos/incoming/music/disks/
Found: /demos/incoming/music/disks/
Released: 10-11-95

"Igsignif" by Mik Rippon Email: unknown
Style: Dance/techno Format: S3M
Found: /demos/incoming/music/songs/s3m/
Released: 10-08-95

"Back To The Start" by Blurry Email: Unknown
Style: Demo/Orchestral Format: S3M
Found: /demos/incoming/music/songs/s3m/
Released: 06-19-95

"Blind Justice" by Scirocco Email:
Style: Dance/Techno Format: XM
Found: /demos/incoming/music/songs/xm/
Released: 10-08-95


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Aim Higher]-----------------------------------------------------------

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Unification: It's Here!

Well the Unification disk finally came out early Wednesday morning
and for those of you who have already picked it up you will know that
it does not include the promised player. This was due to a series of
unfortunate events that befell both our coder and our graphician.

We felt it would be much better to release the music rather than
have it sit on the harddrives waiting for a player.

In light of this though, due to the fact we DID have graphics, and
MOST of the coding done, this Pack of 3 disks is Volume I of a two
volume set. We will almost assuredly - as I say this I shudder to think
of what has just happened :) - have a player for this disk, and hope
to have just as much support as we did for Volume I.

On behalf of Atlantic and myself, we would just like to thank first
of all the AIM Higher members who got their tunes into me, plus the
too many to mention guests who worked hard in putting out tunes for a
worthy cause.

We hope to have just as many guest tunes on Volume II (in about
a month or two, but no date set) as we did on Volume I, and we invite
anybody who wishes to put tunes in to contact either myself (
or atlantic (

Thanks to everyone who has supported us, and go and pick up the
disk. It's for a worthy cause.

- Mdark


--[2. Epinicion Column]-----------------------------------------------------
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: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

The 6th Epinicion musicdisk, "BLT" will be released on October 15th, 1995
at 5:00pm Pacific Time (North America)! "BLT" features over *FORTY*
songs by the many dedicated members of Epinicion Productions. Thanks to
all of you who have contributed! We have broken massive ground, with a
total of *159* songs released for 1995 alone!

Also, be sure to get our Xmas Holiday Music Disk in December! =)


ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

The Web Page is now up!
New interface, new graphics, a new look.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[3. eXtreme Terror Corps]-------------------------------------------------

-= X . T . c =-
ascii wanted =]


Hi and welcome to the first ever XTC column in TW, i am your host Ch:ilm,
i am a composer for extreme terror corps, and have recently been promoted
to contributor for TW ... =)
Okay let's start off with apologies for the fact that English is not my
native language. I am Dutch .. yep .. it's that little country in Europe,
no, not the capital of Denmark, but that country where puffin' blunts is
perfectly legal .. it's true!
I am composer for the group eXtreme Terror Corps, it's a group founded in
May 1995 i guess, originally they started making hardcore noise (hence the
name), but since they attracted me it all went down the hill ... =].
Maybe a small list of members would help .. so here comes:

Deniax - Founder, hardcore musiscian
GHoST - hardcore
Serialkiller - coder for RA 2.ox doors
PHoNC(ie) - courier and rave-style-remixer
Tormentor - hardcore
Ch:ilm - yours truly, trance, mellow, techno.

I have my own board here in Holland (add coming up) and i am also
founder/member of Decibel Duo (more stuff coming up Crow & b0b ;-).

Hot News

The one hot item here currently is Spiritual Mindworks. It's a remix-
project and Musicdisk, started by my dear friend PRaNCe. 12 cool
composers are working on a basic groove, remixing it into their own
version. The basic groove is I Like To Move It by Reel 2 Real, yeah,
i know it's rather old but still, it sounds good ;).
My board has been assigned WHQ (sigh) and so now i'm stuck with the PR
for this project. Nevertheless the project is a major success, 12 really
cool dudes are working on the basic groove, 4 have already completed
their work, and all i can tell you is that each song sounds perfect!
If you want more info and can read Dutch ;] leech the file An English version
will soon be available. And, offcourse, the entire musicdisk will also
be released on this FTP site. Anyone interested can mail me to have their
site/board included in future SMX info files.

My Friends

My friends are: PRaNCe, Deniax, PHoNC(ie), Beasty Bass, Crow, b0b,
Frame, h00k, Mindcrime, madness, PSC, DeepBass, Alex & Dionysus.
I have more friends but they'll be mentioned next week ;].

My Board

Yep i have a board, i'll start working on a cewl ascii piccy but here
is the info in advance:

SL1210 node 1 : +31-43-363 8243 28k8 24h
2 : +31-43-363 1724 28k8 24h

It's specialised in house/techno/music/demo and doors.
staff is Brain Surgeon, PRance, Jinx and PHonc(ie). And me offcourse ;).

Last Words

Thanx to the TW staff for enabling me to contribute, thanx to Bill Gates
for Windows 95 ... eeerrrr ... NOT!!!!!!!!!! ####### him!! ;-D.
If you want more info or yust want to get to know me, you can always mail
me on
Respect to everyone reading this ... bye!



--[4. Kosmic Free Music Foundation]-----------------------------------------
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: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

Hey, this is Ior, the Official, Approved, FDA Minimum Health
Nutrition Meeting, Completely Sane, Chip-Loving, Kosmic Travel Agent.

Psibelius asked me to do the Kosmic column this week, since there
were no other members of Kosmic that he could get ahold of to do the column
(makes sense, no?). So here it is. Enjoy. I hope you like it. Have fun.
Relish (not on a hotdog ;). Indulge. Luxuriate. Delight in.

I'm not quite sure of the releases this week, I think only Maelcum
or Phoenix know those, but they're not around. :) We're probably up to the
usual Kosmic shenanigans. What we're looking forward to is this: A few more
songs, a few more demos, etc. You know the schpiel.

Oh! Right! We did have a few new releases :) Khyron Dunno Dunno Dunno Leviathan Dunno Dunno Dunno

Those are all the releases I can remember, sorry :)

And now, the mandatory Top 10 List:

The Top Ten Most Annoying Questions of All Time

10) Paper or Plastic?
9) Why?
8) Why not?
7) Where's that article?
6) 1z +h1z wH3r3 PhY00cH3r Kr3W 1z?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
5) Op me?
4) What's a trax?
3) D'you have a light, man? Or how 'bout some change? No? Nothing at all?
2) WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT BOT GO NOW???!#%#%&#&#%^#%*&#&($^&@%!#$~@#$
1) <popcorn> Why am I banned now?

This article was generously written by Ior, Da Cawsemyk Travel Agent.

Island of Reil


--[5. Skyjump Team ( SJT )]-------------------------------------------------

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The ours first "BIG" Music Disk is out...

SJT Presents : "ORBITAL DISTANCE" Music Disk.

About 1 hour of Techno-Trance-Breakbeat-Hardcore Music.

filenames: SKY_OD13.ZIP SKY_OD23.ZIP SKY_OD33.ZIP
ftp-site : /scratch/SKYJUMP-TEAM /pud/incoming/Pc-Music/SKYJUMP-TEAM

uploaded soon on , .

We Encourage you to record this MD into a C-60 tape in this sequence :

__SIDE_A __

ALX_AMDN.XM - Amaden.............. 5:15 - by Sir AleXy
ALX_IKLL.XM - I Kill You.......... 5:04 - by Sir AleXy
SKY_CSTY.S3M - Curiosity........... 4:26 - by D.J. Skyjump
SKY_INFS.S3M - Infusion............ 4:59 - by D.J. Skyjump
SKY_TFLY.S3M - The Fly............. 4:34 - by D.J. Skyjump
SPR_ORBT.MTM - Orbital Spheres..... 5:10 - by Spermaster

__SIDE_B __

YO!_ONLY.XM - Only You............ 4:38 - by D.J. YoYo
TRX_LOST.S3M - Lost Paradise....... 4:24 - by Trex & D.J. Skyjump
HYP_3ARM.XM - The 3rd Arm......... 3:02 - by Hypnotic
YO!_INDS.XM - Industry of Noise... 5:02 - by D.J. YoYo
ALX_EVRB.XM - Everybody Dance..... 4:48 - by Sir AleXy
SKY_PASS.S3M - Passion............. 4:14 - by D.J. Skyjump


Best Player to Play : The Cubic Player v.1.4 or Later

This is ours first BIG project, take it and send us your opinion.....
Please send us your comments or critics ;)

See Ya Later.. D.J. Skyjump / SJT email:



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x/____ /___________/_____ /xXxXx
The Deep Umbra Sys - Squidgalator 2
+617-3202-8973 iCE ozhq amongst others
supporting art, ansi, demos and music files



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/news/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii
text or filemailed (MIME/UUE only) to: before
6:00pm EST (North America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

TW Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)
FITC: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
FITC: DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
FITC Editor: Jtown (Kal Zakath)
FITC: Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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..:::::::::::::::: .:: .::::::: :::::::: ::::::.. ::: ::: :::
until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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