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TraxWeekly Issue 043

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 43
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- | TraxWeekly Issue #43 | Release date: 01-18-96 | Subscribers: 488 | -

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Welcome to the 43rd issue of TraxWeekly! We're slowly approaching the
500 subscriber mark, so keep pushing for new readers!

This week, we feature a long awaited interview with *Pariah of VSL!*
Master of Darkness, Atlantic, DennisC, and Zinc have been interviewing like
mad, and they've effectively brought back Faces in the Crowd. Applause
goes to Atlantic for doing double duty with music reviews, and Deus Ex
as well...

Light of Kosmic expresses some of his (hostile =) feelings about ratings,
rating systems, and why people complain about them. SceneWeb features an
extremely popular scene related WWW site, Flood Myth's Superunknown.



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Letters and Feedback

1. Music Styles: Where?.............................Michael Dorn

General Articles

2. New Music Reviews................................Atlantic and DeusEx
3. Ratings Aren't Everything........................Light
4. SceneWeb.........................................Psibelius

Faces in the Crowd

5. Interview with Pariah............................Master of Darkness

Group Columns

6. Epinicion Productions
7. Explizit
8. Rippen' Artistic Talent


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[Letters and Feedback]----------------------------------------------------

--[1. Song Styles: Where?]----------------------------------[Michael Dorn]--

From dorn@rzaix340.rz.uni-leipzig.deWed Jan 17 17:34:08 1996
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 22:03:03 +0000
From: Michael Dorn <>
Subject: feedback on TRAX-WEEKLY

Hi, my name is Michael and I'm a not-tracking student at the university of
Leipzig, Germany (passive demo viewer/mods listener).

I think I've read quite a number of TRAX-WEEKLY issues and because I really
enjoyed reading no. 46 I thought it was time to give you some mental
support. Most of all I liked the interview between zinc and balrog because
it was very amusing and didn't get too deep except the philosophic stuff
(just kidding). Something I was missing was a short list of representative
masterpieces of balrog in order to get an idea of his style (including
the *.zip filenames).

Talking about filenames: your list of the best tracked tunes is nice but
without filenames it is hard to find them let's say at You
know how hard it is to find good music on between all these
>first releases< which sound like what they are. I do not know whether you
are responsible for but somehow I would prefer an other order
besides the alphabetical one. See, I want to get some nice trance tunes and
manage to get onto Where is the right place to start? The
ratings within the index-files are OK, but can't help me in finding trance
-style music. Btw I like releases of RadicalRhythms but most of them are
rated average. Maybe it would be prctical to sort the tunes by style. What
do you think?

Go on with trax weekly the way you did up to now. I am really looking
forward to your next issue. See, I am only one of the anonymous crowd of
readers (hm, 478 can be called crowd:) but I think the rest agrees with me.

Greetings to you and the rest of the trax weekly team

(Hope my english was not too bad/understandable/worth reading!)

Michael Dorn
s_mail: Michael Dorn
Koebisstr. 9
04317 Leipzig, Germany
phone/fax: 0341 / 26 13 550
fax: 0341 / 6 88 46 29

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanks for the comments Mike. TraxWeekly doesn't improve or change unless
readers like yourself seend in the occasional comment, critique, or gripe.

I will forward your request for filenames along with the song names in
future music reviews to our current review team, Atlantic and Deus Ex.

If you want to send a comment to the maintainers of the HORNET archive,
the best way is to email Snowman at


/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[2. New Music Reviews]----------------------------------------[Atlantic]--

Well exams are just about upon me right now, but I hate studying, and
thought I deserved a break. =) Deus Ex took a break this week.

Things to mention this week. Hmm. Don't think I have anything to
apologize for this time, so that's good. Perhaps I'm getting better.

One thing I wanted to note. The marks that I give, and the marks that
Deus Ex give should not be compared. We are both looking at tracked tunes
in a different light. In addition, I don't really want people to put
much stress on comparing my marks for one tune with my marks for another,
or even from week to week. Just look at the song as an individual entity,
and try and figure out why I gave you the mark I did, and how it can
be improved, if at all.

Special note to Spyder and Squidgalator II - I didn't have time to give
your songs an adequate listen, I'll have you're tunes in here next week
for sure.

I may even have a full internet account soon. I'm switching providers
and so far the people at the new one have just ignored me. What can you

And here's the standard pitch:

Remember, if you know of a musician who deserves to be heard, pick
a song by that musician. If they aren't into composing anymore
that's alright, although I -strongly- prefer musicians who are active.
Attach the song to me in email ( in MIME format (not
UUencode: that stuff drives me wild), or send it to me on #trax where I
can usually be found around 4-7 PM EST. It is important to include the
following info:

- Artist's Alias and Affiliations
- Date of Release (If not known, approximate)
- Where it can be found (ftp site & directory, website, person on #trax)
- Artist's E-mail Address (Very important!)

Reviews for Week of January 11th - January 18th

Artist......... Tom Klepl
Song Title..... "Follow Me" [followme.s3m]
DOR............ December 15, 1995. Email Addy: None
Found: The Black Adder BBS (get an internet account Tom!)
Composition: 70% Sound Quality: 80% Originality: 65%
Reviewed By: Atlantic.

This one was sent to me by Typhoon/Mazurka. I've never talked to
Tom, even though he's into the local Toronto scene, and it's too bad,
because if this tune is an indication, he's a pretty talented tracker.
"Follow Me" reminds me very much in style of "Behind that Mask" by
HMW. Kind of mellow, with patient and clear percussion and a persistent
chord progression. I did like the progression, but the fact that
it didn't change for the whole song hurt the mark significantly. Even
having said that, there is still enough varitation in it to maintain
the listeners interest. About halfway through, before you could get
bored of it, the tempo doubles, and everything picks up in mood and
feel - nicely placed variation there. A couple things stand out at me.
Firstly, the echo on the lead is too delayed for the volume it is at
and for the level it is mixed into the song at. One can hear the
echo hitting 2 or 3 rows after the initial hit. It would do good to
either lower the volume of the echo, or reduce the delay for it. I also
didn't like the choice of sample that plays the theme in the latter part
of the tune.. it has a strange plucky beginning, and doesn't feel "smooth"
enough to fit in... I really did like the tune though, keep up the good
work Tom.

Artist......... Griffin / FTS
Song Title..... "Some of Dat Ol' Fonk" [gf-olfnk.s3m]
DOR............ July 14th, 1995. Email Addy:
Found: (.21/demos/music/incoming/songs/s3m/
Composition: 50% Sound Quality: %75 Originality: 45%
Reviewed By: Atlantic.

"Some of Dat Ol' Fonk" was the 3rd place 4chan tune at Algorithm '95
and was mailed to me by its author, Griffin. I'm afraid my marks
aren't too kind, but I'll justify them. Griffin has some good ideas
with this song, but just fell short of achieving them in my opinion.
To begin with, the samples are a combination (I think) of those used
in "Bud Rap" and "Elekfunk" both by Moby. I have no probs with this,
but I thought that the "sorry Moby, but those *guitar* samples
were too tempting" was a little underdone for the degree of credit that
the composition owes to Moby. My main problem with regards to originality
is that those guitar sams are very distinctive, and "Moby" just flashes
off in my mind when I hear them. Same with the percussion, and the lead
apart from the sinerish sample. I suppose the thing that hurt it the
most in the composition category was the out-of-tune piano sample that
forms lead early in the song. It's a little better when played within
Scream Tracker, but when played in Cubic say, it sounds quite a bit off.
The 3-piano-sample-1-track lead in "Elekfunk" by Moby still stands today
as my favorite 1-track lead, and perhaps I was a little offended that
someone would try and duplicate it so closely. =) I didn't like the
siner synth in the song at all, it ruined the attempt at a realistic feel.
Another thing which could be improved was the panning.. 4track music
is inherently thin, so you have to fill it out with every means possible
in my opinion. The L R L R config doesn't really cut it, especially
when listening with headphones, as I usually do when I review. On the
postive side, I liked the percussion, the fills were quite nice. The
structure was pretty good as well, with appropriate variation. I don't
want to discourage Griffin with this review, because he does show ability
with the song, it's just too much of a rip-off. Create your own style
dude. =)

Artist......... Screw Driver
Song Title..... "Summer Mourning" [mourning.s3m]
DOR............ Unknown Email Addy:
Found: Dcc'd by Sd on AnotherNet #trax.
Composition: 40% Sound Quality: 60% Originality: 70%
Reviewed By: Atlantic.

Okay Sd, I finally got to you. This song has been sitting on my Hd
for over a month now, and I suppose Sd is getting impatient. I've got
some stiff criticism for your song. First, let me establish that this
tune was Sd's attempt at doing "bagpipe music", and bagpipes don't grease
the wheels of very many people. I didn't give it a very good composition
mark for several reasons. The most significant of these is probably the
fact that it is quite simple, using only 2 similar samples. Considering
its bagpipe music, perhaps I can understand that. However, this song
doesn't sound like bagpipe music. I don't know a lot about the ins and
outs of traditional scottish folkmusic, so I can't give you a very full
analysis here. One thing I do know though is that in bagpipe music there
is a sustaining note/chord that hangs in the background steadily, and
doesn't hit over and over like it does in this tune. Another mark against
it is the briefness - there are only 8 orders, and 3 of the patterns
repeat within those 8 orders. Strange thing is, despite the lashing I've
given this tune, I do like the main melody. It does have a bagpipish
feel to it, it just needs to be elaborated upon, taken further. Again,
I don't wish to discourage, despite the %40 I wouldn't call it a total
failure, it just needs some more work. Btw, Sd is looking for a group. =)

Artist......... Q / Aim Higher
ong Title..... "The Proxima Mission" [proxima.s3m]
DOR............ December 20th, 1995. Email Addy: None.
Found: (/.21/demos/music/songs/1995/s3m/p/
Composition: 65% Sound Quality: 65% Originality: 70%
Reviewed By: Atlantic.

This song is Q's debut Aim Higher tune, and is quite well done. It
has a nice groove to it, and show some sophisticated use of effects
to enhance the quality of the tune, like the notecutting in the background
to give that sample some extra punch. I like the chord progression of
the song, and it was augmented with the chorded piano which danced around
the chords and kept the groove at the same time. My main problem with
it was the massive repetition. There are far too many patterns with
the same progression. It's nice, but grows real tired after about 48
patterns. I did like the way it varied when it finally did though.
Another problem was the bassness of it. If you look at this one in the
spectrum analyzer, the real frequencies of the instruments are all
below the halfway point if using the cubic analyzer. Without looking into
this though, I could tell that it was a concern. It's something to pay
attention to, because that total lowness can become irritating. To me
anyway, perhaps I'm alone. =) Good song tho, keep em coming Q.

Artist......... Chris Jarvis
ong Title..... "Pale Dreams" []
DOR............ December 20th, 1995.
Email Addy: VIA
Found: (/.21/demos/incoming/programs/
Composition: 85% Sound Quality: 80% Originality: 80%
Reviewed By: Atlantic.

If you've picked up the Impulse Tracker by now (and if you havn't, you
should), you've probably heard this tune by Chris Jarvis. It's an epic
sounding orchestral/new age sort of piece with great chording and with
a powerful feel. Chris is apparently an old amiga musician, who isn't
very well known. His experience, however, really shows through in this
one. This song shows an advanced use of panning to fill out the sound,
and really strong percussion to carry the slow groove. It was unique
sounding, so the originality was high even though Chris didn't name the
people who made the samples. My only beef would probably be the
repetition again, as it didn't seem to vary quite enough for me over
its length. Overall an excellent song, look forward to hearing more from
this talented tracker. Thanks to pulse for submitting it, and for coding
that kewlio editor.

Take care,

Atlantic [] and Deus Ex []


--[3. Ratings Aren't Everything]-----------------------------------[Light]--

[Now I'm no musician. I'm an artist, and I listen to things happening,
and I might not know how to express myself very well, and I may structure
my sentences like shit, but after observing some of this junk I thought
I'd put something down in text about the way I feel. Everyone is always
listening to the higher-authorities and that's how they make their
own judgements, but I don't care. Some of you may think that I'm a goob,
but I feel a lot, and this is my serious side. - Light ]

Funny thing happened to me the other day, I was sitting in #trax at
5:00 in the morning or something, and I saw two people, who I admire and
get along with really well, start fighting and bickering over the cdrom
ratings. Well, things got pretty bad, and one ended up saying "To hell
with you" and leaving.

Well, Now, I'm not musician, and I don't really care about ratings
and ego's, but, this strikes me as odd. This isn't the way things are
supposed to be. People aren't supposed to let an issue as trivial as
'ratings' come between them (And these are people that frequent #Trax
regularly). I'd like to express my opinions about the US scene pretty
quick here, as I've been in the Net Music/Demo scene for about 6 months
now, and the BBS Music/Demo scene for about 3-4 years.

I've witnessed many things, the Warez Scene, the Ansi Scene, the
Hacking/Phreaking Scene, The Virus Scene, etc. None have struck me as
odd as this one has. The whole problem here, I believe is this rut
we've all fell into. We see excellent musicians, who are very talented,
and may in-fact become REAL musicians making hundreds of thousands of
dollars a year, make these incredible tunes. There's one thing that sets
these guys apart from the rest however, and that's five little stars in
a weekly publication and in 00index files. We see some of these musicians,
lets call them, CrackHead, NecroPhiliac, and Murple Lotion ( no
resemblence to persons living or dead ), and they get into different
groups. Well, these groups, put out really, REALLY good music, and ALWAYS
get the cherished 5 little stars, well, some of the other musicians look
at this and say "why can't I make good music like this, I can't do anything
right, why in God's name do I even try?". Or they say, "I don't have 5
stars like they do, yet, I like what kind of music I write, or I wouldn't
release it."

It's the whole system folx, something has to be changed, or we're
gonna wind up like the rest of AmeriKKKa. Look at all the slime that
live in our ghetto's. They don't think they can go anywhere in life,
because a guy on TV has a brand new Jaguar and a beautiful wife and
a house with 3 kids and good clothes. If we use this 'rating system'
much longer, it's only gonna make it worse, we have made up this
un-definable chart of requirements to what makes good music, and we
stick to it, even though some people make a VALIANT effort to try and
do something they think people will enjoy (And yet, somehow, we don't
because it doesn't fit the rules). Yet, these 'little guys' are doing
something that makes them happy, but at the same time, are getting
knocked down because they don't have the right samples or something.


The whole scene has gone to sh-- because of this crap. People's
self esteems are getting low, and nerves are on end. I don't want to
see this crap. I think we should realize that even though it may not
be a five star tune, it can still be a 5 star effort. MOTHERF--- the
ratings. I'm sorry, but I don't want to see people arguing and fighting
like two roosters in a cage when it comes to a trivial question such
as 'his tune is better than mine because he got **** and I got **'.
Fuck that. I want people to be happy with each other (and maybe get
naked or something and pose for me, but who knows. :)

Much of what I've said is a collection of thoughts as I sit here
pondering about what is wrong. I don't have the best solution, (Get
rid of the ratings and just tell people about the tune. What it's like,
what stye of music, tell em what happens.. like a plot-line or something
jesus christ), but people shouldn't be judged by how many points they
gather in a publication either. If you don't like my opinions, then
voice yourself. It's the first step to making it better.

... and remember kiddo's, F--- THE VOTE. Light / Kosmic


--[4. SceneWeb]------------------------------------------------[Psibelius]--

This week in SceneWeb, we check out one of the most popular sites among
scene artists and musicians alike: The SuperUnknown, run by Jordan
Snodgrass, better known as Flood Myth of ACiD Productions and Epinicion.

The Superunknown *
Total hits to date (of article): 3,719

The first thing you are presented with when you visit SU is the front
door. Here you are informed of the requirements for viewing the page.
Since the page implements many advanced HTML 3.0 features, you MUST be
running Netscape 2.0b1 or later. The large graphics and heavy design on
SU are better views in 800x600 screen resolution, and a 28.8 modem connect
or faster is preferred.

That said, click on "5. Superunknown" and enter!

The opening screen is very detailed, with lots of color and excellent
design. You have over twelve choices to make from the main matrix,
ranging from a scene "catalog" to information on new releases from
various groups, as well as personal info for FloodMyth.

The centerpiece of SuperUnknown is it's scene directory. Here, you will
found a comprehensive listing of most of the major known groups in the
scene today. The music scene listing is a tad out of date (a few of the
groups don't exist anymore), but is still well rounded. Links to the
Virtual Music Page, Kosmic Free Music Foundation, even DMK and Pure are
found here. Since the page is also geared for artists as well, you will
also find tons and tons of ansi/vga groups. =) Then there are links to
tons of awesome graphics, publishing, and HTML sites.

FloodMyth has asked me to request from you readers to visit his page and
help him update his music section! SU is very popular with ansi/vga
artists, but the musicians section is quite please be sure
to add SU as a bookmark in your WWW browser.

Also, ALL of the graphics currently on the page are being reworked. Some
of the art is still left over from Superunknown's early lynx/text days,
and is making a final transition into a total graphic interface...

And a little tidbit for all of you: find the secret! Fans of 'The Net'
starring Sandra Bullock should know what to look for. =)

Gene Wie (Psibelius)


/-[Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------------------------

--[5. Interview with Pariah]--------------------------[Master of Darkness]--

<Mdark> = Master of Darkness / Aim Higher <>
<Ender> = Pariah / VSL <>

= Interview conducted on Sat Dec 28 @ 9:00 PM EST

<Mdark> Welcome to a (long-awaited) comeback of FITC. Due to my wonderful
internet account being totally screwed I am forced to bring you in
the next couple of weeks the wonderful world of my local scene -
the Toronto scene.

You might not know much about it right now, but you will soon
come to learn about it in 1996 :). Today we have Pariah, a bright
young composer, who's probably one of the best around IMHO. Ok
pariah.. the usual.. groups/affils, name, age (if ya want) and how
long ya been composin for'.

<Pariah> Ok, first off thanx to mdark fer bringing me in here. Ok, well, my
name is Edwin de la Vega, 19 this coming January, and I've been
composing fer almost a year now. I started off in a small grp
called DDT, what's it stand for... Digital Dream Tyrants, ahhh, I
dunno, anyway it didn't last that long and soon after it died I
was asked to join V.S.L, a Toronto based Dance Music group. So
that's where I am now.

<Mdark> Well I sorta remember DDT... and I remember Vicious, and Imagix
(now paganus) and a bit of yourself with those damn ansis. But
enough about that... So I guess your first group experience wasn't
that all enlightening then we can take it?

<Pariah> Heck no, I didn't know anyone in that grp! No communication, so
that's what was missing.

<Mdark> ahh so would you agree that there are alot (maybe too many)
smaller groups out there that just don't amount to anything? I.E.
would you much rather be in a larger group than something small
trying to make a name for itself?

<Pariah> Hmmm, well basically V.S.L started off small, then we grew rapidly
and we learned a lot along the way, and gathered a few other ppl
with talent. So I'd rather start with a small grp, instead of a
larger one. Mostly because a person faces a lot of pressure from
the other members.

<Mdark> I guess that's true so then you don't mind these groups? Because
believe me there ARE a tonne of them out there. I guess everybody
has to start somewhere. It's too bad their aren't more groups
willing to allow newbies in eh? I mean from what you've told me IN
THE PAST about DDT even though you were in the group they didn't
really allow you to release anything.

So within a small group you'd have to have people with a common
goal then right?

<Pariah> Right, a common goal has to be set. Umm, I really don't mind these
other groups in the scene, I actually like to see them since they
help make the scene seem more welcoming to newbies, and they also
help give a better chance for the pc music scene to be introduced
to the general public.

<Mdark> So more aware of them I see. Yeah i guess that makes sense. For me
personally while AIM Higher's music isn't greatly flaunted by many
the thing it stands for makes alot of people grab it who normally
wouldn't :).

NEhow... you said you were a part of a 'dance' group. Now this
would seem to go against the 'norm' of the 'top' music as dictated
by the scene today. Do you have any views on the state of dance
style music in the scene today?

<Pariah> Ooh, dance music in the scene is looked at differently. I mean,
I've encountered discussions here and there saying that it takes
no talent to make dance music, but that's not true...

People say it takes no talent to make dance music because it's so
easy to make in FT2 or whatever. I've seen some good dance music
tracks out there, and uhh...

<Mdark> Heh ok sorry to interrupt but maybe my theory of what's gone on
recently might help you to explain. The theory is that over the
past few years Future Crew and Renaissance have made demo music
the thing to do. The thing to make. The thing to accomplish. In my
opinion their 'technoey dancey' songs are what I'd call demo. But
that's a whole other argument. Point is that over the past few
years there was no real precedence for dance music.

Kosmic had it sure but that was it. Even some of Maelcum's tunes
I didn't particularily like tho because they weren't a style to my
liking. So with the whole scene pointed towards demo music, dance
music was put on the backburner so to speak. And if it was
produced - other than the odd tune - it was given bad reviews or
'demonews' ratings.

Now that FT2 has made the gift of tracking and sound quality
that much better, there are a great deal of people out there
making trance/ambient/dance/rave type tunes. Some are good and
some are not.

Unfortunately the ones who are not - and this is from personal
experience - have been giving dance a bad name. Because of the
past prejudices against dance people THINK they can compose by
putting a beat, a hi-hat, and some wierd sounding samples at
different intervals inbetween. They stick a group name on it and
call it music. THAT'S what's giving dance a bad name. My point is
since it's been getting a bad name, even with all the good music
emerging from that particular style, it's still being ignored
because of what has progressed. But fortunately the future
dictates a change in attitude.

Is this something like (except in a little more detail) you were
gonna say? :)

<Pariah> Very much (nice speech btw). Yeah, there still are some trackers
out there, some newbies and some others, but they don't use their
musical ear to make dance music, like you said, they just enter
notes here and there, that's not music.

<Mdark> In doing Demonews reviews the past few months I've realize how
much 'bad' stuff there was out there. Then I noticed that I wasn't
doing any better. I won't say I'm a devoted demo freak or anything
like that but I've had to stiffen up. When people like deus ex of
Chill begin to complain that their stuff is getting marked
unfairly, what they have to keep in mind is that what they view as
good music isn't necessarily good in other people's views. I think
that to take demonews ratings overly serious is rediculous. As a
demonews reviewer I might've possibly marked the VSL stuff 1/2
mark higher at least, because I admire your work more than others.
But just because the other reviewer gave it lower doesn't mean
he's wrong or biased against dance. where was I going with this
again? I seemed to have lost my train of though :)...

Oh yeah... I think that it's a rumor spread also that dance is
bad. It's not necessarily what people think but a conglomeration
of thoughts that get spewed into one big garbage pool. Instead of
looking at the good they look at the bad. When a good tune comes
out that's dance they say 'oh but that's a fluke look at all the
OTHER crap that comes out with dance'. IT'S NOT THE STYLE. IT'S
THE COMPOSER. :). There. All that mumbling and babbling and
incomplete sentence fragmentation and there's my point. :)

<Pariah> Woah, you do write a lot heheh, looks like it's YOUR interview =).
Ahh, ok well I didn't take Demonews' VSL rating, or any other
song's rating seriously, cuz I know that it's all just a rating
from ONE person. True? Ok. I learned another important point in my
whole 'musical life' and that is that "There's no such thing as
BAD music. Only music that some people aren't too FOND about." I
got a lot of feedback about that statement, but that's what I

<Mdark> And if they don't like it 'screw 'em' you are here to have fun
and to compose for the hell of it. Not to impress anybody. I've
gone over it with everybody I've interviewed and they agree. It
should only be for fun. Now we are running short of time so we
should move on. What are you trying to accomplish through your
composing exploits?

<Pariah> Basically, I'm composing for fun yes, but i'm also composing to
please the ear of other people as well. I'm not trying to make
myself known as a GOD or anything, if it does come to that point.
oh well. I won't boast. I also want to help bring a better insight
to the dance music scene, as I said earlier.

<Mdark> so with all of this stuff about dance going around which is
supposedly 'easy to do and you don't need any musical background
to do it' it leads me to the question of just what experience you

<Pariah> Well, I have over 10 years of musical experience. That's some
theory, a lot of piano, bass & guitar, drums, ahh trumpet...
recorder hheheheh. Oh yeah, and I also play in a various other
live bands.

<Mdark> heh. Wow I never knew all of that. That sure kills that theory. So
do you usually incorporate this into your songs?

<Pariah> Yep, well my musical instructors are now proud of me and don't
slap me around anymore, but I really do use my musical ear when
composing my songs. Check some of them out, and you'll see.

<Mdark> Well I must admit that some of the first songs from you that i
heard didn't fit in with musical theory as it were, but I think
you've matured into a good composer not just a tracker as it
were :).

Uhmm.. is there anything in particular that you can suggest to
some of the newbies out there that might be able to help them
without forking out large $$$?

<Pariah> Well, to all the newbies, if you have some cash to spare, take up
some piano or guitar lessons, if you have no cash find a group
like AIM HIGHER or EPI, and if you're too lazy...examine other
peoples' songs, but don't rip em.

<Mdark> hey a plug without me doing it :). Uhmm I think you brought up a
really important thing there at the end. You know alot of people
think that using other people's BASIC ideas is wrong. There's
NOTHING wrong with it. You can't be creative like necros or
basehead or someone of that calibre all of the time day in and
day out, sometimes you need to find ideas/inspiration from other
areas, and examining a skaven song to see how he manipulates
certain instruments to make them sound right certainly isn't bad.
NEhow I think that works.

<pariah> basics like chord progression's, some can get away w/ripping,
like this basic chord progression which's been round fer the
longest time. C+,F+,G+...a lotta ppl use it, but don't carbon
copy the WHOLE song.

<Mdark> yeah ripping samples is one thing, but I've seen too many purple
motion ripoffs (gee I'm really name-dropping for some reason) in
the past little while to make me realize that this isn't the way
to go everytime :)...

<Mdark> Ok well keeping that in mind. Is there anything you'd like to say
as a final word on the dance scene, or on the interview, or the
scene as a whole, or your pet lizard perhaps?

<Pariah> Nothing much really, but I hope that with the hard work of
everyone composing for a real purpose, we get the pc music scene
known to the public.

<Mdark> i'm sure there's more of 'us' out there so here's hoping that we
can bring unity in 1996. It's been great talking with ya. we
should do it again sometime. :). I wish you the best of luck in
your endeavours both in composing music and aiding with it.

<Pariah> Thanks, and I'd also like to say Happy New Year to everyone. Let's
make it a good one.

<Mdark> You can do greets if ya want to :)

<Pariah> Aww hell, ok all of the VSL members, you, Radical Rhythms (where
are you guys), and everyone else I know...

<Mdark> kewlio (they just released chapter 8 disk in the wee hours of
yesterday morning so they are around). Well that's all for this

Join us again next week for... well another Toronto person :)
So long pariah!

<Pariah> Peace out.

<*> Where You Can Get Pariah's Tunes <*>

Pariah is currently in a Toronto Dance Group Called V.S.L.
His songs can be found on the HORNET archive and
its mirrors or locally in toronto from Da Club BBS.

Some of his releases are:


He also has a collection of songs in the VSL DJ's Dream Disk:



/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[6. Epinicion Productions]------------------------------------------------
___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________
| // \\ \\_____) \\_____) \\_____) \\ \\ |
: / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \:
// _____// / \ : / \ _____/ \ / : \.
\\_______/ _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____| /:
: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

Be on the lookout for a new musicdisk from Kxmode very soon!

Group Restructuring: Please be patient. All information for the new
group regulations will be sent out before the end of January.

ALL of Epinicion's 1995 and 1996 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion

Epinicion's revised webpage can be found at the following address: The page has gone
under many changes, and we will have a complete listing of all songs
available for download along with reviews by summer!

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[7. Explizit]-------------------------------------------------------------
.....______________.____________________________________________| |__...
:::::\__ _____ | ______ \ \______) \_____)_ _____/:::
:::::::/ __>/\/ . __/| __/ / /__ \_____ \ \| |::::::
::::::/ | / \ : \| \_____/ / \ \_ _____/ \ |::::::
:::::/ \__| \_ :::\ / / / | \ / |::::::
Explizit TraxWeekly column issue #6 - january 18, 1995

. .
.' yeh `.

Hi there!

This'll be a short one, 'coz i don't have too much time at the moment,
we all don't as a matter of fact....
If you want to receive the explizit releases MIME-encoded to your
mailbox, send a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the
title of the message. If you're subscribed, you will receive an
acknowledgment. So remember, if you have not received an ack, you have
not been subscribed to the list. Also, note that the adress has changed.

I've lost a great deal of my internet access, i can only email as a
matter of fact. Don't worry, i'll FTP at a friend's place. Now you wish
you were subscribed to our mailing-list! =]

See y'all next week. Bye!


. .
.' explizit membaz `.

Ch:ilm staff
Phonc(ie) music,staff
Batjo music
Jay music - none -
Paranoid Man code - dunno -
LightWing senior code

. .
.' news `.

Coming up (last half of january)
- the deadline to our diskmag EXPLORATiON.

. .
.' releases `.

E-DAT.RAR Jan-10 Jay
Dudes Are Trancing S3M
Trance, what more is there to say? ;-) Offcourse it sounds
awesome.... grin.

E-RAON.RAR Jan-14 Phonc(ie)
Rave On!
Typical German rave in the style of Westbam/Marusha. A sax,
pianos, chords, it's all there. :)

. .
.' end `.

Thank you for reading, you can ftp all our releases from:
(does anyone know of an other FAST and RELIABLE site?)
For feedback, info and a wreal kewl homepage:
(since my beatiful hack was discovered they'll nuke this
site within a couple of days. Enjoy while you can! :)



--[8. Rippen' Artistic Talent]----------------------------------------------
_______________________________________________ _________________________
| ====== === ======= .== .= ======.=====. | RAT.NFO - Your friendly |
| == == ==== `== ==== == == == == | ^^^^^^^ RaT update! |
| =====< ==_== == == == == ==== == == | Brought to you from |
| == `== == == == == ==== == == == | sunny Renton, WA by |
| == ==== == == .> =' ==' == `=====' | Dude & Catspaw, RaT |

-About RaT-
RaT stands for Rippen' Artistic Talent. Founded in 1993 by Dude and a
young group of poets, artists, and musicians, the initial point of RaT
was actually a joke--intended to mock all the the elitist k-rad kiddies
that were starting to infest the local Seattle BBS scene. :) Over time,
members came and went, and those of us who remained came to realize that
we had something here--a group of people who all knew each other in
person within the local area, shared a passion for their art or poetry,
and were tired of all the bigotry, prejudice, elitism, and internal
bickering that so many national and international art teams were ridden
with. RaT came to symbolize a rare quality: local friendship within art.

-Where to find us-

Our support board, Rat City, is currently down pending a complete
reworking of the software. It should be back up by early March.

As always, the latest team releases can be found on, in
the usual song upload areas. Every few months we also release a music
disk on no particular schedule. Individual song releases will usually
(but not always) be found with the filename RAT_*.ZIP.

Currently, Catspaw is handling internet feedback and distribution for
the art team. You can reach RaT through him for comments or specific
file requests at or on IRC #trax.

-Recent Releases-

RaT 1995 Seasoning Pack
Yes, you too can add basil to your life! Why, just a dash of this
Winter pack will add sound, music, and picture to your life... and
it stays crunchy even in milk!

Not a demo, but a showcase of different people from our art team, of
varying talent and experience, collaborating to merge their art
styles and do impressions of each other's works.

Featuring VGA art, animations, music, and poetry from many of our


Dude Music Pack 13
For two years, the leader of RaT has periodically released packs of
his latest music to the local Seattle area. Now, for the first time,
his locally-famous music packs are being released to the tracking
community at large.

Featuring an opening animation by Coolman, front-end program by
Catspaw, and music by Dude! Plus countless inside jokes that nobody
will get, and hidden songs--collect all 10!


Thanks for listening! Enjoy!
..Dudie and Catsy



TraxWeekly is available via FTP from: /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from:

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. NO HIGH ASCII IS ALLOWED. Different country code
pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text. Profanities and other derogatory
subjects should be avoided if possible.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Deus Ex (...)
Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Trifixion (Tyler Vagle)
Zinc (Justin Ray)
Reporter: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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