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Street Rod 2: The Next Generation (Crack)

This unprotect for Street Rod 2 requires a hex editor (Norton Utilities, PCTools, etc.).
Select the file sr.exe to edit.
Search ASCII text for "letter".
Shortly after the word "letter" you will see the capital letter "R".
"R" is the first of a string of 24 capital letters all separated by 3 characters. In other words, the fourth character after the "R" is "E".
Change the hex value of all 24 letters to 00. For example, the hex value of "R" is 52. Change the 52 to 00.
The 24 letters to change are - R E M N V O K L Y T K X L F S C U P R W A B H O
These letters, of course, are the letters that you type in to answer the question. So after changing all the letters to null (hex 00), just hit the ENTER key when asked the question to proceed.