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Another Night and Day Alliance 223


anada "Girl Meets Boy, #
223 Boy Meets Girl" +### +### +#### +###
# # # # # # # # # #
by # # # ## # # # # # #
28 .no-one. # .# ## # # .# # .# # .#
nov *### * # * *### * *### * *### *

let me tell you a story, there was this girl and there was the boy.
the boy fancied the girls friend, and told the girl, but the girls friend
already had a girlfriend. she told the boy that and it broke his heart.
but the girl liked the boy, and she told him. then the boy liked the girl
back and they went on a date. this made the girl happy, because she had
never had anything like this before. the boy had, but he missed it, and it
was nice to have it back. so they got on well and gradually fell in love
with each other. the boy cheated on the girl with the aforementioned
friend, who also had a boyfriend at that time. but the girl forgave him
because she liked him too much to not give him another chance. they started
having sex, which was really the beginning of the end. see, this is where
they differed, the girl didn't like sex too much, but the boy liked it...
too much. sometimes the girl and the boy fell out, but they always made up
again very soon after and generally they were happy.

then one day, the boy and girl acted weird together. the boy had
been thinking about things. then he dumped her. she didn't like this
because he was her life. the boy thought it was best because it wasn't
working out. he didn't know if he loved her. the girl really still loved
the boy, and they both cried (the girl a lot the boy a little). then they
went their separate ways. they continued to talk. the boy never really
explained why, in terms the girl could understand, because she needed to be
told the same things over and over again. she was very paranoid that he
hated her, and that he was having a better life without her. he didn't want
to hurt her, but he couldn't help it, and he didn't want to talk to her
in case she though he had changed his mind. the thing that confused the
girl the most was that he said they could be together again in the future
but he didn't know when. the girl was scared it would never happen. the
boy didn't know if it would ever happen. the girl wanted him back so much.

he decided to have a party one weekend. she decided she would seduce
him, without really thinking about it. she told him and he seemed up for
it. then the girl did seduce the boy, except the next night, everything
went all odd and they talked about it, and they realized it was a stupid
thing to do. this made the girl very confused and she even felt like she
was beginning to hate him, because he had hurt her so much. he didn't speak
to her much because he didn't have anything to say. this hurt the girl even
more. everything was horrible between them and the girl couldn't stand
waiting him, when she didn't know when it would be, or it would be at all.
he wanted to live his life, and didn't know if this included her. they both
hurt a lot and didn't know what to do about it.

i don’t know what the moral of this story is.


anada223 by .no-one. (c) 2000

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