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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 35
Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== August, 1999
issue 35
This issue of Your Life-Your Choice is sponsored in part by:
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Letter from the Editor
We've got some more great articles waiting to be
shared with you today. So I won't take up a bunch of your
time with idle babble. :) But I do want to keep you
informed of upcoming new additions to Your Life-Your
Within the next couple of months Your Life-Your Choice
will be offering a number of new features:
ONLINE SEMINARS! The speakers will be
certified practitioners and the topics will cover their area
of expertise. You'll even get a chance to ask your questions
right there! We'll be offering a variety of topics and modalities.
We are right now in the process of gathering speakers
that would interest you, and finalizing some details. If there
is a modality that is of particular interest to you, let us know
and we'll try to find a practitioner to speak for us. Just email
your request to and let us
know your interests.
MESSAGE BOARDS! We'll be substituting the Q&A
supplement with online message boards. This way you
can receive answers to your questions in a much more
timely manner. And you may even receive several qualified
The message board will be moderated to ensure responsible
posting. If anyone would like to help moderate, please email want to help moderate.
NEWSFEEDS! We are also working towards having our
own up to the minute Alternative Medicine Newsfeeds. So
you will be able to see immediately what is happening in the
world of alternative medicine; what studies are being done,
and lots more! I believe this will be the ONLY place online
to receive this kind of information.
We are still ironing out some details, but you should see
these things in action within a couple of months at the latest.
We'll keep you posted! Meanwhile let us know what you
think about our new plans for expansion:
Remember to check out "eDiets", an online diet program.
Each diet is individualized based on a profile you fill out.
It takes into consideration any health issues, special diets
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the visit! Check out eDiets for yourself!
(Important Note: expand your email to maximum. If the link below
requires more than one line you must copy & paste BOTH sections
into the Location bar of your browser.)
Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.
Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!
@ Our sponsors make this
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@ moment to visit them.
@ Discover how others
@ successfully solved your
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@ See what special events are
@ being celebrated around the
@ world.
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@ moment to visit them.
@ The American Indians used the leaf tea as a female
@ tonic. They also used Vervain for colds, coughs,
@ fevers, bowel complaints, dysentery, and stomach
@ cramps. It is emetic in large doses. The root is
@ considered more active than leaves but traditionally
@ just the aerial parts are used.
@ Fortunately, head lice nits are easy to spot.
@ Unfortunately, head lice are not as easy to
@ get rid of. Pre-treatment (with over-the-counter
@ or prescription shampoos) is NOT effective or
@ recommended. Like new antibiotic-resistant strains
@ of bacteria/viruses, head lice are becoming more
@ resistant to treatment and the treatment, if overdone,
@ can be harmful to us. Here's a solution.
@ 7. WANNA LIVE TO BE 100? (Part III)
@ Now that you have had a brief introduction as to
@ some of major factors in aging, let's do an overview
@ of a rational anti-aging program based on last issues
@ theories of aging. .
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Copyright 1997-1999 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved
Dear Your Life-Your Choice,
My Daughter was training in her Olympian Swim Club
when she developed a case of tendonitis while training.
This made it almost impossible for her to continue
swimming. We all thought she'd have to quit all together.
At the advice of her coach, we gave her an herb called
White Oak. Within 2 days her pain was gone! Shortly
afterward she broke her own swimming record and
qualified for the State Finals.
Dear Your Life-Your Choice,
I've never had a problem with acne, but a while ago a
huge boil broke out on my leg. It was larger than a
silver dollar, very ugly, and extremely painful. I took
an herb called Red Clover and now, after about 3
months it is just a small dry patch. I've noticed that
my skin is also not as dry as it was before and it's
clearer too.
Brantford, Ontario
If you, or someone you know, have a testimony you'd like to
share, it can be submitted to
with "Testimonies Your Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.
All testimonies should be kept to a maximum of 200 words and
should include the method of treatment used without naming
industry specific brands, companies, or individuals. For example:
"through the use of Bee Pollen" is permitted because it is the
name of the actual herb. However "by using XYZ product"
(only available through a specific company) is not permitted.
All testimonies become the property of Your Life-Your Choice.
All submissions are subject to responsible editing and any
reference made to an industry specific product will be edited
out as this section is not intended to be an advertising platform.
Share your story and help other readers who share your health
Section 3 Calendar of World Celebrations
The following Celebrations are floating Holidays
occuring in August.
1st Monday Civic or Provincial Canada
2nd Sunday Fathers Day Brazil
mid-August Obon- Festival of Soul Japan
August 9 Independence Day Singapore
August 15 Aajadi Diwas // Independence Day India
August 15 The 15th of August Italy
August 15 Liberation Day South Korea
August 15 The Assumption of Our Lady Portugal
August 25 Independence Day Uruguay
August 30 Santa Rosa de Lima Peru
August 31 National Day // Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia
Thank you to those who have submitted your Holiday to us.
My apologies if we've missed an event that is special to
you or your country. If you have a Holiday you'd like to
share, please send
Include the name of the Holiday, the country that celebrates
it, the date it is celebrated (details like the first Sunday
in May), tell us a little about the Holiday; why it's
important and how it is celebrated.
To all of you, we wish a joyous Celebration!
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By Howie M. Thomason RNCP, CH.
Read about Howie Thomason on our Meet the Team
Blue Vervain
Verbena Officinalis
By Howie M. Thomason RNCP., CH.
Blue Vervain is a very attractive plant and is found growing
in fields and thickets in Canada and America. It grows to a
height of two to four feet and has a four angled grooved stem.
The flowers are a blue-violet colour arranged in pencil-like
spikes on top of the plant. It flowers in July to September.
The leaves are mostly lanced shaped and sharp-toothed.
The American Indians used the leaf tea as a female tonic.
They also used Vervain for colds, coughs, fevers, bowel
complaints, dysentery, and stomach cramps. It is emetic
in large doses. The root is considered more active than
leaves but traditionally just the aerial parts are used.
Parts used;
Aerial parts.
Vervain should be collected just before the flowers
open which is July in Canada and it should be dried
Energy and Flavour;
Cold and bitter.
Biochemical Constituents;
Bitter glycosides called verbenalin and verbenine,
essential oil, mucilage, tannin.
Actions and Properties;
Nervine tonic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic,
galactagogue, hepatic, emetic in large doses.
Vervain has the ability to strengthen the nervous system
and at the same time relax any tension and stress. It can
be used to ease depression and melancholia, especially
when this follows an illness like the flu. It may be used to
help in seizure and hysteria as well. It can be used for
nervous headache, sleeplessness and delirium etc.........
As a diaphoretic it can be used in the early stages of
fevers and its influence is to increase capillary circulation.
As an emetic it ranks next to Lobelia when there is a
need to cleanse the stomach. It is also a very effective
anthelmintic (wormer) though this is not one of Vervain's
better known properties. As a hepatic remedy it can
help in inflammation of the gall bladder and jaundice.
It is useful for liver congestion and related disorders
such as painful or irregular menses which often can be
traced back to the liver. It also has a use for hepatitis,
cirrhosis, ascites, and mastitis. As if the above are not
enough uses for this valuable herb, it can also be used
as a mouth wash to help prevent caries and as an effective
treatment for gum disease.
Preparation and dosage;
In the treatment of depression it can be combined in
equal parts with Skullcap, Oats and Lady#185#s Slipper.
Pour a cup of boiling water over one to three teaspoons
of the dried herb and infuse for ten minutes. This can be
drunk three times a day.
Two to four ml of the tincture three times a day.
Dominion Herbal College Text
David Hoffmann, The New Holistic Herbal. 1990
Michael Tierra, The Way of Herbs. 1998
Peterson Field Guides-Eastern Medicinal Plants
by Marian Brown
Health & Healing News
Parents faithfully teach their children how to cross the street
safely, not to talk to strangers, and that sharing is the right
thing to do. However, with sharing we need to add some
clarification. Sharing toys and books is fine, but, sharing
hats, combs, and other personal care items can lead to
spreading germs, bacteria, and disease--namely head lice!
Head lice are non-discriminatory--they pay no heed to race,
religion, sex or economic status. Yes, even the cleanest, most
impeccably groomed child can become infected with head lice
and in turn infect the whole family. Some information is now
showing that head lice in fact having an easier time infecting
hair that is "squeaky" clean.
Across the nation several school districts have faced or are
facing head lice epidemics. This too is being blamed on el nino.
(Some speculation is that warmer weather keeps the lice more
active.) But, whatever the cause, the infestation happens very
quickly. It is a simple process. Chidden often share hair combs,
barrettes and hats, allowing the head lice to leave one home
(your hat) for a new one --the other child's hair.
Fortunately, head lice nits are easy to spot. They are tiny, white
or pearly colored eggs that attach themselves to the hair. (See
illustration at top) They will not easily flake off like dry scalp or
dandruff. The lice themselves are dark colored, similar to fleas,
but almost crab-shaped in appearance. It is common to find nits,
but no lice.
Unfortunately, head lice are not as easy to get rid of or deter.
Pre-treatment (with over-the-counter or prescription shampoos)
is NOT effective or recommended. Like new antibiotic-resistant
strains of bacteria/viruses, head lice are becoming more resistant
to treatment and the treatment, if overdone, can be harmful to us.
As parents, there are several things we can do on the prevention
side. First, explain to your children that personal items such as
combs and hats should not be shared with others or should your
children borrow or use those items from their friends. Be sure to
explain that other items can be shared and do not scare your
children by being overly dramatic about getting a disease or "bugs".
Follow this sharing concept at home. Each family member should
have his/her own personal comb/brush and hat--teach by example.
Good hygiene alone will not prevent head lice. Normal shampoos
will not deter them. However, tea tree oil has been traditionally
used (and is commonly used in other countries) as a natural
repellent against head lice. Commercial tea tree shampoos are
available or simply prepare your own by adding 3-5 drops of tea
tree oil to 1 ounce of shampoo. Another option, which I personally
used, is to rub the tea tree oil directly on a fine-toothed comb and
comb through the hair, adding additional drops of oil as needed.
(Do not wet the hair with the oil or pour directly on the scalp.)
Other preventative measures include washing bedding and outer
clothing frequently. Tea tree oil is generally safe to add with
detergent directly in the washing machine. (Use caution when
washing delicate or fine washables.) (I have found that using
8-10 drops seems sufficient as tee tree oil is a highly concentrated
essential oil.)
Also, if head lice is prevalent in your school, visit your child's
classroom. Many schools face over-crowding and coats/hats/etc
are on top of each other or overlapping. Look for alternatives to
this, and the spreading may be cut down.
Should prevention fail, contact your health care provider and be
sure to contact your child's daycare or school nurse!
Section 7 WANNA LIVE TO BE 100? (Part III)
The Theories of Aging: 101
by Dr. J.H. Maher
Editor of the "Longevity News"
your FREE at home study course in anti-aging.
An Introductory Outline to a Rational Anti- Aging Program
Now that you have had a brief introduction as to some of
major factors in aging, let's do an overview of a rational
anti-aging program based on last issues theories of aging. .
FIRST, regardless of age, we want to fill our bodies with
an abundance of anti-oxidants, while we do our best to
avoid oxidant poisons.(Some of us may even need to detoxify
to rid our bodies of accumulated oxidants like heavy
metals or pesticides). This is done through a good diet
and aggressive supplementation.
"We could save billions of dollars if we could delay the
onset of chronic diseases by as little as ten years."-
Dr. J. Blumberg, Tufts, who advises adults to take anti-
oxidant vitamen supplements.
SECOND, we want to prevent sugar imbalances, Syndrome X,
diabetes and the accumulation of advanced glycation end
products (remember AGE?) by good diet, supplements and
THIRD, we want to minimize stress and maximize our ability
to handle it by balanced healthy life-styles, and vitamins
and herbs designed as stress handlers and relievers.
FINALLY, we want to restore our hormonal levels to closer
approximate those levels we had when we were young. Today,
most anyone can afford to do so safely, without pre-
"Replacing the hormones which decline with age, such as
estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin, and now HGH, is
as important as replacing normal levels of insulin is
to a diabetic."
Ronald Klatz, M.D.,President of the Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine (A4M).
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) predicts
50% of all baby boomers alive and well today will celebrate
their 100th birthday with physical and mental faculties
intact. By instituting a life-style and supplement program
that covers the above basics, you are much more likely
to be among the 50% enjoying a 100 year active and sharp
"health-span". And if you are younger, your chances are
even better!
All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.
* I know you have friends who are be interested *
* in this information. Put them in your debt and *
* forward a copy of Your Life-Your Choice to them. *
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