Children of a Dying Sun Feedback Infoform

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children of a dying sun
feedback infoform
[01] what does cds need to change/improve?
[ ] put more people's personal information in
[ ] code the damn thing
[ ] more phreaking stuph
[ ] more hacking info
[ ] lots and lots of anarchy
[ ] shorter issues
[ ] longer issues
[ ] stop making fun of channel #ansi
[ ] doez thiz bother yew?
[ ] a real support site
[ ] more intersting topics
[ ] just add lots of interviews with hackers and artfags
[ ] try 4nd s0und 4 l1ttl3 m0r3 3l33t
[ ] more phone pranks
[ ] other: ______________________________________________________________
[02] why haven't you become a bbs distro site?
[ ] i don't have a bbs
[ ] my board isn't good enough for cds
[ ] i would never put cds on my board
[03] should cds put up a web page?
[ ] yes, it's about time
[ ] no
[04] should cds make an irc script?
[ ] yes, and name the script hacker.irc
[ ] nah, it would probably be ripped anyway
[05] on a scale of one to ten, what would you rate cds?
[ ] 01 very bad
[ ] 02
[ ] 03 something zok would release
[ ] 04
[ ] 05 average
[ ] 06
[ ] 07
[ ] 08 all those good hacker zines are about here
[ ] 09
[ ] 10 the best zine in the scene
[06] do you read cds on a regular basis?
[ ] haha... NO
[ ] yES!@#
[07] should i turn cds into an artfag zine?
[ ] yES, tHEN yEW cOULD tALK liKE tHIS!@$
[ ] please oh please god don't let them do it
[08] has any of the information in cds helped you establish a place in the
[ ] yes
[ ] thanks to cds i'm a big timer courier for risc
[09] should cds get a voice mail box (vmb)?
[ ] only if i don't have to pay when i call it
[ ] no, hacking is wrong
[10] would you pay for cds?
[ ] of course, i am stupid
[ ] n0
fill out this infoform and send it to:
and then i'll send you something neat0 just for taking the time to contribute
to this zine.