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Underground eXperts United File 323

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Underground eXperts United
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[ Don't Date Me ] [ By Joseph ]
[Don't Date Me]
I've got that feeling again. It's not a very good feeling.
When I get it, I know things are actually going from bad to
worse. When I met her this evening she acted quite normal
and did not behave in any way that led me to suspect
that there was something wrong. Still, during our
conversation I could always feel that she was holding
something back. Something that she really didn't want me to
know about.
I definitely knew there was something wrong when she
didn't ask me to call her or anything. I felt disappointed
and thought to myself that she is only doing what every
girl before her had done; dumping me. I stared at her
for a moment and couldn't draw my eyes from her. I knew she
was just a girl, one in my own age. But still, I thought
that this one was different. Why couldn't she tell me
that she didn't want me, when I first met her? I felt
deeply betrayed.
This time though, there was no easy way out. She had
to pay for this. She was going to pay for all the pain
that the likes of her had caused me during all these years.
We went home to my place. As we went in, I locked the
door and hid the key under some papers on a table.
I was sure now. She was going to dump me. No girl in her
right mind starts babbling about 'freedom' and 'having to
spend some time to herself' unless she's going to dump
someone. I then knew what was going to happen. We sat down
on my couch and I asked her if there was something I
could get her. "No, I'm fine" she said. Are you just going
to sit there and fart in my couch or what? Get on with it
you bitch!, I thought. "Well, you know...." she said. Here
it comes! "I feel that perhaps we should take some time off
from our relationship", she said looking down at my table.
I sat down and tried to catch her eyes as I started to talk
to her. "Damn it! I love you! Why didn't you say something
about this before? Perhaps we could have worked it out!", I
said to her in the most calm way possible. She explained to
me that her love for me had faded. The fire was put out. In
other words: she had found someone else. I looked her very
deep in her eyes and asked her if she had found someone
else. "I don't know. Perhaps, sort of, I think...." I could
live with that. What I couldn't live with was the fact that
she had obviously been lying to me for a couple of months.
That I understood now. The changes in her behavior and her
unwillingness to have sex were not something that had come
just some weeks ago. This had been going on for two or
three months now. Out of the three and a half years we had
been going out she had been unfaithful to me for a couple
of months, perhaps only in thought, but hey! There's
really no difference!
I just sat there and watched her. She was getting more and
more nervous and uncomfortable as I kept on watching her
from behind the table. Finally, I said "So... Now what?"
She looked at me and asked me if I was stupid or something.
"Can't you get it man? Just leave me alone and go fuck
someone else. I don't want you anymore you fucking moron!"
she screamed at me.
That did it.
Her eyes widened when I put my hand over her mouth and
whispered to her to shut up. I punched her in the face a
couple of times. She passed out after the second or third
blow, I think. Do you think I'm stupid?, I thought to
myself. No bitch is going to push me around anymore. I went
to get a rope and other things I knew I would need for the
further arrangements. When I came back with the equipment,
she was still unconscious, though now bleeding from her
nose and mouth. I wiped it off with a towel. I tied her
arms and legs together. This bitch ain't going nowhere, I
thought and smiled to myself. She came around some ten
minutes after I had tied her up, and now she looked really
scared. I cursed myself when I discovered that I had
forgotten to put something in her mouth. I got an old rag
and stuffed it into her mouth. She looked at me with tears
in her eyes while making funny sounds behind the smelly
rag. I smiled at her and said that she wasn't going to
break any man's heart again. She caught on quite fast and
her eyes was somewhat watered. Perhaps I shouldn't be doing
this? She didn't mean any harm. Perhaps she just didn't
know any better? What if she had only been thinking out
loud and wanted to hear that I still loved her. In her
foolishness she had perhaps only said that she thought that
we needed a break?
My thoughts rushed through my brain. Ok, let's give her a
second chance. I removed the rag and asked her if she was
ok. "Ok? You fucking hit me in the face you prickless
bastard! Let me go! I never want to see you again!"
Just like I thought! No mistake on my side.
I put the rag back in to her mouth. She tried to scream. It
didn't matter, my neighbors weren't the kind who cared
about someone screaming. Actually, they didn't care about
anything except getting their drugs. Living in a rough
neighborhood had its advantages. I got my lighter and
showed it to her. "Hmmm ougghen" she said. Huh? I took the
fabric out and let her speak. "Nice lighter, now let me
go!" Apparently she didn't understand what was going to
happen. I put the rag back and lit the lighter. It burned
with a nice blue and red glow. I let it burn for a while
before I put it out. I pressed it against her forehead,
making a little smiling face appear. She went stiff and
made a lot of unpleasant sounds. I continued to make
smiling faces on her for a while. After some time she kind
of got used to it and didn't make that much noise anymore.
I knew that making smiling faces wouldn't suffice. I went
to my kitchen and got the knife that my father gave to me a
few hundred years ago. When I got back she had passed out.
I noticed that her pants were wet. I put my fingers over
her cunt and smelled them. She had wet herself. Well
baby! You have earned it!
I had to wait for a while before she came around this time.
I didn't want to throw water at her or anything. That's a
damn cruel thing to do!
When she woke up she stared at me and cried. Baby baby!
What are you crying about? I'm just going to give you some
of your own treatment! I started cutting her shirt of. Her
beautiful and well formed breasts popped out as I cut
through her bra. I laid my hand on her stomach and touched
her for the last time. Her stomach was never to be the same
again. Silky and smooth it laid there and waited for my
knife to open it up.
"This won't hurt!", I said, recalling what my dentist used
to say. I pressed my knife through her skin. Blood squirted
out because I had hit an artery. I opened her all the way
up to her neck. Things came out of her. Although the
manoeuvre must have caused a lot of pain she didn't say or
scream anything. Now she just laid there.
Looking all casual.
Written by Joseph <>
uXu #323 Underground eXperts United 1996 uXu #323
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