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Nick s Genesis CD Game Ratings

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nick's Genesis CD Game Ratings <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Are you tired of spending 60$ for a cartridge, getting it home, and
finding it would be best used propping up the coffee table? Is 4 hours of
fun not exactly what you had in mind when you layed out those big bucks?
Here is a list of ratings, from people like you who voted their mind
about how good or bad their cartridges are. Make your friends vote also,
that way we're going to have more views. Read this list and don't buy
See the end of the list for how to vote, but at the very last:
Those who voted this week: Of:
"ryan J. Kucera" kucerarj@NeXTwork.Rose-Hulman.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for participating and making this list successful <<<<<<<<
- Nick
Name of Game # of Game Hours # of Total Desc
Players Rating of play Voters Votes
Batman Returns ? **** 60 8 33 Multiple
Black Hole Assault 2 * 1/2 # 19 33 Fighting
Chuck Rock 1 ** 1/2 14 18 45 Platform
Cobra Command 1 ** 3/4 16 25 69 Shooter
Ecco the Dolphin CD 1 *** 3/4 35 10 39 Adventure
Final Fight CD 2 **** 30 9 38 Fight & Jump
Hook 1 ** 1/2 ? 3 8 Platform
Jaguar XJ-220 2 *** 1/2 # 13 47 Racing
Lethal Enforcers ? *** 1/4 99 4 13
Marky Mark, Make... 1 * 3/4 ? 4 7 Interactive
Night Trap 1 ** 3/4 20 29 85 Interactive
Prince of Persia 1 *** 37 16 51 Platform
Road Avenger 1 *** 16 9 27 Driving
Robo Aleste 1 *** 3/4 ? 5 19 Shooter
Secret of Monkey... ? **** 1/2 ? 2 9
Sewer Shark 1 *** 12 33 105 Shooter
Sherlock Holmes Con... 1 ** 3/4 28 30 85 Mystery
Silpheed 1 **** 1/4 50 11 49 Shooter
Sol-Feace 1 ** 1/2 60 42 109 Shooter
Sonic CD ? *** 3/4 99 5 19
Thunderhawk ? **** 1/2 ? 3 14
Time Gal 1 ** 3/4 ? 8 23 Interactive
Tuff Enuff ? **** ? 1 4
Willy Beamish 1 ** 18 9 20 Adventure
Wolfchild 1 ** 6 8 17 Platform
Wonderdog 1 ** 3/4 10 22 61 Platform
26 games reviewed # Means can be played over and over
Games with a 3 star rating or more, that 4 or more people voted for.
Game # of Votes Year
Rating Name of Game Voters Tally Released Company
4.455+ Silpheed 11 49 1993 Game Arts
4.222 Final Fight CD 9 38 ? Capcom
4.125+ Batman Returns 8 33 ? ?
3.900+ Ecco the Dolphin CD 10 39 ? ?
3.800 Sonic CD 5 19 1993 Sega
3.800 Robo Aleste 5 19 ? ?
3.615 Jaguar XJ-220 13 47 1992 ?
3.250 Lethal Enforcers 4 13 1993 Konami
3.188 Prince of Persia 16 51 1993 Imagesoft
3.182 Sewer Shark 33 105 1992 Imagesoft
3.000 Road Avenger 9 27 1993 ?
11 games out of 22 with 3 stars or better. (50.0% of all rated games)
Games with less than a 3-star rating, that 4 or more people voted for.
Game # of Votes Year
Rating Name of Game Voters Tally Released Company
1.737+ Black Hole Assault 19 33 1992 ?
1.750 Marky Mark, Make... 4 7 ? ?
2.125+ Wolfchild 8 17 ? ?
2.222 Willy Beamish 9 20 ? ?
2.500 Chuck Rock 18 45 1992 Imagesoft
2.595+ Sol-Feace 42 109 1992 Sega
2.760+ Cobra Command 25 69 1992 Wolfteam
2.773 Wonderdog 22 61 1993 JVC
2.833+ Sherlock Holmes Con... 30 85 1992 ?
2.875 Time Gal 8 23 ? ?
2.931 Night Trap 29 85 1992 Hasbro
11 games out of 22 with less than 3 stars. (50.0% of all rated games)
# - Game can be played over and over again.
+ - Game in which you find a lot of discrepancies in the voting.
* - Dreck, yak, bleck, hack, gleck (Horrible beyond words).
** - OK, playable, still dreck, although someone might like.
*** - Decent game that will appeal to some (But not everyone).
**** - Pretty good, a fun game that almost everyone will like.
***** - Damn good, a real winner, every game should be this good.
Adventure - Games where you must explore large worlds, killing
enemies and discovering hidden treasures, sometimes
with a quest.
Arcade - Games that fit in no specific catagory except that they
are easy to start playing and are like arcade games.
Copter Sim. - Games where you are controlling the flight and other
capabilities of a helicopter, from a cockpit view.
Driving - Games where driving is the main object of the game, but
not racing other vehicles. Also may include combat &
Easy R.P.G. - Games that are role-playing games but are designed for
the novice player to easily begin play. See Role-Play.
Fight & Jump - Games where you fight and jump to stay alive, and
someyimes have other powers. Boards usually scrolling
Fighting - Games where you face off against another player, or the
computer in some form of one-on-one combat.
Flight Sim. - Games where you are given a cockpit view of some sort of
aircraft, and are given a flying mission.
Game/Show - Games that either emulate game-shows or board games.
Competition is with other players or against the computer.
Light-Gun - Games where you must use your system's light gun to
perform some function, usually similar to Shooter-type
Interactive - Games where you interact with on-screen wideo characters
in order to complete the given scenario.
Maze Game - Games where navigating a maze is the main objective. This
can be from any perspective, such as above and inside.
Multiple - Games where there are a variety of game scenarios of
differing sorts, played either randomly or in sequence.
Pinball - Games that emulate the playing of arcade-style pinball
machines, usually with some different options though.
Platform - Games where moving from platform to platform, avoiding
enemies, and getting prizes are the objective.
Racing - Games where the objective is to beat an opponent (either
computer or human) in some sort of vehical race.
Reality Sim. - Games of this type take place from the point of view of a
fictional character's perspective. Like virtual reality.
Role-Play - Games where you take on the role of some sort of
adventurer,able to increase in abilities and experience
along the way.
Shooter - Games where you shoot a lot and avoid being shot by the
enemies you are shooting. Most often are space scenarios.
Sports^ - Games where there is some sort of sporting event to play
other than everyday, normal sporting events.
Strategy - Games that require more thought than dexterity. This can
encompass a great variety of different type games.
Tank Sim. - Games where you are given the command and control of a
tank and play from a viewpoint within the tank itself.
Think-Fast - Games that require the player to make fast decisions and
act on them, kind of a quick-thinking strategy.
Very Young - Games that are too easy for adults and even kids, these
games are really meant for kids 5 and under.
^ Regular sports games will be described by their appropriate sporting
You now have 2 ways to vote (I would prefer it if you chose the first
one) :
First to vote, all you have to do is to return the rating ballot
after you have placed your rating in the empty space preceding the name
of the game you have chosen and deleting the others ( YOU MUST AT LEAST
a whole number ranging from 1 to 5 (NO 0's) if you don't your vote will
not be included in the list ! A typical vote will look like this:
%scdvot 1 -> Black Hole Assault
%scdvot 1 -> Chuck Rock
%scdvot 3 -> Sol-Feace
List of all the acceptable commands :
- %GENVOT <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote for the Sega Genesis game called
<Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted BUT this
will enable you to modify the database afterwards.
- %NESVOT <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote for the Super Nintendo game called
<Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted BUT this
will enable you to modify the database afterwards.
- %SCDVOT <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote for the Sega CD game called
<Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted BUT this
will enable you to modify the database afterwards.
- %GENADD <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote for a Sega Genesis game not already in the
list called <Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted
BUT this will enable you to add that game and modify the database
- %NESADD <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote a Super Nintendo game not already in the
list called <Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted
BUT this will enable you to add that game and modify the database
- %SCDADD <vote> -> <Name_of_Game>
This command is to place a vote for a Sega CD game not already in the list
called <Name_of_Game>. If <vote> is 9, your vote will not be counted
BUT this will enable you to add that game and modify the database
The next functions can ONLY be used after a %???VOT or a %???ADD :
- %DESC <description_of_Game>
This command will enable you to put a description (see the GAME
DESCRIPTION section) for the game previously rated.
- %YEAR <Year_of_Release>
This command will enable you to add the year of release to the database
for the game previously rated.
- %COMP <companie>
This command will enable you to add the company to the database for the
game previously rated.
- %PLAY <Number_of_Players>
This command will enable you to add the number of players playing
simultaneously to the database for the game previously rated.
- %HOURS <Hours_of_Play>
This command will enable you to add the time you would think it would
take an average player to finish the game previously rated.
Or :
Simply E-mail me ( with your votes and be sure
to include the word 'SEGA CD' so that I know where to put your votes. You
can also vote for games that are not on this list and they will be added.
Please rate the game out of 5 stars (WHOLE stars only, no fraction) or it
will not include it in the list. Also include the number of hours it
would take an average player to beat or finish the game. If you agree
with the previously rated hours, you needn't bother. A typical vote will
look like these:
Name of Game Vote Hours
Black Hole Assault *
Chuck Rock 1 3
Sol-Feace One #
If there are any missing information, or if you are voting for a game
not already listed, please include the number of simultaneous players as
well as one of the descriptions found in the previous glossary. If you
can, the company name and the year it was originally released.
Like this:
Name of Game Players Vote Hours Description Year Company
Prince of Persia 1 **** 60 Adventure 1991 Whatever
Please vote for ALL the games you have played, not just the ones you
liked. People want to know which ones are really crappy. Also if you have
a suggestion or a comment about the ratings, send it to me - as you can
see I've been more than willing to make changes - but I make no promises
that everyone's ideas and changes will be made. I apologize to anyone
who's votes I lose or mess up and for any mistakes that I make in the
future. WARNING - you might find mistakes. You will not hurt my feelings
if you write me to bring any mistake that I made to my attention.
And for those of you who participated -
Thank You
This document is written by and copyright (c)1993 by Nicolas-M. Paiement
It may be redistributed freely as long as it is not modified in any way.