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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 05a

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice February, 1998
issue 5A

Question & Answer Supplement

Welcome to Your Life-Your Choice's FIRST Question &
Answer Supplement. Again, let me extend my thanks to all of you who
submitted your questions to Dr. Abrams. The tremendous response has
reinforced my belief that this is a much needed and wanted addition
to Your Life-Your Choice. I know that through this segment, we will
be able to offer you a valuable resource.
Size limitations prevent us from publishing all the questions &
answers. If your question is time sensitive, Dr. Abrams is extending
an offer for you to call him on his 800 number to ensure a timely
response. This is a toll free call from anywhere in the U.S.A and
Canada; 1-800-777-1328.
You may have noticed that I labelled this supplement, issue 5A.
I did this to correspond with the February issue of Your Life-Your
Choice which was our 5th issue. On a going forward basis I believe
this will make more sense.

Your Life-Your Choice has gone through a complete face lift.
We've changed our look and our address. For those of you who
haven't been to the Headquarters lately... check it out! and notice our new address! Please
update your bookmarks... we're here to stay! There will be more
new resources coming on board in the upcoming months, so check
back often.

Brigitte Synesael
Your Life-Your Choice Editor
Traditional Medicine Needs Our Help!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

This newsletter is meant to educate and inform. It is not intended
to diagnose or prescribe. As the editor of Your Life-Your Choice, I
encourage you to consult with a reliable professional in your area
in regards to any specific health issue.

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Copyright 1997 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved


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Your Life-Your Choice's Questions & Answers

Hosted by Dr. Norman R. Abrams
(Read his portfolio at

1. Why do I need a detoxification diet program?

Today we are all exposed to toxic or non natural substances from
the foods we eat, the air we breathe (clothing, building materials,
carpeting, and others) which challenge our bodies or overburden our
systems. In addition, we produce toxins within our bodies in digestion
and elimination, combating disease and infection, and dealing with
stress. Some people produce additional toxins as the result of food
allergy or sensitivity reactions. A detoxification dietary program is
designed to give your body nutritional support for the detoxification
process. The goal is a cleansing, healing process which nutritionally
supports your body's detoxification systems (which may have been
overburdened and compromised) to recover and begin to function more


2. Which is better glucosamine sulfate or chondroitin sulfate?

If you are trying to restore cartilage and joint structure it is best
to use glucosamine sulfate rather than chondroitin sulfate or shark
cartilage. The reason is the glucosamine sulfate absorption rate is
90% to 98% while the absorption of intact chondroitin sulfate is
estimated to be about 0% to 13%. The difference in absorption is
largely due to the difference in size. Chondroitin sulfate is at
least 50 to 300 times larger than glucosamine sulfate. If chondroitin
sulfate molecules were absorbed intact or partially digested, they
are unlikely to produce any significant benefit in this form. The
reason is chondroitin sulfate molecules are simply too large to be
delivered to cartilage cells. One of the key reasons glucosamine
sulfate is so effective is that its small molecular size allows it
to penetrate the joint cartilage and be delivered to the chondrocyte
and stimulate glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) synthesis. It would be nearly
impossible for large chondroitin sulfate molecules to produce this
effect. Any clinical benefit from chondroitin sulfate is most likely
due to the absorption of smaller molecules broken down by digestion.


3. Are antacid medications safe?

All antacids are relatively safe when used on an occasional basis
for heartburn or indigestion. Taken regularly, however, they can
lead to malabsorption of essential nutrients, bowel irregularities,
kidney stones, and other side effects. There are several types of
antacids, I'll discuss these types briefly.

Aluminum containing compounds - This group includes Maalox, Rolaids,
Digel, Mylanta, Riopan, Wingel, Amphogel and AlernaGel.
All of these antacids are potent and effective in
neutralizing acid, there are some significant long-term
safety concerns. There is growing evidence to indicate
that aluminum may play a role in impaired mental function
as well as in diseases of the nervous system including
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Lou Gehrig's
disease (ALS). Although manufacturers and the government
tell us that the aluminum in antacids is not absorbed,
this appears to be false information as absorption studies
prove otherwise even when low-dose therapy is used.
Absorption of aluminum is greatly enhanced if the meal
contains any citrus fruit, orange juice, soda, or other
sources of citric acid. The bottom line for this antacid
is, there is no reason to use the aluminum-containing
antacids at this time as the risk far outweighs the
short-term benefits.

Sodium bicarbonate compounds - Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.
Alka Seltzer is ordinary baking soda in an effervescent
form. Although sodium bicarbonate can be useful in
short-term therapy, it is not indicated for chronic
prolonged therapy due to the risk of sodium overload.
Long term administration can lead to the formation of
kidney stones, nausea, vomiting, headache, an mental

Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate compounds - An example of a
carbonate containing antacid is Tums. Although fast-acting
and potent, calcium carbonate can cause what is known as
acid rebound three or four hours after use. This means that
the body will try to overcompensate the neutralizing of
gastric acid by secreting even more acid. This may not be
viewed as being clinically significant in the treatment of
indigestion, but it may play a role in delaying ulcer
healing. Another thing that should be looked at when using
Tums is that it is some times recommended as a calcium
supplement. In fact calcium carbonate is the most widely
used form of calcium supplement. While calcium carbonate
can be an effective antacid, there are much better forms
of calcium for supplementation. The reason for this is that
for calcium carbonate and other calcium salts to be
assimilated they must be solubilized and ionized by stomach
acid. It has been shown in studies with post menopausal
women, about 40% are severely deficient in stomach acid.
Individuals with deficient stomach acid can only absorb
about 4% of an oral dose of calcium as calcium carbonate,
while a person with normal stomach acid can typically
absorb about 22%. Persons with low stomach acid secretion
need a form of calcium already in a soluble and ionized
state, like calcium citrate, malate, succinate, fumarate
or lacate and aspartate.

Magnesium compounds - Magnesium salts such as magnesium oxide,
hydroxide, and carbonate often appear in aluminum-
containing products. Phillip's Milk of Magnesia is
the only major brand that features only magnesium;
it is a suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water.
As well as acting as an antacid it also has a laxative
effect. It is generally safe as long as your kidney
function is normal, but diarrhea is a risk.

H2-receptor antagonists - These drugs work to block the action of
histamine on the secretion of stomach acid. Histamine
normally acts on the acid secreting cells of the stomach
in a manner which results in the secretion of stomach acid.
By blocking this effect, stomach acid output is greatly
reduced. Examples of H2-receptor antagonists include
cimitidine (Tagament), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine
(Pepcid), and nizatidine (Axid). Since H2-receptor
antagonists block a vital bodily function involved in
digestion, digestive disturbances can be quite common
with the use of this drug. They can include:
nausea, constipation, and diarrhea. Nutrient deficiencies
can also appear as a result of impaired digestion.


4. What are some of the signs and symptoms of low stomach acidity?

Although a great deal has been said about increased stomach acidity,
probably a more common cause of indigestion is a lack of stomach or
gastric acid secretion. Hypochlorhydria refers to deficient gastric
acid secretion while achlorhydria refers to complete absence of gastric
acid secretion. Many signs and symptoms may suggest impaired gastric
acid secretion, they include: bloating, belching, burning, flatulence
immediately after meals, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion,
diarrhea or constipation, multiple food allergies, nausea after taking
nutritional supplements, itching around the rectum, weak, peeling and
cracked finger nails, dilated blood vessels in the cheeks and nose,
Iron deficiency, and undigested food in the stool. Several studies
have shown that the ability to secrete gastric acid decreases with age.
These same studies found low stomach acidity in over half of those over
age 60. The best method of assessing the lack of gastric acid is a
special procedure known as the Heidelberg gastric analysis. This
technique utilizes an electronic capsule which measures the acid/alkaline
ranges of the stomach an intestine and sends a radio message to a
receiver which records and graphs the ranges as the capsule travels
through the digestive tract.


5. What are the most common signs of rapid aging?

According to studies that were done at Tufts University and outlined
in a book titled: Biomarkers - You can control the aging process -
the keys to prolonging vitality. There are 12 Biomarkers which include:
1. Biomarker #1
Body Cell Mass (especially Muscle Mass) - Typically lean-body cell
mass declines with age. From young adulthood to middle age, the
average person loses 6.6 pounds (3 kg.) of lean-body mass per
decade. This rate of loss accelerates after age 45.
2. Biomarker #2
Strength-Musculo-Skeletal Fitness - Studies show we lose muscle
fibres more rapidly with age and that we typically lose
approximately 30% of our muscle cells between age 20 and 70.
This gradual muscle loss appears to be the catalyst for a number
of other age related changes in our body. These include:
decreased blood-sugar tolerance, declining metabolism, increase in
body fat, reduced aerobic capacity, and loss of bone mineral
density. The remarkably good news is that human studies have proven
that with the right exercise program, those in their 6th, 7th, 8th
and even 9th decade of life can expect improvements in strength
and muscle cell size similar to those of young people doing the same
amount of exercise.
3. Biomarker #3
Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR) - Your BMR is directly proportional
to your lean-body cell mass. As with your lean-body cell mass,
higher is better. The typical person's BMR drops two percent
per decade from age 20 onward.
4. Biomarker #4
Body Fat Percentage - Unlike the first 3 biomarkers which typically
decline with age, our body fat usually increases with age, even
if our weight does not. Here again human studies have demonstrated
unfavourable changes in body composition with advancing age. The
sedentary man or women at 65 has approximately twice the body fat
they had as young people.
5. Biomarker #5
Body Fat Distribution - There is increasing evidence that people who
accumulate fat around their waist (apple shape), have a
significantly higher risk for developing heart disease, stroke and
diabetes, people who store fat around their hips (pear shapes).
This is the reason monitoring waist-to-hip ratios can be a valuable
indicator of health and aging status.
6. Biomarker #6
Aerobic Capacity - This refers to your body's ability to take in
and properly utilize oxygen. It requires healthy lungs, a strong
heart and an efficient circulatory system. Aerobic capacity
typically declines with age, men peak at approximately 20 years
of age and women at around 30 years of age. By age 65 oxygen
utilization has typically declined by 30 to 40 %. The key word
here is "typically". As with each of the previously discussed
biomarkers, proper exercise and nutrition can markedly improve
aerobic capacity, commonly referred to as your VO2 max. (the
maximum volume of oxygen you can utilize over a given period of
time). The older you are however, the longer it takes, exercising
regularly, to achieve the VO2 max. of young people.
7. Biomarker #7
Blood-Sugar Tolerance - For most, aging is synonymous with
increasing blood-sugar (glucose) levels. This compromised
ability to regulate and utilize sugar is quite insidious
with the initial sign of trouble for many being a diagnosis
of adult onset diabetes. Fortunately, excellent tests are
available for monitoring the body's ability to regulate
glucose properly. The best news is that proper exercise,
improved nutrition and the right supplement program can
result in marked improvement, halting the accelerated aging
that goes along with glucose dysregulation.
8. Biomarker #8
Cholesterol / HDL Ratio - Studies have shown that when the ratio
of total cholesterol over HDL cholesterol is 4.5 or lower,
there is a reduced risk to heart and circulatory disease.
Unfortunately it is typical for cholesterol / HDL ratios to
increase with age, increasing the risk for disability and
premature death. Here again, the key to reducing LDL's (the
most harmful form of cholesterol) and raising HDL's (the
beneficial form), is better dietary management, proper
supplementation and a proper exercise program.
9. Biomarker #9
Blood Pressure - Although there are cultures around the world who
show no increases in blood pressure with age , the United States
and Canada are not among them. Hypertension, often referred to
as "the silent killer", affects 65 million North Americans,
increasing their risk to heart attacks, stroke and other serious
diseases with seldom any warning symptoms. Even though some
people are genetically predisposed to hypertension, the proper
nutrition and exercise program will restore normal healthy
pressures in most cases.
10. Biomarker #10
Bone Mineral Density - There is typically an age related decline
in bone mineral density that leaves older people with weakened
bones and at risk to disability and life threatening
complications. The later stages of this bone mineral loss is
called "osteoporosis". Contrary to popular belief, it affects
men and women. Although it is accelerated in menopausal women
it is not a problem which is exclusive to them. Studies show a
typical decline in bone mineral density of one percent per year
after peak bone density is reached at between ages 28 to 35 years
in men and women. After menopause, typical bone loss increases to
three percent per year and for some it can be as high as fifteen
percent. What may shock you is that the rate of bone loss increases
50 fold during prolonged bed rest. Research shows that two weeks
of berets can cause as much calcium loss as one full year of aging!
Needless to say, the very best prescription for the prevention and
treatment of bone loss is proper exercise and proper nutrition. The
nutrition component must include, adequate levels of calcium and
associated bone building nutrients. As with each of the biomarkers,
there is a simple test that can be used to assess whether you are
losing significant bone density or not. It involves analysis of
your urine to assess the levels of several byproducts of bone
breakdown, which when elevated signals an accelerated loss of bone.
Corrective measures can be initiated and a re-test done several weeks
later to ensure resolution of the condition.
Biomarker #11
Internal Temperature Regulation - As we age our body's ability to
regulate our internal temperature declines. Our thermoregulatory
systems begin to struggle with changes in our external
environment. Both cold and hot weather become more of a problem
and can actually pose danger to the elderly. There is a complex
set of factors responsible for these difficulties. One of these
factors are proper hydration and electrolyte balance, especially
with respect to adapting to hot weather. This can be readily
addressed with proper coaching on quality and quantity of beverages
consumed and can be monitored using a new technology called whole
body plethysmography. Another factor that directly effects
thermoregulation is essential micronutrient status, this is
especially true with healthy adaptation to cold environment.
Insufficiency of iodine or essential fatty acids for example
can retard thyroid function and brown fat activity respectively
and compromise your body's ability to maintain its internal
temperature when exposed to cold. Simple axillary temperature,
iodine absorption and essential fatty acid tests, can reveal
your status in these areas.
Biomarker #12
Resting Heart Rate - Each of us must maintain a minimum level of
cardiac output even while at rest in order to ensure adequate
oxygenation, nourishment and waste removal for our body's cells
and tissues. Your cardiac output is maintained by either a higher
heart rate (if you are not fit), or by a greater stroke volume
(if you are fit) i.e. a stronger, more efficient heart. Your
resting heart rate can thus provide a simple yet valuable measure
of fitness. Your resting heart rate is taken immediately upon
awakening. Don't confuse your resting heart rate taken upon
awakening, with your preexercise heart rate taken before starting
to exercise.


6. How do I add more fiber to my diet?

Current research indicates that the average North American consumes
10 to 12 grams of fiber per day which, according to the national
cancer institute, is not nearly enough. The NCI advises that you
increase your daily consumption of fiber to 25 to 30 grams. This
increase doesn't have to occur overnight - it can take place
gradually. Most experts suggest that you first try to reach 20
grams per day, and then increase to the 25 to 30 gram level. A
gradual, but steady increase in the amount of fiber in your diet
doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience. The best approach is
to cut down on all the visible fat from the meat you consume,
switch to low-fat products, and increase your intake of whole-grains,
fruit and vegetables. Items such as bran, apricots, cabbage, and
celery, are all excellent sources of fiber you can add to your daily
diet to help you attain the recommended 25 to 30 grams per day.


If I didn't answer you question in this months issue of
Your Life-Your Choice and you need an immediate answer
contact me on my Health Hotline At:
This is a free call in both the U.S.A. AND Canada.
Yours for better HEALTH Dr. Norman R. Abrams


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