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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 18a

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice November, 1998
===================== issue 18A

Question & Answer Supplement

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. subscribers! I hope
you've got a terrific weekend planned for this upcoming

Dr. Abrams has been out of the country more than
expected this month and wasn't be able to provide his
usual answers. So this month Dr. Joe Carr, Marge Clark,
and myself are helping out.

We're always anxious to hear YOUR story. Many Your
Life-Your Choice readers share the same or similar health
issues. By sharing your experiences with us you help
thousands of others. Tell us what helped you through a
particular situation. What modality did you use to resolve
your health issue. Help others find relief the way you
did. Send in your testimonials and encourage your friends
to send in theirs. Send your testimony to with "Testimony Your
Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.

Size limitations prevent us from publishing all the
questions & answers. If your question is time sensitive, Dr.
Abrams is extending an offer for you to call him on his toll
free number to ensure a timely response. This is a toll free
call from anywhere in the U.S.A and Canada; 1-800-777-1328.
I encourage you to take advantage of this generous offer.

Brigitte Synesael
Your Life-Your Choice Editor
Traditional Medicine Needs Our Help!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!


This newsletter is meant to educate and inform. It is not
intended to diagnose or prescribe. As the editor of Your
Life-Your Choice, I encourage you to consult with a
reliable professional in your area in regards to any
specific health issue.

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved


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Your Life-Your Choice's Questions & Answers

Today's Answers provided by:
Dr. Joe Carr
Marge Clarke
Brigitte Synesael

1. What is your opinion of androstenedione? Is it safe or
not? Can you explain the side effects, health risks,
long term or short term?

Popularized by the St. Louis Cardinals' first baseman Mark
McGwire, the interest in androstenedione has exploded.
Everyone wants to know about its safety and effectiveness.

Androstenedione is an androgen, a male sex hormone, produced
by the body as a precursor to testosterone. It is a steroid
hormone found in all animals (meat) as well as some plants
(extracts). It is a metabolite of DHEA that serves as a direct
precursor (one step removed) in the bio-synthesis of
testosterone. In all mammals, androstenedione is produced in
the gonads and adrenal glands. Supplements of it are touted
as a "fuel" for testosterone production that in turn leads to
superior athletic performance and lean muscle mass.

There are just too many unknowns about androstenedione
supplements to warrant their use. First of all, it doesn't
appear to remain in the body very long, so to raise
testosterone production you have to take it throughout the
day. As soon as you stop, testosterone levels drop back to
normal. This means taking the compound indefinitely -- not
a good idea, since androstenedione may convert to estrogen
as readily as it does to testosterone.

According to Carlon M. Colker, M.D., director of Peak
Physique of Greenwich, Conn., and a health consultant who
has worked with Olympic athletes, the longer you take
androstenedione, the greater the chance that it will
convert to estrogen instead of testosterone. To avoid
conversion of androstenedione to estrogen, some manufacturers
have added an inhibitor to their products including chrysin
(sometimes called flavone X). Research on this substance is
quite thin and the scientific basis for combining
androstenedione and chrysin is shaky at best. In addition,
consistently high levels of either hormone put you at
signficantly increased risk for several cancers, and, in the
case of testosterone, for heart attacks as well.

Overall, I'm opposed to relying on any hormonal supplements
said to bolster athletic performance and I think it would be
a mistake for young athletes to emulate McGwire in this way.
They would be much better off developing healthy habits of
nutrition and exercise.

If you really want to experiment with performance-enhancing
compounds, try extracts of Cordyceps sinensis, a Chinese
mushroom used by Chinese athletes that's really turned heads.

If you are interested in its use in treatment or support for
menopause, this is another matter. But, I suspect that this
is not the case.

2. I would like to know more about the Noni juice. Does it
have any negative side effects?

The noni, also known as the painkiller plant, grand morinda,
cheesefruit and headache tree, is said to have a 2,000-year
history of healing the people of Polynesia, the South
Pacific and the Caribbean Islands. With the scientific name
of Morinda citrifolia, the noni is a small evergreen shrub or
tree, usually less than 10 feet high, occasionally up to 20
feet. It is well-known to be one of the main healers among the
traditional Hawaii medicinal plants.

As a medicine, the fruit and its juices have been used in the
treatment of diabetes, heart troubles and high blood pressure,
with different portions prescribed for different illnesses.

The problem I have with noni is not what it does but how
it is being marketed. The multilevel marketing claims
being made seem to go way beyond the traditional medical
indications. One distributor claims that scientific studies
have shown noni's potential to stimulate the immune system,
inhibit the growth of tumors, regenerate damaged cells and
help increase absorption of vitamins and minerals. More
research, testing, double-blind studies and documented case
histories may one day prove that noni is indeed some or all
of what the distributors promise, but there is little such
evidence now.

Additionally, in order to accommodate the MLM payment
structure, the product has a tendancy to become a bit
expensive. If you can find a noni product in a health
food store or through a distributor at a price you're
comfortable with, I see no problem in incorporating it
into your daily supplements.

3. If you have essential oils that were purchased as massage
oils, can you also use them in the bath? If so, will they
still have the same efficacy as oils that were purchased
for the bath? And is the same answer true in reverse.
(Can oils purchased for the bath be used for massage?)

Of course. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that you want
to use a total of 8 - 10 drops of UNDILUTED EO (essential
oil) per bath... and about a 2.5% dilution of EO in a massage

Which equates to 15 drops of EO or blended EO's to one ounce
of carrier oil.

When you buy a Premixed bottle, you don't know how strong/weak
it is.

So, the answer is yes...but how do you know how much to use?

I would GUESS that the bought massage oil is at a 2% dilution...
in which case 8 ounces would have 120 drops of EO in it. So to
get 8-10 drops in a bath you would need to use one tablespoon
of it in the bath.

It's harder to judge going from bath oil to a massage, cause
you have no idea what the dilution is. It might be worthwhile
writing the manufacturer.

Which is why *I* blend my own...mix the oils that I want to
use as a synergy, and then add the right amount of the synergy
to the carrier for the purpose I've designed it for. Then I
KNOW the amount of oils I'm using, and the quality of them.

4. We receive a number of questions about Candida and Yeast
Infections; how to identify them and what to do about them.

To begin with, there is a parasitic fungus that resides in
the vagina and in the mouth. Typically, their growth is kept
under control by the normal bacteria also present in these
areas. A number of circumstances can cause the fungus to get
out of control, causing a variety of infections or health

- If taking antibiotics, too many bacteria could be destroyed
- Low immune system
- Chemotherapy (because it destroys the immune system)
- Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives,
or menopause
- Certain disorders such as Diabetes
- Sexual intercourse with an infected partner

Candidiasis is much more common in women than in men.
Generally it starts in the vagina, but because it can
travel through the bloodstream, it can spread to many
parts of the body; mainly the mouth, ears, nose, and
gastrointestinal tract.
Although it is rare in men, those who do contract it have
likely not been circumcised.

Infections such as these can be very ambiguous. It is
important to note that it is not necessary to have ALL
of the following list of symptoms to suspect infection.
In fact some women have NO symptoms.

- vaginal irritation, burning, itching sensation
- a thick white "cottage cheese" type vaginal discharge
- discomfort when passing urine
- discharge may have a foul odor
- abnormal colour in discharge
- constipation or diarrhea
- rectal itching
- oral Canadidias; sore, creamy-yellow, raised patches
in the mouth
- white spots on the tongue and in the mouth
- burning tongue
- in men, inflammation of the penis head

If you suspect infection of any kind, I strongly encourage
you to see your physician. A laboratory analysis of the
vaginal discharge is necessary to determine the presence
or type of infection.

NOTE: Although it is easily treated, DO NOT take this
lightly. In some instances, these infections can be a
symptom of a much more serious condition, like gonorrhea,
syphilis, or chronic inflammation of the cervix. Once your
physician has properly diagnosed your situation, you can
work together to address it through natural means.

Discuss the following options with your Doctor, Homeopath
or Naturopath before using. Your individual situation may
mean that a certain treatment is not recommended. Or if
the wrong treatment is used you could make the infection
Pregnant women should not use douches of any kind. Do not
use commercial douches (during vaginal infection), dusting
powders, contraceptive foams or jellies, or feminine
deodorant sprays. These can further promote infection.

- Warm sitz baths using herbal teas, apple cider vinegar,
or epsom salts can help relieve itching and burning.
- Acidophilus and a small amount of Garlic oil diluted
with warm water makes a solution excellant for douching.
Yogurt can also be used.
CAUTION: - Use these ONLY for Yeast Infections.
- Too much garlic oil can cause burning.
- Tampons can be saturated with Boric Acid or Acidophilus
and placed on the vagina for treatment. Other substances
that can be used are licorice, diluted white vinegar, or
a 2% solution of zinc sulphate diluted in 1 pint of warm
- The vaginal area can be cleansed thoroughly with a cotton
swab soaked in calendula to remove the bacterially saturated
- Golden Seal and Oregon Grape are both herbs that contain the
antibacterial alkaloid berberine. They can be used internally
or as a douche.
- Pau d'arco Tea has antifungal properties and can help fight
- Colloidal Silver is a natural antiseptic that fights infection,
subdues inflammation and promotes healing.
- Adding fiber to your diet will help to prevent future

5. I just found out that a co-worker has hepititus C. Is
this a contagious form of the disease and should I take

This is a very serious issue. To ensure you have the most
accurate information, I am providing you with information
directly from 2 very credible sources of information; the
American Public Health Association and the New York State
Department of Health.
The following information was provided by A. Bensen,
Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, American Public
Health Association.

Hepatitus C


Contact with the blood of infected individuals.
This risk of spreading this virus to close contacts
is very low.


2 weeks to 6 months
Most commonly 6 - 9 weeks


The majority of patients with this virus do not have
any symptoms and may feel quite healthy.
Some individuals will develop fatigue, jaundice,
anorexia, abdominal discomfort, vomiting.


Universal precautions
Avoid sexual intercourse during menstrual bleeding
Never share needles, razors, scissors or toothbrushes


Alpha interferon is medication that may interfere
with the reproduction of the virus after it has
invaded the body


50% of people have a mild, short-lived illness.
Others, where inflammation in the liver continues
longer than 6 months, are considered "chronic" and the
virus may continue for several decades

New York State Department of Health informs:

What is hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C (formerly called non-A, non-B hepatitis) is a
liver disease caused by a recently identified bloodborne
virus. Other types of viral hepatitis include hepatitis A
(formerly called infectious hepatitis), hepatitis B (serum
hepatitis), hepatitis D (delta hepatitis) and hepatitis E
(a virus transmitted through the feces of an infected person).
Approximately 200 cases of hepatitis C are reported in New
York State each year.

Who gets hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C occurs most often in people who have received a
blood transfusion or who have shared needles.

How is the virus spread?

Like hepatitis B, hepatitis C is spread by exposure to blood
from an infected person, such as through a blood transfusion
or sharing needles. The risk of sexual transmission has not
been thoroughly studied but appears to be small. There is no
evidence that the hepatitis C virus can be transmitted by
casual contact, through foods or by coughing or sneezing.

What are the symptoms?

Some people experience appetite loss, fatigue, nausea and
vomiting, vague stomach pain and jaundice (a yellowing of
the skin and whites of the eyes).

How soon do symptoms occur?

Symptoms may occur from two weeks to six months after
exposure but usually within two months.

When and for how long is a person able to spread hepatitis C?

Some people carry the virus in their bloodstream and may
remain contagious for years. The disease may occur in the
acute form and be followed by recovery or it may become
chronic and cause symptoms for years.

What is the treatment for hepatitis C?

There are no special medicines or antibiotics that can be
used to treat people with the acute form of hepatitis C but
the FDA has approved a drug called recombinant alpha
interferon for treating people with chronic hepatitis C.

Is donated blood tested for this virus?

Since May 1990, blood donation centers throughout the U.S.
have routinely used a blood donor screening test for
hepatitis C. Widespread use of this test has significantly
reduced the number of post-transfusion hepatitis C cases.

What are the possible consequences of hepatitis C?

Approximately 25 percent of people infected with hepatitis
C virus will become sick with jaundice or other symptoms of
hepatitis. Fifty percent of these individuals may go on to
develop chronic liver disease.

How can the spread of hepatitis C be prevented?

People who have had hepatitis C should remain aware that
their blood and possibly other body fluids are potentially
infective. Care should be taken to avoid blood exposure to
others by sharing toothbrushes, razors, needles, etc. In
addition, infected people must not donate blood and should
inform their dental or medical care providers so that proper
precautions can be followed. The risk of sexual transmission
of hepatitis C virus has not been thoroughly investigated
but appears to be minimal. Several studies suggest that
spread seldom occurs from people with chronic hepatitis C
disease to their steady sexual partners. Therefore,
limitations on sexual activity with steady partners may not
be needed. However, people with acute illness and multiple
sexual partners may be at greater risk and should use condoms
to reduce the risk of acquiring or transmitting hepatitis C
as well as other sexually transmitted infections.

Is there a vaccine for hepatitis C?

At the present time, a hepatitis C vaccine is not available.


If I haven't answered your question, call me on my personal
800 HOTLINE, it's a toll free call and I'll be happy to
answer your question. The HOTLINE is 1-800-777-1328.
It's available in the U.S.A. and Canada. I'll be looking forward
to talking with you, just for the health of it.

Dr. Norman R. Abrams


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