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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 60

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
Issue 60

Letter From the Editor

Well, it's that time of year again where we get ready to
send our children off to school. I just saw my oldest
manchild off to his 3rd year in college. At age 22 he's
really a man, but he'll always be my child. So I lovingly
refer to him as my "manchild". One thing Bible College has
taught him, is to be tolerant of his mom's silly
expressions. His move is a week early because he
volunteered to be "Den Mother" for the dorm. So he has to
be there in advance for preparation meetings and to help
the first year students settle in.

Because of this new responsibility, he won't be able to
come home very often. So this is really the last step
before he's officially "flown the coop". As many of you can
relate, that makes mommy kind of sad... but also proud
because he has turned into a fine young man with
confidence, conviction, and enthusiasm.

Because he won't be home regularly, we had to make up a
special care package. A 3 month supply of a good
multi-vitamin is a must, because I know he won't eat right.
Lots of Echinacea to build up his immune system and help
ward off the colds he's likely to get because I know he
won't eat right. A supply of Garlic capsules to take when
he catches a cold because he forgot to take Echinacea to
prevent it because I know he won't eat right. Lavender oil
so he can put 1 drop on his pillow case just before going
to bed for the night. This will help him fall asleep
easier. He'll need that, especially since he'll be studying
so hard and he'll likely be run down and feeling miserable
with all the colds he'll get because he'll forget to take
his Echinacea and I know he won't eat right. A bottle of
White Willow (herbal aspirin) to take care of odd little
pains and the headaches he may get from being overly
stressed because he feels miserable with his cold that he
got because he forgot to take his Echinacea because I know
he won't eat right.

Then, of course, there's the care package of food
containing a 2 week supply of all the major food groups.
This is because he'll be so busy when he gets there that he
likely won't have time to get to the store, and I don't
want him to have an excuse to "not eat right". :) There's
one last thing that I included in his special care package.
An aromatherapy candle that he can light while he does his
homework. It will help him relax so he can soak up all the
information he's studying and remind him that all is right
with the world.

Best of health to all of you and your children. Especially
those who are going away from home.

Brigitte Synesael Editor of Your Life-Your Choice Make it
your business to be informed! No one cares more about you
than YOU.


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1. Children, Moods and Sugar by June Kaminski, RN MSN
2. Iron: Who Needs More, Who Needs Less, How and Why
by Dr. John Maher
3. Pounds and Predators by Danielle Carrie
4. Talk to Garlic
5. Have You Eaten Your A B C's Today? by Kathy Jimenez


Section 1 Children, Moods and Sugar
by June Kaminski, RN MSN

Having a "sweet tooth" is considered a problem for many
reasons. Sugars have been linked with health risks as
varied as weight gain, diabetes and bizarre behavior.

Sugars are also recognized as one of the building blocks of
life. There are both simple or complex sugars. All complex
sugars are broken down in the body into simple sugars, and
used for a number of different metabolic and nutritional
tasks. There is no doubt about it, sugars are an important
part of people's diets. It's just a question of how much,
what kind and whether there are health risks from eating

The most common sugars are glucose, sucrose, lactose,
fructose and maltose. These can be found in foods as
diverse as vegetables, fruits, grains, refined foods,
milk and their products. We also tend to eat
concentrated sugar in white or brown sugar, honey,
molasses, and corn, maple or other syrups.

Linked to Hyperactivity?

In recent years, sugar has been linked with hyperactivity
in children. Hyperactivity is seen as restlessness,
irritability, aggressiveness, poor sleeping and short
attention spans. Some studies do seem to suggest this,
while others refute the claim. Researchers for the US FDA
found that sugars were important for brain activity and
could even calm children.

This is not to say that parents should give their child a
candy bar to calm down. But a natural sugar source such as
a sun-ripened piece of fruit, or wholesome grain product
could be just what they need to lose their 'edgy' feeling
and relax.

Often, aggressive or "hyper" behavior is a sign of low
blood sugar. Carbohydrates, including sugars are our
bodies' main source of energy. Naturally occurring sugars
are vital for our health. What is not vital is the
consumption of highly processed foods that contain large
amounts of added sugars and other additives.

When only refined processed sugars are eaten, the blood
glucose tends to fall more quickly after a meal. As a
result, our adrenaline kicks in to compensate. People who
are sensitive to lowered blood sugar may show a tendency
towards shakiness, and nervous, erratic behavior. They
are irritable until the crisis is met. In other words,
until they restore their sugar supply.

If natural sources of sugar are eaten, this crisis is
less likely to happen. The blood glucose stays more stable
until the next meal. Children are more susceptible to
falling blood sugars than adults are. Thus they need
high quality, natural foods in their diets even more.

Sugar as a Comforter

It is quite common for food to be seen as a way to make
us feel better. For children and adults alike, the more
coping skills we have to deal with distress and moody
feelings, the less likely that food will be used as a
source of comfort. Carbohydrates are especially soothing,
since they help the brain to receive tryptophan and
convert it to serotonin, a brain chemical that makes us
feel sleepy and comforted.

The more rapidly the sugar in food is absorbed, the faster
it raises the serotonin which improves the mood. Glucose
and sucrose, common in candies and refined foods are
the most rapidly absorbed sugars, while fructose is the
slowest. Fructose, abundant in ripe fruit is therefore the
best choice for long-lasting comfort and calming.

Nutritious conscious child experts suggest that parents
help their children learn to self-quiet themselves by
giving them ample soothing and comfort in loving ways. To
keep their sugar levels in balance, give plenty of fresh
fruit, whole grain baked (versus fried) products, and
keep the diet as natural and unrefined as possible. Not
only for their moods, but their general growth and
development as well. Sugar is important, but keep it
as simple and natural as possible. Your child will thank
you for it!

Sweet Facts About Sugar and Health by the International
Food Information Council Foundation
(IFIC) offers an overview of the body's need for sugars,
and current research findings, available at:
The Relationship between Sugar and Children's Behavior
at Dr. Greene's Housecalls, gives some brief but sound
advice on feeding your child sugar, at:
Does Sugar make Kids Hyper?
from Nutrition Science News Online (May, 1998)
shows that sugar does seem to promote aggressive
behavior especially when taken alone. If combined with a
balanced diet, the effects are much less.
Sugar n' Spice and Everything Nice by Dr. Nancy Appleton
offers guidelines for parents to watch the amount of
refined sugars and other processed foods in their children's
Sugar Myths - A Trick or Treat? from the American
Dietetic Association addresses the controversy on
whether sugar predisposes children to hyperactivity
and hypoglycemia, at:

Read about June Kaminski on our Meet the Team page;

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Section 2

Iron: Who Needs More, Who Needs Less, How and Why
by Dr. John Maher

In America iron deficiency is surprisingly common. However,
it is mostly among children, teenage girls, women with
excessive menstrual flow and the aged. Indeed among most
mature healthy adults, especially men, iron EXCESS is the
problem. This is because iron is a PRO-oxidant as compared
to an anti-oxidant. Indeed, one reason to give blood is to
LOWER your iron count as an anti-aging measure! This is why
in my online anti-aging course I recommend an IRON FREE

Let me mention why the very elderly tend to get anemic.
Some common reasons are poor appetite, loss of taste/smell,
difficulty preparing foods, poor digestion and poor
dentition. The best iron food group is meat. Animal
heme-iron is much more absorbable than vegetable non-heme
iron. (Heme means blood which is what helps makes red meat
red.) Oysters, beef and chicken livers, beef kidney,
shrimp, herring, sardines, tuna, dark turkey and red meat,
in that order, are the best sources. Among the grains;
bran flakes, wheat germ and bran and oats flakes are best.
Pumpkin and almonds are the best nuts and seeds. Lima and
pinto beans are quite high, as are spinach, parsley and
peas. Apricots, figs, watermelon, raisins and prunes are
the best fruits. Most vegetables are a poor source with
carrots, asparagus and beets the best of the rest of the
group. Brewers yeast and blackstrap molasses are old
standbys for vegetarians.

Taking just 100 mg of Vit C with your meals can increase
your iron uptake by 250%! Tea, and worse coffee, can
prevent 50% to 80% of the iron from being absorbed. In the
elderly, supplementing with HCL (hydrochloric acid) is
sometimes needed in order for assimilation of iron to be
possible, especially iron pills. Many antacid medications
interfere with iron digestion by making the stomach "less
acid". It should be noted here that "acid stomach" is
almost never a stomach that is too acid, rather a stomach
lining that no longer protects against acid like a healthy
stomach does, or it is acid "refluxing" up into the
unprotected esophagus.

Your doctor can measure your iron status quite easily.
However, early anemia symptoms will show before a simple
iron test shows anemia. Special iron binding capacity
tests, and iron transferring tests are more accurate. The
earliest detection will come from darkfield microscopy, a
special microscope used mostly by alternative practioners.

Iron from a multivitamin can be very difficult to absorb,
especially the inexpensive brands. So if your fatigued and
not eating wisely, don't count on your ONE A DAY to bail
you out. Iron peptonate and glycinate are two of more
easily assimilated forms. They are also less likely to
cause nausea and constipation, two problems with iron

Read about Dr. John Maher on our Meet the Team page;

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Section 3 Pounds and Predators
by Danielle Carrie

When do I get labeled fat, overweight or obese?

It is common knowledge that a certain amount of body fat
is needed for heat insulation, energy, shock absorption,
and to fulfill other important roles in the human body. In
many ways men and women are different and weight is just
another one of our many differences.

It is more common for a woman to have more fat than a man.
Generally speaking doctors agree that men exceeding more
than 25 percent body fat and women exceeding more than 30
percent body fat are considered to be obese.

You will find that a woman will typically collect fat
around the hips and buttocks making her body shape similar
to the shape of a pear while men tend to build fat around
the belly area making their body shape more like an apple.
However this is not carved in stone. Some men are heavier
in the hips and buttocks and some women become heavier in
the belly. After menopause it is common for women to
become more apple-shaped.

When is too much weight dangerous for me?

Health problems associated with obesity have a lot to do
with where the fat is located. Fat located mostly in the
abdomen is a warning sign of future health risks.

How do I determine this?

There are ways to measure someone's body shape. It is
called "waist-to-hip ratio". In order to determine
"waist-to-hip ratio", you must measure the waist at its
smallest point, then measure the hips at their thickest
point. When you have the measurements for the waist and
hips divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement.
Women with "waist-to-hip ratios" higher than 0.8 are at an
increased health risk. Men with "waist-to-hip ratios"
higher than 1.0 are also at an increased health risk this
is because of their fat formation.

Am I stuck like this forever?

Of course not! However, weight is a very sensitive issue
and it can be mentally and physically draining leaving a
person feeling depressed, stressed and very low in terms
of their own self esteem. These are just some of the
toughest obstacles while dealing with weight loss. Try to
be honest with yourself on what you have eaten and how
much exercising you have done and how you are feeling
today. I strongly believe that with weight loss you are
the deciding vote.

Be careful of the weight loss industry. Weight loss does
not have any quick fixes especially if you want to lose
the weight naturally, permanently, and safely. This is not
to say that it cant be done. Believe and you shall achieve!

I welcome any comments or questions you have related to
diet or weight loss and
put "Diets Don't Work" in the subject heading.

Danielle Carrie

~~~ Read about Danielle Carrie on our Meet the Team page;


Section 4.

Dear Garlic,

My husband insists I look good when we go out together.
This is no problem you would think. I make sure I am colour
coordinated, make up is perfect and take lots of time
choosing ascessories, but he doesent like the colours I am
wearing or the jewlery or my shoes. He goes on and on about
it. I ask him what he would like to see me in and he says.
"I dont know but I dont like your choices!" Meanwhile I
have closets overflowing with outfits shoes etc. He is
making me crazy and plain broke. What can I do with him he
is so hard to please.

Signed Well dressed and fed up!


Dear Well Dressed and Fed Up!

Well, you have choices. First and foremost, it is best to
dress for you and you alone. You are the one who has to
feel confident and comfortable in the clothes you are
wearing. You could just tell him wear to put it! If you
decide to be more submissive and please your man (which a
lot of us do), you could sell all your clothes, and make
him shop with you and find clothes you both like together.
That way he would be invoved in the selection which may be
the whole problem to begin with. Frankly if none of that
works, I suggest you start wearing his clothes, he is
bound to like them!


Like to talk to Garlic? Yes, men are welcome too: put "Dear Garlic" in the
Subject line. We can talk about *Note that the Dear Garlic
segment of Your Life-Your Choice is for entertainment
purposes only. The advice is intended to tickle your funny
bone so put your Sense of Humor hat on and let's take a
look at the "lighter side" of life. After all, LAUGHTER is
supposed to be the BEST medicine.

Section 5
Have You Eaten Your A B C’s Today?
A Basic Guide to Essential Vitamins
by Kathy Jimenez

Vitamins are organic substances that assist essential
biochemical reactions within your body. Together with
enzymes, co-factors,and other substances they are
responsible for normal metabolism,growth and development
and regulation of cell function. There are 13 known
vitamins each of which has a specific function that is
vital to ones health: four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E
and K) which your body stores in amounts large enough to
last for months and nine water soluble vitamins (C, B1,
B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic
acid)which your body is able to store enough to last for

Vitamin A helps in the formation and maintenance of healthy
teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, vision
and skin. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in impaired
growth and development, visual acuity, night vision and
reduced resistance to infections. Yet, excess intake of
vitamin A can be severely toxic; causing bone pain and loss
of bone density, decreased appetite, poor weight gain,
hair loss, vomiting and anorexia. Infants may develop
symptoms for example resembling a brain tumor such as
bulging fontanel (soft spot lying between the cranial bones
of the skull of an infant), abnormal softening of the
actual skull bones, swelling of the optic disc and double

Vitamin D promotes the body s absorption of calcium and
phosphorus (minerals), which are essential for healthy
teeth and bones. It also helps maintain the adequate levels
of minerals in the blood. A deficiency of vitamin D causes
imperfect skeletal formation, bone diseases and rickets.
Unnecessary ingestion of vitamin D causes excessive amounts
of calcium in the blood, nausea, vomiting, frequent
urination, extreme thirst, weakness, anxiety and altered
renal function.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is important in the formation of red
blood cells and in the use of vitamin K. There are no
known dietary deficiencies of vitamin E or toxic effects
to mega doses of vitamin E other than an occasional

Vitamin K is responsible for the coagulation of blood. Its
deficiency prolongs blood-clotting time and causes
hemorrhages. Large doses of vitamin K may cause
destruction of the membrane of red blood cells thereby
releasing hemoglobin, which spreads into surrounding
fluids and can result in death. In newborns it may lead to
anemia and severe jaundice, which if left untreated can
result in death as well.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is necessary in the formation of
collagen and maintenance of connective tissue. It promotes
healthy teeth and gums, aids in the absorption of iron and
helps the body's immune system. Vitamin C deficiency causes
scurvy, anorexia, anemia, imperfect prenatal skeletal
formation and leads to injury to bone, cells and blood
vessels. High levels of vitamin C are toxic and can
significantly increase the levels of iron, which can
increase the risk of heart disease.

B1 (thiamine) helps the body cells convert carbohydrates
into energy. It is essential for the functioning of the
heart and for healthy brain and nerve cells. A deficiency
of vitamin B1 can leads to fatal diseases of the central
and peripheral nervous system, brain disorders and heart
failure. As of yet, there are no known toxicities.

B2 (riboflavin) aids the body in digesting carbohydrates,
fats, proteins and iron as well. It is important for body
growth and red cell reproduction. Lesions around the
mouth, nose and eyes as well as sensitivity to light can
indicate a deficiency. No symptoms of overdose have been

B3 (niacin) assists in the conversion of food to energy,
functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves. A
disease called Pellagra may develop due to a deficiency or
malabsorption of B3. The disease is characterized by scaly
skin sores, diarrhea, mucosal changes, and mental symptoms
(especially a schizophrenia-like dementia). Niacin
toxicity may cause changes in liver function, fatigue,
nausea, anorexia and decreases functioning of cells in the

B6 (pyridoxine) acts in production of antibodies in the
immune system, maintenance of normal brain function, and
functioning of red blood cells. A deficiency of B6 is
extremely rare, however, large doses of B6 cause
neurological disorders and numbness.

Vitamin B12 assists in the formation of red blood cells,
metabolism and maintenance of the central nervous system.
There have been no reports of B12 toxicity, however,
malabsorption and/or insufficiency of B12 may result in a
fatal form of anemia known as pernicious anemia.

Biotin is essential for the metabolism of fat and
carbohydrates. Children with biotin insufficiency have
retarded mental and physical development, hair loss,
impaired immunity and anemia. In adults, biotin deficiency
may result in anemia, hair loss, lethargy, high
cholesterol, nausea, tingling and numbness of the hands
and feet in addition to mental symptoms such as
depression, sleeplessness and hallucinations. No symptoms
of toxicity have been reported.

Pantothenic acid contributes to the synthesis of
cholesterol and hormones and is necessary in the
metabolism of foods. Deficiency is highly unlikely because
it is found in abundance in a variety of foods. The only
reported toxicity is diarrhea.

Folacin (folic acid) acts as a coenzyme with vitamins B12
and C in the breakdown of proteins and synthesis of new
proteins. It is necessary for the production of red blood
cells and the synthesis of DNA (chemical basis of heredity
and the carrier of genetic information), as well as tissue
growth and cell function. Folacin deficiency may cause poor
growth, graying hair, inflammation of the tongue, mouth
ulcers, peptic ulcers and diarrhea. It may also result in
some forms of anemia. High doses of folacin may mask a
serious condition such as pernicious anemia.

A healthy well balanced diet will ensure adequate vitamin
intake, unless there are impeding health factors involved.
Vitamins derived from sources other than foods such as a
vitamin supplement need to be taken with caution. Excessive
or unnecessary amounts can result in an overdose, which
can be hazardous to ones health and even fatal.
Cardiologist Isadore Rosenfeld of New York City says,
Vitamins (vitamin supplements) are medicines like anything
else and in every medicine there is a little poison.

Most specialists feel that a daily multi-vitamin supplement
is safe to take being that it has controlled levels of
vitamins. However, the American Dietetic Association
recommends skipping pills altogether and suggests getting
vitamins through a low-fat diet high in fruits, vegetables
and complex carbohydrates.

Make sure to visit your doctor for a medical evaluation if
you feel that you may have a vitamin deficiency. Symptoms
of a vitamin deficiency alone do not confirm a deficiency.
There are certain tests that need to be performed in order
to determine whether a vitamin deficiency indeed exists.
Eating a well balanced diet will ensure that you have all
of the vitamins your body needs. If you wish to have a
little extra assurance, take a multi-vitamin. However,
always ask your doctor or certified nutritionist first.

To obtain further information about vitamins and
vitamin supplements, you can go to This is a global health and
medical search engine, which contains numerous links
pertaining to quality health and medical information
regarding vitamins and much more.


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provided for educational purposes only. It is provided with
the understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly encourage
you to consult with your own physician regarding any
recommendations with respect to your own medical condition.
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