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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 51

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== April, 2000
Issue 51
Letter from the Editor

There has been so much going on lately that I feel a need to
recap to keep everyone in tune with all the updates.

The Your Life-Your Choice newsletter itself, has a different
look to it. We've added a medley of Tea Tips, Top Dog, and
Ask Garlic segments. Tea Tips discusses the wide variety of
natural and herbal teas and the uniqueness of how each should
be brewed for optimum flavour and effectiveness. While Top
Dog addresses how alternative medicine can help keep your
pet healthy and vital. Ask Garlic is launching in today's issue.
This is where we plan to have a little fun. Ask Garlic is where
we'll provide comical answers to some of life's questions.

We've made lots of changes to the web site too. We've streamlined
and made the site easier to navigate. There's been a number of
additions as well. Our first health report is ready, and there will be
more coming on board in the near future. So keep checking back.

We're adding to our membership program regularly. We've recently
included Reviews From a LayWoman's Perspective and a FREE
email problem solving course. In keeping with our philosophy to
provide choices, we will soon be offering an additional membership
option with a low monthly fee. Watch for this option within the
next week or so.

We've made available to you a number of terrific Web Sites,
excellent for personal use or for special gifts. To give you an
idea, you'll find the purest aromatherapy body care products
available in our Spathecary. Our Holistic Superstore is fully
equipped with herbs, magnets for healing with Magnetic
Therapy, and many products used with various modalities.
Save up to 80% on all your out of pocket healthcare expenses
with our discount health card. Holistic and preventative health
solutions for your pet, and there's lots more. If you're interested,
email for a complete list of shops with
urls included.

Remember that these changes are a direct result of your feedback.
If you'd like to see something being offered, let us know by: with Feedback in the subject.

Until next time, best of health to you.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't give it away!

1. Teas Help to Ward Off Cancer
2. Massage and Fibromyalgia
3. The Critical Importance Of Cycling
And Stacking In Anti-Aging
4. Hayfever and Nutrition
5. Health Smart Recipe - Vegetable Medley
6. Talk to the GARLIC

Section 1
Teas Help to Ward Off Cancer
Studies are showing that green and black tea contain cancer
fighting antioxidants. The teas come from the same leaf,
Camellia sinensis, but are processed differently. Researchers
believe that this tea gets its disease fighting properties from
polyphenols, especially one called epigallocatechin gallate, or
EGCG. This EGCG neutralizes potentially cell damaging free
radicals in the body. Decaffeinated versions of this tea also
have these cancer-fighting properties.

Source: "The Soothing Way to Ward Off Cancer (green and black tea
may prevent cancer)" Health, March 1999 v13 i2 p50(1).


Section 2
Massage and Fibromyalgia
by Christina Barrett

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by unrelenting
flu-like symptoms, continuous achiness of the entire body,
sleep disturbances and specific tender points on the body.
There are quite a few very good sites on the Internet that
provide information on the diagnosis and treatment of
fibromyalgia. However, right now, I am going to discuss
the effects of massage as a treatment for this distressing

Sleep disturbance is one of the biggest of the contributing
factors to fibromyalgia. Most medication that is prescribed
is to help sufferers sleep better. I have found that massage
is frequently helpful in this regard. Most frequently, my
clients who have this require a gentler, more relaxing type
of treatment. They find that this helps them to sleep at night.

Often, chronic pain causes the person suffering it to tighten
up against the pain. My understanding is that this creates a
feedback loop, wherein the tight muscles make circulation
difficult, which deprives the muscles of necessary oxygen
and nutrients. In turn, this deprivation makes the muscles
tighten up, and the loop goes on.

Massage therapy can loosen the muscle fibers, increase
local circulation, and help to restore a more relaxed
resting tone. What this means in practical terms for the
person on the receiving end, is they are able to function
a bit better when they don't feel as if their entire body is
clenched like a fist. Even if the pain relief is only during
that hour on the massage table, being without pain for even
that amount of time is often very therapeutic. Sometimes it
is the first time in months or years that the person has been
able to relax and rest. Often, clients fall asleep during
treatment, which is exactly what their body needs.

On the other hand, there are a few who require deeper muscle
therapy to achieve the relief they seek. One of my clients with
fibromyalgia is a hairdresser. As you can imagine, she
frequently has her arms raised as she cuts, does perms, styles
and so on. In her case, her shoulders are almost always very
sore, aching and burning. She needs muscle therapy along the
edges of her shoulder blades and the upper trapezius muscles.
The treatments are usually very painful while she is receiving
them, but she assures me the payoff comes the next day or the
one after when she is able to move without hurting, and can
sleep at night.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia and you want to try massage
for it, I recommend talking to the therapist before your first
treatment. Discuss what you feel most comfortable with. It is
probably best to start with a gentle, full-body relaxation type
treatment. Then you and your therapist can work together to
find what provides you with the most relief.

Remember, YOU are in charge of your body. It is up to you
to let the therapist know during treatment if something does
not feel right, or is too painful. Verbal feedback, or an agreed-
on signal to let the therapist know to lighten up or move to
another area will help keep the session enjoyable and effective.

Happy health.

Read about Christina Barrett on our Meet the Team




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Section 3
The Critical Importance Of Cycling
And Stacking In Anti-Aging
by Dr. John H. Maher, A.B.A.A.H.P..
Editor, "Longevity News"
"Your FREE Anti-Aging Prescription On-line!"

"The most dynamic age reversing effects are seen with an
integrated program of HRT (hormone replacement therapy),
antioxidants, exercise, and diet along with HGH or its
precursors" - R. Klatz,M.D. President of A4M (The American
Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine).

Combining many elements together to get a heightened response
is referred to as "stacking", a term that comes to us from the
body building community. When "stacked" one on top of the
other, the effect is synergistic and the result adds up to MORE
than the sum of the parts!

Likewise, Dr. Klatz is saying, among other things, that when
you "stack" multiple hormone enhancements in conjunction with
Hgh enhancements you get a synergistic effect such that each
hormone helps maximize the effectiveness of the other.

Put another way, if for example you are enhancing Hgh levels but
are hypo-thyroid and low in progesterone testosterone, you might
well be less then excited with the results!

Through hormonal salivary tests, and hormonal symptom surveys,
you can determine accurately what other hormones you might
need to enhance, and if your enhancement strategies are working
and working safely.

Cycling is an all together different matter, but certainly no less
important. Cycling refers to the strategy of intermittent utilization
of hormone therapies. That is rest periods are spaced periodically
in the enhancement schedule. This is a vital practice as the body
always tends to "up or down regulate" levels of hormones, enzymes
and such. With actual hormone replacements a negative feed back
loop occurs which tends to diminish endogenous production and
down regulate endogenous sensitivity. Indeed this is the mechanism
by which some one gets "used" to smoking or drinking hard liquor.

Releasers, precursors and secretagogues all have the potential
of overwhelming the enzyme, co-enzyme and substrate
complexes of the related hormones production systems.

The usual recommendation is for DHEA and melatonin is 4
or 5 days on and 2 or 3 days off.

The sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone
precursors and releasers are often cycled 3 weeks on and one
week off. Some use the products from day 1 to 24 of the month,
then start again on the first. With transdermal progesterones,
two weeks on and two weeks off is often sufficient, especially
after the first three months.

For those seeking maximum results, testosterone and HGH
enhancers may be taken in a double dose the first week after
the one week rest period.

Without proper cycling the initial results of HRT will
disappear as "the body gets used to it". With proper
cycling, and occasional remonitoring of levels by salivary
testing, you can be assured you are maintaining the
hormonal levels of youth. By attaining and maintaining
such levels , along with optimal antioxidant status, normal
cortisol "stress hormone" levels , and normal and responsive
insulin levels , you are creating the optimal physiological
state for a maximum health-span and maximal longevity!
Read about Dr. Maher on our Meet the Team


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This is YOUR newsletter! Share your thoughts, what you'd like
to see by emailing, with
"Feedback Your Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.

Section 4
Hayfever and Nutrition
By: June Kaminski RN MSN

In the Western hemisphere, Spring is in the air, bringing
sunshine, new growth and longer daylight hours. Along
with these uplifting changes comes tree and grass pollens,
dust, and other triggers that can cause Hayfever or Allergic
Rhinitis attacks in some people. Common symptoms of
hay fever include nasal discharge, sneezing, headache, itching
of the eyes and nose, lethargy, aching teeth, sinus pressure,
loss of taste and blocked nasal breathing. The inner membrane
of the nasal passages become swollen and often unbearable.
The basic medical treatment for hay fever includes
antihistamines, corticosteroids and guidelines to avoid direct
contact with the offensive allergens. Sometimes more
aggressive treatment is used to build up the body's immune
resistance through the administration of a series of injections
or oral drops containing minute doses of extracts from the
particular allergens involved. Recent research indicates that
certain nutrients and herbs can also be beneficial to hay fever
sufferers. Adding these natural and complementary aids to the
diet can provide added ammunition against unpleasant hay fever

Nutritional Recommendations:

B Vitamins are highly recommended for all allergy sufferers
including those experiencing hay fever. Although particular
B vitamins are identified as more valuable than others, it is
wise to take a balanced B vitamin complex preparation to
ensure that all of the B vitamins remain balanced in the body.
Look for a supplement containing Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin
(B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Pantothenic Acid, Folic
Acid, B12, Biotin, Inositol and Choline in balanced proportions.

Vitamin C (500 mg) combined with Bioflavonoids help to boost
the immune system and have an anti- inflammatory effect on the
nasal passages.

Vitamin A (5,000 to 10,000 IU per day) also boost the immune
system function and enhance the resilience of the nasal passage

Vitamin E (400 IU per day) boosts the elasticity of the nasal
mucous membrane cells.

Food Allergy Precautions:

Careful attention to the diet is also warranted during hay fever
season. People who are allergic to natural substances in the
environment may also be allergic or sensitive to particular
foods as well. Make a point of avoiding certain foods such
as wheat products, eggs, milk and dairy, citrus, chocolate,
shellfish, nuts and nut butters.

Herbal Supplement Recommendations:

Ma Huang or Chinese Ephedra provides a natural source of
ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine which help to constrict the
sinus blood vessels relieving some of the sneezing, nasal
pressure, secretion and itchiness. Look for herbal decongestants
that contain Ephedra. Do be cautious though: use of this
preparation should be restricted to one week at a time to
avoid potential central nervous system over stimulation.

Echinacea and Goldenseal make a fine combination to add
to the treatment regime for hay fever. Echinacea acts as an
anti-viral agent while Goldenseal is anti-bacterial which help
to prevent sinusitis. Goldenseal is also soothing to the throat
and sinus mucous membranes. These two herbs help to boost
the immune system and work to release toxic metabolites that
build up during prolonged allergic responses.

Licorice Root strengthens the adrenal glands which aids in
dealing with hay fever reactions.

Astragalus, another Chinese herb helps to strengthen the body's
defense system or protective energy to help in the resistance of

Elder Tree Leaves ease congestion and inflammation in hay fever,
sinusitis and allergic responses.

Stinging Nettles contains properties that help to relieve allergy
symptoms including coughs, runny nose and congestion. A
caution though: pregnant women should refrain from using nettles.

Read about June Kaminski on our Meet the Team


Your Life-Your Choice makes every effort to provide you with
healthy recipes where the nutrition is geared towards specific
health issues. If you have a recipe you'd like to share, submit
it to with "recipe from YLYC subscriber" in the subject.
Remember to include whatever nutritional information you can.


Section 5. Health Smart Recipe
By Edna Laraway

Nutritionists agree that cruciferous vegetables
can be helpful in Cancer Prevention.
Vegetable Medley

1cup Broccoli
1cup Cauliflower
2 tbsp butter
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp (dry) chicken base
1 tsp garlic powder

Select quantities of the vegetables as required.
steam vegetables separately until just crisp to maximize
nutrients. Toss vegetables with butter, garlic, salt and
pepper, chicken base. Serve piping hot.

Adjust quantities as desired. You can steam ahead of time and just reheat
in the microwave.

Foods Selected Portions Calories Fat Fiber

CAULIFLOWER (1/4 cup) 167.45 0.30 1.77
BROCCOLI (1/4 cup) 129.10 0.30 1.98
CARROT (1/4 cup) 37.94 0.16 1.98
BUTTER (1 tsp) 23.69 2.57 0.00
per 3/4 cup servings of vegetable medley

Section 6.

Dear Garlic,

I am a 42 year old woman with an attitude problem. I
don't seem to be able to find a man with any semblance
of intelligence. They all seem to be spoiled rotten, and
from somewhere believe that they have the brains to
make my decisions for me. Am I doomed to be alone,
or is there some way I can become more tolerant.

Dear Intolerant

Well my dear, you are not the only female with this problem
and no, you are not doomed to be alone for the rest of your
days. First of all, let me remind you who taught these men
their false feelings of superiority. Usually their mothers. From
birth to death, women have reinforced these false ideas. We can
only blame ourselves.

However, I believe I can give you a way to deal with this. Here
are four phrases to use that work in almost any situation.

1) Yes, dear
2) You're Right
3) I'm Sorry
4) It will never happen again

Yes this really works. You don't have to mean it, just say it.
Your sense of the ridiculous will take you through almost any
crisis. He will think you really mean it. Try it, and accept a
future where you make the decisions, and he will never know
the difference. You can enjoy his company, his admiration and
his devotion, and then answer "yes dear" and tune out.

Like to talk to Garlic? Yes, men are welcome too:
put "Dear Garlic" in Subject line please.

Note that the Dear Garlic segment of Your Life-Your Choice is for
entertainment purposes only. The advice is intended to tickle your
funny bone so put your Sense of Humor hat on and let's take a look
at the "lighter side" of life.
After all, laughter is supposed to be the BEST medicine.


All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.

Advertisement in the Your Life-Your Choice newsletter
does not indicate endorsement on our part. The opinions
expressed by our sponsors do not necessarily reflect
our own. Our sponsors make this newsletter FREE to
subscribers. Please take a moment to visit them.
* Share Your Life-Your Choice with your Friends! *
* This newsletter can be forwarded in its entirety only. *
* Remember to discuss these options with your Health *
* Care provider before implementing them. *

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