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Published in 
NRX 1297
 · 22 Aug 2019


',ààà.` aNTWeRP, ',àààààààààààààààààààààààààààà.`
 ë ü  
 .` BeLGiuM  ',ààààààààààààààà.` 
 ë ü .`¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦', 
 .` NRX   
 ýë ü üí¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦' 
  ü.`  üë üí ûí ,
  .`ë ü  ë `.`',' û
  ë ü.`  . üë ¦ ûí ,
  .`ë ü  ë `ã' û
  ë ü.`  . üí ,
.`¦¦¦',.`ëã  DSi ì ìDsPì ì HPCaV 
ë ü ' ûë `
 iSSue # 01 .` í ,ý. ü
ë ü ' û'à`ë `
 DeCeMBeR 1997 .` í ,í,.ü. ü
ë  û'ûë`ë `
 THe 03-SCeNe MaG .`¦¦¦¦' ý¦¦¦¦ý,.ý¦¦¦¦ý,

The NRX-CReW is proud to present (at last) the first edition ! Well, "1ST" :
There were 2 previous releases <NRX-SOON> & <NRX-1097> ! There 'mission' was
to make some publicity au grand public so people could write us, but... We
hadn't enough replies and that was disappointing. Probably because lots of
people didn't know what NRX would look like... Maybe there wasn't enough in-
spiration or many can't write in English. Will there be a next issue ? Well,
that will depend on you ! Yes, YOU ! If ya got some stuff : send them PLEASE
(DeFCoN 5 : ++32 3 685 01 99) ! Something else : {SCeNe} MaGaZiNe... No, not
100 % ... The 03-SCeNe is dead anyway, but we can try to ressurect it ! The
point : "normal" modemers should send stuff TOO, not for sceners only. Can't
ya write in English ? Well : I'll translate it ! PLEAZEPLEAZEPLEAZE, we need
U ! All the little (even unimportant texts) will make NRX ! Just enjoy it !


HaNDLe : DeSPeRaDo [DsP]
FoRMeR aLiaSSeS : THe FReaK ; THe SaDiST (a VeeeRy LoNG TiMe aGo...)
CaLL Me : DeSPi ;)))
HaNDLe oRiGiN : My DePReSSiVe & PaRaNoiD PaST... & a CeWL MoVie Too ! =)
SeX : MaLe (i THiNK So ? ;-)
DaTe oF BiRTH : 13/06/82 {15}
HeiGHT : 181 CeNTiMeTeRS (...)
WeiGHT : 84 KiLoGRaMS (i'M LeSS FaTTeR THaN you'D THiNK MaN ! :-)
HaiR : DaRK-BRoWN, CoMeD BaCKWaRDS WiTH GeL [yeLLoW a‹Ba > RuLeZ !]
eyeS : DaRK-BRoWN (STiLL a PaiR, HeHe :-)
DeoDoRaNT : aXe {MaRiNe} (iT SMeLLS LiKe SHiT, BuT aNyWay...)
PeRFuMe : DaViDoFF ; CooL WaTeR (i LiKe iT ! Za WoMaNS Too ? ;-)
PeRSoNaLiTy : # 99.9 % aNaRCHiST (No GoVeRNMeNT, No HieRaRCHy , No LaW !)
# 50 % PHiLiPPiNo (!) ; 50 % BeLGiaN
GRouP aFFiLS : DSi/NRX/iPi
HoBBieS : * 0.1 % TeRRoRiST (CHaoS FoR FuN : HeHeHe !)
* PyRoTeCHNiCS (SoMe PeoPLe Say i'M FuCKiNG CRaZy, i DuNNo... :)
* HouSeR (yeS iNDeeD, i'M PRouD oF iT ! [TRaNCe/RaVe/TeCHNo-RaVe])
* FiLMFReaK, BBS'iNG, iNFoRMaTioN-JuNK, HaVe FuN WiTH My MaTeS !
* PaiNTBaLLiNG ! (ya'Ve GoT a PaiNTGuN... WaNNa PLay ? HeHeh ;-)
* 3D aCTioN-GaMeR (DuKe NuKeM 3D RuLeZ !)
* iNTeRaCTiVe 3D-GaMeR (PHaNTaS, ZoRK, ...)
* TXT WRiTeR (DaRK SiDe oF THe FoRCe) ; THe NRX-PuBLiSHeR (DuH...)
* aNSi/aSCii-aRTiST (a LiTTLe BiT)
* FaNTaSy (WoMeN, NoW & THeN a LiTTLe BiT MeDiTaTioN... ;) !
My CoMPuTeRS : a C128 (CaN PRoGRaM WiTH BaSiC V7.0), aN aMiGa 500, a P166 &
oW yeS : a ViC 20, BuT SoLD (i ReGReT) iT To Za N0$TaLGiC
MoNTHS of MoDeMiNG : LoNG eNouGH (aLTouGH...)
FaVoRiTe FooD/DRiNK : PiZZa {MaRGHeRiTa}/WaTeR (Joe PiLeR, NoT Too MuCH...)
FiLM i SaW HuNDReD oF TiMeS : ToTaL ReCaLL + FaVoRiTe : THe 'aLieN'-TRiLoGy
eXTRa NoTeS : i aM *NoT* a SNoB ! =-)
FuCK you To : aLL eXTReMe aNTi-HouSeRS (WHy ? i HaVeN'T GoT aNy PRoBS WiTH
HaRD-RoCKeRS), THe PiGS, SoCieTy, THe VTM-CuLTuRe & SCHooL...

FuCK SoCieTy ! FuCK THe SySTeM ! aND iF ya DiSaGRee ,àà.
WiTH uS : FuCK you ! So ReMeMBeR : iF ya FuCK oNe ,ãã㧧§§ããã.
aNaRCHiST, ya FuCK aLL oF THeM ! i'M THe DeS- ,㧧' ûë `§§ã.
PeRaDo [DsP]. My PaST iS NoT iMPoRTaNT To ,ã§' ûë `§ã.
you, THe oNLy THiNG i WaNT, iS To LiVe ,ã§' ,áä. `§ã.
PeaCeFuLLy aND NoT iNFLueNCeD By a ,ã§' û'`ë `§ã.
LaW ! i'M NoT iNTeGRaTeD iN THiS û' ,í ü. `ë
SiCK & PooR SoCieTy aND i DoN'T ûí û' `ë üë
WaNNa Be ! We'Re a THReaTen ,ã' ,í ü. `ã.
To SoCieTy, THe'LL TRy To ,ààààààààààààûààààààëàààààààààààà.
SToP uS, BuT We'LL FiGHT `¦¦¦¦í¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦í¦¦¦¦¦¦ü¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ü¦¦¦¦'
BaCK ! NoBoDy CaN SToP Me & `üë û' `ë ûí'
you : We'Re ReaL aNaRCHiSTS ! `§ã. ,í ü. ,ã§'
oNe Day, We'LL uNiTe ouR FoRCeS `§ã. û' `ë ,ã§'
aND DeSTRoY THiS SiCK aND DeSeaSeD `§ã,í ü.ã§'
PLaNeT & ReBuiLD a NeW WoRLD ! `û'. ,`ë'
i WaNNa LiVe iN ToTaL FReeDoM... à§äãà,..,àãá§à
you Too, aN iDeaLiSM ? MayBe Not. üü `ü§§ü' üü
’ï’â›H âuœîz : ïéW & Ÿéâîûîâ ! `ýý' `ýý' ¨DsP?

²²ÛÛ²²±±°°í û' ûí'` $ë. üë `ë ü²²±±°°±±²²
',í ûí à  $ë üë ü.`
ÛÛ²²±±°°',í ûí à  $$. üë ü.`°°±±²²ÛÛ
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¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦' `¦¦',$  `¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
$$$$$$ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§',$$$
$$$$$  í',ûý,$$$$$
àààààààààààààààààààà. ,àà.`$  ,û'ìììû$',àà. ,àààààààààààààààààààà
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.`ë üë ¦$   à.üë.ûü û',
±±²²ÛÛ²²±.`ë üë ¦  ý,û.`üü û',Û²²±±°°±±
ë ü. üë., DsP97í',ûü ,í û
 -=ð THe iNFeRNaL PyRo iNDuSTRieS ð=- 

Since it's illegal to prepare AND especially to sell explosives (duh), iPi
offers you an alternative : now you can ORDER all your chemical stuff ! This
is 100 % legal, why ? Well, you can buy it yourself e.g. in drogueries...
As a matter of fact : DeSPeRaDo'S first release "DSI-DL98.ZIP" contains all
the stores where ya can find za 'merchandise' but lots of people haven't got
the opportunity to go to Antwerp City, so... If you want to order, just fill
in "IPI-1197.TXT" & you'll recieve a.s.a.p. the total price of the chemicals
you'd like to order... This service is, unfortunately, quite amateuristic,
cuz of the general organisation of iPi ;) ... How the hell can U deliver the
chems ? 1) By mail > Probably "De PoST" won't transport flammable, oxidi-
sing, corrosive and/or poisonnous products under NORMAL tariffs... Conclusi-
sion : FUCK THEM ! ; 2) Personal delivery > Maybe, but za DeSPeRaDo won't go
to America or something like that without being paid extra ;-) Anyway... ;
3) An appointment > More interesting, we'll just tell eachother where we'd
meat (somewhere in/around Antwerp)... 4) ? ... =)

---===ðð Za special packages : 1) MiSTeR SaFeTy ; 2) MiSTeR SuiCiDe ðð===---

* MiSTeR SaFeTy : # a.K.a. BeGiNNeR-PaCK
# ToTaL CoST : QuiTe CHeaP
# CoNTaiNS : CHLooR ; eTHyLaLCoHoL ; GeDeMiNiRaLiSeeRD
WaTeR ; KaLiuM ; KaLiuMNiTRaaT ; NaTRiuMHy-
PoCHLoRieT ; PaRaFFiNe ; ZWaVeL

* MiSTeR SuiCiDe : # a.K.a. FuCKeD uP oR "DeSPeRaDo"-PaCK
# ToTaL CoST : MoRe eXPeNSiVe
# CoNTaiNS : aMMoNiuMHyDRoXiDe ; CaLCiuMCaRBiDe ;
GeDeMiNiRaLiSeeRD WaTeR ; GLyCeRoL ;
KaLiuM ; KaLiuMNiTRaaT ; MeTHyLBeNZeeN ; Na-
NaaT ; PaRaFFiNe ; PRoPyLaLCoHoL ; SaLPeTeR-
ZuuR ; WaTeRSToFPeRoXiDe ; ZWaVeL ; ZWaVeL-
ZuuR {NaTRiuMCHLoRaaT}

DeSCRiPTioNS : ! > Product is essential when ticked
P? > Price : °° = EXPENSIVE ; Û° = NORMAL ; ÛÛ = Cheap
Index > Chemical order number

³ Name ³ Other Name(s) ³ ! ³ P? ³ Index ³
³ AcetylPropylAlcohol ³ AcetylPropanol, -Aceton ³ ³ ±° ³ 01/80 ³
³ AmandelOlie ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 02/80 ³
³ AmmoniumHydrOxide ³ Ammoniak ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 03/80 ³
³ Arabische Gom ³ / ³ ³ °° ³ 04/80 ³
³ Benzine (680/720) ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 05/80 ³
³ BenzylAlcohol ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 06/80 ³
³ Black Varnish ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 07/80 ³
³ BoorZuur ³ BoorWater ³ ³ ²° ³ 08/80 ³
³ ButylAcetaat ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 09/80 ³
³ ButylAlcohol ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 10/80 ³
³ CalciumCarbide ³ Carbuur ³ þ ³ ±° ³ 11/80 ³
³ Carbolineum ³ Carboline ³ ³ ²° ³ 12/80 ³
³ Caso ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 13/80 ³
³ Chloor ³ / ³ þ ³ ²° ³ 14/80 ³
³ ChloorWaterStof ³ ZoutZuur ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 15/80 ³
³ CitroenZuur ³ / ³ ³ ²² ³ 16/80 ³
³ Creoline ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 17/80 ³
³ DiCarbonZuur ³ OxaalZuur, ZuringZuur ³ ³ ²² ³ 18/80 ³
³ DiChloorEthaan ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 19/80 ³
³ DiChloorMethaan ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 20/80 ³
³ DiEthylEther ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 21/80 ³
³ DiMethylFormamide ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 22/80 ³
³ DiOxyBarnSteenZuur ³ WijnSteenZuur ³ ³ ±° ³ 23/80 ³
³ DiPropylAlcohol ³ DiPropanol, -Aceton ³ ³ ²° ³ 24/80 ³
³ EthaanZuur ³ AzijnZuur ³ ³ ±± ³ 25/80 ³
³ Ether ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 26/80 ³
³ EthylAcetaat ³ AzijnEther ³ ³ ±° ³ 27/80 ³
³ EthylAlcohol ³ Ethanol, BrandSpiritus ³ þ ³ ²² ³ 28/80 ³
³ EthyleenGlycol ³ EtheenGlycol ³ ³ ±° ³ 29/80 ³
³ FluorWaterStof ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 30/80 ³
³ FormaldeHyde ³ Formaline, Methanal, Formol ³ ³ ±° ³ 31/80 ³
³ Gedeminiraliseerd Water ³ Gedestilleerd Water, A.D. ³ þ ³ ²² ³ 32/80 ³
³ Glycerol ³ Glycerine ³ þ ³ ±° ³ 33/80 ³
³ Hars CW ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 34/80 ³
³ IjzerSulfaat ³ / ³ ³ ±± ³ 35/80 ³
³ IsoOctaan ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 36/80 ³
³ IsoPropylAlcohol ³ IsoPropanol, IsoAceton ³ ³ ±° ³ 37/80 ³
³ Kalium ³ Potassium ³ þ ³ ²° ³ 38/80 ³
³ KaliumAluin ³ PotassiumAluin ³ ³ ±± ³ 39/80 ³
³ KaliumHydrOxide ³ Caustische Potas, KaliLoog ³ ³ ²² ³ 40/80 ³
³ KaliumNitraat ³ KaliSalpeter, Salpeter ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 41/80 ³
³ KaliumSilicaat ³ PotassiumSilicaat ³ ³ ²° ³ 42/80 ³
³ KoolTeer ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 43/80 ³
³ LijnOlie ³ / ³ ³ ²² ³ 44/80 ³
³ MagnesiumSilicaat ³ Talk ³ ³ ±± ³ 45/80 ³
³ MethylAlcolhol ³ Methanol ³ ³ ²² ³ 46/80 ³
³ Methylbenzeen ³ Tolueen ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 47/80 ³
³ MethylEthyleen ³ MethylEtheen ³ ³ ²° ³ 48/80 ³
³ MethylEthylKeton ³ / ³ ³ ±± ³ 49/80 ³
³ Naftaleen ³ MotteBallen ³ ³ ²° ³ 50/80 ³
³ NatriumHydrOxide ³ Caustische Soda, NatronLoog ³ ³ ±± ³ 51/80 ³
³ NatriumHypoChloriet ³ BleekWater ³ þ ³ ²° ³ 52/80 ³
³ NatriumSilicaat ³ NatronGlasWater ³ ³ ±± ³ 53/80 ³
³ NatriumTetraBoraat ³ Borax, Zout van BoorZuur ³ ³ ²° ³ 54/80 ³
³ NatriumWaterStofCarbonaat ³ BiCarbonaat, KoolZuur Zout ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 55/80 ³
³ OssevoetOlie ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 56/80 ³
³ PapaverOlie ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 57/80 ³
³ Paraffine (-Olie) ³ Was ³ þ ³ ²Û ³ 58/80 ³
³ PentylAcetaat ³ AmylAcetaat ³ ³ ±° ³ 59/80 ³
³ PerChloorEthyleen ³ PerChloorEtheen ³ ³ ²° ³ 60/80 ³
³ Petroleum ³ LampOlie ³ ³ ±± ³ 61/80 ³
³ PetroleumEther ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 62/80 ³
³ PropylAlcohol ³ Propanol, Aceton ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 63/80 ³
³ PuimSteen ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 64/80 ³
³ RicinusOlie ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 65/80 ³
³ SalpeterZuur ³ Sterk Water ³ þ ³ ²² ³ 66/80 ³
³ Terpentijn ³ / ³ ³ ±± ³ 67/80 ³
³ (Cell./Syn.) Thinner ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 68/80 ³
³ TriChloorEthyleen ³ TriChloorEtheen ³ ³ ±° ³ 69/80 ³
³ TriNatriumFosfaat ³ TriSodiumFosfaat ³ ³ ²° ³ 70/80 ³
³ Vaseline Olie ³ / ³ ³ ±° ³ 71/80 ³
³ VioolHars ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 72/80 ³
³ WasBenzine ³ / ³ ³ ±± ³ 73/80 ³
³ WasLak ³ / ³ ³ ²° ³ 74/80 ³
³ WaterStofCarbonZuur ³ MierenZuur ³ ³ ±° ³ 75/80 ³
³ WaterStofFosfaat ³ FosforZuur (Ortho-) ³ ³ ²° ³ 76/80 ³
³ WaterStofPerOxide ³ ZuurStofWater ³ þ ³ ±° ³ 77/80 ³
³ White Spirit ³ / ³ ³ ²² ³ 78/80 ³
³ Zwavel ³ Solfer ³ þ ³ ±± ³ 79/80 ³
³ ZwavelZuur ³ Vitriool ³ þ ³ ²° ³ 80/80 ³
³ AcetylSalicylZuur ³ Aspirine ³ þ ³ °° ³ A/J ³
³ Benzine ³ Naft ³ þ ³ ²° ³ B/J ³
³ Cellulose ³ Katoen ³ þ ³ ±± ³ C/J ³
³ DroogIjs ³ / ³ þ ³ ²° ³ D/J ³
³ Diesel ³ / ³ þ ³ ²° ³ E/J ³
³ Hexamine ³ Methenamine ³ þ ³ ±° ³ F/J ³
³ Jodium ³ Iodine ³ þ ³ ²° ³ G/J ³
³ Kerosine ³ / ³ þ ³ °° ³ H/J ³
³ KoolStof ³ HoutsKool ³ þ ³ ²° ³ I/J ³
³ NatriumChloraat ³ / ³ þ ³ ±± ³ J/J ³

eXTRa NoTeS : @ When ordering stuff, I'll always look for the most cheapest
prices & most concentrated chemicals...
@ In the last list, all products (with the exception of Natri-
umChloraat) aren't findable in the droguerie, but in other
stores and are best to be bought yourself...
@ Recipies & other info can be asked freely to za DeSPeRaDo ?
@ For orders, just contact za DeSPeRaDo on DeFCoN 5 !

°°°Ý °°°°°°
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­(ÄÄÄö Yo Chaps öÄÄÄ)­
I HaVe ThE hONeUr TO pResENT YoU fOR ThE fIrsT tImM ThE LeTHaL FoRCe
(Shortcut: lf). WHaT tHe F*CK Is THe LeTHal FORcE? WElL It's A grOuP OF
SoME wiERdOS. JUsT CaLL Us NuTS! MEAbY we WiLL wRiTe eVErY tImE iN THis
mAGazine If We WRitE fAsT EnOUgH AnD The cOPs dOn'T tAkE OUr wOrk AWaY!
­ If YOu GeT ThE POiNt. ThiS WeRE MuCh wORDs, buT wHAt caN yOu EXpEct FRom
uS? WELL, gOOd AnD LeTHal ARtiCLeS wiTH SubJeCTs wE teSTeD so YoU cAn Be
SuRE It wORKs!!
So Why ShoULd yOU STaY ThE WarEz-Idiot You ARe...REad, TrY, LiVe...
We WoNT LeT You DOwN, LiKE YouR GirlFRIends KeeP DOinG. So WaTcH ouT We
WilL come...You are warned!
MiSter 1

We ArE WaTChinG YoU! DoN't Try To WAtcH us. Resistence is useless.

.s‚S SŠs. .s‚S$SŠs. .s‚S$SŠs. .s‚S .s‚S SŠs. .s‚S$SŠs. .s‚S$SŠs. .s‚$±$$ý
$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$²$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$²$ $$$$ $°$$ $°$$
°$$$ $$$$ $$$± $$$$ $$$$ $$$ý $$$$ $$±$ $$$° $$$$ $$$$ $²$$ $$$ý $$$$
$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$ .sS$$$$$ $$$$ $ $$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$
$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$ $$±$ $$$$ $ $$$$ $°$$ $$$$ $$$° $$$$
$$$$ $²$$ $$$$ $$°$ $$$$ $° $$$$ ý$$$ $ $±$ý $$$$ $$±$ $$°$ $$$²
ü$$$ $$$ü ü$$$ $$$ü ü$$$ $$$$$$$$ý ý$$$$$$$ý ü$$$ $$$ü ü$$$ ý$$$$$$.

úAMD K(icking ass)6ú

In this months issue i would like to speak about the new processors of
AMD... AMD is -just like Intel- a maker of all kinds of chips , and
luckily for us , they have just came up with their allready kicking some
serious ass K6-family. The K6 processors fit in almost any motherboard
that can handle a normal pentium processor , but some bad rumours are
being spread that the K6 not works well with some intel chipsets , but i've
not discovered any problems on the demomodel i've worked with(it was a
K6-233,fitted in a ASUS motherboard and with 32 megz of EDO-ram). You can't
really compare the K6 with another cpu , mostly the K6 is put against the
PII 266 from intel , a battle he loses on some points , but wins on other
points. But you've always got to remember : a K6 costs less then the half
of a P2 , and it can still beat it at some points! And you don't have to
buy an extremely expensive motherboard (the ones for a Pentium 2 are so)
and you don't need to mess around with the layout of the inside of your
pc , because the cpu is too big or things like that. To end this first
article , i'll present you the entire AMD K6 range... You have a 166Mhz,
a 200 MHz , a 233Mhz version , and later on , even a 266Mhz version! they
are all MMX'ed. So you might think, Intel is history ,let's all buy that
K6, but ofcourse Intel is kicking back with a price-lowering on the Pentium
MMX'ses .. They are now in a simular price-category (and they also come in
a 233Mhz version)...


A lot of people nowadays come and ask me what those 3 letters stand for ,
well , it's easy , those stand for : MultiMedia eXtension . So you could
say , it's an improved version of a pentium-cpu , with extra multimedia
power .. and you are right if you think that ;) but it is not that easy...
First i'm going to tell you what a MMX-processor does more than an normal
member of the pentium family. Well , like a said , it improves multimedia
power , intel says "It'll handle instructions that on a non-MMX cpu are
being processed by things like the Svga-card , the soundcard , things like
So we would expect that a game is always faster on a MMX processor!
Euhmz , you're wrong... Only specially programs especially written for the
MMX processor [like POD from UBISOFT] run faster than on a regular pentium.
Official tests give a 20% profit for programs like POD on a MMX. I must say
used a few times MMX-processors , but i was not never really impressed by
the "extra" multimedia-power. But ofcourse it is (hopefully) not going to
stay like that : MMX 'll become more and more a common thing , and more and
more programs are going to be released for MMX... So , you'd better wait
some time untill MMX is really rolling , and maybe than the cpu's will have
a friendlier price ...


°°±±²²Û DeSPeRaDo'S SeNSaTioNaL SToRieS : aDVeNTuReS WiTH aCeTyLeNeCO3 Û²²±±°°

Well, if I'd say "I was almost dead because a self-made grenade exploded in
my face."
, I would be exaggurating... But it isn't an exaggeration when I
would tell you "I was almost blind because a self-made carbide-bomb desinte-
grated in front of my face (distance between DeSPeRaDo & bottle : 30 centi-
meters) !"
. Anyway, here's my story : ...

Well, the exact date... I forgot... Actually, I do remember shit what happe-
ned... What I do remember, was that I found (at last) the ingredient for 046
SPeCiaLiSTS ;). Not exactly a nice day : it was the fucking period of exams,
so before starting to learn biology, I wanted to demonstrate a mate of mine
(a certain Tim B.) the power of Za DeSPeRaDo :))). Didn't say it yet : I be-
came a little bit (a little bit too much) infamous at school because I made
a lame smoke bomb (the stuff with sucrose + KNO3), so... To go on : Tim wan-
ted to see the real thing... Allright, no prob : after making my exam of
that day, he came to my house and we drove with our bikes to the direction
of some sort of bunker (for keeping it safe). Also didn't say yet : I al-
ready made the explosive device (and demonstrated it) to a lot of people,
but I "detonated" it by throwing the extremely reacting projectile into pie-
ces against the ground... This caused a gas-explosion resulting in a little
boom (quite lame ;], but for za products of society : 100 % sensation <g> !)
and a little bit glas that was flying away, so not dangerous at all... It
was in the middle of our street : too much people, so we went somewhere
else ; to a place called "SCHiLDe STRaND" (yes, the well-know bungalow-park)
where another bunker was located. So, I (still za DsP) extremly cool (;))))
preparing za carbide-grenade. I took a bottle where the glas was very thin,
so it was simplier to throw apart ; poored some H2O (water, duh) in it ;
QUICKLY added the CaC2 & (again) QUICKLY put the screw-lid (or how the fuck
do ya call it ?) on the 'CHoCoViT'-bottle & threw it away... "Damn, it fell
on that piece of lawn over there !"
> this is gonna be a disgration for my
reputation... After all I can say (NOW) : "FUCK MY TERRORIST-REPUTATION !",
many of my school are only a bunch of sore losers who THINK (at least, if
they fucking can !) they're COOL... Anyway, (because I was too reckless) I
walked to the reacting bottle, tried to pick it up... BOOOOOOOM ! :))) Ah, I
laugh each time I think about it, but not that time it exploded in my face !
To be honest : BOOOM ?! Er, I REMEMBER SHIT. So (really ! =) the last thing
I remember, was that I tried to pick up the bottle and that my face was be-
tween a distance of 30 centimeters to the grenade. I was JUST standing there
paralized. Tim, who ran away when I detonated it, came running back to me
and said (half-shocked) : "I told you to not go to it !". I very cool : "Ah,
it worked quite well, didn't it ?"
. Actually I heard the warning of T.B. ,
but I was so stubborn (like always ;) to believe I knew everything. Normally
it couldn't have exploded because I made a little hole in top of the screw
(normally for lighting the gas ! , hehe ;-) & taught the pressure couldn't
get so high that it could desintegrate the bottle... Always interrupting the
story ? ;) Well, Tim went panicing home (afterwards he called me to know if
everything was still allright). But it wasn't "ALLRIGHT", djeezes, a piece
of flesh was ripped out my body just under my trought : it started to bleed
like hell and my clothes ;) > they turned almost totally white [Ca] & red
[BLooD] ! And when I came home, I took a towel and covered my 'NICE' wound
(for preventing that my parents will turn hysterical). Hysterical... After-
wards (two weeks later) I showed the 'little' mark anyway > TILT ;)))))))))
We went to a doctor and it was (of course, 2 weeks) too late to stitch it.
Well, er, the end ? Ow, forgot to tell : it attracts the girls (at least,
somebody told the bullshit)... Sensation ? Dunno... Anyway, next NRX-release
"FuN WiTH FuCKiNG GaSoLiNe" ! Now that was a nasty experience, Hehehe... =-)



Do you remember that famous computer store that ripped of almost everyone?
Jupz , we are talking about InfoBrix ... InfoBrix sucked very very very
very much (nope , i'm not one of those who bought a pc there ;)) , At the
end of the InfoBrix story , The big boss of Infobrix , buys a new ferrari
and disappears with 80 milion bf. The store is hereafter declared "
and the people who have ordered a pc there can drop dead , also the factory
that delivered parts to Infobrix is still waiting for money that isn't there
anymore... At this moment you might think , what the fuck has a stupid
computer store to do with a disco? The Zillion(nice place though) , the new
Disco in Antwerp-Zuid , has -dingdong- the same "
big boss" ... Investigators
say that the Zillion might be build with the dissapeared money from Infobrix!


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This article is very EXEPTIONAL (cuz of the language it's written in). Any-
way : I can't say "
NO" to women... ;-) Btw : TXT by an aNoNyMouS FeMaLe...

Wacht effekens ! This is still za DeSPeRaDo speaking... Euhm, velen onder
olle zullen dees MEGABELACHELIJK vinden, ja sorry zenne ! 't Is dus een be-
wijs da IEDEREEN mag writen (eender welk geslacht ;) & da alle TXT's onge-
censureerd blijven. Maar allez... Als ge ni 'alles' weet, kunt ge hier nog
wa experience of vuile woordjes opdoen... Eheheh !

Voor al die druggo's die geen Engels verstaan hebben we iets "
And also if you're a ROOKIE and don't know the meaning of the words who are
used in sex.

AFTREKKEN Ý Je hand rond de penis leggen en heen-en-weer bewegen.
AIDS Ý E‚n of andere dodelijke geslachtsziekte.
ANALE SEKS Ý Het doen langs het kakgat of mooier gezegd de "
Ý Gebruik altijd een glijmiddel.
ANTI-CONCEPTIEMIDDEL Ý Mooier woord voor de pil.
BEFFEN Ý Het vrouwelijk schepsel bevredigen met de mond.
BI Ý Better known als 'gay'.
CELIBAAT Ý Ingewikkeld woord voor niet aan seks denken en on-
Ý schuldig zijn.
CLITORIS Ý Het gevoeligste plekje van de vagina, bevindt zich
Ý bovenaan de kut.
CONDOOM Ý Wie da niet weet moet al wreed gestoord zijn.
EIKEL Ý De top van de penis (naturellement).
EJACULATIE Ý Klaarkomen (what else ?).
ERECTIE Ý Ne stijve.
EROGENE ZONES Ý Plekjes waar je opgewonden wordt als je ze streelt.
EROTISCH Ý ... Verschilt ...
GEIL Ý Duh !
GLIJMIDDEL Ý Gebruiken als 'm der nie in wilt gaan.
HETERO Ý Man op vrouw, vrouw op man.
HOMO Ý Jongen in jongen.
LIBIDO Ý Aantal keren je wilt vrijen.
MAAGDENVLIES Ý Scheurt als je wordt ontmaagd, (don't panic !).
MARSTURBEREN Ý Met jezelf vrijen.
NATTE DROOM Ý In je slaap klaarkomen.
ORAAL Ý Met de mond.
ORGASME Ý Klaarkomen.
ORGIE Ý Seks hebben met meerdere personen (in groep).
PENETREREN Ý Derin gaan.
PIJPEN Ý Als de vrouw de man bevredigt met de mond.
PORNO Ý Gaat vele verder dan erotiek.
SCHAAMHAAR Ý Da onkruid dat der onder groeit.
SM Ý Sado Masochisme = extreme manier van seks met zwepen,
Ý leren kledij, rammelende kettingen, takels, meesters
Ý en meesteressen : PIJN = FIJN.
SOA Ý Seksueel overdraagbare aandoening, komt voor als je
Ý zonder condoom vrijt.
SPERMA Ý Zaadcellen bij de man.
STANDJES Ý Manieren waarop je vrijt, bv. : missionarishouding =
Ý jij onder, hij/zij erbovenop of omgekeerd of lepel-
Ý tjeshouding : jij op je zij met je rug tegen zijn/
Ý haar buik of een 69standje.
STIMULEREND MIDDEL Ý Niet bewezen dat 't werkt in seks.
TESTIKELS Ý Zaadballen.
TRANSSEKSUEEL Ý Als je voelt dat je in het verkeerde lichaam bent ge-
Ý boren.
TRAVESTIET Ý Als een man het prettig vindt om zich als vrouw te
Ý verkleden.
VIBRATOR Ý Hulpmiddel v/d vrouw = massagestaaf met batterijen.
VOORHUID Ý Het losse velletje dat de eikel v/d penis beschermt.
VOORSPEL Ý V¢¢r de seks elkaar opgewonden maken.

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c0sYs 1 : s0njA g00ssEns
cOsYs 2 : pIEtEr b0nnE
nUmbEr : +32 3 644 83 09

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iNTeRNaTioNaL iMPoRTaTioN oF H/P/a-GRouP ReLeaSeS

NRX ì THe 03-SCeNe MaGaZiNe ì WHQ ÷ iPi ì iNFeRNaL PyRo iNDuSTRieS ì WHQ
<iNTeRNeT> [PRiVaTe] FiLe(S) ReQueSTS ÷ 3D MoDeM-GaMiNG ÷ SySoP CHaT ! ;-)

CaLL oNLy BeTWeeN 21.30 & 07.30 ÷ ++32 3 aSK iT ­! ÷ SySoP : DeSPeRaDo ÷ ­NoW!


Well, I guess that's it ! I don't know what you think of NRX, anyway the NRX
CReW enjoyed the making of the 1ST release & - I hope - not the last one...
So send yer stuff NOW... Also, you ought to check out the <CREDITS>... Well,
thanks to DeSPeRaDo, JaGo, KuRT VaNDeCaSTeeLe aND DeFeNDeR for the realiza-
tion of NRX... Greets to all the persons stated above + MiSTeR oNe, BeaTie,
THe MeGaToNMaN, SiLVeRMooN, aRGo, ViNCeNT CoRNeLiSSeSeN, THe HiVe, CHoJin,
THa RuSHeR, MaGiSTeR NoCTiS, N0$TaLGiC and aLL THe PeoPLe i FoRGoT ! ;-)))

& U OF COURSE ! :)

°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ DeCeMBeR 1997 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°

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