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Trinity Denied Issue 5 - A Medley of Satanic Goodness

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Trinity Denied
 · 1 Sep 2019


Welcome to the Fifth Issue of Trinity Denied. I know it's been a bit longer than a few weeks but at least it's out, right? In this issue you will find an article by newcomer Herr Todesfall as well as some other fun material. I personally recommend reading every article, as there's a lot of good material in this issue.

Recently I was thinking of changing the name of Trinity Denied. The name itself sounds anti-Christian and kind of harsh. One person told me that I write this newsletter for Christians, and not for Satanists.

I guess it's true in a sense, but not completely. Many of the articles are written so Christians will think "Hey!", and so atheists, Satanists, and the like will go "Heh heh heh." In other words, some of the material might offend Christians but it still serves us in many ways. Usually my attacks on Christianity are written for the enjoyment of us Satanists, and as a challenge to Christians. I openly challenge Christianity whenever I attack it. It's basically "defend yourself!" I welcome any replies to what I write, positive or negative. I refused to publish the only negative feedback I've gotten so far because it amounted to a letter saying "You're Christians, you just don't realize it..yet."

I do not tolerate any condescension. As a 17 year-old, I've received enough of it to make me sick, from parents, teachers, blah, blah, blah. Those who condescend without justification infuriate me, as it amounts to nothing more than creating an artificial pedestal and preaching from it. To those who condescend, I offer a brutal and disrespectful attitude, amounting to a basic "fuck off." Why? Dealing with those types is impossible, and a waste of time.

Lately I've been thinking of various things, both metaphysical and scientific. I developed a general theory to explain almost everything I've ever considered/wondered about, and that theory is included in this issue. It's not a scientific theory, as it's not based on empirical evidence... Rather it's based on logic, something that has no evidence. Logic is.

At first I thought this was "beyond Satanism," and then I realized my foolishness. For awhile I had started to consider Satanism to be merely a practical philosophy, a fun yet serious way to deal with everyday life. After thinking about it, I've realized that Satanism accommodates all of my philosophies and "theories," to the fullest extent. My model of the universe, I think, is the most Satanic one possible. It is the ultimate in subjectivity; where general Satanism is "live as you please and rule your own existence," this "Universal Satanism" is "live as you please and rule your own existence...because..."

I think many of you will find the model to be a very interesting one, and after reading it, if you have questions(everyone does, and then there's the know-it-all who knows nothing, the rhetorical nimrod that speaks but says nothing) come and get it. I think it can stand up to any scrutiny if it is explained in enough detail.

But anyway...about the title. I thought about changing the name because "Trinity Denied" sounds more anti-Christian than Satanic. Instead I've decided to keep the name around, because Socio-Political Christianity is and always has been one of my greatest enemies. I don't personally see Christians as "the enemy," but I see the religion as a destructive entity, not because of its doctrines but because of its effects on the world. America's political system is dominated by Christianity, and people are shoving ideas like "Christian America" and "Family Values" down our throats all the time. America was not founded on Christianity, it was founded on Satanic ethics--do as you will, unless you hurt someone else. In other words, "The pursuit of happiness" and those ten amendments that begin our happy little constitution. Instead America has slowly been corrupted in the truest sense of the word by Christianity. It's annoying to be condescended to day-by-day whenever my religious beliefs come into conversation, or to be told lies like "Darwin converted on his deathbed", or to be told rhetorical bullshit like "Atheists will be on their knees praying when they're in the front lines of a war," etc. I'm sick of the artificial pedestal Christianity itself stands on. Destroying that pedestal is my goal; if Christianity dies from the fall, it didn't deserve to be up there in the first place.

They would like us to see it the other way; that "Christian America" is being corrupted by atheism, humanism, Darwinism, Satanism, etc. America has a long way to go before the Church and State are truly separated. Imagine an atheist president! Imagine a Satanic president! Ha... The Church and State are best buddies in America, and it's only because our good friend Thomas Jefferson stuck his foot in the door that we're not completely dominated by the religion. The movement of anti-Christianity is not one of destroying the religion, rather one of getting it off of our backs.

I know this sounds like some kind of anti-Christian diatribe to many of you, but look at it from our perspective. We are the minority, ruled by a government full of Christians. Christianity is an assumed part of American life it seems, with little exceptions for Judaism and Islam. Trinity Denied will keep its name, because by its very nature Satanism is anti-Christian. So is a logically-dominated universe, the model of the universe I subscribe to.

While it's not an overt attempt to destroy or topple Christianity, the anti-Christian nature of Satanism is obvious. I will proudly admit that I am a Satanist and an atheist, and that my stance of Christianity and external gods in general is strictly "anti." I will not "laissez faire" unless I will be "laissez faire"'d in return. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, in other words. Until then, everything I write and say in this newsletter is in essence "Trinity Denied," "anti-Christian" not out of spite but by its nature. When I first named the newsletter, I simply grabbed two words out of the Satanic Bible because I thought "hey, it sounds cool." Now that I think about it, it sounds even better. Everything said here is "Trinity Denied," and the mere phrasing "Trinity Denied" just sounds so...I don't know.."I don't think so, foo'." Heh.

Our Voice, Our Sword

by Herr Todesfall

The decadence of freedom tolls its mighty bell as the people of America take a seat on the recliner of their own inferiority; but not me. It's about time the rest of us put down our television remotes and start getting down to business. It's time the land of the free gets its confrontation. I'm sick of the lies, the hypocrisy, and our torpid way of life. I can't stand paying a debt I didn't start and am not responsible for. I'm sick of a one-sided media who doesn't explain the truth in many cases. I don't like being told what I want to hear by thieving politicians. I'm sick of our justice system, which wastes our money on lenient charges and countless appeals. And most of all, I'm sick of our congress of dictators and fascist "educators."

The point I'm trying to make is the "We, the people" have been played for idiots. Our vague definition of justice has gone on long enough. It's time we unsheath our swords and prepare for battle and cut through the bullshit and breathe fire upon the whitehouse, now black from the tar of deception. We the people need for fight for what is right, and what's better to use is our voices. Our tongues are the most ruthless and effective weapon, and after we're done, the violators of truth will be sorry that freedom of speech was ever written in the constitution. We must stand up like the women and men we are and extinguish the impostorous flames of our lying and thieving government until it has reached the ultimate effeteness. No more dooping democrats or ridiculous republicans or any other pompous politicians stealing our money. Let us fight for the true American dream.

What If?

The purpose of this article should come clear soon. It is a response to the several times in my life I've been confronted with the question "what if?" More importantly, it's a response to the several past times in my life that I've confronted myself with "what if?" Fortunately that ended when I began to think in the following manner a year or two ago...

What if there was a god? And what if this god was behind the writing of the Bible? And what if the Bible's purpose was to test humanity, and see how many people would be willing to defy their own nature because an old book says they should? And what if this god favored those who stuck with the way they were created and revelled in it, and so there was a heaven but heaven was reserved for Satanists, hedonists, etc? And heaven was a place where all dreams came true, not a place where you were brainwashed("cleansed of sin"), but a place where you do as you please for the rest of eternity...until you got bored and chose to die? And for the believers, what if they were condemned to live on earth, dying, reincarnating, and so on until they found "god's real truth?"

What there was a god, and a Satan, and Satan actually won the battle in heaven and made it a place where people could achieve his level of power, instead of a place where people are condemned to glorify him for eternity? And what if Satan threw god into hell, but allowed god the power to attempt to deceive with the Bible? What if the god of the Bible was the true deceiver, the true father of lies, a god who refused for people to reach his level of ability so was condemned for eternity?

What if I were god, and this entire reality was mine? What if everything you knew was a figment of my imagination? What if I am simply in a dream sleep and you all exist in it? What if I were to "wake up" and drag you all out of reality?

What if at the moment of death, the brain's power came full force and created for you an afterlife by stretching out your perception of time so that a split second became thousands of years?

What if at the point of death, your perception of time was completely gone, and billions of years of universal collapse passed...and then the universe once again created itself in a big bang, a perfect replica of the infinite universes before it? And what if at the instant of death, since your perception of time was gone, you were resurrected, reborn, but condemned to live the exact same life you lived before with no chance at all of changing it? And so people who died young would die young forever, people who lived to be old and miserable did so forever...people who suffered agony suffered agony forever. And add a twist: what if when/if the universe collapses it does so in such a calculating manner that time itself is "reversed?" Instead of dying and coming back to life as a baby, you'd die, then instantly live your life backwards, unaware of the "distortion" of time because to you it's just as arbitrary in direction as height and depth? If the universe is a collapsing one, and there is a one in five hundred billion trillion trillion million thousand billion quadrillion septillion chance of a universe completely identical to this one forming, you are still damned by chaos and the incomprehensibility of live the same life again...forever... Ha ha ha.

What if you were god, in every sense of the word? You are limited by your own perception, unable to truly change the world, but what if you were god? What if you were a bored god, sick of omnipotence and omnipresence? Instead of ruling a pet universe you decided that you would create a universe, create an Earth, create a population, and join it at a point in time? What if you, using your omnipotence, made it so that your powers were almost nonexistent, but once you died you once again became god? Or, even better, what if you had to discover the mental "trick" that would restore your power before you died? Try it, it's fun.

What if god was creative, and had various criteria for how he would judge people? What if god favored cats over people, so cats were granted instant access to paradise? Humans who were nice to cats got to also go to paradise, while those who abused them were denied entrance...

If there is a god, what is his true moral standard? What if god wanted us all to realize that doing as a Bible says just because it says "god says so" is foolish? What if god was behind the Bible 100% but wanted people to question his authority? What if god's paradise was locked to those who used the Bible as the absolute basis of their morality?

What if god had no regard for the universe, he simply created it for fun?
What if god was a bored nihilist?
An existentialist?
A sadist?
A masochist?
A hamster?

What if...god was an extension of the human ego? What if god was product of man's need to know, his need to feel better? What if man invented god to give him all of the answers, and to inflate his ego? What if man indirectly created a superior god so that he could be a creation of a superior god? What if man created god to serve his ego and his needs, and nothing more? And what if a smarter man realized this and took the reigns of the world?

If god is superior simply for being our creator and should be worshipped for that reason...what happens if you're god's creator?

"There is a dream inside a dream I'm wide awake the more I sleep you'll understand when I'm dead. I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me. Saw heaven and hell were lies, when I'm god everyone dies."
--Marilyn Manson

"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity"
--Trent Reznor

"I contend that we are both atheists. I believe in one fewer
god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the
other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
--Stephen F. Roberts

"What? Is man merely a mistake of god's, or god merely a mistake of man's?"
--Friedrich Nietzsche

For Your Consideration: A Theory of Everything

You didn't think you'd get through issue five of Trinity Denied without a Theory of Everything, did you? Oh well, here it is. It's not[yet] a scientific theory, but regardless I'm sure one day it will be widely accepted(once I die and my Satanism/my theory are separated, of course.)

I'll put it in the most simple terms possible. First, an understanding of basic logic is necessary. Here are Aristotle's three basic laws:

A=A (True=True)

Something is A or Not-A (Something is True or False)

Something cannot be both A and Not-A (Something can't be True and False)

From these very basic laws other logic is easily derived, such as syllogism:

Bob is a dog.

All dogs are stupid.

Bob is stupid, etc.

Boolean logic(AND/OR/NOT) is also easily extrapolated, it's simply a more complicated variation of the three laws.

From logic and its basic laws comes math. Math is simply quantitative logic, math is logic in numbers.

1=1, 1+1=2, 2=1+1, 2-1=1, etc.

From basic math comes higher math, from higher math comes physics, from physics comes chemistry, from chemistry comes biology, etc, etc.

The most basic way to state my theory is this:

The universe exists because nonexistence cannot exist.

In other words, something is because nothing cannot be. You can't say "Nothing exists," because "nothing exists" implies at least one thing existing--nothingness.

In other words, where A=BEING and NOT-A=NOTHINGNESS, you can't say NOT-A IS A, or NOT-A IS A STATE OF A.

In order to understand my theory conceptually, terms of space and density are needed. Most of you probably know what space and density are, or you at least have some general understanding. Space[or volume] and density are opposite; the more dense something is, the less spacious, and the less dense, the more spacious. They are inversely proportional, and together they determine mass, a measurement of matter.

Even if these concepts seem like mere human concepts, they are still applicable to the universe. If the universe had zero density, it would have infinite space. If it had infinite density, it would have zero space. If things are so "spacious" that they are infinitely spread about, things are so NOT-DENSE that they are ZERO-DENSE.

So if A is Space, Not-A is density, and vice versa.

If space ceases to exist, it is "zero." Suddenly density is infinite, and vice versa.

What does this mean? Absolute nothingness would imply that space and density cease to exist, especially if they are pure concepts. But if you have none of one, you have infinity of the other. Nothingness becomes a contradiction. That is the "problem" of the universe, one that it solved by matter and energy.

In an infinite density, a "singularity," space does not exist, but neither does matter. Since this infinite density is a contradiction, a pseudo-nothingness that can't quite cut it.

The infinite density and the infinite space are, however, the "equilibria" of the universe. They are the spectrums of absolute nonexistence and absolute existence, the zeroes and infinity on the universal numberline. In a sense, the universe "wants" to be at this state, its tendency is to cease existing. Everything in nature in one way or another acts in a way as to help reach these two equilibria. Unfortunately you can't reach both, and there are vying "existences" that fight to the bitter end for opposite states of pseudo-nothingness, the non-being that cannot be.

So you've got matter, and energy. Matter's tendency is to reach the infinite density once again, and so we get all of these happy little forces like the strong nuclear(the tendency of the incredibly dense particles of the big bang to attract to eachother), and gravity. Gravity is the weakest of all forces, yet it is the conqueror, because with atoms(products of strong/weak nuclear force) and molecules(products of strong/weak/electromagnetic force) and "matter" in general, it can overcome pretty much any force. A black hole doesn't care if protons don't like other protons or positrons or whatnot, they are compressed to such an incredible density that they override their physical state entirely.

The problem here, of course, is E=mc 2 . (I've heard people say E=mc 2 is flawed because of a division by zero[which is 'illegal' in math] found in some calculations. This only further perpetuates my theory that zero and infinity imply eachother, that if you take something to nothing its opposite exists in infinity. 1/0=infinity, etc, etc) If you take all kinds of matter and smash it together, energy is released. Friction, fusion, and fission-- all release energy/convert matter into energy. And what does energy "want"? Energy's tendency is towards infinite space. Its pursuit to cease existing is to spread the universe so thin that matter loses all properties[namely, density] and the universe reaches the opposite state of nothingness.

"Unfortunately", these constituents of being are at a bitter battle, when they both are in essence pursuing the same thing. This is why scientists say "We can't tell if the universe will collapse or not."

So which way will the universe go?

That part I'm not absolutely so sure about, but I think light is going to decide. In fact, I think light is going to "help" energy in a sense right now, spreading the universe so thin that stars simply die and even black holes explode in a pathetic death. Remember light includes visible light and other not-so-visible radiation, both of which are emitted from stars constantly. But once the universe reaches that infinite space, the entire battle will go backwards, and matter will have its victory. The entire universe will flow backwards in "space-time", where light goes into stars instead of coming from them. Imagine that.

So how does this fit in with practical life?

It implies a non-random universe, a universe with a probability of one of existing. In other words, "the odds of this universe existing are one. It does."

Without changing logic one can't change the course of the universe. So if you want a different universe, you'd better some how put into effect an "A=Not-A" on a universal scale.

This means that's Nietzsche's philosophy of "Eternal Recurrence" is the way of life, forever. In other words, you are to live your life once again, and again, and again, with no awareness of that fact. After death, time and space no longer exist--to you. But once the universe reaches the point where you died in its backwards journey, you are brought back and forced back into existence. To you, the billions of years between death and resurrection don't even exist because you weren't there to comprehend or live in them.

"No way!" you say? I've always felt that eternal recurrence was the way of the universe, that "chaos" was so non-random that everything was set into existence from ground-zero. If this theory of everything is true, we are all to live our lives over and over again, forwards and backwards.

I know half of my readers are thinking "Whatever" right about now, but that is the very nature of eternal recurrence. It is the most brutal and Satanic philosophy possible, and it even answers the question of the afterlife--there is none. Life is eternal, life never ends, life is without reprieve. Apathetic Nihilism is destroyed, Christianity is maimed, and Existentialism is given a gentle kick-in-the-ass. Not a bad kick, just a "here's your answer, silly!" kick. And yet they aren't, in another sense-- because we wouldn't be aware.

The Satanism of this theory is obvious. First of all, it implies that logic created the universe, and not god. This goes against Christianity, and by that nature, it is "Satanic." They'd say so, so why can't I? Another option is the Christian saying "God created logic." So what created god? I think it's less assuming to say "A=A and that's that" than to say "Well, somehow this complex intelligence just happens to exist, and he decided for some weird reason to say, 'Hey, A=A!'".

In this theory, things like "evil" and "good" are left to the observer. Some people find it appealing and will use it to make better their lives so that they may live in eternal bliss. Others will reject it entirely. To those who die young and painfully, it's horrible. But that is the nature of the Satanic universe--a "brutal"(in the sense that it cares not) force of being that couldn't care less if you like it or not. You are at its mercy in one sense, but you have the capacity(thanks to IT) to be happy. That is where Satanism fits in. "Satan" becomes "Logic," the "force of the universe." Evil and good don't exist, and the impersonal force both creates and destroys us without regard.

Those who can find happiness in understanding, knowing, or believing this are those Nietzsche would call the "overmen," the humans that retain yet surpass their basic humanity by and WHILE realizing the big picture.

I personally think it's an awesome idea; it's optimistic, pessimistic, terrifying, hideous, interesting, foolish, etc-- depending on who you are. It's so subjective and yet brutally objective that life becomes an intense battle to attain a comfortable niche--for eternity.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but beauty is a concept that the beholder invented when one speaks of the universe. The universe could care less whether or not you see it as beautiful, so if you can, it's only to your advantage.

A Few Random Thoughts

Here you will find various random thoughts that come to mind often. I find it's helpful to write down everything I think, and maybe you'll agree with me on some of these. This is a heavily revised list, as many have been stricken from this list because I later found them to be silly and cheesy--so you better like these.


I am happy to have such unreasonable parents. They embody the Christian morality, their reasoning supported by "because I said so's." Logical/rational arguments anger them and they see them as threats to their authority/defiance. Why am I happy? It makes me a more reasonable person...


There is no "ultimate act of the existentialist." The existentialist chooses to either live in the "absurdity", to believe in a crutch which may give spoon-fed meaning to the absurdity, or to die. (This is a response to a Spanish teacher's claim that the "ultimate act of the existentialist is suicide.")


Existentialism is based on a few general principles, including the precedence of existence over essence and the meaningless of life. Perhaps it should only be based on the precedence of existence... Although it's easy to agree with the [inherent] meaningless of life principle. The tendency for existential philosophers(i.e. Sartre) to interpret these principles even further is what makes the word "existentialism" so ambiguous and meaningless. The common existential claim that there is no human nature, for example, assumes that since there is no god, there is no human nature. This type of "existentialist" seems to forget that man is a product of natural processes, a member of a small group of "beings" that are motivated by chemical reactions and natural stimuli. That is the flaw of the "no human nature" argument. Existentialism otherwise "slides" easily into Satanism.

Going further into that, it's interesting how some atheistic philosophers tend to think that since there is no god, there is no fate, human nature, etc... I already went into how human nature can still exist without god. Fate is even easier. If this universe is a product of itself and not of god, the destiny of every bit of matter and energy was put into place in the creation of that very matter and energy. Your life was defined when particle one was formed. The only difference here is that there is no being aware of your "fate," so it's not really that big a deal. My point? Taking a god out of the picture doesn't necessarily take out things associated with god. I'll give them "life is basically meaningless," but on other things don't be so sure. Some might argue with me, saying that there is no real way to know. Guess it doesn't really matter either way, if one is to use that line of thinking.


In my godless concept of the universe, we are all "condemned" by chaos to live a life that was set into motion billions of years ago. The impersonal force of chaos has given us all a path, with no real regard either way to how we like it. Is this so terrible? Imagine the hills and valleys of your life, your happiness and your despair, your love and your hate, your tragedy and your absurdly unjust moments. Would you prefer someone dictated them, or that they came to you naturally, chaotically, with no conscious direction or intent? Would you rather blow in the wind, or be told "this is when you will suffer, this is when you will be happy"?

Under random chaos, you are but a puny part of the "big picture," yet the power of your influence is seemingly infinite on various scales. Under god, you are entertainment, with an existence directed by arbitrary laws that you swallow in order to live as complacent an existence as possible.

The illusion of "free will" still exists in both universes, even if it is only an illusion. At least in a godless universe no "one" is responsible, no "one" knows the end outcome, and no "one" wills it to happen.

I think it's better to be beaten about by impersonal force(and even learn to wield it) than to be beaten about by sadistic man-like deities. Don't you?

...This one is dedicated to those theists out there who wonder "How can you NOT believe in god? How can you live without god? How can you be without meaning? Blah? Blah blah? Blah?" If there was an all knowing, all powerful god, life would a slap in the face.


Using someone's death to garner pity for yourself is the greatest disrespect to their former life. In doing so, one basically takes the entire life of another and reduces it to nothing more than a source of pity. Pathetic, indeed.


"What is natural?" If it occurs/exists in this universe, it's natural.


If one is to be rational, they must never use their intellectual skills to convince themselves that things they don't want/like are things they want/like. The key to being a rational creature is simple; don't change your own mind to suit the will of others, BUT change it to suit yours whenever necessary. The fate of many intelligent people is often this: they find a fault or flaw in something they saw as flawless, and force it to sound "good," ignoring the flaw/fault as much as possible, rationalizing it away. Such is the major problem with many modern Christian denominations and those "JESUS is my religion" types.

Einstein's cosmological constant is a good example; he forced the universe[model] into being the way he thought it should be, and it was one of his worst regrets. Pride is good, but only when it's justifiable. Synthetic pride is unsatisfying anyway, as any cheesy sitcom will show you.


If one is to avoid being overwhelmed, they must shake the debris and bullshit of everyday life from their mind every night before they go to sleep.


Places like "heaven" and "hell" are concepts that originate from greedy AND foolish people. In life, we are confronted with various obstacles, we suffer various pains, and we happily absorb various pleasures. It is the greedy and foolish person who wants to take only what they find "good" in life and live that for eternity--for without the balance of "good" and "evil"[what you like/what you don't like] life would be a big pointless joke--and an eternal one at that.


Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed reading this issue, as it is the culmination of several weeks of thought. Distribution at Arvada West High School will end with this issue, as I will be graduating soon. To those soon-to-be seniors, juniors, etc who enjoyed reading this newsletter, remember the webpage. I relocated the page, but the old site will direct you to it. The new address is:

I've also changed E-Mail addresses, since hotmail now sucks.
You can E-Mail Trinity Denied at:


"Our Voice, Our Sword" was written by Herr Todesfall.
All other articles were written by Andrew Jones.
All articles belong to their authors.

Ave Satanas!

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