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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 20

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice December, 1998
==================== issue 20

Letter from the Editor

This is it!... Happy Ho Ho month! The number of
shopping days are quickly running out. Remember to visit
our sponsors. They may have the perfect ideas to finish
off your Christmas shopping.

The "Let Us Help You Find A Practitioner" form is now
up and functioning! If you're looking for someone in
your area, and you can't find someone in the Wellness
Locator, fill in the short form at:
and we'll do what we can to find someone for you.

Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Discover how others
@ successfully solved your
@ problem.
@ 3. A MYRIAD OF OPTIONS - part 3
@ A resource that briefly
@ describes commonly recognized
@ modalities. Discover what they're
@ all about!
@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Exactly what are we putting
@ on our faces? And is it hurting
@ us?

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved



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Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I am a registered nurse and mother of two young
children. At age 27, I was diagnosed as suffering
with rheumatoid arthritis and have been on prescription
medication ever since. I have had periods of relief,
but never complete remission. After the birth of my
second child, I suffered a particularly bad flare-up.
There were times when I couldn't even turn on the tap.

Desperate for relief from the pain, I began taking an
herb called Yucca. I had heard that it was helpful for
arthritis. First I noticed that I didn't need as much
of my medication so I started to gradually cut back.
When my prescription had run out I never refilled it.

My Rheumatologist told me that I was probably in
remission. This is the same specialist that had told
me that I would be on medication for the rest of my

It's now 13 months later and I am still symptom free!
Only time will tell if this will continue, but I
belief it will!


Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I wanted to share my story with your readers. I suffered
a great deal from arthritis. There were times that I
couldn't sleep, I just walked the floor with terrible pain
in my hips, shoulders, wrists and my fingers. At times I
thought the bones were pushing right through the skin. I
tried different medications. They'd work for a while, and
then I'd be right back to the same pain. On top of all this,
I started getting numbness and pin in both my hands. I would
often drop things and even would spill hot coffee on myself.
I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and told that I
have to have surgery. The surgery wasn't always successful

My son sent me to an herbologist before my surgery. He put
me on White Oak and Yucca. It's now been 4 months, the pain
is gone, I'm sleeping well at night, and I can do things I
haven't been able to do in a long time. I even cancelled the
surgery for Carpal Tunnel, at least for now until I see how
things continue.



If you, or someone you know, have a testimony you'd like to
share, it can be submitted to
with "Testimonies Your Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.
All testimonies should be kept to a maximum of 200 words and
should include the method of treatment used without naming
industry specific brands, companies, or individuals.. For example:
"through the use of Bee Pollen" is permitted because it is the
name of the actual herb. However "by using XYZ product"
(only available through a specific company) is not permitted.
All testimonies become the property of Your Life-Your Choice.
All submissions are subject to responsible editing and any
reference made to an industry specific product will be edited
out as this section is not intended to be an advertising platform.
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Section 3 A Myriad of Options

By Brigitte Synesael

Having found a line of herbal combinations specially
formulated by top scientists in North America to provide
optimum results, Brigitte has spent the past 3 years
promoting wellness through the use of herbal
supplementation. Further details can be found at:
Being the editor of Your Life-Your Choice has opened up
Brigitte's awareness and strengthened her conviction to
many types of alternative and complementary therapies.
The Your Life-Your Choice Headquarters contains many
informative opportunities and can be found at

This is the third of a series of articles designed
to be used as a resource or a starting ground in determining
which alternative/complementary treatment will benefit
you. Many of the commonly recognized modalities are briefly
described here. Remember, this is a brief description. Often
we will not be able to do justice to the therapy in question
in such a limited amount of space. This resource is meant to
educate you as to the numerous options available. YOU are the
one who is empowered to take control over your health on a
going forward basis. Remember, too, that the onus is upon the
individual to ensure that the practitioner you choose is
properly qualified and possesses the required certification
for your area.

Iridology - The art and science of evaluating one's health
by "reading the eyes". Simply by carefully observing special
markings in the iris and surrounding areas of the eye, a
competent reader can reveal the location of disease, its
history and progression, even clues to the resolution.

Macrobiotics - Dr. George Oshawa broadened the system to
include the entire individual. He treated illness with no
medicines, only natural foods. A Macrobiotic diet is based
on all foods falling into either the yin or yang category.
More than just a diet but a total way of living, macrobiotics
centers on becoming whole through a whole foods diet, and by
following a holistic, healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is
said that if foods are properly chosen and combined, a
diseased body can find the proper balance and be restored.
Because of the dramatic adjustment in both lifestyle and
diet, you are advised to pay careful attention to how your
body responds during this treatment.

Magnetic Therapy - Magnetic Therapy is works in conjunction
with the body at its most basic level; cellular, tissue,
organ, systemic. The theory is based on the belief that
your body functions at peak efficiency when all of these
levels maintain an alkaline state as well as a state of
high oxygenation. Injury or illness produce an acid and
low oxygen state. Proper exposure to negative pole magnets
can restore the balance, thus healing the body. Magnetic
therapy is used for many conditions such as: pain relief,
arthritis, diabetes, cancer, sports injuries, increasing
energy, reducing stress and alleviating insomnia.

Massage Therapy - There are many different kinds of massage,
but each of them require touch using varying intensities of
pressure. A number of things can be accomplished through
massage; increasing circulation by dilating the blood
vessels, eliminating wastes and toxic debris by stimulating
lymph circulation, improving muscle tone by increasing the
blood supply and nutrition to the muscles and tissues.

Meditation - Although there are various forms of meditation,
Transcendental Meditation is the most commonly recognized.
Practiced by millions, this is a simple, natural, and
effortless technique. There have been many scientific
studies done on the effectiveness of this technique.
Transcendental Meditation is popular for a number of
reasons. It requires no belief or lifestyle change. It
is non-religious, not time-consuming, and can be learned
by anyone regardless of age or level of education. This
technique has been known to reduce anxiety, increase
self-esteem, increase problem-solving ability, and
enhance creativity.

Mitzvah Technique - There are many reasons why people
pursue the Mitzvah Technique; postural problems, problems
with neck, back and spine, auto accidents and other similar
injuries, headaches and tension or stress. This technique
was developed by M. Cohen-Nehemia. The principal is to
re-educate postural body usage through gentle, persuasive,
hands on methods. There are four basic areas of development
in which this technique teaches you to independently maintain
health postural habits. They are through physical changes,
knowledge, awareness and application. The Mitzvah Technique
is appropriate for all ages and has also shown to benefit
body performance, circulation, co-ordination, concentration,
breathing quality, voice and general health.

Naturopathy-- Naturopaths believe in the body's ability to
heal itself. Naturopathic Medicine is a completely natural
approach to health and healing that takes into consideration
the whole person. There are six principals of healing that
are the building blocks for Naturopathic Medicine; the
healing power of nature, identify and treat the cause,
first do no harm, treat the whole person, the physician
as teacher, prevention. Each of these building blocks
possess their own code of principals. Taking into account
the patient's physical and mental health, genetic
predispositions, and environmental influences, the
Naturopathic Practitioner sets out to detect and eliminate
the underlying causes of illness rather than merely
suppressing the symptoms. The process of treatment could
include a variety of therapies such as herbology,
reflexology, massage, nutrition, etc.



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Section 5 What the cosmetic companies really offer you.
Part One

By LaNita Wampold

How It All Began...

After World War II, the production and use of synthetic
cosmetics boomed. Today the use of "decorative" cosmetics
has become the facial "uniform" of the modern, civilized
woman. This has been created by the advertising operations
of the commercial cosmetic giants. Even today these products
continue to contain extremely harmful substances.

Toward the end of the 1960's there were signs of returning
to a more natural life style. Since that time, with the
advances in awareness of the environment, there has been a
more critical view of the substances used in synthetic

Let me first explain what I mean by synthetic cosmetics.
After WW II, the use of synthetically derived ingredients
became widespread because of the reduced cost of ingredients.
These ingredients, for the most part were derived from
petroleum which is considered a very inexpensive resource.

What's Happening Today ?

Since the 1980's companies have emerged that offer products
that contain both natural ingredients and synthetic
preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, foaming agents and
fragrances. These products are best referred to as
"semi- natural" for they are not completely natural
nor completely synthetic.

Many of the major cosmetic firms have made a practice of
adding terms such as "natural" or "organic" to their products,
yet these products are not totally either.

In the field of synthetic, commercially produced cosmetics,
new substances are constantly being developed that claim
to be non-irritating and to care for and heal the skin.
These products actually contain effective synthetic
substances which are not found naturally in such concentrates.
Even though nature can now be quite convincingly imitated
in the lab, the vital force that is the essence of organic,
natural substances is missing.

All synthetic cosmetic products contain preservatives
and/or disinfectants that impair or even eliminate
the effectiveness of any natural substances they may
contain. These ingredients are foreign substances
(Imidazolidinyl & Diazolidinyl Urea(Germall II & Germall
115), Propylnene Glycol, Sodium Laurel Sulfate) that are
known to damage the skin's flora and protective "acid
mantle". Moreover, they promote aging of the skin by
reducing its water-absorbent capacities. As they penetrate
the skin's layers, such ingredients remove the skin's.
The wrinkles resulting from this process are then
likely to be treated with some anti-aging cream that is
equally likely to contain harmful preservatives.

"What About Other Product Lines"?

Looking at the commercial production of shampoos is
sobering, also. Shampoos are products that directly
affect the scalp. In the manufacture of shampoos,
we find aggressive tensides and strong alkaline soaps
that are not beneficial for the skin.

The industry likes adding sodium lauryl sulfates or
sodium laureth sulfates, substances that foam and clean
thoroughly. These ingredients clean so thoroughly that
the protective acid mantel and the skin's natural sebum
are completely washed away. Not only is the skin stripped
of its natural protection, but the above ingredients are
known to cause eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss,
scalp scurf similar to dandruff, and allergic reactions.
It is frequently disguised in semi-natural cosmetics
and shampoos as "comes from coconut".

As a result, the scalp is off balance, and endangers the
hair that grows from it. It has even been established in
Germany that pain-relieving agents are added because the
shampoos cause pain. Even though preservatives such as
formaldehyde and nitrosamines are harmful to the skin,
they are still permitted to be used as preservatives in
the United States. Add to this picture, the addition of
chemical thickeners, preservatives, dyes, and fragrances,
which may penetrate the hair follicles and enter the
blood stream. One ingredient, dioxane, a substance that
has been widely used in the manufacture of shampoos, is
known to be carcinogenic.
LaNita Wampold is the founder of LaNita, Inc, a Truly All
Natural skin care company. She specializes in custom skin
care products using Botonical extracts, Aromatherapy and
all natural ingredients. Her custom line iL-Signaturei,
has recieved recognition for preventing rapid aging, and
exceeding the performance of commercial skincare products.
LaNita has spent 20 years working with people to bring
balance and harmony into their lives.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided for
educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


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