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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 32
Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== June, 1999
issue 32
Section 1 PLEASE VISIT OUR SPONSORS - Free Alternative Health Tips and
Weight Loss Secrets. Discover the best anti-cancer food;
how to talk free with specialists about cancer causes,
prevention and treatment; which fruits and vegetables are the
most beneficial; how to keep your metabolism from slowing
down; how to boost your immune system and many more tips.
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Letter from the Editor
Well, summer is certainly here and we are feeling the
heat. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.
Remember to check out the new E-Diets program. This is
the best program I've seen on or off the Web.
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both sections into the location bar of your browser.)
A personal diet plan is created just for you from your profile.
You will lose two pounds a week ... every week. We're always
interested in your feedback. So let us know how you're
doing through the E-Diets program.
Many times articles are written in response to a question or
a request from subscribers. This one was particularly touching.
Many thanks to Margie, one of Your Life-Your Choice
subscribers who wrote in and brought to our attention
this very serious health issue. Here is an excerpt of her email
to us:
"Hello, I really appreciate the newsletter, Your Life-Your Choice.
The information and the detail of the information is 'the best'.
Hepatitis C is becoming epidemic, many people have it, and don't
know they are walking around with the silent killer.
<Snip personal message>
Please devote one of your newsletters to this huge
health problem. Meds, herbs, diet, magnets...anything
and everything that can help people with HepC."
Our nutritionist Andrea Lemieux has contributed an
excellent article addressing this issue. I hope this is
helpful to you and others. Our thoughts and prayers
are with you.
Remember that Practitioners listed in our own Wellness
Locator receive TOP PRIORITY, and are always the first to be
referred through our Find A Practitioner Program. The enormous
demand for this program is a definite indication that people
look to Your Life-Your Choice to fill their alternative
medicine needs in ALL modalities, and in every part of the
There has never been a better time to be listed in the
Wellness Locator. Not only will your listing be working
for you for a full year, but Your Life-Your Choice will
forward YOUR contact information to all requests for your
expertise in your local area. No other directory on the
web works like this for YOU.
So do your professional friends a favour! Tell them
to go to and find
out how to get listed. And to the practitioners who subscribe
to Your Life-Your Choice, what are you waiting for? Help us
help you, to help others who need your services.
Remember, as you check out the Wellness Locator;, watch for the
special symbol within the listings indicating a new product
or service announcement! These companies have something new
and exciting to share with you! In fact there's one in there
now offering YOU a terrific deal while you're contributing to
a terrific cause at the same time!
Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.
Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!
@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ 2. Diabetes Mellitus - The Secret of
@ Prevention and Reversal
@ (part two)
@ The Secret of Preventing and Reversing
@ Diabetes is presented in a 3-part series.
@ Last month in part one you got an overview
@ of the problem of diabetes, and the dynamics
@ that play a role in it's development. Today in
@ Part two, you will find out the "secret" of
@ preventing and reversing diabetes. Next month
@ in part three, you will find out how to manage
@ the degenerative conditions associated with
@ diabetes such as - obesity and hypertension,
@ vascular diseases, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic
@ neuropathy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and
@ infections.
@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Are your eyes bright and sparkling, your nails
@ strong, your emotions balanced, and your
@ digestive system running smoothly? These are
@ some of the signs of a healthy liver. On the other
@ hand, if your eyes are dull, perhaps with a yellow
@ tinge to the whites; your nails soft, chipped or
@ cracked; you feel depressed or irritable; or your
@ digestive system is sluggish, then you can be sure
@ that your liver isnit working properly.
@ Kale or Collards with Onion and Garlic
@ Black-Eyed Beans with Mushrooms
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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved
Section 2 Diabetes Mellitus - The Secret of
Prevention and Reversal
(part two)
By Dr. Boyce N. Berkel
Read about Dr. Boyce Berkel on our Meet the Team
The Secret of Preventing and Reversing Diabetes is presented in
a 3-part series. Last month in part one you got an overview of
the problem of diabetes, and the dynamics that play a role in it's
development. Today in Part two, you will find out the "secret"
of preventing and reversing diabetes. Next month in
part three, you will find out how to manage the degenerative
conditions associated with diabetes such as - obesity and
hypertension, vascular diseases, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic
neuropathy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and infections.
The secret of reversing both the compensated phase and the
decompensated phases of the diabetes mellitus disease process is
to initially avoid foods; chemicals and inhalants which are evoking
the hyperglycemic reactions and the production of insulin
resistance due to evoking edema of body cells. This is largely
related to foods. These are foods that you are eating with
a frequency of twice or week or more. Testing of the blood sugar
before and one hour after a meal (after five days of the initial
avoidance ) will demonstrate what these foods are. Another way
to proceed is to assume that any food that is being eaten as much
as twice a week or more, or any member of that family of foods
can be evoking the swelling of cells. You can then proceed with a
4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet without food testing. This is
found to be adequate for the majority of people. Chemicals
do have to be considered, even such as car exhaust, natural gas or
a drug or hormone that has been ordered by a physician. A 4 Day
Diversified Rotation Diet initially leaving out these foods you
commonly use, usually works quite well in reversing the disease
process. The 4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet can later incorporate
these foods back into the diet after three months if they are eaten
on a four day rotation basis. Ninety-five percent of the time, these
foods can be re-introduced without producing symptoms or
hyperglycemia. The 4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet should
become a lifestyle.
NOTE: The 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet was covered in the
23rd issue of the Your Life - Your Choice Newsletter. The topic
is "Complementing Magnetic Therapy With The 4-Day
Diversified Rotation Diet (part two). To find out about this diet,
go to:
Classically, maladaptive reaction to foods, chemicals, and inhalants
are part of and central to degenerative diseases whether physical or
mental. Maladaptive reaction to foods composed a majority of these
acute symptoms produced, as well as the longer term degenerative
disease symptoms. Comparing acute symptoms with the chronic
symptoms of degenerative diseases reveals that the symptoms of
chronic diseases are simply a time extension of acute maladaptive
reactions. The metabolic mechanisms of acute maladaptive reactions
are the same as the chronic symptoms of degeneration. Central to this
biological disorder producing symptoms is the production of acidity
with its associated reduction of oxygen (acid-hypoxia).
The central disorders of acute maladaptive reactions are: 1) acidity,
and 2) oxygen deficit. Monitoring the biochemical disorders of chronic
degenerative diseases reveals the same disorders as acute maladaptive
reactions which are acid-hypoxia. Chronic degenerative diseases are
observed to be acute maladaptive reactions extended in tirne to a
chronic state with the resultant cellular damage. The contrast
between the well cells of the healthy, functioning person and the
sick cells of degenerative diseases provides valuable clues as to
how magnetics can substantially aid in recovery of inflammatory
degenerative diseases, infections from microorganisms and cancer.
In the process of oxidative phosphorylation producing adenosine
triphosphate ( ATP), molecular oxygen accepts an electron and becomes
free radical oxygen ( super oxide). If not immediately enzymatically
reversed, super oxide proceeds to produce other free radicals,
peroxides, oxyacids, alcohols and aldehydes. These are all
Human cells have the capacity to make ATP by either oxidative
phosphorylation or fermentation. Cellular fermentation producing ATP
only functions in the abnormal state of acidity and hypoxia. The
enzymes catalyzing fermentation production of ATP are tranferases
which are acid-hypoxic-positive static magnetic field activation
There are specific ( oxidoreductase enzymes) non-phosphorus
( non ATP ) static magnetic field enzyme energy activation and
specific ATP energy activated enzymes. When oxidative
phosphorylation catalyzes the production of ATP this catalytic
reaction makes negative static field magnetism termed oxidation
remnant magnetism. This negative static magnetic field is available
to energize oxidoreductase enzyme catalysis and at the same time,
block tranferases and hydrolase catalysis. Besides the biological
available negative static magnetic field from oxidation remnant
magnetism, there is an always present electrostatic field. In an
alkaline medium the electrostatic field produces a negative static
magnetic field which energizes oxidoreductase catalysis. In an acid
medium, an electrostatic field produces a positive static magnetic
field which in turn energizes tranferases and hydrolases. Both
oxidation phosphorylation and fermentation catalysis are static
magnetic field energized. However, they are energized by opposite
magnetic poles
ATP made by fermentation with its acid-hypoxic medium cannot
maintain human biological life energy. ATP made by fermentation
can maintain the life energy of microorganisms such as bacteria,
fungi, viruses, parasites and cancer cells. The secret to reverse
acute maladaptive symptom reactions, prevent and reverse
microorganism infections, maintaining human biological health and
providing for the reversal of degenerative diseases is to maintain
a normal alkaline body pH, hyperoxia and an adequate negative static
magnetic field. The biological response to a negative static magnetic
field can maintain these necessary components of healthy human cells.
Thus it can be understood that exposure to an external source of a
negative static magnetic field supports human health and materially
aids in reversal of inflammatory degenerative diseases, cancer and the
defense against microorganism invasion. This external negative static
magnetic field can be applied to local affected areas as well as
applied systemically by such as a negative static magnetic field bed
Next month, in segment three of this series, you will find out
how to manage the degenerative conditions associated with
diabetes such as - obesity and hypertension, vascular diseases,
diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, and infections
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Section 4 Taking Care of Your Liver
by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP
Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;
Are your eyes bright and sparkling, your nails strong, your
emotions balanced, and your digestive system running
smoothly? These are some of the signs of a healthy liver. On
the other hand, if your eyes are dull, perhaps with a yellow
tinge to the whites; your nails soft, chipped or cracked; you
feel depressed or irritable; or your digestive system is sluggish,
then you can be sure that your liver isn't working properly.
When the liver functions well, the whole body functions well.
The liver is essential to life. It is often considered to be the most
important organ in the body. It is so critical to our physical,
mental and emotional health that it has been given the ability to
regenerate itself if a part of it is damaged.
The liver performs hundreds of different functions. First and
foremost it filters toxins in the blood stream and de-activates
them. Therefore, it stands to reason that if our bodies are
overloaded with poisonous substances, the liver will become
overburdened and will not be able to adequately perform all its
other duties.
Since the liver regulates so many body processes, anything that
improves liver function can also help prevent or improve digestive
problems; fatigue, anxiety, and depression; weight problems;
allergies; hormonal imbalances; infertility; cardiovascular disease;
auto immune diseases; and cancer.
A build up of poisons from pesticides, drugs, preservatives,
nicotine, and environmental pollutants will impair the liver.
Emotions like anger will also greatly disturb liver energy. Other
challenges come from inadequate nutrition. A diet high in
processed foods, junk food, alcohol, caffeine, refined white flour
products, and white sugar products will contribute to liver
malfunction. Excess animal fats, fried foods, rancid oils and
hydrogenated oils like margarine, are particularly detrimental
to health.
With so many ways to pollute the body, we need to focus on
the positive choices that we can make to support liver health.
As well as an excellent nutritional program, an overall health-
promoting lifestyle with regular exercise, proper breathing,
adequate rest, and a positive mental attitude is essential to
good health.
Here are some nutritional guidelines to keep your liver happy:
- Don't overeat. Overeating is probably the most common
cause of liver malfunction. It creates excess work for the
liver, leaving less energy for detoxification.
- Ideal sources of fat are butter; extra-virgin olive oil; and the
naturally occurring fats in eggs, fish, poultry, lean meats, raw
unsalted nuts and seeds, and avocado.
- Adequate dietary fiber is the most important agent in
supporting the liver. This is easy when you focus on whole,
natural foods and avoid processed foods. Your diet should
consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes,
raw nuts and seeds and adequate protein from eggs, fish,
poultry, and lean meats.
- Richly coloured fruits and vegetables, are most important as
they contain phytochemicals that will protect the liver against
cellular damage.
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
kale, cauliflower) are particularly valuable foods as they
actually activate enzymes responsible for liver detoxification.
- Bitter greens (watercress, chicory, dandelion, kale,
collards) will help promote the flow of bile for digestion.
Our diet favours sweet, salty, and a little sour, but we
tend to avoid bitter tastes. This trend creates an imbalance.
So the next time you chop up some celery for a salad,
don't throw out the bitter leafy tops, and add some
dandelion greens. Your liver will love you for it.
- If you like curry, have it often. Turmeric, a curry
spice, contains a yellow pigment called curcumin
that has been shown to increase bile flow.
- Drink eight cups of purified water daily; this is
essential for detoxification.
- Some supplements that are beneficial to the liver
are the vitamin B-Complex, vitamin C, vitamin E,
and coenzyme Q-10.
For anyone suffering from poor liver function or diseases
such as hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), the approach
to treatment should involve detoxification and regeneration,
supporting the liver's own power for regeneration and self
healing. Nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed.
People with hepatitis will generally not be able to tolerate
many vitamin and mineral supplements. Homeopathic and
botanical remedies that stimulate bile flow and open the
channels of elimination can help the liver to dispose of
wastes. Chelidonium majus is one remedy with a long
history of use. Dandelion, both the roots and leaves can
be taken as a tea, tincture or capsule. Because these
remedies will increase bile flow, they should not be used
if there is bile duct obstruction.
Regeneration is dependent upon reversing free radical
damage and removing fat accumulation in the liver. Milk
Thistle (Silybum marianum) is the best botanical for
regeneration and for protecting the liver, and has long been
used as an agent for liver and gall bladder ailments. It can
be taken safely for extended periods of time. Proper nutrition
with adequate dietary fiber and plenty of pure water is essential
for detoxification and regeneration.
Below, in our Recipe Segment, is a recipe to introduce you
to the benefits of some liver-healthy bitter greens.
Section 5 Kale or Collards with Onion and Garlic
by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP
Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;
This is a recipe to introduce you to the benefits of some
liver-healthy bitter greens. The food combinations in this
recipe can help the regeneration process of your liver.
This is especially helpful for those suffering from health
issues relating to liver damage, like Hepatitis.
Serves 4 to 6
1#189# lbs. kale or collard greens, or a mixture of the two
Water for boiling
Pinch of Celtic sea salt (gray salt)
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, butter or ghee
1 large onion, sliced (or 1 bunch scallions, sliced)
2 to 5 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch of cayenne pepper (Optional)
Pinch of Celtic sea salt
Dash of hot pepper sauce
Dash of fresh squeezed lemon juice
Wash kale and/or collard greens and allow to drain.
Remove tough central stem, then slice the leaves any size
you like.
Fill a large pot with water (large enough so greens won't be
crowded), and bring to a boil. Add a pinch of salt. Add greens.
Boil, uncovered, at medium heat for 5 to 15 minutes, depending
on how soft you like your greens.
With a slotted spoon, strain the greens out of the cooking liquid.
When cool enough to handle, gently squeeze the liquid out.
Then ifluffi them out again and separate them. Set aside.
In a large skillet, heat the oil, butter, or ghee, diluted with a
little water. Add the onions and saut#233# over medium heat until soft
and wilted. Add garlic and cayenne if desired. Saut#233# until garlic is
fragrant. Add cooked, squeezed greens and stir to heat through.
Remove from pan and season with salt, hot pepper sauce, and a
dash of lemon juice.
Black-Eyed Beans with Mushrooms
by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP
Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;
In the Southern United States, black-eyed beans are traditionally
served with collard greens. They originated in Africa, but are also
prominent in Indian and Chinese cooking. This recipe from India
is particularly delicious.
Adapted from Madhur Jeffrey's Indian Cookery
Serves 6
1#189# cups dried black-eyed beans
4 cups water
1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced
3 tablespoons butter, ghee or extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
A 1-inch stick of cinnamon
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped (to peel, immerse in
boiled water)
2 teaspoon ground coriander seed
1 teaspoon ground cumin seed
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
Pinch cayenne pepper (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander (or parsley)
Pick over beans for stones or broken beans. Soak overnight or
at least 8 hours. Drain and rinse. Put beans in a heavy pot with
water to cover by 1 inch, bring to a boil, drain and rinse again.
Put beans in a heavy pot with the 2 pints of water and bring to a
boil. Turn heat to low, cover and simmer gently for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, heat butter, ghee or olive oil over medium-high heat,
put in whole cumin seeds and cinnamon stick, let sizzle 5 secs.
Add onions and garlic, stir until the onion are soft. Add the
mushrooms, stir until mushrooms wilt. Add the tomatoes, ground
coriander, ground cumin, turmeric and cayenne. Stir and cook for
a minute. Cover, turn heat to low and let this mixture cook in its
own juices for 10 minutes.
Add the mushroom mixture, salt, pepper and fresh coriander to the
beans and water. Stir to mix, simmer uncovered for another 30
minutes. Stir occasionally. Remove cinnamon stick before serving.
Serve over brown rice or a baked potato.
Freezes well.
All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.
All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.
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