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Super Hydlide (Walkthrough)

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 19 Aug 2019
Super Hydlide (Walkthrough)
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  1. Getting Started, Subterranean City, Tower of Habel, Hellsmoke
  2. Heavenly City, Dragon, Scroll of Jeems
  3. Submerged Palace, Space Ship, City of Illusion, Varalys
  4. Door of Time, Kaizack



The first step in SUPER HYDLIDE is to create a character. I advise using a Priest because of his magic skills and superior life force. This walkthru assumes that you're using either a Priest or a Monk.

Having created your character, choose Start, and you find yourself in the City of the Woods. Here you can visit shops and talk to people. The people will give you information and clues to what you should do next. As you gain experience levels and complete tasks, more people will talk to you. A few will change what they say. I relate these conversations in this walkthru.

Your first task is to gain experience. Buy a knife at the weapons store and equip it. Then, go to the general store and purchase one or two medicines.

Outside the City of Woods you'll find three types of Monsters: Minor Slime, Cannibals, and Tree Spirit. The Tree Spirit differs from the Cannibal only in coloration (the Cannibal has a yellow head) and in being good. DO NOT KILL the Tree Spirits or any other good monster. Killing one good monster drops your morality force (MF) by 40 points, but you have to kill two or three bad monsters just to recover 1 point to your MF. Though this isn't a problem early in the game, about two-thirds of the way through the game your MF becomes important, and it can be very tedious to attempt to increase it.

You can safely attack the minor slime from the side and behind. If you suddenly find yourself walking slowly, it's probably because you picked up a club after beating a minor slime. Just check your inventory and throw it away. Cannibals are unable to throw their missiles along diagonals, so they may be safely approached and attacked from any diagonal direction. Use the medicine when your hit points get low.

You'll quickly acquire enough experience to go up a level at the monastery. After you've completed your training, you're ready to pick up the money changer. From the city, go 3 blocks west, 2 blocks north and 1 block east. The money changer is in the trunk. Using it converts your coins to higher denominations, thus saving weight. If you find yourself suddenly slowing down, the first thing to try is your change machine.

If you haven't eaten lunch yet, it's probably about time to do so. For the first couple of levels, stick close to the city and buy lunch/dinner when you need it. If you get too far from the city and low on magic, it's easy to starve to death before you can get back. After you've gone up a few levels and can handle the weight, buy two meals as soon as you wake up in the morning. Also, be careful of your need for sleep. If the monsters suddenly seem harder to kill, it's probably because your attack points are dropping due to a lack of sleep.

For now, work on learning spells and increasing your levels. A rough rule is to alternate learning spells with training at the monastery. When you can handle the weight, add a shield, club, and helmet.

Five blocks west from the city you'll find a cave. In the pleasant area inside, you'll find two caves, one of which gives you a sound test. Near the entrance to the block, there's an area where you can walk through what looks like a solid stone wall. This will take you into the grove where you'll find some extra


If you've visited the bank, you'll have realized you need a bankbook. From the city, go 5 north, 2 east, and 2 north and you'll find yourself in a cemetery. One of the graves will open up when you approach it, revealing a set of stairs. Go down them to enter the Subterranean City. (Note: If your level is too low, the stairs won't appear, but you'll notice writing on the gravestone.) The bank here will allow you to start a new account. When making deposits, don't forget to keep enough for the expensive inns!


Your next goal is the Tower of Habel. This can be found 4 north and 1 east of the City of the Woods. On the first floor you'll find three types of monster: Balu Balu, Slime, and Vampire Bat. Only the Balu Balu are evil; don't kill the others! In the tower be careful of your health and the time, since it can take you a while to get out. As you explore the maze of the first floor, you'll find a stairway to the second floor in the northwest corner, and you may find a hidden doorway in one of the walls in the block just north of the entrance.

Before you explore the second level you should switch to the broad sword. The great advantage of the sword is that it can stab through walls, killing enemies on the other side, while the wall protects you. This is a great way to get experience. On the second floor you'll find a chest containing the Talisman. You'll also find the (inactive) elevator in the center of the tower. A long walk will take you to the stairs to the next level, but again, there's a very handy hidden doorway in the block just south of the elevator. This doorway and the one I mentioned before are in north-south running walls and would (presumably) be visible to your character, but not to you because of the perspective. Watch for monsters seeming to walk through solid walls if you can't find them.

The farther up you go in the tower, the tougher the monsters get, and the more points you get for killing them. By the time you've acquired the Move spell, you should be ready for the fourth floor. Being careful of Dark Eyes and Vampires, go to the Elevator Switch in the southeast corner of the tower, and turn it on. If you're still in good shape, the area near the switch is good for wall-stabbing monsters. If you save your spell points, you can use the Move spell to get home. Don't forget that you can buy magic-refreshing Herbs in the City of the Woods.

When you can handle the weight, buy the Bow in the Subterranean City, but don't equip it yet. Return to the tower, enter the elevator on the second floor, and take it to the 98th floor. Equip the bow, use the cure spell to restore your health (if necessary), and go up two flights of stairs to the roof.


You're now facing the first boss, the Hellsmoke! To beat him, stay out of his path, and shoot him from the side and behind. When you've blown away the Hellsmoke, open the chest to reveal the Cloud Stone. Go back down to the 98th floor. You'll notice that a line of clouds reaches one of the south windows. Walk out the window and across the clouds to reach the Heavenly City. Sleep here for the night so that your Move spell will recognize this location.



In the Heavenly City, you'll be able to acquire advanced spells, pick up Herbs for free in the castle, and buy some interesting items in the general store. When you can handle the weight, buy and equip the Stone of Warrior and Cross of God. You're also a short walk away from a great place to acquire experience points.

To gain experience, walk back across the clouds to the tower and take the elevator to the fourth floor. There's a narrow hallway just south of the elevator (in the same block). If you hang around in this hallway, you can wait for monsters to appear and approach the wall to the north and the two walls to the south. Here, you're virtually invulnerable (except for the few monsters which appear in your hallway), and you can rack up lots of experience points in a few days (game time) of killing monsters. Again, you should alternate training at the monastery with learning spells. Continue training until you can carry Leather Armor and a Japanese Helmet, and have acquired the Flash and Weight spells.

Return to the Subterranean City. Enter the warehouse by a secret passage through the rocks in the block north of where the guard stands. If you search the chests inside, you'll find a knife and an arrow, which you can sell. To reach the caves below the warehouse, you have to search the chest in the northwest corner TWICE.


The Cave of the Dead is dark. Good thing you've got the Flash spell, because otherwise you'd have to mess with lamps, which are weighty and only light a small part of the cave. Aside from evil Zombies and Dark Eyes, you'll see Wraiths and Ghosts. Unfortunately, the evil Wraith looks almost exactly like the good Ghost (the Wraith has a slight pink tinge). You're not too far away from a point where Morality Force makes a difference, so be careful. In fact, I would advise you to check your MF if you think you might have killed a good guy, and just before you check in for the night. If your MF is low, reset the game.

You may want to explore the cave. If you do so, one thing that you should NOT pick up is the Magic Armor, found in a chest 3 blocks north of the entrance. Save this item for later.

In the cave, pick up the Silver Armor (2N,1W from entrance). Use the Move spell to reach the Heavenly City and the Weight spell, if necessary. Sell the Silver Armor, buy Life Water, and make sure you have two rations of food. Return to the Subterranean City and save your game.

You're ready to deal with the next boss. Enter the Caves, go two blocks north, and two blocks west. In the center of the last block you'll have to walk south through a passage in the wall to reach the path to the north exit. Just outside the north exit, equip your Bow and the Life Water, and heal yourself. Head north to enter the Dragon's lair.


The Dragon seems to be vulnerable only in its heads, possibly only while the eyes are blinking. Stand under the east head and shoot. Don't let the head touch you, but don't worry too much about being hit by a fireball (though you should be positioned so that only one head can shoot at you at a time). After a while the Dragon will change color and the head will fall off. The Dragon will start moving around a little bit more now, but you should still be able to shoot the other two heads off without too much trouble. If you're low on energy, the Life Water will revive you once. If that's not enough, you may want to wait in the safe area on the east side for mealtime to come along and refresh you. When the Dragon dies, open the chest to get the Dragon's Fang.


Go to the Heavenly City and enter the castle. Instead of entering the castle proper, walk around its perimeter to the back, and enter the large hole in the clouds you'll find there. Thanks to the Cloud Stone, you'll float gently to earth right next to the Water Palace! Enter the palace and go to the king. It turns out that you've got something he wants: the Dragon's Fang. Out of gratitude, he allows you to plunder his royal treasury. Some of the stuff in the treasury you can use or at least sell; some of it is junk (like the Stone), but what you need is the Scroll of Jeems. To leave the castle, you can either use the Move spell, or cross the drawbridge. For the drawbridge, you'll need the ID card which can be found along the west wall of the sleeping quarters.



Sell the bow, and buy chain mail and a holy sword. Continue to train in the Tower of Habel until you acquire the Invincible spell and reach level 14. Then, from the City of the Woods, go two blocks west and one block north to reach the lake. Use the scroll of Jeems and the Submerged Palace will appear. The enemies here are pretty powerful, but pay well in experience and money. Using the Invincible spell is the safest way to get around, and will allow you get far, especially if you've got spare Herbs. At your current level this is the preferred place to acquire experience. (Note: One of the enemies on the first level tends to leave you with Bronze Shields.)

In the Submerged Palace go north, west, north, 2 east, and 2 south from the entrance to reach the elevator to the second floor. The second floor is protected by laser barriers. To turn them off, go 2 north, 2 south, and 2 west from the first elevator, and use the switch in the northwest corner of the block. From the switch go east and north to reach the second elevator. Exiting the second elevator on the third floor go east, north, 2 west, 2 south, 2 east, 1 north, and along the center north wall you will find the computer. Read its first message, step back, and trigger it again to get a second message. Return to the elevator, but before entering it, go north and get the Space Compass from the chest. Go down the elevator and go south, east, north, west, north, west, and you will find a Space Suit in the southwest part of the block. The Space Suit is very heavy, so use your Move command to return to the city.

In the city, sell the armor, helmet, and shield, and equip the Space Suit. (You cannot have any of these items equipped while you're wearing the Space Suit.) From the City of the Woods, go three blocks west and two blocks south to the crack in the earth. Check to make sure your Space Suit is equipped, then walk into the crack (you have to be near the tree). In another of the game's improbable events, you find yourself walking on empty space! Use the Space Compass to find the ship. Don't be surprised if it's a long walk.


In the Space Ship, do not shoot the things that look like large green owls (Sarah): These are good guys and you're getting close to the point where Santa checks to see who's been naughty and who's been nice! Get the message from the computer in the southwest corner of the ship. Then, get the Horn from the northwest corner of the ship. Get the Fairy Helmet from the northeast corner of the ship and the Long Bow from the block west of there. Don't equip the Fairy Helmet while you're on the space ship! (The ship is apparently unpressurized.) You can exit the ship by using the teleporter in the block west of the Long Bow.

The teleporter returns you to the Submerged Palace, near the computer. Now that you've been to the ship, you can use the teleporter in the Submerged Palace to return to it.

Go to the Subterranean City. Throw away the Space Suit and Space Compass, sell your sword, buy a Battle Shield, and equip the shield, Fairy Helmet, and Long Bow. Enter the Cave of the Dead, go north three times from the stairs, and get and equip the magic mail. Again, be careful in the caves! Now that you're carrying a missile weapon, it's easy to accidentally shoot a good Ghost. Go back to the entrance stairs and go west twice to the ancient ruins. Equip the Time Door Talisman you find there.


From the Subterranean City, go south once and west three times to the time door. Walk through it and you'll find yourself in a parallel universe. One block south and three blocks north you'll find an island accessed by a bridge on its north side. Stand in the center of the island and use the Horn to enter the City of Illusion. Buy a couple of Holy Waters and sleep in the inn. (Note: Don't throw away the Horn! Even the Move spell needs it to get you back here.)


Return to the City of the Woods. One block north of the inn you'll find two guards. Enter the cleft between them and use the Holy Water to enter the Forbidden Caves. Inside the caves, you'll find the Five Incarnations of the Sacred Light. These don't show up in any special way, but as you explore the caves, you'll find them in some of the dead ends. However, if your MF is not at 100, you won't be able to find the Sacred Lights! So, if you ignored my repeated advice and let your MF drop, you're going to have to kill a LOT of bad guys to improve it.

Don't open either of the two chests in this cave. One is a useless Stone, and the other is the Flaming Sword. The Flaming Sword rates lower than the Long Bow in attack points, but it seems to be more useful against the final boss; you'll come back for it later. The monsters here are powerful and the Ants can attack at a long range, so you'll need to use your Invulnerability spell a lot. Don't forget to stock up on Herbs to recover your magic points. There are a couple of places with long alleyways (one is near the entrance). These are good places to train since they're long enough that you can kill the monsters before they attack you (and so you don't need Invulnerability.)


After you have all five Sacred Lights, go to Varalys. From the entrance, go west, north, west, 2 east, south, and north through a long passage, then west, north, west, and down the stairs. Varalys is a giant bat that teleports himself around the cave. Get close to the top of his head and blast away. For a boss, he's a real wimp (he died in about two seconds when I attacked him). After he's dead, search the stairs again and you'll find the Statue of Varalys.



Return to the City of Illusion and talk to the man in the northwest cell. He will give you an Exit Talisman. From the City of Illusion go 2 north, east, south, and east to an island. On the south side of the mountain there is a niche in which a "stone seems to have been moved before." Use the Time spell to move ahead to night time, then use the Statue of Varalys to pass through the Door of Time. From inside this complex you cannot use the Move spell. The only way to exit is to return to the entrance point and use the Exit Talisman. Also, note that time has advanced again to 7 a.m.

Go east, north, and get the Fairy Shield. Return to the entrance point and go south, west, and 2 north to the first elevator. Take it to the next floor, go 2 east, and 1 south to the next elevator. (Note that there is a passage that you can take here to the elevator rather than veering to the east.) On the next floor you'll find the third elevator north, west, and south from the second. Before using it, continue southwest, where along the west wall, you'll find the fairy. She's imprisoned, so you'll have to take the elevator to the next floor. One block west is the next elevator, and two blocks west of it along the west wall you'll find the switch for the cell. Return to pick up the fairy, go back to the entrance, and use the Exit Talisman.

At this point, your life force should be pretty high. (My character had about 250 points at this time.) If you don't have at least 200 points, you'll probably want to move up a couple more levels; the Forbidden Caves are probably the best place to do this.

If your life force is high enough, then it's time to equip for the final battle. Enter the Forbidden Caves and get the Flaming Sword. Go to the Heavenly City and buy Life Water. You should have enough money now to afford the Camping Gear in the Subterranean City; however, that can also be found in the complex. Buy four or five food rations and extra Herbs. If you're still hanging onto the Battle Shield, you can sell it, as well as the Long Bow, to get rid of the extra weight.

Go back through the Door of Time. If you haven't bought Camping Gear, you'll find a set on the fourth floor, three blocks east of the third elevator. You need to approach the chest you find there from the north; the spots directly to the east and west of the chest will teleport you to another floor. Take the fourth elevator to the fifth floor and go east, north, south, 2 east, and 2 west.


You're now just outside of Kaizack's chamber. Use Life Water and the Herbs. Set the game speed to Fast. Use the Camping Gear. (The Camping Gear restores your health points but not your magic points. Its real use is to save the game.)

If you've still got the Camping Gear, throw it away. Use the Invulnerability spell, go south and into the lower half of the next room. If you have picked up the fairy, Kaizack should appear. Neither you nor Kaizack can be hurt while your Invulnerability spell is in effect, but it gives you a short breather to adjust to his attack.

When fighting Kaizack, it's crucial to keep him from hitting you with his fireballs. The fireballs move too fast to be avoided, but you can inhibit them for a (very) short time by shooting him in the center of his mouth. Between these defensive shots, you'll generally only have time for one shot at another part of Kaizack. If your life meter gets low, you'll get a partial refill from your Life Water. Your health will increase at mealtimes, so you may want to wait for them if your health is low. (By the same token, the 23:00 attack point drop-off still occurs.)

To defeat Kaizack, you must first shoot off his four kneecaps. The rear two are fairly easy since they're close to his mouth. Take them out first, then try to get his right front kneecap while Kaizack is on the left side of the screen and vice versa. The kneecaps seem to be vulnerable only near the direction changes.

After you've shot Kaizack's kneecaps off, he'll stop moving. Continuing to shoot, walk INTO his mouth. If you can live long enough, Kaizack will croak in about 10 seconds (or about one-third of a full yellow life bar for me).

You've finished! Congratulations!

After the game is over, you can restart your character and accept kudos from all the wonderful folks in Fairyland. Also, if you go back to the area with the sound test cave, you'll find that you can now enter the other cave to see a replay of the endgame sequence.

SUPER HYDLIDE is published and distributed by Seismic, Inc.

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