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TraxWeekly Issue 065

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 65
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- | TraxWeekly Issue #65 | Release date: 07-25-96 | Subscribers: 672 | -


Welcome to TraxWeekly #65.

This week features "Tracking as an Olympic Sport," an excellent proposal
by Blackwolf to introduce to the world the many wonders of the music scene
and the world class musicians which form its ranks (not).

TraxCulture continues on its bashing spree; this time the bottle spins
and points to Finland...

Hollywood has his group Mono to exhibit...

...and Music Trackers International is getting off to a very fast start.
Please support this organization!

Next week, an ascii art exhibition by Cruel Creator, who has generously
donated time and effort to make some excellent pics for this newsletter.

Gene Wie (Psibelius)
TraxWeekly Publishing


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General Articles

1. Tracking as an Olympic Sport..................Blackwolf
2. Sample Ripping Settled........................Beacon
3. Review of 'Enigma'............................Benjamin Krause
4. TraxCulture...................................Random Lamers

Group Columns

5. Mono


6. Music Trackers International (MTi)


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Tracking as an Olympic Sport]----------------------------[Blackwolf]--

Heylo, I'm Blackwolf, your #trax Olympic Correspondant in Atlanta.
When I wasn't running around Downtown with a Pepsi shirt on, I was
thinking about how I could fit Tracking into the Olympic Games. I spent
very little brain cells and a small amount of seconds and wrote this to
the Olympic Comittee in Atlanta and it will probably be tabled,
forwarded, recycled, thrown away, spit on, wiped upon, recycled again,
and then wind up as a napkin on His Excellency Juan Antonio Sammarach's
desk at the IOC headquarters in France. Then he will blow his nose on
it and throw it into the Kapitalist trash can filled with the Borscht
he got as payment from the Commies. Oh well, I can't say that I didn't

FROM: Blackwolf / Mystique
TO: Billy Payne, CEO Atlanta Comittee for the Olympic Games (ACOG)
SUBJ: Tracking as an Exhibition Sport

You guys let Ballroom Dancing in as an Olympic Sport. I'm ashamed.
You don't need to be an athlete to dance, is it a marathon? Dance till
you drop? You probably need some music for that event.

Music...Yeah...Music. How about making Tracking an Olympic Sport? I
mean, Atlanta has the facilities for it, and there is enough of an
international interest in the event. You don't think you can do it?
Here, I'll outline how it would work for you.

During the opening ceremonies, you give out the sample pack to the
participants. Then, for the next two weeks, they can enter the Tracking
Venue during the daytime whenever they're not partying or drinking to
work on their song. They have to use the trackers provided and the
samples provided. Where in Atlanta could this be held? Well, the
Georgia World Congress Center is quite big, and so is the Inforum, where
Computer Shows such as COMDEX take place. Or, if you don't want to have
something like this in your precious "Olympic Ring", you can hold it at
the University of Georgia in Athens. I'm sure they won't mind. (It'd
make a great place to hold a demoparty!)

At the end of the tracking period, I'm sure music fans will pack the
venue (UGA Coliseum?) to listen to the olympic songs that the
participants created. Then, music judges from around the world will
vote on these songs. These songs could also be used in the other sports
(Ballroom Dancing!?) as the music they have to be athletic (?) to.

The winning song could be played during the Closing Ceremonies, and
the medals will be given there.

There is worldwide interest in this event, trust me. Let me run down
some of the countries. The USA will have a Dream Team there (I'm on it
because this is my dream!) along with the Finnish World Domination.
Canada will have a strong team, along with the United Kingdom and
Germany. The French will have a team "bring to you", and even Greece
has some medal contendors. There are some other places around the
world, but these are the major ones.

Please consider adding Tracking as an Exhibition Sport to your Summer
Games. This event is so versitile that it could even take place during
the Winter Olympics. Thank you for your time.

And please tell Bubba The Blue Slug/The Big Blue Happy Sperm/Izzy I
said hi.

Bobby "Blackwolf" Tamburrino ( UGA Pit Member
Mystique 1995, 1996


--[2. Sample Ripping Settled]--------------------------------------[Beacon]--

In response to Kristian Eriksen's excellent article on sample ripping
(traxweekly issue no. 64) there are a few points that should be settled
once and for all -- this discussion has lasted way too long if you ask
me, so now I present some facts to try and conclude this discussion.

The whole sample ripping discussion really comes down to this: CAN anyone
deny you of ripping their samples?

In most cases the answer is NO. To have the full copyright of a sample
you must have PRODUCED it yourself. If you sample your own vocals or
guitar riffs, then you CAN deny anyone using these samples, from a legal
point of view. But if you e.g. sample someone else's voice or work you
have to get their permission before using the sample in your music.

So sampling away from sample CDs, synths, commercial music CDs, movies,
TV, radio etc. means you'll have to get permission before distributing
music that use these samples.

Note that there is absolutely no risk sampling from synths -- if Roland
was to sue everyone that used Roland samples, then very soon no one would
buy Roland equipment! But sampling from sample CDs is an altogether
different case. If you plan to publish music (commercially, that is) that
includes samples from sample CDs, you DO have to get a written permission
to use these samples before releasing your music -- or else you might
risk a lawsuit!

Eriksen (traxweekly issue no. 64) also mentioned that The Prodigy and
Nine Inch Nail had the copyright on their CDs, but this is not the WHOLE
truth. Sample ripping is also common in the commercial world! Massive
Attack stated: "Sampling is what we're mainly about!" (Future Music 23,
September 1994). So a given sample from e.g. The Prodigy's "Music for the
Jilted Generation" may not neccessarily be copyright of The Prodigy! The
fact is that much of The Prodigy's samples are actually sampled from
OTHER peoples work. On their most resent single, Firestarter, they have
sampled guitars from CDs by The Breeders!

But even commercial groups doesn't always get permission to release
albums that include samples from other groups. For instance, The Prodigy
steals so many samples from others it's getting hard to keep track of
which samples are their own and not! And sometimes such groups get into
a big pile of lawsuit sh--.

It's not a long time since representatives of techno wizard Scanner filed
a lawsuit against Bjork -- and won! She had snitched samples from their
music and used them in Post without getting clearance first. Result: She
had to withdrawn all her albums and release a Scanner-samplefree version.
Good for her that she didn't have to pay a fine! But using samples for
mod music is different and usually risk-free, because you don't sell your
tunes for money -- so there would be nothing to gain by suing you.

Usually it's ok to use samples from other groups if they like what you've
made -- as was the case when Future Sound of London sampled Dead Can
Dance's Lisa Gerrad's voice in their song Papua New Guinea. They hadn't
gotten permission, but she was so impressed by their song that she didn't

Nine Inch Nails also sample from other groups, but then again they are
known for their skill in producing new sounds from scratch (why do you
think id Software hired them to make the sound effects in Quake?).

So it all comes down to this: NOONE can tell you to lay off their samples
if they haven't PRODUCED the samples themselves. But if someone is really
touchy about getting their samples ripped, then why start a war? Just
leave them alone, you'll find TONS of really juicy samples elsewhere!

Personally I don't rip any samples from other mod-musicians, because I
find that my tunes get A LOT more distinct, interesting and original by
using samples that no one (or at least few) in the scene has heard
before. If everyone was to use only Basehead's and Necros' super-samples
in their tunes, then the wonderful music-scene would eventually die
because of monotony and dullness. ;) And if anyone rips samples from my
songs, I simply get flattered!

In closing, I'll quote Dune from Orange: "If you rip don't rip all", and
I think this is a rule we all should follow in order to increase the
quality of the music scene. (Tip: If you like his music, then check out
CDs by artists such as u-ziq, Autechre and Mental Overdrive etc.)

Now go make some really cool music using those JUICY samples! :))

Greets from Beacon / Sublevel 3 (subject: "to beacon")

Check out our musicdisk available from:

For more information on sampling copyrights, check out:

Future Music 34m, August 1995 (page 82-86) -- recommended!
"A User's Guide to Copyright" by M.F. Flint
"A Brief Guide to Copyright" by BCC Publishers

To get help on getting sample permission, contact:

MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society):
Elgar House, 41 Streatham High Road, London,
SW16 1ER, telephone 0181 664 4400 (in UK)
Diamond Time: telephone 0171 433 3355 (in UK)

...if you think it's funny returned your mail
it's because forwarded it...


--[3. Review of 'Enigma']--------------------------------[Benjamin Krause]--

Since several months, Traxweekly - succesfully I guess - tries to
give new artists an adequate appreciation of their songs.
Even here in Berlin, the Reviews get a high level of aceptance, although
the ratings seem to be a bit too high. Anyway, they grant an excellent
overview for music-fans wanting to pick a few good MODS out of the
thousands available.

When I last spent one of those so called german "Summerdays" sorting
my module partition once again, I recognized a few old titles, that
in the beginning of my computer days did impress me like nothing else
later. I started feeling a bit nostalgic - thinking about the good
old days on my amiga...

So I thought, that it would be a nice task for the Traxweekly showing
the roots of MOD-Tracking and honoring the real old pioneers of

I this essay, I want to take you to a journey into my memories of the
late 80's and early 90's.

it took me some hours to decide, wich song should be selected first.
Then I selected the soundtrack of the most impressing demo back in
1991, called "Enigma" by Phenomena with the excelent track by tip
and firefox.

review of 'enigma' by tip and firefox of phenomena

style: real classic demo sound
duration: 5m33s
patterns: 64

date of release: somewhen back in 1991
where to get:
composer's e-mail: erm.. is he stil alive?

(review by orc - translated by stain;) )

- [ originality: 93% ]-
- [ personal: 90% ]-

well, it guess it is impossible to rate a 5 years old song with todays
criteria. Today some people even do hard, accepting a 4 Channel MOD as
"real" music. ;) So I will only give two ratings, one for originality
and one personal. Enigma is one of the salientest songs wich burned
themself in my mind, i surprised myself often, listening to this old
tune. Especially the change of the theme (order 37 - 51) was realy
impressive back in 1991, and would even get a high rating today,
although this kind of music seems to die slowly.

Alltogether a really worthy track to start a (so god will) new column
in Traxweekly.

Benjamin Krause


--[4. TraxCulture]-----------------------------------------[Random Lamers]--

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/____________/ /__\/ /_/ // /_\ / /\_/ /_/ / / _ \_\// __/____________/\
\___________/_____//_____//____//_/ //_____/ /__\___/\/____/\____________\/
\_____\\_____\\____\\_\/ \_____\/\___\__\/\____\/ww

Last week, we were very proud to bring you the wonderful denizens of #trax
as they ridiculed and insulted an entire culture. Now, in yet another
wonderful repeat performance, another set of #trax people bring down the
finns! Next week? I don't know...

Again, same warnings: this is completely uncensored. If you are disturbed
and/or offended by this kind of humor, do yourself a favor and skip this


*** jtown ( has joined #trax
*** jtown is now known as JussiTownonen
<JussiTownonen> much better ;>
<MikPos> ahaha
<argh> Jussi fruitz
<MikPos> hehheheh
<JussiTownonen> ms: eeeeeehheheeh
*** Screamager is now known as ScrmmiMagonen
*** Lemm is now known as LiammiLemminonen
<argh> Ms_Saigon is * Jaakki Smiithonen
<ScrmmiMagonen> uhhh. nope :)
*** ScrmmiMagonen is now known as Scrm
> jt: and you should be JonneTownonen
<JussiTownonen> ms: ahh, that's a good idea...
<Aahz> ms
<LiammiLemminonen> Jaakki Smiithonen ... hahaha :)
<JussiTownonen> ms: i've always been partial to 'jussi' though ;>
*** MikPos is now known as MikkiPosonen
*** JussiTownonen is now known as JonneTownonen
<LiammiLemminonen> Aahzinen!
> jussi: heheh it's a common finnish name :)
<MikkiPosonen> mondo: uhhhh... i dunno
<Scrm> mikpos: that actually sounds like a real name
<MikkiPosonen> scrm: wewp :>
* JonneTownonen also likes the name 'jaarko'
*** Ms_Saigon is now known as JaakkiSmithonen
<Scrm> jerrko
*** argh is now known as Argholio_Maliliini
<JonneTownonen> -- invasion of the finns --
<MikkiPosonen> ahhhaha
* Zorro does not understand this.
<Argholio_Maliliini> Mondo: Dunno
*** JaakkiSmithonen is now known as JaakkiSalmiakki
<Mondo> I'm a finn
*** howler ( has joined #trax
<MikkiPosonen> zorro: whe're becoming more finnish :>
<JonneTownonen> zorro: waakii finnish humor ;>
<MikkiPosonen> jonne :>
<Zorro> Woo! <just what we need, more Fins...>
<Argholio_Maliliini> werd
<Zorro> Finns
<MikkiPosonen> ehhehe zor
<howler> jaakki
<JonneTownonen> argh: 'werdii'
*** Aahz is now known as AahzMattika
* JaakkiSalmiakki = MS
<JonneTownonen> argh: or at least 'werdonen'
<Argholio_Maliliini> oholio yehii
<MikkiPosonen> wewpii aahzonen
<Scrm> w00ponen
*** Zorro is now known as DaavveZawitzonen
<DaavveZawitzonen> ???
* Argholio_Maliliini stompsonen MikkiPosonen
<JonneTownonen> zorro: try 'daavii'
*** DaavveZawitzonen is now known as DaaviiZawitzonen
*** AahzMattika is now known as Aahz
* MikkiPosonen spittsi ononen argholio
<LiammiLemminonen> good ol' #traxxinen :)
<MikkiPosonen> ehhehe lieammi
<DaaviiZawitzonen> It's difficult to take Russian/Polish/Lithuanian
to Finnish...
<LiammiLemminonen> or is it #traaxinen? :)
*** JonneTownonen is now known as jtown
<jtown> eeheheh
*** DaaviiZawitzonen is now known as Zorro
<Aahz> this is what happens when there is no-one elite around to talk to
<Mondo> I smell a lame #traxculture
*** JaakkiSalmiakki is now known as Ms_Saigon
<pulse> argh! :) :) ahahahaha.
<MikkiPosonen> moondonen :>
* Argholio_Maliliini is elitenonen
* Zorro wishes he was an oscar mayer weiner
<MikkiPosonen> weeiineronen!!@#!@#
*** MikkiPosonen is now known as MikPos
<MikPos> ok i'm done
<pulse> who has this on capture? :) Hehe. send it off to psib :)

[Note: For some reason, now that we've printing TraxCulture again after a
period of avoidance, people are sending me tons of stuff for TraxCulture.
Please bear in mind that not everything is really that "funny." I would
appreciate not getting 40k of IRC capture in my mail with a comment that
says, "There was this one line in here that was really funny. Hope you
can find it. Bye!" I have other things to do besides scan thousands of
lines of IRC logs. -Ed.]


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[5. Mono]-----------------------------------------------------------------

_____/\ ______/\_____/\_______ /\_____
\____/\\/______/\ _ _ /\_______\//\____/
| \/ \/ \/ \/ |
___:___ _______ ________ _________ ___:_ _ _
_ __\ \/ // _ \_\ _ \_/ _
_ _ / / \ / / /
_ ________\/ \__________/___ / /\________ _
_ _ __________: -T/_________ _ _ _ __/____/HTW :_________________ _

[*Mono* - Eklektik. Elektronik. Musik.]


Hi traxweekly readers. :)

h0l of Mono here (aka Hollywood, ex. of Kosmic and Valhalla, amongst
others.) Welcome to the Mono info stuph which I'll try to post regularly to
be included on TW. Don't worry, I won't bore you to death, just offer
pertinent info on what's happening in Mono at the moment and what's coming
up. :)

Well, just a recap, for those who didn't see the old info I put in TW
a while back. Mono is an 'elektronik' music group only - that's music
that's created on a computer, not emulated on a computer, so we're
talking anything from ambient, through trance, techno, triphop, up
to gabba. :P Although we didn't release any gabba yet. :) All the
current members compose MODs, so Mono is at the moment a 4-channel group.
But, ya know, big deal. That doesn't stop us making original and fresh
stuff. And we're going to start releasing XMs in the _very_ near future,
with a guest-release from a very famous musician to start things off. More
info next time.

Up to now Mono's released 26 module archives, releasing roughly twice a
week. Try to get hold of, well, all of them. ;) We've had guest releases
from people such as Vivid/Kosmic+RR and Yolk/CNCD, and we'll keep blasting
it until someone tells us otherwise.

Umm, some people say Mono (or more specifically myself!) is being too
competitive. I just say, if you wanna get anywhere, you need to make
yourself known. I have faith in the quality of our releases, something
I've never completely had in any demo/music crew I've been in over my 6
years in the scene. What Mono has which differentiates us from anyone else
is quality control. And quality control means quality. :)

If you want the zipped PC-filename versions of our tunes, then go to in 1996/mod/m :) Otherwise, the other ftp sites have
lha versions of our tunes. Stay cool and listen closely.

Mono - natural born kikkers. see ya next time. :)


h0l.....................................................[organiser, musik.]

and santa's little helpers...

murk.........................................................[design guru!]

[contact Mono? email h0l:]

!nTeRnEt: ftp, pub/mods/mono/ [Papa demo archive!]
ftp, pub/aminet/mods/misc/ [Aminet UK.]
ftp,pub/aminet/mods/misc/ [Aminet US.]
(and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!), pub/demos/music/songs/1996/mods/m
[Hornet PC demo archive, ZIP version!]

[please note, all Mono releases use a m_ filename. easy to find.]
[If you can't find a release via ftp, look in the /incoming directory!]


WHQ => D!g!tal Candy - +44-191-232-5527 - !Hybrid! - 6 node ringdown.
CHQ => TurrahanRelm - +1-604-477-0639 - !Mr.Wonka! - Mountie Intels!
CHHQ=> WeylandYutani - +41-628-273430 - !Trance! - nup=kama sutra!
- +41-628-274025 - !Trance! - 2 nodes ov modem,
- +41-628-274028 - !Trance! - this node ISDN!
CRHQ=> The Pound - +385-1-215-132 - !Phr+Mater! - smart Croatian HQ!
GHQ => Los Endos - +49-0-2103-52440 - !Exon! - 33k6 power. :)
NLHQ=> BlueNose Prod.- +31-345-619401 - !Troop+KR33!- kickin' PC board!
NLHQ=> Samplec!ty - +31-165-365610 - !Dynamix! - funkitDutchstyle!
NLHQ=> SL1210 - +31-43-363-8243 - !Ch:ilm! - wicked PC music-BBS
- +31-43-363-1724 - !Ch:ilm! - all releases free.
NLHQ=> SouthernTribe - +31-416-330252 - !Wizz! - enter Reality now!
NLHQ=> Wild Palms - +31-30-6037959 - !Radavi! - home of Black Sista
NZHQ=> Rivendell - +649-817-7280 - !Ethereal! - viva Nuw Zealand HQ
RHQ => Purple Dream - +7-095-9305319 - !Gdm! - open 00-09.00(GMT+3
SHQ => Intersect!on - +46-8-774-4895 - !Zalt! - smart tunez galore.
SHQ => Wasted Youth - +46-910-26665 - !Dansken! - 3 nodes ringdown on
- +46-910-36665 - !+and+! - first numba, with d
- +46-910-779578 - !Boggan! - Swedish supa-sysops
SFHQ=> Spl!t Sec0nd - +358-31-3630820 - !Carebear! - cool Mono sysop!
UKHQ=> Havok - +44-1702-306474 - !Defbase! - anarchy in da uk.:P
USHQ=> TheFinalNote - +1-912-474-9285 - !Qwiksilver!- cool gr00vy musik.

[we're looking for distribution sites worldwide, email h0l if you can help]



-------------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------- mti|Music Trackers International FAQ v1.3|.net

[1 ]. What is MTI?
[2 ]. How would you publicize my or my group's music?
[3 ]. MTI's Terms
[4 ]. How do I contact MTI?
[5 ]. When is everything going to become a reality already?
[6 ]. Is there something I can do to help speed up the arrival of MTI?
[7 ]. Will there be a text version of the MTI web site for my Linux browser?
[8 ]. With MTI do I have to track a certain number of songs per month?
[9 ]. What's in it for Saurax and Daedalus?
[10]. The MTi Email Talk List

1. What is MTI?
Music Trackers International, or simply, MTI, is a non-profit organization
with one aim in mind: to publicize digitally tracked music far and wide,
our primary means being the Internet.

With the MTI service, you or your music tracking group can use us for
support (www. and ftp.), promotion and publicity, for free.

MTI is -NOT- a group, but a service for the scene's tracking community.

2. How would you publicize my or my group's music?
At the moment, MTI's main target is the Internet and its FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) and World Wide Web services.

Your music would enter the MTI database. Anyone would be able to use FTP
and/or the 'Web to locate and retreive your music, using 1 of, currently,
5 search methods:

Search by:

The MTI service is offered FREE to ALL trackers. There are terms, which
are covered below, that are to obeyed at all times when using the service.

3. MTI's Terms
1. Tracked music is to be done in a recognized format (ie. IT, XM, S3M,
MDL and MOD).
2. All styles of music are accepted (eg. Rock, Techno, (Luvk)pop, Opera..)
3. Without express permission from MTI, uploaded modules MAY NOT EXCEED
1 MB.
4. Present a professional attitude in regards to your music and others.
5. Upon each submission of your module to MTI, please include a completed
description file in the MDZ format (email MTI for more information).
6. MTI will not be held responsible for any illegally attained aspect of
your music (via copyright violation or unapproved use of others'
module patterns, etc.) or any other criminal act on your part.
7. While MTI will offer FTP and WWW access for your work, everyone will
have access to your material. MTI, and the members of its staff
cannot accept responsibility for any unauthorized commercial use of
your work.
8. MTI reserves the right to remove you from our database due to
disobedience of these terms or unforeseen circumstances.
9. You have to believe that you can improve, that you aren't perfect and
you must learn to accept constructive criticism.
10. Terms are subject to change, WITH notice.

4. How do I contact MTI?
You can contact MTI via Internet E-mail;
To submit queries and suggestions, please send E-mail to:
Saurax :
Or you can usually find either one of us on IRC..
AnotherNet Servers:, Channel: #trax

5. When is everything going to become a reality already?!
In the very near future, just hang in there :) ... The leased line
needs to be installed BY THE PHONE COMPANY (- Need I say more?).

6. Is there something I can do to help speed up the arrival of MTi?
Well, that depends :). A lot of time, effort and finance is going
into the MTI project. Donations of any type will be welcomed and will
definitely go to a good cause.

7. Will there be a text version of the MTI web site for my Linux browser?
The pages are being designed so that no matter what browser you use,
they look great -- a Microsoft Internet Explorer-enhanced version of
the pages is also being taken into consideration at this time.

8. With MTI do I have to track a certain number of songs per month?
No, nor do you have to track 'unique' songs for MTI. We will
publicize your music that is released elsewhere and/or your music
that is not released elsewhere.

9. What's in it for Saurax and Daedalus?
<Saurax> My intention is not for personal gain, but gain for MTI as a whole.
Trackers need support and hopefully MTI can give them that support.

<Daedalus> A chance to try and help the scene move into the future...
and to ensure that it's a household topic around the world... =)

10. The MTi Email Talk List
Feel free to join the MTI talk list, where members and supporters of
MTI share their views of MTI, tracking and the scene in general!
Simply email with no subject (ie. leave
the subject field blank) and in the body of the message just type
subscribe mti
and you'll be able to post and receive mail in the talk list.


Mick Rippon [Independant]
Ozone [Aftermath, Heretics]

Feijao [The MODerators]
Guizmo [The MODerators]
Marlboro [The MODerators]
Uterere [The MODerators]

Atlantic [?]
Balrog [?]
DHarmony [Carcass, Impression]
FutureAssassin [?]
MikPos [MARTYR, Zyzzx]
Porus [Independant]
Zapper [Force Ten]

Galahad [Gemini]

Vivid [?]

aMUSiC [Enigma, DDD, mACHoNE, Scar, OCT]

Screamager [Radical Rhythms, Traxx]

4-Ice [Devotion, ?]
Bert [?]
Calimero [Devotion, ?]
Splinter [Devotion, ?]
The Fury [Devotion, ?]

Nexus [?]

PGM [TheGrid, Team #Coders]

Garfield [?]

South Africa:
Elemental [Independant]
Saurax [Independant]

United Kingdom:
Aquafresh [Independant]
Lemm [?]
Smash [io]

United States:
Basehead [?]
C. Ray C. [?]
cd [GG, Grey]
Cylus [Acid, Blade, Dizwar, Landslide]
Daedalus [KFMF, Landslide, Synergy]
Floss [Amen, KFMF, Baygle Dawg Pro-duck-shins]
Fred [Fuel, Terraformer]
gd [Hornet, Synergy]
Inner Vision [Carcass, Ice]
jtown [Inferno]
KamoPhlage [Halogen Dreams]
Khyron [?]
Kleitus [Inferno]
Leviathan [Kosmic, Renaissance]
Malakai [?]
Necros [FM, Psychic Monks, dCb]
Nemesis [?]
NightTiger [?]
OxideMan [Gemini]
Paradoks [Independant]
Parity [Gemini]
PeriSoft [?]
pfister [TS, Chip Pimps, Punc]
Pubert [THEM]
Siren [?]
Synapse [?]
Szalemandre [?]
Tempest [?]
Uranium [Independant]

Saurax - President | MTi :
Daedalus - VP | MTi :



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Please contact the TraxWeekly staff at the following addresses:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Staff: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Fred (Fred Fredricks)
Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
Kleitus (Seth Katzman)
Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Populus (Nicolas Roberge)
Trifixion (Tyler Vagle)
Zinc (Justin Ray)
Reporter: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Graphics: Stezotehic (...)....................(...)
Squidgalator2 (...)
White Wizard (...)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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