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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 12

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice Aug, 1998
==================== issue 12

Letter from the Editor

Since we've changed hosts Your Life-Your Choice
has experienced some technical "settling in" difficulties.
This has caused some delays in transmission, so now we're
attempting to get caught up. Everything seems to be working
smoothly now. Many thanks to Phil from Oaknet Publishing
who put in a great amount of effort to get us up to speed.

In our last issue, some of the measurements in Cary's
Recipe did not print out correctly. No, they weren't meant
to be a part of a secret recipe. :) My deepest apologies for
this mishap. I've included the recipe again in this issue
with the correct measurements. Many thanks to those who
brought it to my attention.

Due to a personal situation the Aromatherapy segment
has been postponed. Your Life-Your Choice is tentatively
planning to resume this segment in September's issue.

Remember to visit the Library of Archives at the
and vote for your favorite issue and your favorite article.
Just click on the "CAST YOUR VOTE" link and make your
selection. With Your Life-Your Choice your vote counts!

Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Discover how others
@ successfully solved your
@ problem.
@ 3. Holistic Dowsing
@ Part three - Lists, charts and witnesses
@ Many practitioners from a variety of
@ different disciplines already use a
@ pendulum extensively in their work.
@ With this in mind, we have commissioned
@ a series of four articles written by an
@ experienced dowser and lecturer on this
@ most versatile and fascinating tool.
@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Too much of a good thing may be doing
@ us harm. An unexpected research finding
@ reveals surprising information about
@ recommended daily allowance of calories.

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved



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Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I've been taking Bee Pollen Granules for 5 months and
will continuously supplement my diet with this
powerhouse herb. I instantly noticed an increase in
energy. Bee Pollen has been extremely beneficial in
the gym enabling me to take my training to a higher
level. I've set a personal record in the gym for high
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Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I'm 12 years old and I have microcephalia. In October
I had a severe throat infection bordering on pneumonia.
I have been on medication all my life and lots of
antibotics. This time I was at my Gramma and Grampa's.
They looked after me for one week and my aunt convinced
them to put me on herbs. Gramma gave me an Elderberry
extract. I was very sore and had a hard time swallowing
it. I never swallow my food quickly so it was in my mouth
for a few moments. I didn't take more than about 2 tsp
throughout the day and I was back swallowing without pain.



If you, or someone you know, have a testimony you'd like to
share, it can be submitted to
with "Testimonies Your Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.
All testimonies should be kept to a maximum of 200 words and
should include the method of treatment used without naming
industry specific brands, companies, or individuals.. For example:
"through the use of Bee Pollen" is permitted because it is the
name of the actual herb. However "by using XYZ product"
(only available through a specific company) is not permitted.
All testimonies become the property of Your Life-Your Choice.
All submissions are subject to responsible editing and any
reference made to an industry specific product will be edited
out as this section is not intended to be an advertising platform.
Share your story and help other readers who share your health


Section 3 Holistic Dowsing
By Joe Mullally

Part 3 - Lists, charts and witnesses.

Once we know our YES and NO and DON'T KNOW pendulum responses,
we can use the device to provide answers to any questions we
choose to put, always providing that such questions are framed
so that they elicit a straight 'yes' or 'no' reply. This
arrangement works fine in many circumstances, though it
obviously places restrictions on the range of information we
may receive. Using the pendulum on it's own in this way, we
have no problem for example, finding out if a particular food
is causing a specific allergic reaction - for the answer to
this question is either 'yes' or 'no'. However, if we wish to
ask more broadly - 'which' substance is causing an allergic
reaction?' - it is not possible for the pendulum, working on
it's own to give us the answer here. To extend the range of
information accessible through dowsing, we use various lists,
charts and samples in conjunction with the pendulum itself.

As a dowser, one becomes an avid collector of charts and lists
in one's particular area of interest. Lists of homeopathic
remedies, flower essences, food substances, etc., become
invaluable aids to our work. There are just a few simple rules
for using such lists. The first thing to remember, is to
progress from the 'general' to the 'particular'. In this way,
we typically start our questioning by going down a list of
general headings. We will use a simple allergy test method as
our example here, but please remember that these principles can
also be applied to any other area of questioning which might be
your own particular interest. Our general headings list would
typically consist of the names of all the various areas from
where any allergy problem might arise, eg. foodstuff, clothing,
home living environment, work living environment, etc.

The second thing to keep in mind, is that we should check that
we are, in fact, on the right track here to begin with, by
asking the pendulum for a simple 'yes' or 'no' to indicate
that at least one of the titles on the list we intend to use,
is actually connected to the problem on which we are working.
Having received a 'yes' to this, we may proceed to go down the
list with a pointer held in our 'free hand' as our pendulum
swings in our NEUTRAL response, in the other. When the pointer
comes to the list item connected with the allergy, our pendulum
changes to give us a YES response. We should note this, and
then continue moving the pointer on down though the remainder
of the list, in the same way. This is the third important point,
for more than just one item on the list may be connected to the
problem. Always go down the whole list. After this stage is
completed, we move on to search more detailed charts for the
areas indicated, to elicit the most accurate and specific
information we can, on the issue to hand. For example ...
general list (indicated foodstuffs) ... foodstuffs list
(indicated cheeses) ... cheeses list (indicated cheddar) ...
cheddar list (indicated ABC brand, by WXYZ Manufacturer).

In addition to these lists of various kinds, pie charts and
scales can also be consulted to give us 'quantity/percentage/
quality' information - contributing greatly to the range of
'feedback' we get through dowsing.

For instance, before starting a healing session with a client,
we might dowse their general health on a scale of 1 to 50.
Typically this might yield an answer of, say 25. At the end
of the session, we can dowse the health level once more and
we should find it has significantly increased, even fully up
to 10. This provides important feedback for us and additional
welcome reassurance to the client themselves. And in cases of
'absent healing' work, carrying out the above checks is even
more useful, since in these circumstances, we are not in
visual contact with the client.

This leads us on nicely to the next issue in dowsing - for to
ensure we remain focused on the 'target' of our attention (eg.
the client for whom we are working) we need a representation
of that target with us as we work. Such representations are
referred to as 'witnesses' in dowsing phraseology. A witness
then is a sample of the substance (or client) with whom we are
working. Having such a witness with us as we work attunes us
subconsciously to it/the person so we may devote all our
conscious attention to the work in hand, without the need to
continuously keep in mind who we are working for. This link
is taken care of by the subconscious tuning in to the witness
automatically. If the person themselves is present then,
obviously, they are themselves the witness. For other
situations, witnesses are broadly classed into three
categories namely, first, second, and third degree witnesses.
The higher the degree of the witness (first being strongest)
the easier it is to get a strong connection with the client
from it. First degree witnesses are items 'of' the person.
Here we are talking of a lock of hair, sample of urine or
other body fluid, etc. A second degree witness is something
'belonging' to the person - this category includes, items of
clothing (not washed since last worn), favourite possessions
(kept about the person a lot), sample of handwriting etc.
Third degree witnesses are 'representations' of the person
- these would include photographs or voice recordings etc.

When one has completed their treatment/work for a client I
strongly advise that any samples or witnesses be either
discarded in a proper manner or returned to the client as
appropriate. Doing this acts as a practical demonstration
that the work is now completed, while failing to do so, in
my view, can cause links (albeit subtle ones) to be maintained
between the dowser and the client. Remember that it is the
subconscious we are dealing with here. Carrying out these simple
procedures demonstrates to it that our work is completed,
otherwise, in many cases, the client may be always waiting
'uneasily' for the witness to be returned, just as we sometimes
do when we loan out a favourite book and it takes longer than
anticipated to come home again.

In the final part of this series we will touch on other
fascinating topics including charging for work, ethics,
guides and angels, and the 'virtual' pendulum.

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Section 5 Live a Longer and Healthier Life
by Herlan Westra

An unexpected research finding with great practical
significance is that experimental animals live longer with
much lower rates of disease when they consume less than
the recommended daily allowance of calories. The finding is
unexpected because we associate less-than-optimal nutrition
with poor growth and health, and common sense tells us that
we do better if we are well nourished. In fact, most of us
may be overnourished, and too much of a good thing may be
doing us harm.

An adequate diet is one that provides not only enough
calories but also all of the nutrients necessary for efficient
metabolism without any excesses that promote disease. What
constitutes a good diet is a matter of controversy, and much
of the controversy is based on emotion rather than reason.

An average person needs less than 2,000 calories daily, with
300 to 400 of the calories coming from fat. Present labeling
laws are helpful in determining your caloric intake, but
maintaining your weight or losing weight is much more
complicated. The FDA supports two ways to diet: increase
exercise and decrease the intake of food.

Dieting Can Make You Fat

That's it? The secret to a long and healthy life is diet and
exercise? Not really! Metabolism slows down during a diet,
and the body burns fewer calories, causing more fat to be
stored as a protection against extended "famine." When the
food supply is restored, the metabolism is slow to respond,
and the body stores even more fat. In humans, this yo-yo
phenomenon is harmful - starvation diets simply fool the
body into starting a famine cycle. Once the diet is over, we
are back to where we started, or worse.

Granted, exercise programs help keep the metabolism active,
but most of us are about as committed to our exercise
programs as we are to our diets. We fall off the exercise
program at the same time we end the diet, increasing the
yo-yo effect. Then how should we combine dieting and
exercise into a healthy life?

First we need to modify our diets, lowering caloric content
without greatly reducing the amount or the appeal of food
we consume. The best way of lowering caloric content is by
cutting the fat content in our diets. Fat has almost twice as
many calories per gram as protein and carbohydrate.

Second we need to restrict caloric intake either by fasting or
by eating a limited diet one day a week. Our body's
metabolism will not react quick enough to begin a "famine"
cycle during a one-day diet. Fasting should include plenty of
liquids, with enough fruit juices to maintain a minimum
caloric intake. When fasting, reduce the intake of
supplemental vitamins and minerals, as some supplements
may become toxic if not consumed with adequate amounts
of food.

Vitamin Supplements

Our bodies don't benefit from the food we eat, but rather by
what is digested, assimilated and eliminated. The food is
taken in, broken into smaller and smaller parts until it can be
absorbed and the by-products discarded. Enzymes digest all
of our food and make it small enough to pass through the
intestines into the blood. Enzymes are a part of every
metabolic process in the body, from the working of our
glands to the proper functioning of our immune system.
Enzymes require vitamins and minerals to do their work.

Many manufactured vitamin and mineral supplements,
because they are fractionated (broken down into basic
elements), are treated as toxic waste in the body. Some
minerals in an unnatural form can accumulate and cause
harmful effects. Fortunately, many commercial vitamin and
mineral supplements are so badly formulated that they pass
right through our digestive systems without breaking down
and being absorbed. Unfortunately, we haven't received the
benefit that we paid for.

Many people are now using all-natural herbal forms of
vitamin and mineral supplements. Because these are in a
natural form, they are more easily absorbed than
manufactured supplements. They are also much less
concentrated than manufactured supplements, and so are
often safer. However, it is always best to consult with your
personal physician before taking any nutritional supplement.

The proper supplements, combined with proper diet and
exercise, can help you live a longer and healthier life.

Brought to you by: World Wide Information Outlet -
<>, your only
source of FREEWare Content online.

Herlan Westra is the editor of Rhode Island Foghorn
Online Magazine, which provides information and
entertainment for a rapidly-growing audience
nationwide. Herlan welcomes suggestions for future



Here's a delicious "beef" sandwich that will please the
heartiest appetite. Serve with potato chips or fries and
a salad. This vegan sandwich contains no animal products.

Serves: 20 to 24 sandwiches

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour (Flavor improves when refrigerated

1 lb. Spice of Life (tm) beef and/or smoked ham meatless meats

1 large red pepper, roasted and cubed

1 cup onion, cubed

4 to 8 cloves garlic, sliced

11/2 tsp. basil

1 tsp. cilantro

1/2 tsp. lemon peel

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1/2 tsp. celery seed

2 TBS. sugar (optional)

6 oz. can tomato paste

28 oz. can tomatoes

1/4 cup olive oil

1/2 cup red wine or apple juice

2 TBS. vinegar

2 TBS. lemon juice

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce (anchovy free)

1 TBS. Bragg Liquid Aminos (tm) or soy sauce

1 TBS. Kitchen Bouquet (tm)

1 tsp. liquid smoke

1 cup water

French bread or rolls


Into a preheated pot, add olive oil, Spice of Life and
vegetables, stirring often, until onions become translucent.
Add other ingredients.
Mix thoroughly. Simmer thirty minutes. Add additional liquid
if required. Refrigerate overnight.


Slowly reheat. Stir often, adding additional liquid if required.
Cut French bread into five-inch segments and stuff with vegan
barbecue beef.
Add peppers, soy cheese or fresh onions if desired.

Nutritional Information: Texas BBQ

Serving Size: 4 oz

Serving Per recipe: 24

Calories: 122

Calories from fat: 46

Fat Total : 5g

Saturated: 0.4g

Monounsaturated: 2g

Polyunsaturated: 3g

Cholesterol: 0mg

Carbohydrate: 10g

Dietary Fiber: 3g

Protein: 9g

Sodium: 260mg

Potassium: 197mg

Calcium: 64mg

Iron 2mg

Vitamin A 472iu

Vitamin C: 16mg

Daily values: (2000 Calorie Diet*)

Total Fat 5g (8%)

Saturated Fat 0.4g (2%)

Cholesterol 0%

Sodium 11%

Carbohydrate 10%

Dietary Fiber 21%

Protein 26%

Vitamin A 17%

Vitamin C 39%

Calcium 6%

Iron 12%.

*Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your
calorie needs.

(c)1998 Cary Brown All rights reserved.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided for
educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


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* in this information. Put them in your debt and *
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