Dreamcast RCA Jack (Composite)

Dreamcast RCA Jack Installation
Things you will need:
1. Soldering iron and solder OR Glue gun
2. Six strips of wire
3. RCA Jack: I tore mine outa old DVD player
First thing is to dismantle your DreamCast and pull out the Cpu board at the bottom..that is below your Power supply, Bus board, GDI and fan..
Once youve found the CPU Board locate the AV out jack and the Ground Tabs on the sides of the board.
Once youve located the Ground Tabs the Easiest part is to solder or Glue three wires to three SEPARATE ground tabs Preferably near wherever it is that youve decided to Mount the jacks.
Next you wanna Locate the Video and audio Positive tabs on the AV plug.
Video: Starting from the left is the 4th tab.
Audio Left and right: Starting from the left are located in the last two tabs before the bent looking one that ive no idea what is for.
The best way to verify if these are the positives for the video and audio is to connect the grounds and the other wires to the RCA jacks, Plug RCA Cables into the jacks then into your television, turn on the dc and touch the wires to those tabs specified earlier.
If you get a loud hum from the audios check your grounds to make sure they are connected correctly.
Once youve found the Video/Audio Positives Solder/Glue your wires and the only thing left is to Drill your holes to mount your jacks
The Easiest place ive found to Mount the jacks is right above the power supply were the On/Off switch plug is located.
As an end note I would like to say ive found many ways to do this and the only one ive found as easy but still more difficult than this method is to locate the positives on the bottom of the CPU board Below the AV Plug and solder your wires there It just so happens though that I have NO soldering skills so the glue gun is my buddy and this was just the way to do it with out having to touch my soldering iron
Thank you and I hope this tutorial helps!