Road Runner: Death Valley Rally (SNES Cheats)

75 Lives
1. At Title screen
2. Press and Hold R Y Left Select
3. Press and Hold Start
4. Press X
Level 1- Wait on the closer platform and a boulder will pass just beneath your feet. Jump and get right in front of the platform and start pecking the base. If you jumped at the right boulder, the catapult will not come all the way down and hit you *once*, the next time around it will. Wait until it is about to hit and use your turbo to escape. The thing will fall apart after doing this about 4 times.
Level 2- The only way I can get past this is a suicide approach. You have knock out 6 rivits while avoiding the crane. I just don't bother to avoid it. Time your entry so you will have some time to peck at the rivits and knock them out as fast as you can. Then do the same to the other side. I almost always beat him, but you probably won't have any energy left when you're done.
Level 3- This one is easy but it takes forever. You have to peck at the bombs he throws onto the train, then they will bounce off and hit him if you time it right. Watch out for the middle of the two cars you are jumping around on because you can fall through the gap. Everytime you score a hit, A volley of bombs will come flying down. I can't remeber the overall pattern, but it only takes a second to figure out.
Level 4- This is just a simple test of reflexes. Jump to the top of the contraption he's riding around in (use the drills to get up there). Now you have to peck away the 'tiles' that make up the top of this thing (not that it makes much sense why this is bad). You can only peck a 'tile' when the corresponding platform raises up to try to smash you into the roof. I just kinda randomly moved around, falling off platforms when I was on one that started to rise, and pecking under any raised platforms I happened to be next to at that moment.
Level 5- Sorry, but I've only gotten to 5-1. I lost about 10 men here, Made it past a particulary tricky part on my last man, and then just fell into the bottom of the screen when I missed a platform. Instead of smashing the damn game into little bits like I should have, I let a friend borrow it for a while and couldn't care less if he ever brings it back. This game is more annoying than trying to get a pinfall on the Great Puma on Pro Wrestling for the NES.