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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 57

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
Issue 57
July, 2000

Letter From the Editor

Water, water everywhere, now what drop dare I drink?
Water, or "aqua vitae" is literally the "Water of Life".
All known life forms require water to live. Our bodies
are made up of approx. 70% of water. Water is involved
in every body process, including digestion, absorption,
circulation and excretion. Water is the natural way we
receive nutrients and minerals. The old adage of 8 glasses
of water every day is an absolute minimum requirement
for healthy bodies.

City water, well water, spring water, rain water, bottled
water? So many kinds of water, but for today we are going
to address the many new brands of bottled water on the
market. Is bottled water better than natural, are there
labeling restrictions, why is it better than regular tap water?
Is bottled water better than tap water? Well in most areas
this proves to be true. You can not be sure what is in your
tap water unless you have it tested occasionally. Regardless
of the source, lake, rain etc tap water can contain
undesirable substances such as fertilizers, asbestos,
cyanides, herbicides, pesticides and industrial chemicals.
They can leach into the water supply from the ground
or from your pipes. Even plastic pipes can produce
impurities and contamination.

So, you decide the safest course is to use bottled water.
I mean it comes in a bottle, it must be pure, Right? Wrong!
Bottled water comes in many kinds, and must be clearly
labeled. It is usually classified as to its source type, spring,
spa, glacier, public water supply etc. There can be a lot
of confusion and overlapping in these labels, there are no
rules in place to govern appropriate labeling, so some
claims may be misleading or incorrect.

Mineral water is natural spring water. The word natural on
the bottle only means that the mineral content of the water
has not been altered from its original state. Make sure you
check that bottles labeled Natural spring water list the water
source on the bottle. In addition to containing minerals, the
water must flow freely from its source, it cannot be pumped
or forced from the ground and must be bottled directly at the
source. You need to be aware of the minerals in the water you
choose to drink. If you drink mineral water for therapeutic
reasons, and the water you drink contains minerals your
system doesn't require, you could be doing yourself more
harm than good.

Sparking Water is water that has been carbonated. Watch for
additives such as fructose and other sweeteners. Some are
so high in sugar content they are comparative to drinking
soda pop. If the bottled water is labeled "naturally sparkling
water, the source of the carbonation is from the same source
as the water. If the bottled water is labeled "Carbonated
natural water, the source of the carbonation is added to the
water. People with intestinal disorders or ulcers should
avoid drinking carbonated water as it may irritate the
gastrointestinal tract.

Then we have Distilled water. This bottled water comes from
the condensation of the steam after the water is boiled. This
is thought to be the safest type of water to drink. Most of the
bacteria, viruses, chemicals, minerals and pollutants are left
behind. Distilled water can be somewhat tasteless, but you
can add flavor by adding raw apple cider vinegar (from a
health food store). One or two tbsp per gallon. Lemon juice
is another excellent addition. You can add back the minerals
lost in the distilling process by adding mineral drops. Two
tbsps to every 5 imperial gallons.

So as you can see, finding safe, healthy water to drink is
no longer a given. Since you must have water, and if you use
tap water, have it checked regularly to ensure no
contaminants are present. Try one of the new filtration/purifiers
that fit on your tap, or filter in a container. Don't take it for
granted that if its in a bottle the water must be good for you.
Always check the labels and know the label definitions.
If you need more information I would suggest starting at a website I found most informative.

Many thanks to Dr. James F. Balch, MD and Phyllis A.
Balch CNC, authors of Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
(Second edition) which proved an excellent source of reference.

Best of health to you,

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
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1. Dental Wellness by Dr. John Trager
2. Part 1: Lower Back Pain Mysteries Revealed and Healed
by Laurel Duran CMT
3. Healing through Ayruvedic foods by Har Hari S. Khalsa,D.C.
4. Talk to GARLIC
5. Tea Tips

Section 1
Dental Wellness
by Dr. John Trager

In our last article we began exploring Dental Stressors
or causes of Periodontal Disease. We discussed faulty
dental fillings, crowns, bridges and prosthetic appliances
in relationship to our chewing function.
Improper dental work can also affect how our jaw (TMJ)
joints function.

we will be addressing the jaw joints (TMJ) in future
articles, but for now it is important to understand that
functioning joints affect the functioning of the periodontal
structures. (This relationship is reciprocal, where
compromised periodontal structures can affect the jaw

Symptoms of Jaw (TMJ) Dysfunction can include:
1) clicking
2) popping
3) cracking
4) pain
5) ringing in the ears

Whiplash injuries or other accidental trauma to the head
and neck can affect jaw function in turn affecting the
periodontal structures.

Our next dental stressor is the compatibility of the
materials that have been used in our mouths. In recent
years we have learned that may of the dental materials
used in the profession are not right for everyone.
Adverse immune effects have been observed with one
of these being a breakdown in the integrity of the
periodontal structures. This breakdown reacts like a
severe allergic reaction, but it can happen subtly over an
extended period of time.

Not only is there concern over individual material
compatibility, but the reaction of dissimilar metals in the
same mouth can set up a destructive electrolytic reaction,
much like a battery. The effects can harm both the nervous
and circulatory systems in the mouth and surrounding

On example is placing a gold filling or crown over or near
a mercury\silver filling. Pain, bone loss or inability to chew
can result from this common practice.
Several tests have been designed to give accurate
information about material compatibility. One, the
Clifford reactivity tests utilizes our blood and tests its
compatibility with thousands of materials used in
dentistry today. Another utilizes a computer to analyze
the effect of materials on our energy meridian systems.
Both tests will give you needed information to make
imformed choices regarding the safety of materials used
in your mouth.

Finally, I want to address atrogenic dental stressors.
These stressors relate to those caused by the dental
professionals themselves. By this I refer to careless,
harsh, rough and abusive treatment.

Our mouths are the source of our emotions, feelings and
instincts, and are sensitive barometers of who we are as
human beings, even to the level of our cells and organs.
Our periodontal structures are like fine instruments
which will reflect this violation and any other disturbances
that we have had, or are presently experiencing.
In our next article, we will look at environmental stressors,
as well as personal, physical and emotional factors that
may contribute to periodontal disease.
I have developed a six week periodontal power program
to build a healing foundation to reverse periodontal
disease. For more information call (727) 384-4025.
Read more about Dr. John Trager on our Meet the Team


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Section 2
Part 1: Lower Back Pain Mysteries Revealed and Healed"
by Laurel Duran, CMT

Virtually every massage therapy client I have ever worked
with over the last 21 years has, at one time or another,
suffered from lower back pain and has found relief through
receiving therapeutic massage. In this 2-part article I will
touch on several causal factors involved with lower back
pain, and suggest some practical wholistic solutions that
have proven extremely beneficial.

When the musculature of the lower back becomes overly
tight, tense and densely packed with excess energy, I do
NOT first recommend exercises that focus on strengthening
supposedly "weak" lower back muscles! This superficial
approach is based on a misconception regarding the actual
causes of lower back pain. The fact is, the lower back
muscles have actually been OVERused already. When I was
a health club owner and corporate on-site fitness training
program director, the customers who had frustratedly
followed such injurious exercise advice not only increased
their lower back pain and intensified their strained state,
but they also remained in the dark about the actual body
mechanics that caused the original pain. Once my staff and
I put these fitness customers back on the right exercise,
diet and positive thinking tracks, their pain became history.
Here's the real story about lower back pain.

More often than not, lower back pain sufferers have weak
(meaning under used) abdominal muscles. Put simply,
because our muscles work together in pairs, if one partner
in a pair is weak, then the other partner has to carry more
workload. If you look at your body profile before a mirror,
you can see the easy logic of the symbiotic relationship
between your abdominal muscles and your lower back
muscles. If your lower back is responsible for carrying the
workload while your abdominal muscles are on vacation, the
imbalance is bound to create physical problems. Usually,
when someone has a heavily protruding belly, their lower
back is improperly arched and painfully strained from too
much workload. The most elementary solution might be to
redistribute the workload by exercising the abdominal
muscles in ways that DO NOT STRAIN the lower back
muscles. By lying on the floor with knees bent, first press
your lower spine as flat to the floor as you can. This simple
"pelvic tilt" begins to simultaneously open up the spaces
between the lower back vertebrae, thereby taking pressure
off the lower spine, and to exercise the "partner" abdominal
muscles. This makes a very safe beginning position for a
variety of healthy abdominal exercises. From here you
could inhale deeply, then on the exhale, slide your hands up
your thighs, gently raising your head and neck, keeping
your lower back pressed to the floor for spinal safety the
entire time. Gradually, as you build up your abdominal
strength, you can more easily bring yourself up into a
sitting position if you wish. The objective of a sit-up type
exercise is not to sit up. The objective is to exercise your
abdominal muscles. In order to avoid injuring your lower
back it's essential that you avoid arching your back during
abdominal exercises.

Now let's get back to that profile view of you in the mirror.
If you notice, your lower back is at the same level as your
colon (large intestine). Those simple abdominal exercises,
with therapeutic massage, can stimulate peristalsis, the
natural wavelike motion that causes waste to move through
and empty out the colon. In addition, here's another very
simple but major key to relieving lower back pain: drink
plenty of water throughout the day. Lack of water flowing
through the "pipes" (intestines) can clog the waste matter
and directly contribute to hardness in the paired lower back
muscles. Without sufficient water intake, varying degrees
of constipation and lower back pain can result. Many folks
have been happily surprised at the improved waste
elimination AND lower back pain relief they get simply by
drinking more water.
If you are really serious about colon cleansing and lower
back pain relief, you can also make dietary changes. By
introducing more "fresh and raw" foods ( like fruits and
vegetables) into your diet and concurrently decreasing
your dense digestion load by reducing or eliminating heavy
meats from your diet, you can further help your body's
cleansing for a period of time. The easier the food is to
digest, the more suitable it is for a serious colon cleanse.
Therapeutic massage that focuses on the lower back and
buttock muscles as well as the neck musculature can empty
out much of the excess energy build-up that contributes to
lower back pain. In part 2 of this series, I will describe a
few simple techniques involved in emptying lower back pain
out of the body, and I will address the primary psychological
issues that underly lower back pain, namely, trying to hold
onto "control" of situations out of fear.


Laurel Duran, CMT, has been a practicing Certified Massage
Therapist since 1979. She is the author of "The BLUE CORD",
the inspired story of her miraculous healing from quadriplegia;
"I Remember Heaven: Learning to heal mySelf", an
audio-cassette; and "WISHNotes: the Workbook for Wisdom
of Intuitive Self-Healing Workshop". Laurel has a private
Massage Therapy practice in the San Luis Valley of Southern
Colorado, USA, and she travels and conducts
audience-interactive lectures and workshops. To contact
Laurel or purchase her books and tapes, visit her website
at: or call 1-800-OAK-SOUL

Section 3
Healing through Ayruvedic foods
Har Hari S. Khalsa,D.C.

Ayruveda is a five thousand-year-old science developed in
ancient India. Ayruveda literally means the science of life.
It is a system of health and wellness care that emphasizes
creating balance and harmony on all levels of human
existence. Ayruvedic science recognizes the importance
that food plays in creating perfect health and has a great
abundance of choices for many health conditions. The first
goal in working with Ayruvedic foods is to balance what are
called the 6 doshas or tastes. It is understood that in order to
bring balance to the subtle healing energies within the body
these 6 tastes must be present to some extent in each meal
that is eaten. The 6 tastes include foods that are sweet, sour,
bitter, pungent, saltish, and spicy or hot. In traditional Indian
cooking a combination of the above tastes are present in many
dishes. These dishes when combined with rice and vegetables
create the perfect foods for creating health. One of the most
common of these recipes is called Kichery or Mung beans and
rice. It is a delicious combination of mung beans, basmati
rice, vegetables and a masala that includes; garlic, onions,
ginger, turmeric, black pepper, chili pepper, gram masala
(a pre made mixture of cumin, cloves, coriander and cardamom)
that is sautéed in glee (clarified butter) or extra virgin olive oil.
When eaten with yogurt it is has all the 6 doshas and is the
perfect healing food. Another favorite recipe is Yogi Tea.
Yogi Tea is known to help support the function of the liver,
spleen, kidney's, large intestines, nervous system and brain.
It is a combination of cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper,
cloves, and ginger. All of the ingredients are mixed together
and boiled for 1 hour and then black tea is added at the end
for 1 minute to activate the formulae. Yogi tea can then be
mixed with milk and brought to a boil with a slight amount
of honey or maple syrup to sweeten. Another good way to
drink Yogi Tea is to have it first thing in the morning cool
with no milk added. It is a great replacement for coffee,
which depletes the body of vital energy while giving a false
sense of energy. Another interesting recipe that is a great
start to the day is mixing freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
with freshly ground black pepper and Indian black salt.
This is a great liver cleanser and is anti-parasitic. For joint
pain and stiffness golden milk is the answer. It is special
formulae that include boiled turmeric powder, milk and cold
pressed almond oil. All of the ingredients are brought to a
boil and honey is added to taste. Golden milk is also good to
help rebuild the liver from the affects of drug abuse.

Other healing concepts in Ayruveda include using what is
known as the trinity roots to help build a strong nervous
system, immune system and glandular system. Trinity root
includes; garlic onions and ginger. It can be prepared in
various ways and added to most dishes as an added health
boost. The most common way to prepare Trinity root is to
sauté the freshly peeled and chopped ingredients in
extra-virgin olive oil and add turmeric and black pepper to
round out the mixture. If one does not have time to cook
there is a supplement alternative with the powder of Trinity
roots it is called 3-R and is available by contacting our office.
Turmeric is another universal healing agent that can be
combined with many other herbs or prepared by itself. It is a
powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agent. One way
to use turmeric is to boil one cup with about 4 cups of water
until a paste forms. This paste can then be put in a container
in the refrigerator and a teaspoon can be added to water once
or more times per day as a digestive tonic and to treat any
inflammatory process. Another very powerful use of turmeric
is in female hygiene. In cases of vaginal infection or discharge
turmeric powder can be mixed with yogurt to make a douche.
In one case a patient with a long standing infection
(10 years) who got no results with traditional medicine
was totally system free in one month using this formulae.
For full recipes given in this article go to:

About the author: Dr. Har Hari S. Khalsa is holistic
chiropractor practicing in West Los Angeles, CA
He can be reached 310-358-0120 or
Visit his website at


Section 4.

Dear Garlic,

I have a dear friend of many years,
she has an annoying habit. All the time we
spend together she Talks and Talks without
taking a moment to breathe, even from another
room. Yak Yak Yak, I can never get a word in!
THEN she tells me I'm not listening, I don't help
with her problems etc! should I tell her to be
QUIET? or just let her ramble on?
signed Earache in Memphis.


Dear Earache,

You know, this has give me an idea for a whole new product
line. Flavored or colored duct tape. Think of the possiblities!
You could color co-ordinate with her outfit, just put the right
shade of fuchia duct tape over her mouth, (GENTLY), and
chances are no one else will even notice.

Seriously though (a rare condition for me), I would be willing
to bet your chatterbox friend is just lonely, and is enjoying
your company so much she doesn't even realize she is nattering
continuously. Remember a true friend is a very rare find, and if
she changed in some way due to criticism from you, you would
not like it. Try to just enjoy her company, tune out when you
must, (maybe some green (or color accessorized) duct tape over
your ears?), and bear with it. A true friend is worth a little


Like to talk to Garlic? Yes, men are welcome too:
put "Dear Garlic" in Subject line. We can talk about
*Note that the Dear Garlic segment of Your Life-Your Choice
is for entertainment purposes only. The advice is intended
to tickle your funny bone so put your Sense of Humor hat
on and let's take a look at the "lighter side" of life.
After all, LAUGHTER is supposed to be the BEST medicine.


5. Tea Tips FYI

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of millions of years. Longevity has always been associated with
cranes, both in life and in marriage. In recent years, the making
of a thousand paper cranes has also become a ritual for those
seeking good health for themselves or a loved one. We observe
these themes in our name, Thousand Cranes, and celebrate health
and longevity through the daily ritual of having a satisfying cup of
fine tea.
To check out the Thousand Cranes Tea Site go to


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